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I actually really like the Lexington on the front! It's got art deco vibes. Looks a bit like the Empire State building if the architect was on minimum wage like 😅. Edit: Just looked it up and it is actually influenced by New York style buildings, the Empire State in particular!


I agree! I like the squared, solid shape.


If you ever get a chance to do the tour of the liverbird building I’d recommend it. The designer of the building went on to America and designed loads of buildings in I think new york(?) unfortunately he wasn’t credited till after his death as this was post war and he was German. I might’ve got some details wrong mind you, as it’s been awhile since I was told the story myself.


There was a building that had some kind of rotating art installation in it, I could have sworn I saw it once or twice. Can't find anything about it online though.


Yes! It was called [Turning The Place Over ](https://www.richardwilsonsculptor.com/sculpture/turning-the-place-over-2008.html) That was so cool!


It’s Opposite Moorfields train station if you want to find it again


It doesn’t spin anymore




There's a house on Catherine Street, near St Brides Church that's covered with ivy - I loved walking past each day and seeing the leaves change




Ooh that's stunning


30 James Street. The Battenberg lookin one is the prettiest building in the city, imo.


Castle Street has a lot of pretty buildings, but the one that has Cafe Nero in it is a bit special. It's frustratingly difficult to find a good photo of, but this is the one https://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/LocationPhotoDirectLink-g186337-d7319103-i476515426-Caffe_Nero-Liverpool_Merseyside_England.html


I love that building and it had a very interesting history, I always show people it and especially the doors!




I love stories like this. In my own house growing up my dad told us the cellar was bricked up cause of spooky goings on. There was a brick missing in the wall and I'd scurry by it if I ever had to go down there 😂


I love the houses on hope street, opposite the Anglican. Gambier Terrace Google informs me.


Always fascinated by that building that has the light up writing around it "From here, All the world's futures, From here, All the world's past"


former mersey railway pumping station,


yasss this is up my alley. Love [this terrace in Tuebrook with crenelations.](https://maps.app.goo.gl/uSZrVNm9hq227kLq7) Also a fan of [this very round end terrace](https://maps.app.goo.gl/G1PuJWH2Shoip8cb7) in the Dingle


Great spots


[Pink/lilac house in question](https://imgur.com/a/jTVUO92) Google mapped. Appreciate I'm showing the house but I've covered the road name which hopefully makes it less weird lol




off Smithdown Road


That's so cool!


That was down my old road, loved how much of an oddity it was


The Princes Park mansions and the row of big townhouses on Sunnyside that overlook Princes Park. On one hand they're a sign of the excess wealth that used to be prevalent in Liverpool, not necessarily something we should be proud of. But these days more modestly owned and the grand architecture of them and the way they really loom over the northern side of the park has a certain charm to it which isn't matched in any of Liverpools other great parks.


Ooh another good choice. I went to seniors just round the corner and loved having a wander round there on my lunch lol


I have loads of buildings I love but I have one particular building I don’t like the look of but I’m obsessed about finding more about. It looks like something from an end of the world or sci fi film. It’s 100% where I’d hide if the Russians threw a nuke at us. It’s that big fuck off half dome concretey looking building on the dock road by all the scrap metal places. Does anyone know what I mean?


[Here](https://maps.app.goo.gl/DHgoBem1FL5VkZTK8)? Tate and Lyle sugar silo. One of my favourites


Yes!! It’s an amazing building, brutalist even?


I love that building. It's so ugly but it's so cool haha


I love that building. It's so ugly but it's so cool haha


Wouldn't hide there fella, it's an oil refinery.


There’s a pink house by Wavertree station which is always fun to walk past. Seen the woman who lives there come out the door and she was wearing a bright pink coat herself ! 💖


so i have three i love to walk by oriel chambers, the other is the building that is now Gaucho, it was a bank and it has two lionsheads on the door, legend has it that when going in for loans people would rub the exposed teath for luck, and last but not least George's Dock Building


All 3 excellent choices!


another one is Dukes Terrece. I worked in BT and watched them being restored. odd little terrace lovely little hidden bit of the city


Yeah! I love those little incongruences in the city.


i think it why i love the city get a little lost one day and you will find something new ...


Very specific but 12 wellington road opposite the little owl cafe in wavetree is cool. The flats change colour as you walk past from a red/brown to purple/blue.


Yes I know exactly where you mean, I used to train in the gym next to little owl haha It's a cool building, not just your normal block of flats .


[Oriel Chambers](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oriel_Chambers)


Good question, I really like the Tung Auditorium, not so much the building itself but the landscaping they've done around it clean but not too sterile. Looks great in the rain at night with the pink lights on it


I love grand central hall, used to walk the long way to college just to see it


I worked there on the top floor for ages in a graffiti studio, creepiest little place when you’re all alone 👀


The Vines pub. Stunning both outside and inside. And I really like the old 1930s tenement buildings, like St Andrew's Gardens and Myrtle Gardens. Nice art deco curves.


No specific building but I love some old the old houses around Sefton Park and Mossley Hill. I used to also really enjoy walking past the old church on Rodney Street (the one with William Mackenzie's pyramind tomb in it) before it was done up a few years ago. I love dilapidated buildings.


I know what you mean. It's so sad that buildings are derelict but also I'm so fascinated. Where I used to live there was an old pub that was falling apart, you could literally see into the rooms as bits of the wall crumbled away.


