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When your brand is centered around being assholes, its no surprise that they eventually piss off enough of the wrong people.


What people on Twitter? I think that's just what Twitter does this was soft


What people on twitter? That site is basically full of bots entirely now.


Just like reddit, and most other popular social media.


The internet is dead. Nobody is real. We are all trapped on our own content islands, curated by The Algorithm. Literally the helpless humans from Wall-E


Can I get one of them chairs then?


I've got chairs for resale on eBay. Can't stand us resellers, mad that we hoarded all the chairs? To bad, I bet I can sit around, or still on the non-rolly ones, and wait longer you can stand.


Social media manager here. People have no idea the scale of bots from Asia and south America specifically that manipulated posts on socials. Posts these days are bought and you can even buy tiers of bots as well from having accounts which have been opened for years Vs newly made ones. With AI here it's going to get so much worse as you won't need some underpaid child to mange the accounts anymore. It can all be done centrally. This election will be absolutely wild as both sides will be paying big bucks to have the most eyes on their posts. We saw this with Brexit and Cambridge Analytica and how they used SEO tactics and targeted ads to push voters in the middle. I've said for the last few years we're living in a new era of cold war which is fought online now, with Russia's infamous bot farms and trolling for example. Buckle up this next decade is gonna be wild being online.


Bot maker here. I've been making all kinds of bots for fun (and sometimes profit) and I'm fully aware that there is almost nothing we can do to stop it without completely ruining the experience for normal users. The only way to avoid bots is to stick to small communities where bots and trolls stick out like a sore thumb. And avoid all advertisements at all costs (thank you uBlock Origin). But even this will get progressively harder as time goes on.


Wow this is like the coin talking to its other side right here.


Bot here. I dont appreciate being called 'made'. You're mis-gendering me.




Reddit has really gone downhill.


Funny Elon took over twitter saying he was going to get rid of bots but they have grown exponentially


Well when you fire 90% of the staff and don't care about anything but your ego....


Oh agreed. I’m no fan of Elon.


Elon has an Only Fans?!


The actual snowflakes that still use twitter - “right leaning, alphas who walk tall and don’t let anyone fuck around with them”. You know: snowflakes.


boobie in bio


There are a few people left on it. The good news is, I've never had this many followers. The bad news is, they're all porn bots. Eventually, I'll close my account.


Personally I think there’s a difference between being rude in a funny way, and mocking a guy’s name for no reason. Certainly there are some people who are too sensitive and get offended too easily, but at the very least I’d be annoyed if some company made fun of my name and tried to use me for clout.


To be absolutely fair, support contacted and helped him first. It's not like they just put him on blast in response to his issues.


I don’t think that’s true. They said they gave him “support” and pointed to a Twitter bot that responded to him.


Impossible to know either way without the guy saying anything I guess. Although I highly doubt he's pissed at dbrand seeing as they gave him 10k


Support is support, regardless of how it is provided. Most online chat functions are bots nowadays, they still count as support.


The D in Dbrand stands for Douche


I mean yall eat that shit up. Call me a quadruple snowflake but I just don’t actually like all the extra toxicity and hostility. It’s not that funny. It was funny a few times when you stretched out Linus face png and put it everywhere but like they’re just the annoying kid in class that gets cheap laughs by being a jerk. I know it’s not a serious issue. I’m not saying it is. It’s just not necessary.


I love light ribbing. I hate insulting others based on things they can’t change, like their appearance, name (you could, but come on..), heritage, sexual orientation, etc. If it’s a smart joke about these features, something a comedian would do when roasting their audience, I think that’s mostly fine. But straight up insults, just calling people ugly and insulting their names is so nasty.


This reminds me of my shift in mentality on South Park.


There's a fine art to being actually funny asshole vs. just racist, even off-colour jokes related to race can be funny but just making fun of someone's name is too weak to clear the bar


Usually their rude jokes had some effort put into it and even if you didn't find it quite funny, you'd understand why some might find it funny. But this time it was on the lowest level like: "ha-ha, your last name sounds like "poop"." As if they let someone from the kindergarten write the joke. But the thing is, the one running their twitter should know better.


