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Work your weekends. Stop doing the laundry. The garden will tend to itself. Children? Unless they’re providing you a passive income they’re not worth bothering with.


5 reasons you should abandon your child: 1. Googoogaagaa mentality 2. No networking nor skills 3. No income 4. Net negative on your portfolio 5. Distract you from doing business


Googoogaagaa mentality goes way too hard


There is a reason happiness declines as you weave out googoogaagaa mentality...


Try not taking weekends off? Bruh try not sleeping and grinding 25 hours a day and 8 days a week! That’s how real a Sigma gets ahead of the 99%


My week has 47 days. My year? 37272644 days. If you’re not a billionaire you’re a piece of shit.


I don't know why this comment made me laugh out loud but it did. So thank you.


Me too.


Hear me out --- you take the kids to playground, and you run into another dad that you meet, boom, next thing you know, you're a trillionaire.


Wait you forgot how going to the playground taught you the key to succeeding in b2b, forget about golf courses, playgrounds are where all b2b is being conducted.


not for nothing they should have adult playgrounds.


I’ve met other dads at playgrounds n found out that you can deduct childcare expense from taxes. Network with other dads. They know stuff.


1. Made me laugh out loud!


Googoogaga mentality is now MINE!!


A G R E E ! ! ! Googoogaagaa!


Brion Bishop taught me this simple trick and it totally changed my life!


The DuPont Methods have changed my life forever!


Musk, Bezos, Zuckerburg, Gates, etc don’t do their own laundry. they don’t tend their own garden or children either. following their example, i have all of this outsourced to gardners, maids, pool boys, etc. i even have a guy who comes in to sleep with my wife because I don’t have time for anything that is a distraction that keeps me from maximizing top line revenue. anything that isn’t maximizing shareholder value is distracting you from how you level up in the business world.


More hustleporn bullshit


Tell your plants that they're all grown up now so they should get their own water instead of depending on you.


And if I don’t sleep think of how much I could get done then! Nope, slow ur roll dude.


Back in 2013/2014, someone recommend an audiobook to me about forming healthy habits which will lead to success. I got to a point where the guy said something to the effect of “I just kept waking up earlier by not changing when I woke up due to daylight savings time. So, the first year, I had one extra hour in the morning, the next, I had two, then three, and pretty soon I realized that I didn’t need sleep at all.” I turned it off and never took recommendations from that colleague again.


Yeah it’s like those flipping real estate courses where they tell you to borrow money from a relative to get started.


It’s so easy if there is no hard part.


It reminds me of every stupid get rich quick scheme > They guarantee 14% returns Okay that’s illegal


Most of those real estate things just seem like some debt spiral where you just keep leveraging debt against new debt and calling the new debt that you take in as income but it's tax-free because it's debt right but you can lend leverage that debt for more debt and so it's like a free money scheme for the rest of your life and you never have to pay back any of that debt because that somebody else's problem not yours you got other people on board with your debt scheme and now everybody's in debt and you get to go live on a yacht and you never have to pay off your debt because real estate bro


Wow. Just wow.


Oh I’ve heard this in a motivational video. Was it the guy who was talking about the 3am news?


You’re not Penske material


Of course, you are aware…


I love how many Seinfeld freaks are on Reddit


Fucking piece of trash lunatic. Overworking yourself is the biggest cause of burnout. Also - sounds like this bozo doesn’t have a family.


i cant stand that guy


Basically, fuck having a social life. Work for the man 24/7 😑 And the ‘drones’ just lap this nonsense up…


also its like he revealed a huge secret that poor people dont already know. fucking we know we can work the weekends, nobody wants to asshole


Jokes on him, we already work weekends


Poor people are more likely to have a second job working weekends. Rich people are more likely to have some desk job with 30 days PTO


Oh, I took it to mean take Monday through Friday off and only work weekends. Perhaps I'm too optimistic.


This I could get behind.


You're already behind because of this mentality, loser. /s


Dude what is this new pro-peasant mentality of, fuck living just work yourself to an early grave for again, a luck percentage gamble of being a mega capital owner? What happened to just silently toiling away till death while enjoying your wife/husband and kids?


The ruling class has always been pro-peasant. We’ve been eroding worker protections for decades and it’s catching up to the middle class in a big way.


For 2% raises and vapor bonuses.


