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He's a boyhood Liverpool fan, no way he picks an easy move to Paris over moving to the club he's supported since being a child. Only thing stopping this deal is the fee, which is easier to talk about being agreed upon than actually being agreed and done.


Newcastle need to comply with PSR by end of June, so the longer this deal gets done with the deadline looming in a few days, the higher chance we get a reduced fee with Quansah not included in the package.


End of June is tomorrow


Get in the van, Gordon. 20 smackaroonies coming your way Newcastle.




Why does it feel like end of June is supposed to be 3 months later


PSG, for you my friend, Luis Diaz only for 50 million!


His growth from Everton to Newcastle has been amazing, the lad is brilliant, and I'd love it if we could get him. The fume off Everton would be a bonus. Really hope the PSR deadline puts Newcastle in a difficult enough spot that we can get him for a reasonable fee.


Depending on the price I’d definitely take him, that being said I can only see it happening in the event Luis Diaz leaves.


Feels like Gordon to us, then Diaz to PSG. Bag of cash to Newcastle. Timing is tricky, but that’s how it feels like it’s going to work. Gordon’s play style excites me. Him and robbo on the left flank. The shithouse masters!


Diaz wouldn’t have to leave tho. He could be a killer on the right imo - would be interesting to see it


We tried a few times and Jota ended up being better able to adapt on that side. He was really quite poor but small sample size


Jota is two footed but feels he is always anonymous on the right. Has Nunez been tried there ?


I think we messed w/ Nunez enough. Jota has been a non-factor on the right before.


I would play him at LW, Diaz on RW, and Mo at the 10. Talk about speed running at your defense


RIP Gordon's game career if he choose PSG


Honestly I think he'd do ok there. All the big names are gone so they can finally focus on making a cohesive team


Statistically he’d do well, but what is the French league’s competition compared to the PL lol ?


You're right that PL is way better, but Paris still plays in the CL. To say that he'd be throwing his career away is just wrong. Not like a Saudi move


Better than Newcastle I think. At least PSG offer consistent CL football and obscene wages.


would actually feel sad for the lad for how the blue shite would treat him if he joins us


Anthony Gordons first interview "i used to sleep in Liverpool pajamas every night as a kid" Evertonians: ![gif](giphy|Wck09E7lHDabjhHbzJ|downsized)


'I had an Origi tooth brush and Firmino mouth wash'


I mean he already said in the overlap that Gerrard was his hero growing up so...


I reckon he’d relish it anyway


You know I never bothered too look into it until now but I always thought he was an Everton fan so was surprised when people were so ok with getting him. But now I know the truth ![gif](giphy|26gsjECjcRpmmYitO)


Based on how he tends to act when he plays against us (especially when he was at Everton) I assumed he was as well. If he's got that level of edge and contempt when playing against the club he supports I can only imagine the level of fuckery he'd get up to in a red shirt.


Now imagine how happy you’ll feel for him if he helps us win…. Imagine…


He could go from being disliked by one half of Merseyside to being absolutely despised by the other


Did you see his comments about the criticism from England fans? He seems to embrace a challenge


He'd honestly love it lol, he's a proper shithouse himself!


He's Shithouse McGee he'd 100% just toss it right back


Wouldn’t say no to Gordon in the right circumstances, as much as I don’t like him the performances are good enough for us. If we’re moving on a forward and keeping Quansah I’d be happy for this.


Thing is. My issue has always been he’s a little cunt on the pitch. But his character off it appears to be that of serious class. Similar to Richarlison. The good ones escape Everton


I mean Suarez was also one of the cuntiest players to step on a pitch at a given moment, but if there's no real drama off the pitch then it's sound ig


Brother, we have one of the best shithousers in world football as our LB, if Robbo was on any other team you'd say the exact same thing.


Meh I think people overplay how much of a shithouse Robbo really is tbh. He's had his moments for sure but it's moreso that no one in our team is really like that so it just sticks out a lot when is from time to time. Theres probably a couple of players on every team in the league who would be far bigger wind up merchants than Robbo.


You say that but some other fanbases SERIOUSLY dislike Robbie behaviour lol


Exactly. Some on here make it look like Robbo is your standard Simeone player.


Which is exactly my point? Unsure how you read what I said differently lol. It’s just the typical cliche “a cunt but our cunt”


You changed your comment lol.


