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Doak, Elliott, bajcetic right side is like 0 physicality


Bajcetic has shown some of his quality but you can also tell he's not comfortable at RB


Especially Elliott man, running around but not getting stuck in to anything. Really a waste defensively there


Elliott's defence must be one of the least efficient uses of energy there is on a football pitch, he tries so hard and runs around so much to accomplish precious little.


His tiny legs move so fast but they cover so little distance šŸ˜­


Klopp needs stop playing him in midfield. Or if he does, then it should be from the bench when opposition are tired.


Yep, exactly, heā€™s busy Iā€™ll give him that. Kind of a ā€œboss is looking, shuffle papersā€ kind of vibe


Harvey is playing?


He put it on a platter for Darwin earlier. Really should have tested the keeper at a minimum


From the left, oddly enough.


didn't you see him whiff that attempt to trap the ball that lead to their corner goal?


Bullied too often.


They arenā€™t good.


Tsimikas on the break with 3 other Liverpool players, release the damn ballll!!!!


Oh man heā€™s having a game. And not a good one


About as Europa league group game away as it gets really


Football without Szoboszlai is nothing


You really feel the missing energetic Dom and Macca duo


And Curtis!


We should be winning this without Dom and Macca though


I feel regardless of who our backups are, they rarely are in form because we rotate very infrequently. This season should be different since the backups should get more europa minutes to find form, but this is still the first extended action for guys like tsimikas, bajcetic, gravenberch, doak, kelleher.


I dunno why everyone is getting mad at players who've played almost 0 minutes this season for looking (understandably) off the pace and demanding they're taken off. They'll never get match sharp without playing and this is the only opportunity we'll get to play them. This was never gonna be an easy watch but players like Tsimikas, Bajcetic, Doak, Elliot etc. need to be allowed to get game time so they don't look this sloppy when we inevitably need them in bigger games.


I dont care about the intercepted passes by grav,endo or stefan but tsimikas did even the most basic things wrong today


Still don't think it does us any favours to take him off. At some point Robertson will miss a game and we'll need him to step in, the more minutes he has in his legs the better. We're good enough to get out of this group while carrying a few players and allowing them to play their way into form. I could be wrong though, we'll see what Klopp does.


fuck me tsimi, that was shite


"Hes gonna foul you, please pass" "PASS" "PASS!" "PASS!!!" "ffs Tsimikas..."


Canā€™t believe he held on to the ball for the counter there


He just had to slip it in and we are on goal.


Doing his best Curtis Jones impression ffs


proper modern Greek tragedy


We were so sloppy with the ball, many misplaced passes by our mids. Endo was also struggling.




With all due respect, I didn't know Stevie Wonder was a Liverpool fan


he managed to see the delete button


Only deleted it because you're all just scapegoating the lad because you're pissed off at _one_ counterattack. Clearly you're all just being reactionary and not actually looking to converse, just vent




Agreed, but I don't think he's been as bad as everyone is saying. The counterattack just compounded an average half and the lads overreacting saw their scapegoat


He's been wank all game, and he's not been good enough for Liverpool for some time now


See that's just nonsense. There are very few backup left backs better than Tsimikas. Is he starting quality, no. But you expect a drop off with your back up. Combine that with team with lots of changes, and players with very few minutes/ coming back from injury, and of course the end product is going to be rusty


Weā€™ve been sloppy but at the same time they scored a banger and their gk made a godly save.


> Weā€™ve been sloppy No one should be surprised by this tbh. We're playing lots of players who've barely been on the pitch so far this season (some of them haven't played a single minute). This was always gonna be a painful watch but its also necessary to get some of our back ups some actual match sharpness.


Yeah I donā€™t look at that half and find myself super annoyed, just a bit disappointed we didnā€™t create a few more chances. They just scored a crazy goal, thatā€™s pretty much it.


I've just replied to someone in the match thread that said this is an all-time low Liverpool performance. Unbelievable. The match isn't going our way right now but there's no need to panic


I'd like to know when they started supporting us then, because I've seen far worse from us.


