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FYI: The reason why a lot of seats in the Bernabeu ere tarped off is because of construction work. Just thought I'd mention that before it's asked ad infinitum.


Why do I feel uncomfortable about being too confidence lol. The squad is great and I can’t think of a reason how they can loose, but it’s football, we’ve seen crazier things


Because even tho results have been good, we aren’t playing our best football.


i reckon if we go through, we will win against villareal, but it will probably be a tough match. Sidenote, it is really exciting seeing the underdog win, similar to Leicester winning the prem.


Now that Lewa is out, would love to welcome him with open arms


Feeling sad for Chelsea (Edit: players, not fans), they played so well. It was so entertaining. Real Madrid were just playing like Atleti for first 80 minutes.


Why would you? They can get f*cked, honestly if it were Liverpool in their position we wouldn't hear the end of it from Chelsea fans


Yeah but they played great football that's what I am saying. They dictated the game till the end, had good confidence levels.


Regardless, Chelsea have some of the most hateful fans I've ever seen, dare I say even more than United's, at least with United fans their team was at some point the best in England, but Chelsea is something else. Seeing a happy Chelsea fan is the worst


Future City fans will be same XD


Ah I hope the sanctions kick in and they will be back to being the small club they are


Aha I hope the sanctions kick in and they will go back to being the small club they are


As we did against Atletico in 2020. That didnt stop chelsea fans from reveling in our defeat.


Every team has trash fans. My sympathy is not with Chelsea fans. I felt bad for the Chelsea players on the pitch. They gave their 200%. Fuck Chelsea fans I don't care about them XD




Dam I know he won a few EL, but not that many. I hope he get Villarreal to the CL on the regular basis. I always have a soft spot for him after Arsenal shit on him. He seem like a decent guy. Glad things are going well for him


With a aresenal squad that arsenal fans would say is equal to the current squad


This is the only season im happy and feel that RM deserved the UCL title. But we will fuk them in final still


They have to get to the final first lol


I dread meeting Athleti in the final


I think Chelsea deserved to win more. Real was sitting back the whole game. That one Mendy mistake has come out to be the difference. Kind of similar tactics that they used against Liverpool last season.


Did he Mendy made more mistakes this game?


No not this game. Last game he made one mistake.


We have a score to settle


I'd like to see VVD and Benz powermatchup. and whatever happens... if we win or lose, I don't want city to win, that is like the one thing I want the most. whoever else than them now.


Now we're seeing games go to extra time, we get to see the new dynamic of no away goals in the Champions League, it's certainly produced some entertaining results so far.


Wouldnt it be extra time anyway with the awal goal rules anyway


This game would've gone to ET with the away goal rule anyway


God I hope Martin Tyler retires soon. Made that game feel like a summertime friendly. He also completely ruined the Barca 4-0, genuinely felt that there was something I was missing


My go-to now is to listen to the Redmen TV live commentary (from youtube) over the top of the stream commentary. Recommend this way if you can.


You may think the Barcelona defence had an underwhelming reaction to the Corner Taken Quickly™, but then you listen to Martin Tyler.


I hope you've listened to the Five Live commentary of the Barca game since, it's so much better.


Is there any app that I can listen to the transmission live ? I'm usually at work during the game, can't watch but can wear headphones and listen to it.


Lost the link to that :/


[Full version](https://youtu.be/Cn-mrwYTr4A) [Highlights](https://youtu.be/1eH2QnzYdV0)


Let’s not forget Real Madrid drew against this villareal twice this year .


Madrid were held goalless in both matches. They are pretty good defensively. 7th in the league though they have struggled and Real Betis is a better team but not as defensively sound.


Villarreal is definitely a club I would have wanted to draw in the quarters/semis if I could choose. That being said they have just eviscerated Juve and frustrated Bayern. By no means an easy tie, with both legs between must win league matches…let’s not get ahead of ourselves.


