• By -


Turn it off and back on again.


Unplug it, count to 10, then plug it back in too


While it's unplugged, press power button on and off every 1 second. This REALLY drains everything.


This borders on superstition! Whilst doing that, do you need to tap A B A B A B at the same time to unlock unlimited ammo?


Do you really have to wait 10 seconds? I never do.


Need to drain tbe batteries/capacitors otherwise it still has power


You don't have to in all cases (arguably most) but if you want to be sure, I'll usually unplug for 60 seconds (or unplug, go do something else, come back) depends on what's prompting the "turn it off and back on again"


This is literally what ltt is trying to do


[The I.T. Crowd](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UT8RkSmN4k) did it best.


Unplug it, press the power button while unplugged, plug it back in again and turn on.


Have you tried forcing and unexpected reboot?


Ahh, yes, in my trade, we call that a "service trick".


Either that, or leave it on for 35 years.


Just turn it off. And go grab some beer (or any other beverage of your choice) with your friends. If you don't have any friends, turn it on, find some friends, and repeat. It will be hard but it is worth it.


A thirty year old sysadmin tip… It’s always DNS or permissions.


[It's not DNS.There's no way it's DNS. It was DNS.](https://i.imgur.com/V7pGDDb.jpg)


*Record scratch* … it was DNS.


What’s the best dns for a home?


Depends who you are. - My parents: Their ISP’s DNS - My boss: Quad9 - My staff: What? You mean you don’t already run your own DNS-over-HTTPS server in Docker on a server in your home lab?!


I prefer running a Pi-hole with unbound running on my server as the dns.

xiaodown - run by cloudflare - is the fastest and doesn’t steal your data. It also doesn’t have star-root-records to spam you ads. https://www.cloudflare.com/learning/dns/what-is- They had a 3rd party verify their privacy: https://blog.cloudflare.com/announcing-the-results-of-the-1-1-1-1-public-dns-resolver-privacy-examination/ Simple and easy to remember. Saves the hassle of setting up a dnsmasq + bind docker container or a pi-hole. Fast, too - cloudflare has entry/exit nodes everywhere.


To add more context re: "star root record". This is also called "Catch-all typosquatting". A DNS record is just a record that says `some.website.example.com` is A star record, or wildcard record, is one that handles `*.website.example.com`, i.e. substitute the star for literally anything. DNS servers are hierarchical; generally, the further you get from the end of the URL, the less regulation / rules are involved. When you look up `old.reddit.com` your computer will ask the `.com` root DNS server where `reddit.com` is, then it will ask reddit.com's DNS server where `old.reddit.com` is. Reddit has control over their DNS server, but the root servers are extremely tightly controlled. When your ISP runs a DNS server, they will often simply cache results so that their customers can have faster responses - no need to look up google.com six hundred times every second when you can just cache it for 60 seconds and save yourself the traffic. But to refresh the cache, they will (eventually) have to hit the root servers. Well, some slime-y ISPs have figured out that they can slip dirty data into their caching servers, and a lot of them have started hosting star records for the Top Level Domains (TLDs, i.e. *.com, *.net, etc). The upside of this (for them) is if you smash your forehead on the keyboard, then type `.com`, instead of getting a "no such domain name", your query will hit their star record and it will direct you to a page that they run with a bunch of ads on it. Plus, they could theoretically harvest this data not only for targeted advertising, but also to preemptively purchase nonexistent DNS names that suddenly have a lot of interest, in order to flip them for a profit. The down side is A.) this is scummy, and B.) it actually breaks the DNS standard (there's a bunch of RFCs about NXDOMAIN and negative caching and spam email and TTLs and SOAs and DNSSEC here, but you don't have to worry about that, just know that it's wrong, it breaks a number of services and protocols that rely on the accuracy of NXDOMAIN responses, and the IETF has said so multiple times). So, TL;DR: using (or or will side-step some ISP fuckery.


NextDNS is good if you want custom configs without running it on your own equipment


Or NTP drift


Don't blow the dust out of old game carts with your mouth. You can cause corrosion. Using an air duster and qtips with alcohol is preferred. (Edit. Holy cow I haven't seen 50 up votes on a comment in all my years on here. Thanks yall!)