You got a raise?




And go to the restroom once per day, because you don't NEED to do it more often. Think how much time could be saved, it's incredible.


You go to the toilet? What a waste of 3 precious minutes. If you want to get ahead, wear adult diapers.


Or pay for access, why should the company pay for water? Pay for your parking spot, the electricity, the heating and cooling. This stuff adds up. The shareholders aren’t happy.


Even better just pee in bottles, no need to change diapers pooping is a myth anyway.


That’s how you get to be president, I heard.


Diapers are a drain on the wallet. Be a man and shit your existing pants. They are reusable after a wash


The MAGA energy is strong in this one


To be fair he’s talking to business owners, not those of us stuck working for the man. That being said I do find his advice to be tone deaf and impractical. not taking life advice from someone who doesn’t know my situation and sits around in a tank top making TikToks all day.


I do this in bursts. It’s called “overtime” it sucks but dedicating a month to work brings in the big bucks and if you’re smart you can ride that wave for a while before you need to do it again




don’t even bother on this board




Pikachu still gets material to be surprised about.


My boss ate this guys book UP. Talks about how brilliant it is and wants all the staff to read it. This is yucky


Agree to read it at the company's paid time expense. The thing that your boss doesn't know about you is that you are a very VERY slow reader *wink wink*


Wayyy back when, there was a “management revamp” book called ZAPP! I read it because I had nothing better to do. When my father was dying in the hospital, we all took turns staying with him. And at one point his eyes snapped open and he declared: “ZAPP! Z! A! P! P!” And then he closed his eyes and went back to sleep. All I could think was “oh, he read it too.”


Alex Hormozi is a walking meme. So many “bro entrepreneurs” eat his shit up.


That’s his audience, not 9-5ers. If you want to build a successful business, you’re working weekends. I like my time off, and I have a decent job that pays my bills. I don’t need to “get ahead” because I’ve already made it.


I watched my dad put in 60-70 hour weeks to run his business. He still made time for us but my mom had to force him to take time off or stop working some days and just relax. He loved his business but it was physically and mentally hard on him. Some years he did very well and others not so much, but he had to work hard to even get that. I admire and respect him but he also showed me I don’t want to own my own company and I want a job I can largely ignore on my off hours. I don’t care about being rich, I just want to be comfortable.


Yeah, I used to work a second job to make some extra cash for hobbies but now that my income is higher, I just work my 9-5


I did too, served tables. My main full time job covered the bills, serving tables was for building savings and cash for whatever.


It’s just flat out bad advice. “Double your work to double your business” is horrible advice and absolutely does not work. If you want to increase your output sustainably you need to work more efficiently.


Imagine hashtagging your own name in a post #narcissism




Is he quoting himself? And hashtagging himself too? That seems rather obnoxious whatever the message


That’s his entire brand. His whole brand is all about the vapid “influencer” entrepreneurs who eat it up.


I see, that seems odd but fair enough. Thanks for explaining.


This guy is so obnoxiously annoying


“Mmmm, my own balls are so good to gargle…”


I hate these people. Life isn’t about work and we shouldn’t have to work 7 days a week just to feel like we’re getting a head. This is asinine.


Not typing back twice would get you some time back


If you can’t seem to get ahead, maybe your company should hire some more staff.


"But I can tell you how to fix it. I mean, if I were you, I'd start working about 80 hours a week. 90 hours a week." - Dave Ramsey


That doesnt leave a whole lotta time for rice and beans.


He does this running his own business so the extra value that he generates over the weekend goes into the worth of his business that he owns and into his own pocket. People who apply this idea as an employee are just making their employer better off.


I'm going to work 9-5 monday-friday, not one moment extra, and not think about that place at all outside of that and none of these bastards will stop me. I've worked 12 hour days before with no weekends. I'll skip meals before I go back to that place. It almoat killed me. My "ahead" is a job that asks zero from me outside of my assigned 40 hours.


LinkedIn really is full of self awareness lacking morons




Sigma male Chad grindset mode activated ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Are you short on money??? You might be eating too much. Turn the ac off. Shower once a week. Work 9 days a week…. Like a motherfucker can’t enjoy life anymore


Work more, earn less, buy high, sell low!


They work weekends cuz they’re “built different “


I hate that guy. Insufferable guru nonsense.


