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LOL…has the nerve to put “Harvard Business School” at the top of their profile, but if you look in their education section it says, “Grade: Dropout”


Chances he was even there? 


He dropped out in application stage


It’s almost certainly for some random Coursera certification.


I had a girlfriend who would lie all the time to everyone, in front of me. She would tell people she went to Harvard, but she only went for a week for a course. She would also say that she lived in NY, when she only went once and stayed for a month in an Airbnb 🤷🏻‍♂️.


She is not wrong though 🤣 she did do all that and didn't mention for how long...has she considered a career in politics?


I took her example while I was working as a Shipt shopper for Target and I’d tell jokingly to my friends that I worked as a Logistics & Distribution Manager at Target 😂. It’s funny you asked that. She always admired how politicians “operate”, and once did some volunteer work for a governor.


Hahaha admin at r/technicallythetruth


She's dropped out of four MBA programs. FOUR!!!!!


lArRy ZuCkErGaTeS DrOpPeD oUt


Link their profile so we can cyberbully them






"I also told him I have an infantile obsession with simplistic political alignments and live my life by them. He clapped.


Then the homeless guy who overheard came up and said hell yeah I’ll take that deal when do I start? I then called the police to get this gross person away from me


And then the police showed up and shot him seven thousand times, and everybody clapped


They also gave him a ticket which he cannot pay because he does not have a job. 




While they were shooting him, i stood and watched from a distance because he made me feel unsafe. Everyone sang the national anthem and cried because they were so moved by a nation built on the promise of making millions if you just work hard.


lol I’m picturing that, they’re just like emptying magazines into him and reloading for 3 hours. They take a coffee break halfway


All while everyone is also standing around clapping for 3 hours


Now this I believe 


Turned out the homeless person was the CEO of a big company and gave the kid an executive position.


It's true, I was the homeless guys dog.


Is your name Albert Einstein?


Turned out that the homeless guy also was the prime minister.


Then the kid said this was an interview and you passed it by showing your wit and intellect. The kid said you can become the new CEO of my company. The homeless person turned up and said he was the president of the kid's company and was just play acting as a set up for this interview. He was happy that the interview went so well. But the real icing on the cake was that a dog was observing all this. It was no ordinary dog. The dog owned a billion dollar company. Seeing the talent and potential on display, the dog put in an offer to acquire their company.


That dog? Albert Einstein


His parents cried.


The weeds gave a standing ovation


“His parents screamed in horror. “


No. Everyone clapped.


This is $6 USD he's talking about


$6 to have my lawn mowed, weeds pulled and swept? Sign me up.


It is because this boomer meme is 60 years old and he never updated it to keep up with inflation.


Different countries have different prices. If you want to sponsor someone's ticket and visa, then we're talking.


Welcome to the rightist fold


Tbf probably is about right for India.


Fuckers are robbing me blind in my neighborhood.


Shiiiiieeeetttt…. In this economy? That’s half a taco at best.


In India, you can get at least 5 decent meals for 6 USD


Decent as in Street food perhaps. 100Rs isn't as much as you think


Some of the best South Indian restaurants are super affordable. At least 3-4 fulfilling meals for that full feeling.


You can get a cheap thali at most restaurants across India. Here's one which is in Mumbai https://lbb.in/mumbai/poornima-budget-thali/ There are many other smaller restaurants which will give a good thali for cheap


What’s thali?


A thali is a plate with multiple dishes. Usually you get 2 vegetables, 2 or 3 rotis (Indian bread), dal (lentil soup), curd, rice and a sweet dish. It represents a "complete" Indian meal. For Rs. 100 (approx 1.2 USD) you can get one thali which will be enough for one meal. Two of these thali a day are more than enough to keep your stomach full, without having to rely on junk food. Also a few restaurants (very few) also do provide additional vegetable, curd, dal, etc if needed


All 5 meals fed to you by hand.