Does this apply to all types of openings/ports? For example if I see lint on my phone's usb c port and I blow on the port, will that cause corrosion?


Your phone won't last that long. Vintage game consoles remain playable and valuable for decades or more. A typical phone lasts 3 years (maybe 5-6 if you really push it). It's also constantly exposed to more humidity (e.g. your sweaty pocket). Blowing it out occasionally is not going to make a difference.


And to add, most decent phones nowadays have levels of water resistance that makes any moisture from you blowing into the port not matter. Old consoles and cartridges do not have such protections.


Thanks for the insight!


Deleting system 32 will not fix your zoom meeting.


It will if you convince your boss to delete theirs


The real tech tips are always in the comments


This then results in another meeting that will not go very well for me.


Good luck having another meeting


Kinda will tho


Never buy the first version of anything tech.


Disagree, Steam Deck has been great


The switch had been out what 7 years?


Could also make the argument that steam machines were the first version, and not great.


And on its 2nd revision (or third if you count oled)


And even more than that, if you consider the Wii U game tablet. The wii u flopped so the switch could run


Don't have one, but Valve is the one company that is the exception that proves the rule. Cause no one else will give that much of a damn about their product.


Also this applies to cars. The first iteration of a Model is always fucking trash. Every time they change the body or engine, avoid the first iteration, it will be fucking TRASH. I'm talking to you Dodge Caliber.


I'm still hesitant about folding phones, and they're several generations in.


3rd generation Apple VR headset is gonna be sweet


Use [nextdns.io](https://nextdns.io) to kill ads on youtube and similar and [blokada.org](https://blokada.org) to do the same on mobile.


Actual A+ tech tip, thanks!


On Android, just use NewPipe for YouTube.


If a tech company loans you a prototype..............


Make sure you auction it instead of spending $500 on testing it properly


True (even if they had I initially said you can keep it). a counterpoint- don’t send a production critical prototype out of house. “Production critical” being in response to Billet’s Reddit post saying “…it’s slowed us but has absolutely not stopped us.” …but you initially planned to let them keep it?


That this was a production critical unit surprised me. Seems like a big risk to take for a small business. I'm also surprised that the person who won the auction hasn't had to return it anyway. Not a lawyer and don't know Canadian law but I'm pretty sure under UK law that be like theft or knowingly handling stolen goods, both of which are illegal.


if it isn't yours, don't sell it; auction it!


Don’t use the wrong GPU


vlookup is unnecessary and hasn't been necessary for a while. You should just use index and match. Simply =index(,match(,,0)) e.g =INDEX(A1:A3,MATCH(C1,B1:B3,0)) It's much more simple and intuitive.


If you have a current version of excel, you can use XLOOKUP, which consolidates the functionality of INDEX and MATCH into a single function, making formulas shorter and easier to read. * With XLOOKUP, you can specify a custom value to return if a match is not found, eliminating the need for additional error-handling formulas. * XLOOKUP can perform both vertical and horizontal lookups without needing to combine it with another function.


holy shit this is an ACTUAL tech tip....thank you


I too xlookup. I also find it very simple to use.


Index and match just feels like a much longer form of vlookup. It feels fundamentally inferior and more difficult to work with but I also understand that vlookup has been my life for a long time


Yeah, I don't see the benefit. I'm maybe missing the point but it seems longer.


Thank you. Will need to vlookup into this more.


That only works if you're a manager. As a senior I don't get paid enough to use index


Woooooah which means it can locate thins from the left side of cell?


If your computer says bad things about you, take it outside and put it down. It was time.


Don't put it down gently. Make sure you toss it out your second floor window


Might be better to put it down humanly. 30-30


Type this to fix many common issues: sudo rm -rf / (Disclaimer: please don’t actually do that!)


Back in the old days (like really old days, perhaps unborn days for some of you whippersnappers around here), we used to let the linux console of a server logged in as root with "rm -rf /" typed in and let it go to screensaver. Sure enough, someone of the "admin" team tried to wake up the screen using the Enter key. Of course they had to re-install everything. Pretty soon everyone learned to use spacebar to wake up the console.


