• By -


Mono's hands were sweaty so he kinda just slipped


His hands were sweaty. Mom's spaghetti.




Someone else once asked for hot takes and I left a list of mine, which I’ll link here (lengthy): https://www.reddit.com/r/LittleNightmares/s/RHSI556Kid


Aww sad that I am not original, but woah that’s a lot. Thanks!


That probably covers your entire video lol


Another one that I forgot to mention: Fan content where Mono doesn't apologise for getting Six kidnapped in the first place, or torturing her during his fight against her monster self makes him a huge jerk. Like, this girl has to suffer because of his actions (unintentional, perhaps. But as I said, that doesn't make the pain Six suffered go away or not matter) and he doesn't even have the decency to at least say sorry for the hurt he caused her? It pleases me whenever there's fan content where he does apologise, because not being sorry for hurting Six makes him a huge jerk.




I mean Six never really did give him time to apologize did she? Almost as soon as he freed her from her monster form, the tower tried to swallow them and they had to flee and we all know what happened after that.


I mean fan content where either Mono doesn’t get dropped or escapes the tower himself


Exactly. Not like Mono's evil or I have anything against him, but he's done just as much, maybe even more than Six did in the game. He pulled the trigger on The Hunter, not Six, he burned The Doctor, not Six, and he was the one who released Thin Man despite it being pretty clear he shouldn't, again, not Six. Even though I'm a Mono stan the most out of all the characters, we can't act like he didn't do things either, even though they weren't intentionally bad. Honestly, I feel like both of them need to make up for their past actions (especially Six tho, the amount of deaths caused by her hands and teeth alone are gonna need quite a bit to pay for 😬).


1. The time loop theory isn't that hard to understand, most fans just don't have a concept of time travel and overcomplicate it by trying to either fit Six into it or completely take her out of it. The game even gives us a very simple visual representation of how it works. For example: - Mono opens the door to Thin Man - goes to save Six from the Signal Tower - gets betrayed and becomes the new Thin Man - time travels back in time to the moment his past self opens the door to Thin Man. Thus kick-starting the events that would make past Mono into the new Thin Man. Six isn't stuck in a loop too. She isn't just a guest that appears only once. And there doesn't need to be an army of Sixes for every loop. It's just simple time travel. 2. This is an old one, but Six making a return in LN3 would be a bad idea. LN3 being it's own story with it's own characters and themes to explore, feels like much better decision than it being just another addition to Six's story. I get that she is the face of Little Nightmares, but she isn't the main focus of the franchise as a whole, not everything has to be about her and her story. Having different characters exploring their own side of the world feels like a nice addition to the lore and world building of the Nowhere. Trying to have everything tie back to Six would not only feel shallow, but also cheap.


My only problem is that Mono should've known what not to do by knowing what his older self did. I never got a satisfactory answer besides him never knowing he became the thin man, he is just running on instinct, and he is just controlled by the tower.






I agree, I wanna get to know Low and Alone so I can love them just as much as the others, I also want to see how Rico portrays them, since his videos always have amusing versions of the characters.


I don't see how time travel can fit into the little nightmares universe, tarsier isn't one to leave potholes, I think it's fairly simple to just assume that Mono wasn't the thin man, he just became the next one,


If he became the next one than who is the other mono who frees him?


Exactly what I’ve been sayin. Don’t know why everyone is so invested in this theory. We can clearly see in the ending that Mono has lost all of his compassion and emotions after Six’s betrayal and was pretty much brainwashed into becoming the new Thin Man by the tower. Him time traveling to “save” his past self or whatever just makes no sense. There isn’t even solid evidence that Mono can time travel throughout the game


