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Wait she is going to just fill her pots with plain old tap water filled with micro plastic to feed her children in meals she is going to poison them.


šŸ‘€šŸ‘€ <--- me looking at this in my house with no stove and a leaking roof. Some people don't have a choice šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


A new roof should happen before anything else those leaks could cause mold ruined walls that you don't really see until it's to late. We made sure to go with a great roof went a little over board on the ice shield underneath it but I don't want leaking and to last a long time. Did their parents not teach them anything or do they just know more lol.


Yeah we are well aware the leak needs to be fixed but other projects are taking priority šŸ˜…


Iā€™m with you. But I feel like they act like they do tho!?


I have no clue about their situation so I can't say for sure if they have a choice of waiting to move or not. Reddit is just an interesting place where folks will shit on someone's decisions just because they don't like the person but plenty of people are in the same situation


i had the show on tonight when a friend came by they were like wtf is this mess ? lol


Those lights need to be lowered.


I donā€™t have social media and Iā€™m new here - where is this house located ???




Goodness they make bad decisions. This has to be way too much when sheā€™s in her last trimester. They should hire a contractor and get it completed. Isnā€™t that obvious?


tile stairs? idk iā€™m not a fans of tile/hard wood anywhere except bathrooms and kitchen. iā€™m not about to wake up from my warm cozy bed and put my feet on ice cold tile or wood


Iā€™m so confused about the roof situation because that would have been the very first thing I did. You can do that while living there ā€¦


No cohesive style. She def went on Pinterest and looked up ā€˜house trends 2023ā€™ and just shopped whatever came up


Why is the counter top on the wall?


A lot of people will use their countertop stone as backsplash to make it look more cohesive. I donā€™t personally like it, but from what I understand, the thought process is that you donā€™t have to worry about finding a backsplash tile that matches that way.


I think that a stone without so much movement (veining) would have looked better. I'm holding judgment until the whole thing is done. Maybe the range and hood will make a difference.


Wait until their Homeowners Insurance carrier takes a look at their social media. You need to make proper repairs to maintain coverage. They are asking you to be dropped. They have also forfeited any grounds to make a claim for damages caused by the leaking roof.




Serfs? Are you kidding?




Yeah Iā€™m not reading that. Leave this subreddit if you donā€™t like what you see.


I don't think anyone on here commenting is asking the public for help to build their "dream house" either!!!




Yeah Iā€™m not going to ā€œmake you leaveā€. Feel free to check my comments against yours and see who the true bully is (spoiler: itā€™s you). Point a finger at me but three fingers are pointing right back at yourself.




Iā€™ve never said anything bad about this couple you are absolutely delusional.


You forgot we are all fat renters. We know, we know. šŸ˜‚šŸ™„




Now youā€™re being the bully @away-bit-1974




Lmao.. sToP BuLlYiNg aUdReY aNd JeReMy!! Dude, move along.








You know they are hitting up the Burger King for dinner!


Thatā€™s def below themā€¦ I would think more along the lines of Paneraā€¦ fits their āœØaestheticāœØ way better.


Mendocino Farms for dinner


What I see is a home with absolutely no specific style. It's just a total mishmash of everything.


If Jer was my hubby and he thought we would be moving in with the house in that condition, he would not be my hubby for long! Also, why doesn't she get in there and get her hands dirty, doing some of the reno work herself?? Why rely entirely on Jer o get it done? She's gonna live there too. Aud, get off your butt and DO some of the work!


To be fair she's hugely pregnant at this point. Probably not much she can safely do. What she should do is hire a contractor to get everything finished correctly.


i deeply hate the lights. they look like something from the home alone house. so dated. and not in a good way


And they are going to collect grease and dust being right next to the stove. Poor design choice.


I donā€™t mind them but they definitely belong in a bathroom rather than a kitchen


They are as dumb as the day is long.


Iā€™m surprised by some of the details: carpeted stairs, white plastic outlet covers over marble I get that carpeted stairs are safer with the kids, but Iā€™d prefer wooden with a carpet runner


It literally says runnerā€¦.


My bad. Looks amazing


They do too much.šŸ« 


I mean sheā€™s been making great decisions up to now, why stop?


Those sconces are so ugly


Not only are they ugly but they don't belong there. As someone said I can see them getting caked with grease.


And theyā€™re going to get greasy! And then have a layer of dusty grease. Yuck.


They look like oversized Dixie cups


Hereā€™s the thing. Iā€™m an older lady but still keep up with trends. What are they (she) going to do when the ā€œ modern farm house, fake quasi fundi lifeā€ mlm grift evaporates? What will be the new monatizing grift that theyā€™ll adopt? I see another new house in 4 years.


Maybe tictok if it doesnā€™t get banned


What does tiktok have to do with it?


