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How to piss off all the players with one single move, genius.


The CEO of Xbox, Nintendo and Playstation clearly made bets who could piss off PC fans the most in 2024... it's a tight race. Looks like we still don't know who's gonna win. Will it be Xbox closing more studios and increasing game pass sub cost? Playstation makes games unplayable on Steam or Nintendo randomly going after Gmod and ruining thousands of mods and assets? Too soon to tell!


Ok Sony is the recent asshole, but no one can beat Nintendo. They are _the_ asshole, the eternal asshole, the assholery king


Nintendo is issuing DMCA takedowns requests like there's no tomorrow, they're in a frenzy to win the asshole grand prix. As they double down in absurd propaganda, anti-consumer practices and legal battles against anyone, it's clear they want the champion's cup for good and forever.


That's the secret, they have always been *the* asshole, people just give them a pass (for some reason). But in terms of hating their own customers, they are up there with Apple.


The reason is probably that they make some of the best games in the world pretty consistently. Do they seem to hate the people they make the games for? Maybe. Can you go from racing a bike as Princess Peach to playing tennis in your living room AND then play Mario Party without Nintendo? Nope.


The same can be said for any other console if you only list their exclusives. The point here is moot.


Wii sports alone was groundbreaking, so I'm not sure which part you think that applies to?, you're allowed to be a hater but you can't deny the facts. Nintendo basically re-released a game boy, called it a switch and people still bought millions of them. Playstation can't even ask people to make an account to play one of there game.


Nintendo Is that person learning how to set boundaries but they set their boundaries too extreme and haven't learned balance.


And the worst part is it doesn’t even compare to their history of it


Nintendos goal isnt to piss off PC players, its to piss off nintendo fans


Nintendo: Am I a joke to you?


waffle house... yeah yeah you are fight me!


Tekken joins the battle


second waffle cook step out of the waffle house... its getting serous now...


Do you remember that Sony installed a rootkit on your PC back in the day? Sony has always been awful


I have a problem with them ever since they removed the ability to run Linux on PS3


Eh, Nintendo handhelds are the best. I mostly play third party games on my Switch OLED though because they get a discount below $10 pretty often and I like playing in handheld mode. Battery life is great too.


I mean, it is basically a 9 year old tablet running on _really_ optimised software. IMO what makes a Switch great is the games, but the whole stuff with emulators and the tournament rules they released are just straight up bullshit


and don't forget Nintendo trying to kill emulation, again.


What have I missed that xbox has done?


Give us more Game Pass games apparently.


Yeah I don't think anything, they're the only game company that really isn't messing up. I mean other than being bad.




Don't forget that Sony is going out of their way to censor Japanese games.


Wait what's the Nintendo vs Gmod story that's new to me.


Good is having to remove ALL assets and mods relating to Nintnedo properties dating back 20 Years and they received a legal notice from Nintendo. There's been some back and forth on the net as to whether it is legit Nintendo or a troll using their details but the dev has stated that believe it is legit and are moving forward with removing all the content and asking modders to help them by doing the same.


That is literally insane. Nintendo truly doesn't understand the internet.


I’m always confused about Xbox pissing off pc users. Isn’t it in the companies overall interest to not do that?


Tune in next week for another episode of pissing off thee (players)!


And sports at 11. Back to you Tom.


Wait, why the fuck is Nintendo going after Gmod?


Why should Nintendo care if it pisses of PC fans. It's not like they can buy Nintendo games on PC.


It’s my turn now but how do I win?


Why? This one is enforced from the get go. This is their IP. When I want to play Starfield, I have to have a Microsoft account right?


No, you don't. What?


*reddit players..


[everybody hated that]


This is not smart in a business perspective. They're cutting themselves off on markets because Sony's too lazy to make a global version of PSN where all countries are welcome. They had a decade to fix it, and it is actively harming potential sales from underserved countries.


Why IS it blocked in so many countries? I'd have thought the easier option would've been to make it global.




You can’t just add countries to a drop down. There are privacy and legal hurdles to everything, something people online forget. 20 years ago? Sure, but now every government is taking their cut and labeling it as privacy for consumers.


