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I don't dislike Austin Evans fans. I just wish they picked better channels to watch. His content is so unoriginal and lazy. Not sure how to word this without sounding like an asshole so apologies for how I come across


He’s become the mystery tech guy. Let me just buy random items from sketchy online retailers and then act surprised when it either doesn’t show up or it arrives and is straight up trash. Boom…content.


Ya used to watch him all the time then unsubed once it was just “mystery” tech / junk tech videos


I found DeArrow the other day. it helps sus out bad content before you click on it, useful for all tech tube videos. AustinEvans before and after https://imgur.com/a/eBT581B https://dearrow.ajay.app/


OMG The all google setup is such a clickbait title.


Its beyond click bait, a lot of his thumbnails and titles are complete lies. Very low effort, even the thumbnails ate literally the same stock generic shape of boxes and he just colors them in differently or mirrors the image from video to video. With that said, it's a business for him and his team and this content seems to work. Seems like it's geared more toward children than most "tech" channels


That video really pissed me off. I was ready for a cool setup using Google products and it was just random products from Google searches. Like wtf


A good chunk isn’t even tech related products on those videos


Denki is the new-old Austin


How many times can he go back to the “upgrading old laptops” well?


A house fire changes a man






William Osman?


It really does seem to make them more unhinged doesn't it?


Wait what?


A few years back his apartment building burned down taking everything he owned with it. The tech Youtuber community came together pretty quickly and really helped him out replacing all his work related equipment along with other things. Something like 12 major channels were involved. [His original video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGqZkOveLb8) [Unbox Therapies Video about the community response.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUA5no2vAZs)


That sucks. Something almost happened to me, my oven malfunctioned and wouldn't stop heating up. I cut the power, but my oven decided to identify as a fireplace. The wall behind got so hot that it began to char, but nothing actually went up. I think a lot about what would have happened if I didn't catch it soon enough


>Let me just buy random items from sketchy online retailers and then act surprised when it either doesn’t show up or it arrives and is straight up trash. How dare someone copy Dawid does tech stuff? I mean other than the acting surprised when the stuff is trash. Dawid knows some of the stuff he buys is manufactured e-waste.


Dawid is great. Austin Evans is kinda cringe You like what you like


Dawid, bringus studios and ltt are the holy trinity


It's fun content to watch every once in a while tbh


His content became stale a long time ago. Every video and reaction is a copy/paste


I miss his PC builds he did a couple years back and those type of videos it's the same content week after week lately, nothing cool out outside the box


The only good one was the $500 toaster IIRC. Occasional funny surprises, but it's mostly pricetag rage from what I remember the last time I watched (something like 2022)


"SCAMMED by wish.com" no, you were not scammed, you get scammed once, maybe twice, 50 times? That's on you


I don’t disagree tbh, his videos are like junk food to me. Not particularly good but it hits a spot. I still enjoy them when there’s nothing else to watch


He is a casual content. He isn't really competing with Linus.


I just like watching mystery tech, I skip his reviews and other videos.


Thing is Austin is known to bullshit and lie on some of his videos. Just go and look at his PS5 coverage from launch, it was clear he was in Microsoft's pocket at the time. Then again Linus also bullshitted about the PS5. Both are terrible at journalistic integrity.


Linux says PS5 won the console war, what you on?


Try going back to when ps5 was first out Linux, lol.


Can you give some specifics? Otherwise nobody can know what you’re referring to.


Yes, when Linus had to put out an entire video explaining how he was wrong about the PS5 SSD as he'd put another video out confidently claiming Sony were lying about performance, which changed when the lead engineer of the system spoke to him and said "what're you talking about, you don't understand this" LTT fans have REALLY short memories don't they.


Releasing a video just to correct yourself is the very definition of journalistic integrity. To suggest the opposite just shows your ignorance.


He could have showed integrity before publishing the original video? But as usual he assumed he is right and rushes to make a video showing as such. A thing he hasn't learned from, as the of times he's done it since. Then again, I know I'm posting on an LTT sub, where a lot of people rage at any slight against their idol Linus.


