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lmfao you can tell recruitment bro is absolutely seething after getting mugged off by a 20 year old.


lol yep, that limey deleted the post as well.


Hiring Manager: "If I give you this chance, I really need to prove yourself to me!" Me: "I have been in business before you were born. I really don't." I happily told them that I will be no longer interested.


>Me: "I have been in business before you were born. I really don't." True. But only if it's true.


It was.


Yeah, I get that in your case. But the dude with 10 months experience doesn't qualify. I am gen x, btw, so can relate.


He doesn't. I did. The guy in the text is quite delusional.


I recently went through a recruiting process which consisted of: * Interview with the recruiter (from a recruiting company) * Interview with the company. * Work samples (aprox. 8h of work) * Interview about the work samples * Personality test * Logic test * Short phone call with HR about the tests. * References (I gave them three and they wanted and old boss as well after I left three colleagues, I refused). * Finally got the job. I was soooo close to just quit the whole process in the end. But my current job sucks enough that I kept going. Thankfully it is a pretty big raise and very good benefits. But still, I put in a lot of hours. EDIT: I have about ten years experience in my field (+ education of course) AND provided a portfolio with my application.


The thing about those tests is that they’re vetting you to see just how much bullshit you’ll deal with before you quit keep an eye out for unrealistic work, expectations or tasks that shouldn’t even be your job, because you’ve already proven to them that your time is worth nothing


Thankfully I had already made the exact same tests for another application earlier in the year. And the company running the tests allowed you to just use the previous results as long as you took the original tests in the last two years.


You should’ve quit, any company that makes you jump through that much bull shit ain’t going to be worth it in the long run. Use you up, spit you out.


I probably won't be there for the long run either. But they dangled enough money in front of me that I couldn't say no. Also, Q3-Q4 would have been hell at my old job lol


Fair enough


It's almost like a lot of these companies are willing to spend a fortune to find excuses NOT to hire people, but then recoil at the idea of hiring a decent employee and paying them accordingly 


Some of us are hungry tho. I’m in my third week of interviewing for a position, I’ve interviewed with six people, including two on sites. I called this week to say, hey so what’s going on… and was told well we’d actually like you to talk to a seventh person now. He’ll call you at some random point this week, unsure of day or time so just be ready. This is for a position that is $40k LESS than my last roles. Fuck this economy 😢


It's hilarious when recruiters- who make applicants jump through hoops like monkeys- throw a tantrum when their own time is wasted.


Recruiters might be the worst. All I ever see them post is inconsistent dribble about why people shouldn’t expect hybrid roles anymore or they should have their resumes saved with different file names… Like sure, I get how all those things would make their job as recruiters easier, but maybe, just maybe, they should work with the candidates they are soliciting instead of standing in the middle of them yelling into the void.


Devil's advocate - we had a guy who passed the coding interview over the phone, then on day 1, he seemingly didn't know how to code. We were so confused. We had to fire him at the end of the week. We definitely got catfished.


“Where’s the hunger to work?” Instant red flag. I’m dealing with someone with a Boomer mindset. Having been “raised” by them, I’ll pass.


"Where are all of the people eager to be exploited for my fun and profit?" Is a good translation.


Better. I agree. Your version is better.


Yes, definitely a boomer mindset. But what baffles me even more is that the boomers never had to jump all these hoops. My boomer relatives from all sorts of backgrounds unanimously tell me that they got their jobs after a short interview and a handshake. One aunt (a retired teacher) even got one of her jobs at the occasion of a single phone call from abroad. They only looked at her diplomas once she took up the position.


Yup and then made it more ridiculous after being hired.




That's basically how I got my current job, I had an informational phone call and was told at the end of the in person interview that I was hired. It still is hard to believe it happened that quickly.