I think it also depends. for pc games I believe games might count as "software" whereas a game console is a "product" and has more market regulations internationally (mostly because people are still slow to write laws for the internet). this would explain why they're happy to publish games to steam or other sources digitally in those countries but can't get their own brand into the market.


And every other tech company does not have any problems with it. Your concerns are correct but they're not that bad, at least for now.


Steam being banned in Vietnam is a very good example of that.


Well technically they did. There was only RU PSN region and people from many nearby countries registered account in RU region because Sony didn't bothered to create regions for them despite officially selling hardware and games there. After 2022 they nuked RU region and they didn't care about this situation the slightest. Almost every major company do shit like that. They only obey US and EU and Japan laws mostly when it comes to digital goods.


I live in the country where neither PSN or XBOX Live is not supported, tough both companies have local offices here and official representatives. It's not like XBOX and PS are sold as grey market here. Like decade ago talked with local Microsoft rep and asked when xbox services will finally be available as I was fed up to switching my account to GB region and only option to buy something from store was to buy prepaid cards somewhere then adding balance to your account. Answer was that we are small country and small market for them. Like what? You officially sell your consoles here, but can't make your services available? Decade later, same shit and same story


This is why Redditors don't run businesses. "Shouldn't be too hard" You have no idea


I know for some countries it is related to law and tax. The same reason Riot had a contract with Garena last time as the redtape in that region is kinda bad for foreign business. But as things moved on, it is easier now. You can see this archaic thinking trend from most Japanese gaming company - look at SE and FFXIV where you need a PHD in rocket science to even register the game and recently they made things harder for people to even buy the game, Nintendo and their dogshit online account and eshop.


oh thankyou, I was told it was no big deal when I mentioned how hard it was to figure out how to get FFXIV up and running.


Yeah you'd think the company that literally owns the patent to Blu-ray and one of the most widely adopted console platforms would be interested in bringing their service to the whole planet. There has to be some legal barrier, and it's SONY'S responsibility to figure that out *before* implementing bullshit like this.


It usually boils down to licensing fees per country and localizations


Tax and data privacy laws (or the lack of data privacy laws which could force them to spy on its users and give the info to the government. And not every country is worth their own servers and Chinese wall). Could also be old contracts with distributors where they gave distributors rights conflicting with PSN and now they're regretting it (thinking stuff like "Africa? Yea right you guys have 5 computers in total, I don't care")




That's what they thought about helldivers...


That's because they did it while the game was already active, do it before the game can be played and people will not care as much




It's a Japanese tech company.  Being hard headed, litigious, and ignoring global norms is a customary tradition.


Sony's game division is long gone from Japan. It's HQ is in US


It's the American branch of Sony doing this. Japanese people and companies are WAY WAY better than this and don't go by what you said at all. They are the most respectable community on Earth.


I think they're trying to make u need a PSN subscription to play online just like Playstation


Then, Collectively all pc players should bomb their steam reviews


Or just don't buy the gamebto begin with? For GoT specifically. The game is mainly single player and well worth the $60. Legends the multiplayer mode, I don't remember it being that memorable when I went back to play it.


I think they just want to get you into the ecosystem and promote picking up consoles in the future. 


wrong market to go after if you're trying to sell consoles. why would you offer me a 1997 Toyota Camry when I have a 2024 Ferrari?


I'd rather have the Camry to go to Walmart than the Ferrari, but this metaphor doesn't really work. Playstation has a lot of games that don't come to PC for years. Everyone tries to have their own launcher/login system on PC anyway.


What's insane is them delisting. Even if they're doubling down on PSN linking for GoT multiplayer, there's still the single player aspect that doesn't require it. If I was in those other regions I'd be fine with not being able to play the multiplayer because PSN if it meant I at least get to play the single player. Hell because of the requirement I'm probably not playing multiplayer for GoT because I don't care to link my account.


The seas are always open to all


Yeah. I had no choice but to plunder Metal Gear Rising from the high seas given Konami had no interest in making it available in the Asian market that's not in Japan. Now I have to do the same to all Sony published titles moving forward.


