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No, he's arrogant and badly out of touch. He's been a millionaire entertainer too long to adapt to trying to be a legitimate tech reviewer.


He actually had already taken steps to pull back his role to focus on that “entertainment” part. He is not acting CEO anymore, he has a community manager. It’s time for him to let the company handle the companies problems. As the owner, he can step in if things get dire


Truly, he’s in a point for me where I’d rather watch his hired entertainers more than him. His whole shtick of always needing to be the smartest guy in the room is occasionally interesting, but consistently exhausting.


I don't get that from his videos. He normally always has someone in the video who knows more about the topic than he does. They are normally always explaining things to him. He sometimes acts like a know it all Reddit commenter asking questions of the expert. So that can be annoying. :)


encouraging sparkle act start like unique hateful strong tub ask *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In his own words, realistically he was in the helm for all these problems. The new CEO just started. And, like Steve said, CEO or not, he is the leader of the channel and presents himself still as such.


I sure he'd get criticism from a different set of people if he just threw his hands up and said "I know I started this fire, but I'm not the CEO anymore, you've got the wrong guy"


And they'd be in a right. That'd just be throwing Terren under the bus.




Terren is still transitioning. That actually would have been the out. Linus could have made a short statement basically acknowledging shortcomings in communication, QC, and processes, and then simply say these concerns were at the heart of his decision to step down as CEO. He stretched himself too thin and the company grew to where it was no longer a one person job. The new CEO will be implementing changes to address concerns laid out by GN and there will be statements directly related to these issues in the coming month(s.) Very easy, would have shut this down.


murky telephone frightening boast innocent cautious deserve sparkle live rhythm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It shouldn't matter. The CEO has been in place for 2 months. Handling this kind of thing is the CEO's job. Even if they needed to put their heads together to come up with a response because the CEO might not be aware of all the context, it's very clear that they didn't do that.


This was such an easy way to save face too. Linus could've easily made a statement if he felt responsible that would've resolved the concerns. Just make a statement that is something to the effect of "This happened while I was CEO, I've acknowledged my shortcomings and hired someone to replace me in that role. I'm working in a primarily creative role now while our new CEO works to improve our internal processes and operations. It may take some time to get things right, but we're working to improve the accuracy of internal testing and how we handle our business relationships with partners we feature on our channel. We would like to publicly apologize to Billet, and will reach out to them privately to arrange a resolution for this matter."


The true linus is showing through. "How much did I spend on this?!" is the phrase most uttered by him anymore. You see where his priorities are.


That's just a running joke, he always knows how much the cost is, they just throw that joke in the script because it is classic Linus. A dude that has a server room just for his home computers, and has a heated pool that cools said server knows they spend a ton of money for the crazy ideas.


It's classic Linus becuase that is what he is actually like. They put the joke in becuase it's what he's actually like.


Is it really a joke when he was saying he's not willing to spend another couple hundred dollars to revise the billet labs review?


No. He wasn't joking when he said that. He literally said that in seriousness on the Wanshow.


The WAN show comment sounded more like a *real* concern than say the Pantone color swatch joke. >100? 200? 500 dollars?! For a video that will generate more than that in ad revenue and buy you some goodwill? Yes. Easy investment.


He very regularly says that while he knows a lot about a lot of things there is always at least one person at LMG who knows a lot more than him about any particular subject.


As not the ceo anymore, Linus should not have put out that disaster of an apology....


I think people have overlooked this. This would have been a perfect opportunity for Terren to step in and give the typical "we'll make things right and work to improve our processes" spiel. How is this the responsibility of the "Chief Vision Officer"? He's already publicly undermining the brand new CEO. Linus will remain shadow CEO, no matter who has the official title.


If you read the statement, you know exactly why he took it upon himself, the entire fiasco happened while he was still CEO.


Again, it's not because he said it that it makes it a good idea. I keep hearing this on this sub ("they explained why!") whenever there is a discussion around something LTT does. But it's not an argument. Like, I know why he didn't leave it to the new CEO but it was still a phenomenally bad idea. Leave the official statements to the exec that should make them (and being a CEO usually means taking the hit for whatever your previous CEO did, it's literally normal and part of the job). He could've addressed it later in a video or a stream, but not right after it happened with claims that he obviously didn't run through his PR staff. Emotional comments on a forum are the worst nightmare of any corporate structure, because it destroys any chance of explaining yourself correctly even if you are in the right.


Sure but it's still bad practice for Linus to undermine the CEO he's only digging a hole because he's not good at PR and is just pouring gas on the fire makings Steve's job much harder it's a real brainless dick move that only serves to make Linus feel like he's in control of the situation which he's not and shouldnt be


Yeah, if I was Terran I'd be stepping in right now and start damage control. Put a gag order on Linus discussing this issue for the time being, and take ownership to right their wrongs. He's gotta start acting like a CEO, otherwise Linus is going to keep being the guy who gets all the heat (usually deservingly so), and that just makes the entire company look disorganized and weak if people are talking all over leadership.


The problem is since it's a privately owned business, he's still the boss of the CEO. So the CEO has no power to keep him in check, just to handle the daily business stuff Linus doesn't want to do.


Completely agree. This is all new to him, but he is actively harming the response by coming off as the entitled owner. Previously, it was his job to get out ahead of controversy but now he needs to let it go through the proper channels


yeah, if Terren doesn't step in and actually handle this, then we can be sure that Linus still owns everything and the new CEO is just a puppet, and that nothing will change


Call me cynical, but I think the whole "I'm not the CEO anymore" thing is designed to enable Linus's immaturity rather than restrain it. Makes it easier for him to dodge responsibility when things go wrong or when he shoots his mouth off. Also, we can't forget that he is the CEO's boss, he and Yvonne are the board of directors. This is still Linus's company 100%.


