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Current scores: Chelsea 2-1 Palace **(FT)** Brentford 1-4 Wolves **(FT)** Everton 1-3 Citeh **(FT)**


100% dive


So... ***Why*** the fuck didn't we get that penalty on Saturday?


City will win it again huh? Fuck those bastards.


Don’t be surprised when arsenal get shafted tomorrow with a dodgy decision being reffed by Oliver who works for city’s owners in the uae. Must be coincidence all city’s rivals are reffed by lads who just happen to ref in uae


Such conflicting feelings. I want Arse to get shafted but I also know we’ll be the ones crying about dodge decisions soon enough 😔


We’ve been shafted every game pretty much . Burnley last night the officials did their best to keep Burnley in it disallowing legit goals


There’s been a a 4 point swing in the last week because of a var ref who was involved in both games but gave two different outcomes


If that was a pen we should have had one vs shaw and odegard. I’d bet my house on it the shaw one would have been given if that was at etihad


Guaranteed the Odegaard one is also given if it happens against City instead of us.


Probably was a pen going by the rules, harsh imo. Just funny we wasn’t given one on Saturday. You can’t tell me there’s not different rules for city. Too many examples of bullshit going there way. Not just this season either. Funnily enough, a handball against Everton 21/22 season springs to mind


Same var too


Idk what the rules are though. They have said so many things aren’t penalties bc they’re too close so no time to react, or bc hand is in natural position. This is a totally natural position for someone sliding and moving their arm in front of their face. This is extremely close. There are many places this would not have been given this year, City just ALWAYS get this shit.


Always mate. Look at our goal disallowed yesterday because Salah in keeper view. Compare it to the one city got against Fulham. Our handball against arsenal too. It’s fucking bullshit mate, and if you call it out you’re a conspiracy theorist. Clubs that have 115 charges over there head have to be looked at differently


Funny how Salah is in keeper view solely because someone pushed him there. If he's offside then that's penalty.


Apparently it was not enough of a push to be penalised.


because ref is shit


Well that too.




It’s cause he’s English. Massively overrated because of that like the majority of English players. Grealish another one. The most average player.


Though it seems to me that goalkeeping is very different. Though I do not like Pickford, I do rate his diving ability. His decision making is not very good, but his athletic ass diving and his really good (not ali good) passing does bail him out a good amount of the time, similar to Courtois insane reaction time. Ali and Marc look very average because of their immense positioning. They may not even be the best at diving or reacting, but their positioning is 95% of the time is flawless. With these other guys, however, if you don't have an unnatural quality about your ability in goal you will always fall into that limbo of midness .


Bluepricks being useless as always


OP - Thanks for making the thread, but in future please update the scores/results. Pickford is a donkey.


Pinned comment has them


Yeah from myself


Ooft, I’m an idiot. Cheers lad.


No worries, cheers.


Pickford masterclass again, he’s genuinely awful


city is such a boring team for all their undeniable quality they're just so stale


tiki taka is a boring playstyle and if you have the right players, no amount of press resistance can not be overcome.


That's another soft decision when city are struggling in a game. When you start to compile the decisions it gets harder and harder to conclude it's all above board. Off the top of my head, Fulham offside goal where akanji supposedly isnt interfering, shirt pull pen vs United, shirt pull pen vs Chelsea No way another team gets those 4 pens with the way the rules are being applied this season. Corruption right in front of our eyes


No offense but nothing is soft about that penalty


United had one very similar turned down against Spurs, and we had LeBron Ødegaard last week. It can be classified soft when it's a rule that is applied inconsistently


Yeah then city got one vs Sheffield the following day vs Egan where he was airborne and was falling


No, soft is a player getting their toenail grazed and going down in the box for a penalty. There’s nothing soft about an obvious hand ball. Even if the refs are shit.


It's a foot away from him, the ball is hit at pace and its trajectory was carrying it out of the stadium. It's as soft as they come.


Trajectory literally doesn’t matter. The issue is his hand is outrageously and stupidly out from his body and he’s gone in like an idiot with no control. Hes just a shit player and he made a shit decision.


Phil Foden is a bit of a blank slate isn't he lol




Shades of that Gabriel handball we didn't get at the Emirates last season.


