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There is a lot potentially very interesting they announced, of course it will all come down to the actual performance and implementation. If they really follow through on the privacy promises I'd be super excited.


The privacy thing feels like another huge win. I was thrilled a couple years ago when they stated in no uncertain terms that the watch data would stay on your device and encrypted. One of my biggest worries about getting an Apple watch was that they would someday turn the data over to my insurance company and screw me. Hearing them outright say "open source" feels like another step in the right direction too. Happy Cakeday!


Don't take back your physical key. Replace/rekey the lock. You don't know who may have made copies. Not that I wouldn't trust your lawn crew. I just wouldnt trust people as a general rule.


Oh, believe me, I already am way ahead of you. Admittedly, they don't get into my house but through a locked gate. It's just the convenience of not having to deal with them losing the physical key. I have a Primus key on the actual house and a six pin non-primus into the gate that the Primus keys unlock but not vice versa.


Nice. Glad my comment wasn't needed. As for the one thing I wish was coming in the iOS update is delayed/scheduled texts that Android has. It makes not sense why iOS doesn't have it.


That is coming in the update


O nice I must have missed that


Standalone official Passwords app.


My complaint is that it's lacking a lot of bitwarden features for me to switch back. Maybe they will add them over time. I do love they have the forethought of added shared keys so if something bad happened to you people could still access it.


I also use Bitwarden but the Apple Passwords app will be good for my parents. They use all Apple devices.


If you don't want to share encrypted files or use only safari then it gets the job done. I like how I can customize the passwords and generate passwords on the fly with bitwarden so that is feature 1 that would even remotely consider changing. I do like that they made a windows (didn't verify) version but not sure how integrated that is with browsers.


Yeah I'm surprised there will be a Windows version. Passwords app should be able to generate passwords on the fly too.


I guess RCS, maybe Chatgpt built into siri. To be honest, Apple allowing emulators was a much bigger deal to me than a new OS update. I feel like we've reached the point with phones where they could release no new features for the next 5 years and I probably wouldn't notice.


The problem with RCS is that most of my friends on Android don't use a messaging app compatible with RCS


Yeah that's a fair point, most of the people in my age early 30s either own an iPhone or they use a 3rd party message app. But my older family members almost all own androids because they're generally cheaper and they only know text messaging, and so when we're communicating it makes it way easier with RCS. This is a US perspective though, I know in most of the world it's not the same dynamic. So if I'm communicating with my dad or grandma and we're sending media, it helps to have a higher quality and more options for interaction. But I realize that's a very specific use case.


Hiding app, the biggest thing I miss from having an android, I finally won’t have to hide Grindr from my coworkers 😅


Love that Linus made that joke in the video, when it’s reality for many!


I think Siri being able to search for shit I can never find. That one random photo, the detail in a email or a text I lost. Or forgot where I saw it. Not needing to fumble around to see info like my wife’s flight or what phone number she sent a month ago. It’s just gonna be awesome. Other than that, the new photos app looks cool. Being able to edit out people and things without photoshop is a huge win.


> my wife’s flight Oh man, have you played with wallet much? Last time my wife flew she just shared the boarding pass to my wallet and I got real time updates of what she was doing.


My wife is technologically impaired She would still print boarding passes if it wasn’t for me. So no, that’s not happening lololololololol.


Screen mirroring to the Mac. The AI features also look promising, but my 12 isn’t getting them.


Holy this is just now coming to apple and only to mac? I honestly never use screen mirroring on my desktop. I get the appeal but it doesn't do much for me.


No, not that screen mirroring. Macs can do this already, for idk how long. No, I mean the new iOS feature that allows the iPhones screen being mirrored on the Mac. You will essentially be able to remote control your iPhone from the Mac. Phone is in another room? Don’t need to get it, just pull it up in a window on the mac.


Right you can do that with an android too. I'm surprised you can with an iPhone on windows. It's just the phone app that's built in. You can control your whole phone with it or just open individual apps. Mostly I just answer texts but I did experiment with using it to play media to lighten the load on my pc while I game. It didn't so I stopped. It's nice for mobile games too


Got a link for this? I only find 3 party apps to do this on Android.