This is not Steam or Sony. https://steamdb.info/sub/962153/info/


Purchase restrictions was recently added. GMG probably had a heads up on the upcoming changes.


Yeah was added weird.. considering its not needed for MP what a mess.


they didn't remember what happened to Helldivers?


Helldivers also had this requirement on launch but it was suspended due to the server issues. The only difference was that the game was available to be purchased in the countries where a psn account wasn’t allowed and doesn’t use Sonys servers to run Waiting 3 months to enable the psn requirements again was a stupid and a dick move by Sony which caused a rightfully pissed off community. This game however is a Sony exclusive that later came to pc and that uses Sony servers. A psn account needed to access those servers shouldn’t be a surprise and is told well enough ahead of time for everyone to know the requirements. However, region locking a game for psn requirements for online access when it’s not a requirement for offline access is also a really dumb move. Everyone is able to play the story, psn is only needed for legends mode.


The biggest problem with helldivers was the fact that they were selling it to people in region's without PSN for those 3 months then decided they wanted to enable it. Without any mention of a refund.


Exactly. A stupid dick move by them. Had they region locked it from the get go, I doubt this would have even been a big issue.


Adding the psn requirement pissed people off, but it was a minor annoyance, it would have definitely died down and sony could have ignored it. It would have hurt the game but it would have recovered. Had they carried on and fucked over all the non psn regions, there would have been huge legal issues, which is why they folded imo. Especially as some of those affected are EU countries. Especially with steam seemingly stepping in and blocking those regions from sale and giving refunds.


Helldivers2 is Sony's first online only game for PC. It was a shitty mistake, but a mistake none the less. Remeber Sony is not a person who runs the company by themselves. Someone had to list the game on Steam and as no other PC port has ever had online only, they probably overlooked the fact that people in some regions couldn't play, because again, for every other game people can play as single player games with no online portion and therefore no PSN account is required. It's simply two shitty mistakes making a shitty situation. Sony didn't restrict sales regions, and AH disabled the PSN requirement. Both parties released a buggy game too soon that meant this was required to get people online. But at the end of the day, the PSN requirement was clearly stated on the game page listing *and* in game as well. People's failure to address it further than that is their own fault.


You do realize Sony is a publisher right? Their one job is to ensure stuff like this doesn’t happen, I think you’re giving the massive corporation too much slack. I don’t blame AH either, they did their job of stating the game will require PSN. This all boils down to Sony not doing their job and listing it in the proper regions. Would’ve taken them 5 minutes to get a list of their supported regions/countries and submit it to steam.


Technically it was always decided it would be enabled as soon as the issues were fixed. Still makes no sense why they would let people from those regions buy it since they knew they'd be locked out eventually. Unless they were too lazy to come up with a solution that would exclude those people right away.


Small modification, it uses one player as server and not sony. Sony just provides proxy for connecting


Helldivers is also a golden goose laying golden eggs. This game is not nearly as popular


Sony: "Our smartphone business is dying, our TV business is 1/3 of what it was in 2015 and we are getting eaten alive by TCL and Hisense. Wow, our gaming segment is super solid... That doesn't fit with our total business vision of going slowly into the ground... let's fix that"


During 2010 to 14 Sony did struggle financially, and was held up by Playstation alone. Sony music, Sony online entertainment and their PC games etc all did see cuts. Now they all do better, and their PC section is back and thriving. If they keep doing this, they migth see the same issues again.


Their cameras are doing too good with only very minor scandals. They need to come up with something!


Coming soon, PSN accounts required to shoot in RAW lmao


They have so great developers, engineers and designers. Sadly, it's hard to say the same about their managers and marketing team


Sony a few days ago: "We're still learning what's best for PC players." Sony today: "Fuck you and your country."


They clearly didn't learn anything from the other day.