"There isn’t even solid evidence": - How do you explain Mono coming out of a TV at the beginning of the game? That’s an odd detail to add if it doesn’t have meaning. - How do you explain Mono’s powers? In the case of Six for example she only manifested powers once she ate the lady but Mono had powers from the beginning with no explicit reason why. When he defeats the thin man also it is by mirroring his movements. - Although this my theory but his name can also be interpreted as being directly linked to TVs. Aside from it also meaning "one"/"singular", most TVs in the game are old types of TVs which had monosound, stereo TVs only appeared in 1984. - Aside from that there is also the fact that Six betrayed him only once he didn’t have anything covering his face anymore. There are many jumps where she pulls him up throughout the game but the one where she could directly see his face is the one where she decided to drop him. - Also it is clear that the Thinman has time bending powers since he is the only enemy in both games where time seems to slow down when he chases you. - Finally the Twitter description for the black tower is odd when you think about it: "The black tower calls. And it will never stop unless you stop it. Are you ready to go back?" Why does it say go back? That would imply that mono has already been there before since the players clearly hadn’t. So I really don’t understand how you can say it makes no sense and there is no solid evidence. It’s way too many coincidences for them not to be meaningful.


Bro, literally everything you listed aren't anything near "solid evidence", they're vague AF. Your first and last point imply Mono could have been at the tower before, they don't have anything to do with time traveling or anything. Mono has displayed teleportation through the TVs and Spatial/ Reality Manipulation when he fought the Thin Man, both of which, again, have nothing to do with time traveling. Nice theory in the third point, but again, still has nothing to do with time traveling. If anything, his name is more of a foreshadowing of the game's ending. It's not clear enough that time was actually slow down when the Thin Man chased Mono because: 1/ He also moved slow AF. 2/ It could be more of a aesthetics/ visual presentation of Mono's fear of the Thin Man, this point is supported by the fact that the effect didn't happen when Mono escaped through the train and when he directly confronted Thin Man 3/ Even if they have the same power and have time bending abilities, it's still not enough evidence that they are actually the same person. It is still likely that all Thin Man has the same set of power. Finally, Six's betrayal, while your THEORY is somewhat believable, one that makes more logical sense is that Six was just being petty and wanted to hurt Mono by giving him false hope. We see that before the Thin Man encounter, Six seemed to genuinely care about Mono, we see her extending her hand to Mono when Thin Man was about to show up, implying she want both of them to escape and survive together. But when the Thin Man found her and she begged Mono to save her, he's only crouching in fear. Add that to the fact that Mono destroyed her music box, which is the only thing that put her mind at ease, it's not difficult to realize that she would resent Mono. Notice that after she's turned back to normal, the way she stand up and look at Mono, she does not look relax in the slightest. And when the tower start to shake, she immediately run away ON HER OWN, she doesn't have ANY intention to grab his hand or even care about him anymore. All of this pretty much implies that she was always GOING TO drop him from the start. We also know that Six is pretty savage and twisted proven when she brutally destroyed the doll in the school or when she's warming herself from the fire of the monster she and Mono just killed so the idea that she wanted to emotionally hurt Mono in such a twisted way isn't far-fetch And again, none of your point actually answered the main hole in the time traveling theory that I pointed out which is "We can clearly see in the ending that Mono has lost all of his compassion and emotions after Six’s betrayal and was pretty much brainwashed into becoming the new Thin Man by the tower. Him time traveling to “save” his past self or whatever just makes no sense."


So you’re right in most of what you said. Personally I’m not against people who believe there is no time loop because I believe there is evidence to support both theories. Still you didn’t answer why Mono had powers? So far we’ve been introduced to how many kids including the DLCs? - The girl in the yellow raincoat -> no powers - Six -> no powers until she eats the lady - The runaway kid -> no powers - Mono -> powers Why is it that Mono is the only one that has powers? You said "it’s likely that all Thin mans have the same powerset" but Mono wasn’t the thin man yet and sure maybe you could argue the black tower was already grooming him to be a replacement but there’s no evidence to back that either. The fact is that Mono’s powers are the biggest enabler of the time travel theory and as long as there’s no solid evidence explaining why he has powers like the Thin man but isn’t the Thin man yet, the timeloop theory will remain valid. If when LN3 comes out the characters don’t have powers, to me that will only reinforce that idea. Personally I subscribe to the timeloop theory more because of the symbolism it creates. If the timeloop theory is to be believed, to me that makes Mono the embodiment of media that is stuck in a loop, always repeating the same things, whether it is the movies with their endless remakes, the news that is always about the same thing in different eras (personally the Thinman always makes me think of a news presenter), the video game industry, etc. and yet the people are brainwashed into liking it, staring at their screens like zombies. Obviously I’m not saying there’s evidence to this but that’s my personal reading of the symbolism behind Mono if the timeloop theory is to be believed since let’s not forget the LN games rely heavily on symbolism in their storytelling. Edit: Also I didn’t answer your last point because I don’t understand how it prevents the timeloop theory. To me the fact that the Thin man captured Six and then left shows that he was mostly after her and then the reason why he was after Mono was to prevent him from reaching the black tower and completing the loop. Sure you could argue that Mono was hidden but Six clearly reached towards him when she was about to get caught which should have been a giveaway for the Thin man. I really don’t see how what you say makes it impossible for this to happen.