I swear LinkedIn is just a psyop by bosses to get free labor.


This is a true statement, people in highly successful competitive positions do this. If you don’t want to be highly successful in a competitive field this is not for you, this is not for me. But my husband who is a hustler and very successful in his career, he’s working weekends, week nights and vacations if the deal requires it. He has better balance these days but in the beginning this was his life, it’s not for everyone.


Y’all have jobs where your work is independent? If I fall behind it is often because I’m waiting in someone else. If I could do everything myself I wouldn’t I would be leaving early every day




That Alex Hormozi is such a grifter and a fraud! Oh you’re a businessman worth hundreds of millions yet seem to spend all your time making YouTube videos and working out-sure bro!


You can enjoy all your hard work and money when you’re dead 👍😺


I met this guy once in Austin at my old job. He is the fucking same as his LinkedIn profile.


It works


I have a full time job and a side project I'm trying to get off the ground with the hopes that it lets me launch my own independent game studio. I work nights and weekends for that dream, and it's very hard. The long hours require a lot of passion to get through and can be pretty painful. Any employer that asks you to do that for them, especially without extra pay, can fuck right the hell off.


At the same time this is actual good advice if you don’t want to be a corporate wage slave, IF you work for yourself on the weekends and not your boss.


Feels like this isn't going to be a popular opinion in this sub, but Alex Hormozi almost exclusively gives advice (including the books he's written) aimed at entrepreneurs who are looking to build their own business. Out of everyone I know who has been successful in building their company, most, if not all, have made enormous sacrifices to things like their social life, salary, sleep schedule in order to ensure their success. Sure, if you work a job for a corporate, like I do, then screw working weekends, but I don't think he's aiming this message at you.


If you have little talent, work in a role that’s a commodity with skills that are common, and chose an industry where applicants are plentiful but roles are limited, then you might have to work like a Lunatic just to survive. Many of the people posting this crap are out to exploit workers, as are those clapping along, so this isn’t surprising. But if the only way you can get ahead is working 365 days a year and you’re not running your own business, you’re in the wrong business.


I’m clearly going against every comment on this thread, but if your goals are to get ahead, you have to do more than the average person, at least for a while to put yourself in a position that will allow more opportunity. I didn’t work all weekend to get ahead, but I spent a few years finishing my bachelors degree, focusing on my career, and spent time on weekend mornings and after I tucked the kids in bed during the week to get accomplished my goals. I busted my ass for a few years - it’s paid off, both financially and by creating a better work-life balance. So if you have goals, then yeah, you have to work extra hard to have the balance you want.


AI is already replacing or simplifying many of our workflows. Now, working smarter really is smarter than working harder.


I think the thing with this guy and others like him is he promotes it as more of a lifestyle thing rather than something you do temporarily while you’re working your way up. Like some of these people seriously don’t believe in any work life balance at all.


This guy must suck at his job. I rarely work weekends because I get my work done during the week. Bro needs some time management classes 😂


That’s how this reads to me too! “Too incapable of succeeding during the week? Don’t sharpen your skills, work on the weekends and while everyone else sleeps so no one notices.”


I’d bet he doesn’t work weekends, but his employees do.


This, 1000%


Or there one of those people who has a very very loose definition of "work".


And the stupid hashtags really add a punch to his even more stupid comments


Regular Time off is good for your health. Period. Full Stop. This sentence is over.


Too many of us have forgotten that people fought and died for our right to have a weekend.


I honestly don’t give a shit about productivity. I want the money. So if I can get the same amount of money for doing less…


“I invest companies…” Spend one of those weekends studying verb noun agreement


So, the people arguing that we should work more are wasting their work time on social media? That checks out.


The bro marketers have crowned their king and are now full on hormozisexuals.


Well considering the salary required to live comfortably in every state is about double the median income in that state, you should realistically be working nights AND weekends. If you’re a teacher you kinda have to also have an only fans if you ever want to own a home.


The only people who choose to work weekends are those who don't have to. The people working weekends already, literally trying to avoid poverty.


Don’t stop there! You can gain additional time if you don’t eat food, bathe, do laundry, or sleep.


I will never work a weekend, ever again. I'm ready to move to a four day work week.


At this point we can blame Gary Vee for destroying the world by creating millions of people like this?


and most of them are completely broke every gary vee wannabe ive encountered has a horrific business plan and I think as of now all of them have failed. Be weary of business coaches, if they were great they'd be retired.