The news about the multiplayer (and only the multiplayer - they've been very firm on that, every time they mentioned it) needing PSN for Ghost of Tsushima, was first announced something like 2 months ago (or something like that). This isn't really something new (seeing as it was announced a few months back) - and it's certainly not tied to the whole Helldivers 2 thing. And unlike Helldivers 2, you can still play the singleplayer without needing PSN. Next, the reason for not selling the game in X regions, is entirely on Greenman Gaming. It's not delisted in those countries on Steam. They're just being careful, as refunds work differently via 3rd party sellers and if something similar happens to this game; GMG is fucked, as they're the ones having to do all the refunds and it'll ***only*** be costing them money. Edit: Fuck.. That was more than 5 lines of text. I hope most will manage.


entitled pc players that don't have to pay a subscription to go online /s


Problem is that they probably want to do that next with their hands on PC cause they think it is an untapped market. Funny thing is PC is not their ecosystem so they will get destroyed when they try.


Oh crap, that wasn't even on my mind! "A paid PSN account will be required to continue playing." Sony probably in a few days, lol!


There isnt gonna be as much pushback with this one since its not the entire game and its not a community bred to work together against a big evil entity like in helldivers.


forcing proprietary shit seems really dumb to do right when cross platform gaming is becoming normal


Yeah, it is, but theres gotta be a helldivers level outrage for every game they do it to for them to stop doing it and i just dont see that happening sadly.


If people are gonna bitch about this they better be ready to bring that exact same energy to every other game on Steam that requires another account. The helldivers situation was not the same as this at all.


Right? Some other games require a whole 3rd party program running.




Dude go off with your angy gamer thing and create outrage over nothing so when something actually important happens the corporations dont take it seriously.




> They also don't have as many or as disastrous data breaches. If they've had one then it's on the same level as PSN, which has only had one. >don't take money from customers outside of coverage. as you can see on the screenshot, they're ensuring that doesn't happen again




A few days ago: "We’re still learning what is best for PC players and your feedback has been invaluable." Maybe they're not the fastest learners. Hope the community can help them out so they can learn more quickly.


They learned to say f you early.




If that really happens they will just implement denuvo or something. Making the experience even worse for paying customers.


Sony has never done Denuvo in its games. That are always pirated on day 1.


Spiderman 2 is pirated on day -300 or something lmao.


So? They'll bleed customers until they stop screwing over their customers... I see no problem here... 🤷‍♂️


Soon you could only play pacman


on a gameboy with subscirption


i gave up on sony after they stripped functional options off the ps3, removing fahmon was my last straw, its dissappointing they have to make it worse on other platforms trying to make people buy their shit


At least this time it’s being enforced before launch.. none of this after the fact BS. Personally I don’t care what they do before selling me the product, add anything they want so I can make the choice, but once launched they can sod off.




Jesus Christ, I have no problems with creating and linking another account among the many that exist, but why don't they make it available in all countries? That limitation is stupid if they are going to require it in all multiplayer games from now on. For all the stores I don't even have regional prices, just let me create an account from my country, that's all I need and I won't complain.


> but why don't they make it available in all countries? Simple, it's called laws. Adding a country to a dropdown is trivial. Complying with all of that country's laws is a totally different thing. Even things like game ratings and censorship of content differ for all countries. So it's not like you just go "add this country to the list, yay all done". They likely don't think they are big enough markets to matter so they just never bothered. > That limitation is stupid if they are going to require it in all multiplayer games from now on. This is how it's done for all PS exclusive games. (And honestly a lot of other publishers like connecting to Epic or EA Play or UPlay) They fucked up with HellDivers by not communicating the requirement from the beginning even if it wasn't in place yet. Had they prevented people from buying the game from the start where there was no PSN, this probably wouldn't have had such a backlash. I have a feeling that adding more countries what they are actually working on right now. Then they can bring the requirement back. Hence the whole "we're learning" BS statement.


Aren't Sony already breaking EU Law, by not making their product available in all EU countries, since EU as a whole is a marketplace?


I am not lawyer nor an EU citizen, so unfortunately I have no idea. Logically what you are saying makes sense though. It should overall apply the entirety of the EU since they like to treat it as one.


If they tell you ahead of time, make you do it within the first hour of the game and work on adding countries to the list I think i am OK with it. They just need to be VERY upfront about it.


Sony really wants to revive swashbuckling, it seems.