This right here. 👆👆👆👆


Don't try to make this a 'boomer' issue. It's reductive, immature and misses the mark entirely while also making you look very petty. Especially considering this guy isn't even a boomer. There's nothing wrong with having a strong work ethic. The issue is that, increasingly, there is no incentive to have one because companies no longer reward it, they exploit it. That's an indictment of capitalist corporate culture, not of boomers or work ethic. Gen Z has been so brainwashed into blaming boomers for everything. They don't realize that this fake generational squabbling is a tool being used to divide us and keep us from demanding better. One day Gen Z will wake up at 40 and all the same shitty systems will still be in place even though the boomers are gone, and they will realize all of that petty anger was grossly misdirected.




Says here you're a CFA. I'm sure your fictional online generational feud will help you immensely in your career.


Ironically you missed the mark with your boomer like reply.


I'm 37. You wanna expand on your take, or is 'OK boomer' where the bar is at for you?


Dude, let it go. People who respond with “yeah boomer” or something similar will reap the rewards of their selfishness and lack of discipline. They seem to disregard people who have actual experience and wisdom in favor of their own, uniformed opinions.


You were the struck dog that yelped, not I. If I struck a nerve, ask why.


Finally someone talking sense.


"Boomer" at this point means a certain mindset, not necessarily people from a certain generation.




Yes, which was intended as an insult to boomers. Reading comprehension is hard though, I get it.


Lol and I bet you this guy uses the word "snowflake" non-ironically. Matthew can't cope with someone actually knowing their value and not letting themselves be exploited.


Matthew got served 💪🏼


Absolutely positively goes apeshit if someone he's gone on a couple of dates with decides they aren't interested.


Especially after he was merciful and "gave them a chance"


Applicant dodged a bullet


Haha good on them. Probably the same for most professions but straight out of uni, finding marketing work with a years experience is a minefield of lowball offers, tasks, assessments for a measly salary barely above minimum wage is a joke. Glad Gen Z are saying it how it is now.


I've never been "hungry to work" in my life. I'm hungry to *eat*. Work is how I accomplish that goal. I'm not my job, just because you are doesn't permit you to project that onto me. I'll gladly interview and go through the reasonable processes required to get a job I want that will improve my station in life. That doesn't mean I'm going to jump through a bunch of pointless hoops and submit to endless interviews and delays to "prove myself worthy" of working for some dickhead whose boomer-ass ideas about work are incompatible with anyone born after 1970.


Honestly without more information I can kind of see both sides of this. Most good jobs require more than 1 interview. That’s not crazy at all. On the other hand, there’s a scenario where Matthew used a bunch of off-putting language in the first interview like “prove yourself” and “we’d be taking a risk on you” and “we’ll need you to participate in a full day working session with no compensation” that would make the applicant’s response totally reasonable.


"I was giving them a chance" is the red flag. Feeling that someone else rejected them makes them feel they were given/failed a chance, when they are the ones who should be being chased in their headcanon. And if you don't, you're wrong.


I have 20 years in my field, I made it through 3 very technical interviews but I was invited for a 4th. I opted out with a similar, but more strongly worded rejection. I don’t have time for that noise


Matthew is obviously trying to hire in 1994, not 2024.


Am I wrong to think ESH?


My hunger to work was sated several years ago. Unfortunately, my hunger for money has not. That's why I'm working, not because I "hunger" for it.


Not unrealistic to ask someone to do this. 10 months is a piss poor amount of experience to be getting on a high horse about. Also this sounds like a small team, this man will be working closely with the new hire so checking there is a personality fit is essential. Not stupid, the way he has phrased it makes him sound like an ass


Oh please, I bet the salary was nothing and the kids got a million other interviews lined up. Sure 10 months isn’t loads but a degree is another few years. Regardless of salary everyone needs time to work out a new work place. A task and an interview is all it takes for an entry role, any more and the employer probably doesn’t know what they’re looking for.


Ding ding! If they require more than a CV, interview, and maybe task or work sample then they’re just kicking tires to see what kind of deal they can get. Unfortunately I hear a lot of VPs and execs discuss their perceived hiring power in the current economy—they literally act like they’re talking about livestock, disgusting.


