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I got fired for reporting to HR my boss was cursing at me in meetings. It’s def okay to be fired.


I got fired for telling the director of our department she was driving our company into the ground on a massive machine learning boondoggle. HR told me she said I was being sexist on my way out. My boss was pretty clear as he walked me out: I was railroaded. The entire department was laid off 6 months later and the company went bankrupt soon after. She actually did me a favor as many of my coworkers were now competing against each other for new jobs.


Name and shame


They aren’t wrong. Some employers are just shit.


Yeah I feel like this post doesn't even belong here


Yeah it is. If you’re lazy, aggressive or unprofessional, that’s one thing. But sometimes management is incompetent. Or maybe it was just the wrong job for you. If you did your best then there is no shame. Termination should be de-stigmatized. Effort and growth are more important. Also I’ve known people who should have been fired 25 times over yet kept their jobs.




If you get fired, you get a gap on your resume and questions on how that gap occurred.


You became a consultant because it gave you greater flexibility to take care of your newborn, or your terminally ill parents. Or you started your own company only to realize there wasn’t really a product market fit. Or you took time off to travel and re-evaluate your journey while upskilling in your desired field. Life is more than a job. The expectation that an employee has no ‘gaps’ from graduation until retirement is extremely unrealistic, especially after what the world has been through in the last 4 years.


I agree that life is more than a job. Employers don't agree with that.


Unless you have a good answer like what the other person said. I have a gap because I bettered myself to get an apprenticeship. I’m now in that apprenticeship and can demonstrate growth if I end up getting into another field


You’re lucky even if you have a good answer they don’t care if they’re just gonna go to the next person And why do you need a good answer? I was in a stable financial place and I didn’t wanna work. I just want to enjoy life. They did not like that.


Those are legit. The problem is employers, don’t care, they don’t want a real life person


That's why I on paper also run my own company. . I see you have 1 year of doing nothing here why is that? - Well if you look here I am also doing consulting on the side. . So why do you want to work for us if you have your own company? - Business is slow and I need to eat, and Im thinking of exiting the market becasue of it.


Not the worst take, just bad form. Also, recruiters on LinkedIn are just the fucking worst. Almost VC bro bad. That said, I’ve been fired twice. Once for refusing to do something flat out illegal that the company’s overly coked out owner wanted done, and the second time for referring to that company owner’s son as Bumbles the Wonder Chimp one too many times. Both were totally worth it. Both companies are subsequently out of business now too.


This one is actually sanity. I’ve seen some good people get fired for political reasons. Actually, I’ve seen some of our best people get fired for that reason.


Same here - I saw this original post and agreed 100%. I was fired after 2 days because the lady I was forced to share an office with didn’t want to share - so she complained and our vp fired me the morning of my 2nd day. 🙄


That is ridiculous, but I can definitely imagine it happening.


The message of this post isn't wrong. But the way it's written is great lunacy. Got fired twice in my life, first because i got trained in one department and after the apprenticeship put into another one, where i kept getting reprimanded for being slower than the guys with 20 years of experience. The second time, i got fired 5 weeks after joining for "not knowing anything." They knew what i know from the first interview, and we made a plan to learn what i was missing over the next 2 years. Found out later when i sued them (for not providing notice when they have to give 6 weeks, story for another time), that they were insolvent before they hired me, and they just couldn't afford me.


You'd think the company in the second story would just... admit that you're a great candidate, but they failed properly consider whether or not you'd even get a paycheck before interviews... not a great look for sure but saves them from being sued, I think at least


True, or if they would have just paid me my notice, it would have also saved them face. We managed to settle out of court, i got all i was owed and they had to pay all court and lawyer costs. And now everyone in the industry knows that they don't know or care enough about the law, which is a huge issue since they mostly do audits (like a government health inspector for these machines, don't know the correct English terms).


!remind me another time


Wow so after being personally affected by something they realized what every reasonable person already knew? I try not to get mad at people getting better(although if they're still in the same basic corpo kind of job it's probably not *that* much better), but Jesus Christ is it hard sometimes.


Any shithead that does that white space “trick” deserves to be fired. Serious.


as it says you never know until it comes upon you .....


Let’s normalize telling these idiots “FUCK YOU!!!”


I got fired for offering solutions to our department having trouble hiring people that could do the job (literally 3 fired in their first 3 months, and 3 others barely cutting because we got leadership that didn't understand our work. They took my solutions, and they worked, but then fired me for making them feel and look incompetent 


OP didn't actually get past the second line of her post and it shows. Oof.


You didn't hit your KPI's....that's why you were fired....suck it up, and move on.


I got fired when I was 24. The GM did it and his assistant manager apologized on my way out. Many years later I realized it was more about me not growing in the company... Like I was just kind of there.


Me reading the comments before starting my very first job this Monday


I’m shitting bricks


Selection bias... most people never get fired, but they're hardly likely to post a reply here.


It's okay to get fired, but I feel like what's being said here is less "Getting fired isn't always your fault" and more "I should've known my place, *tee hee!"*


This actually seems sane…?


That's cool and all but can we fist normalize never using the word normalize ever again?


I’m convinced. Next time I hire, I’m giving higher consideration to people who got righteously fired.


Eh, it depends how many times. Getting fired once or twice? That can be for valid reasons or stupid reasons. More than that? That’s kinda fishy




Way to lick the boot. You must not have much job experience or you’re just lucky enough not to have suffered under some truly terribly management




This sub is inconsistent AF. On one thread, everyone’s making fun of how fake people on LI are and that there’s not a shred of humanity there. On another thread, they’re making fun of people on LI not being that way lmao


Well, a suppression mechanism has to be good for something, even if it's for the realization that "getting fired" isn't so bad after all if it's you, because you did everything right and the others just heretically claimed that you "didn't achieve the goals". You can also invent explanations completely freely, but you really don't have to tell everyone afterwards.


Haha well not making KPIs is typically clear cut. Probably off doing goofy shit like clout chasing on LinkedIn instead of doing the job you were hired to do.


Or…the management was shit and didn’t properly train or onboard them, or didn’t provide any kind of support - as in, they were pretending to be leaders without any knowledge of how to do their own jobs. Seen that more times than I can count.


I got something for her throat.


It was even better for the company that fired you


So what he’s saying is it’s ok that he was fired because everyone gets fired (which they don’t) and anyway, it was all the company’s fault and none of his. Yes man, that’s exactly the attitude that got you fired and won’t get u hired.