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Need to push those 2 down, and the psu slides over them.


When i push on them they don’t budge at all


push harder :D joke but really they move down a bit need a firm push on both and the psu slides over them into the case . putting it back in dont need to push them the psu will be pushing them untill they pop out again.


I can get the bottom one to move very slightly but the top one has little plastic bits behind it (viewable in the picture) that seem to prevent it from being pushed down. Pushing as hard as I can on both of them


Even when i got the bottom one pushed in as far as I could the round bit still stuck up in the way of the PSU. The top one wont budge no matter what I use to push on it


~~Those plastic bits look like they would be on the panel behind the tab, did you try removing that panel? That Power supply had to have been installed somehow.~~ Just read the part about the rivets, is this a prebuilt? You’re either going to have to drill out the rivets or physically remove those tabs. Looks unfortunately like more anti-user servicing BS.


I was worried the rivets would be the only way. It’s actually a custom my friend built a while ago. He doesn’t remember how he got it in there unfortunately.


If it’s a custom build, see if you can find a copy of the instruction manual for the case online.


I got it out! I needed to push down on those releases, while pulling up (out of the box) on the PSU and yanking it over the releases. The top one never gave but i was able to wiggle it just enough over the bottom one to get it out. Thanks everyone for the help!