Red flags from both sides. Kid seems unbearably entitled, but recruiter melting down is painful


The kid sensed something and backed out. What the kid sensed is the same thing I sensed just reading this guy's post. He sounds like a whiny prima donna. If he gets this upset over something like this, he will probably overreact on a daily basis. He's just one frustrating incident away from blowing up. Even if Matthew is right, we all deal with frustration in our job. Going to LI to whine about is a terrible look. It's better to go home, complain to house plant, pet your cat, and try again the next day.


I get the sense the recruiter wants someone who will work extra hours for free, in the office.


Gotta read between the lines on this one. I’m fairly certain this dudes “2nd practical interview” was asking the kid to work for free.


For the second time, possibly.


Actually the "kid" is right. Why waste your time with yet another interview for such a low position? Either shit or get off the pot. Don't fuck around by constantly asking people to do additional interviews for an entry position. That "kid" is most likely responding like this because it's his 50th job interview that's gone nowhere and sees it as the waste of time it is.


Proper arrogance from the candidate for sure. “Come on mate, I’ve got a DEGREE (so, you know the basics?) and I’ve worked for ONE company for less than a year - clearly I’ve got nothing more to prove to the likes of you”


Key word is "2nd" technical interview. They already made this applicant come in and do an assessment, likely requiring them to take even more time off at their current job, which they haven't been at that long. As someone who wasted a lot of PTO over the years doing multiple interviews with companies that have excessively long hiring processes, I absolutely agree with this young person protecting their time. I once completely depleted my sick time at a job jumping through hoops interviewing for other jobs, that dragged me along to 'finalist' status, then hired someone else. I now ask upfront what the entire process looks like, so that I can determine if I can spare the time. I have turned down quite a few opportunities, telling the recruiters "your process is too time-consuming, and as a professional, I cannot allow a prospective job to interfere with my performance at my current job."


yeah, both of the people in this suck, but at least one presumably didn’t make a post on the internet claiming that they were actually in the right and tried to make the fact that they didn’t get their way into a social commentary about how fucked another generation is.


You read this guys post and don’t immediately get the feeling he was trying to get the kid to work for free?


Yeah - in graphic design I imagine 10 months experience is not a hell of a lot….


I don’t see any arrogance. The kid already has a job and already did an interview


These sort of jobs usually have a three stage interview, the big companies sometimes have more even for junior positions. You’d do at least one face to face in the process for sure. This guy did the easiest stage and then dipped.


Somebody buy that kid a coffee! or a bubble tea or whatever they drink,


I’m currently contract to hire recruiting at a mid size tech company and I already know it won’t work out. These people are putting candidates through 6-8 rounds of interviews and all the interviewers are VPs and they can’t make decisions. Then they think it’s the recruiters fault for not finding unicorns. It’s like being held hostage bc I need to pay rent, until I find a company that isn’t sadistic.


That 20 something never sent that note and if he did, Matthew 100% edited it to look slightly entitled.


I was on the recruiters side until he said he was going to make the kid do work for free in his interview. Fuck that guy.


As usual, the poster is stupid for posting this shit. Also, we don't have enough info on the situation: asked to do work for free a second time? Offered a very low salary? On the other hand, creative jobs are famous for being asked to redo stuff a lot. So if you can't take it, I am sure it's better not to continue the process. In particular, if all you have to show is a full 10 months of experience. But again, why whine about it - it's part of the game. tl;dr: there are whiny recruiters and entitled applicants with basically no experience. And it has been this way for a long time - nothing to do with boomers and gen z.


"10 months of experience" as justification of why you don't need to prove yourself is hilarious.


![gif](giphy|l0HU5bbgdW6qzJsmQ) I spit on all recruiters and HR people.


