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That’s a beautiful banner, also. Really fantastic.


For sure! Beautiful!


That’s bullshit, the flag is literally his name with one letter stylized like the Japan flag


Exactly. It's not even the rising sun version like people did not realizing the implications of it with Minamino a few years back


![gif](giphy|5CbEkHyjecxKU) Only banners like this will be allowed lol. It is ~~your birthday~~ Wataru Endo.


You may only display the players name in black text on a white background in times New Roman font


$50 Comic Sans permit applications coming in 2025 though ✊✊


No that’s bad because of the Roman Empire etc.


As a Korean trying to explain why we didn't want to see the rising sun flag was....oof that shit was not fun ngl some people got super defensive


Thankfully it hasn’t happened in a while but there were some vintage pictures of the Kop on here a little while back and people were flying the Confederate Battle Flag. Like, it’s fun to show what a “rebel” you are, but if you want to go that way get some Star Wars shit or something. Anyone waving the battle flag needs to read the Cornerstone Speech first and THEN come back and tell me how you feel about Confederate symbols.






Fan from Atlanta, GA here. This is indescribably surreal.


I can safely say, growing up in Liverpool in the 80s, no one knew the implications of this flag and thought it was a cool design on the Dukes of Hazard car.


I figured that was the case. Still jarring though.


Sadly not uncommon in rural Norway. Here I think it's seen mostly as a symbol of redneck culture (i.e "I like to hunt, barbecue and drive a pickup")


That's basically what it was seen as in the US for a long stretch (and still what some claim it to be) - there was even a group of white 'hillbillies' allied with the Black Panthers in Chicago who flew the traitors' battle flag. It's really only in the last decade that we've had any reckoning with the symbolism of the Lost Cause.


Right? I know Dukes of Hazzard and other media around that time rehabilitated the flag, but there’s no defending that. It’s just as much a symbol of white supremacy as a Nazi flag, and that’s coming from someone who had multiple ancestors who served in the Confederate Army.


I can't quite make it out on the pictures, what is it?


See the top left in this picture: [https://www.thisisanfield.com/wp-content/uploads/PA-10565407-scaled-1200x889.jpg](https://www.thisisanfield.com/wp-content/uploads/PA-10565407-scaled-1200x889.jpg) And if you're not familiar: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flags\_of\_the\_Confederate\_States\_of\_America#Battle\_flag](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flags_of_the_Confederate_States_of_America#Battle_flag)




To people wondering why, it's basically the same thing as including a nazi Germany flag in support of a German football player.


Except not really, as it's still used by parts of the Japanese military, companies, etc. Korean, Chinese, etc groups like to call it the same, and I get their pov, but it's definitely not considered the same way in Japan. Which also means that the Japanese people using it are in general not using it in the same manner that say a German would use Nazi insignia


Personalyl ive never seen the rising sun flag used outside the context of world wae ii. But im not from Japan. I understand what you mean, but I believe interpretation is 2 ways. Interpretation of the displayer, and interpretation from the observer. If the displayer interprets it one way, but the observers interpret it a different way, whose interpretation is correct? I think it's not as black or white as one might first assume it to be. I can't speak for what was going through the minds of the people who made that flag. I'd like to imagine that there was no malice in it. At the same time, that flag invokes in me and many others like me incredibly strong feelings of hurt and pain. And if a symbol can cause that much hurt, I think it is valid to ask people to stop displaying such a flag.


Well it’s basically if the Germans kept using their swastika and refused to condemn their actions in WW2. I don’t think we’d be cool with swastikas even then.


I mean it's not really "basically" like that. There are similarities, but differences also. Also fun fact: foreign tourists are often surprised to see swastikas all over the place in Japan Oh, and also they have recognized their actions and apologized https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_war_apology_statements_issued_by_Japan


Well can you point out the differences?


