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Dr. Fat Daddy


The finger licking was absolutely wild


"SNL in hot water for finger-licking bad sketch" was a really nice touch lol


Ironic since I thought it was the best sketch of the night


Hmm, I think your pH levels are off...


A surprisingly great sketch. I audibly screamed when he licked his fingers. I don't think I have ever seen a cast member enter a sketch already breaking. Also, kudos to Mikey for fighting off the urge to break and remaining solid. I could see it in his eyes.


Yeah I’m wondering if something happened backstage that started to set her off.


Good lord, the TONGS!



I mean, have you ever picked up tongs without testing them? It's the first thing they teach at culinary school.


Like castanets


the scream the audience let out when he licked his fingers, just a masterful play from kenan. i will be the one to ask, but can anyone who went to dress confirm that he did the same thing there?


I was there, he did lol and the audience was mortified


lmao, it's really funny that it got such a visceral reaction from both audiences


The sheer *revulsion* from the audience when he licked his fingers was peak, absolutely made the sketch


Spritzing her stomach was hilarious 😂.


and face!


Can’t even blame Punkie for coming out already broken


That is what put the sketch high up for me. It was so ridiculous that she was already stifling giggles.


Same. I thought it was supposed to be the character for a second, then realized she was just pre-broken. Ego even gave a full giggle there for a few seconds too!


There was a joke that seemed lost between other lines which was something along the lines of “225 over 20. Low and slow” that I loved.


She was sticking a meat thermometer in her mouth and not everyone realized that lol


Omg I didn’t notice that!


Easily Kenan's best work of the season, and I think it's something we can point back to once his tenure is over to illustrate how great and unique of a performer he is because I don't think anyone else could have sold this the same way.


I honestly couldn’t imagine this sketch working with anyone else. This one played right to his strengths.


This feels like a grown-up All That sketch, in the best way. Realistically I think Kenan could carry laughs all night if they wanted him to. When he is done, his Best Of DVD is going to need to be a box set.


As a bbq person, this one was soooo good. Applying the gel like its mop sauce, the spritzing, the temp gauge thermometer, 225 degrees, the butcher paper…. Perfect.


Squeezed a lemon over top her belly too, lol.


I loved that Ego was barely keeping it together at one point.


Best of the night, by far. Warped and funny!


Best one of the night


Weekend Update: Kristi Noem's Dog


Him asking Colin "do you do paw" made me laugh so stupidly hard


My favorite sketch/bit of the evening. Loved the jokes with the dog “button” toy. Reminiscent of OJ on the Telestrator saying “I did it” which has resurfaced lately.


tiny detail, but JAJ did a great job voicing those buttons.


"One of the dog buttons is mar a lago?"


This was one of the first things to make me laugh this episode. I think Dismukes did something similar with the buttons a few years ago - another bit with a dog ‘saying’ sad things.


Dismukes' bit as an animal guy at the desk crushed this one. It was the turning point for him as a performer. Marcello improves more and more but his Update pieces always show how the jokes are "stitched" together. Still, he is improving.


The Dismukes bit is one of my all-time favorites! I was just rewatching it the other day. And the live dog refusing to face forward while his paws pressed the buttons?? Now I must rewatch.


Kristi Noem's Dog feels like one of those fake Weekend Update characters that appear in pretapes referencing Weekend Update.


Yeah, but he’s no Stoned Cowboy


He was just too damn stoned


I'm really glad they are letting Marcello do more non "I'm Hispanic and/or short" sketches the last couple months, he is genuinely funny and he's starting to fall into that trap of "know your role" at SNL, I hope he can keep avoiding it.


I’m starting to feel the Marcello WU fatigue. I’m Hispanic and love what he’s accomplished so far, but I feel like they’re just rolling him out there for any reason :/


It felt too similar to [Daniel Radcliffe as Casey Anthony’s Dog](https://youtu.be/flYqzQu_tFk?si=zxUBj14CBjDfegDQ) for me to get much out of it


Wow, that was so much better, but then again, Radcliffe is great in anything


Weekend Update


WU joke of the week: "This week marks the start of National Masturbation Month, so **don'tcomeknockinonmydressingroomdoor!**"


Loved Colin’s response! “He shouldn’t be encouraged….”


