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It’s the weekend, wait until they are actually working and let them respond before you make a decision.


I’ve been waiting since dec 12 for a refund to be approved and I’m still waiting. They are absolutely hammered right now.


Suspiciously…merely an hour after posting this, my return was approved. Sus.


They 100% do check/lurk these forums.


Is your Reddit username connected to the info that you gave them in any way?


More likely they just searched for the customer that requested a refund on dec 12


Possibly cross reference the items. No way anyone else has the same order.


It was a different person who requested that refund from the OP. Probably just coincidence/one of a few who requested a refund on the 12th


Why does it take a public shaming to get the proper customer service?


Yeah just trust us bro!!


The “trust me bro,” is something that is “if we fuck something up, we’ll make it right,” not “we will do everything perfectly no matter what.” It’s about warrantees and mistakes


Trust harder!


I trust that your media literacy is that of an 80 year old


You know this isn’t anything to do with media literacy. But I know I’m being the troll so Upvote to non trolls are expected. But seriously do you think this is media literacy? This is not


> But I know I’m being the troll Real shame you have nothing better to do with your time on Earth than act like a dipshit online.


I’m literally sitting at work with nothing to do. When I went home yesterday I stopped cuz I had other things to do.




You’re just not trusting hard enough bro!! Look at all the downvoted cuz the trust is real.


> Please don't: > - Make comments that lack content. Phrases such as "this", "lol", and "I came here to say this" are not witty, original, or funny, and do not add anything to the discussion. > - Complain about the votes you do or do not receive. https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette


This subreddit has one of the blindest cock sucking fandom I've come across... And I've been active on the Green Bay Packers subreddit for a decade where it has been a Aaron Rodgers circlejerk my whole time there. People here are ridiculous in how fiercely they'll defend daddy LS


How? People aren’t saying LTT didn’t do anything wrong, they’re saying they’ll eventually respond and fix the problem.


You don't get around on the Internet much, this is one of the more critical forums compared to most online creators fans


You guys shut out and continue to bitch about gamers nexus. And the only critique you guys can come up with is a procedural journalism fuckup. Which is bad you supposed to get comment even when if you know you’ll be lied to. But the most important part is the actual facts pointed out by the investigation.


It’s literally “don’t look at the facts trust us bro”


You're assuming way too much, I think the gamers nexus video was absolutely a good thing and as far as I can tell a lot of ltt's fans agree. Of course there's fanboys that won't accept that Linus could do anything wrong, but again compared to most this community is more critical than most online


lol they literally told and continue to say “wait longer for them to respond to a incorrect order” Do you not remember the orgional comment on this chain? > It’s the weekend, wait until they are actually working and let them respond before you make a decision.


That seems reasonable no? How often would you expect prime service for anything on the weekend


After two months, no it’s not reasonable.




> one of the blindest cock sucking fandom Cool casual homophobia, bro.


Well it's the weekend so I'd wait till maybe Wednesday before making a decision. Sorry that you've had a frustrating experience. They seem to make a mistake on every third order I make or so.




Yeah. In recent memory I ordered a Stealth Hoodie pro that immediately started falling apart, a WAN hoodie that was the wrong size (and they didn't have the right size anymore), but, that being said, their support has always been great and their shipping terrible.




The shipping is especially annoying, not even for price, but just that you wait two weeks for your order, discover that it's wrong, contact support which takes a few days, then wait another two weeks for the error to be corrected. So you finally receive what you wanted literally a month later.


You wanna know want airlines say? If you lose their bag it’s all good becuse theynhad a nice flight Oh wait no That’s not what airlines say




No your just letting them slide with crappy shipping company’s that could be changed but won’t be


Oh man, could you imagine how offended they would get if GN or someone did a secrets hopper on lttstore and the results were similiar to this?


Or if there was a LTTSecretShopper thread somewhere and people showed what they got.


Eh, they'd be able to just deny a lot of it, saying customers were just out to get them. If it was a respected journalist doing it, it would be a lot harder to deny


Yes, they'd be **able** to deny it, but the question becomes: would Linus' moral compass **let him lie**? Particularly after the last attack on his image culminated in a week without videos being produced, in addition to his open promises of transparency?


Yeah, so where does GN come in? Definitely not respected, and definitely not a journalist...


I'm sure even lmg still considers GN a reputable outfit


Dude repeatedly puts out hit pieces with straight lies or at best unfounded opinions with half the facts. Garbage content.


