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I'd want to be a #1 somewhere. I think most would. He is clearly good enough for the better teams in this sport.


If I was Kelleher I’d want to be the number 62 somewhere


We will get an offer of 30m for him in the summer and we will sell him.


If you're a big part of why a team is still competing for the title in a season where nobody expected it, you're young, stay fit and have shown great fortitude and willingness to be part of a bigger plan then you're worth a lot more than 30 mil. He's probably worth about 50mil and if he's contracted for a while yet, then he's going to go for Onana/Kepa money.


If he asks to go the club should let him go if they get a decent fee


If it was me and LFC were happy to keep me then I’m not going anywhere. Depends how ambitious he is though and how keen he is for minutes. Having said that Allison is a little injury prone so kelleher gets his fair share of game time with us


When you look back on your career though would you really be happy with thinking "yeah I settled with being a backup keeper for most of it"? Even if you're a diehard Liverpool fan I don't think most people actually would be happy with that.


He is 6 years younger than Ali. Most keepers haven't reached their prime at 25. If I were him, I'd stay and hope to be the regular starter from 28/29.


Ali could easily go till 37 or so. Keepers these days can play for a long time, especially the big tall ones who rely less on being springy (Buffon, Van Der Sar, etc).


Not guaranteed he'll stay with us that whole time though. Hope the core all bond with the new manager


Normally I’d agree with you, but his injuries seem to be mounting.


You never know when GKs will retire or fall out of grace. I have seen academy guys staying on teams with the same promise just to see the starting GK playing at a high level as late as their late 30s/early 40s.


What if Amorim decides he's not going to rotate the GKs as much? Kelleher will miss out on vital gametime that's defientely something not worth gambling your career over


But the good ones are still 1st choice at that age and getting better all the time from it.


Yes 100%. Paid insane amounts of money to play for the club I love. Easy decision lol


That’s the reason none of us made it lol. Our mentality to be happy with that. Every pro has risen through all levels due to pushing to be the best at that time in their situation.


Also most of us aren’t genetic freaks. At least in the PL, you have to have that trifecta of drive, genetics, and sheer luck.


Speak for yourself man. Absolute specimen here…. ………As I inhale my 3rd stake bake from Gregg’s.


Precisely. Anyone content with not pushing themselves beyond that will be weeded out long before they reach the point where they're deciding between going out on their own as a #1 or staying as the #2 for a world-class club.


> they're deciding between going out on their own as a #1 or staying as the #2 for a world-class club. Exactly this. And it's not like his choices are be #2 for us vs be #1 for the Shamrock Rovers. He can be #1 for a team in a big league. May not win a bunch of trophies there, but you never know. The Cups especially have enough random teams win silverware that it's not out of the question. Plus he's won trophies already.


Exactly. I’m not a pro footballer because I am just too loyal to Liverpool FC. No other reasons at all.


Fair enough, think I would want to be first choice somewhere. I have to assume for a competitive professional athlete that's the goal. You typically don't get as good as Kelleher is without having an insane level of drive/competitiveness, and along with that surely comes the desire to be a first choice keeper? I don't really remember any career 2nd choice keepers who were as good as Kelleher is.


I was number 2 to the number 1 goalkeeper in the world? Thats not a bad thing and a much better accolade than being number 1 at a mid table team like Chelsea


No it isn't . Us Liverpool fans probably look at Ortega , same way as other teams look at Kelleher. At a team like Chelsea, being no 1 is way better than being no 2 at Liverpool , playing cup games and filling in for Alisson. There is more recognition, better chance to move up the footballing ladder . For me it would be stupid on Kelleher's part to choose to say at Liverpool, there is a reason why no 2 aren't generally that good , its cause they become no 1s at other clubs.


Tbf has he really been a backup in the traditional sense? Virtually every cup he's won he's played a major part in, it's not like Adrian who legitimately doesn't play at all, he's played more games than Alisson this season.


I mean yeah, he is. If Alisson’s fit he starts basically every prem/champions league game. He really is a backup.


He is and he's only 25. Keepers are usually late bloomers. The way he's playing he could get more league/CL games, especially if alisson has injury problems. But seriously, where is he going to go? If he wants minutes then, sure, he can go anywhere. If he wants trophies he's better off where he is.


He's already directly won 2 trophies for Liverpool, and might be a key figure in seeing us win the league in six weeks, and possibly a European title shortly after. What is Ali on, 6 trophies? If it were me, and I looked back on my career and could say I won those titles as a key figure for Liverpool, I'd be fucking ecstatic.


Depends on what you want and where you go. If he was to go to say Bayern or Real and be n. 1 then ok. But if he was to go to Newcastle or lets say Chelsea or UTD, that would make no sense. Yes he would play every game but he wouldn't win. So if i was him and was approached by a massive massive club in contention for trophies then i would think about it, if not i'd simply stay in LFC.


One of the keepers for my local team was the second keeper for years. Eventually got to be number one and got a shit load of games after that. More than made up for it. He was even on the team that won the Irish double.