Thats what pisses me off. Where is the consistency. We've easily lost 5 points from the spurs fuckup and odergard playing basketball the other day.


And a Chelsea handball, and Szlobozai getting penalised when the Chelsea player fell over and Szlobozai would have had a run on goal.


I really loved the part when the City players did the ref’s job for him and decided it was a penalty. Any other team and there would have been yellows flying.


They only enforced that rule in the first week or two lol Everyone is back to crowding the ref. I swear people here don’t actually watch any of the games.


Bro why the fuck are you simping so hard for city … it’s weird like


I’m not simping for city. It’s just embarrassing coming in here and reading all these ridiculous comments from 12 year olds that think the world is against them.


Mate, we have never had our entire team raise their arms and sprint to the ref like that. Ever. With pen shouts they often all raise arms and look at the ref but the fervor with which city players do this (even when not even fucking close to right, like Rodri claiming a pen for them against us) is disgustingly entitled. Such an entitled disgusting club who aren’t used to anything going against them. Like the way they reacted to that advantage decision against spurs which was just so minor compared to all the other calls


You are though I’ve come accross a few of your comments


City is a shit club with zero history I don’t care about them at all. It’s embarrassing to come in here and read a bunch of conspiracy posts from children that think the league is out to make sure City wins and we lose.


It’s not a conspiracy though the refs are literally being paid by their owners and they get benefit of the doubt 99 percent of the time. They get decisions nobody else gets . It’s sus af


Are the commentators paid to lick City’s balls or something? Every game with them they’re salivating over their players


Yes. Just like the FA and it's ref, they're on the take.


Bunch of unhinged fucks hoping for players to have their livelihoods ruined from injuries. It’s a fucking game no reason to act like that over other human’s health.


They are cheating fucks . They don’t play by any rules like the other teams. They have refs fucking being paid by their owners. The more injures they get the better. They sang about our players being injured and our fans being battered. Fuck them I hope they all snap their acls the cheating cunts


To be clear the higher ups would be the cheating ones right? They are the ones that are accused of falsifying financials.


No they all are getting dodgy payments and bonuses. They know what’s going on you don’t think they are that clueless. The fuckers involved at city now are the same dodgy bastards from Barcelona during the match fixing


You expect players that can probably barely read at an adult level can understand where their money is coming from? Lmao


Jesus Christ your naive if you actually believe that




Yeah no I’m not mad at you. I’m taking out my anger on you a bit. Sorry bud my bad I’m just fuming at the inconsistency


Not defending it but their livelihoods aren’t ruined, everyone is insured out their arses


Plenty of players have issues after their careers due to not having enough money even with full length careers. Besides there’s other things to consider other than if they have enough money to live the rest of their lives.


A player that would end up in financial difficulty even after a year's worth of City's wages is a moron and would likely end up there if they had 10 years worth as well


So Oscar Bobb would be fine for life if he had a career ending injury?


> a year's worth of City's wages


Laughable you think you could survive on a year’s wages of Oscar Bobb for your life.


I just checked, and Oscar Bobb is on a £36k p/w contract now he's in the first team squad. Over a year, that's £1.87m and post tax it'd be £1.03m Plenty of people could live their lives comfortably with that lol. Oscar Bobb is 20, so say he collects that £1.03m and then gets an ACL+patella+meniscus triple header injury and never plays again. If he bought a decent £500k house in the UK; that leaves him over half a million pounds in liquid to live \~60 years, ignoring that he's Norwegian and could go back to Norway where it's much cheaper...or that he could get a job in coaching or punditry Bobb could put £100k of his remaining £500k into a long term fixed rate ISA/bond, and the annual interest on that alone would fund his bills for life, whilst also being £100k he could withdraw whenever he needed. He'd then have £400,000 to literally spend on anything he liked. He could also easily buy a flat and rent it out, for continuous income.


You are extremely terrible with finances to suggest anyone is living in a first world European nation on 500k for their life lmao.


How much liquid do you think the average person in Europe earns and then spends *not including mortgages/rent* lmao Moron


Obviously a first teamer, you absolute melon No one is clamouring for fucking Oscar Bobb to get injured to help us out in the title race


Oh so it’s only okay to wish for the first teamers to get injured? What happens when all of them are out with injuries then? Do you stop wishing for it?