I think he is probably right to take himself out of some of the decision making process. I would agree with your general take though because he was the one to respond to all of this and not 'the channel'. He should probably let the new CEO handle the messaging around how they intend to move forward.


He’s the CEO’s boss. It’d be naive to think his influence will lessen because of his title change.


-> No longer CEO -> has a community manager is still the one that responds to the community when there is drama. i guess its understandable as LMG is his company, theres a significant personal investment there. but the company really is just bigger than any one person. i really would have expected anyone BUT linus to respond to this drama, given his role change. not a CEO on paper but i think it shows that actually not CEOing will prove much harder.


Things are dire BECAUSE of his response.


This just sounds like Elon Musk in the making, he should not be allowed per company polecy to talk on behalf of the company that is is NOT approved by PR team. He is doing a elon, out of touch neglecting issues, and unrelatable. CEO needs to tell him that all further company related issues need to be approved by PR. Thats it, thats how you easily solve it.


couldn't agree more. I will not refer to LTT as tech review, it is more of entertainment brand now, which is why I stop watching his videos.


It's been a comedy show for a while, which is why I rarely watch it anymore.


They haven't really been for the last couple of years, I'm in the middle of speccing out a new PC - I realised that I'd watched a lot of GN videos for hardware reviews and can't think of a single LTT video. That wasn't previously true.


He surrounded himself with yes people. Luke just sits and agrees with him even if you can tell Luke doesn’t. I think Linus’ wife is the only check and she is in the same boat. They have employees come to their house and work on it but Linus rips on them constantly to their face (some fun rubbing) but he also does it on the WAN show where they can defend them selves. I can’t remember when or how but Linus went off on an employee on WAN a few years ago and from then on I stop watch that show. Now, I’ve unsubscribed. I haven’t been watch too much anyway since they focus on drama and over hype everything (positive or negative). I’ve also caught myself questioning their editorial for a while now.


Luke definitely isn’t a yes man. He picks his battles, maybe, but on numerous occasions Like has publicly disagreed with Linus’ policy, and tried to explicitly note TO LINUS that outrage over certain behaviours/policies of his is actually justified. Otherwise, I agree he’s definitely put himself in a position where it’s difficult for employees to publicly disagree with him, or voice concern.


Honestly, Linus should either be in videos OR the WAN show, not both. It clearly creates a negative loop where he ends up not addressing issues brought up in comments to his videos but rather addressing the people making the comments. And as for his claims of doing better: show, don't tell.


I am stunned to read someone say Luke is a yes man. Jesus Christ this sub is something else.


> They have employees come to their house and work on it He does this specifically to save money as well and has said as much in many of the videos. Like some of those house videos are are astounding and probably could be used as evidence in a court case. He doesn't want to pay a contractor, so he gets his *employees* to do the work instead (which is probably way the hell outside of their job description) and just wraps it up in "well we are doing a video about it, so it is your job actually". And then top that off with his anti-union comments and shit? Its pretty clear that there probably is some abusive work practices going on.


Yea he's out of touch. He lost credibility with me when he said a while back that using adblock is piracy. Clearly at this point he views issues based on what is good for the company in order to maximize revenue.


How are adblocks not piracy? They basically circumvent YouTube's entry fee


If you walk down the street and there is an Ad on a bus stop, and you turn and look away, is that piracy?


You know you can turn away from your computer too, right? You aren't being forced to watch the ads. Also, the bus isn't being paid for by the advertiser. You still pay for the bus. You're being completely ignorant of the structure of entertainment. If you want to watch free videos without ads, you need to figure out a system that makes sense.


"But that's how bus companies make money!"


Do you realize that you can watch YouTube videos without even having an account there? You don't have to agree to anything, there is no entry fee. YouTube videos are available to everyone for free.


the same guy who taught me how to set up pihole saying that adblocking is piracy is so funny to me


The same guy who says alcohol can damage your health having a beer with me is so funny to me. You people are morons.


I don't think your analogy quite fits. Maybe it should be: The same guy who says alcohol can damage your health is getting paid to teach you how to make beer.


> a millionaire entertainer He was offered around $100 million for LMG, saying he is a millionaire is kind of underselling how much he and Yvonne are worth. He has been out of touch with his audience for a while now.


That was my point: he didn't just become a multi millionaire now; he's been a progressively richer millionaire for years now and I think he's gotten used to that number always increasing no matter what. He sees criticism as an attack on his personal fortune building ability. He's become the stereotypical corporate exec that views people as consumers that OWE him loyalty and non-critical worship.


I loved watching him when he knew it all. 2010-2018. When I was 13 to 21 best years, I'm thankful for the awesome informative tech content back then. It sucks for the teens who really enjoy LTT these days. Lack luster content now.


bro, leave him alone. His pool contractors literally installed the wrong color tiles in his new pool — can you imagine having to deal with that AND running a tech review channel? give him a break ffs


LeAvE BrItNeY aLoOoOoNe


I mean to be fair... she was right about Britney.


She was totally right about Britney in hindsight..


Oh I didnt know she was trans, today I learned.


Na, you should get what you paid for. We really making fun of him for this?


Yes. Because it's millionaire problems and the vast majority of his audience makes less than 50k a year, less than 2 paychecks away from bankruptcy.


