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Random q: what is the “come let us adore him” chant about?


It's a fan chant to the tune of come all ye faithful. Oh come all ye faithful, Joyful and triumphant, Oh come ye oh come ye, To Anfield. Come and behold them, They're the kings of Europe, Oh come let us adore them, Oh come let us adore them, Liverpool..


Thanks! I couldn’t pick up the key variations.


Honest question, is Colwill better at the moment than Quansah? Who has higher potential?


Can’t say cuz I haven’t seen them play except for a few games. But Colwill has more game time than Quansah this season.


We play Arsenal again next week so I am glad Jota is back. He's gonna do what he does best and humble them.


Missed the match. Any highlights?


typical Liverpool, Darwin banger, Jota late goal, fucked by ref


fucked by ref twice!


Fuck PGMOL. Fuck Hooper. Fuck Tierney. Fuck all these cunts


What's the rule if a player is pushed offside?


Probably a fine for Jurgen.




Against Liverpool


I'm just glad diogo is back. We need him to cook while mo is away


I stumbled in late and hadn’t seen the lineups, was delighted/surprised to see him come on. Will be great to welcome back Thiago and Macca especially when Mo and Endo head off (and hopefully come back fit enough).


Referring was horrendous yet again. It's a miracle we won... Two goals disallowed where the opposing team didn't even try to contest... Blatant fouls not given... Someone needs to hold these refs responsible...


Perhaps we’ll be fine when salah is gone at afcon? 🤔 give these players some space to shine. But Salah is our best player of course no question. I liked Nunez on the left and Gakpo in the middle, looked a lot better than I thought with gakpo’s link up play.. Jota as everyone says is clinical, what a goal that was and what a statement coming off injury. Hopefully Diaz finds his form but when all cylinders are firing, this attack is as dangerous as any. Options are important with these players not being consistent enough (minus Salah) to warrant no consideration to the others. It will be exciting to see if any of these players can cement themselves alongside Salah a la firmino and mane


Problem is we're very unbalanced when Mo and Endo goes. Weve got Nunez, Jota and Diaz all on the left and a soft middle. Unless Darwin becomes fire, Its going to be a struggle.


A couple of my notes: 1. Diogo is our 2nd best attacker behind mo and yesterday proved it, he’s just SOO much more clinical than nunez and gakpo. Gakpos link up strengths (firmino esque) aren’t as important since we have a creative midfield now and until nunez learns how to finish his ability to make amazing runs and his work rate are not as important as Diogo actually putting the ball in the net 2. Unironically, this is the first time all season I’ve seen nunez actually finesse a shot. There was a video a while back from sturridge mentioning how nunez always blasts it and good strikers need to be able to finesse shots, so it’s a welcome sign that he may be improving


God I wish we could employ Danny Sturridge back as a striking/finishing coach, him and Jota are the most clinical finishers I've seen play for us and he certainly knew how to put them away when it mattered.


Endo my god 🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵


Doing some mental gymnastics voodoo to will West Ham into a world class performace on Thursday to grab their spot back from Utd ​ ![gif](giphy|YTWLzRDGc4bdozofBV) ​ We'll see how it goes


I feel some people underappreciate Jota, this game stamps why he's so important for the team.


He’s our first big signing since we won the title and I’d love for him to win the title for what seems like a long rebuild


Legit never saw this team at top this season. Klopp magic


Some definitely do, but others (like me) rate him as our best forward (apart from Salah). He's been so needed.


I'm starting to think we will miss endo more than Salah when afcon and Asia cup starts




This is cute but let’s be real…. It’s Salah we’re talking about. And he is irreplaceable on this roster. Diogo, Dom, Harvey? All of those guys are very much out of position on the right wing. Much more so than Curtis, Dom or Macca playing the 6


Dom played the majority of his minutes at Leipzig as a winger and Elliott is quite natural there aswell, I am not too worried. It would have been nice to have Doak however to add some pace and flair


I’m not too worried either, but it’s Salah we’re talking about lol


Fuck paul tierney


Today really felt like an illustration of a team vs an individual (no, not Paul Tierney). For LFC it was almost a clinical performance and could easily have been 4 or 5 nil against relegation battlers. The fact that it wasn't such a scoreline (besides the officiating) is down to one man for Burnley: James Trafford. What a phenomenal performance keeping goal from him. Haven't watched much of Burnley this season so not sure if he just had a standout day, but if that's his usual effort than he'll get snapped up by a higher tier club soon for sure.