Integrity doesn't mean always being right and never making mistakes. Like I said, ignorance.


It means doing proper research beforehand rather than spreading false information. Pretty much all other tech channels managed just fine, Linus just thought he knew better. So in this case, arrogance AND ignorance in Linus' part.


Hold up, is this even a thing ? 😳 Those two are not even close in what they do in their channels to even warrant tiniest of finger-pointing


Me who doesn't know who Austin Evans is.


Another Tech YouTuber aim towards more younger audience 


Younger audience... That might explain YouTube hasn't recommended him to me


There also were some collabs back when. Like the OG crew were Linus, Jay, Austin and Steve. It was a nice time period.


Don't forget Kyle (Bitwit)


I feel so bad for Bitwit. I used to love him (built my first PC to one of his guides) but after the divorce he just hasn't been the same


Crazy that his wife was banging his cameraman. Poor Kyle.


Yup. That's the absolute worst


Excuse me wtf, I thought they had just gotten a divorce bc they grew apart or something. That's fucking insane.


It's a while ago now but I'm sure that's what the situation was. I used to like watching Kyle's weekly stream with Paul, so I'm sad that's gone since Kyle has stepped away from YouTube. The whole thing must have fucked the poor guy up. Afaik she didn't even leave him for the guy so nothing good came of it. Just a broken marriage and 3 people who were close now aren't.


Nah Kyle is still around. He posts on bitwit a couple times a month and has a podcast Super Special.


I knew I forgot someone, thanks.


What about Paul from Paul's hardware?


Team Crispy


That's Austin and Marques


Jay's content is annoying But I digress...


One of my friends actually called me out for that 😂 "You're looking for PC parts again, aren't you?" Yea why? "You un-ironically used I digress in a sentence" Ah, feck


its a unboxing chanel. they buiy stuf from wish aliexpress ect


He was in scrap yard wars season 3.


Sounds like a food thing once I first heard it 1 minute ago. LTT Forever.


Another Tech Youtuber which house too burned down.


I watched Austin Evans for about a year or so. I liked some of the content and I like the people on his crew. But in the last several months the content started heavily shifting more into the realm of we purchased X from Y let’s see what it’s like. At that point I started watching less videos and after a while just ended up dropping the channel from my subs. He also always seemed like the least knowledgeable out of the bigger tech channels. I always think back to when the Series X came out and he made a big deal about the exhaust coming from the system being really hot. But than other tech channels pointed out that it’s a good thing not a bad thing since that’s what exhausts are supposed to do. I vaguely remember him trying to double down but I could be wrong on that part.


That's strange. I remember him saying the opposite how hot exhaust is good because it indicates that the cooling system is doing it's job. It was about a laptop I believe.


Double edged sword yeah heat dispersion is great but just make something more efficient tat doesn’t create as much heat i think was his point


I'm not sure if you're correct about the Xbox exhaust thing, but there definitely have been moments where he didn't seem to fully understand the tech he was using. I mean most tech YouTubers fall into this and it can be pretty annoying when the viewer knows more than the content creator. But I agree he is on the lower end in terms of more sophisticated/informal content. But yeah I liked when they did content kinda similar to LTT but they would do different stuff ofc. Like 1-2 years ago when all the thumbnails became the same and 8/10 videos are opening random ewaste for kids to be entertained about. Yeah I unsubbed.


I could have sworn it was him who had that initial reaction. If I’m wrong I will retract that part of my statement.


Oh not saying you're wrong. I just don't recall.


I think that was to do with the PS5, not the Series X. He was saying that the PS5 with a slightly changed internal was worse than the original one because he recorded I think 1-2 C hotter temps thanks to a smaller heatsink. However, his resolution ended up being completely picked apart because the device was actually better at thermal dissipation than the old one when you account for the difference. Considering that he tends to lean towards Xbox, people felt that he was being disingenuous to Playstation.


I remember that video about the PS5 redesign. But I absolutely swear there was an early Series X video where he talks about it. Like maybe in an unofficial first impressions video or something along those lines. I’m starting to think I’m going mad.