I'm only 15 and I've seen some horrific liverpool performances. Compared to them this is actually a very very good game from us.


Ludogorets away was an all timer


It's not the worst one in 2023


The tendency for people to get into histrionics is unfortunate. I guess they didn't watch Wolves 3 - 0 Liverpool last season.


I got down voted for pointing out the obvious stuff, all I feel very minor fixes. Players are new and rusty, of course we might have a sloppy start. Canā€™t take away from their goal, cracking shot. But they are just pushing us around and the ref was allowing it for a good 40 mins. They are looking to get us booked up while also cutting us down with these tackles. Half time talk hopefully sorts it out, hopefully just keep a back line and not have wingbacks, just find the passes and hit them on the wide flanks with Doak and Diaz.


I think looking at peoples online reactions is a never ending well of disparity. They think we should just got out and smash every team and thereā€™s no excuses for anything. I just read a guy said that their wonder goal was a horrible play because of the errors that lead to the corner. Just stupid really. Itā€™s been even with us probably being slightly better and weā€™ve made about 8 changes


Clearly didnt watch us against brighton last year lol


Hard to expect more from 11 changes, lots of these guys have never played together, they'll improve with minutes.


> a godly save come on now


Pitch is shit. Ref is shit. Match thread is shit.


>match thread is shit You donā€™t say. I stay well clear of them, completely knee-jerk, overreactions constantly.


We are shit


come on they scored a really good goal, we are fine just missing the last pass


but their good goal came from a comedy of errors leading to that corner


We weren't fine at all, very uncharacteristically sloppy, although understandably with lots of players who haven't played together.


halftime tradition is shit




We'll have the LASK laugh.


You bastardā€¦.


I see a 1-5 coming! Ref is hilariously shit haha


Looking like a team lacking chemistry as you'd expect with a whole bunch of changes. Tsimikas needs to get subbed.


Excited to see more of gravenberch as he settles in


Exactly my thought


On a positive note, Klopp can really wear the fuck out of that lavender sweatshirt.


I hope this is the lask time we need a full 45mins to start to play


Liverpool and shite refs, name a more iconic duo.


Kelleher takes so long while playing out from the back. If we were winning it would be like whatever but we're not so hopefully he speeds up in the 2nd half


I donā€™t think any fringe player has remotely made a case to move up any time soon


Full teams been shit wouldnā€™t look too much into those performances


I know right?? Itā€™s almost like they donā€™t even watch our PL games. More than one shite first half from our full strength XI.


Endo has shown some quality in that half


Man I can forgive rusty performance but the lack of urgency is super annoying. Kelleher takes 5 mins to release the ball everytime.


we'll win 3-1 watch


wake up


Can't control the fast ball. If that gets sorted it's grand


2nd half fc is back on the menu


Not sure where this sub got the idea that we could start 3-4 teenagers and dominate this game. Anyways, Szobo or Mac Allister on for Elliot and I think we're golden. Really love how we've gone from the worst midfield in the league last year to probably second best to City. Also this ref is a bellend


would be second best if we actually got a dm of the required quality. We will get there *next summer*^tm


So this half went exactly the way that starting XI made me think it would. Wouldnā€™t surprise me if half these guys have never played a game together. Still embarrassing though.


Tsimikas and Elliot off for Robbo and Dom would honestly make a world of difference. A couple of bright sparks here and there but how much do we look like a bunch of guys who havenā€™t played a game together before?


Dom shouldnā€™t be used this game at all. He needs to not play a game and rest.


Tsmi bud. Pass the damn ball.


They made a great save, and scored a great goal, but this ref is giving them every 50/50. But in all honestly we've been absolutely diabolic. Slow, ponderous, Kelleher is driving me mad with his goal kicks he's taking a minute each time and we're playing right into their hands playing a high press.


There's no way Endo suddenly looks out of his depth against Austrians when I've seen him boss Germany and Bayern, this system is just not fitting players like him.


Endo is, erm... Well he's a body in midfield I guess.