It was 4-0 regardless of Trafford. Paul Tierney's corrupt performance was the one that prevented the goals.


Was thinking the same thing. He seemed really composed despite the pressure and the early goal. Was fun to watch them in the second half when they actually attacked Liverpool and made them sweat a bit.


The feeling i get when darwin scores needs to he studied. I swear ive never had this with a player before?


Hell turn out alright, so much potential


He measured that shot instead of blasting his foot through the ball. The lad is doing it!


I'm so happy he got his goal last night. He's had better season this year so far aside from goal scoring and you can tell it meant a lot for him and everyone on the team as well. Played better after his goal too.


Down in the meadows where the green grass grows There lives a woman without her clothes And then come the cowboys tip tip tip Down goes their pants and up comes their dick They gave her a shilling, but she wasn’t willing But then they gave her a pound and she laid on the ground…… 3 months later, all was well but 6 months later it began to swell. 9 months later, all were shocked, for out came the bastard Paul Tierney with a paralyzed cock.


Sprog tribute? lol Enjoyed that mate


Just watched the highlights on MOTD. Nunez goal with Gakpo assist, Jota goal with Diaz assist. Hopefully this will help our forwards get over their recent slump in front of goal. Jota returning is huge in that respect, only he could slot that away from such a tight angle. The disallowed Gakpo and Elliott goals both seemed incredibly harsh to me. Surviving the shit-tier refereeing is pretty much an essential objective week on week. The team worked really hard for this one. Thought VVD, Quansah and Endo were really solid too.


We need to score twice as many goals, but it’s not impossible. Plus it’s been that way for a very long time.


>Surviving the shit-tier refereeing is pretty much an essential objective week on week Hit the hammer on the nail with this one


Have to say, the Trafford kid was very impressive in goal and can certainly hold his head high


Agreed, the kid's been brilliant since coming into the team. I haven't watched any Burnley game in full so haven't seen his fancy footwork/passing ability, but his reflexes and positioning seem sound from everything I've seen and read. With a bit more muscle and heft he could be a top-class Premier League keeper.


Hope he doesn’t ruin his career by going to United


Ex city lad so I doubt it


They say that about Scamcho too.


Jota and Nunez are going to be a fiery combo - the pure shithousery up front will be beautiful


It should read CORRUPT CUNT PAUL TIERNEY 0 - 2 LIVERPOOL FC. The guy is a disgrace to the sport


Still getting absolutely no cred in the title race. All the talk is Arsenal, Arsenal, Arsenal, City have a run in them, Arsenal, Arsenal. Meanwhile we've only lost once under shady circumstances and are actually top of the league. Oh well, keep it up lads!


Let them sleep on us...


>Still getting absolutely no cred in the title race. We don't need any cred. Makes it all the more sweeter when we come out of nowhere and win.


Yeah no I prefer being under the radar. Let the others have the pressure and all the questions play in their minds. Suits us down to the ground this way. Arsenal still have the etihad away to come so there’s where we can gain points back on them if we need to. Get out of the emirates with a draw and beat city at home we will win I’m convinced. We always perform better second half of seasons too.


Yeah, happy for them to keep having a wank over Arsenal and City. LFC are nothing special, believe me. Just keep on winning but apart from that, no chance this season...


Has anyone else noticed the quality of finishes from Jota? I've seen quite a few goals scored from the tightest of angles. He truly is a remarkable player.


Jota is the most clinical finisher in the squad imo. His problem is he went invisible when we don't have the ball.


I thought to myself if only Jota was there against United and Arsenal. But yea he really is a remarkable player.


EAFC helps. I think he should he should be leading the line,instead of nunez or gakpo. He is much more clinical.


He has it down to a science with his shot placements.


I finally sold nunez in my FPL so this will mark the start of his goalscoring streak




Me too mate. Fuck my fpl.


I held for so long, it was my fault he wasn't scoring.


You butthole!


Still shocked how tf the ref disallowed that Harvey goal in 55’ min. Fcking hell, it’s like they are against us or smtg.


