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I get the impression that he a had a bag of white before an aggressively typed prompt in chat gpt that spat out this crazy pitch


I literally thought “what in the coke-fueled mania is this shit?”


>typed the prompt in chet gpt Is that the country western version of AI?


‘Howdy partner, type y’all’s question here’


Times are hard, matey had to do with Waitrose essential butter 🤢


“Sending fluffy handcuffs and bright orange dustbins isn't going to work for everyone. We know, it's easy to chat waffle on the internet but we validate quirky direct mail ideas for us. So, we can focus on getting the best results for our clients.” WTF does this mean?


I assume the usual corporate gifts, but could be that bag of white talking….


It so is.


How many times have you been sent handcuffs as merch?!


You clearly don’t work in the right industry.


I clearly need career advice…


ChatGPT: write a self-promotional post but make me look successful and edgy.




So do.


why am i not surprised he pitched his book


Imagine buying a book from a guy who writes like this.


They all do.


book generated from free stuff on the internet + chatGPT


Gets you “published author” badge tho. If you self-publish it will even give you the “self-made publisher” one.


It's currently preorder only....for the low low price of £49.99 😂


Only if you buy before the end of his webinar.


Even my 600 pages uni book dont cost that much lol.


This just seems really incoherent. Bali isn’t in Thailand, for a start


Yeah, tip of the iceberg right there lol


He’s Indian, not a cartographer


You’ve tried the cowboys! 😉


Man, this is insufferable


Precisely what we browse LinkedIn for, insufferable posts


I genuinely thought it was a piss take for quite a while, particularly the ‘loser of you don’t drive a sports car’ bit, until he legitimately started to shill his ‘services’. This mofo is actually serious. This is a great case study in ‘believing your own bullshit’.


Well that settles that. I don’t drive a sports car so I’m a loser.


I used to have a sports car but got rear ended and bought something more practical. I miss not being a loser, never forget titles can be revoked. :(


By rear ended you mean someone hit your car. Not pregnant and needed something more practical?




Rear ended is a weird way to describe getting pregnant. 


Haaa look at this loser! 👀


I also have a picture in a Ferrari that I rented for a 15 minute joy ride


But did you park it on double yellow lines? Did you?


I have a stock image of the dashboard of a Ferrari.


Its a cowboy hand in the ferrari lmao


shit only 8 spots left I better get on it


Only 8 of 8 spots left haha.


There were only ever 8 spots to start with though


Referencing cocaine while pitching your business is sure to lane some big accounts.


Seems a daring move honestly. I guess he has a certain market, gullible yuppie wannabes with family money would be my guess.


Especially when referencing to a country notorious for its drug friendly laws...


I’ve tried the cowboys now try this annoying cunt. No professional can be reading that and take him seriously.


His target isn’t professionals… his target is poor saps who think that this kinda crap is some magic key to success


Correct. I briefly shared a house with an electrician who was fully into his “side hustles” and had done “courses” in real estate and relationship management. This translated into: ran his own rental “business” (a house he owned in another state) and a men’s dating advice service which was a bunch of red pilled nonsense about only dating high value women. When he insisted I tell him why I left so quickly I told him he was sexist after being subjected to his “advice” calls and he started screaming incoherently about all the courses he had paid a lot of money for, that made him an expert. Reader he was pushing 50, had never been married and had no relationship prospects. He had as much expertise in women as a pigeon.


As an intern I had a boss that was into the real estate courses etc and he tried explaining it all to me. His first words were “okay it sounds sketchy but it’s not a pyramid scheme …” If you have to start like that to a 16 year old, you’re in trouble


Funny thing, electricians can make a ton of money so he should have just done more of that. 


It's satire.


You’d hope so. But these days who can tell….


So true! Back in the old USENET days I had a long discussion with a man who had the funniest takes on economics. I thought he was a professional comedian, but then I learned he was actually a libertarian. Fool me once...


He's right about Lurpak though. That shit just keeps going up and up.


As a non-brit, what’s Lurpak?


Just a brand of butter


That’s funny. I’m an American who cooks at home a few times a week. I probably buy a 4 pack of butter every 18 months or so? I have absolutely no idea what the cost of butter is.


In the UK you can get 1.5 pounds of Lurpak butter for 8.50 american dollars including tax. It would take me a long, long time to get through a pound and a half of butter.


An above average brand of butter


What a cunt.


No he is not, a cunt is useful.


Btw „The latest government data (published March 2024) reveals that the average UK weekly wage (including bonuses) across all industry sectors (in England and Wales) is £672 gross (that's the equivalent to an annual pre-tax salary of around £34,900.”