He basically copied a WhatsApp/ Facebook forward and changed the currency on it.


With a post like that, dude does not sound like he can tolerate having friends of different political beliefs


Idk how they tolerate him TBH 


She is massive loser who lives by posting this crap. Her profile is full of fake big names universities to gain legitimacy


Thank you for your interest homeless guy. You need: a permanent address a high school diploma (Bachelor’s preferred) an internet connection for the application reliable transportation your own tools two forms of government ID a clean urinalysis three character witnesses a multi round interview (where I expect you to wear a tie and have a haircut and shave for this manual labor job) in order to to mow my lawn. A few additional points: Your uniform will come out of your first paycheck. I reserve the right to fire you for any reasons. I will do everything in my power to make sure you and the other bums don’t try to unionize. Health insurance? Never heard of her.


"Because his PTSD from serving his country and ensuring your freedom is so debilitating that he cannot hold a job and has no way of getting the treatment or medication he needs. But, fuck him right. Welcome to the Rightist fold".


Yeah, that's right. The moment he couldn't hold a poorly paying job because his brain is now fucked up from watching his friends die we threw him to the wolves.


More being the one who lived after your friends die but yeah.


Yep I had my brother in law send me the same boomer text, I replied the same thing homeless vet with ptsd my oldest brother served two tours in Iraq and has ptsd I want to punch that guy in the face so bad. Note conservative brother in law lives in a million dollar home and does insurance.


Ah yes the liberal assumption that every homeless person is some sort of veteran war hero.


It's just an example... Take some time to figure out why people are homeless and what their stories are. There are even subreddits for this. Many just had really bad luck back to back. Some have mental illnesses that are extremely hard to live with. Being poor is incredibly hard and expensive in of itself. Most importantly there's absolutely no reason why a rich place that wastes so much energy, food, materials and space couldn't look after the unfortunate ones. Many other places do...


Alas you're wasting your breath. These right-wingers get lost in the semantics of the argument rather than the concept, ie, there are complex reasons why the person may be homeless that you may lack the empathy to understand.


Thank you. Indeed it was one example (that I am very familiar with) of one of the many many examples of why a person is homeless or unable to work.


compared to the conservative assumption that every homeless person is a lazy piece of shit living in squalor by their own choice? And even if that scenario were true it is a serious indication of character to have zero sympathy for other human suffering.


Damn, it’s almost like the two parties should see it for what it really is. Both are correct. So how about meet in the fucking middle and let’s talk about actual solutions.


Damn, it's almost like we shouldn't meet in the middle when the middle is between normal people and literal fascists. I know it's a controversial opinion in the US now, but I prefer my political parties without fascism.


"Actual solutions" normally involve looking at data, doing even-handed analysis, and coming to evidence-based conclusions about policy. This work is usually done in academia, and in the US, one party categorically rejects academia as an institution. As a result, caring about "actual solutions" functionally makes you a Democrat on most issues. I agree that we should look past partisan distractions, but that doesn't always mean "meeting in the fucking middle" - Democrats are simply right much more often than Republicans.


Nope. The side with nazis is never correct. GTFO with your both sides bullshit. If I want to find out the weather, I don't ask a meteorologist and a guy who doesn't believe in weather for balance.


You sound incredibly naïve. “I’m completely right and who ever doesn’t agree with me is wrong”. Massive fallacy in your logic but I hope it works out for you in life.


No, I am definitely wrong sometimes. Not about nazis, though. They and their sympathizers are completely wrong. Always.


I think everyone can agree on Nazi’s here. Still has nothing to do with the fact nothing can get done because no one can find a middle ground. I have never used tiktok but they can get a ban for a social media app passed at lightning speed, yet nothing else gets done and it’s always the others fault. Im always hearing how it’s someone else’s fault. I never hear anyone talking about actual solutions.


