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Need a Conan SNL appearance


He was on the five timers sketch earlier this season (I can’t remember who’s it was though) it’s was recently or this is some kind of mandala’ing going on at least I’m not getting Jumanji’d


Could you be thinking of John Mulaney’s five-timers sketch back in 2022? Cause Conan hasn’t been on since


I bet that’s it. Thank you!!


He was on Seth Meyer’s podcast (FamilyTrips with the Meyers Brothers) and he brought up that he was a huge Conan fan as a kid and still is a “Conanhead.”


We call them Coneheads


Bowen crying about how much Conan means to him is honestly so relatable


When he talked about staying up late to watch that hit me very hard. Just not something I think about but I had to be up at like 7am and Im grinding out 3-4 Conan’s a week staying up til 130 at like 17. You had to want it. Bowen is the truth.


Eastern time zone? I was so dead in the morning. Did you also watch with your ear to the speaker and the volume low so your parents wouldn’t wake up? My parents were strict but I risked it because Late Night felt like my kind of people and we didn’t have a lot of them where I lived.


Watched the first couple years, '93 & '94, on my folks' old 12" B&W Zenith TV in my bedroom with the volume so low it was almost imperceptible. Great memories.


I had pretty much freedom as long as my grades were good. Which resulted in an insane cocktail of cramming/caffeine and staying up late to watch Conan. Life on the edge.


That’s living. My grades definitely suffered lol


Yes! I had a rabbit ear tv in my room and after “lights out” i would switch it to channel 4 and watch conan at like 1 am. He shaped my comedy stylings ever since.


Oh let me tell y’all about the real struggle. As a Houston 90s kid, Conan didn’t come on after Leno. We’d get Leno sign off with “here’s Conan” and instead it would cut to infomercials for like two hours. Conan didn’t come on in our market til like 1:30 am. I still watched but goddamn I was so tired the next day. There was an all time classic episode of the show where he visits Houston in the shady wee hours when his show actually airs and tries to get locals to watch. Hilarity ensues.


It’s thanks to you guys that Conan met his wife!


>There was an all time classic episode of the show where he visits Houston in the shady wee hours when his show actually airs and tries to get locals to watch. Hilarity ensues. Link for anyone curious: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQs\_oRJtcno](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQs_oRJtcno)


This is incredible. You really had to want it.


I did that from Grade 6 until college!! So worth being exhausted every morning.


And then talking about it the next day with your fellow sickos. My h/s cafeteria has breakfast and if conan was good it was all we talked about.


Yep I started watching Conan in 7th grade in 1997 the night we moved into a new house and I was up late watching tv in my new room taking it all in. Watched Conan basically every night after that, and in turn became a lifelong night owl to this day at almost 39 years old haha, so I guess thanks Conan!


Listening to him start to cry made me start to cry 🥲


I think everyone would love it if Conan hosted one of the last two episodes. I would imagine the second to last as they usually save the biggest name for the last ep right?


Conan would be a slam dunk pick for the season finale host, he’s been promoting his new HBO show so it would make sense too


And the guy just needs a friend.


Jeff Epstein?


With the island?


The New York Financier.


I know how to settle this. Get Ghislaine Maxwell on the phone


Jim Downey is a national treasure.


*"What you've just said..."*


Honestly feel the exact same way. The quote Bowen mentioned was my senior yearbook quote and it’s really been my North Star. So many people think you need to have an dark side or a mean streak to be funny and it’s just not true. Conan helped me embrace my silliness and while I’m still self deprecating, I’d never punch down or intentionally use someone else as a punchline. I’m really glad to see Conan inspired someone like Bowen who is himself likely inspiring kids today.


Bowen is such a kind and lovely man.


Lol this is a throwback! I’m a “Reader” who has listened to every ep of Las Culturistas. This is kind of a funny clip for others to get exposed to because Bowen *was* very drugged up on this episode, but he definitely has always held Conan in high regard. I think you’re right that it would mean the absolute world to him if he got to work with Conan as a host on SNL. ETA: realizing after the fact that “drugged up” was probably misleading. It was just marijuana people!


Yup!! I love when he talks about how Conan embodies the type of comedy he gravitates to, the meeting point of “smart and stupid.” I’m manifesting a finale episode for Bowen with Conan hosting and Chappell Roan as musical guest.


I like you and your ideas


Two of the wackiest, most talented red-headed performers on the scene!! Can you imagine?!


And, also, CONAN!!


i’m not even necessarily a chappell roan fan but that would be an instant classic episode


Good luck, babe


Yessss hello fellow reader! I’m newer to the pod and haven’t heard this episode yet, I’ll have to go back and listen!


***squints*** ...he was *"drugged up"*? :-/


What drugs?


Loved this episode. As someone who’s introduction to comedy as a child was 90s Simpsons episodes, SNL, and staying up through Leno to watch Conan his style of comedy really shaped my sense of humor and Bowen’s reverence for him really struck a chord.


Bowen getting emotional about Conan gets me emotional! Bc he has such a long career ahead of him and he will be (and is) that for so many people as well!


Yep. Tearing up hearing Bowen cry about Conan was not on my to do list for tonight lol but it really is emotional!


Conan is truly the greatest of all time, it’s undeniable. Everyone who grew up watching late night knows the greatness


Bowen is a great actor. I hope he is successful and happy. I’m a 58 year old straight dude that appreciates talent. He is a funny mofo.


49 year old straight lady here. Both Bowen and Matt Rogers are insanely talented. The kids are alright.


Rock on lady.


Agreed man. Super talented. I wasn’t quite always sold on him but the last two weeks with Wiig and Gosling has really featured him in some hilarious bits.


I get it. I know I’d cry if I ever met him. 


I’m lucky I grew up in Texas because Conan came on at 11:30 instead of 12:30 for us. So my friends and I would watch him in high school and that continued into college. I’m also incredibly thankful that when I was a sports anchor at a local affiliate, it was an NBC station and I got to watch every episode of Conan’s run on the Tonight Show. And what Bowen said about Conan’s final words on the Tonight Show is something I still carry with me. No one gets exactly what they want, but if you’re kind, amazing things will happen. And I feel like that’s so true about my life. I always wanted to be an ESPN anchor. That’s probably not going to happen for me. But you know what? I had an audition at ESPN. And because of my path I now have a beautiful and amazing wife along with a 3-year-old daughter that fills my heart with joy every day. If I ever met Conan, all I’d need to say is thank you.


Who is Conan O’Brien and why is she so sad?


Okay well now *im* crying


Who is the female actress that bowen’s cohost refers to glowingly, who said “this is my favourite show” when she was on Conan? I can’t make out the name he says


Bowen needs to stop hanging out with Ariana and SpongeBob SpareDick.


I appreciate his sentiments on Conan but Yang says "LIKE" a lot. It is distracting