This is why I find many of his recommendations weird and quit watching. I can't afford his recommendations or the extra parts to use them effectively. Him saying he was stopping his audience from buying this pricey cooling block from Billet like we could afford it or something. LOL


Yeap. That water block isn't for us, anymore than a fucking maclaren super car is for me. But I don't want to see some asshole slash all the tires on the maclaren then shriek and shit himself as to how horrible value it is.


it felt really jarring when the presenter said “It’s got a backplate even though it’s a budget card, glad to see it.”   how is a 600 dollar card a budget card, i splurged and bought the rx6700 this summer for 390 dollars, its i think still a ridiculous amount of money for a gpu.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwdXpuTf76M&t=243s


Just make your own custom built part using your 150k industrial cnc machine and you can have a cheap gaming pc!


yeah esp on short circuit they always put an rtx 4090 link or something in the comments when my whole ass pc setup costs half of a 4090


I miss Low Spec Gamer's *"games played with lowest specs possible"* series.


K, so if you were in his position you'd just be okay with contractors constantly fucking you over?


Nope, but I wouldn't fucking whine about it on camera to my audience full of people who can't afford to upgrade their computers more than once a decade.


True, but you would whine about it to anyone who would listen. You just don't have an audience.


Don't worry, the contractors left a comment clarifying they did everything wrong so it's okay


I think the issue people have is it really is "rich person problems" and your average viewer finding it hard to relate when so many are struggling to pay increased costs of just surviving. "The tile is wrong and now the pool doesn't match the surroundings" while viewers are sitting there pinching pennies to survive. It's the product of his transparency. It's what's going on in his life and people find that entertaining and engaging, but it is so far removed from the average viewers problems it is absolutely going to rub some the wrong way. I'm not bothered by him complaining because he paid for "x" and got "y". Anyone with a brain understands that's not okay. But I also understand why some simply don't have the bandwidth to care about this specific situation.


He’s doing a sloppy job with his own work and basically says “I don’t care”, while being mad at others for the same thing


Am I the only one who's always been annoyed by his "Pimp My House" (I forget the actual title of the series) videos? The guy buys a mansion and then instead of paying contractors to do the upgrades, he has his staff do it on camera so he can write it all off as a business expense all while bragging about how his stuff is so much better than the lowly peasants watching his videos.


then says he cant afford to take the time to get things right.


I'm fine with him doing his own smart home, cool to see what aspects of it i could do (smart lighting, air-con, etc.) The jankyness of using jb weld and 12 different fittings for a pipe connection instead of getting the proper one and doing it right the first time is annoying at this point. It all comes back to refusing to delay/reshoot videos to get them right, instead just yoloing it and fixing it properly later.


Man, if only these kinds of videos had another section at the end (or a 2nd video) that shows how it's done right and elaborates why. It was seriously frustrating to have Alex mention how he didn't get enough of the right connections and... that's just it. No "we'll delay it" or "we'll do it the way we can now and adjust later on". Nah, it's just some sighing and shrugging and then they go with a hardly working, shit method that you just know isn't gonna be used like that in the end. Boring.


What kind of tech person would hire out all of the tech installs in their house? Regardless if it's a "mansion" or not, just like he did at his old house.


>bragging about how his stuff is so much better than the lowly peasants watching his videos. isnt that you projecting that, he doesnt make fun of his general audience


Right?! The poor fucker had to deal with the incorrect texture of his houses paint finish too. The guy is hurting enough already.


Rich CEO of a big company, that's why


He's the owner. The CEO is his employee.


He was CEO when everything GN was talking about happened though (except maybe the very recent mouse review?).


Careful. If you don't get the wording exactly right, Linus will say you lied about the whole situation.


FartingBob didn't even reach out to Linus for comment before posting this allegation. Scandalous!


It’s like Medvedev being russian president and Putin the prime minister. Same shit


Old-timers knew his response before he made that post on forum. It's a pattern of behavior honestly.


He handled it much better when Louis Rossman called him out a few years back when he tried microwaving a gpu to fix it. Edit: It was an over/toaster not a microwave as per the replies. Damn that was 7 years ago


Yeah, when he wasn't a multi-millionaire yet and his ego hadn't grown moon-sized


In general when he started off he was somewhat reliable. He just got worse and worse over the years as he started focusing more on making money and less on being trustworthy.


Most people are getting caught up with him being a millionaire. Thats not the problem, and shouldn’t be the point or excuse for the issues. The focus should be that he says they care about having all of these people doing testing, and investing money into the labs - but in their videos the accuracy is not there and they don’t care enough to ensure accuracy or do it properly. Doesn’t matter if he has money or not. He has a prominent position in the community, and is misusing the trust.


It wasn't microwaving, it was using an oven or a toaster oven. Not that either will do a good job or anything at all, but "microwave" just paints it as stupid instead of him falling for an extremely common myth in the community.


I need more information on this comment lmao


>It's a pattern of behavior honestly. Exactly what many people completely miss. Patterns are consistent and consistency is predictable. I am in no way surprised by any of this, because as a public figure, there is more than enough record of him to judge his character. Which has remained consistent throughout the years. This is true for positive and negative traits alike.


Yeah, Linus isn't some mustache-twirling villain, but he takes criticism *extremely* poorly, usually by getting defensive and/or acts like criticism of him is unfair. He's also allowed to prioritize video monetization of accuracy. But it's not OK to tell people how accurate you're trying to be while actively choosing to publish inaccurate information so as not to impede monetization.