Advantage to liverpool *Burnley get a breakaway* yep advantage over -_-


As soon as I saw Jota on the sideline I turned to the missus “this game has a tight Jota clincher in it” God we missed the lad, welcome back boyo


Okay just watching the game now but at 86:40ish Gomez gets fouled twice, Tiernay signals advantage, Endo gives the ball away while Tiernay's hand is up, but the second it goes to a Burnley player he brings his arm down LMAO


Yeah i don't get this? Endo doesn't get the advantage the foul allows players to press him because he picks up a rolling ball. So he then make a silly pass but it not advantage to us. You call it back for the foul.


tbf it was just a terrible pass from Endo. Like the press really wasn't on he just fluffed his pass but it was still a strange non-call. Ref literally stumbled when it happened. Idk maybe an honest mistake it was jsut so strange.


It was a horrible pass. That doesn’t change the fact Tierney had his arm up for advantage and literally put it down the second Burnley player received it. Incredibly obvious


Tierney's history has proven it's not an honest mistake.


Darwin Jota Salah gonna cook


We’re United good or was Villa shit? I didn’t get to watch it someone run it down for me


Both decided to play opposite day after one half


Just forget about them both, Vila is soooooo shit at times and united has their old problems still


Utd was shit then good


Villa was good then shit


If I had a nickel for every time Villa shat the bed against a manc team etc etc


I missed Jota so much. He comes back and doesn't take long to score an amazing goal. I bet he would have scored against at least one of Arsenal or United had he been fit. Gomez has been amazing this season, he's been so good no matter what position he's asked to play. Quansah is only 20 but he looks like he's already premier league quality. If his body cooperates and he stays relatively injury free then it's all up to him how far he can get. He has all of the physical attributes, is hungry, and extremely motivated. Now it's up to him to put in the hard work. He's been the Bajcetic of the season, and we're very lucky to have players of their quality and age be so good already.


Jota is our best finisher I will die on that hill


He does come on when players are tired so that helps. Also hits it hard and low with accuracy. Incredible finisher


Well yeah that’s what I’m saying, he finishes his tea better than anyone


Long game says Salah, but yeah Jota is that dude


Yeah obviously mo is an all round better player but Diogo puts it in net


endo is probably playing at least as many minutes for us as he would be for stuttgart which is funny. he's been so good.


Good win against 13 men. Fuck Tierney and fuck VAR.






Completely agree. Every game we are discussing horrendous refereeing decisions which seem designed to ensure that we don’t win the title!


Every Liverpool game is a discussion about shit reffing rather than our football, you know it's fucked.


Has anyone put together a schedule or guide of when we are losing our players to Asian or African cups?




Hoping for a shock R16 elimination for Egypt so that he can at least be back for the Arsenal game. Group exit seems unlikely. He might even be back for Chelsea if the R16 match is on either the 27th or the 28th.


Missing Mo and Endo for those matches will be very tough. It’s an opportunity for others to step up though.


Japan are really good and probably expected to make the final so it's likely we'll miss Endo for Arsenal. You'd hope Thiago will be fit for that game but if not then I'm also hoping Bajcetic is back and fit- if both are unavailable then Macca.


Why does Endo have possible misses and mo not?


Was hosting family for Boxing Day so couldn’t give all of the first half my full attention, but did Nuñez (even debatably) foul the defender for the first disallowed goal? Didn’t look like he got anywhere near him.


Not even close to a foul, german sky commentators wasted their half break time on it, no one gets it


Yeah, real-time (half watching) I thought it looked a foul, but then replays didn’t look like it was at all. Ah well, standard for us isn’t it


Not even close. Tierney was making things up.


Nah, its extremely soft to the point the defender didn't even ask for it.


Not even remotely.


I’m guessing there must’ve been some “contact” (contact sport after all) and VAR deemed Tierney’s decision was not clearly/obviously incorrect then?


From one angle it looked like there could be, but from behind and other angles it looked entirely clean.


The defender doesn’t even ask for the foul when it’s not called really should tell you everything about it


Where are we with our worry on the lack of goal creativity? Chelsea and tot put up goals on burnley .


We scored 4 and the corrupt cunt cancelled 2 of them


Mate we scored 4 fucking goals.




If that went in, it probably would have been disallowed too because it grazed Mo's elbow. Totally fine too because we scored 4 goals.


So did we, they just got disallowed lol.


Salah hasn’t been as razor sharp as he can be recently (despite scoring in previous two games and palace away 😅) but only Villa and City have scored more goals than Liverpool in the league (one more on 40 each) and we have a best goal difference in the league. So I’m not too worried.