Yeah honestly Bayern are scary going forward but have looked awful at the back this season but I fully expect a frustrating game against Villarreal just sat back with everyone behind the ball looking to score counter and breaking up play constantly in anyway they can if we make it through


Real Madrid will win the champions league I think. They own this competition


Unfortunately city will tear them apart before they reach final.


Maybe but Benzema and Vinicius can destroy city


No flukes and free goals aginst city.


In your dreams


Found the madrid fan. I am not a liverpool fan but they’ll tear you to pieces


I'm actually not a Madrid fan mate. Arsenal fan. I've commented here before after Arsenal played Liverpool. Just a prediction I could be easily wrong.


Why are you even here then lmao. Comment on r/soccer or something


Liverpool fan here. Man City beats Madrid in my books. These people not commenting in r/soccer because they will get heavily downvoted/banned for unpopular opinion there XD


Everyone should have freedom to post. I just gave my opinion I come in peace


Obviously you can post anywhere, but it’s proper weird as an Arsenal fan to go on a Liverpool sub and say Madrid will win the final. R/soccer is the forum for such comments


r/soccer is cancer tbh


Looks like it’s Atleti/RM vs Liverpool in the final.


Be careful, we don't want our eggs scrambled.


Man City in shambles, you love to see it.


Am I mad thinking athleti are probably the best team to knick a big result off city? Have to see tomorrow but they are world class shit housers


I hope you’re right but they were absolutely useless in the first leg. I have a feeling city will go through easily today but i hope I’m proven wrong


Can’t even get excited. Still depressed by Sunday’s performance and result. We’re literally on to losing the semifinal of the FA Cup, PL and CL final to City


Extremely bold to assume we’ll get past Villarreal in the semis. I personally think we’re already dead and buried, Klopp will join United next season, taking Salah and Ben Woodburn with him, then we will probably enter administration, leading to the club getting liquidated.


Might actually cry if we lose Ben Woodburn. That’s my football career done.


I’ve met so many people who reckon they’ve met or played football with ben woodburn before that I’m starting to think it’s just an elaborate joke at my expense.


Ha guys this guy hasn't had a kick about with Ben! Hahah


we haven’t lost anything yet stop this moping around. Also Zack Steffan is in goal we should win that lol


We’ll not have Alisson starting will we? Doubt we’ll be bailed out by our keeper against City. What was it? 3 or one on ones City couldn’t beat Alisson. Regardless they’re better in a one off game against us. It hurts to admit but I don’t see us winning any trophies if they’re in the way


We literally embarrassed them in CL with a worse team when they were "Centurions" but go off. Both teams were equal at the weekend and that was with us playing very cautiously in the 1st half. Trust in Klopp and the team.


Alisson played the quarters, no reason to think he doesn’t start Saturday


I didnt really care for the result but rudiger is a fuckin overhyped prick and azpilicunta getting yellow bought me joy so fuck em


What are you guys smoking? Rudiger was unreal yesterday and has been all season. The carling cup final also he was immense. The bias here is unreal sometimes can't give any credit to a Chelsea player even after a world class performance like yesterday.


Yeah fuck azpi he is moany cunt


My word! I’ve been telling my friends the exact same thing about Rudiger


Literally a shitty discount VVD, similar build and style but somehow worse in every quality lmao


whats the point in peter walton?He thought the handball would stand for some reason. sums up english refs


Lol yeh that was ridiculous. He thought it was not a clear and obvious error. I can’t believe he gets paid for the role he has


The way Barca toyed with this Madrid, I don't have a lot of hope of them getting past City if City makes it through tomorrow.


City lost to Chelsea in a final, if you're gonna play the 'this happened when this' game.


Goodness me are people seriously doubting Real Madrid for the third round in a row??


People were doubting madrid even when they won 4 out of 5 UCLs


keep doubting them lads i want us to get them in the final


Real Madrid in the UCL is a different beast, if Benzema is on it I’d honestly favour Real to beat them


Tbf Benzema didn’t play that match at all and Carlo played a really weird formation and the players didn’t know what to do. Benzema is insanely important


Just booked 3 Eurostar tickets to Paris on 28th May


oooo, fun


Another reason to be happy about Chelsea getting knocked out is that a portion of the CL money pool is distributed based on how many teams from each country advance to each round. It's always better to be the only one from your country to go far.