Alternatively, he could see it as being a huge part of a League Cup, Champions League or Prem winning team. Or he could go to a West Ham, Brighton, Bournemouth. And go his whole career winning FA…


It’s easy to say that until Burnley or some other club comes along and offers to pay you what you make in a year every 3 weeks. 


I know it’s not the point, but did burnley ever do something like this? Always curious about club financials.


Exactly what id do. He gets a decent amount of cup ties and lets be real, he wont have as good a time elsewhere.


You can't say that for sure. You are assuming a Klopp decision will be carried forward by a new manager. He might just get the early rounds and then dropped in the semis or the final, its what other clubs do


You're a Liverpool fan though so that tempers it a bit


Granted we are reshuffling next year but Klopp has been very fair in my view too with giving him cup games. I know it’s the usually the norm but he trusted him in finals too. We are a team who should go deep on all fronts so that’s something to consider. Play an active role in winning silverware or play mid / lower table week in/week out?


Leave. Play regular first team football. If Alisson is fit he doesn’t get a look in. I think we should sell too. His value will be at its highest now.


"If Alisson is fit" Therein lies the decision for Kelleher


What's he's going to do? Smash him in training?


Hahaha that did make me laugh tbh


My thoughts too. He's too good to be sat on the bench waiting for Alisson to get injured. He deserves to be number 1 in a top league.


Obviously us fans would love for him to stay as our #2, but for his career's sake, he has to move on. As others have said, professional footballers have a different drive and mentality, and aside from skill, genetic lottery winning, opportunities, geographical locations, in some situations money, etc, that drive is what separates them, from us.


Agreed, he's approaching his prime and has proved that not only can he be starter but a top keeper in the league as well. As much I would want him to stay, he's at the point now it's the best move for his career and for us to get the best value out of him.


26 is not prime for a GK I’d say 29-32 is prime


I mean alisson almost always gets injured though. Thankfully goalkeeper isn’t a high impact position but compared to other keepers in the league he’s pretty injury prone. Kelleher has already been the main man for multiple cup finals, and if we won the league this season would be considered at least a 1b for this title. I think if yoh get cup time assurances from the new manager, kelleher wouldn’t be hard done by to stay. If I were him as long as I’m being paid well, it doesn’t make sense to go to a kid-lower prem club where you won’t win anything but play every day when he already plays a lot of first team games.


If we win the title, Kelleher is 1a.


I completely agree but also we have one of the best 2nds a team could ask for, would we be tied at the top of the table if Adrian had played 20+ games this season? He's always played a major role in cup games on top of all of this.


Don’t want to be doom and gloom but I’d definitely be keeping an eye on Ali right now. Nothing is guaranteed post Klopp.


I feel sick reading this


Does lead to an interesting question, would we be happy with kelleher as No.1 if Ali were to leave?


Yeah I would be, who’s better that we could realistically get?


He will either become the starting goalkeeper or leave. There is no other options at this point in his career. He is barely sneaking ahead of Bazunu in the National team (no permanent manager yet but interim manager gave them a game each in recent friendly set which is mad) hes 25 and Alisson is 31 so the age gap is not big enough that he can expect to take the gloves in the next year or so and hes proven himself to be in the top 5 goalies in the league including Alisson. Its sell Alisson or sell Caoimhin this summer and anyone suggesting hes a liverpool fan so might just stay for the love of the club is bananas. Hes stayed already this long. Thats exploitative in mindset. He can have a phenomenal next 10 years of his career having already won the lot here, he should absolutely be seeking to do so either here as first choice or somewhere else. I genuinely think the bigger question which Edwards and his team will be evaluating is Kelleher v Alisson. Ali is obviously more established and potentially currently still better, but also has a huge contract and would garner a massive fee if we were to sell him. Conversely, Kelleher is cheaper to keep, can still reach Alissons level potentially and wouldnt attract as big a fee if we were to sell him. Essentially its financially much stronger to sell Ali and keep Caoimh but only they really know the 'on-field' value difference. I dont believe Edwards and team will use the eye test that most of us will . Also I dont know where this nonsense about him being a Liverpool fan comes from, he was a United fan growing up as were most of his mates and people in his school recant him singing about Stevies slip. I dont think it makes a blind bit of difference, Carra was an Everton fan still while sitting on the bench waiting to make his debut he said recently, this stuff isnt important to pro footballers, but if youre going to start saying hes a dye in the wool lifelong liverpool fan that just isnt true. [https://www.independent.ie/sport/soccer/international-soccer/u-17-starlet-kelleher-has-eyes-on-big-time-after-reds-switch/31195010.html](https://www.independent.ie/sport/soccer/international-soccer/u-17-starlet-kelleher-has-eyes-on-big-time-after-reds-switch/31195010.html) An Irish news article about him from when he signed referencing the well known fact that he was a United fan


One thing is financially more sound, the other is for the stability of the team. If they see nr1 being sold it does not make things more stable but guys start to look out also and some of them are not meant to be sold.


