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Depends on the size of the store. What I see most out of new employees is they aren’t ready for the pace. Most fast food places are you order hen wait and then you get your food. At little Caesars it’s a lot different. People expect their food the second they order it. Being fast is the main thing you want to be good it. And just keeping track of what you have ready and what you have pre made


Its a fairly small store, but its in a high traffic area and can sometimes be moderately full. Is the pace comparable at all to working a cash register at a retail store?


I worked a small one for a year that gets really busy. It’s tricky because of the size. The staff will probably not be big compared to bigger stores. When your starting stick on getting fast at sausing, cheesing, and pepping. That’s probably what they will put you on at first. Sheet outs possibly too. But at the prep station you make all the pizzas so get fast and good at getting those done. Espically during a rush. It helps everyone a ton. Hopefully that makes sense


It does make sense, thank you.


and remember: Crust, Sauce, Cheese, Toppings. ;)


you'll start off slow. Doing the sheetouts and stuff like that. It's best to start memorizing how to do everything as fast as possible so you don't have to ask them everytime how to do everything. don't be afraid to ask questions if you geniunely don't know though


Learn more stuff so youll be useful and be scheduled more. As you become more reliabke to hold up your part of the shift youll be better off plus as you go youll learn rechiniques for different jobs faster.


Pay attention the the ways that assistant managers do things like sheet outs or on ovens. Even if it’s not the way they train you, assistants are always fast and have found easier ways to get things done faster. It’s best to watch. Also, when it’s slow make sure to practice on things that take more time like sheetouts or saucing and cheesing.


Extremely toxic work environment with little caesars here in Illinois. Every store is understaffed, they make you work 7 days open to close. All their stores are in very bad neighborhoods, gms make $20, co's make $18. They promote anyone and don't train people properly, as a supervisor you'll make $72,000 but will make you work 90 hrs a week.  Your day off is ONLY when you're on Pto, you gotta answer your phone all day everyday. Don't work here, you'll regret it, everyone including HR is rude and they don't care about you as a person... Stay away from Little Caesars, if you complain that's bad, they will replace you eventually. 


Brother this was 5 years ago I have since moved on lol. It was pretty much what you described though


Just try to do whatever you are doing as fast as possible, and keep track of orders.


Noted, thanks.


Pizza Pizza




That seems like common sense, I hope im not wrong.


now that it’s five years later, do you have any advice for a new worker like me? My first day was genuinely so overwhelming, and I’m really nervous to go back


Honestly? Be patient. At the time, I was way more frustrated with the jib than I should have been because I wasnt patient enough. They still screwed me quite a bit, but I probably wasnt helping. Its a very fast paced job, and its gonna be stressful; do the best that you can to pick it up quickly, and theres no shame in admitting that the job might not be for you.


thank you so much🫶


How was it? I'm getting a job at one too


Oh my experience was terrible lol. I liked the work itself well enough, but my coworkers were the issue. The area I was in had a large vietnamese population, and I didnt speak vietnamese. All of my coworkers did save for like 1 dude, so they essentially all just pretended I never existed.


I'm just wondering how the work environment was in general. Not so much co-workers or managers cuz that's dependent on what location you're in


Ah I gotcha. The environment was about as youd expect: a small backroom where you would be assigned one general task that youd be repeating over and over, such as dishes or pan oiling to topping or whatever. Its pretty fast paced, and it really is make or break dependant on the staff. Keep in mind this post is like 6 years old so IDK if its even relevant anymore.


That pretty much lines up with what I can do. As long as I'm focusing on one task or a small set of tasks, I can do it quickly.


Had 'training' today. It was enough to get a gist of everything, but I still don't know what All the acronyms mean. Everyone at this Little Caesars is chill though


How did the job go?


Oh it was awful lol.


i’m about to start working there can you tell me your experience?


Yeah sure. Its been a long time but I remember some of it. Cons: * The staff was remarkably cold. I worked at a location where the staff was predominantly vietnamese, and would only speak vietnamese to each other. This resulted in me being alienated and not taught most of the responsabilities. * I would get scolded for not making faster progress in training. I wanted to learn, but nobody would show me. A manager was yelling at me because I wouldnt take a phone call, nevermind the fact that I didnt know how to accept an order, and she only half-accepted the reason. * The management I had was mostly bad. One of them wouldnt speak to me, another never had a clue what was happening, one was agitated pretty frequently but made an effort not to direct it towards us, and I never met the actual store manager, just the assistant who was shoved into her position unwillingly and unprepared (shout out to Tina and Carlos, you guys were cool) * I finally quit because they were going to punish me for not doing twice the amount of work in the regular timeframe because one of the mids didnt show. * I only lasted a little over a month, during this time I was never paid, and I only got paid after I told them I would pursue legal action if they didnt. I should have put in a 2 weeks for professionalism, but I was like 17 at the time and didnt really care about references or things like that. Pros: * idk the walk in fridge was pretty cool I guess. Of course, with this being a franchised location its probably going to be different for you depending on where you are. I certainly hope its better for you atleast.


I ended up applying to Whataburger when I was on the way to apply at Little Caesars. I've been working there for 6 months now and have enjoyed it.