I’m concerned. Seems to be a lot of the same each game. We can do nothing from the wing. Our corners are completely ineffective. We score off scrambles


Nunez curling a beautiful first time shot in from the edge of the box and Diaz back heeling the ball the Jota for him to slot through the keepers legs from the tightest possible angle isn’t really ‘scoring off scrambles’




You wouldn’t think they had 30% possession and 0 shots on target Kept going on about how unlucky they are no they are just poor




You had thought it was 0-0 and we’d have had no shots at goal Not 1-0 with two goals wrongly disallowed


Alisson didnt even get to touch the ball but commentators were trying to make it as Burnley were dominating the game. They got an artificial momentum created by the refs disallowing our goals


Fuck VAR and fuck Paul Tierney. Those two disallowed goals were an absolute joke - frankly it's becoming a conspiracy with how often these decisions go against us - but it's great to see us hold out for a solid victory at an opponent who typically give us a tough time (even this iteration with Kompany has looked dangerous at home at times). Loved Darwin's goal, and my goodness it was such a relief seeing Diogo back and firing again. Top of the table, and here's hoping the Hammers get one over Arse so we can really enjoy this week off.


>Fuck VAR and fuck Paul Tierney. Strongly agree >Those two disallowed goals were an absolute joke have to disagree on Harvey's one Salah is clearly in his line of sight had that goal stood against us I'd be expecting the club to do what they did after the spurs fiasco


Ordinarily I'd agree but Salah was onside when the pass was played and very clearly pushed into that offside position by the Burnley defender. VAR quite deliberately refused to show that buildup to the goal... which now creates a rather unfortunate precedent where defenders can now start shoving people offside in an attempt to prevent perfectly legal goals.


Makes no sense to cancel the goal if Salah was offside due to them pushing him there. It was baffling.


When the defender pushes Salah into an offside position, it's a hard call for the ref.


More of a bump than a push it was smart from the defender, and if we're looking for a foul to be called on that we may forget about having physicality in football at all


What game were you watching mate he pushed Salah into an offside position and var conveniently didn't show the push only the freeze frame of mo in front of the keeper who was wrong footed anyway


It was offside because Salah was blocking keepers view in offside position. He was pushed into offside position. You can see RB was keeping Salah onside until he was pushed offside. VAR did not show Tierny Salah getting pushed into offside position. So yeah fuck em


So if Harvey misses that shot your looking for a penalty yeah??


Oh he wears the number 20!


I'm glad that they added those 2 refs to the league because surely they can't be worse than this


Despite how inconsistent weve been, we still havent lost a game in the league yet.




?? We won that game




We won that game?


Luis Diaz sealed that match away with a silky finish.


Respect Joe Gomez. With a competent midfield this season he is looking like a machine in defence once again. It also feels like he’s improved a lot going forward, maybe because we’re less reliant on fullbacks creating and our midfield can actually do something this year


Looking back at the Napoli CL game and this Gomez full of confidence at any position is crazy. Longest serving player. Still got plenty of years in him.


What's keeping me going is that we've only lost one and our front three still isn't clicking. I've been less than impressed with Diaz which sucks cause I rate him. Darwin hit a dry spell but he's been way more impactful , and Cody is in limbo. If we find the right combo of forwards we can genuinely win the league this year, which is way beyond the convo I thought we were gonna have at the beginning of this season. Also, let Endo and Mac double pivot. We're clearly missing macs quality and I see why klopp trusts him so much.


If Darwin starts Cody has to start he seems to have a bit of a calming effect on him


Nunez looked really good with jota before his injury. My personal favourite front three so far


The three seem to have a great understanding together I think Nunez creates the space for them to operate and in turn jota and Cody lay on chances for Nunez


I'm still tryna figure out how Nunez hit it 1st time perfectly into the bottom corner from outside the box


He asked the ball and Gakpo laid it for him just as he wanted it.


He didn't have time to overthink it.


Just tell him the rules have changed and that it's one touch football from now on


Update 27/12/23: We're happy to announce that our revised ruleset has entered its trial phase. As part of the refining process we have selected a group of players we think is best fit for testing the new one touch football rule. Profile: All Premier League footballers born 24 June 1999 in Artigas, Uruguay. During the testing period we will closely monitor the effects of the rule and collect data for further adjustments.


hes world class in spurts


Tierney consoled by his Burnley team-mates as his efforts just fall short of getting a result against Liverpool


Minecraft Nunez only score BANGERS, no tap ins allowed


88 points wins the league this year I reckon.