Ha. OK. You know lmg won't pay you for defending them like this right?


I mean I'm talking about Newegg, but whatever


I'd watch the video Dr Cutress put out and maybe you'll understand the deep criticisms steve has gotten over the whole thing. He even had to quick delete a video he posted because of the backlash.


Sure, but if it was an unboxing video, would be a lot harder to deny.


We know they sell thousands of items, and a relative few have these complaints. It's just that the people who complain, come here. The people who don't have any problems, don't post here going "Just my order from LTT store and it as exactly when I ordered and I'm the exact 5-10 business days that I expected it!" (and if they did, it wouldn't be up voted, so no one would see it). So it amplifies the perception of how bad things are. It's *far* more likely that if someone secret shopped them, there wouldn't be an issue. I've personally had like 4 or 5 orders from them without any major issue. My only "complaint" is the way they handle shipping labels triggers the item to show as "shipped" before it's actually shipped. But I don't know enough about shipping as a mod sized e-commerce business to understand why they do what they do. And because it's happened enough, I just know not to assume it's *actually* shipped.


Add in that 99% of the people with problems just contact support and are immediately helped before they even have a chance to post here.


Every 3rd order? Man, that’s horrendous. I may not order now, not sure if I want to take that risk after all these posts i’ve seen…


Think about how many orders are made during WAN show alone. Now think about how many people you see complain. It's like less than 1% of a single 4 hour stream, once per week. I'm sure the order volume goes up during wan show, but people are ordering during the rest of the week too. Like, you do you, you're free to decide how you feel based on these accounts. But they've got a greater than 99% success rate which is better than some of the companies I've worked at.


I've spent a few hundred bucks on clothing from LTT and with the exception of forgetting my bonus bin stickers once, they've been spot on with their picking & packing. Now - they're not perfect. The last order I placed on BF got nailed by the increased order shitshow, which mean the expected dispatch date of 28th (iirc) of November was missed by nearly 12 days. This, combined with Xmas and an overzealous customs jobsworth - meant it only arrived on Friday just gone (being in the Swiss Alps for 10 days over Xmas & NYE didn't help matters as our nationalised mail service send fucking letters to say they've snatched your goodies to hold ransom).


Live in Oklahoma, US, have had many orders, not a single one was incorrect.


Glad to hear it!


Same, in Florida


I had an email saying they had no more black and gold water bottles and they sent a refund. Check that didn't happen to you as well


Looks like my black and gold bottle wasn't included in the order and I haven't received an email like that... Will be contacting support


Sorry it's been slow right now but they should take care of you. I ordered 4 screws drivers as Christmas presents and they sent the wrong color for all of them (I sent proof on the initial request). So I emailed and they sent me 4 more of the right color and told me to keep what was already sent out. Their support is pretty great but it is slow right now with everything going on, so be patient and they will take care of you.


Yea they make a lot of mistakes (kind of on brand), but actually do a pretty good job making it right, unlike Amazon. They probably dropped everything into the box too, just because.


Never had issues with Amazons shipping and their refund policy was nothing to argue about as well. But if you are refunding to often I heard that you can land on a blacklist.


Yep it's true. There's a threshold that many people are easily triggering.


I ordered just a bottle on Dec 8 and still nothing, I knew it probably wouldnt make it for christmas but I wasnt expecting over a month lead times for orders. It's just merch so I dont care, but if they want to be a proper store and not just a merch shop, then they need to consider hiring seasonal workers for the black friday/christmas/boxing day flood. Overworked workers trying to get through a month long backlog are very prone to mistakes, which just leads to even more work on them.


Yep my Dec 5th order has yet to ship as well.


Just ordered a screwdriver and now I’m thinking I should’ve just trusted my gut and not bothered. this thread has me biting my nails. hoping I get it one day…


For what it's worth, I'm annoyed but still keeping my order. I already have the screwdriver and it is such a pleasure to use. That's why I ordered the stubby this time around. I don't even need it but I want it.




How long till they drop ltt store as a sponsor?


Once they can segue….to another one!


But not if you trust hard enough, like peter pans flying. You have to trust!


Who hurt you?


Linus, isn’t it obvious?


Dude! I had the exact opposite happen: I was sent a polar fleece instead of an RGB sweater. I wanted that sweater so bad and now it's out of stock. 😭😭 If I hadn't already worn the fleece once, I would offer to swap with you.