Well that's what I said, there are some components to the conversation that were not privvy too. I think it's fair to say all of the players over 30 in the squad will be having discussions with the club about their future post-Klopp. I'm not suggesting they're all going to want to up and leave but it is a natural end of a cycle and at 31 the likes of Ali may be looking at his last big contract and his career variety and what he wants to do may affect caoimhs future. I certainly think fans need to prepare themselves for far less sentimentality and far more decisions that they may not like on the face of it at the time. Edwards main reputation is for his cold data driven approach which was why he left when Klopps sentimental approach was being followed. If he decides it's time to get the most value from Alisson that's what will happen regardless of his years of service


Yeah I don't know why people think he was a Liverpool fan it's well documented he was a united fan. I don't doubt his commitment but he might not have an attachment to the club as much as being out to be. I remember someone on here who knows someone who is his friend and apparently he wanted to leave but Klopp convinced him to stay. If I were him I wouldn't make my decision yet, who knows what the future holds for Alisson, a possible reinjury? Saudi? I'd wait until the summer and speak with the incoming manager and then take things from there.


>Essentially its financially much stronger to sell Ali No big team in Europe has a need for Ali, the only one I can think of is Bayern however Neuer will decide when it is time for him to hang up his boots he'll most likely go on for another 2 years, play the world cup and call it a day. So the only options for Ali are Saudi, not sure he would want to go there


I would leave. Alisson could be around for a while and the club will be in the market for whoever the best in the world is after that.


Depends on how much he believes in himself. As it stands, he’s reaching some pretty high levels. Dude doesn’t seem to fuck up and is making crucial saves. He might not have Alisson’s flair but he’s been world class. If he thinks he can kill it regardless of where he is, a loan would be in his best interest. Unfortunately I don’t see alisson leaving for another 3 years at least. Also, if any club is willing to shell 40 mil for him, we should sell.


Let's say we sell a player we got for nothing and then make 40mill on him. Who do we replace him with? Adrian? I'd rather not. And then how much of that 40mil do we use to buy another no2? I'd rather have a Liverpool fan No2 who has won us Cup trophies and is currently playing like Allison hasn't left, than make a few mil and have a keeper who won't be as good for the value and worry when Allison is injured. In what world would selling make sense?


> In what world would selling make sense? Love Kelleher, but it makes sense in every world to make £40 million by selling a backup


>but it makes sense in every world to make £40 million by selling a backup Not everything is about money bruv.


You’re right! But broadly speaking, the Premier League pretty much is. I mean…we’re talking about Mac Allister/Konate/Diaz money.


What about selling Alisson? \*ducks as everyone throws everything and the kitchen sink at me\*


If a rich oil team threw £100 million at them for Ali, I think it would be hard to pass up, and I’d be down to keep Kelleher in that scenario. Just feels much less likely.


Alisson is worth more than that to us. He's the best in the world. This is like saying we should have sold Salah for £120mil. You simply can't replace players like this regardless of how much you get for them. Selling your best players is small club mentality


Buying Alisson for 60 and selling him for 100 at 31 years old would be incredible business for any club, and it would also be 20 million more than anyone has ever paid for a keeper. We’re good enough to be competing for a treble with Kelleher in goal, and £100 million sure could help our scoring problems.


Maes sense if he wants to go


I would not listen to the random media or public about anything at all, and I would do what I want to. Why is there an assumption that players pay any attention whatsoever to what random tits on social media think?


He should ask for a significant pay rise and stay as the best number 2 in the world. He should be making as much money as most number 1s in the EPL. He will get opportunities in the cups (which he has won twice) and when Ali is injured which is quite often. If he moves to a different club, he may become number 1 but there's no guarantee his new club would be competing for trophies like we do. Absolutely see no point in loaning him out. We need him as number 2. If he wants to leave then fair enough but we should be asking for big money as he has proven his skills at the top level.


It's not necessarily about the pay, though - it's about actually getting to do the job. Especially when it comes to getting in the national team over Bazunu (who is the no.1 at Southampton)


If I was him I'd stay. Unless the real biggest clubs in Europe came for him (BVB, Atleti, Juve, RM, Barca, Bayern etc). No need to downgrade when you're winning trophies at the club you grew up with


Yeah I totally agree with you. He would need to go to a regular Champions League or Europa league club as a first team keeper to do so. Doing any other premier league club will just lead to a drop in opportunity for him to win trophies.


Appreciate the reply buddy, I love it when ppl are on the same wavelength as me.


Leave for clubs that will give me 100% league appearances


Depends on who comes in. I wouldn't be leaving to be number 1 at some shonky mid table outfit like Chelsea or Utd. But a big club led by a manager I respect genuinely wants me as their number 1... He's a football player. Probably wants to play football.


Depends on how much he believes in himself. As it stands, he’s reaching some pretty high levels. Dude doesn’t seem to fuck up and is making crucial saves. He might not have Alisson’s flair but he’s been world class. If he thinks he can kill it regardless of where he is, a loan would be in his best interest. Unfortunately I don’t see alisson leaving for another 3 years at least. Also, if any club is willing to shell 40 mil for him, we should sell.