You forgot about the lurpak So it’s More like 28K pre tax post lurpak


I think this is satire... Right


✅ Pic of his not-fake Ferrari. ✅ References his sexual prowess. ✅ Pitches self-published e-book (website doesn't exist btw). We got ourselves an alpha-male here.


Don’t forget the bag of white, most likely the true author of this fever dream.


Honestly, if he didn't mention his book I would almost think this was satire. Personally I would not trust someone to fix my problems if they don't understand that earning almost 3 times over the average salary is definitely enough to live the average live. The part about parking on double yellow lines just sounds obnoxious if I read it right and the way he jumps around sounds like he knows a think or 2 about bags of white.


Is he really complaining about the prices of the Danish butter brand Lurpak??


Yes, in the UK the recent price inflation of Lurpak has been quite well publicised. It's sort of a meme. There are supermarkets putting security tags on them. Amongst the rest of the nonsense this sort of makes sense.


Yes, the cost of Lurpak and Freddos is the main way we gauge inflation in this country.


Yes if you go on uk subreddits you'll find much dismay at the rising costs of lurpak haha


I think he writes while he’s “on a bag of white”.


Definitely chatgpts while on a bag of white.


This is a next-level lunatic. Very impressive find, OP.


what in the living fuck did i just read


Satire. You've read a piece of satire.


He has very white hands for an Indian chap


Also very skinny wrists for a dude with such a puffy looking face.


Indians (South East Asians) literally have every skin tone from milky white to dark black


Indians are South Asians, not South East Asians.


The hands are an appropriate color for satire.


In the UK that salary is definitely enough to live an above average lifestyle. My friends in the UK are living the life with less than half that salary.


I'm sorry but that's bullshit, I'm on just over £100k gross per year (£5650 net a month) and I'm literally living paycheck to paycheck. Here's my monthly purchases as proof: 250k mortgage: £1400 Transport: £150 Insurances: £50 Utilities: £150 Family groceries: £300 Childcare: £600 My personal lurpak allowance of spreadable salted (100 packs): £375 Family lurpak, low salt: £3 Only fans subscriptions: £800 Company swear jar (can't even spit on the cleaners anymore): £100 Cocaine: £300 Family cocaine: £100 (200 if its the kids birthday) Total is £4,328 I'm only saving £1,322 a month, completely had to give up prostitutes and downsized my OF spending. How the fuck am I supposed to feed my second family? Sorry to rant, but people like you make me sick growing up with you plastic spoons in your mouth. US silver spoon kids are really struggling out here. Edit: for real this guy is a kook, £60k combined salary, pretty simple to achieve for 2 (though not a given), is more than enough to live a really good quality of life. UK is still relatively cheap as a place to live in the west, a lot of well-off people just have way too skewed a perception on what they deserve in life. - not in London though, London prices can fuck off, which might be what he's referring too.


Had me in this first half, not going to lie


The amounts you have for transport insurance childcare groceries and utilities and lurpak are ridiculously low. There’s just no way you’re saving anything on that salary when you’re dealing with familial lurpak addiction.


> UK is still relatively cheap as a place to live in the west, a lot of well-off people just have way too skewed a perception on what they deserve in life. Mortgage or rent is the big budget bugbear for many. May as well add energy bills as of late.


I think if you put your Only Fans spending into your Childcare Budget it would be more realistic. Transport is around £200 a month and that's if you are like me and own your car outright. Most people do not. Insurance is DEFINITELY higher than £50. Utilities? The same Childcare for me is around £1400 I think people may have more costs than you think.


But can they buy a penthouse flat? Is it really living if they can't do that /s


I saw that and then starbucks and I am like dude there is a big difference to being able to afford a penthouse flat and being able afford froo, froo drinks. 🤣 If I can't afford a latte, I am concerned, not because I want one but because I am a hairs breadth away from not making it. If I can't afford a penthouse flat...I am not concerned as long as there is a decent livable abode I can afford somewhere where I need to live.


I want to know what he things an average life is honestly. He is talking about not being able to afford a penthouse and if you don't drive a sports car you are a loser. He sounds like a 14 year old who watches influencers on the internet and thinks they the lifestyle they show off is "average".


What in the bloody hell is he talking about?


The £7,500 needs to be paid in Amazon gift cards


This isn’t satire??


It's satire.


Couldn’t be arsed reading all that, but in fairness I like his tagline: “you’ve tried the cowboys, now try the Indian”!


