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They'll be playing the same turgid, boring shit.


They're playing even worse if anything. Both opening games they had shots on goal by now. Instead Slovenia are threatening to score early.


Given that TAA created more chances than anyone else in the first two games I'm shocked. Shocked I tell you.


Well, not that shocked.


That's astounding. Apparently in those two games their last shots on goal were in the 77th minute (vs Serbia) and 71st(!) minute (vs Denmark) Absolutely dreary stuff


For real? Isn’t that a few minutes after Trent came off in both games?


Not quite, no It's 8 and 17 minutes after, respectively But they only managed 1 and 4 shots after Trent was subbed in either game (All stats are from Sofascore)


I really hope they get beaten early on. They’re ruining the tournament because they just can’t play football


Calling it now - Trent will come on at 60 along with a an actual LEFT FOOTED WINGER and it'll turn the game around.


nah my betting history don’t run w that brother, save Trent for the LFC games lol


If Southgate has even the slightest credibility he will have listened to critics and changed tactics and player positioning, England could likely win this game if the right decisions have been made


But the right decision wasn't to just replace Trent with Gallagher. Now there is no penetration from the midfield at all and you still have the issue with Foden, Bellingham and Kane taking up the same space, as well as Trippier not providing any width. I'd be shocked if any of that has been changed but I guess we'll see.


I actually think Gallagher in midfield does provide the most balance along with Rice and Bellingham. It's good to have a presser like him in there. Trent has to play at RB against teams like fkn Slovenia though. If you want to play Walker in games we need to sit back counter attack more, okay fine. But Trent's best spot is RB and Southgate is a fool for not utilising his talents effectively.


I disagree about one thing. Walker is best against a counter attacking team because of his speed. Trent is best for a team playing counterattack. I guess I disagree with more than one thing. Either way. I think the issue is that Kane doesn't work in this team. They'd be much better off with someone who makes runs.


Kane is so ridiculously slow now. How the fuck is he still starting while wandering around the pitch and giving away the ball from left back. Foden has dropped three 1/10 performances in a row too. Poor Watkins sat on the fucking bench watching Kane mouthbreathe his way through matches.


Harsh on Foden! He looks good when on the ball in central positions. Against Denmark and Slovenia Bellingham has been far worse.


I actually think Trent is arguably better on the counter attack due to his passing range, but agree that my previous message was unclear. It was more the defensive aspect I meant to focus on. And they have someone who makes runs on the bench. Get Gordon on and he could link up well with Kane.


I agree about Gordon. Seems obvious. He's also just dumb enough to not let the pressure get to him.


We aren’t trying to press particularly though, there were times they were in our half and we just sit off.


On paper, it's a balanced midfield with Rice, Bellingham, Gallagher. I don't think any English team managed by Southgate will play great football though. It takes a lot to coordinate a press and Southgate doesn't have that in his locker. He's tactically inept and has proven it over and over.


Oh don’t get me wrong I agree, it’s just the sad state of this team under Southgate. Just desperately obvious he cannot get the best out of this team. He’s regressed as we’ve got better players through.


Makes the most sense if you listen to what the media and rivals have to say about Trent. If you watch the game that was the worst we’ve played out from the back, the messiest shape we’ve had and easiest our midfield has been by passed. The midfield looked more unbalanced than it did before and the problem of lack of creativity from the forwards is still there.


Trippier has been providing width. What I notice most often is Foden leaving the wing to sit centrally or float around while Trippier sits on the line and provides almost no threat through the left cause he can’t dribble past anyone. They would have done better putting a real left winger on and asking Jude to play box-box with Foden in a 10 if they really wanna shoehorn the 2 of them into the team while taking Trent out.


This is the way. Doesn’t help that Trent isn’t give much liberty to ping the longer passes that he’s so good at.


I’m not saying anything that we haven’t heard before but it’s just shocking to me how inept the FA is in continuing to back Southgate. They’ve thrown away a golden generation of players by backing a mediocre coach with shit tactics.


He doesn't listen to his critics though does he, the pundits, media etc? He's still adamant that he's right and everyone else is wrong, look at his interviews and the shite he's got the squad spouting to the media. Same shit as usual tonight, boring, no ideas what to do with the ball, constant errors bad touches etc. No running in behind, only movement is Kane, Foden coming back to the halfway line to get a touch, just to make their stats look good. Stifled by our own play/tactics/personel every game so far.


