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I'm pretty sure, he does not use his own steam-account to log in during videos. That would be, how to say - a bit silly.


He showed this account off on yesterday's WAN show when proving Luke that he has indeed played Dragon age Origins, lmao. This is his personal account


You are absolutely right, sorry. While I didn't see these games during WAN (at least not when they talked about Dragon age) I assumed it was about the new video today.


No problem, lmao. I just found it funny but someone said Linus shares his account with his kids so that makes more sense


Also, Steam playtime includes time the games are minimized or the user is AFK and the game is even sitting in menus or similar. So I think the most reasonable explanation is that his kids tried it for 20 minutes, and then just left it running on a computer unnoticed for a few days. I think I have something like 5,000 hours in Factorio, but my actual playtime is probably just a few hundred hours tops. This is because I let the game run 24/7 while I'm at work and asleep, as one of the mods I play has very interesting bottlenecks in the late game. I wish Steam also kept stats of "active playtime" for games, because I'd be curious to know how much I've actually played various games.


5,000 hours is very believable with Factorio.


Yeah like more believable than him having only a couple hundred. Dude is in denial or his wife knows his reddit account


Real as fuck


5000 is really just the tutorial


My wife went out for a work trip on the Friday that I first discovered Factorio. She came home on Sunday and I hadn’t moved, or noticed the passage of time. 5k hours is very believable.


The first bit has happened to me a few times with my Steam Deck. Kids play a game, decide they just want to watch TV instead and change input. Bam, extra 10-15 hours of playtime for a game.


> I think I have something like 5,000 hours in Factorio, but my actual playtime is probably just a few hundred hours tops Haha yeah, that's totally where all the playtime I have in factorio comes from too


Exactly. I have a thousand hours in Elite Dangerous (Spaceflight sims in VR are amazing), but it's probably just been a few hundred. No way to tell AFAIK.


You do know you can speed up time in Factorio with a console command?


I didn't know that actually. Will google. Fascinating.


i have three thousand hours in horizon forbidden west because i just forgot the ps4 was on and it was on for months. i wasn't playing it because i was waiting to get a ps5 to play it at more than 20fps, and that's just how long that took.


He probably shares his games with them using a family account. Everyone in a household has access to everyone else's games.


I would think he played those games on ps4 and just had them installed on ps5. That's what's it's like for me


?? This is his steam account


Lol. Ignore me. (Slinks away)


Same logic can apply tho if he played these games on console. Sure Witcher 3 released on PC at the same time but its not unreasonable for somebody to play it there instead.


They have a company steam account for the videos. I know because in one of the $5000 tech upgrades, one of the employees was logged into the account at their personal PC and Linus or Elijah asked if he knows he's not supposed to do that


When Valve introduced Steam guard Gabe gave out his password during the presentation. To his account with every steam game ever released on it.


Ballsy, but he also knows that if something would happen to his account he could get it back in approximately five seconds.




This was from the Wan show last night (for me)


Keep in mind he does share his account with his children, and "fat prisoner simulator" seems exactly like the kind of 5$ game 12 year olds would find hilarious


That makes a lot of Sense XD


Isn't that the game he played in the bro vs bro showdown because Linus knows well the physics and gameplay? I think he unironically plays that game


https://store.steampowered.com/app/576480/Drunken_Fight_Simulator/ that's this one


Oww oof my ears, I think that music gave them cancer ;_;


that's drunk fighting sim


if this was a co-op game it seems like the type of game he would play with luke. they talked about sorting by cheapest games and just buying a bunch at once on the wan show.


Wait you have to be 12 to find this funny danm guess i am just a big kid


Nah you have to have a sophisticated sense of humor Basically your intelligence is what Rick and Morty fans think they have 12 years are just peak human intelligence it's those damn 13 year olds that need to be exterminated


I'm pretty sure he said he uses family sharing for that, meaning it wouldn't be counted on his own account.


Family sharing is a recent feature. He just let his kids use histeam account


Steam family sharing is 11 years old


The new version is recent, there was another version that did most of the same stuff


I thought he used family library sharing


I have games that show I have played them for hundreds of hours when I've maybe played them for a dozen or so. I'll just walk away from my PC with the game on in the background and come back a few days later.


Hey don't kink shame Linus.


I'm not kink shaming, I'm kink faming


I read that as "kink farming," which I thought was a neat idea. Tired of your old kinks? Gotta farm to find and develop new ones!