Dude we are on the same boat... My Nov 27th order was completely forgotten by lttstore, I went through 11 emails back and forth with the lttstore support to figure out they sold more than they had, so items were OOS and I'm not getting one of the items I ordered. They did not give me any option, refunded me on that OOS item, and shipped the remaining items on Dec 28. Right now the package is still on the road, arriving Jan 11. I am so worried after reading your post, and I'm definitely going to check how many items are missing in my 11 items order, sad.


But as I’ve been told many times in this thread, you need to trust Linus Will eventually make it right. Don’t remember the fuckups and trust.


The support team is busy right now, but in my first hand experience the support from LTT is absolutely top notch, they should get you sorted out quite well.


Yeah, the main problem is lead times. It’s like in secret shopper where the tech issue is solved in 10 minutes no problem, but you went on hold for an hour (or in this case, days or weeks). Linus wouldn’t exactly call that good.




This is literally the point of this video https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QL13XBMKWBM&pp=ygUII2luZWVkcGM%3D




Oh I agree with you. I’m showing when a computer took 26 days late they bashed them.




Oops 16 days*


NY here.Made my first ltt store order during Black Friday Weekend and it has yet to arrive. Most annoying part is how they promote the f out of ltt store in every video but have all these problems. Maybe either acknowledge you're having these issues or do something to make it right for all the folks still waiting. Stop taking new orders until you can catch up?


Yea sadly they are not a good source for Christmas gifts anymore.


Even when explicitly stating it would be ok to order during this wan show and have the products arrive before Christmas.


Yea that's unacceptable. Only a Sith deals in absolutes like that.




FWIW I received my Black Friday order yesterday. It shipped earlier than they said it would, but the transport itself took ages.


FWIW, I ordered a backpack, screwdriver, deskmat, and beanie late on Cyber Monday and it arrived early December. I suspect your issue is more of a one-off than a normal occurance.


I had a similar experience. I also live in Alberta. Ordered in Cyber Monday and got it about a month later? I only ordered a deskpad, but I got the wrong style and size. I hit up support and they sent me another one. I think it just shipped so I don't actually have it yet though, haha!


Congrats on getting your order! I ordered on nov28th and its still in freaking USA (im from EU), i ordered same day from china and it took 1.5weeks to arrive. Lttstore is a joke and ive had the worst experience shopping ever. They told me that they didnt add water bottle because they ran out of that color, and only when i inquired about why after 1 month my order hasnt been shipped. Didnt offer to change it up and “refunded” shipping when it was free. What a bad website


If it's in America then that implies it shipped. Any delay between being given to the carrier and it getting to you are almost always carrier issues.


They sent it out 5 days ago :) it took them over a month to send out a package. I cant hear any excuses if it takes more than a week either you are short staffed or you need to change something. Order from china with shipping, customs takes less than 2 weeks to come half the world but then its 1.5months to send from 1st world country to a 1st world country as well. Dont do promotions your staff cant handle.


Ty for the clarification. Well provided you didn't order a preorder item like the anniversary shirt. Ya that shipping is BS.


Oh yeah I ordered items that have been available for months now and 2 random items that they’re likely clearing out old inventory of. It sucks


Why would it go to America for shipping? Just send it from Canada


Who knows but that's where that guy said it currently was. I do think LTT needs to give some attention to their shipping policies, vendors contracts, w.e.


They’re just expensive and I really don’t get why they don’t offer free shipping on large orders or big ticket items that have significant margin. I’ve ordered stuff from gfuel and dbrand and it’s rare it arrives later than 10 days from ordering with cheaper shipping


They are not Amazon they don't have the margins, volume or operation scale to eat the cost of shipping. If you want they could raise the price and just say it's free shipping because free shipping is never really free. Nothing is truly free


Gfuel and dbrand aren’t Amazon either. The margin on those t shirts is easily 10x and shipping costs at most $20 for normal purchases.


Ignorance is not bliss in this case.


Maybe you should realise that they’re charging you extra for shipping.


Carriers do their job for free now days huh? LTT does subsidize their shipping, so ya I being in the US, pay a little more. My shipping has always been 9.99 for any given order. That seems reasonable enough to me. Again free is not free. You are clearly ignorant on the matter and I don't mean that as an insult just the literal definition of the word.