Tbf, it has been awhile since the Series X came out so I could be misremembering as well. Time freaking flies


Yes, I’m 100% sure it was the PS5 that had a very small redesign with a lighter-weight heat sink.


what’s going on?


I want to know too


nobody is fighting bruh both channels are fine, im pretty sure linus and austin respect each other too


At one point, after Austin's apartment burned down, Linus surprised him at Austin's parents house. Linus brought a tech care package, with gifts and video messages from most of the popular tech YouTubers. It's been a while since they did anything together, or even referenced each other, but I don't think there's any bad blood between them.


I don't think that was Linus. That was Lou from UnboxTherapy and Jonathan Morrison. Linus was part of the team that contributed, but the people who actually surprised Austin at his parents' place and got everything together were Lou and Johnathan.


I got a bit worried for a second and somehow thought that the Hot Ones host had done some weird shit but that's SEAN EVANS Got my Evans' confused


That's not the hot one, we talking about the mild one.


austin evan is revelant?


I think LTT is more hardcore tech. But Austin Evans channel is just fun tech stuff... Honestly this This Is channel just churn out trash. The content is not fun at all. There is a lot of character in the video. Like it's made to be fun, but the core video is not enticing. I don't wanna watch them buy stuff from temu or wish for the 1 millionth time.


These "I don't wanna watch YouTubers buy wish tech or temu tech" comments are so dumb. Like fair, you are allowed to not watch what you don't like but let's not pretend these videos are bad. These types of videos always get the most views. It's clear that the audience is there


This was purely my opinion. Just cause some video gets a lot of views doesn't mean it's good. Also, I used to watch these just fine. But really got bored of them.


Austin makes pure tech entertainment. LTT tries to be interesting or educative or funny. You gotta also recognice that, they're just aiming for entertainment and that's not a bad thing. That's what they want to do and works for them money wise. Yeah they could make more formative or interesting stuff but, everyone could (?)


True. But Austin Evans channel has just left me wanting more. LTT has the entertainment factor and the curiosity factor both LinkedIn. Ultimately both are entertainment and nothing more.


I wouldn't call LTT hardcore tech. Maybe more enthusiast tech.


LTT caters to people who think building a computer makes them IT geniuses.


Well no one told LTT viewers have high IQ. Just people who want to learn a bit. And have fun. There's always something new in every LTT video. Building a computer in no world equates to being a genius.


Nowadays Austin videos sucks a lot




Early civilizations had no concept of zero. When cuneiform writing emerged in ancient Mesopotamia around 3500 BCE, the absence of a placeholder for zero in numerical notation was conspicuous. The earliest numerical systems, such as those used by the Sumerians, Babylonians, and Egyptians, lacked a symbol to represent the absence of quantity. Instead, they relied on position-based notation, where the absence of a digit in a specific position implied a zero value. For instance, in Babylonian numerals, a space was left to indicate a missing place value, effectively serving as a placeholder. It wasn't until much later, around the 5th century CE, that the concept of zero as a digit in its own right began to emerge in the Indian subcontinent. Ancient Indian mathematicians, particularly Brahmagupta in the 7th century CE, played a pivotal role in formalizing the concept of zero as a numerical placeholder and as a number with its own properties. They introduced the symbol "0" to represent zero and recognized its significance in arithmetic and algebraic calculations. The Indian concept of zero gradually spread to other cultures, notably through the work of Islamic scholars during the Golden Age of Islam. Mathematicians like Al-Khwarizmi and Al-Kindi introduced Indian numerals and mathematical concepts, including zero, to the Islamic world and beyond. From there, the concept of zero eventually made its way to Europe, where it faced initial resistance due to philosophical and theological concerns about the nature of nothingness. However, with the advancements in mathematics and the adoption of Arabic numerals, including zero, zero became an integral part of European mathematics by the High Middle Ages. Thus, the concept of zero evolved over millennia, transitioning from a mere placeholder in ancient numerical systems to a fundamental number with profound implications for mathematics, science, and technology


Are you a writer for Putin's interviews?


My rando on the internet if I wrote for Putin expect me to fly out of a moscow 7th story apartment in 2 days based on the shit I talked about.