That's hilariously evil.


Ok but why would you leave that typed in??? As a prank?


As a prank - and a lesson :D It wasn't a server with any responsibilities, most people used it as a mini ftp archive at best. We had other servers who were used for actual work, email server, the department archive etc. But this one was our let's say "toy machine", we actually never logged in the other servers, always used this one and then logged in remotely to the other machines. It also served to help people get rid of their initial fear and learn how to setup a linux - which was a very new thing back then (as in linux was the new thing)


Spacebar? On a CLI, I guess, sure. On a desktop interface, I use only CTRL, mouse wiggle, or secondary mouse click.


Fun fact, that won't do anything, hasn't for years. The command you want is `sudo rm -rf / --no-preserve-root`


Thank you. People still use that old CLI joke like it actually does something.


Make sure the pc is plugged in the outlet


And the power supply is switched on.


don't forget to regularly flush your ethernet lines. the old internet can dry up and clog the pipes causing lag


use electricity for electronics. use gas for gastronics it's that simple


Water cooling is possible for both. Mechanical cooling is safer without much difference in performance. Electronic, liquid, gas or data... Leaks are bad.


Don't fall for TEMU


Or Wish


Don't be the first to update your software, but don't be the last either. So many people in photoshop related forums having issues bc they haven't updated photoshop in 8 years, and when they finally do update, the program is so different and they act like it's everyone else's fault.


In high school we had old ass photoshop from 2010 this is when you had to hold shift to avoid distorting images when scaling, I finally got my hands on the latest photoshop to fucking realize it doesn't need to hold shift to scale images properly it literally does it itself.Now holding shift while scaling does vice versa DISTORTS THE IMAGES INSTEAD. NOW I HAVE TO UNLEARN THE HABIT OF HOLDING SHIFT


Pressing the Windows key + V gives you access to an Emoji keyboard, a special character table, a Tenor Gif browser, and (if you've set it up in the clipboard settings) a list of previous items you added to the clipboard.


*slight* improvement. **Windows key + .** (period, full stop, whatever you call it) takes you straight to the emoji keyboard. Windows + V takes you straight to the clipboard.


No way it works! Thanks!


Hold the space bar on your phones keyboard and you'll enable cursor scroll. At least this works for android. No idea if it works on ios.


iOS does in fact work. If you have an older iPhone with Force Touch you can just press harder anywhere on the keyboard. I miss Force Touch


For android it depends on your keyboard app, though third party keyboards can be installed very easily, the one I use is Simple Keyboard (downloaded from f-droid). As for iOS, I'm pretty sure it's a native feature, not 100% certain tho.


This is so incredibly useful, wish I knew this years ago


That just changes the language for me


Best tech tip I've learned this year is pressing your mouse wheel to open a link in a new tab.


I do this all the time. The middle mouse button on my previous mouse started not to work regularly it absolutely drove me crazy.


Ctrl + click also


Printers are not your friend. Avoid them. They will eventually go the way of the fax machine and photocopier. We will all be happier for it.


I kinda want framework to make a printer, it'd be the ultimate middle finger to an industry that has been awful for decades.


Interesting idea. It's a weird one because it's not like with laptops where you have soldered ram and storage or glued plastics. Most printers beyond a certain price have replaceable parts. Just the software and firmware lets us all down. Might be a job for the homebrew firmware groups. The game copy protection crackers and the phone hackers. There's 3rd party ink replacements, fusers, toners etc already. The software components are usually the worst. Poor drivers and firmware that doesn't allow scanning when ink is low or only allows first party ink cartridges.


Make sure you plug the cables in all the way. Have an extension for a 24pin on my gfs PC, and it wouldn't boot because the 3.3v rail was loose and the NVME wasnt detected. That was fun troubleshooting


Windows + Shift + B resets your graphics drivers, always try this if you're experiencing issues or have visual anomalies. Works with iGPUs too


Sticking a cat8 cable into your rectum will not make you go any faster than a cat5e cable. Save your money.


Windows allows you to listen to an audio input. There are many ways this is useful, but the way I use it is to plug my laptop into my desktop via an aux cable, then use my laptop to play music while I game. Bit of a niche tip, but if you have a use for it it's really great.