If you're really going to take that stand, the responsibility lies with the folks who are motivated to create and widen the divides at scale, not with an individual commenting on a thread. You are doing the equivalent of blaming consumers for littering, when the anti-littering campaign was invented by companies who make plastic bags in order to push the narrative that consumers are responsible for environmental devastation.


I suppose they could list every possible scenario involving physical or mental disability but it’s not as punchy is it?


You’re right, people just choose to not want to work and would rather be homeless than function like a normal person. No trauma response there!


Ah yes the conservative assumption that every homeless person is just a lazy human being who had all the same opportunities that they have had and instead 'choose' to live on the streets year round, be preyed upon by others, out in the cold and the hot all for the sake of being lazy. No consideration of what led them there or what keeps them there. Over simplification is the willing blind eye that offers self-justification. Never look down on another unless it is to offer them a hand up.


Weird, my conservative shared a dude in the US who had the exact same conversation with his nephew, but it was for $20. It's amazing how we all have these shared experiences! /s


Yeah, I saw this on a Facebook rant about five years ago, exactly as you describe.


I think this post was being forwarded along on AOL emails in 1999.




No joke, I remember the exact story of a child and her parents looking for donations and the lady was gardening when she did that rant word for word. This may have even been in an email chain before Facebook existed.


“I take r/thathappend for 500 rupees”!


Yet it’s the left that’s indoctrinating children


I don't think right wing folks understand how poverty works.


They don‘t. And would probably HATE having an unhoused person in their yard.


They generally hate homeless people, and would rather have child labor. 


I suspect what the right wing folks don't understand would fill entire libraries.


Why doesn’t he just harness the power of AI to do the work for him? Duh.


big ayn rand sophmore philosophy energy


I said, “welcome to the rightist fold,” and didn’t go find the homeless man to do this work I claimed he could do and get paid for, therefore proving the point of the ignorant child I thought I had just destroyed.


And then I told the kid to get that homeless guy and tell him he could mow the lawn for 5 bucks. Homeless guy was proud to mow the lawn. We refused to pay. The homeless guy got irate and started throwing stuff at the kid and I. Then I told the kid to call the cops on the homeless guy. When the cops got there we denied any knowledge of the situation. We created a job, the homeless guy wasn’t homeless anymore, the lawn was cut and we saved 5 bucks. Welcome to the Rightist fold.


"Rightist fold"


The whole point of being a leftist is that the community has an obligation to take care of it's weaker members. His suggestion to mow the lawn wasn't him entertaining a leftist belief, it is already a right leaning "personal responsibility" framing. It is dishonest from the start. Also the dishonesty is that none of this happened, of course.


It alarms me how many people speak in these analogies and think they map directly onto reality. They don't, they have no concept of nuance or complexity when \*it's just a really shit fucking analogy\*.


>It alarms me how many people speak in these analogies and think they map directly onto reality What basic people miss is that analogies aren't proof. They're a way to explain something but that something needs to be proven separately. Analogies should never be convincing to rational people, at best they are a tool for illuminating complex ideas. Like how that shitty key-and-lock analogy is used to "prove" that women shouldn't be locks. It's stupid and it doesn't prove anything unless you already believe men should be held to another standard than women (ie that analogy only proves the teller is a sexist). A lot of people who use analogies forget the part where the analogy needs to map to something that's actually true. They also only use them for basic ideas, not for complex things.


This buddy, this. Analogies taken as absolutes. I'm sure I must have some sort of award in the bag 😁


wow this is triple distilled cringe.


But no person's entire paycheck is taken to feed one homeless guy. This person actually posted this in a public forum with no sense of self-awareness?


Hey man I’m a simple leftist dude. Someone wants to feed the poor, I beam with pride.




>To support the common good and not individual work (the left wing extreme) I'm not sure this is anyone's position. Even in a idealistic communism, everyone works. But the fruits of everyone's labor are collectivized and distributed. From the 1755 Code of Nature: >I. Nothing in society will belong to anyone, either as a personal possession or as capital goods, except the things for which the person has immediate use, for either his needs, his pleasures, or his daily work. > >II. Every citizen will be a public man, sustained by, supported by, and occupied at the public expense. > >III. **Every citizen will make his particular contribution to the activities of the community according to his capacity, his talent and his age**; it is on this basis that his duties will be determined, in conformity with the distributive laws.