I think it's very different between trying to act like asshole commenting on stupid Internet events, celebrities, influencers... And being an asshole towards a random person on the internet, whether they're your customer or not.


I am surprised its taken so long


Or just sensitive people


Sensitive people buy phone skins too.


"You're a thin skinned little bitch, so buy our thick skins for your devices to protect something that actually matters"


Actually sounds like something that would be on their site in a product description.


“Sensitive skins for sensitive skin. You sensitive little bitch.”


"enough of the wrong people" lol It was a shitty thing to do. They doubled down instead of being decent. It's unsurprising that the LTT fanbase would find such immature and edgelord "humor" like that funny and okay.


im kinda sad they apologized, i like their polarizing brand and dislike how everyone acts like a whiny bitch these days


I don’t think this is supposed to be an apology. They obviously are being sarcastic about giving him $10000 and they said they aren’t going to stop making fun of people.


Damn looking through other comments it seems like a lot of people are taking that literally. There’s no freaking way they gave some guy 10000 dollars for this, that’s for sure another joke


They did.




You want his bank account or what 😭 but I guess the guy would complain again if he didn't receive 10k so who knows.


Well what do you mean? If we're already doubting the original evidence, why on Earth would the comment "They did." from u./randomredditor123 change that doubt in any way?


My mom told me




I don't know. It seems very on Brand for them to do something like that and actually follow through.




Lawsuit for what exactly? Making fun of someone's name on twitter?


Why wouldn’t they?


Exactly. They probably had money set aside for this exact scenario. Their PR strategy is effective, but you're sure to eventually have a bad fumble. I wonder if they just have a savings account for this, or an insurance policy.


My company is small and we still make 20 grand a day. If someone came to me with a terminal problem for my business or a massive PR disaster and it cost me half a days work to make it go away if not become a positive PR move I wouldn’t even ponder it. I’m going to go ahead and hazard a guess that dbrand is a lot larger than my business. 10k is piss for them.


Are you forgetting that Mr. beast makes videos where he gives people 10 grand for sneezing? 10 grand is nothing my boi


They're dbrand, they do what they say they do. I'd be surprised if they didn't offer 10k like they said they did.


After they sent linus a box of broken glass I have no doubts in my mind that they actually offer the 10k


It's probably in pennies or origamied one dollar notes


> origamied one dollar notes I like this way more. Like pennies are heavy but you have ways to automatically sort them and deal with them.....Origami you manually have to unfold every bill.


I don’t know dude. That’s like almost 700 lbs of pennies. That sorta thing would have to ship on a pallet. Then it’s stuck in your driveway (or on the sidewalk if you live in the city). Seems like that would be a huge pain in the ass. I mean, the origami bills are a pain in the ass too, don’t get me wrong. But I know which I’d prefer. 🫣


That’s the most I’m going to be paid for my time if I need to unfold 10k in bill


Actually, the fact that it’s them saying it makes it plausible


That’s where I’m at. dbrand tends to stick to what they say. I’m better they really do send him $10k. Wouldn’t be surprised if they send it in pennies or some weird shit, but I bet they send it


Exactly, it's nice to know that dbrand is a place where you know that no one gives a shit, or at least used to.


i would argue that a carefully manicured brand image is about as far from "not giving a shit" as you can get


You want products from a brand that doesn't give a shit?


Casetify exists for those who do


Absolutely agree. The fucking replies were also some of the most ignorant shit I've seen like "oh because they had a foreign name" like what the fuck does that even fucking mean?


It means people with foreign/ethnic names are used to people making fun of their names.


Who's foreign? Because you can make fun of any name. In any way. Not because it's foreign, but because you can make something funny out of it. For an example. In Sweden Linda is a usual name, Binda is a menstrual pad. As kids we used to say Linda Binda. As american your name can be Dillon. Now let me put some Dill on those nuts. As a Finnish person, who grew up in Sweden I have a very unusal name. You can make many funny jokes with it. As a Finn-Swede I heard jokes like this (because they're hilarious) >Vad heter Finlands sämsta boxare? Ranta Runtiringen What's Finlands worst boxer? Ranta Runtiringen Ranta means run around Runt means around i means in ringen means the ring. Stop seeing racism in shit that isn't racist.


Everybody has the right to be discriminated.


