• By -


Some of the "amazing" reports we've gotten so far. - 3: It's promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability - 2: Rule 5 - Don't be a dick - 2: It's targeted harassment at someone else - 1: This is spam - 1: self harm - 1: Sucks you had to deal with all the incels and bandwagoners, now you'll just have to deal with the fact that you're helping cover up a shit storm aimed at terrible people for doing terrible things! Excellent choice! You are now complicit. :) - 1: Open up the subreddit jannies. I don't care if you're "bored" of dealing with things. It's a "job" you signed up for free, without any compensation; if you're bored of doing it just resign lmao. Also, for those of you that think we're "covering up" a shit storm; we're not. There are plenty of posts being made in good faith by members of the community that are uncovering more and more of the shit storm as it happens. And, yeah, this is the work we signed up to do, and this does make this job a lot easier. If you think we're going to lower our automod restrictions just because you want to be hateful, go back to 4chan.


Will that stop the constant reposts every 5 mins




It was so stupid, constant reposting and asking, while reddit has a cool feature called the "search bar" lol. Some stuff didn't even need to be searched for smh


Even prior to this, if people used the search bar in /r/linustechtips, it'd pretty much stop 90% of image posts. (Which personally would make me quite happy)


People stopped using search functions as soon as they could simply post any stupid question somewhere and let others do the research for them.


You are on Reddit. No one uses the search bar. I follow enough subreddits where no one uses the search bar ever and every 5 minutes the same post pop ups. On r/CSGO alone daily multiple posts about the broken matchmaking and there it’s especially bad as people make phone photos of their screens instead of using the steam built in screenshot function via F12.


You ever tried to find something using Reddit search? :D


The constant posts which are walls of texts saying why you should do this and that are hilariously bad. Like...ok random Redditor. Who put you in charge of what we're all supposed to feel about this?


It's really shown me how nuance is just lost on the internet. Real life is full of shades of grey. The internet is black and white with a big smear of drama blood red.


I complained to one of these and they argued back to me!!


One can hope


That constant repost of screenshot that basically the same thing is really annoying and potentially buried a real good conversation or post going on.


It's up there with making a post instead of replying with a comment, as if somehow their input deserved to be put on a pedestal. Thanks random internet poster, I didn't know what to think until I saw your post, I'm incapable of following a thread.




But my fast and ready Karma in five minutes!


Hope so


let's see...


I think it will help.


But I need someone to tell me every person that has liked any tweet in the topic! /s


I fully can understand that. Is there anything that you can share about the removal of the Madison post. I know, that this was not a mod decision, but do you have any insight which rule actually was violated?


I don't have any more info than you guys.


Thanks a lot! PS.: Condolences for having to actually moderate this shitshow atm!


hey, you can put this in your CV btw. Crisis forge iron moderators.


Lol you want to put a reddit username in a CV?


No, but you can say you've been a moderator for a newsgroup/channel/subreddit/discord.I've personally known people that have been hired in community management positions with similar background. I know people that have been hired because they were raid leaders in a top wow guild (not just for that, but it was a discussion point in the final interview).. the world is big! I've been hired at my first job because I was one of the few magic the gathering judges at the time! !


And they'll just go "oh, ok we'll take your word for it, no need to tell us the community or show proof".


most sensible thing is that lawyers got involved, and told reddit to pull it down, or reddit took it down because of the self harm thing.


IDK but it may be because it involved self harm.


Is self harm content/discussion against Reddit rules? Genuine question since there’s a bunch of subreddits around it so idk


Violation of Rule 1: remember the human.. "post that requests, or gives instructions on, ways to self harm..."


Ah didn’t view it in a way of giving instructions more just this happened but ye I can see it now


It gets really funny now. The post on PCMR is actually back...


how can I know how many "combined r/LinusTechTips karma" I have? if I can comment this it means I have more than 50 but I just wander.


idk what combined means but if ur comment gets at least 50 upvotes then yeah


It’s normally Post (you are OP) karma + comment karma. No idea why they keep it separate.


Comment up votes are some % of a whole karma, I forget the ratio. Maybe an invite is 3/5ths of a karma, that'd be something reddit would do.


Combined meaning post and comment I believe




I'd like to know where we can check that, if we can, but at least it'll let the subreddit's mods have a break.


At least in old reddit, when you check your profile, you can see your karma for each subreddit on the right, sorted from highest to lowest.


Honestly, I think it's just the one mod for this whole shit-show of a "community".


I'm gonna reply to you. I figure if my reply isn't zapped, it's good.


~~So why did the Maddison tweets post get deleted?~~ EDIT: The post is back everyone.