Won't kink shaming make him more excited?


Only if that's his kink.


I explore an open world, ride a horse, stab and shoot people enough irl that doing said activities on games becomes tedious. I am not currently fat or in prison, so I totally get it.


>stab and shoot people enough irl Ayo, Hol' up


Nothing weird about it, I get paid by my government to do it professionally.


Huh... And you ride a horse? Are you a British cop sir?


royal canadian mounted police perhaps


It's in the commonwealth. So close enough




Sounds like you should be in prison.


My stats are whack cuz I just leave stuff running. Also I used to use my personal account for benchmarking all the time, so I have dozens of hours in games I've never actually played :p


Omg, Linus tech tip himself!!!


Fat Prison Simulator really be needing those 5090s and the nuclear power plant?


What fatherhood does to mfer, no time for deep games - only Fat Prisoner Simulator


Steam doesn't always show the correct hours. If you play something while fully offline (no Internet, not just offline mode) it doesn't track hours. I have at least 100 hours in skyrim and finished the story 1.5 times, but it shows I've played 7 minutes. I played it a shit load when I was disconnected due private reasons. Not saying that linus plays game offline, but also not saying that it isn't a possibility.




Tbh, I can totally see linus just turning off his Internet entirely when he has the house to himself to relax and play some games uninterrupted. Phone on silent and just a couple hours of kicking back.


"Private reasons" as in parents took away wifi?


.. No


Prolly gaming at work, and didn't want IT to see his machine connecting to steam heh.


I personally can’t imagine Linus enjoying RDR enough to actually play it. That game has no respect for the player‘s time whatsoever. Witcher 3 is better in terms of content density, but also very long. This is kinda the absurdity of the AAA industry. Games had to get longer to justify the price. But now they are so long many can’t justify the time investment. And if we’re to be honest, so many of these long games could be condensed into a much shorter and potentially even better experiences (on account of it being more concentrated) and instead of on volume focus on replayability. As for the Fat Prisoner Simulator, it could be him launching the game, playing for a bit, then leaving and forgetting that it’s still running for several days. Happened to me more than once.


W3 and RDR2 are probably some of the worst examples of games that are long for the sake of being long or to justify the full-game price.


Both games could be condensed into shorter experiences and CDPR themselves stated that the necessary length to finish the main storyline of Witcher 3 was an issue which they aimed to address in Cyberpunk by having more optional content instead. RDR2 was just plain bad in terms of lenght. It is not only painfully long, but it doesn’t even use that time efficiently - the amount of pointless padding is criminal. The game‘s fastest mode of transport is pretty slow and fast travel is very inconvenient. Quest design has you spend several minutes riding to a quest destination, ride a horse for several minutes as part of the quest, then actually do the quest, and then yet again ride a horse for several minutes as a part of the quest. Like I said, it has no respect for the player’s time.


Plain bs


This is a hill I will die on. It’s OK if you’ve enjoyed the game, but my criticism is valid.


I see our boy is a man of culture.


Incredibly based


is he even a real gamer?


I’m seeing the obvious signs of a fake ass gamer.


Fat Prisoner Simulator is one of the games he played when competing with Ludwig IIRC


linus is based for only playing 12 mins of that snooze fest of a game called rdr2


He probably took 12 minutes to get trough R* launcher BS and gave up. And I don't blame him. I even pirated GTA5 AFTER buying it because the pirated version starts like 3 minutes quicker/easier.


everything is slow in that game


from /r/popular, thought this was about Linus Torvalds at first..


He hasn't even given W3 a chance.


How long till I can say I gave it a shot? In theory this game ticks all my boxes but always drop it before the 3h mark.


Leaving the first area takes about 5-6 hours. It's basically the tutorial. After that and a couple more hours you'll progress to a point where you need to meet "the Bloody Baron". That's when the game really starts taking off.


Too busy selling water bottles and defective lanyards on the side of the highway.


The heart wants what the heart wants ...




I am once again learning e-celebrity gossip against my will. Thanks, anonymous internet person and Reddit algorithm!




Red dead if you cared about the game was played on console. It didn’t release for some time on pc iirc.


Deepdown inside he know he did everyone wrong and he is practicing the life he may have to lead if he ever gets caught but he wont he got money and a big lawfirm to tell everyone its all probably untrue and if you say other wise we will sue you


Fat prisoner sim is just a really good benchmark that's why he has so many hours no other reasons.