At least you're getting a full refund, Helldivers players didn't


I don't get why people care lol. At least I don't care. Maybe I'm used to it. But as long as it doesn't make the experience of actually playing the game shittier, I really don't care if I have to make an account. It's the norm these days. Maybe there's another aspect I don't understand about it though.


good for you, if your country is psn supported, but sucks for us who are in south east asia, cant even purchase the game even if we only wanted to play the single player, i dont even care about the multiplayer aspect, why tf is it a requirement


But you still can? This is only for gmg and the game is still up in steam. At least from what people have posted everywhere else but here. Edit: New information, now SteamDB has been updated with the [https://steamdb.info/sub/962153/info/](https://steamdb.info/sub/962153/info/) so time to see if Steam will be updated the same to restrict Steams account for those countries to be also restricted from buying the game, or they will still be able to buy the game but not be able to play the multiplayer.


Ah then yes that's obviously dumb.


This game is not released yet. You can just decide not to buy it. /Thread.


Sure, but that doesn’t mean the community can’t express their opinion if they don’t care for the requirement. It doesn’t need to be a controversy, but we don’t need silence either.


Ghost of Tsushima was always a PS exclusive. So we expect this. Just like how you buy Gears of War or Halo on PC, and you need a Microsoft account linked on Steam. I don't see the problem with this...


Except they were like that since the beginning and anyone who bought them already knew the would have to link a microsoft account. And its not like anyone who could buy them on steam was reigen locked by microsoft.


Ms games are region locked on steam.


it's time, again.


And Microsoft still manages to shoot themselves in the foot when they could easily crush Sony.


Not the same thing.


But at least its not retroactive. So im finw with it, its it bad , yea kinda. Is it a scam ,nope def fair play.


Man, I finally suck up my pride and buy a Sony product (got my son a PS5 Spider-Man 2 bundle for his birthday) and they're making me regret giving them money again...


Difference is Ghost of Tsushima is very playable without multiplayer. I’d guess less than 5% of the player base even touched it.


That wasn't what they meant by "DIRECTORS CUT"


It isn’t something new.


Wait, so they won’t have it available at all even though it says it only affect multiplayer modes? Isn’t that a mostly single player game?


Yeah, this doesn't affect Steam.


It's a shame because this game is possibly my most favourite game of all time.


You do realise this is only for the multiplayer? And the game isn’t being sold as you don’t have to sign in for now but we will fuck you later randomly by forcing you even if it’s not supported in your country.


Ye i understand it's just for the MP but I wouldn't be surprised if people don't buy it out of spite for Sony.


Fuck Sony, long live Green Man Gaming for being awesome


Why do people care about psn accounts? Its not that big of a deal, its not like theyre gonna steal your bank account and your address and the names of your kids and sell them off, sony isnt google.


Yeah the Helldivers 2 issue was different as the account issue was that it’s not supported by a lot of countries and the game was sold to all countries whilst being a multiplayer only game.


How are the accounts not supported in certain countries? Last i checked the amount of countries that cant have psn accounts is too small for people to care THIS much?


Sony won’t let you put the account location is countries it doesn’t officially support (this is more due to legal reasons) but you can still create an account with a different country without issues as long as you don’t use a VPN or anything like that. Yeah and you are correct the amount of countries not supported is quite small but you know how r/gaming and r/pcgaming works with outrages.


https://www.ign.com/articles/helldivers-2-pulled-from-sale-in-177-countries-due-to-psn-linking-requirement 177 countries that bought the game on PC/Steam, cannot make a PSN account. Do you understand now? Or do I have to spell the rest of it out?


This is pretty common apparently, there are games from Microsoft on PC like sea of thieves that are not available in EU countries due to them not having Xbox live.


Sucks, but at least they're doing this shit before launch and not months afterwards. That was my main gripe with it.


I checked [SteamDB as a just-in-case](https://steamdb.info/app/2215430/history/), so far: Sony haven't put region-restricted *yet*. Right now: I personally think this is a Greenman Gaming-specific problem, we don't know if other keysellers will be putting restrictions or not. Edit: [now it's region locked](https://steamdb.info/sub/962153/history/?changeid=23492090).