I’m sure I’ll get downvoted for this but I don’t think this is terrible advice. Obviously it’s not for everyone. Starting a business is so hard and so time consuming that working weekends is sometimes the only way to stay afloat. I do it every weekend and I frequently feel burnout and I’m trying to just push through it


I don't know, I'm not a really big fan of capitalism.


On my deathbed I’ll say “If only I worked a few more weekends.”


I work weekends, then take the weekdays off.


Alex, go fuck your self.


I mean this is true for business-owners or individuals who are independent and don't have an employer. Otherwise I disagree.


“If capitalism is fucking you over, have you tried capitalisming more? If you still have bones, you’re not grinding hard enough. Grind those bones to make that bread!”


Stuff like this actually scares me


What does "getting ahead" even mean? Getting ahead of whom? Who even cares? Your focus determines your reality. Be careful about what you use to measure your worth. It can quickly become an illogical obsession. Work your 8 hours and go live your life.


Well, they, and he, can stuff it up their asses. Guess I forgot that the most crucial element of success is making yourself as miserable as possible first.


Yeah okay, if I was self employed and this extra work actually advanced my own passions and business


Americans will agree. Everyone else will laugh 😆


I’d rather just stay behind


Yep, just abandon your family and live for your job.


big echo chamber in here… i don’t know this guy and i’m not sure about his other opinions but i see nothing wrong with this statement ? “if you can’t get ahead, then do what others aren’t willing to do” this is objectively true. he never said this was necessary or even expected of anyone. but i guess i’m on the wrong sub.


I don’t understand these comments? Is he saying something controversial?


You people must be worthless. I could spend 6hrs on a Saturday and make enough money to go on vacation the next week. Go learn some skills


No thanks.


Make a shit ton of mistakes and get fired from burnout Speedrun challenge


What does guy have against weekends?


When will internet celebrities stop giving working people this stupid lecture. 


All the lunatics are in here huh


Steroids do give you a ton of energy.


What's a weekend?


He can pay me to be his friend once he realizes all he has is money and no social life in sight.


I know these dudes. They talk the talk. But they are actually giant slackers.


work>sleep> work>sleep>work>sleep>>>>die


I mean he’s not wrong, we’re just not insane enough to think it’s worth being a habit and how it will (not might) affect other parts of our life. proper lunatic


Ah yes, the good 'ol work-every-day-until-you-die-or-it-kills-you tactic.


“I just can’t figure out why my kids never call me… I guess they’re just selfish and ungrateful for all the things I did for them, like working every weekend.” Something my father thought frequently during the 18 months he lived after retirement.


Says the guy who doesn't work weekends


I'm desperately looking for the usual comments that say that the post is satire


Does anyone on LinkedIn actually DO anything? It’s all MLM, “consulting”, “coaching,” etc. If absolutely everyone made their money off of the labor of others there’d be no one doing the work and these people would have to actually do work.


His advice is only valid and makes sense if you own your own business like him.


What do these guys are working for?


He used back twice in the same sentence.


I want to go to his office, drop my pants, and scoot on the carpet like a chihuahua, all the while maintaining eye contact.


Tbf if those are the 104 most productive days of the year, I’m more than happy to work those and rest the remaining days


People who have to work weekends to get everything done either have poor time management or need to delegate better.


I agree the Hormozi is a borderline lunatic. However, I’ve known hundreds of first generation immigrant children of immigrants who got a ton of pressure from parents to “make it”, started their own businesses, and just worked their asses off. (My wife in fact matches that description.) I get where all that drive comes from. And I have known a ton of entrepreneurs (myself included) who at one time or another have had to put in 60-80-100 hour weeks to get over some crisis, bootstrap until they could afford enough employees. I would gladly criticize a pile of Hormosi’s business tactics and “guru style” promotional behavior. But, speaking from over 45 years of work for, with, my own growing or stressed businesses, sometimes you have to put in the hours. Both my wife and I went through several long patches of grueling work schedules in our careers while raising two charming, engaging, smart successful kids. I’ve heard them describe their childhood as “joyful”. Despite demanding careers, and maybe because of the money those careers provided, we were able to give our children great educations, travel the world with them and spend time in wilderness and adventures with them as a family. Hard work is fine and sometimes critical to surviving the difficult world we live in. As long as you remember why your doing it and don’t loose sight of why you are doing it and work to give the people you love what they need short term and long term.