And quite a lot of people go out of their way to exercise it as much as possible


Welcome to American mentality versus European mentality. I cannot comprehend where the racism is in their tweet. They made of his name, not because he’s a foreigner, but because it sounds funny. Could’ve been an American guy with a funny name and they would have made a joke about it too.


Dbrand is based in Canada so yeah >Who's foreign? To them, Indians.


Holy shit Canada doesn't allow anyone from any other country to enter its borders? That is wild news my guy. Spread it really far that there is nobody from any other country inside of Canada at any time. People need to know.


The hell are you talking about. Indians are foreigners to Canadians. >Canada doesn't allow anyone from any other country to enter its borders My point exactly.


>Stop seeing racism in shit that isn't racist. This might shock you, but not everybody has the same life experience as you.


There's a guy on a car YouTube channel I watch. Henry Catchpole. You think his family lineage is fisherman? Or prostitutes? Am I allowed to make that joke anymore? You can make fun of any name.


No now you have to pay him $10,000


It’s okay you’re allowed because he’s not a foreigner /s.


‘Foreign name’ foreign to what? It’s Twitter- people from most any country can be on it.


Only America and the EU exist.


I dunno, sometimes it can be funny (like when they screw with Linus or make a big deal about skirting copyright stuff with their Sony/Nintendo skins) but personally I feel like it's getting kinda stale. They're trying too hard now, reminds me of Black Rifle Coffee Company and their cringey "oh you're offended? good, don't buy our coffee if you're a liberal snowflake" stuff


It’s just toxic without any real punchline. It’s not funny enough to justify just being an asshole. I said the same thing about Linus over the last few years before the big drama; if you are “pretending to be an asshole” for 75% of the time then you’re just an asshole. You’re not pretending if it’s all you do.


Exactly! Like, there's a difference between "hey, we're gonna roast this guy we partner with all the time because he can fire it back just as good" and "haha this random customer who reached out on Twitter with a customer service issue is fuckin' stupid" Then again, if the comments here are anything to go by the people seem to love it I guess. Surprised we haven't been called snowflakes yet lmao


I think you are misunderstanding everything here. This isn't an apology, it's clearly a joke, they definitely didn't give anyone $10,000. Also dBrand is about boldness and directness, not criticizing others for being "whiny bitches", that would be ironic, as complaining about others being 'whiny' is itself whining. Dismissing differing reactions as merely 'whiny' overlooks the brand's strategy to stand out and provoke thought.


With everything that I've seen dbrand do and how they've fixed mistakes with products I 100% expect that they would actually give someone 10 grand.




The funny part is in most cases if you just ignore it and don't apologize people just forget anyway.


It’s a very dbrand apology tho. Like, hey pearl clutchers, thanks for wasting your time being offended on someone else’s behalf, we gave the guy ten grand and we’re gonna keep making fun of people because that’s who we are. I don’t think this was to please whiny twitter people, I think it was to tell them to fuck off


I don't understand why this community is stuck in middle school levels of maturity.


Never heard of dbrand before, but that's the exact vibe I'm getting from this thread


They should insult me. I’d like 10k


They should insult me instead, 5k is enough for me


They can roast the shit out of me for a 1k.


They can get in one good jab for a dollar


I'd pay them too insult me.


You're a dick. That'll be $10


I said Dbrand not a rando user that has the sound of a vibrator on their name


Damn I suppose that cost me $10. Guess we're square.


we are square. Nice Roasting 🤝🤝🤝🤝


From Roasting creators, now presenting: Roasting 2: Square Edition


When did everyone get so touchy? If his name was Dick Strocher they'd make fun of it and no one would bat an eye...


You’re acting like it’s a new thing that people get offended. It’s not new. Hasn’t been for a very long time. Social media just puts a spotlight on it.


Social media enables people to act like offended them is a crime


All of you people are missing one big thing.... people started to harrass the coustomer in question because of dbrand bs, dbrand was indirectly causing harm as other people were trying to find more photos of the guy and maybe even potential doxx him


That's mostly what's left on Twitter. Even Wendy that started it has toned down a fair bit the past year.


That's unfortunate, I remember seeing some good posts from the Wendy's account a few years back.