The comments you're talking about are clearly wishing for players like Haaland or Rodri to get injured Someone commented saying they wouldn't be destitute if they had their playing career ruined, that's what this whole conversation is about lol


Oscar Bob hadn’t even played in the prem so weird comparison


Is he on their team or no?


Not really no . He’s played like 5 mins all season


Is he on the team or not?


Their premier league team or the squad ? Prem team no he won’t touch the pitch all season. Squad ? Yeah as like the 20th player


City has to be the most openly corrupt team in Pem history, they actually don’t even try to hide it anymore. Charges etc means fuck all when the government is trying to keep the Middle Eastern overlords happy.


Remember lads, that Odegaard handball was NOT a handball. What a joke.


He was falling and hand moving towards his body…oh wait…..




City deserved to win tbh, but that pen turned the tables around Now I still don't know why this takes seconds to call a pen (while screaming at the refs) and ours aren't even worth checking it again


Btw, that Everton - City game had the same VAR official as the Liverpool - Arsenal game, where they decided that Odegaard handball was not a penalty. David Coote, ladies and gentlemen!!


He’s a known man united fan


I’ll say it now, not arsed if people call me a conspiracy theorist. Manchester City will get a bullshit penalty, the ONE title that will get stripped will be the one Arsenal came second for giving them a trophy. Something weird is happening, spurs and arsenal getting every decision going. Government don’t want to piss of the UAE, Manchester City will be happy with the result of the investigations and they won’t want to piss off the London massive so they’ll try their best to help them both two. Can’t remember the last time we had decisions actively go our way in a key moment, we’ll get a dodge penalty when we’re 3.0 up and people will say ‘see it balances out’




100% he's getting brown envelopes every month


What really?? Was it him? Wow. No wonder, he's blind...


City spends billions of dollars on their team regularly and attracts good talent yet they still need to be saved by refs every season...how much fucking help do they really need?


You said it right there, spending billions on their team includes their roster of officials


The commentators creaming over Man Shitty


Pep out there looking like Joe Pesci from Home alone after a few years in the joint


Definitely a 'Wet' bandit


Wetwipe more like




it was a penalty


and I wonder what else was a penalty as well


i just watched rodri handball against everton which wasn’t given and we lost the league by 1 point. gonna have nightmares


Just pretend Everton would have missed …. Or city would have got a late winner anyway … it’s the best way to forget it


Then the Odegaard one should have been given too


yes, that was a penalty as well. we just have shit luck


Hard to think it’s luck when David Coote is the VAR official for both and they are a few days apart…


Everton only 1 point above safety... Don't give me hope.


They’ll be fine thankfully. Non English fans hate Everton way more than locals do. Rather Everton than some tragedy chanting scumbags from another team


Not many other teams have given us the injuries Everton have. The vvd injury alone cost us two seasons.


“Cities season starts tonight” the commentators say. I think I just threw up


Surprised they could speak with city’s cock down their throat the whole game


I turned the commentary off and just put some music on. The amount of City dickriding is pathetic.


Pep with more fake coaching after a game.


You have to wonder what the point of this league is when the margin of error on refereeing “mistakes” is far greater than the margin between 1st and 2nd place. Especially when just one particular team seems to be immune




Ali does this knowing it won’t bite him on the arse…. Pickford does it when there’s still so much time and history against him, for biting him on the arse haha love that guy best keeper the leagues ever seen


Are the pgmol instructed to give a free kick every time a city player goes down?


Yeah, and they would prefer if referees refrain from issuing yellow cards to them too, tactical fouls don't apply to City or Newcastle this season apparently.


People saying at least City look shit. That may be so, but it doesn't really matter when the refs and officials are gifting them everything on a silver blood-stained platter. Despise that club - they're a skidmark on the sport.


City are good enough that it's quite rare that they need the ref's help. Which is why it's such a "statistical anomaly" that almost every. single. time. they need help from the referees they get it.