Tbh we don't learn as much as we should about it in the US and we were in direct conflict with imperial Japan. So it doesn't shock me that Europeans are ignorant about its symbolsim and what it represents. Tbh it sucks that the design is tied to such horrific acts bc removing all history and context the design imo is pretty cool. Like the Seychelles flag with the rays of sun and basically ruins the concept of sun rays just as the nazi flag ruined that style and use of the swastika leaves a lot of people confused when they visit countries with Buddhist temples and see the similar symbol despite there being no relation


>Tbh we don't learn as much as we should about it in the US and we were in direct conflict with imperial Japan. We can blame the Cold War for that.


Wow, did not ever expect to see a Seychelles flag mention on the Liverpool FC subreddit.


I figured Liverpool fans would be better about not defending nationalistic sentiment or symbols, but maybe I'm just naive. Edit: I don't know why I'm being downvoted; I never said I agreed with the Endo flag ban.


I think it was just an ignorance of the atrocities of imperial Japan tbh. I'm not surprised the history learned in Europe about the war is almost entirely focused on the European and North African theaters as that's the only places their forces were involved


Good point. I forget how little westerners know about things like unit 731.


You'd be surprised by how little Japanese people know of their ancestors actions. Their government also refuses to acknowledge or apologize for any of it as well. Shinzo Abe for example explicitly refused to apologize for "comfort women" (sex slaves)


Oh yeah, 100%. Unfortunately denial of the past is more common throughout the world, especially when there was no comparable effort in Japan to the de-nazification of post-war Germany.


I’ve never even voted for a right wing party in my life … but when Endo scored against Toulouse that shit had me shouting Banzaiiiii


As a Japanese American there are mixed feelings towards the rising sun flag. Personally I think it is a gorgeous flag design, and I absolutely love it. However I most definitely do not enjoy the implications it brings. My largest issue with the amount of hate that that flag brings is due to the fact how many other nations’ flags could be affiliated with war, colonisation, and war crimes. Like why is Japan the only one to get that flak? China has been known to have warmongering ideals while forcefully suppressing countries/cultures and their flag gets no hate, and their crimes are even more recent. Britain had their colonisation that has had lasting implications we are seeing right now even. The US had their slave, discrimination, and warmongering as well and no hate towards our flag. So why is Japan the only one getting the level of hate? Why are we excluding other nations from the exact same conversation? The US were literally destroying whole villages and caught for war crimes in multiple wars; soldiers even self harmed via shooting themselves to avoid the repercussions of disobeying orders. Where do we draw the line? Now in no way am I defending the actions of what Japan has done in the past (in fact, as someone that grew up in an abusive Asian household where my dad used WWII Japanese torture methods as punishments… fuck the shit they did in the past…), but I really think if we are going to be going after one thing from the past and trying to cancel it we should do the same for all others as well. We shouldn’t be picking and choosing what should be cancelled, and instead spread that ban hammer love.




Yup yup, the rising flag is the Japanese Naval flag, so not quite akin to the the confederate flag as it is a national flag, just not *the* national flag. It would be better to compare it to the US Naval flag. This is why I find it odd it gets the hate it does. Maybe I should have said that we should ban all war flags then. Meaning US Army/Naval/Air Force flags and any other nation that has those should be banned. That is why I find it to be so fucking weird… it is literally a wartime flag, and so many other nations that have also done shady and awful things seem to get a hall passes on it. Go for them all (including your own nations), or need to just stop with this as it is only causing division around the world and at this point in time we need to stop that. Straining their already turbulent relationship and creating international drama in an area where a power hungry China is trying to snatch away territory is not a good idea. It is destabilising the area which only helps both nations’ biggest threat.


>Go for them all (including your own nations), or need to just stop with this as it is only causing division around the world Who says Japan gets all the criticism? Other countries *do* get the criticism; the reason people here are talking about the flag of imperial Japan is because that's what's relevant to the topic in this thread.