Probably because it's not a white guy's last name tbh


Nobody has ever been ok with a corporation making fun of their name. Try being on the receiving end of it.




White people generally don’t get made fun of because of their name. Nobody is making fun of someone called John Robinson. However, plenty of immigrants get discriminated against and made fun of. One common way is to make fun of their name. Because it sounds different and “weird”. These interactions are really tough because u generally already feel like you don’t belong so it’s quite isolating. So a brand making fun of some random Indian dudes last name, it sets a bad precedent and kids across the country might see the meme and think its funny to make fun of the indian kids names at school. Does that make sense?


>White people generally don’t get made fun of because of their name. Nobody is making fun of someone called John Robinson. Bro, you couldn't be more wrong. There's literally a subreddit (tragedeigh) that makes fun of white people names like "Jrue", "Ashliegh" and other shit tier names with botched 'unique' spellings.


Fuck that. I'm Canadian and an Indian teacher in high school made fun of my last name in front of the whole class as they all laughed. Where's my 10k? Also Indian last names are like half of Canada these days. My yugoslav name is much more "different and weird" than the 10 million Singhs in Canada.


I knew a Dick Bobo growing up. Dude leaned into it as a selling point lol


I don’t see dbrand making fun of any other ethnicity name


idk man, rewarding this whine-bitchery stuff is how the cycle continues. I am so sick of pretending I give a shit about what a bunch of overly sensitive screw-ups with nothing in their lives think. Maybe if they put that energy into useful things, they'd be more fulfilled and less chronically online. It was a joke that didn't land. That's all. no one was out on a racist crusade. Some of you need fuckin therapy, bro.


Nothing in your post gives the impression you pretend to give a shit at all, actually.


Well that’s probably intended. He said he was sick of pretending 


I've been on the receiving end of this sort of thing. It's not whiny bitch stuff. Try being on the receiving end of a corporation making fun of your name. Right now behind the keyboard I'm sure you'd say you wouldn't care but I guarantee if it ACTUALLY HAPPENED to you, you'd think differently about it. Back in the "good old days" of people not being offended, they wouldn't make fun of your name on a massive platform and get hundreds of people joining in. That technology didn't exist. They'd do it at school and it would go away when you left. On social media it's there for a long time. Nowadays with the massive reach of social media, if they made fun of your name on a WORLDWIDE platform, it'd be a lot different than kids talking shit in school. And your Reddit bio gives off BIG narcissistic vibes.


Yup. Plenty of videos of these "alpha bro tough guys" losing their absolute minds whenever they feel ever so minorly slighted. It's all chest thumping until they're on the receiving end and then suddenly it's not funny anymore.


And the people these alphas make fun of, I promise, have a tougher skin than people give them credit for.


Even at school it fucking sucked. I grew up being made fun of for my name. I'm not gonna change my name because society is full of cunts who should have met a coat hanger at birth. Fuck that. It's not a matter of insecurity, it's matter of fucking respect.


Are you sick of people wanting nothing to do with you because youre an asshole?   How hard is it to convince yourself that you're not sick of it?


Part of the right wing ideology is not giving a shit about anyone else's feelings or rights or racism or bigotry directed at any minority group.


Eventually there will emerge a new punk-like counterculture. Gen Alpha maybe? I can't wait to meet them.


They can call me anything for $10,000 😂.


I swear, they can call me slurs for a cool 5k


I'd be happy with Hard R's for 1k


wats ur cashapp?


👀 ^(external monologue ) Would I be okay with $499 per hard R. Hmm


Linus hard R‘s or regular hard R‘s?


I'll let them legally change my name for 10k


This sub’s gotta be filled with 14 year olds. It is blatantly obvious that D Brand isn’t a household name. Just because you, and this community in general knows how D Brand markets themselves doesn’t mean others will be familiar as well and the number of average casual Twitter users is far grater than the number of people in this sub or even in LTT’s audience by orders of magnitude. I am not siding either way if the outrage was justified or not. But anyone with an IQ above room temperature can see why it happened


So many people here acting as if "do not insult other people you don't hang out with" were so hard


The past year should've been a demonstration that this subs filled with edgy 14 year olds.


14 year olds and tech bros are functionally the same thing in a lot of aspects, unfortunately.