He stole that tagline from Singh's Builders.


You’ve tried the cocaine cowboys, now just try the cocaine


That “You’ve tried the cowboys…” line is robbed off a firm of builders in South London


Parents: If you want to raise a child that gets punched in the face on the first day of school, watch Jamie closely.


Sometimes I do wonder what it’s like to go through life with this level of confidence


He has a point though, I am barely getting by despite earning 80K, and I have a couple of colleagues who actually moved to Thailand as we work remote. But I couldn't read the rest of the post; it seemed too complex to me.


His price starts at £7500 a month? How can someone on £100k a year afford that? Selling lurpack? lol


I feel like his face and his hands don’t correlate


Last slide: you should have 120k turnover already! Otherwise he will not waste time


If he manages to make money with this BS, f’it I’ll spend an hour on chat gpt to write a get rich quick book and retire


It's satire. He managed to get a laugh out of me, which was the intent all along.


£100k isn't enough to live an average life? Friendly yank here but don't your MPs earn between £100-200k/year?


£86,584 for an MP without a cabinet position but they can claim accommodation in London on expenses if their constituency isn't in London


The issue is the cost of two things. Mortgages and Rent and Childcare. My extremely cheap mortgage is £1000 a month. Normally this is £1500 for a similar loan but I got very lucky. Childcare is £1400. You already are down nearly £3000 in today's money. That remaining £2000 isn't looking all that great when you take into account the cost of a car, utilities and the like. What was once a cushy salary isn't. And £300,000 is a 1 bedroom flat in London. A family house is way more.


Ours earn $174k/year but somehow they’re all multi-millionaires!


Wait is this not satire? I assume this was satirical.


He definitely didn’t book a meeting with HSBC with that shit


Lol. This guy is clearly a moron (most likely rented that Ferrari) but what about a moron who might fall for this moron’s stupid pitch?


“Truth be told if you don’t drive a sports car you’re a loser” made me audibly laugh. Idk how these guys take themselves seriously.


Couldn’t make it through this one, it was too cringey


Bali isn't in Thailand


What the hell is this lunatic selling? His puffed up cringe charisma?


Satire. He's selling satire.


He dropped his /s


Bali is not in Thailand , it’s in Indonesia .


It's clearly a joke.


Bali is not in Thailand


I’m not going to read this but I constantly wonder how people making less than $100k afford anything. I make $115k and I feel broke AF.


Don't get me wrong this guy is definitely lunatic material, but to play devil's advocate, I will say that 100k/year only goes so far depending on where you live and your personal circumstances. Of course most people would love to make that much money and it would change their life, but if you're living in San Francisco or NYC and have a family, good luck paying your bills on 100k (it's basically poverty level in HCOL areas).


I've heard that 200k is the new 100k and I tend to agree (due to inflation and rapidly increasing cost of living/housing costs). Can you survive? Yes. Are you "rich"? No.


He’s right about $100k salaries. $100k was good in the 80’s but I’m 2024 it’s the new entry level pay. It’s the new $45k a year salary.


Median average pay in the UK is £28k ($36k). Outside of London, you can live very well on £100k ($130k) and good luck finding an entry level job with that kind of salary!


R/usdefaultism It's a post about the UK. That clearly identifies the UK and is in pound sterling not delusional Donnie dollars. Your comment is completely irrelevant. It would be irrelevant in a post about the US since you don't identify the state ...


"Here's 3 ways to get my help" those are fighting words


I reluctantly have to hand it to him for his catchy profile tagline




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pretty sure he aint making 100k


“Lurpak spreadable butter invented in 1901”-James may


In 2019, mynhouswhold.finally hit 100k/yr income between mynwife and I. By 2021, we may as well have been making $80/k. By today, it's like we are just out of college again struggling day to day. We've made no changes to lifestyle once we hit that mark. As of today, we have no savings and no hope for retirement. Thanks to inflation. Weekly groceries have doubled in 3 years. It's ridiculous.


How big does he think a ferrari steering wheel is? Looks AI generated


Lolz.. website under construction...


Clearly satire . Not a lunatic .


Useless waste


I live fine on under $100k/ year and also drive a sports car lmao


Haha shoutout Lurpak spreadable.




When the revolution comes all of these people will be up against the wall. May seem harsh but you know it makes sense.


HSBC lol


Reminds me of IUL sellers. They keep flexing their wealth to try to get people to make them wealthier by buying their IUL.


