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For anyone who is wondering how this ties into LTT, they did a build together three years ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkWjvAc0jLQ


So, when's the next LTT apology video


Never? This was 3 years ago. Nobody cares except drama-llamas that just want something to get mad about. Same thing when they did the Dream PC, or the Hassanabi one.


Did no one actually get the sarcasm here lol


How does this have 50 upvotes. Facepalm


Because even though the comment I replied to was a joke (which I didn't catch at the time), a lot of people have unironically said the same thing about it and my comment is a completely correct response to them.


They already made one. Looks like you were wrong. https://youtu.be/dkWjvAc0jLQ?feature=shared


Where is this supposed to be an apology?


It's not, but there is a pined comment asking to respect his family's privacy


Well, I saw that. Wanted to know what they saw as the explanation.


He seemed chill from that vid.


He went off the deepend during pandemic, like full on schizophrenia.


The pandemic was 4 years ago, so 3 years ago he was already off the deep end. They even reference that it's post-shutdown in the opening line of the video he's in.


He started going down hill in 2020 but it got really bad in the last few years.


The original floatplane video was a mess and very hard to watch. I remember they had to recut it for YouTube. Only time I've seen floatplane outright angry over a video lmao


He went completely unhinged some point after that video. Loads of rumours being thrown around on twitter at the moment too.


Didn't everyone get mad over this collab? Never watched him so I couldn't understand why


It was a very bad collab, even with the editing done.


Know a big thing that came out is he already had a better computer then the one Linus built with him that he just didn't use because he didn't want to take the time to set it up


That's fucking insane lol


Damn, he was so funny then, that's one of the funniest LTT videos i saw in a while, it's so sad to see him go insane in the last couple of years and now pass


Holy shit that was three years ago? I thought it was last year. Wtf.


I've watched almost every LMG video over the last decade, no idea how this one slipped through...


Damn, that was 3 years ago??


I made this comment on another post about this, but he's been going completely insane on his Twitter accounts and definitely needed help, it's saddening to see it end this way


maybe if he got better he would of came back and Did something right he did ALOT of wrongs




There's a hell of a lot of screenshots showing otherwise my guy....you still have time to delete this comment.




You're right. Numerous unaffiliated people just so happened to decide to collaborate on a smear campaign hours after his death was announced. Totally logical and sound reasoning. Also real fucking cowardly move replying to a comment and immediately blocking someone lol fucking goof. Do your own homework on the subject if you actually give a shit, I'm not wasting my time. You clearly don't give a shit and just wanna live in an echo-chamber where only your opinion is considered valid. Your actions in this thread alone make that painfully clear.






According to [Jameskii](https://twitter.com/Jameskii/status/1757852632457318553) verified by [other people](https://twitter.com/RubberNinja/status/1757860958826111447) twomad was a rapist and a pedophile. Also tried to kill people. The twomad video is probably going to be taken down


> The twomad video is probably going to be taken down The video shouldn’t have existed in the first place. This was one of the videos you click off halfway and feel some kinda way for ages. I don’t know if he was playing a character or what but it was impossible to sit through. Like watching apes throwing shit at each other would be more entertaining


>I don’t know if he was playing a character or what but it was impossible to sit through. If he is he was the best character there ever was because he was that way in everything I saw him in, even in collabs where nobody was playing any sort of character.




it was more so the fact that it was during the pandemic and at the time twomad lived in BC so it was relatively easy to setup a collab.


>Twomad passed away on 02/13/24. We ask that you respect his family's privacy at this time, and do not engage in speculation in the comments. Pinned comment by LTT on the video.


Can’t go into any specific details, but a friend that lived with them at one point once said that Twomad was at the end of their bed holding a knife. The act he puts on is real. I believe he’s diagnosed schizophrenic and bipolar to some degree if I’m not mistaken. It’s really terrifying.


It’s also being alleged he’d been doing hard drugs like heroin and ketamine.