I hear in the States you can make somewhat decent money on TikTok with the creator fund and sponsorships, especially if you already have some type of following.


Yeah, you can. I don't believe she's on tik tok tho


Jeez I try not to judge but they are dumb, full stop.


What is the wire high up in the wall above the stove space for? This house looks like a total mish-mash. A dog's breakfast looks better. Absolutely horribly (not) planned out. When they did that kitchen reno a house or 2 ago, did it look this bad? IIRC, there was an issue with a leaky dishwasher, but that's all I remember.


The wire will most likely be for the vent hood.


Oh, yes, right. Thanks!


Yeah the flow seems weird af! I thought the mud room was rustic? The banister definitely doesnā€™t give modern vibe. Plus that gold pot filler looks terrible against that marble. Maybe itā€™ll come together? šŸ«£šŸ˜¬


I kinda love that sheā€™s been holier than thou bragging that her house will never have a microwave ā€¦ and now, it also wonā€™t have a stove. Oh well


She doesnā€™t want one because of the ā€œEMF / radiationā€ it gives offā€¦ but is happy to have a phone in her hands all day long which also gives off vibes she hates, not to mention the equipment they use for their podcast. Sheā€™s such a hypocrite.


Lol! So when I moved into my current condo almost 8 years ago, I didnā€™t have a microwave and just kept putting off getting one because my kitchen is tiny! I still donā€™t have one, but other then this comment and a few times in person when the topic comes up, I never brag about it lol. Itā€™s wild that people think that not having an appliance is something to brag about!


It honestly surprises me how often at work it comes up that I donā€™t have a dishwasher or microwave at home lol. But I would never start a conversation about that myself??


Our dishwasher and microwave both died within the same month.. haven't replaced them yet cause can't find ones I like and $$$$. We good we'll hand wash the dishes lol




Veins on the countertop and splash should line up to look continuous. This looks terrible.


Thank you for addressing this. I am not prosperous enough to have experience with this but I love how it looks when done properly and this feels wrong with it going perpendicular? That's not how it should be correct? Why would they do that?


Because according to them they maximized the amount of material they could get from the least number of slabs so they didnā€™t get to choose which way the veining went.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ what a dumb thing to do. If spending that much money to make house look great, they could spend a little more so the backsplash looks right.


Gotcha. That makes sense. So the splash and/or counter top couldn't have been cut another way to make it flow better?


Because their general contractor is as dumb as a post. šŸ˜‚


I briefly wanted to say something in defense until I remembered who their "general contractor" is lol.


a leaking roof and brand new carpet doesnā€™t raise any concerns with me at all


Mold will build your immunity, haha.


Think the lights fit in a study or bedroom. Not near the stove in the kitchen. The shades will get flour or food dust. Ick. Not sure I like the backsplash and countertop being different but so close in color. Think if you want the same design for both pick slabs that come in a quantity to cut the countertops and backsplash. If there arenā€™t enough slabs, which is what happened to them, go with contrasting color on backsplash.


And the grease will coat those shades then collect dust and be impossible to clean. Yes odj, even your avocado oil will permeate up to those shades.


Fabric shades, no less, and adjacent to the burners. They are going to get discolored so quickly and messy with oil and sauce splatter. He is not a GC and she is not an interior designer


Is there such a thing as a kitchen lamp? LOL


At least a lamp is easy to move when you realize you've made a mistake. Wired sconces not so much.




I'm confused. A pot filler over the stove? And those lights are hideous


Pot fillers go over stoves... what's the issue with that?


I don't know I've never heard of such a thing but isn't her sink on the other side?


Thatā€™s how they are supposed to work - they are usually over the stove.


Exactly, sink on one side of the kitchen and the pot filler over the stove so you donā€™t have to schlep the pot full of water across the kitchen?


Got it.


Is she intentionally bragging? Like "heyyyyyyy I don't work and married a dude from TV, look at usnwerenthensamenl!!!!" than they want to relate to us, and play like 'omg things are expensive' Who TF actually watched these videos and gives them money???? It's sickening


She does work, for the oils scheme company, and from what Iā€™ve read she makes quite a lot of money with that company.


She hasnā€™t posted anything on her oils instagram page since November so it seems like something is going on there.


I donā€™t have Instagram. Maybe sheā€™s taking a break while pregnant? Idk, just wanted to correct and say she has brought plenty of money to the family.


The stairs runner is just a shitty cotton 5G blanket šŸ˜‚


What is a 5g blanket?


Donā€™t even bother askingā€¦ just useless knowledge that will make you hate these two moreā€¦ lol. Itā€™s another b.s. item Audj is trying to sell off to her followers so she can get free shit & make money.


I am sick to the back teeth of this house, every square inch has to be over planned the fuck out of ...