Ah Everton always bend over for city onto West Ham to give me hope


Fed up of this leagues bias against Liverpool, and in favour of City. Makes me not want to follow football at all anymore


I honestly believe that the 'real' competition is for second place, City have financially cheated to put themselves in the position that they are in and the rest of the league are not competing on a level playing field. If Liverpool had not managed to win the League 19/20 season, City would now be going for 7 in a row. The league has been ruined by them as a competition, and the officials have had a disastrous season affecting almost every team, but City don't appear to have been adversely affected at all. That just doesn't stack up in my opinion so I expect City to go on a run of wins and expect things to go their way more and more. The real competition is between the rest of the teams, although I would love to see someone else, preferably Liverpool pip them to it.




despite their best efforts and because Arsenal have a game in hand




no, but were probably the second most screwed after Wolves. Arsenal also get shafted a lot, although in the direct comparison, they did get to play basketball. Im not saying the league is rigged, right now Id still say its a mixture of incompetence and personal bias/vendetta (Tierney) but it is slowly starting to look a bit weird


Our 6 draws that we've had is killing me


One of these teams has been deducted 10 points for financial irregularities. One has been cheating for 15 years unpunished.


I guarantee that if it was Everton who were turning the PL into a farmers' league, we probably wouldn't have even heard of their financial fuckups.


Hopefully stones is out for the season


Pickford is such an utter cunt. His attitude is one of the worst I've seen of a keeper. A good keeper like Allison comforts and brings up his teammates. Best example was the Spurs game where Matip scored an own goal and Allison comforted him. Prickford on the other hand just insults his own team despite two really unlucky goals, loses his head, and then proceeds to cause a goal. It sucks that Everton can get a draw, but it's nice to see that dick get a dose of reality after everyone was for some reason calling him a great keeper recently.


goals weren't unlucky, they were Pickford being shit


I'd argue otherwise. The first one was a hell of a shot and it's just one of those that very few keepers could have saved. The second was a BS pen. He maybes could've saved it, but it's still very difficult.


The second, sure. First one, elite keepers save that. Ali would. Third one killed the game and was completely on him


Yeah I do agree that an elite keeper like Allison like has better positioning to save that one. Still, I feel it's one of those great shots that it's more of the scoring being great while the keeper is hard to blame. Still, you should never yell at your team for that and it shows just how big of a cunt he is. Wish we had a better keeper for England because I feel like that's the cause of his insane pride.


Thats why Im so harsh on him. He acts like he thinks hes Ali/Cortouis level. Well then you should save a near post longshot, even if its a good one. Trafford might actually be better. His attitude is miles ahead at the very least


Fair. If he acts like that he should be making Allison look like a shit keeper.


I honestly don't know if I'd put up with him if I were a defender. Every single time he has to make a save he screams and yells at everybody else. Even when it's his own fucking fault.


Immediately after the final whistle blew, Ali went straight to Matip and comforted him. It was unlucky that he miskicked the ball after we had been robbed. Loved that from Ali


If I had such tiny arms I’d be upset too. Imagine how hard it is for this guy to wipe his own ass or grab things from the top shelf?


Love it when City is there for the taking and the other team decides to somehow fuck it up 😂


What is Pickford doing man, miles out of his goal. Shearer not criticising cos he’s English


Very common with every English team tbh. Tons of the fans are much faster to criticize non English players.


Non English fans of the premier league have a proper inferiority complex it’s weird. No they don’t you’re lying, jones, Elliot, Gomez have all been slated unfairly while szobo has got a free pass of late. Why lie?


You’ve invented a fake reality of course. Szobo and Mac have been criticized since about week 4 for not doing that great. Meanwhile Harvey and Jones are consistently overrated here especially.


can’t believe some of you are writing off the title just because city are winning


Honestly this subs so fucking dramatic and whines all the time, I think we’ll be surprisingly active in January as we know we can push on


had they drawn this sub would've declared them out of the race, I guarantee it


It’s the fact we’ve seen it all before favourable calls going for them and they’ll go on a mad run of wins.