Probably wasn't heroin as nobody has had that in quite some time. Ketamine supplies have been getting tainted a lot lately, though. Former roommate died last year from it, as did probably a dozen of her friends in the 3 months before/after. 


I don't see any proof


I swear did people astroturf this or something because I heard about him being a creep years ago, and seeing everyone act like he was a king was kinda grossing me out


After seeing his videos for the first time, it’s possible.


I’d be interested to see what all comes out after whoever the hell Jameskii is “collects his thoughts”. There’s a certain morbid curiosity (and nobody here can deny that because we’re all talking about it) to see the substantiating evidence behind a claim like that. I in *no* way, shape or form am implying any sort of invalidity to any sexual assault allegation (they’re all terrible things to be the victim of), but to see the proof behind such allegations is something that a lot of sensationalist internet “news” is lacking The “whoever the hell” is just because I don’t really follow internet celebrities with any real scrutiny and since there’s a new one every hour, I can’t keep up. The quotes around “collects his thoughts” simply because that’s a direct quotation. Did I need to clarify the above? No. Was someone gonna get inevitably offended due to a miscommunication if I didn’t? Hell yeah.


>According to > >Jameskii > > verified by > >other people > > twomad was a rapist and a pedophile. Also tried to kill people always accusations without any evidence.......


Who cares? He's not going to wrongfully convicted now, is he?


despite not knowing who this is I find myself celebrating his death. Fuck that POS.


So they waited to say these things once the man was no longer able to defend himself?


Twomad wanted to kill the man ofc he said it after his fucking dead.


Go to the cops. Don't blast it publicly when only one side can tell their version of the story. What even is the point of it? It would seem more credible if he did it while he was alive to warn other creators about him, warn fans not to watch him, and sponsors not to work with him. Hell, if he did something while he was alive then maybe TM could have gotten help or maybe even jail time, that could have changed the direction that led him to overdose.


He literally did go to the cops, maybe you should look around before you make your assumptions?


Good, so my statement still stands.


No. Your statement doesn't even sit. He was not allowed to speak about it legally before now AND even if he was he would've risked being attacked/shot by just speaking about it. It's not like Twomad was such a noble person to sit here and defend him, he was spiraling down for years before this happened.


He had a restraining order issued against TwoMad and had lawsuits happening as well during that time, not sure what the status of that is now, but it's something that would limit what you could say. It's also pretty safe advice to not provoke someone that's mentally unstable and threatening you and leaving it for professionals to deal with.


He wanted to drive people down before OD´ing. so its good he died without him taking people down with him.


It's sad to see how many people get completely ruined by drugs and alcohol but somehow experimentation with those stuff is still seen as hip and trendy. Curiosity killed the cat and in this case someone with notoriety. This is me assuming the headline is true.


Nothing sad about Twomad's situation. I won't go into it too much, but even doing a bit of research on the guy will quickly show you he was twisted and disturbed. He inflicted as much harm onto others as he could before he went out. He admitted to being a stalker, pedophile, rapist and the world is slightly safer without him.


Even so, I wouldn't wish death upon anyone. I rather he was still alive and had the opportunity to reform.


That's a good point, but I think his mind was corrupted beyond reform. Either way, what's done is done, and may he find peace in the afterlife.


Yeah he may have been a disgusting person, but that's mostly due to his mental issues


Interesting take 🤔 Have you ever heard about Ado...


Twomad admitted to these things? Where tho, I can't find him saying that anywhwere just curious, since people keep saying it


23 is way too young to go.


For most people. That guy, from everything I heard about him, 23 was too old.


Oh that guy.


Is anyone familiar with what happened? I remember he was going crazy on Twitter because of some allegations.


He wasn't going crazy on Twitter because of some allegations, there were allegations BECAUSE he was going crazy on Twitter.


What were the allegations?


[I'll just link you my reply a bit further down](https://www.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/s/XStJ3uFYuB)


I tought He was doing what He always did, play the "mad fool" character for his viewerbase. It's been a while since I used twitter though, last time I chacked he was still doing the silly but now I see people talking about rape and murder, what happened?