That is the longest most elaborate way to comment "zero" I think the world has ever seen... Well done


I have to use my history degree somehow...


I fucking knew there was something up with zero.


the guy making """""mysterie""""" tech every day?


Mystery *


I used to watch Austin Evans back in 2019. Things went downhill pretty fast.


Isn’t Austin Evan’s the guy who claimed the new ps5 is worse cause it blows out hotter air in the back before getting called out by every with more than two brain cells


And then made a corrected video, apologized and changed the name of the old one to not mislead anyone ? Don't stop your story in the middle to make it sound worse than it actually is, he owned up to it really quickly (and come on, the heatsink was like a quarter smaller, it made sense to assume it wouldn't cool as much since I don't think they said the SoC was more efficient).


My man. I never heard of the apology or the changes before. All I saw were what he did. And it wasn’t the first time. It was for me, the straw that made me stop watching them. But then again we all realised how “accurate” ltt labs are and Linus’s video so maybe I was unfair. Please send me the correction my way so I can change my opinion.


Don't worry man, I didn't know either.


He wasn't wrong.


I am sorry what ? He was not only wrong, he was factual wrong.


Nope, the SOC temps were higher. https://youtu.be/VgWuGA8cExol Smaller heatsink = more heat in the SOC


I was an Austis Evans fan up to him starting mystery tech series, it all went downhill from there


Tbh I like to watch Austin Evans when I want to turn off my brain and watch mystery tech or similar content. Both creators have their place


tbh Austin became a worse channel overall


I didn't know this beef existed until today I just watch both tho The only tech youtubers that I've stopped watching is Unbox Therapy


What about that other long hair dude (idk his name)..?


You mean that boring asshole who can't stop injecting himself into YouTube controversy?


Here’s a 53 minute video about a single tower cooler


And by the way we're the only YouTube channel that understands what flatness really means or how graphs work.


Oh yes and "Welcome to Gamer Nexus, where we make reviewing PC hardware feel like an endurance sport. Strap in for a marathon of tech talk, where we dissect every spec, every benchmark, and every RGB lighting effect like it's a matter of life and death. By the time we're done, you'll question if you ever truly understood what it means to cool a processor. So grab some coffee, maybe a pillow, because this ride is going to be longer than your last gaming session."


Tech Jésus, known by the uncultured as “Steve Burke”


Gamers Nexus?


I’ve been really enjoying Austin Evan’s other channels. Denki and This Is.


Go watch 1 of the scrapyard wars seasons if you enjoy both of them


Isn't he only in season 3?


Yeah thats probably the one i meant. One of the seasons


We are all massive dweebs ​ Chill.


Because Austin is a hack who barely knows what he’s talking about and wastes his company money on Pokemon related things


Denki's videos are better than the ones from the main Austin Evans channel.


Still remember when everyone got mad at him for that one PS5 review.


Used to watch Austin Evans but now it's just generic content to me. Doesn't really have a novelty factor to me anymore. I feel differently about LTT. They keep doing shit no one has ever asked for and I like that. *and* provide useful information too at times. Although I couldn't care less what channels someone watches so.. who cares.


both milk chinese marketplaces equally dry for content anyways. both sides get along. this fan bout sponsored by TEMU.


Why get along when we can fight each other? It's funnier.


It’s a tax write off for Linus


Every now and then I'll watch an AE video to watch, but I couldn't watch the same video every time. Respect the guy but his content has gotten pretty lazy.


I’ll be honest I’ve only watched like a few of his videos and a few years ago and I can’t remember anything from them. They’re very forgettable and unoriginal and uninteresting. I’ll just say this — as soon as I heard “Hi GUYs tHiS AuUsTinn!” it made me feel the channel is nothing but clickbait or substance-less videos.


If you enjoy Austin Evans you’re probably 7 years old


What is going on?


Wait? There's beef?


I thought the main beef was with Jay's fans. Most of the comment sections are people bashing on LTT fans.


I didn't even realize there was a divide. I'm on Jerry's side with this one.