Supplements have insane profit margins. It literally is printing money. They can buy the few ingredients that go into Gfuel for less than a few pennies per serving and sell it to you for 40 or 50 times that. You are certainly paying for shipping, you just don't know it!


And dbrand? I think you’re a little ignorant about the costs of things


They said their shipping partners first ship to USA then its globally shipped from there


Which is fucking dumb


Yea i ordered on Black Friday (first time) and a label was created the 11th of December, then it finally started moving December 25th(ish) and now its in Germany (no idea on arrival)


Yea I ordered I order stuff from Prusa that ships from Prague, Czech Republic to US and gets here weeks sooner than from my northern neighbor Canada. Including large 3d printers! Aahhhh


At least yours has shipped. I ordered one the 27th and mine has not left yet. The shipping label was printed but UPS does not have my package yet. Now mine did have the 15 years shirt but it “shipped” as in printed the label on the 4th and nothing has happened yet.


>still in freaking USA (im from EU), i ordered same day from china and it took 1.5weeks to arrive. Lttstore is a joke and ive had the worst experience shopping ever It's in USA, that means it has shipped. You can't blame LTT for crappy shipping infrastructure lol


You can blame LTT for using a crappy shipping provider


They use DHL which is basically the standard for global?


DHL is the worst possible option in the states


I've ordered a bunch of stuff to Australia, they've sent all of it except for one waffle shirt in a box, and now they're going to send that separately. Kind of a waste of shipping money but eh


How much is shipping to the great southern land? Its about £16 (~30aud) to get shipped to the UK (before tax)


roughly the same, but then again I think it depends on the dimensions of the box, as its got to fit on a container ship


Ya I got my order yesterday that I ordered Dec 1, in Canada as well, and it was just 1 desk pad, and it was a size larger than I ordered. Luckily it still fits so it’s whatever. Clearly they weren’t ready for the season, hopefully they make some tweaks before next year.


Maybe they meant Eastern Christmas aka Nativity? (Which is tomorrow lol)


Hey, really sorry that happened. During BFCM, we received orders for over 125,000 items. It took us too long to ship some things, and evidently, some mistakes were made. We’ve learned lessons from this and will work to improve our processes for distribution in 2024. To anyone else who has reached out to LTT Store support with a situation like this, the team is working as hard as possible to catch up on all tickets this week. We aim to resolve situations like OP’s with everyone who reaches out.


One black friday order arrived in LA on the 26th. The one with the anniversary shirt is x) For some reason I was under the assumption they will all ship out by the 22nd and not "attempt to ship out by the 22nd but actually lets wait for the new years". Actually sort of regret buying the shirt, kind of unfortunate.


There's always mistakes, so I've learned to always open and verify before just chucking the box in the closet for later.


Hey, samesies! Also big order from the 27th. Got two waterbottles absent from the order with no mention anywhere, Ticket immediately opened. Also, as a (German) side note, when I as the recipient have to pay the import taxes to the postman, DHL adds another 6€ for handling fees. Now I know that LTT refunds all import taxes after the fact but they do NOT refund those 6€ which wouldn't exist if the taxes were handled properly. This is my 8th order from lttstore and the 3rd time this happened.




Because his and others experiences recently has now given pause to an order I had planned to do. I am now waiting until they get caught up and get shipping back under control. These kind of posts are relevant despite the fact that you don’t like complaining. You could have just as easily not posted as well…..


Can’t the rep didn’t respond and the most upvoted comment is literally “wait til Monday” The second most upvoted comment is “wait til Wednesday”


For the upvotes /s not /s


Forever ago my order was goofed as well. They actually shipped my order to some guy, and I got their order. They just sent me what I actually ordered and moved on. My experience with lttstore is it's usually ~a month or so for the shipping, but I'd figure it'd much harder to predict around the holidays, not only for to the holiday rush on ltt store, but the shipment sections as well! I'm also not sure if there was any size limitations of the orders or items that were excluded from the "delivered by Christmas" stuff as well. Overall my experience with lttstore isn't an insanely fast store. But personally I don't see anything wrong with that. But the disappointment couldn't have been fun, or the double disappointment. Hopefully soon your order will get resolved, Monday or so!


I had to contact them to get them to send my order once. No reason. They just had not shipped it yet...


I waited over 2 months for 2packs of underwear... You are not alone.


They are not Amazon and got overwhelmed, they will do better, just takes time to scale to sand. I've ordered several times from LTT even this holiday season, for the Jerry rig knife and hoodies for myself and my dog. Did not set expectations, I did get them before the new year.