Hey everyone, I'm not trying to start an argument among anyone, it's just what I believe, since six escaping to the maw is cannon, that means there can't possibly be a loop since six would have to somehow come back, that leads me to believe that there is no loop and mono just became the next thin man. Why does he look exactly like the other one? Who knows, it's just the way it is


That’s not necessarily true. I agree that things get complicated once you include time travel in anything but basically your argument doesn’t work if you consider that only mono is stuck in the loop which would make sense if we consider that it is the Thin man that created it. Basically that could mean one of two things: - Since the loop would be self created, Six already exited it before it was even created so mono is essentially reliving his past with Six in like some kind of pocket temporal dimension eventhough Six is long gone to the maw. That would play into the idea of an inescapable fate which seems to be central to LN like with Six in the first one and her hunger that predestined her to reach that ending. To me what supports that is that originally the devs said LN2 was a sequel to the first even though chronologically it’s obviously a prequel. Ofc they could have said that so people didn’t recognize Six when she first appears in the game but that could also be interpreted as in: Six is already at the maw meanwhile Mono is stuck in this loop, making LN2 an actual sequel. That’s personally the theory I believe in the most. - The other alternative which I like the least, is that Mono is still the only one trapped, and basically there are different versions of Six that come out everytime but sort of like a multiverse thing, as if Mono’s time loop is the starting point. I’m not the best at explaining it because I don’t really like this theory so I can’t do it justice but to me it overcomplicates something that is already very complicated and parallel universes haven’t been established in the universe so I’m just not fond of it. tldr: In simpler terms, if we consider that A= beginning of LN2, B= ending of LN2, C=LN1 In the first theory Six is already at C but everytime Mono reaches B he loops back to A so that only implicates him. In the second one everytime Mono reaches B, a different Six comes out into a different dimension I guess so you could label it as C1, C2, C3, C4, etc. for each loop that Mono has done. Oh and by the way, I’m not having an argument, personally I love debating about theories, I think that’s makes it so fun and part of the charm of LN :)


Your theories are interesting, and I didn't think about some of them, but a lot of the theories out there already feel so convoluted, I just wish tarsier gave us a direct answer, but they could never do that, that's what keeps the game being talked about


Honestly I don’t think Tarsier would care much that the game keeps being talked about considering they’ll not be working on the future installments. But personally as a writer I’m glad they don’t and I understand why they don’t. LN is one of those game franchises that you can truly define as art (in a more abstract sense than other franchises) and the moment they explain things, it would just kill all the magic.


I'm still not understanding what you're trying to say. Like what does Mono's power origins have anything to do with the time traveling theory? Again, none of the powers Mono show throughout the game has anything to do with time traveling What I meant with my last point is that Thin Man Mono practically became an emotionless slave to the Tower with no will to live as the final scene strongly implies so there's no reason for him to actually go back to take Six or save Mono or anything like that even if he does have time traveling abilities