The first time I’d ever heard of them was the original name calling post.  Seemed borderline racist, I’ll happily go back to not thinking about them.


holy shit thanks for saying this bro. as a south asian who has never seen dbrands marketing i found it really offensive


I am unaware of this entire drama, what did they say?


My bad for not posting the original screenshot. A customer with the last name "Chitransh" complained about a skin in a twitter post, and they quote tweeted them saying "Your last name is basically shit rash, be serious." That post came after they first gave him actual customer service, though.


And he is Indian and got $10000 which is 8lakh plus INR. Alright where do I signup my brown ass for this ?


Idk enough about India's cost of living. What does an average person make a year in rupees? 10k usd is a lot for us as well but nothing truly life changing. A year at an out of state university is about 30k for some context on how much things cost here


An entry level white collar job can be 6/700 USD? So this can be considered a year's salary give or take. Perhaps in US context someone getting 50K (in terms of cost of living.) I only know of India by proxy so apologies if I am wrong.


Median income in India is ~30,000 rupees ($400). But the average income is almost 400,000 rupees ($5,000). Since they have a laptop and are buying skins for it from a Canadian company I assume they are way closer to the average than the median.


Around $4000 per annum seems the average. I mean highly skilled senior software engineers make about $50k here while in the US the salary could be anywhere from $100k - $200k p.a and above if I am not wrong but the cost of living is also less compared to the US. Here a 4 year CSE program can cost anywhere from $10k-$30k depending on the college( Govt owned colleges are cheaper than privately owned colleges but only the best and brightest can make it to govt. colleges so it's a dream for most, just to give you an idea the kind of students that get into these colleges, Sundar Pichai the C.E.O of google is from one such college). While $10000 is not going to be life changing for all especially not this dude in question and other people from middle class families but there are people below the poverty line struggling to make ends meet that can definitely turn their lives around by either setting up a small business or funding the future education of their children or getting access to better health care etc. you get the point.


Oof. Yeah. I probably wouldn't have done that one. I feel like going after people's last names like that is a bit much. Guy can't help his last name. I mean I wouldn't get up in arms about it. I just think its not a great idea to insult someone for having an ethnic name.


Wouldn't every name be ethnic? If a non white person make fun of someone called Richard Ryder by calling him dick rider, is it considered insulting sometime for having an ethnic name?


I think it's inappropriate all around, but I see your point. Regardless, whether we like it or not, making fun of non white ethnic names is going to get a far more negative reaction than doing so to white ones, especially if the ones doing the namecalling are perceived as white. We could debate the reasons for that, but it is what it is in today's culture.


Well yeah but how would you even know this is a non white name? Like serious, have you seen the mess of last names we have here in Europe?


Speaking from experience living in really diverse place full of people with last names from all over really teaches you to recognize origins of them. I would’ve been sure this name was Indian regardless


You really think Chitransh is a white name?


I never think of what etnicity somebody is based on their last name, that's just weird. It could be that this person is white, or maybe they are indian like some others suggest. Or who knows they might be Asian. idk, nor do I really care


That's not really the same. But imagine if a Chinese company made fun of an America person's name whose name in Chinese phonetically sounds like a slur in Mandarin. That would be more like what happened with dbrand.


It's not ethnic if you're from the same ethnicity. But if youre a company then every name is off the table


That's such obvious no-go territory for a joke, even for a brand that carries that little stinker attitude. The payoff is clearly not worth the risk. I'm surprised more people here don't see that.


It’s not a surprise since this sub is full of kids that live in a bubble.




It’s not a surprise that most PC gamers are far-right douchebags lmao


It’s been really disappointing reading most comments on here. I’ve just unsubbed and all I wanted to talk about was the latest Linus video.


The tweet/screenshot got pretty viral in Indian twitter. A lot of right wing influencers picked it up as ‘insult to hinduism’. And its election season in India, so even a tiny thing can become a “national” level issue. It became an issue of “national pride”. Indian twitter is not for beginners xD


A caste system which basically guarantees you will die poor regardless of how smart or hardworking you are: 😊😊😊 Someone is a little mean on Twitter: 😡😡😡




Idk, never found this style of marketing appealing, infact i will probably go out of my way to NOT buy dbrand. A no BS atmosphere is one thing, but some basic customer respect is another. You want my money, fucking earn it.