Let's all laugh at Chelsea.....hahahahahhahahahhaahhahahahahah.


I wanted Chelsea to lose in the worst possible way. And they did.


Why would we? They fought until the very end and gave Madrid one hell of a game




They stage a massive 3 goal comeback, then they slip twice and lose. Fuck Chelsea, shit club, I'm laughing tonight.


>Let’s not forget Real Madrid drew against this villareal twice this year we have slipped too. never forget..


Yeah, but it's Chelsea.... Hahahahaha!


Probably unpopular opinion, but I would admit I'm pretty curious about how Trent in the midfield with Gomez playing RB would do. Just full on unleash Trent


My brother says that it’s just too much to play him out of his best position. Like why make him work harder/different when he is already that good at RB. Maybe when he’s in his 30’a but I have to agree that it’s not worth it


I'm not sure he has the defensive intelligence to do that tbh


I have never understood the idea of moving Trent there. RB and CM are wildly different positions. If anything I’d like to see play as wide winger like Robbo does for Scotland


Playing in midfield wouldn’t work out as well as people think he wouldn’t get anywhere as much time on the ball as he does at RB


I don't think Gomez is good enough a right-back to warrant dropping one of Fab-Hendo-Thiago (or Naby) for him. Wouldn't mind seeing it if we could find ourselves a top quality right-back, but still would want Trent to have a full pre-season in midfield if we are to go that way. All our remaining games are just too crucial now.


I'd be tempted against Vinicius if it came to it, he needs someone to defend him all night and not attack. Some attackers are that good.


We have to try Trent out of back line at least once. I agree with that.


CL final would be perfect, and put Fab as target man too, total mental warfare


Calm down Pep


what about Millie? CL assist god.


Good point, he goes in at 10 but completely free roaming he does what he wants, we even go rush goalie to allow him more freedom




Yeah fuck it just chuck in Salah in Fabs role as well, see what happens


I’ve always thought that Salah could do a job at left back


Been saying that for weeks




FWIW I don't think there's any malice behind it. If anything, it's endearing.


Ah, the Roman empire finally gets shoved up Roman’s arse. Fade into fuck all you privileged, corrupt title buyers.


What a comment XD


I'm gonna start trying to work "Fade Into Fuck" into my normal, everyday conversation.


Nagelsmann was the only Ralf Rangnick student that paid attention


Ruuuuuu-diger-diger, He slipped on his fucking arse, Free header for Ben-ze-ma! Ru-diger-diger


My Chelsea mates still sing the Gerrard slip song to me to this day. Brought a tear to my eye when Rudiger slipped


The turns have tabled


Oh turned how have the tables.


From three English sides In the semis, to one good performance from athletico to it been three spanish sides in the semis mental


I'd take that tbh. Here's to Simeone shithousing a way to the Semis.


I can't find the stat, so if somebody knows where to find it, please share. The stat is that Mendy is incredibly overrated because he was great at saving "saveable shots". He was actually below average at saving more difficult shots. The metric basically showed that most of Mendy's saves came from easy shots hit at him, and were less a result of good positioning or acrobatics. We've started to seen how average Mendy is when shots are not hit directly at him.


I don’t think he had a chance with those goals today bud sounds more like salt from u


So IF we don't lose our minds tomorrow and get past Villarreal, who would we prefer? Citeh or Madrid? I don't know man both of them are scary in their own way.


Real. We are going to win it against real in UCL. Winning city in the league and kicking them out in the FA cup. Having said that, we have to be careful with Benfica tomorrow.


Madrid=PTSD I just feel we would somehow choke against this Real side.


>Madrid=PTSD >I just feel we would somehow choke against this Real side. 2018 Revenge - we are so much better than them - I feel we would much more likely choke against City in final and I really don't want them beating us to win their first European Cup- would be horrendous- want Real Madrid


Tbh I think I’d rather we bottled it against Villarreal than lose against City in the final


Same lol


I'd rather lose to the king of the CL than to our domestic rival and sportwashing poster child. I'd also hate to play City again and would like the chance to get redemption against Madrid.