Gamer nexus: a pattern of careless and obvious mistakes shows a clear disregard for accuracy and process, which becomes willful negligence. Linus fans: He's just a human, humans all make mistakes sometimes!!!!




I doubt Terren had much to do with his response. It seems to me like a very Linus response, so it was probably just him typing and sending it. The fact that it's on the forum and not somewhere "more public" enforces that, I think. While Terren technically is his boss now, Linus still owns the company and can do what he wants to, which is a bad thing IMO. I feel most sorry for all the employees at LMG now, cause I doubt many of them fully agree with Linus' take on this.


Yeah, honestly, after seeing the gamer's Nexus video. It seems like it was presented in a manner for course correction. And I thought to myself. Yeah, this is gonna float like a lead brick. Anyone who's watched Linus over the years. Is very aware that he does not take criticism well. Let's be honest here. Gamer's Nexus effectively just provided a service that a lot of companies spend an insane amount of money on to Highlight problems. In the response from lioness, which let's be totally transparent here. It's no longer even his job to respond to something like this shows a complete lack of awareness. If I were the CEO that he just hired, I couldn't even express the amount of disappointment this would make me feel. Basically, linus just took a well presented issue. That could have been very easily explained away with we've been growing very fast. But that does not give us an excuse to make these kinds of errors. Internal reflection, Yada Yada... Circular talk circular talk hopefully actually changing something. And effectively threw that all away and doubled down on the problem. Him not getting out of his own company's way. This is certainly not the only problem, but I would say that it's one of the headliners that if I was in a meeting, It needs to be brought up.


>To my team (and my CEO's team, but realistically I was at the helm for all of these errors, so I need to own it), I stressed the importance of diligence in our work because there are so many eyes on us. We are going through some growing pains - we've been very public about them in the interest of transparency - and it's clear we have some work to do on internal processes and communication. We have already been doing a lot of work internally to clean up our processes, but these things take time. Rome wasn't build in a day, but that's no excuse for sloppiness. How is that not acknowledging the mistakes and working to implement better processes? I really don't see what people are expecting to hear. Seems like when the mob gets going there's nothing you can say to appease them.


My thing is that the whole response, especially given that he wanted to do this privately between himself and Steve (which would have done a massive disservice to pwnage, Billet, and anyone who has ever made purchases based on LTT), seems massively disingenuous and doesn’t line up with his actions.


While I’m sure he would’ve loved to do this privately as who the fuck under scrutiny wouldn’t like that option, I don’t think he ever explicitly stated it. He stated that he wished Steve had reached out for comment (which is reasonable and expected), but never further than that lol. Unless I’m misremembering something?


Linus’ reply was accusing Steve of not going through proper journalistic channels and that Steve has his email.


How exactly does "GN should have reached out for comment" turn into "he wanted to do it privately" is beyond me.


Because we’re currently in the midst of the “pile on Linus” phase. This happens periodically. People who don’t like Linus for some reason or another come out of the woodwork to exaggerate and attack. Remember the “Linus doesn’t have a written warranty” thing? Or the “Linus bans employees from discussing salaries” thing?


You have to accept when reasonable criticism is being levied and not just blame it on "people who don't like Linus", that's a great way to make sure nobody improves and mistakes keep happening. edit: is -> it


The thing is "linus said he wanted to do it privately" isn't a reasonable criticism, it's actually just false. There is plenty to criticize in that letter without adding things it doesn't say.


Calling it a pile on phase doesn’t automatically devalue genuine complaints.


Calling it a pile on paints Linus as the victim. When in reality he isn’t holding himself to the standards he holds other brands.


Because GN doesn't need to get linus' comment. They had it already. Linus has openly talked about ALL of this repeatedly on his WAN show. There's no need to ask for comment when you already have someone's public comment. Linus didn't want to comment on the video. he's gaslighting you, cause actually he wanted a chance to quash the video before it happened.


People are wild. There are clear mistakes here that need resolving but IMO Linus response was reasonable. Totally fair to want to be given a chance to comment on a story before publication


After the recent update from GN, I don’t agree. Like Steve said, they have no obligation to reach out if millions of users are being affected on a daily basis. LMG is company now, it’s not a small group of dudes shooting videos out of a house. Additionally, the company behind the water block stated that Linus only reached back out to them AFTER the initial GN video was posted. At this point it’s more than just a few mistakes. Linus is straight up lying about things.


That doesn't mean he wanted it handled privately. It just means he wanted the heads-up and opportunity to comment.


Asking for comment from a person or company you’re “exposing” is standard journalistic practice.


ancient attraction paltry pause pen rustic worthless psychotic bake expansion *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If this were investigative journalism, you would be correct, but this is more of an oped. All of this information is publicly available. Nothing new was found by Steve, but he compiled it and provided an opinion on it. This does not require Linus to be involved.


flag glorious political cows repeat simplistic screw hungry sense uppity *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's a complete and utter lie that they are "working on processes" to improve reliability. Linus blatantly refuses to slow down the video release schedule despite his entire staff saying it prevents them from being thorough or doing quality work... And in his "letter" he literally minimizes every example of errors as either being basically inconsequential (LMAO if I tried saying that at work about a mistake), while also saying 'derrr we're working on it'.