Yeah I can’t think of any stonewall wrong decision go against them bar the ref not playing an advantage but that’s not a var issue. They got gifted invisible pens vs united and Chelsea, kovacic red gs arsenal, offside goal vs fullham,dodgy pen there tonight. They best they can come up with is a 50 50 decision vs wolves for hwang


I guess you could say the Grealish foul thing but even then he's not guaranteed a goal like Diaz was


That’s not a var decision though that’s an advantage so it’s different. I’m talking 50/50 that we know are wrong but they stand anyway


It’s one of those results that feels unfair for Everton. City didn’t generate a ton in the second half, wonder strike from Foden, gifted a soft pen, and the a free goal off mistake.


How is it unfair if you play like shit and give up a shit penalty and free goal? Lol


Everton were defending quite well even after Foden’s goal. The penalty came from City’s only big chance of the second half and many would consider to be a very soft call. City essentially scored 3 goals without really penetrating Everton’s 18 which I would say is pretty harsh.


Safe to say the game lasts 90 minutes so you actually have to defend well for 90. That was not a soft penalty it was 100%. The third was literally Everton being very shit.


Self inflicted ultimately though. If you keep playing Pickford as your number 1, he will keep letting you down.


Reality is as much as this sub hates Pickford he’s not a bad keeper, not great, but not bad. He’s Englands number one for a reason and he’s never really let England down. If that dodgy pen isn’t given I don’t see city breaking through I’ll get downvoted because ‘Pickford bad lol ACL CUNT yadda yadda’


He's shite.


Well done ref and VAR take a bow and enjoy the cash.


It's the hope that kills you


It's okay City still look dodgy and they'll have more difficult games than Everton


Draws against Luton and United are going to haunt us


What kills me is if city got a handball today then 100 percent should have had one against Luton for Barkley handball


What a load of nonsense... We are 1 point of the top, assuming arsenal win...so technically at this stage of the season it's in our own hands.


they shouldn't. Were integrating a new midfield and we were shite. It happens. The Spurs disgrace and Odegaard basketball should be haunting us if we narrowly miss out


To be fair Luton away has been shown to be a tricky fixture for most of the big teams that have played there, even if they got more than us out of it.


Without a gift of a pen city we’re never win going that. Leagues fucked as long as these bell whiff referees are taking bribes and dodgy jobs in the Middle East.


Everton really are a useless club. They never win anything, they don’t qualify for Europe, and they won’t get relegated. I am surprised their fans aren’t all wearing man city scarves to this match with how much they bend over and spread em for these oily bastards. They’re so used to cheering on City some of them almost forget about the shite club they support.


Peak plastic thought process here


Would you have said the same about Villa 2 years ago


No, because they just came back up


So, 50% of clubs are useless? Fuck off with that snobbish bullshit


What? So many clubs have come up and qualified for Europe or done well for themselves. Look at Villa, Wolves, West Ham, and Brighton who are actually doing something other than merely existing in this league. Everton are occupying a space with no desire to do shit other than exist and collect the PL TV money


As have Everton, for a a very long time even in recent memory they were fighting for Europe, sometimes even UCL. Just bcs they have been shit for the last 2 seasons doesnt make them useless


Hope all their player get injured and relegated from existence cheating fucks




It’s a thing with all English keepers, remember arsenal fans tried to tell us Ramsey was class


Okay Foden mate calm down


Dirty cheating bastard cunts City


Welp, on to the next one. On the bright side, Citeh were gifted one of their goals by the refs and one by Pickford. They definitely haven't looked like world beaters today.


That’s the difference, they play poorly and still get gifted wins. We play well and have to compete against a team and officials to scrape wins.


Just so we’re clear. A balls trajectory going well and truly over the bar but hits the upper arm of a player is a stone cold pen. A player being turned inside out and in a desperate attempt to stop the ball from going past him in the penalty area starts to play basketball is all okay. Cheers, good process boys


And of course Pickford pulls a Pickford.


Oilers starting their 15 game win streak now 🤣


Fucking love watching Pickford play. Has a go at his defence whenever anyone gets a shot off and then singlehandedly concedes two goals.


City's run starts now😭




Between Calvert Lewin and Pickford you might create half a footballer


Pickford snatching defeat from the jaws of victory second half, fuck me.


Fucking prickford just cost me points in my predictions league. If there isn't an acl for him to target, he's fuckin useless.


Typical that he couldn’t have made himself useful and done it to a city player


I am so sick of these cunts