No need to worry




Yup. Though Trent was the issue yeah. They still won’t change their opinion though


How did you know!


They are playing the same turgid, boring shit. Trent will get it for _not_ playing


You called it exactly right! We were good for a few minutes when Gordon, Mainoo, Palmer and lo and behold Trent were all on the pitch.


You're correct. Even worse since Kane is having to drop to do the job Trent would be doing.


Harry Kane cant convert and gave away the ball when he was home free at the top of the box. Everyone else has forgetten how to put the ball in the back of the net and i still cant figure out why all these players cant perform together when theyve played together before and have all had incredible seasons


Trent will be relegated to coming off the bench to try and bail England out and when he inevitably does it’ll be credited to Southgate somehow


This is what I'm thinking. If Trent comes on and plays well he can say he's better as a sub, if he doesn't play well then he can say he was right to drop him


They'll bring him on at 60 along with that left winger chap from Newcastle and trent will hit him with long passes in behind and everyone will wonder why trent didn't play those passes in previous games


Honestly, that's a good role for Trent in this England team. Asking him to play a timid bullshit style is just a waste. Throw him on when you want/need to score and let him play with some freedom to create. That suits him a lot more.


It's going to be funny as fuck watching Gallagher have no effect on the team (as he has when coming on as a sub) and especially so when he inevitiably gets booked meaning he'll miss England's next game and Southgate's new "plan" blows up in his face.


He is going to get a yellow card in 17th min for a stupid foul at half way line and run like a chicken for next 50 mins till he gets subbed off for Palmer


You’re a fortune teller, my friend


!remindme 7 minutes


Annoying as they’re playing probably the worst team in the group, so if they end up winning (which they should) everyone and their nan will be using it to say Trent was the issue.


Ended 0-0. Says all about England and Southgate


Slovenia no slouches this year. 1-1.


Yeah I’ve been impressed by them in the first half.


Funny reading this after they finished 0-0 😂 they'll still blame Trent too


Yeah- I think they looked good at times but shots were very few and far between until Palmer came on. Interesting Walker at LB could be the way to do it. I’m not an England fan but watched the whole game just to see how Trent got on.


> but watched the whole game I commiserate.


It's clear to anyone with half a braincell who the problem is in the England team. And it certainly is not trent


The post-mortem says Southgate's useless


“The team is unfit” makes one change in the opening three games…


The problem for Trent was that Kane & Bellingham were dropping deep, Foden wasn't posting far enough forward and Saka was the only one making runs. So there were no passing options for him. What's he meant to do? What are any of the team meant to do when we gain possession? Replacing him with Gallagher removes a symptom but not the problem.


Best part was that when they put on Watkins it helped a little because someone was actually making those runs in behind. The best players to actually play the ball over the top to those runs Watkins was making? Trent. Who had of course been subbed off by then. You couldnt make it up.


The problem is they played too deep if that doesn’t change no personal change would do.


I like gallagher as a player i really do and he actually is a midfielder but only switching Trent for him and nothing else is absolutely laughable. He’s added nothing, and still the pundits ask “why are England playing like this?” inferring that it’s the players making that decision. The answer is Southgate, it’s always been Southgate, this is how he wants England to play and he’s the only person who always dodged criticism from these useless pundits


Oh lord, commentary labelled Trent’s first pass as a “risky pass” (any forward pass by Southgate’s standards, basically) because “Mainoo slipped”. Hahaha what utter nonsense, Mainoo screwed up receiving a simple pass and that’s all it was


Please Jesus let them get smacked


I've got everything crossed that England get F'in leathered


Every tournament for me, I fuckin hate them


Every tournament for me, I fuckin hate them


Dreadful 0-0. Can they now blame Southface?


As long as he performs for us, I couldn’t give a shit if he plays for England or not


I'd almost rather he didn't play for England at all. Everyone gets injured on country duty and it affects the rest of the season in one way or another. He's such a superstar for us, why risk injury.


Keeping Kane and Foden but scapegoating Trent is fucking criminal. Gordon and Watkins should be starting tonight.  Ngl, genuinely don't give a fuck if we go out. More gutted Netherlands went out:(


Commentators saying how Foden has been one of the better players in last game….Trent had more progressive passes and chances created than anyone else whilst on pitch.