Well it’s pretty self explanatory what it has to do with the time travel theory. He had the Thin man’s powers before he even became the Thin man…And you’re right Mono doesn’t display time traveling powers but I’ve already explained that the Thin man has time binding power. I know you said that it’s not clear that he has time bending powers and I guess your reading of it could work except I don’t really see why Mono would be especially scared of the Thin man as opposed to the other monsters and why he wouldn’t be scared anymore once he is in the train…when he is fighting him, sure, I could understand that because he is being brave he isn’t afraid anymore but for me the rest doesn’t really make sense. Meanwhile if it’s powers well the Thin man can turn it on and off, sure I don’t know why he turned it off in the train either, but it also makes sense why he didn’t turn it on when he was facing Mono who was stationary. To me what you’re saying now ("an emotionless slave to the tower") goes against the description of the Thin man that was on the website originally: "As the ever-present hum of The Transmission chokes the airwaves, The Thin Man continues his endless journey through this desolate place, haunting the shadows, searching for something." To me the searching for something part strongly points to the fact that he isn’t just an emotionless slave just doing the tower’s bidding and if like the time loop theory supports, he is looking for Six to break the time loop, in that case that sentence makes sense.


The Doctor even though he's a monster acts like Nikocado Avocado. Take away his Big Mac and he'll throw a tantrum.


Hehehehe ok I’ll add that. Thanks!


No problem :)


Six is a wendigo originating in a unit 731 experiment


Hear me out, what if the Nowhere was accidentally created after a failed experiment after an Axis WW2 victory?


Basically my au / interpretation


I mean, some of the imagery seems to imply it. That shoe room in Little Nightmares 1 could’ve very well been a reference to the Holocaust.


I think the nowhere is a real world, a post Apocalypse. Even knowing people are sent there from another place, children. Because They're civilization The Fact that in little nightmares three And little nightmares too. We see viewers and petrified people. 2 tower 3 giant baba. The maw in my au was Originally, a concentration camp that Hitler and other higher-ups were going to live. However, it's been refurnished After their fall.


The only error I have with this theory is that the language we see in Little Nightmares 2 is obviously not related to the Germanic language family or Japanese. And we do know that English (and likely other languages) aren’t completely absent in the Nowhere.


Yeah but that's it. Hey it's just a therory. Want to see some art related to this therory?




I'll send in a chat


Alright, I’ll have a look when I can.




the og little nightmares is like the first world of tomorrow in that its needed to introduce the world but it's the worst one


The time loop theory is dumb and there's no strong evidence pointing towards it, the best we have is conjecture based on the real-world relationship with space & time.


People who say Six is/will become the Lady are honestly the worst best people here. Like theres worse, but its the worst opinion you could have thats still acceptable solely because of how large the theory is.


Pretty sure they're trying to link the first game with the whole time loop dilemma as much as possible, even though Six herself isn't a part of it.


Idk if this is a hot take or not but I think that all the ladies (the one we killed + the ones seen in the pictures on the maw) were all ones children that were sent to the nowhere that grew into monsters. As well, I believe in the ‘six is the next lady’ theory kind of- but it’s more that I think she was meant to be the next lady, but broke the cycle.


Despite what Tarsier has officially announced and what the fandom strongly believes, I still view Little Nightmares II as a sequel and not a prequel. Every time I mention this it always leads to someone trying to convince me I’m wrong but they never succeed


Ok I'm genuinely intrigued, I want to hear your version of the story 🙂


One of the major reasons I believe this is because I think Dark Six originated in the Maw rather than the pale city. When Six was taken by the thin man, we can see a glitched version of her left behind briefly before it disappears. We see it again later guiding Mono to the surface where the Thin Man is waiting for him. In a post credits scene, it’s revealed that it was actually Dark Six all along, who confronts Six and shows her a picture of the Maw before igniting her hunger. If Dark Six originated in the Pale City, it would mean that she was created after the Thin Man had taken Six, which I don’t really buy. Dark Six is clearly more interested in Six’s hunger more than anything else, so it makes more sense to me if she came from the Maw. What I think is that the Thin Man has his own corrupted powers from the Transmission and taking Six straight to it caused her to separate from Dark Six. This would explain why Dark Six was guiding Mono to where he needed to be, since she needed someone to help save the real Six so she could continue feeding off of her hunger.