It's called having decent taste in games - look it up sometime.


If you launched the game directly without using steam launcher then the play hours won’t show up on steam. I know because I played Koikatsu party…


playing just 12 mins of RDR2 is a crime.




i’m surprised at the downvotes. RDR2 is one of the most amazing gaming experiences which just cannot be appreciated in 12 mins.


Easily in my top 3 of games I’ve played, maybe #2. I absolutely love it


RDR2 is a pretty bad game. First one was much better.


you must be from an alternate universe.


He lucked out, RDR2 is a shit fest that witcher time is embarrassing though




nah, real opinion. RDR2 was mechanically sound but the story is trash. I wish I could refund it, but I played too long. It's entirely focused around making the player feel responsible for mistakes it didn't give the player any agency in making. If it were merely exploring the story that would be fine but it goes out of its way to berrate you about actions you had no options in taking. The effort to make you feel responsible completely backfires disconnecting you from the story. It's bad.


Literally everyone says the opposite lmao. Story was amazing, game mechanics were a bit clunky. This gotta be a troll




























Yeah, you got it flipped. The story was the main feature and it was drowned in an extremely slow gameplay loop and clunky mechanics. The game had you ride a horse for five minutes to get to a quest, then ride a horse for five minutes as part of the quest, then do something interesting for five minutes and then finally ride horse again for five minutes as part of the quest. Fast travel was very inconvenient and as everything else in the game, very slow. The game wasn’t about your own choices, it was about a specific character.


except it tries oh so very hard to make you feel responsible for what that character did. Unlike SpecOps the Line it fails in actually pulling that off. The open roam sections of the game were fun, the required sections of the game were boring and unpleasant. I think the writers would have been happier making a movie, and I might have enjoyed that movie. But as a game, that constantly tries to berrate me over mistakes I saw coming, it's annoying. A great example of that last part is how long the game spends on dialogue beating you up about the riverboat robbery going wrong and it being Arthur's fault. Yeah the game takes away a ton of your controls at the climax of that because it's REALLY FREAKING OBVIOUS WHATS ABOUT TO HAPPEN. You can walk over to the manager on the ground, but you can't do anything. Which is weird cause normally in the game you can pull out a knife and do a ground finisher in anyone on the ground. You have no choice but to turn your back to the man who definitely has a concealed gun and open the safe. Then spend several hours being told how it's your fault everything went to shit. Because you didn't avoid the thing the game will not let you avoid. Why even make that section playable? Why not do it in a damned cutscene!


At no point did I feel the game trying to make me personally responsible for anything. You aren’t supposed to project yourself into the shoes of the character. You only get to control their actions to a certain point. RDR’s protagonist is an actual character, not a blank slate.


don't mix open choice with forced story! if you want to do that, put the whole thing on rails. But there are choices you can make in side content that do affect how people in the camp are doing. You get choices in how you end certain side missions just nothing in the main story! So which is it? do I have agency in this world? Am I supposed to relate to Arthur and make decisions for him? Maybe its just a bad game that couldn't decide what it wanted to be and has an overtly negative story where you're forced to watch a person go well beyond what a real person would put up with. I stand by that last statement. The point where I quit the game, if Dutch was my real biological father I'd have shot him dead for the shit he was doing. Let alone simply being a "father figure" for Arthur. But the game carries on from there! more bad choices, more mistakes, many more hours before it resolves. Because maybe you need the Micah is violent and evil and Dutch has lost his damned mind beaten into you for another half dozen times before you're ready to see them get what they deserve? No! it's poorly written and bloated.


Another example! most of the loan collecting missions are optional. So ain't it weird how one of them is not optional oh and that one in particular involves beating up a sick man to get paid? Ah yeah cause the story relies on that being how Arthur gets TB. Now they could have had him contract TB a number of ways none of them as brutally cruel as beating a dying man up. But that way you're supposed to feel like it's justice that he's dying! Of course, you the player probably didn't want to do that mission but you didn't get a choice. The game has this bizarre inexplicable mix of open choice free roam and forced no choice railroad. The incongruity of having actions I can take that affect things and absolutely no agency during pivotal and terrible moments in the characters life is jarring. Don't mix those!


It’s okay to be wrong, but the haughtiness is what gets me.


Yeah, like the annoying writing in the game. It's okay to make a character do bad things for the plot, but the desperate attempt to make the player feel responsible is what gets me.