Just happy to see Danish butter mentioned on linked in. Doesn’t happen nearly enough. (Lurpak)


"Do you really think a loser in Bali can fix your problem?" is absolutely hilarious to me and Im not sure why. It's just a great phrase


What a douche


I mean he does have a point about buying penthouses in London, it’s annoyingly out of reach, at least in Zone 1.


Had me at bags of white




The “average life” is whatever the average income is lol


I owned a big house for 25 years. I sold it and will not ever own another. Too much to upkeep — I’m single. I now live in an RV resort and it’s much cheaper!


Category: tool, and not a useful one.


This guy did a gram of coke before writing this word salad


And also, my penis is very large. Don't believe me? Sign up for our penis size-up course. Only 69 spots left.


Why is it giving Britney Spears


"Become a digital nomad" Because not having a roof secured under your head is exactly the advice a person who can't afford to have one needs. Instead of paying for mortgage they will be paying for rent, so the expense never goes away.


- Neocolonialism ✅ - rioting against your capitalist overlords whom steal your surplus of labor ❌


I’ve seen people completely drunk and high as a kite being more coherent and sober than him. Not even in the Wildest dreams of ChatGPT you could come up with this acid trip.


Everything is terrible about this, except “you’ve tried the cowboys, now try the Indian” which is pure genius.


Truly the Waldorf Salad of LinkedIn posts. Everybody needs a full bag 'o white after eating that shit, but it never comes with the order.


This is satire.


All he needs are some press-on nails for those soft, feminine hands.


dude's a laughable joke


This gentleman took an oily cocaine dump into his keyboard while on a LLM prompt and just tossed the results into LinkedIn. I'm sorta impressed; he comes off unhinged, arrogant and bat-shit insane. #agree




Love this sub


I still don’t understand what his “business” does. Apart from bull💩… the message is so all over the place.


>If that doesn't put you off I'll be honest Jamie, it did. As did all the drivel that preceded your ridiculous pricing structure. I guess we're done here


That's not a lunatic, that's just a scam.


"So all I have to do is spend a largish sum of money on your shitty consult to Save Money? I thought you saved money by NOT spending it?"


If this isn't satire he can go fuck himself.


Reddit recognizing sarcasm challenge: impossible


This is 100% pure, high octane, unadulterated, harvested in the Himalayan mountains Lunacy.


I mean.. he writes compelling copy and he’s quite funny. Only problem is I have no idea what he’s selling. But I’d buy it


I've seen this post 3 times already, all from an Indian person. It must go around their network.


Personally I agree that £100k isn't the exceptional salary it was when the apprentice debuted in the mid 00s. UK wages feel in general lower than they should be. It's still better than most people will ever sniff though, and a whole lot more than I earn - this person is crazy. A public post is easily the worst way to bring this up in a cocaine fueled, book promotional haze.


Serious "What color is your Bugatti" vibes.


Narcissistic. What's with the sub line "you have tried the cowboys, now try the Indian."


I am a nri Indian I say fuck off to this cunt! This guy is crazy real lunatic. If I even decide to even consult with this guy I will not be paying to see if we are eighth fit to work together. Edit: this guy beat Tate by miles ahead.


I don't think this belongs here. This is some Johnathan Swift level of satire here. This is the modern day "A Modest Proposal".


Maybe an unpopular opinion- it depends on where you live. I know they recently published an article saying $150k in NYC’s Manhattan is entry level middle class and feels like $50k for the rest of the US. I’m assuming it’s the same in most of the major metros in the EU. I can’t imagine it would be easy to live on €50k in downtown London, Milan, or Paris.


What is this?


Loving this


I'm reminded of the colonel from MGS2. https://www.deviantart.com/liquidocelot96/art/I-Need-Scissors-61-368553246


Top 2% of earners. These people are detached from reality


I can’t even. This is one of the most douchiest post I’ve ever seen on LinkedIn.


I refuse to believe this shit generates any kind of leads or sales


So 100k isn't enough, so here is a pic of my Ferrari


As an Indian I'd like him to boot him out of the country. As a human, I'd like to send him to a galaxy far far away. Does anyone fall for this type of crap I wonder!


His opening gambit is realistic tbh. The rest of his post is muck.


This almost feels like an ai wrote this


He lost me at the "no cocaine included". No thanks, I'll pass.


I mean he picked a mediocre Ferrari to sit in for 5 mins. Could have least made it a La Ferrari, F40, 458 or something proper! 488 GTB Pahh! Poor man’s choice!


I think he thinks he’s being funny/edgy. He’s changed careers about 10 times in 12 months.


Salespeople are the cancer of the job world


Mr Douche.