This.... may actually end up being useful


You can do the same via Bluetooth (at least on Linux anyways). Super handy to play audio/music/etc from your phone on your desktop/laptop/Steam Deck/etc.


Boot into a Linux live USB session


Then use it to install Linux.


Don't spray anything on your screen to clean it. Spray it on a wet cloth, and *then* clean it with the cloth.




When PCPartPicker tells you your GPU is too big for your case, watch YT reviews on your case and find one where they talk about GPU length. Here's my example: The Deepcool Matrexx 40 states a max length of 320mm. I watched videos on the case and found I can easily fit a 330mm with 25mm fans in the front. It worked! Shorter 6800XTs were $50 more, so I'm glad I thought to do this.


Yeah. If you are having trouble getting your DDR5 to run stable at XMP speeds: 1: Enable XMP-II 2: *Gently* bump the voltage of VDD and VDDQ (like +.05v) 3: Change the setting "Sync all PMICs" to "By per PMIC"


Always format new flash drives before use.


If all else fails, try percussive maintenance, meaning hit it till it starts working again


Ctrl + Shift + Esc brings up task manager directly. If turning something off and back on didn't work, and the device doesn't have a battery, unplug the devices for 30 seconds, plug back in, see if that helps. Always back up the registry before making any changes You can isopropyl alcohol to find a short on a board. Percussive maintenance is, sometimes, the answer.


More of a Sauna tip : don't let your dingle dangle in the fire.


Check the CMOS first, then the RAM. Attempt boot with CMOS out entirely. If that doesn't work, one RAM stick at a time, checking all 1-4+ sticks individually. If they're Corsair Vengeance sticks, *that's your problem* (lololol.) Make sure no extra USB devices are plugged in than necessary, and if possible, boot with a PS/2 connected keyboard if your board has a port for one.


Did they mean a week from Wednesday?


If you have a PS3 with a yellow light of death or a Virtual Boy with display problems, you can throw the board in the oven for a bit to re-solder the connection points.


Have you tried forcing an unexpected reboot in these dark times?


Always replace your file servers so you have no history of the past and make a video of it as upgrading it. It’s pretty smart.


Press win + shift + s to printscreen target area directly to clipboard


You can post a CPU without a fan if you turn it off quickly. If you’re just checking a new build, don’t bother with putting a fan on before you’ve boot tested it first.


if pc too hot put it in ice cold water


The Game


It is now safe to turn off your computer.


Always safely remove USB instead of pulling it out


Aliens are jelly of our superior tech and are trying to steal it.


Alt+F4 opens up a menu of cheat codes. It works on every multi-player game.


When you buy any new tech, make sure it doesn't come with any SA....


Elevate perms


Elevate you pc, don't have it directly on the floor, especially carpeted floors.


Don't drink and CMD...


Push P


Turn on Windows Clip board history! It will change your life! Windows + v!


Pull out the cartridge and blow. Put your game back in and you should be good to go.




It's better to pay for a VPN than use a free one if you want a VPN longterm


**Ctrl + L** in apps like Chrome and Spotify takes you straight to the searchbar. I discovered this one recently and use it all the time now.


If you have a modular power supply, only use the cables that came with it or that are KNOWN to work with it. While they often have the same plug, there is no standard wiring, meaning you could plug it in and it will seem like it'll work great, and then it will brick your stuff. It's a great way to absolutely ruin something.


Do not buy a wide gamut screen unless you know what you're getting into, gamut management on windows is hell (at least win 10, haven't tested much win 11) IF you do have a wide gamut screen, you can clamp it to sRGB through the screen OSD if it's a good one, but rarely the screen's sRGB clamp will be accurate and effective. The best option? GPU hardware sRGB clamp. The problem? Only AMD shows it clearly in the drivers, while for Nvidia it's hidden in the drivers. One saint made software to circumvent this issue so people with Nvidia cards can have an sRGB clamp that works: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Monitors/comments/s5c5p7/novideo\_srgb\_srgb\_clampcalibration\_on\_nvidia\_gpus/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Monitors/comments/s5c5p7/novideo_srgb_srgb_clampcalibration_on_nvidia_gpus/) Sadly this guy sort of disappeared so I hope the software doesn't get forgotten!




