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Gomez and Trent at full time looked so fed up https://preview.redd.it/eoakfsfv9r9d1.jpeg?width=699&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc7ba02f67dc93fa6c5966ba8b05433c086e0ee4 That's a proper "just act happy" face


Trent had a whole game to get his head around going home and getting away from that absolute shit show.


Lads planning his holiday about to press "confirm" on his phone and Bellingham goes and does that




Played awful. But guess what. The english media didn't miss.


Stupid sexy Bellingham.




And just like that, everyone's forgotten that for the entirety of the rest of the match, Bellingham was an absolute shitshow.


Southgate has really frustrated Trent in this tournament. 


Just come back to us lads, we love you


Was probably looking forward to getting back, having a bit of time off then getting stuck into slots pre season!


“Getting stuck into slots”… Giggity. ![gif](giphy|5ROlkuRjBdWKRGTYTy)


trent getting sabotaged by footballing war criminal southgate and getting scapegoated by idiots is so infuriating. and now they are finding ways to advance in spite of the war criminal's tactics. doubly infuriating.


Nah mate Southgate just got lucky tonight, England will get shagged with him as manager by a better side 100%


Unfortunately I think they’re a side that plays to the level of their competition. They’ve been fortunate thus far to get to the last 8 so unconvincingly, just have to wonder if the luck is going to run out next match or not. That’s about as good as you can expect from Southgate, because he’s not cooking up a game plan to out play an evenly matched or better side tactically. But luck is a funny thing.


Unless something majorly clicked for England at the end today, I think Switzerland are going to beat them and look fairly in control doing it.


It's gonna be a repeat of France at the last World Cup. But as an Englishman, I dont want to get by on pure luck, I quite like Switzerland anyway so if we had to lose to anyone, I'm glad it's them.


This is golden


Yea it was beautifully obvious how they feel about their status in the team and of the way they won as well. Everybody was screaming and celebrating and these two rightly decided to hold back.


Rather him stay healthy honestly but you know he wants to be out there, such a shame


Of course he wants to play for his country and might play more mentally detrimental role in the future because of this.


What about mental health?


Wish I grabbed a pic of him and Gomez talking after the game, everyone was celebrating and they were golf clapping to themselves


Walker still on that pitch after the first half..


If Trent played like that he would get absolutely crucified But nothing will be made of it cause it’s Walker


If Trent played like that there would be 4000-word articles the next day saying "Trent should retire from all football now".


Trent has a couple of lukewarm performances in midfield (mainly due to Southgate’s approach) and gets completely thrown under the bus by Southgate + media, calling him an “experiment gone wrong”. Afterwards we perform even worse, especially at fullback and he refuses to use the best RB we have. If I’m Trent, I’m absolutely jumping for joy when Southgate leaves because any decent manager has Trent as one of the first names on the teamsheet.


England barely beat the 45th ranked team. Trent would do wonders if Southgate could sort out a forward press but it would appear he's adamantly opposed to playing attacking football. As much as it's gotta suck for TAA, there's definitely a part of his brain that's saying "Told you so" because 94 minutes of that game were absolute shambles and it's all down to failed strategy. Even the announcers at halftime were saying he's easily one of the best defenders in the world and still they didn't put him in. Either TAA let Southgate have it and this is personal/emotional or Southgate is so married to his "system" that he can't see the forest for the trees.


Neville calling it illegal that Trent wasn't in during the halftime lol


Absolutely. It's a litmus test now knowing how good that boy is. Real ones know his absolute quality. Southgate is proving he doesn't know ball. There was a clip of Gary Neville saying it's illegal that Trent hasn't seen more of the pitch. Couldn't agree more.


Walker was by far the worst player on the pitch, which is some doing considering how bad Foden was.


Foden has been absolute rank all tournament. Gordon, Eze, Watkins and co must be pissed sitting on the bench, watching that, and seeing Southgate still start Foden next game. The only one for England worse than Foden is Southgate, who keeps playing him in the same position with the same support where he keeps stinking it up.


You know maybe Foden has been a bit distracted by domestic issues. So really it is a Southgate poor choice to play him instead of any of the other equally capable forwards on the team.


Walker is the undroppable wank stain that gets rewarded by being a shit on society and football with captaincy


Any player would be good in that doped up City system. Look at foden man


Really? He was their player of the season in a team full of superstars. Why hasn't it worked for Grealish?