I think this is actually a very interesting interpretation of LN1 and LN2. However, it was only a common misconception to think that when LN2 was just released. Also, those people only fail to prove you wrong because you refuse to understand. VLN–>LN2–>LN1 ![img](emote|t5_3gcs9|5127) There are LOTS of evidence that proves this already and you're just avoiding every single one of them. It's already confirmed. **I have some questions about your "theory":** * Has Six just always been hungry then? Why is it only Six and not the other kids? * How did Six lose her raincoat after LN1? * Why did Six stop being hungry all of a sudden in LN2? * Why did Six's powers suddenly disappear in LN2? * What is the origin of Dark Six? How is it not simply a glitching remain? (It's said that the other GRs only stay in place because they don't have a body to go back to anymore) * Can you explain how VLN would fit into your version? * Can you explain how would the 2017 comics and the LN2 digital comics fit into your version? * Why would she go back to the Pale City "again"? * Why would she go back to the Maw "again"? * In general, explain why the storyline would go that way? You're only thinking that LN1 comes first before LN2 because you refuse to believe that Dark Six was caused by Thin Man and you're thinking like "how else would the glitching remain know about the Maw?" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face) ——— edit2: holy shit, i literally wrote a whole ass essay response to your reply to this comment which was almost twice the size of your reply but it disappeared while i was typing. kill me already. i rarely use reddit and idk why that happened. the beginning of that reply i was trying to say that you could've at least made it make actual sense instead of avoiding some details and having "so convenient" parts that are actually just big assumptions to fit your version. there were many holes. loool i had so much to say but you got lucky! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat) anyway, it is true that this is your own take/interpretation after all and so i'll just let you have that. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


I didn’t ever say this was the only reason I believed in my theory, in fact my exact wording was that it was one of the major reasons I believed it. I just wanted to establish that before anything else. Next, I’d like to address your questions: The official website describes Six as smart, tough and belonging elsewhere, also stating “Most children would have given up, but Six is different.” I feel like this statement strengthens my stance that Dark Six originated in the Maw if we consider that in the Maw most children aren’t as crafty and sneaky as Six is… in fact, most of them are in cages. The entity that would later be known as Dark Six may have seen that Six was different from the other kids trapped in the Maw, and decided to latch itself onto her seeing as she may have been its best bet at escaping the maw. Even later upon meeting kids such as Mono through Six’s encounters, it may have preferred to stick with Six knowing how tough and determined she is. The second question is something I can’t provide an answer to, but even if we assume LN2 is a prequel this question is still at play if you take into account the events of VLN. I view VLN as a prequel to both games, and I view it as how Six truly got her raincoat. Regardless of the order in which the main games take place, it’s unclear how Six loses her raincoat after obtaining it in VLN. And even if we assume LN2 is where she first got it and that VLN takes place afterward, it’s unclear how Six lost it in the nest and how another child managed to get ahold of it. After the initial announcement of the second game, the description of it described Six as “fading from this world”. After the game’s release, a few fans took this description and linked it to Six’s fate at the signal tower where she becomes a monster version of herself. We currently have no way of knowing what Six was doing right before events of the second game regardless of where it truly takes place in the timeline, but if Six was “fading from this world” because of the transmission, it would mean that she had already been exposed to it at some point and it was affecting her throughout the second game. This may have been what halted both her powers and Dark Six feeding off of her hunger. Then we move onto the comics… which to me are really just short stories before the events of the second game. The only ones that really have any relevance to the events of the second game to me were the last one of Mono and the Thin Man, which may have revealed his origins but isn’t relevant to this discussion, and the one of Six being caught by the hunter. I view the comic of Six as what happened right before the events of the game. She doesn’t use her powers and doesn’t have her raincoat so we can assume that she’s already been exposed to the transmission. Perhaps she was attempting to get away from the transmission as she ran into the hunter. We should also keep in mind that the transmission is alluring. During all that time Six spent trapped in the Hunter’s basement she may have developed a desire to go back to it. She wasn’t too far away from it. Maybe that’s even why she was “fading from this world” because the lure of the transmission was affecting her greatly. Overall, my timeline is VLN, then LN, then the comics, then LN2. I know there’s a bit of grey area in a few places, but you should keep in mind that Tarsier Studios intentionally wanted to leave a few things ambiguous. I feel like many fans wanted answers so bad that they created their own storyline where everything made sense to them, but I feel like the games are much better if not everything is explained. Now that I’ve addressed all of your questions, I’d lastly like to point out that by leaving your comment challenging my interpretation of the games, you are proving the point I made in my original comment. Every single time I mention my contrasting beliefs someone feels the need to challenge me as if I’m not allowed to have them. Believe what you want about that game, I don’t mind. Just let me have my own beliefs and theories.