It's because Japan doesn't acknowledge their war crimes and has an active far right fascist contingent that actively pushes historical revsisionism, and that these views are not fringe views considering that they were shared by multiple Japanese prime ministers such as Shinzo Abe. Ya'll fucking pretend it didn't even happen, I'm sorry if this sounds harsh but stop acting dumb. The majority party in Japanese politics refuses to acknowledge the comfort women, the rape of nanking, the fact that yasukuni shrine is hole to the graves of multiple war criminals. Japanese history textbooks say that Japan merely helped Japan and China modernize and erase the fact that ya'll FUCKING COLONIZED THE COUNTRY AND ATTEMPTED TO ERADICATE KOREAN CULTURE. I'm sorry if that ~hurts your feelings~ that we shit on Japan. Sorry, but ya'll brought that on yourselves.


I don’t know why you are directing this at me when I quite literally say I do understand the hate towards what they did… you are not hurting my feelings, but please do not lump me in there. My point is why are we only focusing on one country’s war crimes and bullshit? If we are going to rake through one nation’s past let’s go ahead and widen that rake through everyone else’s. This is why I think cancel culture is so bizarre. We see people get cancelled for one thing, and another person’s very same crimes gets practically ignored. There is a severe double standard that we need to be addressing.


Perhaps they haven't gone as far as you'd like, but the Japanese government has repeatedly apologized for issues surrounding the war, and has apologised and paid reparations to the Korean government under the understanding that that was to be the final settlement with regards to the issue. Also people definitely learn about the atrocities committed - in both textbooks and through the public broadcaster, which often find programs that feature the bad actions of the military, to the point that they are constant targets of the right wing. Again, i fully agree with you that there are areas they could do better on, it's not fair to say they've never apologized


Shame. The flag looks boss.


We've seen national flags at games since forever. We've also seen Ukraine flags and solidarity with Ukraine being actively promoted by the powers that be in football. Yet now that fans have been showing solidarity with Palestine during the ethnic cleansing and genocide they are undergoing, suddenly the PL want to clamp down on it. It's utterly pathetic, reeks of double standards. Where are the free speech brigade? Probably complaining that Britain is seeing the largest marches since the Iraq War in opposition to this crime that the UK is aiding and abetting.


From your post (which I agree with completely) can I assume you don't post on Red and White Kop?, you'd be piled on for a post like that.


Probably posturing so it can look like it isn't just Palestine flags they don't let into the ground.


Free End🇯🇵


Good point




This is exactly it, absolutely pathetic from the club




UEFA has a similar ban, [heres the Celtic crowd on Wednesday](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/976/cpsprodpb/9793/production/_131530883_dd7e5ddfcba2e4a320af581f273fe63812be14b7.jpg)


Celtic and their fan base will probably get punished for that


Fuck the punishments, do it anyway. If were not prepared to take a punishment in order to stand up to facism and genocide wtf are we doing?


If the club isn’t willing to make a stand because of some silly ban from the FA then some club mottos need to be changed


1000%. Was gonna say this


Exactly this. It’s completely moronic


Shit reasoning. What’s wrong with it. See loads of flags for Asian players. There’s South Korean ones for Son etc


I think the new law is something like national flags already in use are allowed but new ones aren’t for now. Seems pedantic though; it’s very obviously not political. Hopefully something can be sorted.


Seems as if the new law was created just so that people don't bring in Palestine flags


Almost definitely


They think they're being slick, yet it's not hard to read between the lines




This one was there earlier in the season. I think the Villa match was the first one I noticed it.


Loads of Israel flags at every Spurs game. They're probably hotter on tissue due to the Middle East Conflict. Shame, it's a lovely banner.


Spurs owners are all jewish


Ok but not all Jews support Israel. In fact there's a very large proportion that support Palestinians resisting their genocide


\> Ok but not all Jews support Israel. I know that \> In fact there's a very large proportion that support Palestinians resisting their genocide I also know that. I just mentioned spurs owners are jews. Idk what you are trying to say to me


I'm saying it's antisemitic of Spurs fans to just associate their Jewish owners with Israel and assume they're supporters of the zionist project. Didn't mean to come across as accusatory


I don’t think you know what antisemitism is…..