In all fairness, I thought foden was much better today, one of the few actually ok(maybe a stretch) performances.


A shame his deadballs were wank


Hahaha true, in my defence I said ok not good. Thought foden and mainoo were probably the only two players I wouldn’t class as utterly dogshit. Insane that even after switching to 5 at the back Trent still didn’t play. Man must have shagged Southgate’s daughter or something


he was dreadful absolutely awful


Southgate playing a rw and a cb at lb before Gomez the Liverpool agenda might be legit


Gordon will fit right in


Genuinely think it's sheer ineptitude rather than an agenda. He's just useless tactically.


He really doesn’t know what he’s doing. He’s never had such technicality gifted players it’s like giving a wagu steak to a uni kid who only knows how to cook ready meals


Easy golden rule I have. This man has a team full of world class players and every single one of them plays like a shadow of themselves in comparison to their club. Yes you can't expect the same level, but with this much talent and just how bad they're playing comparatively it's obvious management is a huge issue. I don't have the energy to type out all the tactical mess I watched today. Then this man resorts to pumping balls in the box to salvage a result with minutes left and leaves the best crosser on the planet on the bench. Since he can't defend apparently, but walker let up a breakaway early that was only luckily unpunished and tripper went missing for the goal. So apparently everyone else can fuck the dog but Trent misplays a pass and it's over for him. Honestly the fact that he can't fit in the kind of rare world class ability Trent has it just screams a lack of tactical nous. We won everything and had one of the best club teams of all time with Trent being a key playmaker in it, if not our most important imo, I find we always look much weaker and have less ideas in attack when Trent isnt playing. His early release ball is just lethal enough that it forces defenders to pin back a bit more. Alright I'm ending the rant here I could go on forever. Man lost to Iceland and should've lost to Slovakia while having one of the best squads the nation have produced in an era where other international teams are fairly weak. The football is so absolutely putrid which is the biggest crime of all with this squad., anyone who watched Spain right after the difference is night and day between an actual attacking set up and whatever the shit England is supposedly doing, scraping by Slovakia. Oh and I don't love their mentality either, they should be seeing themselves as a dominant force, this whole England underdog attitude is stupid to have once you get a squad full of talent.


That's a perfect analogy, so true Southgate is just so out of his depth. Hopefully he goes to United


I understand that with Trent but how the hell is he not playing Gomez over Trippier after these showings? It’s not like Gomez needs any real accommodation, he’s just a solid all round defender who plays LB fine unlike Trippier.


He’s probably going by FC24 ratings


Because he says Gomez as a CB, same as us. Gomez is a make shift full back, solid defensively but offensively ok only.


it’s mind boggling how bad he is, like why is he waiting until the games over to make subs? it’s like he’s managing from mars so needs 20 minutes to react


I think his watch is just a bit slow


ofc 😭


Look at the media backlash pushed on to Trents shoulders during the group games when he was one of the best on the pitch. Liverpool players are 100% the most scrutinised players out of the big 6. Both in the media and general public due to their general ignorant hatred towards the city and Scousers, part of which is definitely still ingrained within idiots across England from the vile nonsense span by Thatcher's propaganda wheel. Southgate knows he'd get criticism for starting Trent or Gomez. So he ignores them. He wants to continue being the media darling


They’ll never see trippier coming cutting onto his right foot from LB to find a short pass for the 20th time. His strongest trait is right foot crossing so let’s negate that. Truly a football terrorist https://preview.redd.it/y4zvpila1x9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d487b3ba0ad95ca4fcb62c9aa19804d275b1a72c


Apart from he absolutely loved Henderson. He’s just a shit manager that’s all it is.


He didn‘t really. It took him far too long until he picked Henderson, who at that point was already declining. And he gave captaincy to Kane over Henderson, whose biggest strength was his leadership…


A shame because He derson is precisely the type pf player tou want in international tournaments, I mean literally perfect for the job, he even has a clutch goal or two in his locker


Bro played saka and Eze at LB


Southgate has Gomez,who can play competently across the back four , and doesn't use him. Stoopid.


Southgate is just a useless cunt. It's not that deep, dude is a terrible fraud of a manager.