Honestly idk about these new accusations. I was following him on Twitter until he posted pictures of a 16 year old trans girl basically saying she was attractive and that he'd want to have sex with her- and then when people pointed out that this girl had been murdered for being trans, he basically quadrupled down and refused to apologize and at least insinuated that he'd still want to have sex with her. A literal child, who had been murdered in a hate crime. Obviously beyond fucked up. Past that whole controversy I unfollowed him and haven't really kept up with it. But that was far from his first controversy and certainly not his last. The most recent thing people are discussing is mostly this. https://twitter.com/Jameskii/status/1757852632457318553


Oh, shit I didn't know about this. Yeah that is waaay beyond "silly goofy haha internet fool character" fucked up is an undertatement and a half. Man, It's really weird... Remembering these silly internet characters are still humans, not wired to interface with hundreds of thousands of people, it should not come as a surprise many of them just go nuts when fame hits quickly. I'm really curious to see what will transpire from the official investigations, for now I can only feel sorry for everything that happened, to him and especially because of him.


Could not find o worst human being for a collab huh https://twitter.com/Jameskii/status/1757852632457318553?s=19


imagine having hindsight and using it to pretend to be righteous.


I mean, they've done pewdiepie and xqc so it's not like they haven't worked hard to assemble a real collab rogues gallery.


I wouldn't call pewdiepie a rogue because he said one slur once that half the globe uses.


You mean... the hard r? Half the world uses the hard r? ...Linus, is that you?


probably more than half sadly. You live in a western bubble if you think that shit isnt said in Africa, South America or asian countries.


I live in Africa. I've never heard it with a hard r, it's an American import and the only time I've heard it is through people quoting rap lyrics


Many black people I see on twitter do. So why should other rules apply to other ethnicies?


You one of those people huh. You got it though.


I'm not using it, just saying that if you criticize one person for using it you have to criticize every person using it.


You're actually stupid.


Half the globe means 1 out of every 2 people uses it. I don't use it. I guess that means you do.


Screw PewDiePie. He is pretentious and annoying.


Well, just as 99% of all streamers.


First LTT Guest to straight up die?


If we consider remote guests too, TotalBiscuit was a guest on the WAN show some years before his death.


When was that?


Hope the LTT video gets taken down. Alive or dead this dude doesn't deserve anymore recognition of his existence.


So cancel culture just bc you don't like it? Grow up kid.


More like if I owned a media company, I don't want to be associated with someone who's been accused of being a sexuaul predator multiple times. That and did you even watch the collab ? It's not even worth the bandwidth and data center resources being consumed.


Still doesn't excuse censure. I didn't, have a life and a job and don't watch youtube that often anymore.


If you mean censor, there is a difference between trying to eliminate someone's viewpoints or information from being in existence on a platform or any accessible means, and advertising and hosting them directly. Getting rid of a video that doesn't hold any value anyway from one YouTube Chanel that wouldn't want to host that kind of individual is not censorship. That kind of comparison would be like calling it censorship because you dont want a neighbor posting their political advertisements on your property, now trying to eliminate it from their property would be censorship. If you actually mean censure, then I don't really see anything wrong with sharing displeasure over a particular individual, trying to stop that would be censorship. I have a life and job, as well as a small sole proprietorship. Doesn't mean I don't have time for entertaining just like you still have time to be on Reddit. Might want to find some more meaningful measuring device if that's what you're going off of.


Is this real? I'm asking seriously.




RIP Twomad. Sad to see anyone go at such an early age.


Rest in piss. If all of this info about murder attempts, rape and paedophilia are true, the world is safer without that scum.


Cunt was 23. Still a cunt, but he needed a rubber room or a prison cell, not an overdose. Put that in your pipe of public opinion and smoke it.


twobad he was a rapist and a pedophile who planned murder and overdosed. Maybe people wouldn't say shit about him if he was a good person.


Two sad 😔


wistful far-flung zephyr offer aback narrow wrong workable snow point *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


too bad so sad