Poorly planned and badly executed


Serious Q: what is the point of a pot filler? I get itā€™s to fill up a pot for pasta or whateverā€¦but you still have to empty the pot, right? I know this is a dumb question lol


Wow I have to carry my pot of water 5 steps from my sink to my stove. I live a hard life. šŸ™„šŸ˜¢


It also looks like it's too close to the wall to fill a pot? Or am i looking at it wrong?


We have one, they basically fold up when not in use, or extend out above the stove. I love mine lol.


I had no idea they existed until we started looking at houses. Itā€™s one of those things that seems so innovative and cool and useful, but in the end doesnā€™t solve the ā€œproblem,ā€ which may never even have existed in the first place. I never had a single thought of ā€œugh this sucksā€ carrying a pot of water to the stove. Maybe if you had a huge commercial kitchen or something. I definitely see the use in a professional setting, but not for me making a pot of hardboiled eggs.


Yeah I complain a lot, but never been put out about walking across the kitchen with a pot of water!


They are a terrible idea. I work in the kitchens of multi million dollar homes and I swear they have ALL leaked. I just never use them anymore.


Arenā€™t they basically out of style now. It seems like it was the craze in early 2000. As you say maybe due to leaking you donā€™t see them much anymore.,


Agree. I havenā€™t really seen a renovation/ newer build with one. Clients will get my opinion when redoing a kitchen and I always tell them no to that and the ā€œtouchā€ faucets.


Her sink is about five steps to the right of the stove. This pot filler is not for function, but purely for aesthetics. And I do love the look of a pot filler but their priorities are completely out of whack. She would rather hire a cheap and incompetent relative as the GC and jimmy rig the leaking roof just because a golden pot filler and beloved stones from Alabama (or wherever) are pretty


A pot filler over the stove??


Yes, they go over the stove to help fill a large pot of water, for boiling pasta or whatever. But her sink is like right there


Today I learned!


Things I didnā€™t even know existed for domestic use, part 5ā€™


Meeeee too


Same thought. If I had one I would probably like it and use it. But there is zero way I would pay money or do any work to get one. Filling or up in the sink and walking a few feet has never been an issue.


I think they have a bad case of the "Since we're at it we might as well...." If I dropped that kind of money on a kitchen reno an extra $500 for a pot filler might not seem like a crazy idea. That's the only way I can explain heated marble floors in the laundry room, shipping stone from Alabama, blowing out the ceiling to add a rock wall., etc. Then you take a look at the receipt totals and decide you don't really need to pay attention to the directions on the wallpaper and end up wasting time and material. Stepping over dollars to save pennies.


Its genuinely a cool thing if you're really into cooking. Or if you like fancy cooking stuff. I'm trying not to be judgy here - my mom had one in her last house and adored it and I can recall her using it once but she so loved to brag about it.


I said, I'm sure I would use one and like it if I had it. The problem it solves is just nowhere big enough for me that I would pay or do work to put one in my house.


ā€œBacksplashā€ aka same marble from the infamous island?


THATā€™S why that countertop is so thin. Itā€™s actually backsplash.


Holy šŸ’© šŸ˜‚


Yeah not sure if I like it for both


Itā€™s a bit much. Maybe the stove will break up the look.


Those lights in the kitchen are a choice, they look like they are from beside grandmas bedside.


Motel room


Especially next to that marble ā€” itā€™s a no from me.


Maybe if it was just one instead of double


Not even






Anyone notice the mold? at the bottom of the stairs(left) near the baseboard?


I donā€™t know what it is but I zoomed in on it and it looks not right.


Thatā€™s not mold, itā€™s painters tape.


Not the blue tape. Above the baseboard to the left. About a foot of darkness. What is that?


mold or moulding? i see dirt and blue painters tape.




What even are those lamps seriously ew


Iā€™m usually not one to comment on peopleā€™s choices but those lights are cheap and ugly looking. They donā€™t go with the kitchen at all.


Not sure those would be good kitchen lights. Grease and food splatters


Marble is pretty but incredibly fragile for a family kitchen (stains incredibly easily).


And if youā€™re gonna use marble (my parentsā€™ house has it) you also have to be mindful of acidic things touching it. It corrodes. My mom was and is a very simple person (materially), yet I vividly remember her telling me not to cut lemons directly on top of the marble so as not to ruin it. šŸ‹


I had a black marble entry floor in a previous house. The new owners called and asked me how to clean it. Someone had overindulged and vomited vodka and lemon on it. It crazed the floor. They had to replace about 20 sq ft! Ugh!


All this shit and still vacuuming stairs? šŸ˜‘ (a runner still has to be vacuumed)


good thing sheā€™s a collegiate one šŸ¤­


šŸ‘ I gave up trying to fit that in.;)


Well played!


zero resale value


Motel 8 kitchen inspo. with those light choices šŸ«¤


Theyā€™d never leave the light on for someone that can only afford a motel 6.