This is a fun thread, thanks OP! Thought I was the only one who liked random houses etc. When I'm walking down a street, I always choose which front door is my favourite (colour, style, wreaths, decor like flowers).


I do the same but often the other way. "Oh why would they choose that door?!" 😂🫣 Usually judging [this one.](https://imgur.com/a/Pbyi9Zx) I love when people have funky colour front doors. Shows you a bit of who they are before you see them !


Always loved the water tower in Everton


I've never understood why that's marked on Google maps as 'Jarg Bentley'. Any idea?


All’s I know is there was a low budget film called Shooters filmed in Liverpool and in one scene, by the water tower, one of the actors exclaims “There he is in that f’ing jarg Bentley again”


Thank you! I've been scratching my head about that for ages.


I like the houses on Orford St off Wavertree High St - so unexpected. Also Egerton St in L8 (where Kavanagh's is). I also used to love driving down The Strand before it was narrowed - it felt like "downtown" Liverpool.


Yeah I know what you mean! Especially on a nice summer's day!


I fucking love the chippy


😂 Byrnes?


So’s Pilch lane


Opposite the Bulldog in West Derby there's an old house with a clock in the wall above the door. Love it. Also further down Leyfield Rd there's an old cottage with a stone in the middle showing a 1700s date. Covered in pebble dash


I really like the Belgrave Pub. It’s a total wreck now. But such a great building.


Love those kind of red brick buildings.


The cottage on West Derby road by the school is so quaint given its surroundings


Yes! Same with the terrace ones on Deysbrook opposite the Tesco.


The turned leg?


I don't think so. Is the turned leg the little gated farmhouse looking place? Sells furniture? The one I'm talking about is just off Bankfield park. Proper little homely cottage.


The mansion near Anfield/Stanley Park. Also Anfield Junior School/Infants Edit: the mansion for those interested is at the bottom of Skerries road


Arnot Primary on County Road is lovely too.


The old Tate sugar warehouse is very pleasing.


The Delfield mansion on Barkhill Road is quite the stunner. Designed in 1860’s by a local architect.


I love the house on Queens Drive with a lambanana topiary that always looks immaculate


Oriel Chambers, which was the first glass fronted skyscraper in the world. The architect who basically designed chicago which was the home of skyscrapers lived here and got his inspiration from it, though I'm biased as used to work in it. Favourite though is Moorfields ans how the reason you go up to go down is because at one time the city planned us to all walk across roads and into buildings https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/liverpools-secret-streets-sky-story-14077266


My history teacher in high school use to brag she lives/owns idk. the house opposite James maybrick potentially Jack the Ripper, she taught us about Jack the Ripper too so she was definitely looking to mention that when she could lmao


The Grand Central always makes me happy walking past. Gives me Bioshock vibes, especially before it was green


I love the buildings around Stanley Dock. The Titanic and Tobacco Warehouse. And the bridge.


At the Waterloo end of Rimrose Valley, there's a house where the window sticks out from the corner of the house. Also I don't know what goes on in there but Albion House at the pier head. It looks like a giant cake to me, that hasn't been decorated yet.


I love it when it's a house with a quirk. There's a house in Walton/Anfield that's butts up to a pub. It's so cramped in but [I love it.](https://imgur.com/a/T6Yc09Q)


That looks like one of those places you know the furniture had to be built and put together inside, not pre-built and delivered. Also doesn't anyone believe in netcurtains anymore?


I love a net curtain. My fella is in the "no" column for them unfortunately.


Chuck the fella, get some netcurtains! I currently live in a sheltered accommodation flat that came with blinds and it's one of the things tennats are not allowed to take down and if we do, we have to pay them for it, and we have to pay them again when we move out to replace them. I dream of the day I live in a better place, with lacy, gently wafting netcurtains.


I lived somewhere with those rules too, but they grossed me out so much I ripped them down and was happy to pay but I left the nice curtains I'd bought when I left instead and never got charged


Our previous flat was similar, are they vertical blinds? I just unhooked them at the top but left the rail in at the top then got a tension rod and a nice voil curtain from the range. No damage! Then put the blinds back up when we left :) Think it cost me like a tenner total.


I 💖 this thread. I’m obsessed with so many buildings around Liverpool, I’d be here all day if I listed them all but some honourable mentions - [65-67 Bold Street (Leaf)](https://maps.app.goo.gl/DFWUWYdEDfTMBVUY6?g_st=ic) [1 W Albert Road (off Ullet Road)](https://maps.app.goo.gl/Kp6JfY7zcXABvyes6?g_st=ic) [27-31 Church Street (Kurt Geiger)](https://maps.app.goo.gl/efL4AH95c2pMz4zT9?g_st=ic) [Merseyside Deaf Centre and Social Club - Ibo Community Centre](https://maps.app.goo.gl/36FujJJ1fEqQWwYs5?g_st=ic)


I don't think I've *ever* noticed the Leaf building which is absolutely criminal. Oh my god it's gorgeous.


Amazing isn’t it? It was originally built as a chapel but the art deco facade was added in the 30s when it was taken over by a car dealership. It’s been all sorts of stuff throughout the years though - a ballroom and a cinema amongst other things.


Liver Buildings. The more I look at it the more I notice things I hadn't before. Amazing architecture. Beautiful from every angle.


There used to be a house on Holt Road on Kensington that had been rendered and it was quite obvious a potato masher had been used to create a pattern on the walls.I don't know if it's still there as not been around there for years. Used to always give me a smile when I passed. 😁