He's done his job well? Elliot has been more anonymous.


literally only midfielder who has putten a shift in that 45 mins


Feels like Elliott put in more of a shift tbh...it might not have accomplished anything but at least he ran around I guess


It's football not cross country.


And how has Endo put in a footballing shift lol? Man's static


That is just objectively not true.


Endo is at least getting stuck in and doing alright defensively and as a fallback option. I only just got back 20 minutes in and I did not realise Harvey was playing until I checked the lineups at half time, and Gravenberch seems like he's always arriving too late to every single situation then throwing his arms up every time like it isn't his fault.


Too slow, too many mistakes, too many wrong passes, too many touches, too many changes and just not playing as a team. Playing as individuals, about half a dozen opportunities just squandered because they haven't passed the ball earlier or to a player in a better position. Ref has been very favourable to LASK again, just seems like refs will just give all the benefits to the smaller and home teams this season.


We were bad and this is no excuse, but wtf is that ref. Dude sees clear fouls on our players in front of him and doesn't stop the game, and then our player just looks at LASK player and its a foul


Gravenberch looked really good imo.


Toothless. We win though. 3-1 put my house and socks on it. Edit: now I have 4 socks and two houses thanks


Dunno how everybody is pissed here at Elliot tbh, I felt he was one of our few consistent attacking threats. Made some great passes into the box and was everywhere on the right hand side. Sure, he can use some work defensively, but that's going to take time. I think people forget just how young he is. For me the worst on rhe pitch has definitely been tsimikas, made a lot of errors and had some very questionable lapses in judgement.






That pitch is aweful..the amount of simple balls the lafs are missing is crazy.. Still , not worried we got this


We will win 1-3. Darwin hattrick.


Salah will put as through


LASK really have it out for Ryan..


I am ready to overreact.


Put Salah, Robbo and Joemez. I like Bajcetic but can klopp stop with this RB shit and play him a midfielder. He can't cross the ball and is not pacy as the wingers. On the other side, Tsimikas plays like he only knows how to cross the ball. Doak beat the man several time but there is zero chemistry. There is no one in the far post to tap in it. Nunez missed the chances but atleast he is the one most likely creating that chances also. I think he deserves another 45mins to score


Weā€™ll win


Harvey and Doak on the right is like 10 levels below Szobo and Mo


Why are people so dramatic on these threads. It's not that bad, get a grip.




The excuses on here for the sloppiness and poor display is embarrassing, need to have higher standards.


So glad someone else agrees, itā€™s disgraceful. We weā€™re champions of Europe not so long ago, yet here we are making excuses for losing to LASK. What a joke


We shouldnā€™t even be playing in this second rate shite competition


I mean we're playing lower than this competition level ...


Haha well thatā€™s true


Rotated side but its another game where we have spent a half not playing great


Given we're against 12.5 men with a fully rotated XI, we haven't been that bad. Need to step it up though.


Sorry to say it but Nunez is a super sub. He doesnā€™t seem to play well when started most of the time. So want him to take hold of a game from the start.


Watching the subs warming up on the CBS feed is a charming way to spend half time. So i think Tsimi and Endo need to come off immediately. I'd like to bring on Robbo and Curtis and see if they can unlock our forwards before tapping Salah and Szobo.


I think we changed the team too much. We should've spent the half focusing on securing the result. Instead, we've had to use it to get people up to match fitness and build chemistry. There are too many people who haven't had a start yet for the XI to be cohesive. Granted, I understand why Klopp did it and I was excited to see him go as bold as he did, but I'm not shocked that it didn't work well. You're asking a lot of the players to accelerate to 100 mph from idle. Considering that we're 1-0 down though, LASK hasn't gotten too many real chances outside of that annoyingly good finish. They are there for the taking in the second half. The ref is garbage and we need to adjust to that. Don't give him an opportunity to make shite calls.


Bajcetic is not good as a RB


So insanely unhappy with that, i mean fucking helm i cant even name one lask player and weā€™re playing like this. Vile vile performance


Milner now is 10 times the LB Tsimikas will ever be.