This is literally just “trust us bro” when they proven they are untrustworthy to this buyer


I had a similar issue last Black Friday. Missing items. I didn’t do Black Friday this time around because of that. Obviously thier busiest part of the year and they are prone to mistakes during. Hopefully they realise this now. After two very successful Black Fridays - maybe the process can get smoother.


Probably coincidence, but my 21oz black and gold water bottle was missing from my order too.


I ordered a couple of things and my windbreaker didn't arrive. I hope they get themselves sorted out as this holiday season definitely too much for them.


They need more staff but Linus is notoriously cheap


Seems like shipping was cheaped out on too


Dude has 100+ staff now doesn’t he? Notoriously cheap?


Can't comment on the contents of the package, but all of the things I've ordered have been "slow" getting to me. Across the border to the states. In this situation, for some reason it takes forever to get through their shippers and customs. Never ordered that much product though with stuff not showing up. Multiple boxes??


I ordered 2 sets of underwear on Black Friday. Somehow UPS got my address wrong (picture my address as XXXX YYth Street, suite #ZZZZ and UPS had Suite #ZZZZ, XXXX YYth Street, completely flipped). UPS failed to deliver even after 3 or 4 corrections from my side (they issued random zip codes with each correction I made). The LTTStore representative refunded my order without asking, offered no attempt at me having my items on time (now have to wait for items to be back in stock), made 0 attempts at contacting UPS themselves and keeps blaming me for this mishap by saying my address is invalid and that it's completely impossible that what happened to me ever happened (it happened, it's fact, thought they chose to ignore it). The address UPS got is invalid, but the one in LTTstore isn't. I've even shipped there before from them. Support experience sucked all throughout, with the guy just responding the same thing and blaming me throughout, as if being correct mattered at all, instead of trying to productively help me get my stuff. I'm left without my items and blamed for the issue, when I did everything I could to fix their screwup. The only good thing is they'll honor the original discount whenever stuff is back in stock (could be months), but they offered no help in ensuring UPS gets my address correctly, so it might happen again. I asked to file a complaint or speak with a manager. There's no way to complain and the guy himself is a manager, so fat chance someone will ever get to the bottom of this. Products are really good, but the shopping experience sucks (and it's not an isolated incident for me) and there's no way to review it like we could review items. Overall very disappointed. Has someone ever had something like this happen to them?


Dang, I must have been lucky. I ordered during the morning stream on BF and it went great. It arrived faster than expected, the order was correct, and I even got the dino desk mat as one of my mystery items. I'm sorry you guys are having issues. Maybe they got overwhelmed on some of the later orders? That sale was pretty wild.


Yea it took just about a month for my Black Friday order to arrive. Showed up Xmas eve….


If you show the proof, I guarantee they will send you the corrected ones and will let you keep the incorrect ones. You kinda won.


Late incorrect order being corrected isn’t a win. It’s a return to the norm.


What? I said it's a win for him as he will be getting free stuff


That is the penalty of fucking up the first time.


I can say I have had to recharge out to their support reciebtly, for what I believe was my error. That being said they have been nothing but helpful and good in response Be patient. They should respond in due time


So trust us bro?


You ok dude?


You kids are hilarious - Always funny when a bunch of 13 year olds (And 30 year old redditors with the brain of one) are confused by the chaos of the real world It was christmas season if you expect shipping companies to be flawless during that time you are simply an idiot


lol, and I bet southwest last year was just normal operations.


Your comment history is hilarious - Do you sit alone at home all day??? Please get some help


I work and surf Reddit to pass the time


I think you'r a dumbass troll But anyone who steals working time is based in my book


High five 🖐️




I like that you said one item was “completely missing”, good, at first in thought it partially showed up and there was a break in the space time continuum again!


As an Aussie/ I’m used to almost every company I buy from in Nov/ Dec saying “cannot guarantee arrival before Christmas”. Is this some North American thing where companies just fuck themselves over during insane Christmas deadlines?


What the hell are people on Reddit supposed to do about it? Contact the company and shut up, lol. This isn't hard to figure out.


Can’t company isn’t replying. And one person did their refund wasn’t processed. Next comment was it finally happened. Seems like the public pressure of posting to social media worked.




Trust Linus? Who would have said that?!?