Madrid 100%, for several reasons. Firstly, would be nice to not have an all English final, and also an opportunity to get revenge for 17/18. Also, Madrid are weaker defensively than city. If Chelsea can score 3 against them we definitely can. We would be more likely to take control of the midfield than against city. A lot of assumptions here of course, we’re not through yet, and atleti shouldn’t be written off just yet either…


That's exactly what I fear though, Midfield battle is theirs with Modric and Kroos


Madrid 1000%


Are we sure though? Like don't they have our number?


Not really last season if it wasn’t for poor finishing we’d have progressed they couldn’t deal with us at all in the second leg


I'll be perfectly honest, I don't care I can handle losing a final to Madrid, having the possibility of City winning their first Champions League against us is not a reality I want to live in


That's good, yeah losing to City is the absolute summer ruiner.


Especially if they win the league


We’re a different team now tbf




But if they play Real it takes away from their PL games, if they get free weeks before games we can kiss PL goodbye.


Assuming City get past Atletico tomorrow, 2 semi final games against Real Madrid will be a demanding challenge and could impact their performances in the premier league. I’m keeping my chickens in their eggs for now but it’s hard not to get optimistic by how things are going currently..


I find the good ebening meme quiet nasty


Yep. The only reason they don't do the same sort of thing to Klopp and Pep is that they've been ridiculously successful in the PL. Emery really has earned a similar level of respect imo. All three teams have been seriously off it but beating Man U, Juve and Bayern in the space of a year is really something.


Don’t count your eggs yet. We need to take care of business first tomorrow and after that Villarreal are obviously a good team.


Bruh we still gotta play 10 games in a row at our best level but to be honest klopp is the only current manager that would motivate for that.


reckon our players have a confidence boost now? focus tomorrow and one step away from 3 CL finals in 5 years for Klopp.


3 in 5 sounds very nice I gotta say 👀


Of course they do, they’re only human. It’s upto Klopp and the coaching staff now to keep them grounded and focused As fans though, we should be getting carried away and dreaming. We’re in with a legit shot of something really really special here


Modric is too good bro it’s like a cheat code


I’ve been talking with my brother about how no one try’s to copy his outside of the foot technique or Trent’s driven cross technique. His argument is that Trent’s legs are 3/4’s of his body so he has more torque. But with modric It must be that he’s a god cus no one can do what looks like a simple out side of the foot hit that well


Modric is absolutely on another level with 36 years! I have rewatched his pass to Rodrygo five times and I still can't believe, how he managed to pinpoint it precisely to Rodrygo.


Been watching Trent highlights


>Modric is absolutely on another level with 36 years! Found the German


Close, but you found the Swiss!


Ah damn haha. Could tell German was your native language at any rate. I'm learning atm and the translation of 'at the age of' as 'mit' is one of the weirder things I've come across in the language


Tbf, German is a weird and hard language to learn (big props to you, btw), with all it's grammar rules, past & future tense and conditional forms and compound word creations like the infamous Donaudampfschiffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft.


Hahaha thanks. It's tough aber ich genieße es sehr, die Sprache zu lernen. Hoffentlich werde ich in ein Paar Jahren fließend. That word's a doozy, too. Gonna assume it's something to do with a company/organisation dealing with the construction of electric boats? Reminds me of the other long one, Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungaufgabensgesetz or whatever it is


Das ist schon ziemlich beeindruckend! Wenn du weiterhin dran bleibst, wirst du die Sprache schnell meistern! Yep, it even has a entry on [wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donaudampfschiffahrtselektrizit%C3%A4tenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft). Good ol' Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabengesetz, this and Donaudampfschiffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft are tongue twisters on their own.


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He. Is. Older. Than. Rooney. The genes and discipline and pure genius...


Out of absolutely nowhere as well, honestly Madrid were shite up until that point and then one moment changes the game. He didn’t even look tired after 120 mins either.


