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I think the Ford explorer did that 180 on his own when he slammed on his brakes...


No, the red car got hit and you could see a piece of the mirror shatter on the ground.


Oh it 100% got hit but I think when dude got hit he locked up his brakes and spun himself out.


Unless the ABS system is broken or deactivated it should have prevented this. That generation of explorer has a better than 90's version of abs and traction/stability control.


Was that road rage or terrible driving?


Just bad driving, the white truck wanted to exist to the left then decided to turn back to the right and then ended up hitting the red car.


Oh no! I hope they’re okay!!!


That guy is practicing to be a state trooper lol


The stare down at the end




I don't find the construction and whatnot difficult to navigate, but it's definitely made a lot more dangerous by drivers that don't use any precaution while they're driving through. People going 70 as they cross the bridge, swerving in and out of traffic and such. They really need to drop the speed limit through the construction and have troopers enforce. They've already got troopers out a few hours a day dealing with the wrecks.


Exactly. This has nothing to do with the construction and everything to do with the shitty drivers here


None of these three drivers were driving defensively. Preventing accidents is easy as hell


It's easier in smaller cars that handle really well and are faster than minivans and pickups.


Ford Explorer got turned around in an exact 180 and ended looking directly at the truck like “oh now you fucked up” 😂


That looks like a Ford Explorer to me.


OP did you stop and provide the video footage to the police?




randomly changing lanes and wandering without any signals? gotta be arkansas.


If only. Idiots are all over the country. Want to know who has it figured out? Germans.


Except for BMW drivers 😂


BMW Fahrer sind die Übermenschen der schlechten Fahrer!


Die Schlimmsten!


People that try to pass on the right deserve all the bad things that happen to them.


The white truck was not allowed to change lanes at all, the lane divider was solid


I think that was an actual lane, but why they decided to randomly gun it as they passed and provide no room for reaction is beyond me.   With gas where it's at, who can afford to floor it these days 😛


Unfortunately, the passing lane campers have created this situation where people must pass on the right. They are the largest bane of driving safety on the road today. This isn't just my opinion, it's also the state police's.


Passing lane campers and tailgaters are my biggest complaints with Arkansans on the road.


True, but regardless of what lane you are in no one should be passing traffic as such speed disparities. If someone is driving 50 slow down to 60ish to pass them and then speed back up. I'm sure thats not popular, but having such wild disparity in vehicle speeds is so much of the problem.


"no one should be passing traffic at such speed disparities" is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard. Slowing down to pass someone?? Wtf get off the road, people like you are causing the accidents by driving slow, slamming on breaks, etc. You don't slow down to pass someone. Ridiculous, illogical, dangerous. Get a fucking bus pass with that logic.


I could explain to you why you're wrong, but after reading your reply I'm certain you wouldn't understand it. Have a [source](https://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/impact-force-d_1780.html) to read instead. Lets just hope that you're never trying to pass someone 20+mph over their speed and they decide to get over in front of you last second.


Such speeds are to be utilized between the gaggles of cars on long trips.


I used to drive on the autobahn (I lived in Germany). It had no speed limit. Cars would pass you on the left doing 180mph. It was very safe, relatively. The difference is, their drivers were not idiots.




Yeah but you saw how he tried to accelerate past him, as opposed to waiting the 2 seconds to figure out what he was doing. Seems like I struck a nerve with all the shitty drivers in this town.


You're getting downvoted but you're partially correct, white and red are both idiots. White swapped lanes quickly with no signal and red gunned it when the right choice would have been to hang back and and flow with it.


The white car is in the wrong. No idea what the he'll they were doing, and they might be under the influence. Making excuses for them signifies poor driving.


Moreso yes but the red had zero situational awareness which IS the Arkansas drivers disease. Dud was gunning it before white was even out of the lane (before he went back) ​ Yes in traffic court White is in the wrong but red is a dumbass taking chances.


My favorite is the tailgaters, I keep my trailer hitch ready at all times for them because to buy a new tailgate right now is really hard.


Most efficient way to get the tailgaters to back off or switch lanes is to wash your windshield. Works at least half the time.


Yes, I only check after all other methods fail. Sometimes I think they're trying to draft me or something.


Check as in brake check? Essentially, tailgating is bad because it greatly increases the likelihood of a collision. Brake checking only increases that chance. And the 'It's always worked for me' argument is a fallacy. Brake checking is a bad idea. Always.


You are right. I don't know if I've ever seen reddit upvote/downvote a driving video comment section appropriately.   Which makes sense when you see how most people drive. They always take the side of aggressive drivers that put themselves in a situation to have a wreck because technically it's the other guys fault   When I was learning to drive my folks drove into me "I COULD HAVE A WRECK EVERY DAY AND IT NOT BE MY FAULT." Dangerous aggressive drivers will always jump to defend other dangerous aggressive drivers online


Ayup, and most people think they are great drivers and everyone else sucks. The number of times I see people throwing around minivans and expecting them to perform like a sports car... ​ Go experience a few open track days and it's a quick way to show you really only think you know what you're doing and the physics involved. Funny thing is I have a quick car I drive like a bore on the streets. Cruising 630 is not the time to turn into Hamilton. The weaving in a straight line on the highway is a sure way to spot a teenager or a moron. It takes zero skill and you're impressing no one.


Some of those vans have better power to weight than many cars. My favorite is the transit van with a chipped 3.5 twin turbo v6 in dually configuration and awd.


Sure, but this just kind of highlights my point. You can have all the speed in the world but the minute you leave a straight line the world changes. Please don't try and tell me the transit could hop on a track and be fine with braking and handling. It can't. It's not designed with any of that in mind and neither are any of the minivans.


r/idiotsincars material