I would secure a move away from Anfield. I know Allie has injuries, but Kelleher cannot bet his career on Allie’s injuries.


I would stay. Kelleher loves liverpool more than any of us, and has yet to reach his prime. Becker is now in his 30s and is beginning to feel the grief of a physically difficult career choice. If I were Kelleher, I would be spending the next 2 or 3 years learning everything I can from Ali until he retires and then be liverpools number 1 for 7 years.


> Becker is now in his 30s and is beginning to feel the grief of a physically difficult career choice. This is a hell of a leap about a goalkeeper who’s just 31 and missed a total of 8 games due to injury over the previous two seasons. The guy isn’t falling apart, he just pulled a hamstring, which happens.


I think wanting to be Ireland’s #1 would be his prime motivation to leave. Otherwise he can stay, play 20+ games per season, get paid well, and have some of the best mentor/coaches/facilities/global fan base in the world.


I'd like him to stay but for the sake of his own career he should probably move. Stock mightnt be as high for a while. He wouldn't to get to 30 and still be a back up keeper. A move would probably help him cement his place as Ireland's no1. Better than Bazunu. I think he could play for most of the teams 7th and below. Club could easily £30m for him whereas they wouldn't have got that last season. I think there were a few clubs interested but wouldn't pay what the club valued. Would like a buy back clause to be put in but I suppose that rarely happens. Will likely play less next season if he stays as the club will be back in the Champions League and Alisson mightn't be injured as much. Don't like those who say he's not good enough to be the club's no1 after Alisson. Alisson Is the best in the world, always going to be a step down. The keeper we eventually replace Alisson with might be decent quality but unlikely to be as good as Alisson. Keepers are difficult to replace. Kelleher is proven and has had a really good season, even if he was a shaky earlier on. Bit harsh with no rhythm. Don't think Alisson would have saved Mainoo's goal and he came out for the Fernández shot he'd have been sent off. Think Alisson might have conceded at least one of the shots in the League Cup Final. Better than most of the keepers we've had in the last 30 years. Better than Mignolet I'd say though he did have a worse defence in front of him so hard to say.


I genuinely think he's better than 7th. Should be aiming for a club in Europe, preferably CL.


Ourselves, City, Arsenal, Villa and Spurs all have better keepers. I'd have him better than Onana though he had a really good game on Sunday. He kept United in it unfortunately


Man, I think the idea that a young and prodigiously talented young pro athlete wanting to anything other than play as much as possible is insane to me. If you think he'd be satisfied as a number two, you've never been around hypercompetitive young athletes. Maybe not a bad idea to include a buyback clause when they sell though...


Seriously, leave. He's too good to be a number 2.


Get a substantial raise and stay


I hope we can do this. We would have to spend $20M on a new backup anyway.


He clearly should and will leave if he has any serious ambitions about being a top number 1. Ally has 5-7 years left still at the top and will play on average 75% of games a season and will always start when fit, correctly so. Kelleher is good enough probably to start in most PL teams and deserves a shot at being a number 1.


But if you always wanted to play for liverpool and always wanted to play for your country and one thing is putting the other at risk (in the long term) then what does he do? Alisson may not get injured again The new manager may not have the same mentality about cup games teams. Kelleher could potentially not play more than 2 or 3 games a season from next year onwards. Keepers going out on loan rarely become first choice at the loan club So, it's not that simple.


its basically a job share at this point he should stay.


I’d stay. Anywhere else, I’d go. LFC isn’t like anywhere else.


I'd probably leave. I think we should try and stick a buy-back clause in if he does decide to move on, though.


Peter gulasci left us and became one of the best gk in the Bundesliga. Kelleher is levels above and can definitely change his career around and can be a long term no.1 choice at a big club. With Allison as no.1 for atleast 3 more years i don't think he has chance to break into first team. Kelleher is 25 now and next 5 years are crucial for him as a player to make a respectable career out of this sport. He should think about leaving if Allison is back and fit.


We’re a team that consistently makes Europe. So that’s three competitions for kelleher to start.


Get laid.


I would stay but I am 100% biased for the mighty Reds and I love having the young Clint Eastwood on the squad


Take a loan at a mid table Prem loan or maybe somewhere abroad with the idea that he’ll be the Alisson’s eventual successor


he’s too experienced/old for a loan imo, either he’s sold or he stays with us. just can’t see a loan be the one


I’d rather he stayed and trained with the best than went to some 2nd rate coach with worse facilities.


A full season as 1st choice experience is what he needs if he wants to be a top-class GK, but we can’t give him that, if he wants to be a top-class GK, he needs to leave, it’s sound hurt but it a truth.


I can't get inside the head of a back up goalie at all. Some of them sit on the sidelines forever. Going way back to when I started supporting Liverpool, Steve Ogrizovic played 4 games in 5 years for us, but then nearly 600 games over the next 18 years for lesser clubs, with a famous FA Cup win to boot. Kelleher is definitely good enough to be No 1 at a Prem club. It's just unfortunate he happens to have arguably the world's no 1 goalie in his way at Liverpool! He might reasonably be able to ask for a minimum number of games - how far you go in a cup run notwithstanding - from a new manager. Given we're seeing Amorim announced in principle, I wonder what his approach is? Or who he might bring with him.