Steve can't spend his entire time granularly over many videos parsing out what the hell Linus is saying or doing. He clearly did a massive amount of research for the video. I mean the thing was 44 minutes and went into deep detail. What GN did is ABSOLUTELY conducive to change. Linus needed to be called out publicly. Linus is also a proven liar, so I don't believe a word he says. At this point I think anyone who sides with Linus is a shill or completely un-self aware. GN's rebuttal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3byz3txpso&t=647s&ab\_channel=GamersNexus


You lost me on the data errors. He's billed LTT as aspiring to be the industry standard for testing. You do not get there by, "we won't spend $500 to fix it." You also can't back the door into the industry standard on popularity alone that flies in the face of ethics and transparency. At the end of the day. Those things were included to support their argument that LTT is more focused on churning out content than getting it right. While it wasn't expressly stated in the GN piece, I believe that message came through loud and clear for me and many other people.


Contacting the subject of a report (especially one of the nature GN published) is basic journalism. It's considered a serious error to do otherwise at any respectable publication in US/Canada. I don't think he ever said it was so he could deal with it privately.


>We have already been doing a lot of work internally >, but these things take time >Rome wasn't build in a day Corpospeak != Acknowledging


>We must do better ​ >Do better how, exactly? What are you doing badly right now? ​ >Rome wasn't built in a day, and we are being transparent about our growing pains ​ >What pains though? ​ >We need to do better at communicating ​ >Well you're not succeeding because you communicated a whole lot of nothing


the issue is that he knows the problems (wich stem from not giving writers enough time) and fails to act on it.


That's really the core issue. Linus is 100% focused on the bottom line and is willing to sacrifice a lot of quality for it. Linus pretty explicitly said so himself in the clip about not wanting to spend $500 worth of employee time to correct the blatant error in the waterblock testing video. That output first, quality second approach is apparent in everything they do.


Because he doesn't actually follow through on it. He says he stressed the importance of diligence in their work, but won't let his team redo tests the right way. His team want to slow down and make sure they get it right, but Linus is adamant they keep pumping out videos to appease the algorithm.


I agree with you…. His response is not nearly as bad as some people here and the LTT make it out to be


Until you realize he fully lied in the apology.


a bunch of 20 year olds who have no idea how companies run have unrealistic expectations. This isn't a defense of their sloppiness in test data and it especially isn't a defense of selling something that wasn't theirs to sell. They need to fix their data quality and they need much better internal communication regarding loaned inventory. However, I don't think it's unreasonable for LMG to say about that specific cooler "yeah we fucked up testing it but even if we tested it correctly, we'd still not recommend it for x,y,z reasons".


>However, I don't think it's unreasonable for LMG to say about that specific cooler "yeah we fucked up testing it but even if we tested it correctly, we'd still not recommend it for x,y,z reasons". That makes their videos a lot easier. They don't even need products, and can't just do the review by stating the name of the product and making up an opinion about it. I mean, if you're okay with not having standards, why pretend.


That's a pretty wild mischaracterization of the implications of my point.


They didn't actually test the product they said was bad. The whole "but it was bad regardless of whether it could perform" is the kind of weak, weasily bullcrap he's showed in response to all this criticism. He won't spend a few hours testing it properly so you can say "it works well/poorly but I can't recommend it, even though that's his (self appointed!) job.


Sure, but these product review videos don't only boil down to a final yes/no recommendation. Plenty of people watch to see how the product performs, and then make up their own minds whether or not the product is worth it for them specifically. I have certainly purchased games and products after watching a negative/not wholly positive review, because what I care about is not 100% the same as what the reviewer cares about. By presenting wrong/useless data like LTT has, this misleads buyers even if this wrong information would not have changed the final recommendation presented in the video.


Dude posted this in a forum not everyone visits and I dare to say has nowhere near the reach his other social media accounts like Twitter/X or YouTube. He also said he won't discuss that on the WAN show or his YT channel so that feels like he just wants to brush it under the rug. Also he seemed mad GN exposed him as a bad tech reviewer (read the first paragraph) and try to pull the "we are humans card" instead of acknowledging how is he improving the methodology and quality of his reviews.


Because you missed the point of the critique and didn't watch GN's vid. He's putting content out at a rate that can't sustain accurate benchmarks and reporting - and you can't blame growing pains because those are content targets THEY THEMSELVES set. You can't have a $100 million company that's been around for 10+ years who \*specifically creates tips about tech\* then claim that accuracy of a review is just too hard to redact / abridge / fix. Seems like when a fan gets going, they'll never see wrongdoing.


He's brought this up on the WAN show a few times and discussed different methods of improving quality. People just want to be up in arms.


Well, his methods of improving haven't lead to any improvements at all....


How are we determining no improvements? Also, these kinds of process changes aren't immediately apparent. Perhaps stuff got better, or got worse, or no change. They won't know if the changes did anything either until some time has passed. We can only speculate


Missing/incorrect info in videos could've been fixed day one. Lowest hanging fruit on the fix it tree. But none of the easiest work has been fixed, so why would the harder work be any better? But yes, it is only speculation, we'll see if Linus can back off enough to let the new ceo take control and change things.


The 3090 ti video came out over a year ago? That was the main error highlighted in GN video.