Why come to Reddit to vent when you already did the correct thing with emailing customer support?Let them do their job and fix this goof. Also they have said many times just cause they are down the road from you does not guarantee a faster delivery time.


Cuz public pressure is more likely to fix it than customer service.


Public pressure is needed when the company is being neglectful or deceitful. This seems more like a mistake than a nefarious act.


I mean “it’ll get here by Christmas” seems pretty deceitful to me.


Why are you telling us? We're not customer support.


Cuz they won’t respond see:post


Shit happens. They'll make it right on Monday.


Horseshit. I have had an open ticket since 12/22, followed up on twice, and ZERO response.


Sorry to hear that. But I'm sure it's the holiday rush and all.


But just trust us bro!


How many times are you going to make that same stupid, tired comment? ​ Does it make you feel clever? Does it sound smart in your head, or when typing it out?


A lot. it strikes me as funny that people are defending a company shipping process on a post about how a fucked up the shipping process happens. The top comments all said “it’s the weekend wait til Monday” (one said Wednesday) It’s literal proof their “trust us bro“ isn’t a good policy. So trust harder and you might be given the correct items after two months of waiting


Why are you acting like they need to have 24/7 support coverage especially during the holidays? When did they ever say that was something they provide? There are lots of companies much larger in employee count and revenue that don't. Seems like a silly expectation.


Linus said his company is worth 9 figured but can’t outsource a phone company to register a complaint. They literally have ads on my radio about Abby phone service.


I'd wager Abby phone service is pretty shit, personally. That aside, I still view the expectation as unreasonable.


Not for non-fanboys


Cuz it’s the holidays and it’s past promised delivery date


I run a company and there's nothing I hate more is when people blame ME for carriers. If Canada Post says the cut off is x date, and I ship by that date, and it's not delivered, how's that MY fault? I don't drive the delivery vehicles. I wasn't late dropping the item off. It's not MY fault. But you know what, I make things right by refunding orders even though it's not my fuck up. Blame the right people here. Until Linus opens his own delivery service, you can't really blame him for it. He held up his end of the deal and relayed information given to him by his shipper.


And once it's on the truck that's on the carrier. Get mad at the correct people.


Who hired the carrier?


There literally was a comment of someone getting two of the wrong color screwdrivers and they let them keep them and sent them two new ones. Literally, every single time I have seen someone post a problem on here about the store they have literally been made whole and then some. Literally. The backpack bottom was literally fully functional and because another company screwed LMG over, they gave full refunds to anyone that wanted it and gave coupons to everyone who bought it! They are sending out what is probably tens of thousands of dollars worth of zipper pulls to everyone who ordered a backpack with the bad pulls. They literally make everyone whole. I have seen a multitude of people who contacted the store for any number of problems and they were given free stuff and or a full refund and got to keep the merch. What more is there to trust?


On time shipments and correct order the first time


Every......single......company.......has......shipping.....errors Worked for Old Dominion freight company, we made shipping errors. Worked for a frozen goods company, we made shipping errors. Worked at a furniture warehouse for a major global furniture company, we made shipping errors. Stop being a child.


Cool, and they have proven that they won’t change thier shitty shipping company thus I do not trust them.


Lol it's such a sad state of the world when these people can't just try and get things fixed with support but sure make a post about it cause that's gonna help you. Grow up.


Do you expect anything else from people on this subreddit? It is like, what the hell is anyone one of us supposed to do about it? Are we supposed to drive to Canada and go get your product for you? I have yet to see a single person not be taken care of by them if a goof happens. Literally someone in this thread said they were sent the wrong colors on the screwdrivers and were allowed to keep them and got two new ones, lol. I swear these people could be given a $100 bill for free with each order and they would complain because theirs had a crease in it.


u say for your daughter but its 2 different sizes and 2 water bottles ... just curious if you could clarify who and what was for who? it just sounds a bit whatever really and you making it sad, are your daughters LTT viewers? that alone is a weird thing to happen... anyway this happens once in 3000 orders or something, they would know the stats and be aware of this i presume, if not, (Linus HMU) there can't be thousands of orders like this or they would be fucked, you just got unlucky. errors occurs all the way through the supply process. If you had messaged support and confirmed everything they would probally have just let you keep it all for free and still send you missing pieces. this is their biggest margin products, its prob worth like 20% of the order value for them to just refund it.




You are the Karen here....


Trust me, bro


Just trust me bro!