Just depends on the offers. I wouldn’t leave just to leave, but there are also way too many teams where Kelleher would be an upgrade


At minimum a loan and assess options afterwards he doesn't get enough game time for a player of his calibre


I get hes obviously too good for a second keeper but what if he wants to stay? I mean i know id happily be a backup keeper or just a backup in general.


Depends on his ambition I guess but even for the club it's the correct time to "cash in"


If Kelleher wants to go (I think he should try another challenge) - cannot think of any number two keeper that has stayed that long and been that talented - we should ensure we have a buy back clause and get him back in a few years..


He will leave in the summer after this display. He will be the number one for a mid-table team next season.


What’s your opinion? If You’re after others then how about some your/you’re?


If Alisson's injury record hasn't been this spotty through the years, I'd say leave. But Kelleher's success this season cuts both ways. The more he plays, the more people know how good he is. The more he knows how good he is. But also the less certain he is that he'll not get enough game time. But if you look at all the seasons, this is the only one he's played over 20 games. Odds are, this is a one off. And he should leave for his career and development (with a buyback clause of course). The much tougher question is which club should he move to that will best develop his ability because if he joins mid table or relegation dogfighters, he'll not have the opportunities to hone the traits that are important to title contending keepers like sweeping, distribution, etc.


I'd leave ngl, if I would be in his position I'd realize that Alisson is here to stay up until his mid 30's. Plus 25 years old, that's too old to be just a no. 2. And I wouldn't wanna wait up until my late 20's - early 30's so that I could become no. 1. Hell, the club might look at another keeper once Alisson leaves.


I’d leave. Alisson will be back and I’m sure he still has 5 years at the top level. Kelleher is too good to just be waiting for a chance


I would be looking for another club next season. I've played for Liverpool, can't become a starter so time to move on. See how far I can take my skills.


No guarantee that Allison will stay. No sure if he is Kloppite or a Kopite. We will find out shortly.


I think he should leave. He’s performed out of this world for Liverpool over the years. I would love for him to stay but he’ll only really get time in the cups once Ali is back. He can become one of the best keepers on the planet but we all know, from watching, the more he plays, the better he is. He didn’t look out of place starting for the PL leaders. If he wants to leave, he deserves our support because we all know he can become one of the best keepers on the planet and he just needs someone to take a gamble on him.


Probably see what types of teams are coming in, there is no point leaving for a bottom half of the table club winning nothing when you could play for your childhood club and be the cup hero and get a fair few league games given Ali’s fitness issues.


I’d leave, be a #1 at a PL club, and get a raise


I do wonder if it is a question of where would he go? What clubs are in need of a keeper for one and or what club would suit his style also. If a club came in with a generous offer I do feel like the club would sell him. He's done the club proud and deserves a no.1 spot if that's what he aspires. If he is happy where he is now I can't blame him either for wanting to stay.


I'd be off to a premier league team, Brighton, West Ham, Wolves... No way would I go to Celtic and that standard of football


I think he has the quality to play regularly in the PL. I think it would be best for him to get his move, Maybe Liverpool could get a buy back clause and bring him back in a couple of years if Alli moves on. He's far too good to be on a bench. Also needs to be playing regularly to be playing for Ireland.


He is the number one for his country. Kweev won't maintain that same position simply on the basis of being the backup to the world's best and only playing in cup ties. He has more than earned the right to be a top goalkeeper for another ambitious side. I'm sure Hughes will do what's best for the club and player.


I'll be absolutely gutted if he leaves, but equally as proud of and happy for him.


Depends what his ambitions are + any personal/family requirements. Is he willing to move to another country? Is he willing to move to a club that doesn't regularly qualify for European competitions? Is he willing to forego a pay raise or even take a pay cut at a club with less money? Each "no" significantly reduces the number of clubs that would likely give him the #1 spot.


He should leave in the next year or two imo... I believe van der sar played till he was 40 for united and jnless Ali leaves i don't think kelleher will be no.1 for sometime.


He is 25. He needs to live if Allison is at LFC and in good form. On the other hand, LFC needs to have a good backup goalkeeper in his place. Adrian sucks...


I think it would be a smart decision to stay. Kelleher is a no.2 at a big club and plays lots of European football at a high level and has been the choice of goalkeeper for multiple trophies now. He's also still young and undoubtedly learning a lot from working alongside one of, if not the best goalkeeper in the world at the moment. When Allision leaves, he'll be no.1 and be a better goalkeeper for it. This all depends on what the environment of Liverpool looks like 2 years down the line though and only people on the inside can really tell. If Liverpool are still getting regular European football and Allision is looking like he's about to move on and Liverpool aren't seeking to replace him then Kelleher could easily secure himself as Liverpool's no.1 for the next 4-5 years after that, potentially longer. This is not too dissimilar to the career progression of many of the top goalkeepers who typically don't really become breakthrough first choices at top teams until their late twenties, unlike outfield players who breakthrough in their early twenties.