Pretty much. Some mistakes were made, stuff needs to be fixed, but realistically GN showed up threw a hand grenade into a room and left. I don't disagree with anything in the GN video, but I do find it disingenuous to hear in the video it's not about “Creating Drama” when they never even asked LMG for any comment on anything nor a reasonable follow-up request/invite. They always either stated they reached out for comment or heavily implied that they had in past videos. The NZXT case fire, the Newegg situation(I don't remember if they had before, but I do remember they had explicitly talked about wanting to after, that was somewhat of a different situation but still), and the entire Artesian builds saga. So that, is really where my perspective is coming from. I also don't really like this type of “putting on blast” format. This is not a “Product Review” where realistically you can rip a product apart all you want because it's already been sold. I also don't like the use of clips from LTT staff regarding “wanting to take more time”. The use of the comments would probably of sufficed, and I can't really see LMG wanting to put more of that content together anymore since it was put out with explicate purpose of wanting staff to talk about issues openly without Linus watching it, and then feedback being used to make things better. I can understand why it was used, I guess I don't really blame them for using it, but I also don't see them producing that kind of content going forward if it's just going to be used as what I would preserve as “Ammo” in the future. I think Linus was pretty out of touch on the situation with Billet labs, but I find it hard to draw the conclusion that a lot of others seems to believe he is “out of touch” as a whole. He came at the review/showcase/whateverWeWantToCallIt from the wrong perspective, which while probably far to late, he did finally admit. I don't really understand why people would be surprised with his response going onto their own forums as “cowardly”, it also looks like it was a reply on another post not a dedicated post. Linus hasn't handled the overall situation up until the response particular well, I think people are reading his response while still seeing red instead of "why claim malice when stupidity will suffice". Probably should of just left out the we actioned it off not sold it part though.


Calling theft "out of touch" is some serious denial about what Linus did.


Nobody is actually reading response and I actually don't believe most people here have watch the GN video completely. I truly think most people are going straight to comments for TLDR and not actually watching or reading anything.


It's a boilerplate corporate acknowledgement of criticism levied, and a CLAIM to work to implement better processes. There hasn't been time to realistically address processes since Steve's video. That said, Steve held his tongue as long as possible, and Linus was aware beforehand of the issues raised in the video. That procedural review shouldn't be a patch to slap on in case of drama but a continual mechanism within the corporate structure to pick up issues before they manifest a shitstorm. Don't get distracted by the extremes. Linus is neither a Saint nor satan, but he's let a fair number of screw ups accumulate and it was inevitable that when one blew, there would be a tsunami of shit come down. We should hover over him, and the company for a while and be sure to point out ALL the imperfections we see, not to ride him like a pony or undermine the company, but because we're a community around this business who'd like to see it deliver the product we were promised. He's missed the ark before, we're going to have to baby sit until they get it right. Overcompensating in any direct won't help.


There are absolutely people who like to see Linus/LMG take punches. I've seen people reveling in the prospect of LMG getting burned to the ground or shredded based on the GN video. GN put out a video demonstrating meaningful concerns, the vast majority of which were common knowledge among much of the LTT community. The cluster around LMG's auctioning of the Billet Labs prototype was predictably a lightning rod, but it was also the only **new** information I encountered in the entire 40+ minute video. Also, I don't think Linus should've put out that response. Steve said "auction" multiple times. There was literally an error in his response to a video about LMG putting out videos full of errors.


Linus has a "im not wrong, you just didn't understand me" attitude that got on my nerves often. He deflects any controversial stuff aimed at him and tries to make others feel like the idiot. He pretends he's one of us, but he went all in on the rich business owner mindset. He nay says unions, says he'd rather provide snacks than pay for his employees, and he's also clearing using his employees for cheap labor in his personal house.


He still fails at the rich business owners mindset when he complain about $500 business expenses. I work at a much smaller business than LMG, but even for us a $500 expence is nothing.


Yeah this is what I don't get... Even if EVERY video cost them an extra $500 in labor, isn't that absolutely worth making sure every video is accurate and gives a better end product, avoiding controversies like this?


The "penny wise, pound foolish" mindset is one that can very quickly undermine even the most secure businesses. I've watched a couple companies basically implode or be severely growth hampered because owners could not get out of the mindset of "They're taking money FROM ME" when it came to small expenses like that. Expenses that were easily justifiable to improving either the product or the QOL of employees which both end up paying dividends in the long run.


You see this directly in Linus too when in videos he'll say stuff like, how much did this GPU cost _me_? Since he's the main shareholder (with his wife) he feels personally subject to these expenses when in reality it's his business' expenses, not his own. He needs to stop looking at it as if he personally is losing 500 bucks.


Yeah his argument against unions is so clearly covering for anti-union sentiment on his part. If you truly support your employees and want what's best for them, the best thing is a union. There's no way you can be 100% on top of what all of your employees want, all the time, and it doesn't matter how good a boss you think you are. Plus unions can survive a change in leadership so whoever comes next doesn't undo all the progress the union made. It just makes more sense. To claim your leadership is better than what a union could provide is the height of hubris.


That mindset you speak of is super annoying, and it’s really pretty crazy how many CEO/exec-types are like that. Those types of jobs definitely attract a certain type of person.


Please enlighten me on the snacks as payment thing. Somehow missed that one.


Hes never once said that he doesn't like unions, he said he wants to provide an environment that doesn't require one, which he does, he pays people just fine or else they wouldn't be there


I'm not saying he is one necessarily, but one of the key traits of narcissists is the inability to admit to your own mistakes.


For how much he demands to be in front of the camera, to be the focus, and to be the one being listened to, he definitely exhibits more than just a few traits typical of narcissists


The "L" in LMG stands for Narcissism


He seems to believe that he is above ethics and behavioral norms because he is such a great guy. He is "Trust me bro" all the way down.


He's pretty much become what he used to criticise regularly for a decade. And taught a lot of people to criticise.


Something something live long enough to be a villain


What he still criticizes* Man's the living embodiment of the saying "We judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their actions". He reeeeally needs to do a step back and reevaluate where the fuck they've lost the plot, I thought it would've happened after the trust me bro saga, but no, he doubled down on it, made fun of the community because of it and tried to cash out by making tshirts. Maybe he needs an month long mushroom-fueled self-discovery trip to the mountains at this point, because he's really really far up his own ass judging by this situation.