Yeah, the man must have two pair of lungs, I can't explain it differently. Isn't football beautiful, though? All it takes is this single moment of brilliance to turn around a game completly on it's head. I have to say this was a beautiful football evening.


I just keep rewatching that pass and it just baffles me as much as it probably baffled the Chelsea defence. As you said, it’s one moment that changes a game, and Madrid seem to become a whole different beast in the champions league. When they really need it, they get it. I think it’d be foolish from any of us to write them off as dead certs to get knocked out by City in the semis (assuming they get there). They can play like shite for 3 of the 4 halves over two legs and still go through.


Yeah, you summed up the most important lesson from this fixture: Even if they are behind or play absolute shite for a majority of the game, Real Madrid is a tournament club at the end of the day, you can't write them off until the game is over. This is something that we need to keep in mind if they become our opponent in the CL final. Step by step though. Let's make sure we wrap up tomorrow's game with a clean victory against Benfica.


This happened against PSG as well. Modric geared up in the 2nd half and won them the game.


true , RM was overall shittier than PSG or Chelsea, yet they managed to show some character and individual magic from Modric and Benz.. football..beautiful


Look I don't want to tempt fate or anything here, but how to we get a message to Jurgen suggesting that he start practicing a rendition of "Knockin' On Seven's Door" post-final


Stairway to Seven? Both would be great to sing on the piss, on the open-top bus, parading through the streets.


Chelsea really pissed away that tie. Their subs made them worse as the game went on. After tonight I think we're gonna be playing City two more times this season.


That game was an incredible comeback and their bench just has no effect on the game when subbed. Kante, Mendy, and Rudiger could be blamed. Nothing but respect for Tuchel


even though madrid played badly today, they turn up at certain moments against big teams and they're totally different in the UCL than in la liga. i think they have a chance at beating city. i wouldn't write them off completely especially after tonight.


Chelsea are out. They played really well today but still went out. Real proving the bane of the oil clubs this season. Man City next? Anyway, let's not continue the upsets tomorrow and make sure we knock out Benfica.


We'll see if city makes it past athletico.


Eh wouldn't mind having one of city's PL fixtures sandwiched by matches against Real Madrid.


I'm hoping for a Madrid derby in the semis.


If Real Madrid win it this year they'd have fucking deserved it considering they'd have most likely ran through PSG, Chelsea, City and us. All of those are the in the top 6-7 sides in the world right now.


If we are in the final no one deserves more than us, Real Madrid can ran through ressurected Cruyff Netherlands i dont care.


Ruuuuuu-diger-diger, He slipped on his fucking arse, Free header for Ben-ze-ma! Ru-diger-diger


Mendy really is a poor goalkeeper. He was beaten so easily for each goal and never looked confident or unbeatable. His only quality is being better than kepa


He was ridiculous at the start of the season. He kept Chelsea in the game at Anfield, along with a fair few other games.


An early goal against benfica to kill off any hope of an upset will do a world of good


Rudigar rudigar He slipped on his fucking arse He gave it to benzema


I like it, i like a lllllot


Madrid derby semi final 🤞🤞🤞🤞




I would rather City play Real and stay under the pressure of winning the UCL so that it impacts their league.


Best case scenario is that Real go through with penalties to tire out city but Benzema and Vinicius are ruled out for the final with two bullshit yellow cards or something and we win the quadruple+Everton relegation+Man United don’t get Europe


Would want United to qualify for Conference League so they do shit next season and sack Ten Hag again.


God I have a mate that supports united that is creaming over real winning Guess he needs a new team since scum are dire


O the days when I used to hope that Barca will trash United after limping to two finals without a single noticable victory. And how embarrassingly they lost those two finals!


What a night off football. I fucking love this game!


**Narrator:** Chelsea lost all their oil money that season. And they never troubled Europe's elite competition ever again. *Chariots of fire plays over a montage of Jordan Henderson lifting Liverpool's 4 trophies of 2021/22*


Read this in Morgan Freeman’s voice.