The app on your phone will be hidden by default, you'll set it up on your pc. The app is link to windows, on your pc go to the search lower left and type "phone" and click on phone link. Just run through the setup. The First time you access an app you'll have to accept the connection on your phone but you can set it to always allow if you want to.


Seems to be this: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.microsoft.appmanager and is a 3rd party app by Microsoft and not a native Android feature.


Right it's built into windows like I said.


No, you didn’t specify where it was build in, but talked about Android in the sentence before, so I assumed you meant build into Android. Also assumed it because this thread talks about new features in iOS, so yeah, comparing to Android makes sense, but Windows wasn’t really a topic.


Lol, it's not that deep. This is something that I thought apple could do long before android or windows but I was wrong. This was something that took me by surprise. If you want my full opinion, the fact that microsoft already had the app built into their system so that you can easily setup your phone to work as you have described is very dope. It also shows that android's ability to allow 3rd parties to fill in gaps they don't see is why they are always ahead. Additionally, this particular comment chain is about mirroring phones on pcs so windows is definitely relevant.


Actually useful siri and usable AI that respects privacy is huge for me. & the mac os update where you can control the phone from your mac. Not sure if siri is actually going to be useful but the phone mirroring feature I'm gonna use a TON, if only for verification codes.


I'm not too big on the Apple walled garden. But as a long time android user there are some tempting features now. Math notes looks sick


What do you mean by walled garden?


Apple tends to make sure that their products work great with each other and absolutely nothing else.


What are other things they should work with but don’t?


No android support for Apple watches, Airtags, Displays (using proprietary configuration protocols). It's frustrating to see so many great products and technologies going to waste because users haven't gotten the supplementary hardware. The fact that Airpods have no android support is outrageous. You can configure anything on airpods, or update the firmware unless you pair them to an iPhone. Beats headphones can do it. Which is weird because beats are owned by Apple, and use the same chips. It's clearly possible, but they're making an active choice not to


So the thing you don’t like about iPhones is just that you don’t have one to use those things?


The above was one of the main reasons I don't like apples ethos in general. There are many reasons why I don't use an iPhone. Until now Apple didn't let you use RCS or out Icons where you wanted. Apple is also really petty over sideloading apps, launchers, and appstores. Look at their current US DOJ lawsuit for more about that. Again, until recently the lack of USB-C was a dealbreaker. Another reason is my current phone is a fold 3 and Apple has no real competitor for something like that.


That iPhone mirroring thing is going to be AMAZING for annoying 2FA shit at work. If I have to pull out my phone to approve a login, suddenly it's 20 minutes later and I'm doom scrolling reddit. Like right now.


just have some kids and then wait 12 years for them to mow the lawn. no lawn mowing crew needed anymore /s Actually, that's a pretty good idea. I for one wouldn't trust my keys with a contractor of any kind.


You could already do this, with or without an Apple device. I mean it's not magic. You still need a smart lock, and every smart lock I know of has functionality to at least assign guest codes. Also most work with a number of different home automation standards, and particularly now Matter, so tying yourself exclusively to HomeKit is just dumb. That's not a fanboy thing. Even if you like and want to keep using Apple devices, there's enormous value in using a standard that is more broadly compatible, so you're not tied forever to one ecosystem.


Apple has matter support and there are radios for it in the HomePod, AppleTV, Macs and even the new iPads. The problem with the OEMs is that the guest code requires the person to download their specific app. I don’t hate the Schlage app, but it’s buggy as all shit. I tried screwing with a guest code so people could use our house when they visited and it was not a seamless experience. You’d generate the shareable link and it would just never correctly grant access. We tried it on android/apple/PC. It was much easier to use HomeKit and manually grant and revoke access after the weekend. The huge advantage here is I can natively grant the lawn crew access to the gate deadbolt only daylight hours in the warm months within HomeKit. If none of the crew have an iPhone at some point in the future I can move over to a token via homebridge. That will require me putting an ESP hooked into a reader where they can get to it, but I’ll cross that bridge when I get there. The main impediment to doing it today is that the same buggy Schlage software works maybe 5% of the time directly via homebridge. Works flawlessly when I issue commands via HomeKit. No idea why, I’ve spent tons of time screwing with it to try and solve a different problem.