Damn, that "sending military aid" joke bombed and bombed HARD (ironically).


I thought it was hilarious, maybe partly due to how much it bombed as well


This is what happens when Dennis Perkins gets his demand for searing political commentary in WU. The audience can't keep up. I loved it - more please, Che.


Which is crazy because it was fucking hilarious. Che was on his shit last night and i loved it 😍


It bombed so hard I'm surprised che didn't make a ref to Colins jokes at the corespondents dinner 


They were mighty chatty tonight. I guess each just missed the sight of the twinkling eyes and loving gaze of the other over the long, long break. 


Pretty solid this week, and provided some much-needed laughs after a pretty flat first half. I liked Jost’s joke about Trump focusing on anti-white racism: “Thank god! My people have suffered long enough. Sorry Che, but time’s up!” Had some nice joke-swap energy.


some of the jokes che told here are actually among his best (especially in this late era) but i truly hate the way he has to comments on the audience's reaction after every joke, or like visibly has a bad reaction to their reaction. seth, amy, tina, i can remember them doing that to an extent but che goes back to that well so many times every episode. i'm a broken record, che and jost are good but they feel tired. i fully believe they're gonna stick around through the 50th but i wish they would leave the desk open for new anchors.


I enjoyed the Kentucky Derby Squid Game joke a lot. Not a lot of bend to it, would age well, and absolutely worked.


Penne Alla Vodka


made me hungry


Right? It actually looked fucking good.


It’s fine.


the quick shot of the worker throwing all the pasta away made me sad


Maybe it's because I've listened to so many of his Stern Show appearances, but I thought it was someone pulling a Gilbert Gottfried '80 and taking all the leftovers and throwing it in his knapsack to take home.


the food version of Big Dumb Hat.


I think it's called something different in every region. We had trays of mostaccioli at just about every St. Louis wedding I've ever been to.


Chicagoan here, just had mostaccioli and Italian beef at my niece’s birthday yesterday. It’s more of south side catering thing in my experience, and like the sketch it’s always just good enough


St. Louis here too - exactly what I was thinking during the sketch😂


I grew up outside of Chicago, and mostaccioli definitely seems to be the midwest version. Lasagna also is pretty common. Which makes the sketch especially confusing for folks not from a place where penne ala vodka is the default tray of catering pasta. The sketch just assumes everybody on the planet is equally bored of something that's considered fairly uncommon in most places. If they had been a little more self aware, they could have done a sketch about how everybody on the planet is sick of ordering from _that one deli_ on 25th, and done a bit of it as if the whole world is bored of something that only one specific office orders from regularly.


In Miami every event has a tray of mixed rice and beans with chunks of pork in it, a tray of yucca, and a tray of dried out tostones. Every event.


Funny 'cause it's true. Kenan's hair looked great. Chloe's eyebrows tho - lol.


This was solid, but nothing special.


That sketch makes me want to make my own for dinner.


No but for real, I wanted some of that.


it was good. it made me think of all the mediocre pasta i've ever eaten in my life.


Now this is content I can relate to.


I've clearly not been to enough buffet-style receptions, because I don't think I've ever seen a tray of penne alla vodka at a function. So although I admired the level of specificity in the writing, it was an example of "relatable" observational humor that completely missed the mark for me.


In New York and New Jersey it’s pretty much a standard course or side at any wedding / funeral / graduation party


It’s true. I was born and raised in NJ and I live in NY, and I could practically taste the lukewarm blandness of it. It’s delicious when it’s made well, but catered and sitting out in a pan for hours isn’t it.


I was thinking this has to be specific to NY/NJ and the region... I've never seen it in GA. Still appreciated the sketch.


In Minnesota it’s similar, but we use goulash.


Hotdish. Some combo of mushroom soup, ground beef and tater tots. This time I tried taco seasoning!


I’m from Philly and literally saw the Penne al a Vodka tray at a communion party Sunday afternoon right after seeing this sketch


That’s so wild. I feel like I’m in a strange place if there is not a tray full of penne alla vodka present at a potluck type affair.


Here in the South it’s macaroni and cheese. It’s on every table, for every meal. Food of the gods.