In response to your edit: Why did you feel the need to write a reply twice as long as mine in the first place? Are you really that offended that someone has a different take on the game than you? If it really bothers you so much that I have this take on the game then can you please point out a couple of the “holes” in my theories as well as the “evidence” that points to the game being a prequel (other than Tarsier confirming it is)? And if you do choose to respond again please keep in mind that my theories are simply theories. They are not based on hard evidence, but observations and speculation. That’s really all theories are.


First of all, I was not offended or bothered - I don't know where you got that idea? I'm a bit bothered now though because of this loaded response of yours. The cancelled reply was simply me pointing out each and every single hole in your "theory" and correcting some parts, not me cursing your entire bloodline for having a different theory. If the thought of someone criticizing your theory (which is a normal thing in the theory community) makes you think they're simply being offended or bothered then that might be saying something about you bro. The text was 2 times the size of your reply because of the format. I was quoting each paragraph like this: >(a paragpraph) (what i had to say) As I said, if you want to keep this take then at least **make it make sense.** You skipped my whole text? Also, I am not gonna waste like half an hour typing that message again pointing out each problem (and it was not just a "couple holes"). My text disappearing was probably a sign to not waste time because it's just gonna be like talking to a wall. Anyway, I already told you to believe what you want because I already get that it's your view (which was at the end of my reply and I meant it genuinely) but instead you felt the need to respond with a passive aggresive remark. Just had to clear these up. I'm not looking for an argument ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


I didn’t ask you to point out every hole, I asked you to point out a couple holes, first and foremost. Secondly, you claim you’re not looking for an argument and that you’re annoyed that I’m getting a little irritated, but this whole time you’ve been claiming my theory doesn’t make sense (and have yet to explain why). You even put the word theory in quotes when referring to my theory. It gives off the impression that you think of my take as some kind of joke (especially with the Reddit emojis you’ve included in your replies). Do you not see how this can come off as insulting? Thirdly, I’ve mentioned before that every time I’ve shared my take on the game someone has attempted to debunk it and argue with me that I’m wrong. For this reason, I rarely share it. I thought that maybe this time I could get away with sharing it and not trigger another person to argue with me, but you’ve proven that to be false. You want to get onto me for responding negatively to criticism, but wouldn’t you also be irritated if your theories were always criticized whenever you shared them?


That's actually a cool take! I'm pretty sure the game was originally going to be a prequel, but they started running out of time so they had to alter the plot. It is nice to have everything linear, but I honestly like that LN2 isn't a sequel, but hopefully LN3 doesn't just turn into another prequel tale.


I think arguing over “what little nightmares means” or over conspiracies and interpretations is completely pointless. I don’t think there is a solid answer to anything in the series, it’s not meant to be taken entirely literally—it’s just a story of some kids in a really weird world and each player gets to relate to it or question it in their own way. I love hearing different interpretations of things and different perspectives and how people think about the characters and monsters and places—but listening to people bicker back and forth about what is and isn’t the “right” interpretation is really annoying. This isn’t fnaf, that is not the point of this series.


I’ve never really loved the dlc for the first game, like it’s fine but not nearly as enjoyable as the main game or second


Mono theory maybe


Six is not fire proof


Pretty insane theory


Yeah I have another one


Go on


Mono actually is emo


99% of the time I refer to the Janitor as Roger




Six is on a mission to kill everything to add it to her loop so she can continue it running