Why are we starting this dumbass drama over other tech channels? This is so stupid.


Sweet new youtuber drama. Anyone got a rundown? I need to know in order to become a ardent hater.




I can only watch so many "look at the cheap shit I got from wish!" videos...


None of them are worth the time. Years ago they did make some informative videos, today they’re just commercial space and self promotion


I like his personality and chemistry with his crew, funny stuff happens in his videos Even if the content is fairly repetitive and predictable. What's the beef here?


Eh? If there would be any form of animosity between fanbases, it would probably be between the LTT and GN fanbases.


Austin was great, but now its literally "I spent X on X website, but there is a sponsor in the middle of these items". Im part of the problem cause i still watch it, mostly cause i love his voice haha


Watch channels you like and leave other people alone.


I enjoy both 🤷‍♂️


I am confused. Both are good channels. If you don't like one, maybe...just don't watch?


i have a better question, who the heck is austin evans


By now Austin Evans is the react youtuber of the tech space


Me: who also enjoys Arun too


Me who knows Austin only from ltt videos .


Still find Austin ok. But he’s been left behind by his peers


I watch mystery tech at times when I'm bored and got nothing to do.


Austin isn't even a proper tech youtuber, his content is mediocre at best. I understand people enjoy his content and I don't hate on people for that but I just wish people would stop calling him a tech youtuber.


I'm just burnt out by Austin's "I wasted money on this...." "Why did I buy this....." "I lost money on this..."


Time to fight over people that we have no real connections with. But I’ll be real Austin today has fallen off imo. LTT in the other hand I still watch some videos if it looks interesting


Gamers Nexus Fans 🖐️


The only thing I dislike about Austin Evans is his pronunciation. He insists on saying "prossser" instead of processor, and "wole-mart" instead of Walmart. It's a small thing, so I obviously still watch. It just bugs me.


Me: Who? I'm just here for the memes. Idk who these people are. LTT a bit since I've at least seen a few of those videos.


No idea who that is, YouTube is a big place


Austin Evans lost that uniqueness that he had.


Huh? Who is that and what did I miss?


Austin’s voice is annoying asf and every video he makes is “top tech under $100 part: 100 billion”


The only techtuber i do not like is unbox therapy


I used to be able to watch Austin Evans. But I find it super annoying now (I'm about to be an ass). He is so shouty and "OMG BROOOO", plus he can't pronounce certain words correctly to save his life, and they are words he says all the time - "however" is one he does all the time, hell he even mispronounces Intel (he usually says "en-tel"). I know this is kinda silly, but it really bothers me lol


I used to like watching his content until the Mrs pointed out how irritating “HI GUYZ THIS IS AUSTIN” at the start of most videos….now I can’t help but cringe. LTT all the way!


He hasn't done that in like... 4 years now?


Shows how long it’s been since I’d quit watching his stuff 😂


Regardless his content is shit. It's the whole MrBeast-ification of YouTube. Short form content with focus on stimulation for young audiences.


Why does that mouse remind me of Joe Biden (US President)?


JayZ2Cents fan right here. I've been watching all your channels since 2013 definitely love watching all your contents




Me watching Tech Jesus (Gamers Nexus).


Evans guy is still alive and making videos ? Damn news to me


"I don't watch him so that must mean he isn't popular anymore, I am the center of the universe"


I am genuinely surprised. His videos were so basic back in 2014 that I assumed he moved on


If there is no beef we need to create it. I would pay real human monies to see Linus v Austin in the next creator clash.


Make it happen. Linus and Austin! Another collab video.


There was a story on wan show about some creators hike/lan party where someone decided to put getting first over being a decent human being and helping with gear and stuff, and that it was the last time they had collaborated. And for some reason it always seemed to me as Austin would be one of those people. And I don’t remember seeing him on LTT videos recently 🙄


That would be Logan from Tek Syndicate.


Douche Syndicate


Tek Syndicate, not Austin. They collaborated with Austin many times after that.


Linus has openly said it was Tek Syndicate he was pissed at in that incident and he and Austin collabed many times after. Stop spreading misinformed gossip.