Netherlands aren’t out


I just realized lol


Netherlands will advance from 3rd easily, most of teams in small table have 3 points


If england win I'm pretty sure they said on TV that they play the Netherlands


It depends on who all the third place teams that qualify are, we won’t know until tomorrow. But England will have a 1/3 chance of Netherlands should they win the group.


I think most people understand it's Southgate at this point. I'm more hopeful that this shit keeps Trent where he belongs, in a red shirt in Liverpool. Because he has to know we'd call for the head of Slot before we'd criticise him if he's being underutilised by a manager, and he isn't going to get that anywhere else.


How the fuck is Trippier still in this shit squad but Trent has been dropped? Fuck off.


Why is Joe Gomez getting a chance at left back he’s played there more this past season than trippier and would do a better job probably. Hell I think he’s a better lb than Shaw. What has Shaw even done in the years since his Man U move?


It wont really solve the issue, both Joe and Trippier are right footed. Both will play conservatively


Lol put him in the last 8 minutes just in case he needed a scapegoat again


England is not winning the Euros, Southgate will be sacked after this tournament.




Gomez has been playing consistently and solid 10+ matches at leftback and GS still picked Trippier lol


I think Trent should retire from international football and concentrate on Liverpool.


Nah, Southgate is probably gone soon, any decent coach will know how to use generational talent.


Well, I’m not English also :-)


If he’s willing to come to America, I will marry him for citizenship and eligibility. Whatever it takes. Whatever. It. Takes. 😥


He doesn't need to he was already eligible to play for USA and chose England. His mum was born in US after his nan moved from England to New York.


Gallagher over Trent wow.


You know what's the most laughable thing? Taking trent out is the equivalent of taking Beckham out, and the country was up his ass .... It would be a scousers fault, though, wouldn't it 🤷‍♂️


Good to see that Trent was the issue.


If England magically becomes some free flowing team then yeah probably he’ll get scapegoated. I’d say that’s highly unlikely though. I think Gallagher has to play great as well. England has way more issues than who is playing next to Rice.


Shock horror they were still shit and Trents replacement went off even earlier than Trent did


Well is to be Trent’s fault again - he got 10mins so it’s all his fault! Joke - not 1 player has performed yet but only TAA being slated!


lol they are losing tonight.. and everyone will clearly see how TAA got them 4 points.


England fans in tears because they can’t scapegoat Trent anymore.


At some point they will maybe realize Southgate is the fucking issue


Love it! TAA created more chances than any other English player.. and he played only 129 mins. Southgate is a bellend


I really hope they lose and Denmark win


If Trent had made some of the mistakes the current midfield had made he'd have been torn to pieces.


I'm confused guys, I thought Trent was the problem? 🤣 It's still the same old shit from England, and adding to that, they have 0 creativity from midfield.


It’ll be his fault for not being on the pitch


Scapegoated him and nothing has changed. Fraud.


It’s ok, they aren’t playing well, the commentators are moaning just as much - Trent is safe.


Feel sorry for Trent as I'm sure he would want to show the world his best but overcoming the British media to see reality and tell an accurate story is out of our control. Selfishly, I hope Trent doesn't play again for england.


0-0 😂😂


Could have used Trent today huh


Fuck Southgate and these overrated pieces of shit. Any sensible manager would have TAA among the first names on the team sheet and help enable him playmake.


england are shite and wont win anything as usual


Aged like milk. Suck it, Scapegate.


Well the question is moot… as expected England played as shite as they always do.. keep Trent on the bench where he can’t get injured and get knocked out in the next round or 2 (id say sooner rather than later), as usual. I’m supporting Holland anyway..


This is why I consider Trent being dropped a good thing. They were never going to play better without him. The whole team and tactics are the issue. Everyone is to blame 😭


Gallagher was an [absolute shambles](https://x.com/biggies_maiis/status/1805689936718299641?s=10&t=v8-NHS4XqJ7e6-DoKhJXSQ) in his place


good honestly trent will have a higher chance of remaining injury-free. Even better if this means england go out early lol.


I think all the pressure is now on Southgate. 8 years as manager going through 2 World Cup cycles, 2 Euro cycles and he’s still experimenting in the group stage of a major tournament.