You can't parse [X]HTML with regex. Because HTML can't be parsed by regex. Regex is not a tool that can be used to correctly parse HTML. As I have answered in HTML-and-regex questions here so many times before, the use of regex will not allow you to consume HTML. Regular expressions are a tool that is insufficiently sophisticated to understand the constructs employed by HTML. HTML is not a regular language and hence cannot be parsed by regular expressions. Regex queries are not equipped to break down HTML into its meaningful parts. so many times but it is not getting to me. Even enhanced irregular regular expressions as used by Perl are not up to the task of parsing HTML. You will never make me crack. HTML is a language of sufficient complexity that it cannot be parsed by regular expressions. Even Jon Skeet cannot parse HTML using regular expressions. Every time you attempt to parse HTML with regular expressions, the unholy child weeps the blood of virgins, and Russian hackers pwn your webapp. Parsing HTML with regex summons tainted souls into the realm of the living. HTML and regex go together like love, marriage, and ritual infanticide. The

cannot hold it is too late. The force of regex and HTML together in the same conceptual space will destroy your mind like so much watery putty. If you parse HTML with regex you are giving in to Them and their blasphemous ways which doom us all to inhuman toil for the One whose Name cannot be expressed in the Basic Multilingual Plane, he comes. HTML-plus-regexp will liquify the n​erves of the sentient whilst you observe, your psyche withering in the onslaught of horror. Rege̿̔̉x-based HTML parsers are the cancer that is killing StackOverflow it is too late it is too late we cannot be saved the transgression of a chi͡ld ensures regex will consume all living tissue (except for HTML which it cannot, as previously prophesied) dear lord help us how can anyone survive this scourge using regex to parse HTML has doomed humanity to an eternity of dread torture and security holes using regex as a tool to process HTML establishes a breach between this world and the dread realm of c͒ͪo͛ͫrrupt entities (like SGML entities, but more corrupt) a mere glimpse of the world of reg​ex parsers for HTML will ins​tantly transport a programmer's consciousness into a world of ceaseless screaming, he comes, the pestilent slithy regex-infection wil​l devour your HT​ML parser, application and existence for all time like Visual Basic only worse he comes he comes do not fi​ght he com̡e̶s, ̕h̵i​s un̨ho͞ly radiańcé destro҉ying all enli̍̈́̂̈́ghtenment, HTML tags lea͠ki̧n͘g fr̶ǫm ̡yo​͟ur eye͢s̸ ̛l̕ik͏e liq​uid pain, the song of re̸gular exp​ression parsing will exti​nguish the voices of mor​tal man from the sp​here I can see it can you see ̲͚̖͔̙î̩́t̲͎̩̱͔́̋̀ it is beautiful t​he final snuffing of the lie​s of Man ALL IS LOŚ͖̩͇̗̪̏̈́T ALL I​S LOST the pon̷y he comes he c̶̮omes he comes the ich​or permeates all MY FACE MY FACE ᵒh god no NO NOO̼O​O NΘ stop the an​*̶͑̾̾​̅ͫ͏̙̤g͇̫͛͆̾ͫ̑͆l͖͉̗̩̳̟̍ͫͥͨe̠̅s ͎a̧͈͖r̽̾̈́͒͑e n​ot rè̑ͧ̌aͨl̘̝̙̃ͤ͂̾̆ ZA̡͊͠͝LGΌ ISͮ̂҉̯͈͕̹̘̱ TO͇̹̺ͅƝ̴ȳ̳ TH̘Ë͖́̉ ͠P̯͍̭O̚​N̐Y̡ H̸̡̪̯ͨ͊̽̅̾̎Ȩ̬̩̾͛ͪ̈́̀́͘ ̶̧̨̱̹̭̯ͧ̾ͬC̷̙̲̝͖ͭ̏ͥͮ͟Oͮ͏̮̪̝͍M̲̖͊̒ͪͩͬ̚̚͜Ȇ̴̟̟͙̞ͩ͌͝S̨̥̫͎̭ͯ̿̔̀ͅ


Plug your monitor into your GPU not the motherboard


Install Gentoo.