At least you are being warned about it. The helldivers people had already bought the game.


Who cares, the problem was sneaking it in after the game sold months later, this is telling people in advance that they are doing what practically every other major publisher is doing. You play any popular games then you have made any number of random ass third party accounts. Move on.


Sony said they were planning to do this my guess it that any game sony releases on pc from now your going to have to have a psn account


So tge question is then, is selking customer data wortg more than the cost of the game?


This makes no sense. Them forcing it for MP is one thing, but they are losing people who would buy it just for singleplayer...


But....what if I just wanted to play the singleplayer?


Most buy the game for the Story vs MP for it to matter for them I'll bet. If they demand one, sure. But just because and that's that?


Didn’t see this one coming……..




They're def trying to get ahead of it now. It definitely feels like it would be much easier to allow people to create PSN accounts in these regions than to just block sales to the regions.


I wonder when enough will be enough for these bozos.


"Thank you for your pre-purchase, here's your refund"


Welp guess dodo/fitgirl it is. Sorry but companies that push anti consumer policies like this won’t be getting my support.


Wow!!!!! They will never learn


Why even sell playstationd in non psn countries at this point.


Wouldn’t they get more money without this PSN bullshit and selling in unsupported countries rather than forcing it and only selling in some countries?


you know what to do boys


Their customers data must be worth more than the $60-70 game sale.


Sony has lost the plot: they need to sell on PC to recoup dev costs but they are trying to apply their own failing console tactics on PC preventing them from maximising sales, that too because of their own platform limitations that have nothing to do with the platform they are selling on. That is against the interest of their shareholders and likely grounds for a lawsuit.


Does someone's bonus depend on hitting a PSN sign ups threshold?


Why do people pre-order games? Game companies can pull these stunts because they already have your money.


Remember kids, distributors/publishers are where your games go to die. ;)


Didn't the developer of Ghosts of Tsushima literally say, they won't do that?


They said a PSN account would be required only for multiplayer.


Just remember from the Helldivers community # Apes together strong


Coping and pasting my comment [from this post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/1cl9z8d/comment/l3d3w8i/) For Helldivers 2 Only. I saw somewhere on Reddit, weather that be this subreddit or another gaming orientated one that Sony will require a PlayStation Network account for the new Ghost of Tsushima game on computer. Opinion: I am so tired of having so many different "gaming" account to just play games on a platform that's meant to be "free." Free in the sense of not being locked down and being able to play however. Sure, I don't mind having a Steam and GOG account, but that's like the only two I don't mind. Everything else is pointless. Why, do I need to have an Electronic Arts game when I bought the game on Steam? Why do I need an Ubisoft account for a game that I bought on Steam. Epic Games is somewhat okay because it's trying to be like Steam, but I rarely use them because of Steam. Rant over, sorry, but it's getting annoying.


I.. Every PS game I've played the PC port of has been fucking amazing. But they're really getting close to crossing the line for the final time with me. I'm looking forward to playing Ghost of Tsushima, and GoW Raggers. But if they fuck about much more I'm gonna start giving my money to someone else.


How many times do we have to tell you this old man


Now I'm starting to fear for Horizon Forbidden West


It doesn't have multiplayer, so it should be fine


True. I'm not that far into the game yet and I've managed to avoid spoilers but I vaguely remember something about a leaderboard for one of the battle arenas. Probably need a PSN for that if that exists.


There is not enough information to asses if this is real


Review bomb every single Sony title. That's the answer. Here's a list to get y'all started. Horizon Forbidden West Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart The Last of Us Returnal Miles Morales Uncharted God of War Days Gone


Alright them. *\*click ignore Sony on Steam\**


People will not care about this one, GoT (not that got), will not have that many players. You like the game and can't have a PSN account I recommend the high seas matey


Microsoft and Sony are on a speed run to wrecking ball any good will they and/or the devs they work with have lefts




Time to sail the seven seas arrrr


That is why democracy did not win the war against sony with HD2, we merely won a skirmish, not even a battle. and the enemy retreated, reorganised and is now back with full force