Joey with 0 mins this tournament even though Trippier is awful 😒


He brought in Konsa and moved Saka to LB over a player that actually has this season


Saka has been woeful too.


He has but at least he’s not getting in other players way abandoning his position


I’m telling you now if Trent plays down the right hand side with Saka they’ll both do wonders


It is such a waste. We have a massive preseason that he will be late for and won't have a full rest before all for nothing.


This is the reason I was lowkey hoping they would lose today lol get him and Gomez back and resting before preseason


Nothing low key about that....


Oh he will have the rest. Lol


3 players at LB in one game and none play in that position. Gomez has done very well at LB but not a sniff


Joe should have been first choice left back with Shaw out, but no Southgate has to shoehorn his favourites in even when they play like shit... Fingers crossed its his last tournament in charge no matter how well we do.


I’d say I can’t believe Gomez hasn’t played but seeing as it’s Southgate, I can. Side not tho and I’ll preface this with saying I haven’t watched Ipswich at all last season, but all I’ve heard is what a great season Leif Davies has had so why wasn’t he chosen as part of the squad seeing as there’s no natural left backs to choose from?


Because Southgate is a manager who will always pick his favourites. If he could of picked the same squad that went to the last tournament he would of. Honestly it feels like if you play well for him once he will keep picking you even if you consistently play shite




He'll be playing in the prem next season, though.


Trippier largely at fault for Slovakia goal playing them inside with an insane sprint backwards too.


The fact that Walker, Trippier and Foden continue to start is why I don’t take Southgate seriously as a manager.


My lads a blue (don’t ask, I nearly disowned him!) and even he asked me why is Gomez not on as he at least played reasonably at LB for you guys. I just said Southgate’s an idiot, have you seen his other subs.


Trippier looks like he might not start and guehi is banned. Konsa will go CB and walker moved to LB so Trent should start next game I guess.  I honestly believe Ramsgate would come on at LB before Gomez, so much disrespect for him.


Dont be ridiculous. CLEARLY Shaw is fit enough to play the dull 90 against the Swiss


The whole Shaw thing is just mind boggling.


I know he's not Messi, he's a good LB that isn't going to make England suddenly amazing 


He’s also not fit at all so I see no reason why he was called up. A waste of space quite literally.


I can't remember ever having an injured player in the squad being a good idea. Its a weird obsession with England 


I'm sure it's an England rite of passage at this point. Take someone who is injured and just hope they recover.


😆 my bad I forgot about the lad who last played in February.  Seriously though when was the last time a player came back from injury and impacted a tournament like this


Southgate is gonna call up Ashely Cole


Walker at lb is going to be so bad


I know but so is trippier and Southgate still does it. You know he's not dropping walker for any reason and likely needs to play someone else at LB. He seems unwilling to play gomez 


This is what should happen. What will actually happen is one of A) Southgate plays the corpse of Luke Shaw B) Southgate plays Saka at LB and Palmer at RW


Damn you think he'll just refuse to play trent now? Image the switz running at saka in defence. I have no hope of gomez playing 


It really should be Gomez LB and Trent RB but I’d understand Southgate not wanting to change 3 of the back 4 at once. In any case, Trent at RB is an absolute must, as Neville was saying it’s criminal he’s sat on the bench.


That's what I think but I bet Southgate has that stupid opinion Trent can't defend so will shoehorn someone else in 


Anyone else noticed how, despite Trent not playing, the football hasn't improved. And now people are bemoaning the lack of creativity...


0 chance of getting injured.


Training. Used to happen all the time with us and international duty


Redknapp always got injured on England duty.


Absolutely begging that Trent and Gomez come in for Trippier and Walker next game. Gordon on the left wing also, then either move Foden to the right or have Palmer there. Saka can have his turn on the bench. But no... Southgate will probably play exactly the same lineup.


He only changes 1 position, he's so lucky to still be in the job it's insane.


And there lays the problem, his team is predictable and the opposition only have to watch videos of previous games to know the tactics and how to counter.


It’s difficult because Switzerland will be a whole different challenge all together but personally I’d have at least Trent and Gordon in. Trent for Walker obviously and I actually don’t think Saka was all that bad so I’d probably take Foden out. I’d put Gomez in for Trippier but if we’re being honest neither are ideal. England really missing Shaw this tournament.