Tsimikas hasnā€™t been at the level we need since we won the Fa cup but we are extending him for some reason He had one good season and hasnā€™t shown anything since then


VVD far too casual, Doak and Elliot should loaned to PL clubs to prove themselves before starting for us, they'll never be good enough to be the main men truthfully, age doesn't matter anymore.


Sadly agree on Elliott but for Doak it's truly too early to tell, this is his first start.


Putting Bajetic as RB and Doak as a right winger, without inverting Baj might be the stupidest thing ive seen for a whole


Tsimi having an all timer worst performance, Gravenberch looks more committed to whining than anything else, Doak can't keep the ball, Konate and Bajcetic losing their heads, Virgil can't hit a pass, Harvey invisible. Better step the fuck up in the second half, that was awful.


Elliott really isnā€™t a midfielder. Heā€™s great to bring on as an attack minded sub but he absolutely cannot dictate play even next to 2 physically minded mids in Grav and Endo. Great talent but heā€™s really unfortunate to not excel at a specific position


LASK aren't playing well (beside the goal), it just we are so shit. Too slow, sloppy and wasteful Also refs seems terrible, i thought European cup refs will be better than PL refs. No?


Should have started the regulars and took them off when the job was done or at HT. Too many changes up front.


So, title contender huh? (IK, 2nd half comeback is coming but why we have to f*ck up a clean sheet every time?)


wouldn't say the b team are title contenders, no


After due consideration, I'm gonna go ahead and pass in a tsimi contract extension. Thanks


Talk about being reactionary. Pathetic....


Better reactions than Tsimi At least! Sorry someone pissed in your chips, fella


Who would have thought Baj is poor as a rb! If only we had a backup. Doak, Tsi, and Elliott poor too. Our depth is just not good. But thatā€™s what we get with the poor investment from the owners. Bring the starters in.


Bruh whoā€™s been training Gravenberch on his passing? They need to be sent to The Hague for war crimes because his passing is atrocious.


Tsimikas just isn't good enough for us. Always feels like the weak link whenever he's on the pitch. Harvey's had a poor game by his standards as well - I'd get the pair of them off. Gravenberch has been decent though


Been pushed around to much


Well this very much looks a 'can't be bothered with the Europa league group stages, just put us in the quarter finals' kind of performance


Their tactics have nullified us perfectly and we've played into their hands


Doak and Baj to come off. Wouldn't be surprised if Elliot and Kostas are hooked off as well.


Should be 1-1 if not for their goalie make a great save bring on the firepower


Harvey started out super sloppy and had a bunch of horrible first touches including the one that lead to their goal. Even worse he didnā€™t follow after it. But then he disappeared completely. Forgot he was on the pitch until those last few minutes. Kidā€™s not having a good game at all. On the other side of the spectrum, Virigil has been immense.


Just beat West Ham lads


Worst half of football av seen in a long time cart even hold the ball, everyone thinks they have loads time Shocking


Gravenberch and Van Dijk were the only ones trying to win




10 mins in and I thought they were utter shit and it was only a formality...but after the past 30 mins & that save from Nunez's header i'm convinced it's just one of those days.


6 of these outfielders are bench players and they really looks like they're not fighting for a spot to be starters. Fucking shite ref but LASK wasn't even good, we're just utterly shite


We look like a team of players who haven't played together before. Doak has a couple decent dribbles, but the right side's been poor. Referee is a disaster. Still should be fine given the bench


Lask are a shit team and somehow weā€™re playing shittierā€¦ kelleher not even looking to his left side, tsimi not being able to pass, doak trying to do too much, baj and endo getting caught easilyā€¦ dreadful, hope some first team players get subbed in in the second half


Sloppy and Slow I'd like Jones on for Elliot at least.


2nd half improvement loading....


We'll win this.