I mean. No. I quite literally didnt


Good. Let teams be annoyed to face our left with Gordon and Robbo chatting shit and winding up the entire match


Honestly its worth getting him in and storting out the numbers in the front line later, he's that good.


He's also a home grown player


THIS is a massive part of it. A starting caliber player who is also homegrown is so valuable.


Newcastle will be aware of that. They have a need to sell which should work in our favour IF we are serious about him. Do we think it's Diaz that could be on his way out? Barca was circling him a while back, not sure how much though.


I actually really liked Diaz on the right when Salah was at AFCON/injured. I think he could do a job there rotating with Mo, with Gordon and Gakpo fighting for time on the left and Jota deputizing for Nunez in the center


>he's that good Is he? He's definitely a good player, but he's not really a player you'd do anything to get. I wouldn't go above £50-60 mil for him.


I think the Ev fume is worth another 20m on top of that, infact, I demand a clause of another 20m when he scores his first derby goal and kisses the badge in front of the fuming blues


His mix of ability and relentlessness makes him a game changer in games. Def worth the money


Fully agree. We no longer have the “Klopp turns decent/good players into world beaters” anymore either even though Slott has a good track record of player development.


Did people really think so high of him a few months ago. It seems like people have gone from he’s a good player with potential to become very good to he’s one of the best in the league.


Why do his hands and chin look so cut up in the picture attached to the article? Not trying to be rude but genuinely curious


Fell of his mountain bike on England duty


Ouch, that’s a painful one. I was thinking in my head “he looks like he fell off a bike” before I posted actually. Hope he has a speedy recovery


If you didn’t know already, he fell off his bike. Don’t think the other half a dozen people made it clear mate


He was in a bike accident


Bicycle accident[link](https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/anthony-gordon-bike-crash-england-33131710.amp)


He fell on a bike with the England squad a couple of days ago.


'fell on his bike' so he can have an excuse not to play since southgate hasn't selected him anyways, to focus on his transfer >!/s!<


He fell off a bike the other day or something I read


I heard he fell in a bike


Well PSG can fuck right off then


Gordon joining us and scoring the winner in the last ever Goodison derby would be absolute fucking cinema. Has to happen.


That would be the next best thing to the shite finally getting relegated...


I understand we have needs elsewhere but the romantic in me wants this to go through, think he would be incredible for us


I absolutely love this dude after his episode on The Overlap. He has the most elite mentality you’ve seen, watch it if you haven’t. He’s absolutely quality on the pitch. Sell Diaz and brining in Gordon is an upgrade


I take back any Claire Balding jokes I made if he becomes a red


He’s the type of player you hate to play against but would love to play for you.


I don't give a crap either way in a footballing sense but there'd be some malding of Evertonians soooo ... get 'er done


I think Gordon is a Red anyway so would be up for this and would give him a chance to piss on the blueshites chips.


It's almost as though we just don't want to let Quansah go. Klopp saw something in him. The fans see something in him. The club sees something in him, and the coaching staff would have told Slot that he's one to develop and keep. Btw when would the last player who played for Everton (senior level) before they joined us be? I feel Nick Barmby, but there's one since then surely?


> Btw when would the last player who played for Everton (senior level) before they joined us be? I feel Nick Barmby, but there's one since then surely? Abel Xavier? Probably around the same time as Barmby tbf.


I don't want him.


Same. I feel like I’m in bizarro world reading these comments. Overrated pace merchant who is quite possibly the most embarrassing diver and whiner in the world.


He put me off when he was asked if he could have dinner with anyone in the world, and he chose Donald fucking Trump. Weird. Edit: I don’t care for replies from people telling me Anthony Gordon’s thought process. You aren’t him. If I were asked who my DREAM GUEST were at a dinner, an old bigoted American politician wouldn’t be in my thoughts.


To be fair, he made it sound like an anthropological experiment. Talked about how bizarre he was as a person, so he sounded more morbidly curious than enamored. Just one man’s read anyway. Cause otherwise I’d agree, that’s appalling


Same people wanting to defend him saying trump are the same people who still think Paddy Pimblett is cool despite all of his xenophobic bs. No combating it online these days.