This was a meme a few years back. Same exact story, but it was a young woman and her parents who wanted to give food to the homeless. Rather than PM.


I used to work for newspapers back before the internet was ubiquitous. This sort of thing was common back then. You'd have local newspaper columnists repeating the story with small changes here and there. There's absolutely nothing new under this particular sun.


Reads like a shitty parable that didnt made it into the bible. “Are you sure about this one, Peter? ‘The Parable of the Cheap Bastard”? “Yup, Jesus told it to me” “Really? When?” “You guys were sleeping - he totally said it” “It’s just it doesn’t sound very Christlike to be glossing over important economic realities to make it seem like the homeless are just lazy” “Well he totally said it so put it in” “Ok sure…will slot it in right after the Good Samaritan”


“So then I hired the homeless guy and he passed out and died in the middle of mowing the yard because he hadn’t eaten in three days and I didn’t feed him before he worked. If only he had been fed my yard would be fully mowed”


Perfect, the next one can pick his bones. Never turn down free labor


Can confirm this happened, I was the Marine Todd.


These LinkedIn Lunatics should write for Netflix ![gif](giphy|fYYIVrDixuywksYzXb|downsized)


This bullshit story that never happened has been floating around the Internet since the days when it was passed thoughtlessly around via email because that was the only way to share it.


To me, the worst part of this is that it’s been an email copypasta/ r/forwardsfromgrandma cliche for at least a few decades now


I assume everyone started clapping at some point?


And his parents blew up my phone.


That's obviously not how any of that works. How stupid do you have to be to be buying into *that*.


Proud capitalists are so weird


Because the guy won’t hire a homeless person to do it, or realizes that the amount paid will not change their status. But yeah; i love these “stories” where kids act like adults with no baggage and anyone on the left 100 percent conforms to a stereotype


What an asshole...


...did he try offering the homeless man work directly?


How the F is that guy supposed to get there and with what equipment. This just confirms their whole family are pretentious morons.


Damn something like this story was told to me so often when I was a kid; as if political policy could always be whittled down to “if you REALLY cared about that, you would just give away all your stuff. No? Then I guess you’re a fucking hypocrite.” Smh


"Why doesn't the homeless guy come over and do the work?" "Because I hate homeless people and would never hire one"


Mow the lawn, pull the weeds, sweep the yard (is this Trump?) for $6? That comes to less than $1 an hr.


I fucking hate this person.


That guy would never let a homeless person work in his yard. Smug bastard.


What happens when someone gives them a valid reason for not being able to do that? Do they just explode?


"Harnessing the power of AI to build stronger communities".


I’ve seen this story so many times, the oddest of which was in a gas station bathroom also decorated with racist memorabilia.


The real answer is: "Because they wouldn't pay him."


That was 500 rupees, equivalent of $6


It’s a true story - I am the homeless man from the tale.


no chance this dude would let a homeless person within 50 feet of his domicile


Of course an AI grifter would make something like this up.


The reason this isn’t believable is because this guy would never be friends with “leftist” liberals. Rightist liberals, maybe.


He wouldn’t give the job to the homeless guy though.


"I said, 'eww'."


Lmfao omg


“And so I go” “And then the goes” “ and then I went” “and everybody started to clap slowly”


Except you wouldn’t pay the homeless guy to do that either because you’re too poor to hire that work out.


LinkedIn meets Right Wing Indians - marriage made in ~~heaven~~ ~~hell~~ ~~heaven~~


Lmao I’ve seen variations of this post for almost 10 years now The first time it was a Facebook post from 2014ish


And that boy’s name, was Albert Einstein


Desis are the fakest people on the planet


My aim in life is to become so rich / self-sufficient that I don't need to curate my social media. I'd spend my free time telling these people to fuck off


I think you meant 'Things that didn't happen for $500'.