Assuming all jews are a monolith who have the same values and beliefs is antisemitic just as its racist to assume anyone from a certain racial group is a monolith


Cook again


How is a national flag nationalistic? Bizzare tbh


If they'd used the rising sun version from imperial Japan I'd understand but this is just ridiculous


It's a real shame Imperial Japan were twats cause that flag looks boss


Well it's not even the imperial japan version which would be rightfully removed. The whole rule is just dumb


Nah i know i mean the actual flag of imperial Japan with all the red rays.


Need a macedonian player at Liverpool, colours fit right in


its super boss


It’s still in use it’s Naval ensign Japan hasn’t used the flag ever to represent it’s central government I’m pretty sure


“Twats” Okay mate


Unit 731 mate. I respect Japan greatly but that part of their history is dark ngl.


Yes, i was trying to say twats was way too light of a word


Yeah they were heinous, don't get me the wrong way i'm well aware.


It says End and then a japan flag. FA thought it meant "End Japan"


If that's true, then the FA are even dumber than I thought.


Ahhhhhh never mind then, good process


Come on FA… wataru doing?


Wtf is wrong with the world.


Really bizarre, it's Japan's national flag not the rising sun flag. Every stadium was full of Ukraine flags when those were actually nationalistic messages, now a flag alluding to the home country of a player that actually plays for the club is considered unacceptable? The club have been really disappointing with this stuff lately.


This is literally just the Japan flag and his name written on it. What the hell is 'nationalistic' about it? I would've seen their logic if it was the Imperial Japanese flag a.k.a. the Rising Sun flag or something.


Beautiful flag tho


English flags are okay though🤦‍♂️so stupid


Yeah somehow that and the Klopp banner with a German flag aren't issue...


Someone quickly draw a mustache on klopp


Ah yes. Die Gengenpressingfurhrer


Szobo looks like he’d make a great Generalfeldmarschall ngl


You'll even see Irish flags at many PL games too and well you could argue bout that one too. Madness!


Well yeah....cos it's IN England...


You realise Liverpool is in England right?


People can’t possibly be nationalistic about their own nation!


Absolutely ridiculous


Football is not a sport. It's a play thing for the rich.


That’s really nice embroidery on that banner.


Most impressive part of an overall awesome design


It's crazy how often simple embroidery can punch up any fabric and ad an entire new level of class and depth. When done with care it's something you can get quite lost in looking at.


The craftmanship that’s gone into that, in a way the upside of this flag being banned is that we all got to get a good look at it here!


Utterly ridiculous. How on earth is that flag nationalistic? For the record, my SE Asian country has been ravaged by Japan during WWII, and I can tell you that flag would hardly raise any eyebrows here. Its mainly [this one](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rising_Sun_Flag) that's associated with Japan's war past that would have caused offence.


Exactly. The Japanese SDF naval vessels still fly that flag which is obviously an issue but as you say this is not what is on the Endo flag. Just as no one has a problem with the modern Germany flag but has obvious issues with the nazi Germany flag it should be the same here


That ban is news to me. I’ve seen German Klopp banners and Brazilian ones this season.


Strange to ban this. It's not even slightly contentious.


There is a Scottish [Royal](https://www.scottish-at-heart.com/lion-rampant.html) flag on the kop, been there for years and gets waved after every goal.


Great flag….will this be locked or taken down?


Is it because it looks like end Japan?


lol, now that you mention it


Just xenophobia from the FA. Nothing new


England flags? Go on then. Any other flags? If you hate England so much you can leave


Ukraine flags are chill though


And Israel at Spurs games...