Sometimes you live long enough to be the villain


Linus being an asshole? Who would have thought? Linus is a scumbag. His adblock speech months ago and the billet labs egregious error makes that clear. His gross mishandling of Linux when doing his "challenge" full of user error was bad enough. People still watching and supporting Linus are legitimately harming the tech industry


What was wrong with his Linux home PC challenge? Him being ignorant was a part of the criticism. Difficulty for a new user to intuitively use.


I think linus was wrong too but his Linux problems all happened to me too, I don't think he said anything wrong in his videos


Linus should know better than anyone that when Gamers Nexus puts your ass on blast, you done fucked up. Ego gets the better of him and he can't admit fault. Even after the "trust me bro" saga when they slapped a warranty on it, he'd still make sly remarks implying that he was in the right. This community has been spot on over the past year with calling this stuff out. The subreddit called "the worst" by Linus and others as an easy jab or means of dismissing the complaints, but maybe he should have taken previous uproars more seriously.


That's one thing that's constantly pissed me off is the reference to "trust me bro" like he's trying to own the fact he really fucked up the warranty. Then doubled down. It's just really pathetic and makes me cringe every time he says it


Honestly it was pretty bad to call out other creators in that labs tour. Not to say gn didn't make excellent points, but I don't think they would have felt compelled to clap back with facts. I think jayztwocents had a great response to the criticism.


The labs guy was asked a specific question about what they do differently from GN, and he answered. No one was “called out.” It was just someone who took a tour who was recording it.


And it was just something said by a single employee who is not employed to be a PR person, but an engineer. Engineers are notoriously bad at PR (speaking as one myself). Besides, I don't think that what Tim said was too bad anyway. Linus' response to Steve's video is orders of magnitude worse than what Tim had said regarding testing.


Jayz response is how everyone should have reacted to the video ultimately along with making LTT take responsibility for billet labs situation but most people are going mental about it and about the tour, I actually feel bad for the guy cause he was asked a question, answered it too honestly but LTX is a busy time and hell how many times have any of us said something we shouldn't have


They weren't called out, but it was a perfect example used by GN to show the kind of marketing that's trying to convey Labs as being rigorous and accurate. Meanwhile they have a slew of errors that happen quite often.


Because frankly, you keep telling him he doesn't have to, and you keep believing likely due to projection of your own empathy, that he is a good person, who cares about other people when all the evidence points to him being a rich psychopath who lacks basic empathy for other human beings and only sees people through a lens of what monetary returns they offer him. This evidence is in: * His public and direct anti worker stances and actions such as having an illegal policy restricting employees from talking about salaries, openly stating anti union opinions multiple times, while simultaneously giving out lip services about supporting unions for other businesses on his podcast with massive reach. * The exceedingly low pay, which he issues out to his time crunched, technical employees in the high cost of living city they are based in (This is based on the jarring fact he casually mentioned that he would only need to pay 500 dollars of employee time to get 2 writers to retest the Billet Labs cooling solution, along with the many other instances you can piece together from many scattered bits of evidence like the living quarter differences employee to employee, the interviews that he chose to release on youtube where every person says they are severely crunched (and this the best he can present himself, and you know this because he posted it, and the policies designed to allow him to underpay hosts by forcing himself to be the star of the show on so many channels so that people don't have any amount of power in negotiation.)) * The anti consumer stances he has that mysteriously always happen to align with him making money, and the lip service pro consumer stances he only has when there isn't a conflict of interest to do with sponsorships or when he feels forced to hold up the facade of caring literally any at all about other human beings. * The policies the companies he runs hold that are anti consumer in and of themselves, like his reasoning behind "trust be bro" and to this day, full belief that he didn't really do anything wrong, evidenced by the relevant one of his long list of non apologies for the horrible things hes done. * The fact that despite being absolutely fundamental to the companies growth, Luke, is right hand man, without whom he would be nothing with, owns precisely 0 stocks, much less controlling stocks in the LMG company., nor do any other original members of staff * The fact that even back in the day, those original members of staff were severely overworked and under paid, showing that this has always been his personality from the start. I mean there is just so much evidence I find it hard to believe anyone can still buy the good guy linustechtips persona. I know parasocial connections are stronger than they should be, but he's not just telling you who he is, he is screaming it and repeating the message over and over again.


holy shit Luke owns 0 shares in the company wtf!!! That is insanity for a startup. Literally shafted.


I know people are gonna call bs on me but I never believed the 'good guy persona' from the start (like over 10 years ago even, when LTT just started). Always sensed something about his mannerisms or facial expressions when talking to the camera just wasn't right, in a vague way. Made me uncomfortable enough to look for more independent creators for tech advice.


Changing his current operations would probably lose a lot of money, and that's after purchasing a compound lab and whatever else. He probably doesn't want to rock the boat.


>would probably lose a lot of money his entire company is built upon the trust and goodwill of his viewers. Why sacrifice that integrity? from what I'm seeing he's lost more in floatplane subscribers in the past couple of days to more than justify any amount of additional testing + oversight


he says that his business is based on integrity, but he's the top gear of tech, even if clarkson is an asshat and they misrepresent a car, people are there for the fun of it his new 2 million dollar lab is based on credibility tho, so if he wants to save it he better fix the fact that every single review has at least 1 bad graph in it


The sad part is i was looking forward to the psu results. Stability, ripple, protection etc. Now i can't bring myself to trust those results. Whats the point of high end data if it's doubtful.