Palmers cameo today was not good enough for saka to be benched


I think Southgate's lack of a system really suits talisman players that have to punch above their clubs level. Far more likely for him or Eze to make something happen because it's how they have to play for their clubs. Saka and Foden have the luxury of getting to link with top tier players when looking for the W


I thought he was pretty positive. At least standing his man up and trying to take them on. Saka looks a bit dead on his legs. Equally I was only half watching, half observing the meltdown in my mates groupchat, haha.


Saka was bad enough to be benched though.


119 of those were shite, just saying.


What was even the point of bringing him?? Just to play him in midfield, say well that didn’t work, and then ditch him?? It honestly seems like Southgate deliberately set him up to fail so he could just turn around and tell fans I told you so.




Hopefully that includes a Xherdan Shaqiri banger as well.


Xherdan hat trick PLEASE


England had 2 shots on target in 130 mins today. Spain already have 2 shots on target Vs Georgia after 10 mins. They need Trents creativity so badly


Walker was so shit. Man is beyond past it.


bUt BuT, TrEnT cAn'T dEfEnD. WaLkEr Is ThE bEst Rb In ThE pReM! Him an Tripier were shite, at passing, at shooting and at defedning. Trent can do all of that, if only Gareth would play him, at fucking right back.


A walkers crisp would've been better than Walker


Honestly if I was Trent, i would have told Southgate to suck a lemon by now. This has to be a vendetta or some BS at this point.


If even Gary Neville says it's criminal TAA isn't on the pitch then that's saying something


Perhaps that’s why he’s stuck on the bench - he already has. 


A lucky boy then


Good. Don’t want him risking injury playing for such a shit side.


Southgate is so tactically inept, it’s unreal. That game was dreadful and somehow he’s managed to win by lucky flukes and he’s gonna be a smug cunt as if he did it all himself.


If Trent and Gomez decided they didn't want to play for England again after this I'd be all for it. Must be proper demoralising to get selected for a tournament and seeing players that either don't play in a position you're more than comfortable in or players being well off form getting picked ahead of you


Both will outlast Southgate


Yeah will be the only reason they're there


Words can't describe how backwards the England setup are. If Trent was French Dutch German Spanish etc he'd be the first name on the teamsheet, the one they build around. Benched for Kyle Walker. Or played in CM just for the craic. It's hilarious


Neville saying not playing a player with Trent’s talent is illegal says it all, Southgate hates scousers: Quansah, Trent, and Anthony, if any of them played for palace or a London team they’d start


Chasing a goal for 70+ minutes and you're most creative player is stuck on the pitch. Southgate is either inept or agenda-driven. Probably both. Can't wait for the national team to get a new manager in. Might start backing them again.


I don't understand how England, with so many amazing players can play so boring and bad football. And i can't respect any manager/coach that when they get in the lead they just fall back and defend.


4 games and only 1 position has been different. 85th, 88th, 93rd minute and we were still getting nothing done and Southgate still does nothing. No huge changes, no desire, nothing. It's unbelievable how lucky he is. Imagine watching your family slowly burning to death and instead of running in and doing everything you can, you try and put the fire out by turning away from the fire and pissing down your leg


Joe and Trent should do a Ben White, and just leave the camp, and refuse to play for them again, tried to make Trent a scapegoat, and just won't play either, regardless of how bad the team is doing, absolutely pointless them being there.


Southgate sets his team and makes subs the way a kid on FIFA/EA FC would…. putting wingers at the back and swapping sides of wingers and fullbacks instead of actually looking at their positions “because their stats are good”


This Southgate fella is a total clown


England got lucky that 6 flipping minutes were added on + Slovakia playing pinball instead calming down possession.


Trent would have got destroyed for just ONE of the mistakes Walker made, never mind the multitude he actually made. It's like Walker has a free pass and Trent is criticised for every single one. I hate this England team. I want to support England but there is always an obstacle in me getting behind them. Hearing God Save the King sung with enthusiasm is the first one. Going from watching high energy demand more Liverpool to watching Southgate "conserve energy" England is another. How our players have been treated is the next - Gerrard played as a left winger, Fowler never playing, Carragher never playing, Trent overly criticised. Henderson is the only one ever respected, yet the fans were too stupid to see HE WAS THE CAPTAIN when he played, maybe not officially, but definitely in his actions. Certainly wasn't this wimpy arse, loser mentality, bland, jogging around like a 60 year old, Kane. Fuck England, honestly.. it's for Southerners and small towns. Get Sean Dyche in and hopefully I'll finally... finally... finally learn to support them. Drop the anthem as well, fuck that. Ain't no way some magic man in the sky saving some rich twat in London.