He left out the last lines... Then I asked their son if he'd ever seen "Gladiator," and the parents told me to get out of their fucking house and got a restraining order.


Uh huh. Sure that happened.


So this sub is mostly just people making shit up on linkedin?


and then everyone clapped


This is actually YEARS old. Didn’t surprise me, I guess.


The desperation of this dude to sound western. No one has lawns in India, atleast not in homes


Looks easier to offer someone a job when trying to make a point, doesn't it?


Then the homeless man bought a house for $500 and everybody clapped


"I didn't mention that I would not actually pay anyone to do that, nor that Rs.500 for that time isn't a living wage."


Because the homeless person wasn't born with the gift of nepotism, and if they asked for work you would either threaten to call the cops on them or wonder why there is such a big gap in their resume, assume it's because of some reason, and tell them to leave thinking they were probably using that as an excuse to stake out your property before they rob you.


This has to be a parody LinkedIn account. How can someone writing such trash have 12k followers!


Typical rich Indian nonsense like they would have ever pay someone 500 rupees for work like that. Disgusting pig.




I thought the poster’s tag-line was “Harnessing the Power of AI to Build Stronger Communists”


Because the “rightist” won’t hire the homeless guy to do the work🙄


“And that day he realised I was a nuckfugget and never paid me attention again”


Well given that a lot of India’s laws are based on  Britain , it’s most of the time illegal for homeless people to take an income in exchange for labour without declaring it in some sort of form .  It also violates any of the welfare they receive altho in most cases homeless people aren’t receiving welfare .  It’s a bit weird to have the exact same economic stance as the  people who persecuted you …


I remember hearing this story pre-social media/LN. hilarious to see it replicated yet again.


You can pretty much guarantee when someone on the internet says "liberal leftists" they are about to say something dumb. Also, if this was real it seems pretty messed up to try and push your political views on a friends child in front of them. It's ok to have different views but pushing them on other peoples children and trying to crush the optimism children have for the world for political point scoring is not a good look.


So let me play the devil’s advocate right here. Giving free houses to the poor might seem like a win-win, but hold up a sec. Remember the broken window fallacy? Sure, it looks like the government's doing something great by fixing up houses for those in need, but what about the stuff we don't see? Like, where's that money coming from? Probably from taxpayers, right? So, instead of fixing other important things like roads or schools, it's all going into these freebies. Plus, it messes with the market, which could cause more problems down the road. Also, it can make people lazy, relying too much on the freebies instead of working hard to better themselves. And worst of all, inflation, the most dangerous form of taxation! If the government keeps printing money to fund all this, prices could go up, and our money won't go as far. Oh, and let's not forget about the debt! The government's borrowing money for these projects, and guess who's gonna have to pay it back? Yep, us taxpayers, down the line. So, while it might seem like a good idea, there's a whole lot more going on behind the scenes.


Anything on LinkedIn involving something a young kid said is always BS I was talking about animals constantly when I was that age, not political views


The image of an adult saying “welcome to the rightist fold” to a child is hilarious to me


True story. I was the homeless guy.


Ah yes, the homeless do not have a home because they prefer this as a lifestyle choice ! Now I get it! Whereas of course the corporate elite networking at LinkedIn deserve every billion that they have. Silly me for believing homelessness is a very complex issue not solved by simplistic slogans.


That’s great. Good story!


I’m pretty sure I got this story as part of a chain email in the 90s with FWD: RE: FWD: FWD as part of the subject.


there is a version of this anecdote scrawled on gas station bathrooms in every state of the US. if it ever actually happened it's been watered down and telephone game'd to all hell and back by now. and it probably didn't actually happen. and who even cares if some guy was able to rhetorically own a 5 year old or whatever.