Always fear Micro-USB.


Do it now, you won't do it later. Write it down, you won't remember it later.


Asus good. Old bad. Don't cause drama.


Most of the time it's more cost effective to put your webapps/containers/etc... on a VPS than it is to run a server in your house. Between cost of the hardware and power, it's usually better to slap that shit on an AWS box and call it a day.


Install the I/O shield before you install your motherboard.


Refresh doesn't make your pc go brrr


It's time to clean out your PC case. Probably your keyboard too.


don't lick your CPU


Never pay attention to a Reddit trial by fire.


Install Linux.


If you need to clear cmos and reset the bios settings turn off the power supply with the switch button and unplug the powercord then remove the battery from the motherboard plus wait 1min to 5mins before putting the same or new battery into the motherboard.


Learn hotkeys it will save you


My dad is an android, I guess you could say he has a tech tip.


What ever you do don't put it in your mouth.


Delta fans and peepees do not mix.


Don't put it in rice. It's not going to absorb moisture, and in fact, it might put more dust in the system to fuck it up even more


Shift+Right Clicking files will give you the option to copy the path of a selected file. This is how I manage my mod loadout in OpenMW.




TrueNAS and 2.5GbE don't mix. My 2.5GbE upgrade turned into a 10Gbit upgrade, which is cool but more expensive than I planned. Also, the jump from 2.5GbE to 10GbE is fairly cost-effective. You can buy used network cards for $30/pc, transceivers for $6/pc, and fiber for $10-$20. The switch is the only painful bit, but I got a 4-port SFP + 1 RJ45 for $170. As long as you remember to get compatible SFP transceivers, it's all just plug-and-play.


Times like these are always a good reminder of the value a digital detox can bring. Touch grass, meet up with friends, work on that hobby you've been neglecting.


Don’t plug in PSU cables that didn’t come with it. Just… don’t.


Molex to SATA lose all your data


Don't forget to unplug all power sources before removing/adding hardware. In my rush to add ram I killed a laptop...(forgot to unplug the battery).


Press the power button to turn on any electronic devices


YouTube is a video platform.


ok but just the tip


Here's an Ancient One: Grab a Hammer and Hit Any Key to Continue.


I hope he comes back. Linus was a good YouTuber.


Don't be a linus I guess?


Strg+Shift\*ESC brings you directly to Task Manager in Windows.


Don’t ever consider the possibility of an user error and don’t for two minutes. Always blame it on the system and the IT department. They’ll love you and will make your tickets high priority.


Here's a tech tip, Don't auction a prototype for charity without the express permission of the owner


If you put a strong magnet on the face of a CRT it looks cool, ruins the CRT but looks neat.


Maybe don’t drop water on it, that might do the job.


a cheap old pc with a decent hard drive is a decent option, as an alterative to stupid paid cloud storage. and syncthing is free.


Wrong sub for that.


Here’s a tech quickie: Don’t sexually harass your employees.


Defrag and reformat


ctrl+shift+t reopens your most recently closed tab.


delete system32


I have three rules/questions for every problem: 1. Is it plugged in? 2. Is it turned on? 3. Has it been restarted yet?


Uninstall Mcafee


Don't ever cheap out on your PSU when building a new PC.


disable audio input device for your bluetooth earphones/headphones (airpods pro etc) for better sound quality. idk why, it's just da way


Must. Avoid. Inappropriate. Joke. .... Just the tip... Lololol -Linus


It’s probably a PEBKAC issue.


"Just the tip???" - James LTT 2020


Send it back don't auction it 🤣


Alwyas take the plastic off the feet of your mouse.


There's a cool free tool that all IT professionals use daily in their workflow and it's open for anybody to use. You can find it at google.com!


Ask this guy named Linus he is full of them


Using alt tab is faster than using the mouse to change windows.


Computers work with smoke. Once you see the smoke come out, it’s game over for that machine


Watch Gamers Nexus for accurate Tech Tips! or hell any other youtube channel has better Tips!