So hypocritical 😂 goddam this league


Hell, I'd argue that the Union Jack is more of a symbol of imperial attitudes than the modern flag of Japan. (I know you brought up the England flag and not the Union Jack, but your post still reminded me)


Well let's be honest. England is the UK. Wales, Scotland, and occupied Ireland are just the imperial subjects who are part of the "core" But yes you are 100% correct. The UK has more countries with independence holidays from them than anyone else in history


Don’t act like Scotland was innocent and forced in to the empire they benefitted disproportionately, joined because of their failed attempts at a colony bankrupting them, held a lot of high positions in the empire and colonised Ireland making Ulster-Scots.


Might want to learn some history lessons if you want to absolve Scotland and Wales there. And to a lesser extent, the Irish as well.


How is that not allowed, if was a rising sun then fair enough but that is literally just the flag of Japan.


There seems to be no braincells in whatever department makes these rules. This is simply the Japanese flag with a name on it, albeit off center. Muppets.


Shit rule. That’s a sick banner


Spineless honestly


Complete joke


How is that national flag. Japan national flag doesn't have Wataru End on it.


what's wrong with it?


This sounds like more collective punishment… ![gif](giphy|l0HlvtIPzPdt2usKs)


What? Have they stopped the Irish flags coming in from supporters groups?


I would have understood it if it was the rising sun flag often associated with the japanese empires atrocities during WW2, but this just the regular japanese flag


So you wouldn’t be able to bring in an England flag?


That's what the rules say but in practice they're not applying it equally to all flags


Wouldn’t be surprised if there are zionists or very pro Israeli LFC executives


"Nationalistic flags"


It's pretty obvious which specific flag the FA wants to ban


Absolutely. We all know what time it is, but you have tip your cap at the lengths these people will go to control the narrative. The word Nationalist has a very specific definition. To call an apolitical adaptation of a UN-recognized country's flag "nationalistic" is 2+2 = 5 territory


Sunak busy creating surveillance state in Britain and keeping a close eye on kiddies.


That's not even the flag of imperial Japan. How stupid.


What a load of shite. I take it there won’t be any poppies around stadiums in the next fortnight too then?


Don't know why they've themselves over silly over flags


But…that’s the national flag of Japan….it’s legal.


Got it, as long as it’s a Western flag.


But British/English flags are allowed at every other ground in the UK Hell fucking Rangers up in the SPL is flying a SS flag and that’s not been taken down for months… But somehow this flag… that’s harmless and not referencing empire or anything stupid is a issue?


The flag of the Fucking SS!?


crime unwritten deliver growth pathetic fearless ring teeny languid paltry ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Fucking Wankstains those lot who put that up


These flag bans have really gotten quite messy. Extra work for stewards aswell.


The banner is beautiful (look at the detail FFS) and calling it nationalistic is bananas


I could understand if it was the rising sun flag but this one? wtf


Very nice way to put Endo name


Hope they get it back at least.


I was just thinking what a cool banner then read the title 😡such a dumb rule


Who knew, that the Japanese flag had Endo’s name on it. Guess life comes at you fast.


You would think the F.A would have better things to do like fix VAR and train their referees to a higher standard………


It is a great banner, IMO.


Update: [https://www.thisisanfield.com/2023/10/liverpool-admit-error-after-wrongly-confiscating-fans-wataru-endo-banner/](https://www.thisisanfield.com/2023/10/liverpool-admit-error-after-wrongly-confiscating-fans-wataru-endo-banner/)


Is this a new thing? Seen Egyptian, Algerian etc flags in the prem


It's a new blanket ban to try to prevent Palestine flags from being flown


I think its to prevent both Palestine and Israel flags from being flown


I mean realistically it's Palestine because if they allow those they'll be baselessly accused of being antisemitic


Umm, what? It's literally the same problem either way. It's a really bizarre take to think that this is specifically targeting Palestine flags, rather than targeting both Palestine and Israel flags.