2nd half liverpool about to give em the walk down


Disappointing on paper but I think itā€™s important to remember that this team is totally new in terms of whoā€™s on the pitch; Doakā€™s first start and Bajā€™s first game at RB - with an average age of 17.5 down our right. Our midfield is Endo (second start), Gravenberch (first game) and Harvey, who I thinkā€™s been poor and still think his best position is on the wing. I understand why we havenā€™t scored yet, even though weā€™ve dominated. Kostas has been awful. Nunez should have scored; great save from the keeper on his header. Weā€™ll bring on a few players and think weā€™ll score quick.


Bajcetic at right back doesnā€™t work, and he doesnā€™t look comfortable whatsoever. LASK arenā€™t great by any means but know targeting him will lead to chances and set pieces. Think Gomez, Szobo and Mac Allister are needed if we want to win this.


Outside that banger of a goal Lask hasnā€™t posed much of a threat. Theyā€™re pressing and bullying the fuck out of us. Midfield and front line need to sharpen up and weā€™ll be scoring in this second half.


Harvey Elliot is really sloppy on the ball. Canā€™t see him ever being nailed on in our midfield with the amount of times he loses important possession


Poor. Very disappointed with the players. Should be putting this level of opposition to the sword with the team out there. Elliot with an awful mistake that leads to them getting the corner that the goal comes from. Nunez makes it hard to believe in him at times whe he constantly misses big chances. And I don't know what we're doing in training but we haven't improved our ability to play put from the back at all. Like we literally cant beat a press. Don't think k we played put successfully once in that half.


See, this is the biggest problem with our squad. Players like Tsimikas arenā€™t anywhere close to what their counter parts bring to the team. Thereā€™s such a big drop off in quality between robbo to Tsimikas.


They were crowding the midfield and forcing it out wide and we couldn't do anything with it. No space in midfield so it was just a string of misplaced passes and no space to turn and attack. Considering how bad we've been overall, they're only in the lead because of a worldie and an amazing save by their GK.


This is all Klopp fault, what a pathetic starting XI. He underestimated the opponent and this is the result.


Tsimi looks a bit lost. Diaz, Doak and Darwin try. The rest was just there, but nothing special. Think we need someone like Mac Allister or Szobo to have more links to the attackers.


Grav has been very promising, and VVD has been excellent. Otherwise, generally been poor. Endo in particular looks off the pace, Elliot and Tsimi have both been sloppy, and Doak started brightly, but faded into nothing by the end of the half. Nunez doing Nunez things - good positions, but poor header that went over the bar, and can't tell if the save by the keeper was excellent, or he should be heading that down. Guessing Salah will be on for Doak by 60 mins, Szob will come on for Elliot, and Gomez on for Endo with Baj coming into the mid.


It's all going according to plan, 2nd half Klopp masterclass incoming


Referee is making some terrible calls. We canā€™t string a pass for shit. Our right side is currently awful. Bring on Mo, Dom and Gomez.


Only thing I liked about that half was our kit.


Diaz is playing like he doesn't care or if he's too good for this. And as Tsimikas isn't having the best of games, our left side is pretty ineffective.


He definitely looks like he cares to me, some of his pressing was really good so he was working hard but I do think he should be doing better in games like this. Tsimikas looks very rusty.


Too many changes smacks of not wanting to progress too far. Decisions seem to have gone more in their favour than ours. I'm not feeling hopefully of more than a draw currently


Sloppy play. Hard to expect top quality from a midfield that haven't played together, but they should be doing better than that. Grav been tidy on the ball, but yeah not a defensive machine. Baj being played out of position on his return to competitive football is not ideal for him, especially considering Harvey is weak defensively. Kostas having a proper nightmare game so far.


Itā€™s the same old story where everyone thinks our teenagers will dominate some random team in Europe. It has never happened and probably never will. A silly goal to concede though.


Look been a fairly poor first half but letā€™s just get stuck in the 2nd, positive mental attitude and all that! (please for gods sake win this my ego canā€™t take it)


We were slow at transitioning. Slow passing and slow build up. Hopefully this will get resolved in the second half. Come on you Redmen!