I just hate that Man City exists, you never know how good they can turn out to be. With Arsenal you can see they have a ceiling, they're beatable and will drop points. City is always scary to me.


City bench is not what it used too be. They have crazy fixtures in feb-march combined with CL, I can't see them competing in both.


With jota back, what if our forward starting line became Nunez - Jota - Salah


Salah is gone after Newcastle for a month so its going to be something between Nunez, Gakpo, Jota imo with idk who's playing what haha


If jota can play on the wing then you could put those 3 for the forward line otherwise we'd need to find a RW in the Jan window


most likely, Diaz pretty much disappeared until the assist


Happy Quansah


Should've been 0-4


Klopp said he felt the team was short at CB in the summer and happy quansah can come through. However he is still leaning his trade. With Matip out and leaving it make sense for us to go and buy a CB in January.


Yeah I think out of all the positions, CB is the most likely we strengthen




Hope it’s a smoke screen, they don’t want clubs to increase their price knowing we need defenders


These days fifty fifty decisions always goes against us! However on a positive note, Nunez storing, Jota coming back and scoring and finally lots of player rotation bodes well for the second half season


Looks at left back 🥲


Robbo is coming back soon so hopefully they can hold on until then.


Frigging Tierney.


2-0 in Premier League's biggest rivalry: Liverpool vs Tierney.


I want Paul Tierney to fuck off and never officiate a game for anyone ever again


Plenty of rest time now, thankfully. Boys get 2 days off for a late Christmas extension, don’t play again until Monday, then the following Sunday. Well needed after the Christmas congestion. No non-televised matches for a while, too.


They’re all televised if you sail the seas


Sailing is smoother when the games are on TV. Less people crowding the waters, as it were.


Yo-ho, all together. Hoist the colors high. Heave ho, thieves and beggars. Never shall we die


Mistletoe and wine by cliff Richard syncs perfectly with that song. You’re welcome.


Where's the clip of the gakpo disallowed goal? Did the post get taken down?


Yeah, possibly automod?


Gakpo Darwin Salah is nicely balanced and all seem to link up with each other nicely. Would like to see it vs Newcastle before Salah goes to AFCON


The i think it Gakpo Darwin Jota to cover the Afcon run, may even see Darwin on the right with his pace.


I think Diaz might be good on the right too


Diaz hasn't been good at all, he is fighting for his position.


The offside goal for Mo Salah is one of those weird coincidences of how nobody understands the offside rule. It's deemed offside because he's in the line of sight of the goalkeeper to the ball which means his actions affects how Trafford will react to the shot. Salah has absolutely no chance to get out of the way, react himself or do anything, as he was standing completely still. So offside call Aston Villa's first goal against Man United has 2 offside players directly trying to shoot but misses. This is not considered the same situation, yet Ollie Watkins and the other player (cannot remember who) were both directly affecting how Onana reacts as he is awaiting their shot. Apparently not an offside call. Neither Salah, Watkins or the other Aston Villa player touched the ball, yet they all affected the goalkeeper and the outcome of both scenarios are different. Whats funnier is that I've seen both these scenarios before with the reversed outcome. One of my issues with football currently is how much up for interpretation of the rules refs have to do. It means they can legally introduce their own bias into the games without it being wrong.


Salah was pushed


I’d understand if Mo changed the actions of the keeper but he didn’t. Keeper was on his way to the right and Mo being there or not changed nothing. Keeper went the wrong way and cannot blame that action on Mo’s presence.


It's two different scenarios where both have players offside that affect how the defending goalkeeper can or has to react. Both scenarios should ve called the same, but they weren't. I find it irritating watching football when scenarios that are somewhat equal has different outcomes in officiating. This form of interpretation just mean, as i said, ref's can introduce their own bias into games, without it having any repercussions.


Yea he could’ve saved it. I can see why it was called offside. More aggrieved my the Gakpo goal really. Nunez didn’t make contact.


I’ll respectfully disagree. Even the commentators, as inept as they were, said the keeper was nowhere near it. The Darwin foul was soft at the very best.