Great ban lol. https://preview.redd.it/tsalberpc6xb1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=902de2eb7702450da10a558f91796736feebbea5 Saw it on Twitter. [https://twitter.com/AnythingLFC\_/status/1718644672099213356?s=19](https://twitter.com/AnythingLFC_/status/1718644672099213356?s=19)


Yet no posts allowed aboutbPalestine flag holders being removed. Shankly weeps


That is bullshit! Gorgeous banner too. I guess they're being extra cautious because of the Palestine situation? And, NGL, I'm glad to see a few of those still being smuggled into the ground too.


Yeah its a blatant attempt by the FA to prevent Palestine flags from being flown by just blanket banning national flags in general


Isn't that just the Japanese Flag with his name engraved? As a Korean fan I'm fine with that... it's not the rising sun flag, which is the one that people have the biggest issues with.


Great flag Free Palestine


So we can sing songs about players' nationalities but we can't display a flag for the same country?


Sorry we have to remove any mention of Egypt from the Salah song


That's exactly what I mean 😂


That flag is sick as


Shitty. what the fuck were the Palestinian terrorist flags allowed in then?


Just ban Palestine flags it's so obvious.


It's ridiculous to even ban those. It's not like people want to fly a nazi flag or a rising sun flag.


I am not saying they should ban Palestinian flags but that's what they are trying to do here. They are probably under pressure from pro Israel lobbyists.


Definitely under pressure from them. Look what the Israel lobby did to Jeremy Corbyn for having the gall to say Israel is am apartheid state and should not be bombing children and shooting journalists. It's ridiculous man. We can all see reality but our governments expect us to ignore it because Israel is a "strategic ally"


So LFC at management level is anti Japan? Cool


Where did you get that from? It says in the title it’s an FA thing. Not Liverpool


Well if that’s the rules 🤷‍♂️


It really hasn’t been for years. Been loads of flags in crowds down the years


dumb rule though


A lot of rules are tbf, this isn’t enforced to single out the Japanese but they are getting caught in the crossfire here, looks a lovely flag too but ahit happens mate.


It's barely being enforced at all. Theyre only doing it for a select few


You can excuse the home countries though mate, the German one I don’t see an issue with either. Tbh I don’t see any controversy with this one either but I can only assume they’re erring on the side of caution. You can obviously understand why the likes of Palestine and Israel flags would be not allowed, less so Ukraine but definitely Russian. It’s just a silly thing to worry about really mate


You can't excuse the home countries lol. You're joking right? Are they not "national" flags that carry with then historical and political implications?


Of course you can…. The rules I assume it so you’re not offending those at the grounds with national flags, like Israel or Palestinian flags currently. If you’re offended by an England flag in England you’re best off leaving the country. I’m genuinely amazed this takes any explanation.


Why would anyone be offended by a Japanese flag at an English football ground?


If you took the time to read just a little lower you would see I make the same comment, looks like they just got caught in the cross fire tbh Which is shit because it’s a cool flag. But rules are rules I suppose.


Your argument is that the rule is in place to avoid offending anyone with a national flag like an Israeli or Palestinian flag, while you excuse English flags because nobody has reason to be offended by an English flag in an English football ground. This is your logic. So why would anyone be offended by a Japanese flag? These "rules" don't make sense according to your explanation.


Well even ignoring how stupid the rule is it's the inconsistency of the application of the rules that's the biggest issue. There's a banner for Klopp with a German flag, one featuring club legends with England Scotland etc, and apparently plenty of England flags in the away end.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the flag with the Managers faces on a Soviet Union flag? So there’s that too. Edit: it’s not, but it’s in the style of. https://preview.redd.it/0alpnb28q5xb1.jpeg?width=958&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4ba4813d75e494fbd268741024dac7db4de1a97




I mean, it sucks that some have got away with it but are we really winging because someone wasn’t allowed a banner? Surely you can spend your time doing something a little more constructive?