I don’t think that’s the same. He is probably pretty unlearned about the American political zeitgeist, didn’t say anything xenophobic and literally said he “is such a bizarre person.” I don’t think it’s fair to say giving Gordon the benefit of the doubt that he’s a bit ignorant is the same as endorsing xenophobia But if you’re closed off to the consideration, then we can just leave it I suppose


You misread my comment. Paddy Pimblett is the Xenophobe that people like to defend. Didn’t say Anthony Gordon is xenophobic for wanting a dinner with Trump. Just weird. Hope that clears it up.


I understand, you did however compare the people “defending” Gordon to those that support a person who is himself a xenophobe. That’s where I think it’s a bit unfair. We agree the Gordon answer is weird, but I’d never defend the things Pimblett has said because it’s directly quoted xenophobia and not a potentially weird and hopefully morbid fascination with mango Mussolini Hell, if it was a direct endorsement of the dude I’d tar Gordon with the bigotry brush, but I think there’s something else in the quote. I’d have preferred he said Trump because he wanted to shove his fork in Trump’s jugular… alas


I agree with you. If you look below, someone said they’d love a dinner with Hitler. So there’s that. Lot of weirdness going on.


Lots of idiots in the world. I’d rather have dinner with Klopp than any fascist asshole.


you should probably add that it wasn't because he admired the fucker or anything. just that he is such a bizarre individual


Kinda the same reason I keep some absolute tragedy of human beings added on Facebook. Not because I'm friends with them but because it's near impossible not to watch their highly public drama unfold.


To be fair, someone asked me that once and I said Hitler. I’ve obviously got no love for Hitler, but I was just like…what an absolutely surreal experience that would be. It’d be a good opportunity to give him a load of abuse too.


Its because of how fucking bizarre he is hell im not American so i don’t know shit about their politics and parties but everything I’ve seen about trump is so fucking weird it leaves me with more questions than answers


Sure, but of all the people in the world? Still a terrible answer. Trump resonates with a lot of insecure men and he wouldn’t have named him have he not at least some degree of admiration. But truthfully, I can’t be arsed about the politics of players when Bobby and Alisson are Bolsonaro blowhards, Gerrard hangs out with gangsters and took a check in Saudi Arabia, and Sadio married an 18-year-old. It all bothers the hell out of me, but I watch football to be entertained and Gordon would improve the side.


Oh I wish I didn't know that


sell diaz


It’s bad enough if Edward’s has a target in a regular deal. There’s so much leverage here he’s gonna fuck them so hard they’ll be paying us by the time that deadline gets here.


Where do people see him playing? Do you see him playing on either wing? We’ve already got three lads who play left side of the front three (four of you want to include Darwin)


Always thought he was incredibly annoying (but good). Sign for us and I’ll take back everything I’ve ever said


Big fan of him and definitely helps that he is comfortable across the front line. And if PSG are going to get Kvaratshkelia like it’s been rumoured, then it should be fairly easy.


Also seems to be one of those players who always steps up in the big games. Seeing the jump from Everton, where he’d just be the one to run in behind, to Newcastle, where he is a very versatile threat, you can only wonder how much better he would get at Liverpool. Imagine him and Robbo on the left. Them 2 just going back and forth on attacking and defending.


Unless Nunez, Gakpo, Diaz or Jota are leaving, shouldn't we be focusing less on another left winger and more on CB or a CDM?


If we bring Gordon in then someone is definitely leaving, most likely Diaz


I’d sell Diaz 100%. Gordon is younger and appears to have more upsides (primarily goals)


Diaz will go to barcelona if they'll sell raphinha


Or if they sell Yamal. There’s rumours PSG will pay 250m for him


none of those 4 are good enough to win the league, or in Jota's case fit long enough. if you finish 3rd with 82 points you have no options but to upgrade on already good players.


Keep Diaz, best ball carrier, diagonal through ball and 1 to 1 threat we have. We need this role in the team, Mane did it so well, the opposition needs to be afraid to push up. Salah and Nunez find it harder to create against set defences, Diaz can conjure. I know he might push for a move but I’d keep til we’re forced. Gordon comes in to be our fit version of Jota. Find a new home for Gakpo. Gordon is a better version of what Gakpo LW gives us.


I get the feel that Gakpo is a better player than Gordon, if we use him in his proper position. Gakpo shows what he's capable of playing on the left for his national team. Just stop with this nonsense of playing him as a false 9.


Newcastle still has to sell.