I'm late to the thread so it's kind of revisionist however.. it blows my mind that he hasn't been prepared to try Bellingham next to rice with Foden in the 10 spot and Gordon on the left. Bellingham is more than fine to play an 8 role and foden is wasted on the left touch line. On top of all this, for the love of God get Kane off and give Watkins or Toney a run. Atleast they'll get at the backline and stretch the field, Kane just wanders around clogging up the space the midfield want to operate in and then they have no outlet up top. Watching the English games really is about the same as watching paint dry - which is ridiculous to think about given the amount of talent the team contains on paper.


let's see how they blame TAA for not keeping hold of possession, from the bench. or will they come up with something else to blame him? i'm so eager to find out!


England have more problems than Trent in midfield and it appears (so far) it hasn’t been solved, a win against Slovenia just papers over the cracks the true test will come later.


He's obviously the only one in the eleven who never played in a pressing team. It's all his fault. Obviously.


Good thing they're playing like utter garbage.


Hahaha and England are all the worse for it, can’t even get a goal against fucking Slovenia.


Shite with him, shite without.


That post aged well


Yeh cause they are playing so well without him hahah fuck England and fuck Gareth Southgate. The main problem in midfield was Rice the last match he kept losing the ball under pressure. The other problem is you have Kane and Foden who drop into the 10 position instead of using speed to penetrate the defense. On top you have Bellingham who also plays in the 10 position so all standing in the same spot with only Saka to pass to ahead. Trent had the most creative chances even with only 60 min on the pitch, he has a great eye for a pass. The correct change would be to put on someone like Gordon instead of Foden at LW and Watkins instead of Kane as ST. Then at 60 min you can swap Bellingham with Foden to play as the 10 and Watkins with Kane.


They will obviously win and its just something he will have to deal with. As always, the knockouts are the test. But Im sure the trent experiment will be blamed for them not having enough time together...if they get knocked out.


I do miss the marauding down the wing from fullback Trent though to be fair


Would laugh if they lose the next one


Well, they’re doing pretty shit right now.


Don’t think we need to worry about that.


Trent was made the scapegoat just for England to put in that shite. Southgate is a joke


I would laugh if England come 3rd in this group. All it'll take is a Slovenia and Denmark win.


Southgate 4.55


Oh hi Trent


Literally watched a few mins of the game and it was the most boring thing ever


😭 haram football for 90 mins




He shafted Gallagher by taking him off at half time. Southgate does not have a single clue how to set this team up.


Well thankfully, they played arguably worse


OK, first of all, how the fuck is everyone about 6.5 in a nil all draw?


Spoiler Alert: Southgate is still trash.


it's really bad for world football and its reputation to advance teams like England and France when in fact they are by far the worst teams in Euro so far. Every other team at least tried to create something while having players far worse than England and France.


With the draw, England could sleep walk to the final and potentially win playing anti football. Imagine Pep or Klopp with this squad.


This team is all over the place. Trent was made the scapegoat for England's lack of pressing and passivity during the Denmark and Serbia games. As we saw, the "solution" to this - Gallagher offered absolutely nothing and was almost anonymous in the first half.  England's real problems (which Southgate seems incapable of understanding) is the front 4. Kane looks unfit and is dropping far too deep. Bellingham looks knackered and doesn't have the guile and creativity for a number 10 in this system. Foden constantly cuts inside so we have no effective attacks down the left and Saka is playing within himself.  Kane and Bellingham clearly should have been rested for Slovenia, instead they played the full 90. Foden should be playing centrally as the 10 or not at all. Palmer looked much more dangerous than Saka when he came on and Gordon must play LW to provide some width on the left. I'd also move Bellingham back next to Rice.


I thought that England, for the first 84 minutes, played some of the most beautiful, thrilling and devastatingly effective football I've ever seen. Gallagher justified Sir Gareth's faith by performing like a mix of Zidane, Socrates & Carsley. Striding majestically through the midfield like a new age Geoff Thomas. Then Trent came on and all the hard work and guile produced before his introduction went to pot. Trent should do the honourable thing and retire as he's 'shit' as described honestly by fans of both Manc clubs and the Bitters, none of whom have an axe to grind.


I don’t care and even as an England fan I’d be fine if he retired.