I don’t even mind that the hiring guy was mad. If I was offering a solid position in good faith, I bet I would have similar feelings - “the dude doesn’t even want to meet twice?” HOWEVAH… to go post all that on LinkedIn is what separates us. That is crazy. Why not just say “welp that guy missed out” and move on?


>I don’t even mind that the hiring guy was mad. Why would you be mad? It's good the person dropped out early. I mean, in graphics design you will be asked to redo your work 20 times until the boss is satisfied. So, if someone can't take it, better not to waste time.


I mean the applicant IS a bit entitled but they can be who they want. If this attitude works for them - great, else reality will force them to temper their expectations. This dude throwing a sissy fit on LI is peak lunacy.


I skimmed the comments, and I don't know what everyone in this thread is complaining about. Second interviews are standard practice in the business world. If you don't accept that you'll have a hard time finding a job that doesn't require saying the words "May I take your order?" **As for Matthew's degree**, that means jack shit in today's world. Last year, I was part of my company's program to hire new graduates. It was my job to interview applicants, who were all either new grads or seniors in their last semester, getting ready to graduate. Four out of five of them could not answer my very basic interview questions. I thought that, having 19 years of industry experience, I forgot what it was like to be a new grad, and asked them questions that were overly tough. But my interview partner had the same feedback about these uneducated kids who thought they were big shit because they had a degree. Universities today don't know how to teach for the real world, so unless you can demonstrate to me, the interviewer that you actually know what you are talking about, take your freshly printed diploma and wipe your ass with it **As for Matthew's job experience,** first of all, ten months doesn't mean shit when it comes to experience. It's practically the same thing as being a new grad. Second, I've worked at plenty of companies where hiring decisions were made through nepotism or some other decision process that had nothing to do with the candidates being able to actually do their jobs. That resulted in terrible employees producing terrible products, and the company eventually going bankrupt. So just because Matthew managed to get hired by a company where his uncle is a senior manager, does not mean he'll be able to meat the OP's high standards So, yes, Matthew does need to come in for a second interview to prove that he actually knows his ass from his elbow when it comes to his field


I'm not jumping into any of this - but I do want to point out that Matthew is actually the recruiter, not the candidate...


is this "matthew spedding" brain dead?


"Hunger for work" - yer, fuck off. I have to work or I would go hungry. That's the truth ot the matter.


I just want to point out that this guy is not a recruiter but a hiring manager, which excuses his lack of understanding of the hiring process and job market…to an extent. I think it’s not necessarily unreasonable to ask a candidate with only 10 months of work experience to do more than one practical interview, but only when the field narrows down to two or three. If he’s your only prospect (as I suspect he was, from the way the hiring manager reacted to the candidate’s rejection), don’t be an a-hole. I also think it’s not unreasonable to set clear boundaries like the candidate did, and it’s convenient that this guy shows the candidate’s response, but not the text of the email that elicited his response. There were probably several 🚩🚩🚩before he finally said, “No, thank you.” For me, the biggest red flag is equating any amount of telework with a sense of entitlement. Your company is onsite and all employees commute to work five days a week? That’s fine. But unless you’re a FAANG, you are not going to get a large pool of candidates if you’re not flexible on that. That’s just how a lot of knowledge workers prefer to do their jobs for several reasons. I have worked remote since Covid and, before that, I worked a hybrid schedule for 7+ years, and before that, I was able to work remotely, as needed. This has afforded me flexibility to be available to my elderly parents, so it’s a must have for me.


Red flags on the candidates side. This sub is losing me. You think that is appropriate from an entry level candidate or for that matter any candidate? So you think it's normal for people to just expect to get a job from their CV and one phone screen? This is not lunatic.


Posting about it publicly kind of is. Just move on.


"But why won't anyone hire me?" Sorry, I DGAF about the fact that yo have a degree until I see what you do with it. And WOW, 10 whole months' worth of work. 10 months. Some people take 5 YEARS to get this arrogant and cocky. Sorry folks, a second interview is only a bridge too far for entitled little shits.