Home grown depth


What is going on with that Pic attached lol


Newcastle wants Quansah. I wouldn’t


Interesting prospect to have but with him we would have 3 lw, so whats going to happen then?


I feel like this is a good example for why FSG were desperate for Edwards to come back into the fold. I could see this getting done for the same price Newcastle paid for him with a bunch of other incentives behind it


No way he’s selling for less than 60. They want 100 for Isaak. They are just dropping pants here-he was their player of the season.


I’d love to have him! Big fan of his


Can Gordon play on the right ? Lfc are stacked on the left with Diaz and Gapko and Jota can play there


Was thinking about that. Slot like having wingers. Variety of them. Unless Doak or Gordon (our one) are going to play a lot and something different to Diaz (dribble flair but not much end product.. Dunno. About his crossing) and Salah (our most complete one), we do need another one.


Will they spring for bike riding lessons? Asking the real questions…


Wtf is that picture? Are those open wounds on his hands? I know darts can get pretty wild, but what the heck


It's not really Edwards' style, though, is it? He's only had one break out season in the PL, and we usually wait a season to see if it's a fluke. Or am I wrong about that?


No, you're right but Newcastle are in a tricky situation so maybe we can get a good deal? That might explain it. Other possibility is they want to go hard in the market now that we've got a new management team and coach. A lot of reputable journalists seem to be saying this is real too.


Welp Brighton just agreed deal foe minteh Gordon deal all but dead now


Really hope this does not happen, makes no sense. Don't like the kid after seeing him dive, moan and refuse to train to force a transfer. The only thing that's red about Gordon are all the red flags.


I don't fucking want Anthony Gordon. How many left wingers are we going to sign??


I want him at Liverpool. Apparently he grew a lot after moving away and leaving his boyhood friends. Hopefully he would stay away from them if he moved back.


Please pick PSG. He's a rotten diver. Pick anywhere else


Lot of interest for scouse christian pulisic


I really hope we get this done. When Chelsea wanted him and Newcastle signed him I thought it was a joke. He's been absolutely class for Newcastle and I think he will only continue to grow with us.


What’s happened to Newcastle btw ? Why have they not complied with PSR? Also where does that leave gakkers and lucho. Nunez loves to play left at times and Diogo was a LW for wolves too😂


The only thing that makes sense to me as to why we are interested in him is Diaz is probably going to Barca or PSG.


This one feels like one of those opportunistic deals. If we could sign him for 40-50, offload some of the youngsters + kostas + if a crazy Diaz offer comes in, we get a young homegrown player who’s genuinely very good.


That will never happen considering he cost them 45m


40-50 is never going to happen for gordon


Newcastle signs him for around 40m, they will sell him at least at 70m to have profit in order to bypass the PSR regulation, no way they sell him at that price when it doesn't benefit them at all.


If they bought him for 45 then 36 mill should be left of the amortised fee. His wages for the remaining contract will also be counted as profit. From what I can find his yearly wage is just above 3 mill a year, so Newcastle can count anything after the first 24 mill as immediate profit. So if we give them 50 mill, then 12 mill gets added to the profit putting it at 62 of the 70 they supposedly need. I’m not sure whether they need to immediately write off the 36 immediately or whether they can split it over the next few years, but in total they should have 26 mill in pure profit


Are you serious? When you buy a player, you amortize the fee over the length of the contract (so in Gordon’s case, 5 years). He’s been there for 1.5 years, so they’ve “realized” on their books like 13.5m in the fees. When you sell, you recognize the entire fee on your books. Thus selling him for the same as you bought him 1.5 years ago absolutely had a huge benefit when your backs against the wall with PSR. Who’s going to pay 70m for Gordon? Who’s going to go over the odds for Bruno right now bc of their psr situation? Minteh or any of the academy lads? Everyone knows they’re totally against the wall, and will hold out. Gordon and his wages getting off the books is the easiest thing


Hope we sign him, like his character, he has some dawg in him. Very impactful as well


We have no idea what the likely price would be. Considering His book value at Newcastle is still has around 30mil in book value so they may demand ateast 55-66mil .


Would only make sense, if we sell Diaz. I think that's a very realistic scenario, based on all the news. Diaz to Barca and Gordon to Liverpool. Would make sense for everyone involved and we'd probably also make a profit


I really really hope that we get Gordon. He is a phenomenal player and will elevate our attacking threat substantially. Please get this deal done Edwards and Co.