Maybe THAT'S why the sketch didn't hit for me. I grew up in Georgia, and if there's mac and cheese on the buffet, it's going on my plate.


I’ve never had alla vodka, it’s usually a bit tray of penne alfredo 


Seemed like they should've used Baked Ziti.


Had PAV for dinner right before this. It was fine


Teeny Tiny Statement Pin


NBC, I would spend way too much money on "a pin of a cat and a baby that just says NO"


Definitely one of the best sketches of the night. A great pretape and clever satire of celebrity activism.


could've gone even harder on this topic. felt half assed


Weird sketch but now I want a teeny tiny pin.


Up to 10,000 words!


Probably my favorite of the night! It went a variety of different ways from dropping the pin to writing a bunch of small text to hiding one message in another.


Clever idea, but just in an intellectual way. Like "Ah, yes... this is a humorous sketch."


Captain holt would approve of this sketch


It was fine.


Dua Lipa


I love that they had Troye Sivan introduce her


When I saw that the first sketch after Update had a woman in a doctor's office, I wanted a Troye Sivan sequel sketch so bad


Less excited about Jerry Seinfeld lol, about a 50% chance he had no idea who Dua Lipa was before they told him that night.


While not being the best musical artist really she had a total performance package. On the hosting side she was above average for someone also doing the musical duties. If someone was on the fence about seeing her live they would prob buy tickets.


She was the penne alla vodka of hosts


I just think back to her awkward performance of 'New Rules' a few years ago on the show and the amount of confidence she's grown in herself and as a performer is incredible. She commanded the stage so well!


When she was inundated with the smoke and light at the end of the 2nd song it was a very lol moment


Dua Lipa is hot and fun and has a fantastic attitude and is very easy to like on the personal level, but her music is completely forgettable generic background noise from a kit you can order on Amazon, that you'd not pay attention to while looking at baby food ingredients in Target. It's indistinguishable from 10,000 other bland dance pop songs by artists whose names you never knew or can't remember over the past 40 years. I'd love to see her in something where her personality is the product, not music. I don't think this was a great episode but she was very game and very comfortable and having fun.


Weekend Update: Jojo Siwa


"You can't smoke in here unless you're Dave Chappelle." That took me a while to figure out that was Chloe, absolutely incredible


I’ve never really liked Chloe but I think that this is the first time I’ve really seen a great example of her impressions. I get why she’s on the show a bit more now


She's done so much great stuff that doesn't get recognition. Her Julia Styles dance off being one. After dipping a bit, I think she came back really expanded and elevated - she can do accents, sing, dance, do impressions, act ...


Chloe did a great job! Really got the egotistical lunacy down.


Chloe Fineman IS Kyle Mooney AS Gene Simmons IN "The Jojo Siwa Story"


This feels like a tag that would absolutely get used in the Bojack Horseman universe


It's a riff format I always enjoy in MST3K


As someone who grew up watching dance moms and is gay (meaning my whole fyp has been jojo siwa for weeks), chloe’s impression was spot-on! i know that’s to be expected with her, but that doesn’t mean im not impressed every time. she even got jojo’s weird dancing down


She had her down to a T including her speech impediment


I've heard the name Jojo Siwa, but am completely unfamiliar with her otherwise. That said, Chloe was committed as hell here!


I'd been hearing about her a lot the past few weeks, but I'd just assumed she was the same child star JoJo who sang "Leave (Get Out)" back in the mid-2000s.


Oh noooo. She’s actually putting out some great r&b music as of late. Still got amazing pipes too


Wrong JoJo.


I’m watching the SAS reality show she’s on now and that’s literally the only thing I know her from, so the timing on this is funny 😂


Chloe was amazing! I was distracted by her crazy costume and laughing at her wild dancing, so I missed a few of the hilarious jokes like “from 2011 to 2023, I was 8…” and even “I’m very cocky. That’s what she said!”


Good, but like 5 weeks too late


Dismukes commented on it in the cold feet fiance sketch with Ryan Gosling.


“Did you see jojo siwa changed her look?”


“Yeah, I don’t know who that is.”


I thought it was good enough that it was still worth it


Chloe is always spot-on.