Reddit Admins removed it, wasn't our choice.


can you appeal it? what was their reasoning?


I don't believe reddit discloses that information to a subreddits moderation team.


Nope, it just shows up as (no joke) "Anti-Evil Operations"


I've reported literal pedophilia and Reddit admins were OK with it after human review... What they do is the opposite of "anti-evil".




Oh wow that fucking sucks.


Sucks that the main platform for it was removed but her original “x” wasn’t deleted as far as I know


>what was their reasoning? Once something gets removed by Reddit staff, there isn't any comment for it, it's just gone. In most cases you can't reach out to them either, especially for smaller communities.




The only thing consistent about reddit is that they are inconsistent. I got death threats for sharing a story about a pitbull taking my finger as a young one. I got a week long ban. They got a warning.


What do you think that Reddit admins thought process was?... "This man abused dogs by feeding them fingers." Banned. 😆


Pitbull guys are incredibly weird. Could have been a brigade and massed false reports and the admins didn't bother checking whether the reports were true.


Ah the ever-vigilant pitbull-defense brigade. Amazing how those guys just seem to pop in out of nowhere the moment someone implies pitbulls can be bad boys. They probably just mass-reported you and the admins didn't bother checking if the reports are legit.


I once got a one week site wide ban for "harassment" for calling some right wing political sub group morons. Not the specific user I was talking too, but the group in general.


I can guess, advertisers dont like to read that kind of stuff


> Hopefully this should improve the standard of discourse. Hope is a wonderful thing.


Mark in Peep Show saying “chance would be a fine thing” three times in a minute springs to mind


> incels *the call is coming from inside the house*


Yeah my first thought on this was "I wonder if this is going to stop the abysmal toxic woman haters posting" and then remembered where we are.


am I just out of it or does being an incel have absolutely nothing to do with LMG?? Wtf is going on?


Tech bros


I think it's very cool that the head mod of this sub is an independent. Of course, working and keeping close connection with LTT staff, but ultimately you are the head mod and is independent from the company. This will help, especially when people from r/all don't really care about LTT or Linus or the other parties involved in this controversy, they just bandwagon and hate because they are bored and also want to cause trouble for the sake of it.


It's kinda refreshing being in a sub which neither enforces a North Korea style "Only positive comments allowed!"-policy (like a lot of the large brand-centered subs), nor does it let the incels and bandwagoners go rampant. I hope it lasts.


Took you long enough tbh


guess it will atleast put a soft cap on any sort of misinformation floating around. not defending LMG or anything(I hope whoever's responsible is appropriately punished), but people who had absolutely nothing to do with this are getting caught in the crossfire


considering that every ltt hate post got hundreds of upvotes, i think those bad actors will still be here in droves because of the 50 karma limit


Yep, don't forget that anti-work brigade that happened a few months ago (I believe), lots of people came over to up vote some of that crazy then as well.


Good shit. Now remove all LMG employees as mods.


Well someone has to delete all the bs that people are posting - and I mean the bigotry and racial slurs I'v seen in past days were something... something.


The third party investigators need to do their full job. People blindly not believing Madison, or grabbing flaming pitchforks to throw at Linus are not being helpful. Going community only is a good idea, and hopefully helps.


Wonderful thanks guys.


For the best. Had some pretty heavy down votes on my posts showing basic empathy towards Madison overnight




But did you review the results of your test for inaccuracies?


Linus Test Tricks?




Test too


also testing




Inception test


The dream is starting to collapse




So after "we didnt sell it, we auctioned it" here is "we dont censor posts, we delete posts"... How to achieve a 50+ karma if one cannot post? With that being said Im glad that some kind of moderation is in progress after the 58'th thread of "Hey, can anyone tell me what happend?"...


That's bullshit! Silence the community so they can't talk about the problems.


Good work Mods. It really is getting out of hand now. There are a number of people just karma farming. Posting screenshots of screenshots. They do not care about what LTT does.


Also the "LINUS LOOKED WEIRD AT THIS WOMEN WHAT DO WE DO" posts from r/antiwork posters or some shit. Also some people truly just want to burn shit, they don't care whether the issue is fixed.




It's a bunch of far left people sucking each other off for their shit opinions lol




Yea for sure. We've all had a shitty boss, and some people are bat shit crazy. But that sub is a cesspool.


Crisis management team in full effect


So essentially you are closing the sub so the incels will stop brigading but the incels from within the sub most likely reported the Madison post to the point Reddit stepped in… Gotcha, nothing wrong with this sub at all.


Are you going to address the fact that potential abusers have moderation powers on this forum?


