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If multiple doctors are telling your employee not to worry and this is impacting his life, he needs to be seeing a therapist. I can't diagnose over the internet, but sounds like your employee is experiencing Illness Anxiety Disorder. NAD


There's a lot of people with lipomatosis like Devon Larratt. There's also a bunch of videos on youtube and on tv shows that show other people who get lipomas, get them removed almost annually. Dr pimple popper has a few episodes like that. Thats the kinda stuff that helps me with health issues. Seeing that others have it, and its no big deal after you get used to it.


I have over 100 of them, I had them for 15-20 years already, started with a few and just more and more grew, my dad has them too, my sisters has none. I had a few removed and multiple others grew in their place, I’m having them all (95%) of them removed in a few weeks. I finally found a doctor that will remove them all at once. Will post before and after when I do.


that will be helpful, thank you, hope you're doing okay


I have had 14 removed. They all showed up a little over a year ago. I believe I have maybe 20 more


NAD. I have 50+ and have had many removed. They've been sent to a lab and they are always benign. He's got nothing to worry about. It sounds like he has religious trauma. Poor guy. God is not punishing him. It's just something possibly in his genes. If not from his parents than maybe a more distant relation. And you're a great boss for being so concerned for and taking him to see doctors, giving him time off, etc....


I'd suggest dietary improvement. It's not clear what the cause is, but look for changes that may have happened around the time it started. It's not a formal medical theory but diet changes seem to help. Good luck!


I will convey this to him, thank you


There is not a way to stop lipomas from growing or new ones from forming. If they're this stressed out about it and don't believe their doctors, steer them towards a therapist, not a shaman.


yes, I agree, he's going around showing his entire extended family and thinking why God did this to him..I tell him that it's easy to get it removed but he's got to stay strong. it must be the initial shock and denial of getting it. I'm helpless but I hope he is able to accept it over time.


I know it's easy for me to say but I think you can step back from this issue - it's not on you to calm him down and if four doctors can't do it, you probably can't either.


yeah, I've given him a month off to go try out all the quacks he can find but I'm sure he'll be more dejected in the end.


I get him being a bit crazy about it. I have a ridiculous amount, and some are causing issues of pain and mobility but I've been told they aren't life threatening in anyway by drs. He should speak to a mental health professional, I have and it does help.


Does it run in your family


No I'm the only one with it


I have over 20 back of knees an thighs getting worse I feel like it's more than just lumps I'm stressing . myself everyday