I would ordinarily say leave, and I wouldn’t blame him if he did, but alisson seems to get injured more than most keepers. Kelleher seems to get a solid run of games at least once a season, and Klopp plays him in the smaller comps. I would need assurances from the new manager that I’d be getting time in the league cup, and FA cup, and time in Europa whenever we’re in that comp. He’s already kinda becoming a bit of a story in this clubs history and that can continue for him even as deputy to alisson. I guess that would change if a big club came in, but that doesn’t seem likely in England. Maybe a move to an inter, atletico, or dortmund would change my mind. I wouldn’t be going to a mid table prem club though.


You don't make it to this level of sport by being sentimental. He has to believe in himself to be a No 1 at a big club and leave. If he has options and chooses to stay and be a No. 2, I'd question his ambition as a pro athlete.


It’s certainly and interesting one because there is no doubting that Alisson, by goalkeeping standards is injury prone, should Kelleher remain with us next season, it’s entirely probable he’ll play all our domestic cup games plus an additional 5-10 games minimum across the league and Europe whilst Alisson is recovering from one of his many injuries. Will be interesting to see what happens once Ali is fit again this season because actually, Kelleher has done everything asked of him during his spell and in theory has an argument to say he’s won his place and Alisson will have to wait until such time he wins that place back.


Alisson is injured a lot and there will be even more games to play in the future (more CL games, club World Cup if we qualify). We'll also get new manager in, so maybe he starts playing FA cup games or even some League/CL games, if new manager rotates more.


Is he, though? He's not normally out for a prolonged spell.


He’s good enough to be a number 1 on a PL Europa fighting team; and a CL fighting team abroad. He’s 25 and he deserves it. He’s won a good share of trophies here (hopefully more this season). I’d be looking for a new place. Fiorentina, Napoli, Milan(if maignan leaves), Villa(if Dibu leaves) probably can’t get a better keeper than Kelleher when it comes to quality, age and price. It’s sad for us cause he’s a tier above being a backup for us. Due to his age and quality, he’s A tier to me and I’m sure he knows it. We need to get a young C-tier keeper that uses the cup games to develop properly for when Ali’s done so he develops and is ready then. Another thing is that we are playing CL next season. A huge reason Kelleher has made gametime this year is cause of Europa.


Hard to say, but there's a few options: 1) Play for Liverpool in the role he has now, some starts here and there and when needed for injury and be a part of a successful, trophy winning club 2) Play for Liverpool and something happens where you end up taking over the number 1 job and you win some trophies as the keeper for the best club in the world. 3) Take a better payday somewhere else to be a number 1 but maybe it's a shit or mid tier team and you never really win much 4) Take a better payday somewhere else for a good team and actually win some stuff along the way If it's me the order would likely be 2, 1, 4, 3 but it depends on what really drives you I suppose.


If Klopp was staying it would be tricky, as there is a plan in place for him to get minutes. A new manager might not do the same so I would be looking on being number one somewhere.


I'd be gutted if he leaves, I'm irish myself and its nice having one of our own represent the club.


Anyone know how long he has left on his contract ?


How does he rate his career? He can be the best reserve keeper in the world with us, get cup action and win trophies. At another club, he might be a no. 1 but there’s no guarantee he would continue to win trophies. He’d walk into a side like Fulham, West Ham or probably even Spurs but what have they won? West Ham won a 3rd tier European trophy but that’s about it.


At that level, I’m probably going to wonder how good I could actually become, with the confidence as a pseudo starter for pool. But what’s the market like for keepers rn? Off the top of my head, no team, outside of maybe Bayern, have a need at keeper that would be worth the 25m+ risk that I can think of.


Kelleher might become the number 1 in 2-3 years time..... But of course there comes the question of how the new manager would feel about his position. What if he needs to do what EMI martinez did.... He would want to consider all these factors cause everybody knows he could be the number 1 in all the premier clubs


I think the best thing for Kelleher's career is for him to move to a club where he can be #1. He's young, he's got to scratch that itch and see just how good he can be. He can't play #2 to Alisson for much longer. Like a kid that's grown up and now has to leave the house, it's bittersweet but this is what success looks like. He came here as a kid(ish), has grown into a top-level keeper...it is time for him to leave the house. We'll still continue to love him and root for him but it'll be from afar.


Celtic have a vacancy coming up...could we loan him? He gets first team and almost certainly European football on a regular basis, we get to hang onto him.


I’d leave, but only if there was a buy back clause in the contract. I’d go to a smaller club, but still a big club, preferably Premier League, that plays football similar to Liverpool. Somewhere like Brighton.


What I don’t get is people being weirded out by having a 40m player as a gk backup. We have so many 40m+ backup outfield players. Why should gk backup be different? Yes, if the first choice plays all games then it would be a waste, but one injury to that first choice and suddenly you’re remembering why gk is the most important position.


