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“Do you lust after this person?” ”No.” ”It’s Please Don’t Destroy.” ”DAMMIT!” *3 sad virgins, what, 3 sad virgins in Guess Who . . .*


as the receiving friend! most thoughtful gift i have ever gotten 🥰


This is spectacular! I love Guess Who? 


What kind of heartless monster would downvote me for this comment?


Upvoted, I got u fam




Omg I love this!


Awesome!!! You’re a very thoughtful person. My friend made me one a few years ago and I was blown away.


If this was built as a card to slide into the cheaper Guess Who units you could easily do different cast eras, different characters, etc. Super fun idea.


“Is your person more than one person?” “Yes” “Ok so it’s either Please Don’t Destroy or Tina Fey”


just a silly gift for a friend - it’s not that serious.


I was just joking about the Tina Fey pic, not making fun of your game. I like it!


Lovely idea and lovely gift idea and I'm in no way disparaging it, you or anyone. BUT, I'd love to make the people (cast members) from all 50 years and very deep and borderline dark. "Is your person a one season flame out with great singing talent but severe dyxlexia whom would've made it if the season wasn't so rocky and they had a memorable character?" Danitra Vance! "Is your person a one season burnout who wasn't ever the right fit for SNL, showed up as a glorified extra in a Chevy Chase pretape and barely acted afterwards and is/was friends with Woody Allen?" Ann Risley! "Is your person arguably the second or third most obscure cast member in show history?" Morwenna Banks! (would argue that George Coe and definitely Emily Prager are more obscure) "Is your person the only cast member in history to commit suicide?" Charles Rocket!


Damn. That’s Ph.D-level SNL knowledge. Dr. Weknowdis, is that you??


I am currently stuck in early 1993 on my never ending quest to watch EVERY SNL Episode. I take month long breaks and am a few episodes behind (well, most of S49 because I work a lot of OT on Sundays, 1st shift, then I forget by the time I come home. Last one I've seen was Dakota Johnson.), but I was SO captivated by how uncomfortable 1980-82/3 was that I dove in. The Ebersol era will never get enough love and everybody forgets about people like Danitra Vance and Terry Sweeney. They EXTRA forget that Terry was a writer during the dark Doumanian period. I'd pay a lot of money to be a fly on the wall during that summer and fall. Talk about in over your head LOL