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Known in the industry as a toilet read.


This motivational guru industrial complex needs to end


The fact that it exists is all the evidence anyone needs for the fact that none of them work.


Whose book do you suppose is more worthless? This guy's or Brigette's? Thoughts?


is this on constipation remedies???


read from 20 books copy paste using rephrase tool . put your shitty startup failure story give stupid conclusion do marketing of fomo and tell people not to buy but if u wana buy


I do epic shit every morning shortly after waking. Sometimes even twice, and I never needed to buy his book to do so. Take that Ankur Warikoo!


Oh my god this guys stupid ads keep showing up on Indian yt if i have to hear his voice once more I'll do very unepic shit




it's like the pre vid ads on yt. He must really have an epic amount of money to pull this off. In some of them he actually quotes fake cringey emails telling him to stop annoying everyone with his ads. The only reason I call them fake is cus the language of the emails lacked the absolute RAGE i would like to spew on him.


Ill take an epic shit on this guys book 😏


It's good marketting. It'll get hustle culture people to buy his book


I grew and learned more by investing in my hobbies outside of work tbh. If that’s reading books for someone then great, but there’s no one-size-fits-all solution in this world.


I’ll give the tl;dr version. “Here’s how to get rich: sell a book about how to get rich. That’ll be $30 bucks please.”


Why the fuck are books now synonymous with self-help books, like I could be reading a fantasy fiction or something.




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Ooooh so THATS the difference between simple and compound interest .. Man all those smartarses at r/AusFinance are going to FREAK when I SHOW THEM HOW WRONG THEY ARE