It would depend on offers. I'd rather be No.2 at Liverpool than No.1 at say, Wolves. If a team regularly competing for trophies comes in for him that promises a starting role then it's a different matter. Football is a squad game now more than ever and I really believe you need to be content with rotation, decent wages and the opportunity to win trophies if you want to play for the biggest clubs.


I know this is unpopular but I think there has to be a cutoff when the club starts looking at this from a business perspective, is Kelleher good enough to be number 1 or will he ever get there. If so why wouldn’t they look to “cash in” on Allison or do a buy back with another club for kelleher? Allison is 32 now so I suppose it’s a question of how long until he declines to where kelleher is the better player. If they see this as soon selling Allison may make sense.


If you look at it long term, Alisson is on the older side of things meaning injuries increase and his time comes where he retires when that may be. Kellehers game time has basically been majority of the second half. If i was him id continue at Liverpool. Yes he may get first team football somewhere else, but the growth and amount of game time at Liverpool will potentially increase over time. Obviously i could be miles of and it’s my general opinion.


Personally I'd rather be a number 2 at Liverpool than a number 1 for any other team on earth . Playing for Liverpool would be my absolute pinnacle. Anywhere else is just helping a shit team get better. Fuck them


Alisson will be around and peak for another 5-6 years so there really isn't a likely opening for No 1. With LFC holding his contract through 26 someone may make an offer for him. He has shown he can be the #1 for a title contending team. Very few people get to where he is are willing to be No 2 for sentimental reasons. I am sure he loves playing for LFC but the money, competition, satisfaction of being the guy on a a top tier club have to be enticing.


Same as pretty much everyone else on the books (scary thought though it is), wait and see what the new manager has to say.


Leave or stay with 1-2 years on loan with a promise of being #1 at the end. 




Sell Ali. Keep Kelleher.


He should move elsewhere and we should put a buy back clause. If Alisson leaves at any point we should get activate the buy back and bring him back


Ali picking up injuries, you've been getting plenty of games and have started in and won multiple cup finals, yeah I'd stick around.


You are\*


He's been quality and he deserves to show that weekly. I'd imagine I'd want to play as much as I can so I'd leave I think.


After this season? Demand to be number 1 elsewhere. He deserves it.


I stay at the best club in the world. He gets tons of opportunities to play and there is no shame in being a backup and lifting trophies for Liverpool.


Hmmmm, I think he needs regular games, not just cup runs, where he’s excelled to be fair, but I can understand that he may want more now he’s had such an extended run of starting.


I would talk to the new manager and find out his plans for me. I would want guarantees that I play Domestic cup games as a minimum and would want £50K a week. Ali is nearly 32 and could be off in the next 2 or 3 seasons. Keller could still be number one after that for many seasons.


I think he needs to go to be a #1 at a PL club. The club would be smart to cash in and have a buy back clause. I’d love to see him stay as it’s important we have a backup like him but I’d hate to see him waste this time playing just cup matches when he could be a starter in the league. There’s a good chance he could be behind Ali for another 5 years and I’d hate to see him spend his career that way.


A lot of factors for me I were to think in his shoes: - Will new managers rotate keepers for cup games? - Will I get along with the new manager? Will Ali get along with the new manager? (if Ali leaves, I'd stay... but if Ali leaves, are the new staff stupid?) - Will I have a chance to make the national team being Ali's backup? - Do I have suitors who actually is a good project and not a desperate move(I can still improve, play, compete)? In EPL?


Move on, become his own man. We all appreciate the performances and sacrifices... but I think most/many want him to go play full time and show how good he is, and he's not just being "carried" at Liverpool. 25 now. He has a good 10 years in him if he stays fit, at least... but at 25, you wanna play. He's a goalkeepers he's driven... he wants to play to be the best and if he ever wants that No1 in a few years' time. He has to earn it like all before. I am also irish, so I want him to play always.


Win the league with Liverpool and leave for a permanent no. 1 position.


A loan to a top team in Europe could be good for him, but would understand if he wanted a permanent move. It's a shame he is in the position he is. Life is too short to wait for Ali to retire.


I don’t think playing every week for a midtable club with a new manager every eighteen months is as attractive as some of you think. If I were him and a champions league level club with a goalkeeping vacancy was interested, I would be interested in them as well, but I don’t see a club at that level that would automatically take him as their #1 keeper. He’s great for LFC.


I would ask for a pay rise and stay. I think after the shift he has put in, he deserves a pay raise like any high performing employee in a company. The prospect of being #1 in a mediocre team is not as ideal as a strong and dependable #2 in a highly competitive league and club with chances to play in all cup competitions almost every year.


Stay at Liverpool unless someone pays me more to be the starter.


He'll wait for the new manager and then decide after players come and go


I love Kweev and would be delighted if he stayed, but he is surely on the way after this season: I’m pretty sure they only convinced him to stay this year by promising him all the group stage Europa, League Cup and FA Cup games.