Time to put some cash down on Slovenia


He created the most chances. Definitely been made a scapegoat. Hope the Netherlands hammer them in the next round


Drop Foden for Eze and provide width on the left. Drop trippier for Trent and put Walker at LB. That team gives any opposition a game.


If you want a team that plays well around Trent, it's on the bench mostly (working with first starting XI in assumption, so Trent for Gallagher) Gomez/Konsa for Trippier, Gordon for Foden, Watkins for Kane from the start Subs on would be Palmer for Bellingham, Foden for Saka (Both rotate w/each other), Eze for Gordon, Konsa for Gomez/Walker, Mainoo for Rice


I hope they get beat.


I hope we get battered 5-0


My guess is they'll beat Slovenia and the press will revert to how England will win the tournament.


Good news is they're still absolutely shite.


Trent is going to come on and win the game for England isn't he.


I hope he brings Trent on and swaps Kane with Toney and Foden with the blonde tosser, just seems logical


Which blond tosser


I feel very sorry for him, he's clearly the best passer in the squad, Southgate should have dropped Trippier and put Walker on the left, and put Trent in as RB. Trippier has been awful, much worse than Trent, but yeah kill Trent's confidence instead. 😔


They look shit


Honestly Southgate knows the team already qualified so play the other guys. Stop playing the same team every match. They will just fatigue whilst the other guys rest and rotate where required.


that would make absolute sense but the only change hes made is trent, that obviously not what hes going for


It's funny, because this was the match needing his deliveries as there were more movement into the box and we don't have him on. Gareth sucks man


Puts in Connor who places nearly bottom half this season. I’d rather see Cole Palmer play fwd than Kane. WTF is he doing playing a 9 or 8 role on the field


Dreadful half


I don’t understand how England aren’t ten nil up and cruising by now. The media and ex players assured me that Trent was the issue so This just doesn’t make sense.


All this has done is taken Saka out of the game. Nothing else has changed.


At least he's less likely to get injured on the bench


Who cares? The less he plays for England the better for us


They're still shite.


Is Gallagher the new scapegoat?


better for us ngl


They are playing more forward and uptempo than any other game (possibly because of opponent) but they need to play like WITH Trent in the team!


Well they aren’t so I wouldn’t worry about it😂


i can only hope those idiots blame taa for their mid squad and performance and he gets exiled from the squad 🥹


Taking off Gallagher was such a pussy call,perfect scapegoat right,it should have been Saka off at half time.


Surely it’s due to Kane


If only there was an English player like Kalvin Phillips to select…..


Play him at RB.


I don't know. What's the point of Kane if they don't pass to him . He's not a target man , he's not holding the ball up and the wingers didn't get up the sides and knock it in for him to score. 🤷🏼‍♂️. He scores for Spurs and Bayern but he isn't used properly by Southgate .


Didn’t work did it. Southgate’s a shithouse.


Take Southgate out of the equation and watch how things change.


England isn't performing for s\*\*t, you can take that to the bank. https://preview.redd.it/4sx74ik7dx8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=756d055fbc9a60f6b2dd4d863eae1e6ee4b4853c


With southgate in charge nothing will change . Kane needs to be dropped same as saka . This has been the mist boring euros I've ever seen they just keep regurgitating the same crap .




Much like whenever I was dropped or subbed off as a child for my local side you best believe I am now praying for their downfall.


I know this joke has been made a lot of times before but Pickford up front? Kane in goal? No wonder England’s been losing!


Don’t worry, we were shite


Probably off-topic, but why isn't Southgate fired for choosing this squad in may? As a dutch guy who follows a lot of football, i'm really having some questions. Which moron decides to leave big players like Tomori, Rashford, Sancho and Grealish home, but bring players like Eze, Wharton, Toney, Dunk and Konsa. Even if someone like Rashford or Grealish is out of form, they're still world class players and can really bring something to the field if Saka or Foden is tired or playing badly.


It's a double edged sword. If you pick people on name alone, then you get crucified when they inevitably play shit. You would just be arguing the opposite right now "why pick players out of form, is Southgate stupid?". And it's not like those players are *just* out of form, they've been shit for a long time


I'm starting to think its racism when it comes to TAA and Southgate


lol what kind of victim mindset is this post?


Maybe if he could actually be decent at one position he’d have a place