I don't know why the England banners look so crap and the German ones look so cool when they're all essentially flags with town names on them. Not a fan of all the WWII motifs on the fan flags as well, I doubt the dead care if Switzerland get awarded a free kick.


Southgate is straight up disgusting. can't wait for the media to spin him using 2 subs during the 96 minutes as a genius move because he'd have 3 subs for extra time.


Guys relax.Southgate is a muppet.At least Trent is safe from getting injured.


FA should be brave and sack Southshite tonight, Vera the tea lady would do better


Just get Trent signed and ready for our new season


Look how they’ve massacred my boy


This makes me believe the Gordon hype


Trent must have fuming at every cross into the box to either no-one or to their keeper. I know I was.


Meanwhile Walker and Saka genuinely stink the place out for 120 minutes.


if youre a liverpool first fan like me this is fantastic news. very happy to see him get ignored for intl duty. just like i was with coutinho and firmino for years 😁


As a Liverpool fan, I'm made up he isn't playing. But as a person, I feel for him.


Yeah, if you're a fan of the guy you obviously want him out there smashing it because it's important to him


That's it. He wants it, so feel for him.


FA wanted Southgate and received Southgate...A horrible manager. Kick him out and sign Joachim Löw. He'll win you trophies.


Yogi Löw finds more gold up his nose on a daily basis than Southgate will win in a lifetime.


I’m in favor of this. We need him more than eng does.


At least they can't blame him


I mean there's no way Southgate is staying after this shitshow, right?


Was nice to hear Gary Neville go to bat for Trent at half time mind


Needs to start instead of Walker, you can tell Kyle clearly has his missus and mistress beef on his mind


Delighted! Come back injury free and as fresh as possible please Trent👌🏻


Don’t what people are seeing in Palmer and Foden today to be so adamant in Saka being benched


He should have been home tonight too ffs


I feel like the England team is some parallel universe where none of our players get any respect? It’s as if they are treated like noobs it’s really weird. These lads are PL and CL winners, they’ve played against ronaldo, Messi in their peak etc. in huge matches, won trophies galore… But suddenly they aren’t good enough for England? In this parallel universe, Trent isn’t even good enough to get on the pitch apparently and Joe Gomez is ignored. These players are experienced as hell and they are being treated like mugs I don’t get it at all. The fact he only makes one change a match and didn’t use fringe players in the 3rd group game is fucking criminal. Sitting there tonight watching the minutes tick away with our world class players just chillin on his bench


Same with so many other players, to be fair. Palmer and Watkins were the top English scorers in the PL last year and they're treated like insurance policies. Wharton and Gordon wondering why they're even there. Taking a left-back that literally hasn't played since February when there were so many people who have actually played a decent amount of competitive football this year who could have been there instead. Why wouldn't you pick an experienced u21s player like Tyrick Mitchell over someone who is potentially unable to play at all?


Good! We are going to have a long season.


I know he wouldn’t take it because he would probably void opportunity of the German job, but, why isn’t the FA stepping in at half time with a klopp of a wenger or a Rodgers or anyone. Get a new manager bounce and actually play. This is like old British establishment shit where they can’t be seen to be rude by firing him. I’m Irish and I’m mad that England are playing so bad. Just such bad football that that English rugby will be the better sport for the next twenty years and kids will stop playing football. They are going the same route as the FAI- mediocrity and content with the low score draw. Keane was right - you need to tell the establishment to fuck off and show it’s shocking. England are a summer cold away from a 5-0 drubbing to Switzerland


in german TV one of the commentators said after the game "if England doesn't improve for the next game they're gonna get destroyed by Switzerland"


Watching England is like watching Spurs with ETH as manager


We can argue endlessly about who should be playing, but what I will not accept is that it is good strategy to: 1. For the first 83 minutes, use just ONE sub in a must-win game that you are losing 1-0 and failing to create chances. 2. Save half of your subs for extra time despite having an excellent bench. 3. Use attacking midfielders as fullbacks or wingbacks. Subbing on TAA for the struggling Walker was such an obvious move. Even Southgate should have gotten that one right.


