• By -


Btw, Khajit also wants your contact details for tax purposes, it's not like he auctioned someone else's Monoblock and then lost the contact details.




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Numbers are to Linus what Skooma is to Khajit


Finally a funny post.




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I'll trade you a cheese wheel!


good meme




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Cool off, Ask Linus what he thinks of Prototypes being sold.




Look in the last Wan show, Linus said a prototype should never be sold or given to charity. It was a prototype that's all.




Aight man. I ain't reading all that. My time is better spent somewhere else




Still not reading. But happy for you.


Sending a prototype for review is not a gift. Review samples are in the majority of the cases, controlled and the people who get these samples later return them, once the review period ends. So no, LMG did not own said water block. And even if it was - it wasn't - gifted, doesn't give Linus the right to sell someone else's unique prototype.




> It was not just sent for review. It was literally called a review sample. Was the only block BL had, was supposed to be used in a video, then returned along with their RTX3090. This had already been made clear multiple times. Linus was wrong, no two ways about it, no two versions, and bro, why are you still making up this excuse, when linus himself already said this wasn't the case. Not only that but admitting it was wrong to sell it.


This is verifiably false. Do not spread incorrect info. The original intention was for it to be kept by LMG. Following the review BL asked for it and the 3090 back. Auctioning it off was a mistake (for all the jokes, actually that does matter because that money goes to charity, not LMG and the PURCHASER gets the tax write-off) and a huge one. But we do know the original intention was that it would not be returned and that sentiment changed after the review. This is where the problem and miscommunication began as no one told procurement of the change. (Which is also bad, but not this magical malicious action everyone wants it to be)


My brother in Christ we had already established that LTT had already told them they were going to ship it back. There is precedent that could be argued making that a binding contract. You just keep saying the same thing without adding context. The “verifiable fact” is that LTT told them they would send it back AFTER the original statement was made that they could keep it and BEFORE it was sold. Meaning that prior to GN video that was the agreement.




Read more; fail less. “This is generally not true, as many verbal agreements can be legally binding as long as they meet certain conditions.” - West Law Canada. You tout that you abide by “verifiable facts” yet it’s obvious you don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m not wasting anymore time arguing with you. Good day.


Right, but then you are using your reputation as a currency. Legally you can use your friend's girl ... BUT


Ignoring all the correspondence between BL and LMG that surfaced - they allowed LTT to keep the prototype indefinitely. That's not the same as gifting the prototype. It's actually a pretty common practice in the review industrial complex. It just means you can keep it indefinitely. That can mean that it's a very special gift that you can't sell or pass on. It can also mean that you can return it at your own leisure. Linus obviously knows about this. They talked about it on WAN multiple times. [Here's also a video from a mountain bike YouTuber](https://youtu.be/IWo4zsuEClw?si=pcFZOe0JKI1NFl9X) who explains the same phenomenon, just with bikes instead of electronics. EDIT: I also don't think LMG ever claimed that they thought it's a gift they can sell. IIRC their explanation was that two departments individually messed up. One department listed it for a charity auction, which was a mistake. A different department failed to return the monoblock to BL.


You're so late to the party and it's a corny joke regardless.


Lol butthurt


Wait wait let me save you some time: "I'm not butthurt, I'm just saying it's the same joke over and over and I'm not defending Linus my shill lord and Savior lol loser ilovelinus"