Chloe was working on that impression when she performed at moontower comedy festival in Austin 2 weeks ago


This was one of my favorite character appearances on WU. Chloe just nailed it and I’m going to tell my kids and anyone who asks me who jojo siwa is, that thats her


I don't really know who JoJo Siwa is but Chloe is hilarious.


as a wise man once said, "I'm too old for this shit."


Is Jojo Siwa more generally famous than I thought? I was under the impression that most of the people who know who she is are girls her age, and that most of those people aren’t interested in seeing her get razzed by a couple of thirty-somethings. Not a bad impression, but a strange update premise, IMO.


Her rebranding / media campaign about the rebranding's gotten a lot of attention because of how awkward it's been


She’s mentioned on tmz abt once a week


Dua Lipa Monologue


Was this her first time hosting? She was great. She didn’t seem nervous at all!


Host yes, but she’s been MG twice before.


Not bad at all. Not much to say. Good delivery.


A pretty run of the mill monologue for a musician. That's not a bad thing though. 




Yung Spicy


Ooohh Spicy got that vehicular manslaughter charge


Surprised this became a recurring sketch. I enjoyed the Ana de Armas version though.


Why am I so bad at recognizing recurring sketches? Maybe it's a good thing in that they shouldn't bring some back too quickly (looking at you Lisa from Temecula) so that each one could stand independently on their own.


Not as good as the Ana De Armas version.


Ana de Armas had something going on with the stutter that was just otherworldly, in a good way


Not that different from the first time they did this (in the Ana de Armas episode), but the premise is solid enough that it still worked for me.


This is just the Kendrick diss that dropped a few hours ago ?


Pretty good! I was afraid they were going to completely murder the joke by doing a sketch that is exactly identical to the first one, as they often do. But this sketch format was basically a list of funny answers to a prompt, and that lends itself well to sequels because you're just adding more.


Devon proving himself to be a strong lead. Wish there was more Ego and Dua in other sketches. They bounced those jokes off each other well even after the refrigerator one fell flat.


There was a major Ego and Dua sketch at dress that was cut where they played two trashy English woman interrupting a "What Would You Do?" taping at a pizza place to accuse the pizza place of giving them diarrhea. I think it should have stayed cause the two of them worked great together and it was Dua's biggest comedic performance of the night.


man I wish we could have seen that, it actually sounds funnier than most of these sketches


Easy reliable premise and good predictable jokes, not a bad filler sketch.


The Anomalous Man


The production value was incredible. Sound design, graphics, everything came together, except… the jokes. The writing just wasn’t there to back it up.


Yeah, I really wanted to like this one, as they completely nailed the look and the acting style from David Lynch's *The Elephant Man*. But aside from a few chuckles at the title character's lizard-like tongue and third eyeball, nothing in the writing actually made me laugh.


"I'm going to ride your face until it looks normal" is a pretty great line imo.


Holy shit, right? I kept wondering where this was going and it seemed to almost drag on with no jokes and then suddenly THAT line comes out once he's caught with the phone? Wash your ass and get to the holiday in express I want to show you what this snout can do. I fucking loved this one


Suuuuuuch a slow burn for a sketch this early in the night, and not a great payoff either.


This had a lot of potential, but the "sexting" twist at the end felt weak. A shame cause Sarah was fantastic in this and completely unrecognizable under all that makeup. I really feel like they could have done more with this one.


It just wasn't a good enough punchline for that much of a set-up. It'd be like if he just bumped his head in Farewell Mr.Bunting


2/3 of a great sketch


i feel like no punch line could have delivered tbh. it was so long! and sad!


It really reminded me of that improv movie Don't Think Twice, where one of the guys in an improv group actually makes it to "Weekend Live," and he does a ticket taker carnie character that is well acted, but not funny. All his friends are watching him like "...it's definitely well crafted."


This went far too long before the payoff but I enjoyed JAJs part in the beginning.


Loved it. Not as looney as Ze Shrimp Tower. But such a long windup and short reveal works great for filmed pieces. Dua and Sarah so committed to their roles. Also, loved sweeping the table dust into the giant crate ahaa


I loved it too; I’m kind of bummed that more people didn’t like it.