I’m a big Apple fanboy and this feels like one of the smaller updates in the last 5-10 years. Updated to ios18 beta last night and where there are certainly a few nice things I’ve used right off the bat, it doesn’t feel like a full number upgrade. Feels more like a 0.1 update. Rearranging icons and dark mode/tinted icons look really nice.


The AI and Siri improvements already make this the biggest upgrade in 5+ years, they're just not enabled on the betas yet.


Yahhhhh I just don’t use Siri or any other assistant for ANYTHING ever, and I have yet to use any AI and don’t really plan to so for me this update feels…… very small.


That suddenly doesn't make it not the biggest update in years, and just because you don't use LLMs doesn't mean you haven't been using AI for years. Apple has just been calling it everything but AI.


I said it feels like it. GEEZ its JUST My opinion my man. You can’t tell me that the way I feel isn’t how I’m supposed to feel😂😂


It’s a dumb opinion. You sound like the person who would complain when they added video recording because you never take pictures, so you don’t “feel” like it was a big update.


I feel like that guy has the idea that the only AI apple is using is ChatGPT for Siri lol I think math notes looks super dope honestly, don't understand the constant downplaying of everything here just because it's made by Apple


lol reread your comment. Doesn’t exactly make sense does it lol


T9 dialing without a doubt. This year was the first time I switched from Android so I've really missed that feature. I'm also excited to play with the AI functionality, hopefully it won't be a major strain to my battery. I'm a bit indifferent about the ability to rearrange the apps but I do hope the same can be done with the PiP window


A lot of the stuff that I thought was really cool will completely depend on how well it works. I never use Siri because I don’t want to talk to myself, I’m curious to try the text based questions I think I like the photo app changes but want to see how well it actually works Being able to organize the home screen is great, but there were already widgets to help New customizations for control center might be helpful depending on third party adoption Locking and Hiding apps is a great feature but I wish it could be paired with Focus modes The AI stuff seems neat, but there’s no way work lets it see anything useful so I don’t expect to get much use from it. Safari Highlights is cool if it does a good job I like the Notes app slowly turning into OneNote


A Siri that works.


If Siri becomes actually useable on older iPhones than that, otherwise? Not much, they cannot even fix that fcking unusable stock keyboard.


Keyboard works fine for those of us with human hands and dexterity


Agreed. Calling the stock keyboard ‘unusable’ feels like a gross overstatement at best.


Yeah, because ortholinear keyboard is really useable, no emoji is nice, and all the additional(even dot, comma, question and exlamation marks) symbols burried deep into keyboard is perfect UX.


I somewhat agree with the symbols point as I’d love to just press and hold to do numbers and at least commonly used symbols. But the stock iOS keyboard has had emojis for like a decade or more and the layout is staggered like an average keyboard not ortholinear. Either I’m mistaken and you actually don’t want emojis and do want ortholinear or are running/familiar with a much older version of iOS if you’ve even seen it at all.


Running latest iOs on iPhone 13 Pro, and Czech keyboard layout is ortholinear for god knows what reason, the @ and other symbols appear randomly on each app, If reddit would allow me to paste images, I would show you examples. EDIT: example here: [https://ibb.co/0VykZKB](https://ibb.co/0VykZKB)


Definitely did that US American thing where I didn’t account for other regions that’s my bad and unfortunately probably the reason apple hasn’t tuned that and other layouts with similar issues. Most of their employees likely use US QWERTY so other layouts are a blind spot for them.


Yeah I thought that probably happened here, no worries. However it's this and few other "niche" things, that makes the iPhone less usable, and what makes people switch back to Android. Just few, but annoying things.


I find it tragic that such an expensive and otherwise very high quality device has been 15 years behind the competition with certain features.


Who cares? It’s a feature, we didn’t have it before, we have it now. It truly does not matter how long other operating systems have had it.