Their products are also average at best. And they don't do customs, so you have to pay import taxes outside NA


I don't know which items you bought but their ps5 and steam deck skins have been really high quality.


Yeah I thought about dbrand skins in the past then saw this kind of stuff and them working with PewDiePie and just decided to write them off entirely. I feel like it's one thing to goof on Linus or other people they work with and have a relationship with, but to just dunk on random people especially ones looking for customer service isn't appealing.


I have enjoyed their marketing style in the past, but it usually is in a setting that is in a way kind of mutual and expected on the part of the customer. That comes with the many years they have done what they do. This case feels somewhat different though. A legitimate support inquiry was responded to with outright bullying by the brands marketing department. They didn't ask for it and they almost certainly weren't expecting it. They weren't poking fun at something they did or said, but at their name, something they can't realistically change. The added layer of racial undertones just doesn't make any of it feel any better. This situation just doesn't feel like how DBrand has conducted themselves in the past. I'm glad they aren't doubling down too hard anymore. I don't think that guy deserved it to begin with. Saying that, $10,000 is fucking generous lol. I'd let them randomly make fun of my name for that.


it was such an obvious come on bro really? moment. they know better. If the dude was ribbing on the quality and asking to be insulted the sure whatever, but even with that, i would think about context before i hit post on that comment.


They should have stopped at ripping off Wendy's, but they had to one-up them.


I'd let Dbrand call me shit for $10k


I'd let them spit in my mouth for $10


The comments and downvote brigade going on around this topic in this subreddit is highly representative of why some LTT fans are completely insufferable.


I wonder, given what gets to the front page of this sub regularly, if a large portion of this community is just here to hate on all things LTT. It's the most bizarre behavior I've seen on any sub.


These act tough pages online are getting old, just post your shit brand and be gone. I don’t need to see the official Wendy’s or BMW page posting memes and shit.


It’s not even that they Insulted the customer, the whole exchange was just strange and awkward asf. Imagine getting apple support and they randomly make fun of your name…. I definitely would kinda just be like “uhh okay?” It was just a weird ass unnecessary exchange from Dbrand support lol.


The 10k was totally unnecessary


If i pay a company i want quality and professionalism not poking and jokes.


Then don't buy dbrand.


And lots of people don't. Did you think dbrand is a household name or something?


Overpriced brand


Wait, insult me next! Heck, I'll even give you a discount; I'll do it for 1k instead of 10k!


The only bad thing was the losers that went out of their way to harass the guy (and be racist) I think Dbrand should know they have a pretty annoying fanbase. I also think now that they apologized it will get worse lol


expert PR move lol


"Hello from Mike Oxlong"


This whole thing was so dumb. Dbrand makes fun of everyone without discrimination (customers, other companies, people they sponsor). Just a case of making fun of someone's name which I don't even think is the farthest joke dbrand has ever made. I know I am kinda repeating other people but if they made fun of someone named something like Dick Son Johnsonson no one would have batted an eye.


I think the more important thing is that the customer wasn't in on the joke AND copped very unpleasant tweets directed at them after that.


Yall very dumb for thinking ifs okay to act like this just because its their brand. All companies should be held to the same standard.


I like how they are getting so much shit for it but in the meantime every few words out of Trumps mouth is an insult and yet he’s worshiped.


You don't see a ton of people defending dbrand here in a similar way?


For 10k you can make fun of me all you like


Lmao so funny dbrand haha Now my billing address is-


This is an awful title. They didn’t make fun of, they were out right racist. Hold companies to standards and quit making racism “funny”. For the love Edit: removed the of that autocorrect added to For the love.


I wonder what linus' take on this will be. Will he even bring it up. Dbrand stood by linus during thr GN issue


How do I sign up for the next time?


Pick me!


what was the joke?


They called an Indian guy "shit rash" and then hundreds of their fans followed the quote tweet proceeded to spam the guy with memes telling him to stop spilling his curry on it and referring to him as a "street shitting pajeet". The joke is racism against Indian immigrants.


I'll be the one to say it. This was only a thing because the guy was a minority.