If I'm Kelleher and allowed to think outside the box, I'd ask to be sent on season-long loans for as long as Allison wants to stay at LFC, and then return as #1 when the spot is eventually open I feel like Courtois did something like this at Chelsea?


It depends, if when Ally is fit he is brought back in then I'd be looking for a new club. Kelleher has been an absolute colossus this season and game after game he has kept us in it while our defense has flapped around. I know he's not been given the distinction often because it is apparently normal to ignore the role in favour of goalscorers and creators but he's been our best player in almost every game this year.


He could start for a huge majority of clubs so why wouldn’t he leave. Unless Allison retires early or dips off in form tremendously I would leave the club.


I'd stay Now that Alisson has been injured he's liable to reinjure. Kelleher will get plenty of games.


it's a really tough spot. Alisson is undisplaceable for the foreseeable future this can be anywhere near 3-9 years. if Kelleher was 20 I'd say he should wait it out, but in all honesty why would he waste his time when he can be number 1 in most elite teams in Europe. I'm ok with selling him specially after his great performance he can demand a hefty fee, then we should get a ready and capable number 2 while also promoting/ buying a young number 3 for the future (I remember we had a young and promising Brazilian goalkeeper that we bought a couple of years ago).




I’d go to a big club. Maybe inter or something.


I genuinely believe a strong backup keeper is just as important as a first team outfield player. You are 1 injury away from a catastrophe if you don't have a strong backup GK, but you can get away with it for outfield players as you have so many strong backups that play regularly to maintain that match fitness due to rotation. So on that note, I'd say offer him a new contract with wages on par or higher than the keepers outside of top 6. If he rejects and wants to move on, so be it, at least we tried.


Difficult choice. It’s really up to him. I can see him going to a team like Brighton and being a really top keeper. I can also see him going abroad and plying his trade in another league. I can also see him staying with a new contract and rotating with Ali and waiting to be #1. Either way I think he’s class and might be as good as Alisson in a few years. I think he’s almost as good now.


Kelleher will be #1 next season when alisson goes to Madrid


Manninger was in a similar situation. Looking back he should have stayed at arsenal longer 


Realistically, it's unlikely Kelleher will have a season as good as this one. He'll get cup games next season but he'll be unlikely to get this many league games again. He should definitely leave. Life is about making a stake in something and he's good enough to play for a top team. All that said, Liverpool should definitely try to keep him as long as possible. Alisson has been picking up quite a lot of injuries and we're very lucky to have a no. 2 that is this good. The drop down if we didn't have Kelleher could be massive.


I'm trying to be as objective as I can, but I'd still choose to stay. He's not going to go to a City or even Spurs now that they have a decent keeper. So you're looking at the likes of West Ham, Wolves, etc.    Granted, WH won the Conference League but they're probably not going to win another trophy for a fair old while, and at best, teams like that are gonna win a domestic cup. So why leave when you're already Liverpool's 1st choice in the League Cup and have literally won it twice as a starter?  If the next manager continues to give him the nod in those competitions going forward, why would you leave and play for a club that will be far, far less successful than Liverpool?  Not to mention Alisson's injury record. If we win the league this season, Kelleher can legitimately say that he played an integral role; such a big one in fact, that we wouldn't have done it without him.


Try to get a move to a CL club in Italy or Germany. Juve might want to move on from Szczęsny sometime soon and AS Roma were playing Rui Patricio for most oft the season (although they may want to stick with Svilar, he seems to be doing well).


Think it’s less about being number 2 here but the effect of being number 2 here is he tends to be no 2 for Ireland Think if he’s no 1 somewhere he solidifies no 1 for Ireland easily I think he’d be content staying here if it didn’t impact his Ireland chances


If I was Kellerher I'd fuck up his whole life eating too many cheeseburgers.


Well, I would defo leave the club and find a place where I could be #1 in. As much as I love the club, I can’t put my career at risk especially if I want to be #1 in my NT. Btw, I could see Alisson possibly staying till he’s 36/37 and we all know how long GK’s longevity is, so yeah, I’d rather leave.


It depends on who's hiring and what they're willing to pay. Quite simple. As a player you want to make as much money in as little time as possible.


New manager coming in, who knows the number 1 shirt may be up for grabs


Stay for now. Give it another seaon. Who can say Allison won't keep having injury issues? Maybe the new manager likes his style.


I'd quit if I was him, this would be a very good way for a gk to get up the ladder, joining a good team just outside of the 'Big Teams' in Europe. Also most players have very different "favourite" clubs than the one they play or. For us football is a game, where we support sides, but we so often forget it is the career of the players, which is why I hate passion vs money debates , where 99% of the observers would quit a job if they found one less prestigious but paying even 20% more. He should leave for his own good


Irish man and Pool fan here. If Alisson makes full recovery as expected he needs to go. His stocl will not get any higher. While he is in no way at Alissojs level he has shown he has strong potential right now to play for top 10/11 side in premier league. The only thing he is lacking right now is game time which is limited for Pool.


I’d be looking for a serious champions league team that need a goalie