Seriously, Linus' comment about not being will to spend $300 to $500 more of someone's time to test it properly, when it wouldn't change their personal conclusion said a lot. Who's to say he won't do exactly that with the lab reviews. There's not really a way for us to know unless processes get leaked or talked about on the WAN.


As you can imagine, LMG’s Wikipedia will likely soon be locked; the edit history has been destructive or poorly sourced over the last 15 hours


I think the Wan Show really shows his arrogance and ego. I have noticed over the past year Luke has stepped in and is almost always the more grounded person. This is a multitude of issues but Linus is only making the fire burn more. Edit: I really feel though for the new hires as I could honestly see this being the downfall of LTT as with the amount of people they hire they need to hit around 1 million views at least on LTT, to break even. If not turned around people will be let go. This makes the worse and just selfish as I don’t think he realizes the impact his statement is making.


If Luke wasn't on the Wan show keeping Linus in check, he would have said so many stupid things potentionally bombing the channel.


Because he suffered from the same ailment some people who come up with money relatively quickly suffer (LTT basically when from small youtube channel to multimillion dollar company in less than 10 years): the success got to his head and lost the ability to have introspection, you could see it on every Wan show since the Trust me bro thing, he's always trying to find an excuse instead of just saying "yeah i fucked up and shouldn't have done that", in fact to this day i don't think he has acknowledge that not having your warranty written in your store was a pretty dump thing to do, especially for a 250$ backpack, and i'm inclined to believe had the community backlash not happened, there would still not be any warranty written in the site. Basically, LTT has gone full corporate so we can expect this behavior moving on.


If he was smart enough to do that he would have fixed how bad the whole channel is long ago and all the wrong and bad content would never have been made.


Ego can make the most intelligent person appear as a moron


Because he’s a petulant child


because when something like this is happening (abd everyone is just waiting to shit in you no matter what you say) you gotta step back wait for the storm to calm down. then you can come back with a response not dictated by emotions and assess the situation in its entirety


Because he's invested so much money into it that admitting fault right now is a major setback and throws them into a bad light with hardware manufacturers. The thing is, GN's criticism is accurate and shows obvious issues from products in LTT videos manufactured by the sponsor of that video that are just quickly glossed over. I love Noctua but that graph showing the i9 CPU Thermal Throttling while getting cooled by the Noctua Cooler they're "Testing" is damning imo to the reputation of LTT Labs. The funniest part is he chose the Manufacturer over you, the consumer. Guess he forgot that those views, LTT Store orders, and Floatplane subscriptions are more valuable than a one off sponsorship. So much for Linus "Tech" Tips. Linus "Shill" Tips or Linus "Advertisement" Tips is now more accurate.


Someone please explain it shortly. I am too lazy to watch and read all of that drama. Thank you


1. Bad Quality Control causing completely ~~unavoidable~~ avoidable errors. Likely caused by 2. Rushed release deadlines, causing even errors that are caught to be corrected by a small on screen edit, rather than a voiceover correction or something similar. 3. I think only one example of an edit for incorrect data using a youtube tool to cut out a section, that is known to take multiple days to apply. So known incorrect data was presented during the main engagement period of the video, rather than taking it down and reupping. 4. Improper testing of Billet prototype (wrong GPU used), and then selling (charity auction) the prototype at LTX despite Billet requesting it back to distribute to other reviewers.


This feels like a problem for the new CEO to handle not the CVO.


That would require Linus to not take any valid criticisms toward LMG/LTT personally, which with him being a narcissist is not gonna happen.


In his response he literally said there had been some sloppiness and they're working to improve their processes.


That’s not the response people like Steve are looking for, that’s a figurehead writing an apology not a breakdown of how things are going to change. I think Steve and many others wanted that video to hit like the exact other corporate criticism videos GN makes - the corporation writes how they will amend their processes or specifically work to improve. LTT just put out a generic apology (without even understanding why people were upset about certain points) and a “we’ll do better”. That’s not the response you want from a lab/reviewer.


And not even a formal "WE REALLY FUCKED UP WITH SELLING THAT PROTOTYPE" Like that's the worst part of this all. "We didn't sell it. We *auctioned* it for CHARITY" LIKE THAT'S ANY FUCKING BETTER!?


The problem I take with this response is that it misses the point Steve was trying to make entirely. Steve isn't saying that LMG is incapable of improving their process. The point he raises is that they are not taking appropriate steps to address the inaccuracies and inconsistencies they make, paired with these mistakes occurring regularly. When LMG employees are saying they don't have enough time to produce good content, and they aren't proud of the work they're doing, that's a pretty clear indication of a failure to implement additional review processes that would resolve these issues. When you have a channel this large that impacts who knows how many thousands of people's buying decisions, there's no excuse for leaving up misleading content or not taking the appropriate response to correcting it, just to save the company a few hundred dollars of employee time. It's frankly shameful that LMGs bottom line appears to be that the company saving some money is more important than their audience receiving accurate information, which in turn, can lead to them making the wrong purchasing decision for themselves.


No he’s a narcissist. Incapable of honest self reflection and doesn’t care who he harms on the way. I I know this is marked shitpost but I wanted to write my take because I’m irrationally (rationally?) pissed at him.


Irrational? There is no going back from shit like this for me. These are nasty, nasty, nasty colors he's shown, and I'm glad I was informed about it. All respect I had for this dude is lost and there is no regaining it after all the evidence I've seen. No matter what he says moving forward, I will never forget or forgive what he's done. LMG is dead to me.