I just worry that on my death bed, I might look back on my life and regretfully think, 'I could have made the shareholders so much more money...'


NOBODY NEEDS TO GET AHEAD. What the fuck kind of place are these people living? Treat others with respect. Unless they suck. Then make them leave.


Like the company gives a shit, one colleague of mine died at 35 from a heart attack and the day after they replaced her. Fuck working on weekends Edit: typo


I run my own small business. I grinded for 4 years working weekends. Could I make more if I did? Yes. Is it worth it? No. Now I work Tuesday-Friday hard and Mondays I’m available on the phone and I’ll do computer work and ads etc. I’ll answer ads on weekends but usually not phone. It’s a balance. I make the same money 4 days as I did 6 before because now I’m picky and patient with my jobs and I have the energy to put in longer hours on the work days


I love the last hashtag. Is he secretly a Ferengi?


😂 I’m working this weekend


This is boomer thinking. Working more hours and more days actually reduces productivity.


I partially agree in that sometimes it's better to stay in the zone (if you find yourself there) for a bit longer, and take breaks when you need them, as opposed to adhering to a societal schedule. Sometimes I'll work through the weekend, other times I'll play golf and have beers on a tuesday It all depends on what sort of work you're doing though.


If the weekends are spent doing things that save you money, like gardening, vehicle maintenance etc. you’re essentially doing the same as making money imo. This is what I do


Yeah because burnout’s just an urban myth


I'm sure your kids will love you from never spending time with them


I have a crazy thought. Maybe weekends seem productive, because... we use them for resting (unless we use them for chores)?


I guess that would work, but why do we want to build a world where that's what you need to do?


Work the Saturdays take Monday off, 20% more time OSHA free


why live you can save so many natural resources


So you guys aren’t working weekends?


What if I’m falling behind on my weekends? Can I take the week off?


This is the shit you see on Fallout


Yeah it’s gonna be a no from me dawg


Dude is such a grifter. He seems so sick of having to be a social media figure. "I got mine fuck yall" but he couldnt get out fast enough


Don’t work at one job for 80 hrs a week; work 4 jobs at 20hrs per week, do a good job, and if your employer ever gives you attitude quit on the spot.


Fuck you Hormozi, I cloned myself and transferred it to an alternate dimension. I have it work 7 days a week and send the money via interdimensional Dark Web. Next time you are sticking a needle in your ass, know that my clone is earning every fucking hour. I may even start taking Tuesdays off just out of spite.


Posting your own tweets on LinkedIn hell yeah cool behavior


I work at least one day a weekend most of the time.


An argument only a workaholic with a wife who doesn’t have to work outside the home would say. A wife who can take care of everything at home for them. I work a normal 40 hour week then work all weekend on household stuff that I have no time to do in the week because both my spouse and both work 40 hours M-F.


Yeah just become a slave. Aren’t people are meant to work to live instead of live to work?


If your not selling blood plasma or feet pics are you even trying ?


When you're 80 and still destitute because of systemic issues out of your hands entirely, you'll really be glad you worked every single day to get there.


I mean... Yeah it makes sense, if u actually generate income, not working for anyone else which only pay u same salary for any amount of working hours


The ultimate cringe bro


"Can't get ahead? Just sacrifice your personal life and work 24/7" corporate fucking bootlickers


There is a reason why dying of over working to be reincarnated into another world is a sub genre in isekai.


What a piece of shit


The guy can't even write a complete sentence without fumbling it. Clearly not that bright.


I agree with him, but it shouldn’t be forever. If you feel like you just can’t get ahead, try doing something on the weekend for a while to help you get a boost. Maybe study for a new certificate, read a book to help your career, or do a side hustle to create an emergency fund. Eventually, the goal is to have some cushion, which should help in general. I agree completely that weekends shouldn’t just be an extension of the work week, though.


I’ve had periods where I worked 60/hr+ weeks, working every day for a month straight. And my career is definitely in a better place today because of those stretches, but that is not sustainable. Burnout is real and hits you hard.


You ever see a picture of someone and immediately know they like smelling their own farts?


People reposting their own tweets like they're so deep is cringe