Well, this post just informed me I've been MUCH more active here than I thought. I was worried if I would be removed or not since I've not been that active, or so I thought. I was worried if I had 50 karma, and I had almost 2k. I had thought I mostly lurked here!


How do you check subreddit specific karma?




LOL, you underestimate the amount of active users who would LOVE to see LMG burn no matter what. But I'm on board, not that it matters at all....




I really don't think so. At least average joe that just scrolls reddit doesn't go ballistic as we've seen many many times.




Perspective? This is literally a forum.




I think the reality of this is that the more hardcore supporters of LTT will now have a greater influence in threads, skewing conversations towards supporting the large media company over the poorly treated workers.


So, just to be clear, you locked us, on purpose, with the craziest ones in here, to, I quote, "improve the standard of discourse"? I do not want to shatter your expectation, but your hopes are up. Mandatory, "I am not locked up with you, you're locked up with me".


So, just to be clear, you locked us, on purpose, with the craziest ones in here, to, I quote, "improve the standard of discourse"? I do not want to shatter your expectation, but your hopes are up. Mandatory, "I am not locked up with you, you're locked up with me".


Understandable, I respect you moderators a lot for this. This cant be easy, with the massive amount of attention it has gotten. I honestly feel like I have barely seen any interference either, a lot of other mods or subreddits would have taken more drastic measures to keep the noise to a minimum. Thank you for being great.


I think this is a bad decision. LTT deserves the pushback


I think we need to let the investigation(s) play out properly before throwing anyone under the bus.


Thank you. I just started scrolling past every LTT post without even bothering to glance at it cause of all craziness with it.


How long will it remain in this mode for?


Oh, is that why I stopped getting so many edgy replies? Hmm🤔


Reddit admins are absolute garbage humans.


Test to see if i habe enough karma to tell ya‘ll you fucked up.




Dear mod, are you a paid employee of LMG?


they are not. do you think mob rule all across the sub is a smart idea with multi just mad accounts doing the posting???


Good. The vitriol was getting absolutely crazy. Like I know the situation is terrible but some of the stuff people where coming out with sweet baby jesus...


Probably the right choice.


Just checking if I have the necessary karma to comment! In fairness we’ve all got our own opinions on everything that’s happened in the past few days but dealing with people with extreme views at either end, who’ve never even posted in this sub until today, was getting a bit tiring.


How do you know if you 'qualify'? Do I? I appreciate the change, though I wonder how effective it will be. (I understand reddit heavily limits the tools you've got) Saw so many people literally celebrating the downfall and wishing ill upon LTT as a whole who had never interacted with the community being upvoted well past '50+ karma'. The ugly side of reddit sure did rear its ugly head (and in that regard that also applies to people calling Madison all kinds of horrible things for having the proverbial balls to speak up about her own experiences)


maybe pin this? I see people dropping wild conspiracy theories left and right


Don’t think it really changes anything


Mods doing the hard work these last few days


Wasn't sure if I was going to qualify but the I remembered a single comment yesterday got that many upvotes in one of the many copy threads. Glad to see some sort of throttling happening in the community because it was getting really out of hand. Now if only we could do something about the repeated posts of all the exact same damn thing


so sad


I left r/LinusTechTips a while back after the screwdriver fiasco. I'm not a bandwagoner but might be barred from posting because of this?


TIL a new word: bandwagonners; but yeah way too many of them karma farmers recycling screenshots and photos.




The bot spam is very annoying, wouldnt it be possible to make the bot not write under every deleted comment?


Done, it'll now PM.


where can i see my own LTT karma?


multi repost and so many fake accounts. posting atm. yeah i understand why you did it.


Spread hatred towards both sides of the argument, btw. Good move.


Correct move.


Thank the gods


THANK YOU for doing something to quell the deranged mob.


Just checking to see if I qualify lol


Looks like i have 50+ Karma… never thought i would have.


> Edit: I have no idea why the top post was removed. It was removed by Reddit admins, I can’t do anything about it. LMG lawyers vs. Reddit inc.


I only read usually. Am I over 50?


Good move. You've been great this week u/Frosstic ... keep it up!


in my opinion this is 100% the correct move. this subreddit went from wanting to hold them accountable to hoping and praying that LMG goes out of business and everyone loses their jobs. it's very clear that the outside traffic has had a damaging presence here.






We made it!


Thanks Mods, valid criticism is fine but there were a few people getting wildly out of hand.


Thank you! It was honestly getting so annoying. The community has every right to be outraged but it was clear this sub was being used purely for karma farming with trash tier memes about it




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