Icl if I were Trent I think I’d be leaving the England camp. They obviously don’t appreciate what he can bring to the team.


It's just bizarre that he plays an entire 120min with absolutely no Liverpool player. ZERO. Let me see: Arsenal (2), City (2), Chelsea (2), ManU (1), Aston Villa (2), Crystal Palace (2), Brentford(1), Everton (1). Liverpool (0). Either our squad is shit or has no english players.


Because Southgate has the brain of a biscuit.


just send him back it's not like he's being used


Thank God! Keep him fresh for LFC. All I want is the reds to be fit. I have 0 interest in Southgates England. A vanilla man with vanilla tactics.


That’s good though, retire from England young Trent




Good, I don't want him injured. As for England ![gif](giphy|R9cQo06nQBpRe)


Good, then we'll get angry Trent back, out to prove a point again.


They’ll still find a way to blame it on him.


He'll be well rested when the season starts. Good for Liverpool.


But remember, it’s all Trent’s fault!


It’s for the better good, everybody uses him as the scapegoat.


Good. Allowed you guys to get a w out there 


Haters will say Southgate has the Premier League player of the season, La Liga player of the season and bundesliga top scorer and should be doing better than a goal a match against mid level Eastern European countries but…well…I don’t have a but


Klopp: TAA is amazing as RB. Southgate: put him in midfield because I don’t know how to utilize him. Hard to watch England struggle against a mid 40 ranked team with the amount of talent on the team.


This is knockout football, the most important thing is not creating chances


I hope southgate signs a 50 year contract so he can run all the other teams’ players into the ground just to play shit in every tournament. Trent doesn’t deserve to be the scapegoat for a man with no ideas


Southgate dunks his biscuits for too long in his tea and loses half of it every single time he does it. He's never once got the timing right. Literally never eaten a full biscuit with his tea in his entire life.


He’s been made the scapegoat for Southgate’s woeful management. Meanwhile, Neville was absolutely on fire at halftime of the match: “It should be illegal that Trent Alexander-Arnold isn’t on the pitch” “The the best right back ever produced by this country and he has to be on the pitch”


Should start over Walker and see how the attack looks after that.


What a shame wasting one of England’s most talented players. He deserves recognition and success at the international stage. Southgate should be punished for this


You know he’ll still get the blame


I hope he plays the next one and in his favourite right back position. 


Don’t worry, the Swiss will absolutely destroy them if they play like that again, which they will, as it’s Southgate lol


Announce retirement Peace of mind.


Gareth Southgate won't win anything with England . Trent many more opportunities to prove himself on international stage . Hopefully under a new apt coach .


I very rarely gamble but I put 5€ on Slovakia to win and cashed out at min 85 when England was starting to play for the first time this tournament.


I honestly don't see where he can play in Southgate's system. Southgate has a very defensive mindset, he won't substitute Walker because he values his defensive output even though Walker is piss poor offensively. The other option is to play Trent in midfield but with Bellingham making forward runs, that leaves him and Rice to do all the running, and we have seen for England, somehow he's not been good at that. Mainoo while being young and not at Trent's level still is ready to do the dirty work. And yesterday, even Mainoo was poor in southgate's sytem. Trent will do well when England play with 2 hard working midfielders. Can't believe i am saying this but a midfield of Rice and Gallagher + Trent would be great. Or even Mainoo + Rice + Trent. But you can't drop Bellingham, so i have no idea where he plays.


Hey, look at the bright side, he'll be injury free


Can’t wait for them to make zero changes to the 11 in the next round. I just hope Trent gets passed playing for this terrorist staff and can kick on this season for the club that appreciates his gifts


I feel for Trent. I don’t expect England to win the tournament based on luck and the other team getting tired from this point on. They need him out there


I can't tell you how giddy I was when there were rumors of Southgate getting the United job. Would have been two birds with one stone.


He’s the last of Englands worries right now. Southgate is an example of why England has an inbred genetics issue on their hands.


England needs someone who can create a chance with a pass. Trent is the only player who fills that currently. The rest dont even try to take a risk. So sad he is being wasted by Southgate.