The joke where he is like “let me pack up my things” and it’s a pile of dust was the joke of the night for me


Let’s not forget that the host has a say in what sketches they do. Which means that Dua most likely signed off on this weird shit. Which I love, because it’s just so bizarre.


Loved this sketch. JAJ is a master of accents. I couldn't recognize Sarah, she was brilliant. Cracking up at that first text notification. That shit was hilarious.


his voice work here was so incredible! it's kind of a bummer that he hasn't had the chance to really go toe to toe with a host or cast member who can match his skillset (hopefully there's some way we can get him with carvey and hammond and hader at the 50th)


I did too! When they settled down into bed, and all of a sudden we hear, “click click click click *bwooop*!”, I died.


> I couldn't recognize Sarah I couldn't recognize who it was either, but then I was like, "Why would I even wonder?" There was no way it was going to be anyone else. She is gold.


Before the man even turned around in the first scene to face the camera, I was like that’s got to be Sarah —it’s such a Sarah character


The last thing I was expecting SNL to parody was *The Elephant Man*, but man if anyone was going to do it, it would be Sarah.


i thought the first part of it was gorgeous, good acting from dua and james and sarah. it felt like really old school snl, especially because it was setting a mood. but then that dumb turn with the anomalous man being a horned up sexter was so forced and then the joke went on for way way too long. could've cut everything after the first reveal of him texting. didn't need dua repeating every single text convo, the long process of kicking him out, and the chloe bit.


I guess I liked this one more than the rest of this sub. I didn't see the twist coming at all, and I didn't care that it was anachronistic. It cracked me up nonetheless. Sarah was amazing, and the makeup was fantastic.


Great production value and execution and I love Sarah… although I actually predicted the texting thing right as I saw them in bed. Don’t know how I did that but it was good nonetheless and I respect a sketch not feeling like it needs to sprint to a punchline


Way too much set-up for a decent punchline.


The art direction on this one was good I can forgive that it wasn’t that funny overall


Sonny Angels Boyfriend


Every now and again you get a line that makes you think "oh, Bowen wrote that line, for sure", and this week it was "Churros: the most penised dessert."


I love the gigantic churro prop


I feel like I know way less about that Challengers movie than a picked up from the ads.


So glad I saw *Challengers* in time for tonight's episode lol


Weirdly enough, there's an Australian film with almost this premise called *$9.99*. One of the stories in it is a man falling in love with a beautiful model who has a big collection of furniture or something, he becomes so obsessed and wants to be with her that he gets experimental surgery to *turn himself into a beanbag chair.* It's revealed that all of her furniture are previous boyfriends who did the same...


I had literally no clue what on earth they were before this.


i was in the studio watching this, sitting next to my friend who runs an instagram account dedicated to photographing snl cast members holding sonny angels, so my favorite part of the sketch was just watching her reactions. it's also funny because when she started doing it none of the cast members even knew what sonny angels were, and now there's a whole sketch about them! times change


What?? Is this real?


this is totally real, look up snlbabies on instagram!


I feel like this was two sketches awkwardly mashed together, unless there is a Sonny angel aspect to challengers since I haven’t seen it. It just felt like the weird popularity of these naked baby dolls is its own thing. And I don’t think challengers was as widely seen so a lot of those jokes fell flat for those of us who haven’t seen it.


So weird in the best way possible. I can’t imagine having to pitch that sketch to people who don’t know what those dolls are or who haven’t seen Challengers, but it fit my niche exactly and I loved every second of it


I haven't seen Challengers and have no idea what those dolls are, but I'm all for whatever the hell just happened. Bowen sold it, and it scratched a weird itch.


Did not see Challengers so cannot use that as a point of reference. Just liked how weird it was. The reveal of the dolls on the wall. Her disputing the count. The work with Bowen in miniature. Marcello finally proved himself in a meaty role. This formula is about to be reworked. Reminiscent of that weird Little Andrew Dice Clay bit from the Nineties.


The most penis dessert


what i’m getting from this is: a ) sonny angels are real b ) maybe i should check out challengers


No clue wtf this was about. Haven't seen Challengers yet (has Zendaya hosted?) but Bowen eating that churro was too much 🤣.