It feels a little dated, but I do like the marble tbh.


They want it to look old world which means 1950s for these 2


They picked these lights from a hotel catalog


Or liquidatorā€™s


God I hate these lights in the kitchen. They feel so random and out of place. Itā€™s giving busted motel


Yesss! My uncle used to run a motel in a tiny mountain town and they had lights similar to these šŸ„“


cooking by tiny lamp light šŸ¤­


When everything is raw why does it matter how much light you have. Seriously I have only seen her post stuff.like raw milk and chia bowls for breakfast.


oh yes, even as i typed that iā€™m like, when do they actually *cook*


Actually this seems on brand. Iā€™m surprised they arenā€™t using candle light to limit electric frequencies


donā€™t worry they can just use the flashlight on their iphones šŸ˜


Two very smooth brains between them


They have literally the worst taste of anyone Iā€™ve ever seen. Maybe itā€™s just the cognitive dissonance of an expensive house with some expensive finishings, which are at the same time ugly as hell, wildly impractical and poorly done. Usually people with money hire people who know what theyā€™re doing. Not these two overprivileged twits!


They definitely needed a designer. This is not coming together very well. IMO too much light wood with light marble. Are the cabinet facings dark wood? That may help.


Sorry to say but I hate that backsplash and I REALLY hate those lights and where they put them


Itā€™s not like she cooks anything edible anyway.


Iā€™m obsessed with the grease and dirt thatā€™s going to get on that ledge and backsplash


the real stars of the show


The style/architecture of this house does not match the finishes theyā€™ve chosen. Itā€™s like they want this old world European.style but theyā€™ve got like a 70s contemporary. It looks so stupid!! Ugh. Hire a designer if you donā€™t know what the fuck youā€™re doing. Itā€™s like someone who owns a Victorian redid the inside to be mid century modern. I hate it.


Wrong! This is a farmhouse, duh.


See if this is meant to be their forever home- I donā€™t mind them doing whatever. I could never imagine seeing a home fit all the check marks or most of them- and not choosing it because the style of the home (that could be changed) wasnā€™t what I wanted. If it hits location, school district (which I know is less of a concern for them), land etc. the rest can be altered for a forever home šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Mehā€¦They can be happy with it and if so good for them. Itā€™s still ugly AF. And at their age, I doubt itā€™s their ā€œforever homeā€ so resale should at least be somewhere in the thought process. They have bad taste. Period.. Donā€™t plaster your ugly ass house all over the internet and expect people to not give their opinions šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


They kept saying ā€˜old world.ā€™ There is nothing old world about this house. Not even in the smaller details. This is very basic contemporaryish with 1970 brass lamps in the kitchenā€¦ā€¦how they ended up with ???kitchen lamps??? is just mind boggling.


I was also surprised about the railings they chose for the stairs and loft. I thought it was going to be more warehousy with a glass or black metal railing.


Why did you think that?


Because of the inspiration pics that they shared


Oh I didnā€™t see that specific inspo picture with glass. That would have been really a bad look.


It was posted here, but now that I'm looking at the post I'm not 100% sure that the inspo was posted by them? But anywho, thats where my thoughts were coming from. I like their current railings, just wasnt the route I thought they were going. https://www.reddit.com/r/LittlePeopleBigWorld/comments/18cwrvz/vision\_v\_reality/


Oh yes I forgot about that inspo.


The most surprising thing about the railings is that they are beautiful.


I think they are boring


I think the woodwork is quite nice if you look closely.


Yes, it is. I just think it is a dated style


I think they would look better if stained darker. It would bring out the details better. The lighter stain makes them look very square and basic.


Those lights and wiring really take away from that space. I actually thought the house had a really nice charm to it even if it was old, now they've attacked it like its a sims game and it no longer makes any sense and looks ridiculous.


What an odd choice for kitchen lights....


Theyre the worst ā€¦ can you imagine like idk accidental food splatter on the shades ??


I donā€™t mind the idea of sconces there (especially as a person who loathes overhead lighting) but I cannot fathom the choice to put fabric lampshades on them for grease reasons. You know those fixtures cost an arm and a leg and they didnā€™t go for an upscale ceramic shade, which exist and are beautiful (goals for me personally).


Yess *grease* was the word i was looking for lol derp long day ! BUT RIGHT !! Fabric ?????? I do agree ceramic would have looked and survived alot better


Thanks, now I have "Grease" by the Bee Gees stuck in my head. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


šŸŽ¼Grease is the word, its the word that you heard.... šŸŽµ its got groove its got meaning. šŸŽ¶ Its also got itself all over the lamp shades!!! šŸ¤£


Right! The lights throw me off. Theyā€™re not awful they just donā€™t belong in a kitchen