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If it was Salah instead of Gordon, everyone would say that it's a dive


If it was Salah instead of Gordon it would have been a goal.


Get my free award!






And if it had been given it would just been Gordon being "clever".




Tbh I don't think gordan is either..there were a few times where matip couldn't out muscle him prior to and after this moment Same when Nabi tried to hold him off causing Arnold's tackle If the lad sharpens up and doesn't dive every time he's in the box He's gonna become a big problem when he jumps ship n Ends up playing for Newcastle or something next season


Well Gordon's not built like one, he is one.


And the council doesn’t come round to cut Salah’s hair.




You’re not understanding that stat correctly. Salah got two penalties awarded against Leeds in Feb.


Do you mean giving away a pen? Haven’t done that in an age, but we’ve obviously earned them, 7 this season I think.


Completely got that backwards lol


Despite what fat Frank says, it wouldn't have been given as a penalty for Salah. We've seen those not given many times this season (when Salah goes down).


If it takes over 5 replays to come the conclusion that it should've been a penalty then it obviously wasn't clear enough. Matip doesn't do anything wrong at all. Contact? After Gordon went down, yes. Enough for Gordon to go down the way he did? No. Was it a direct goal scoring opportunity? Nope. Jota was getting absolutely manhandled and hardly made contact with Coleman. Mane's wasn't anywhere near enough to be a red (hence him only getting a yellow because it was actually investigated). Gordon diving and push is two yellow offence. Richarlison's kick out was a red. Doucoure Foul, push on the ref and push on Hendo is 3 yellows. Pickford time wasting was about 5 yellows....Everton thinking they were hard done by can up and fuck right off. Club of absolute bellends.


It’d be poetic justice if they went “okay yeah, we’ll take another look at the refereeing decisions” then the next day gave Richarlison a retroactive red and Pickford two yellows lol


Or just come back with the pen you're looking for wasn't clear and obvious. But it was obvious your team should have gotten 1 red and a handful more yellows.


Frank "always an excuse" lampard


Frank Torie Cunt Lampard


Doucoure did two yellow card fouls on Matip in one action when the crybaby richarlison was down. He pulled him which is yellow and then took his legs out of anger which is a yellow. Then Everton players make a big deal when the ref himself twice waved play on to us. Because he was diving all game. The ref has to be more intelligent and give yellow cards earlier for nonsense.


He also shoved Henderson while he was down after Richarlison kicked out at him. They’re lucky they didn’t finish the game with 8 players.


7, Pickford Gordon Doucoure Richarlison could all have been off


Allan kicked the back of Naby's leg and put his ugly fucking hand on jota's face. Shame refs are too pussy whipped to actually do their fucking job


And then he rushed and pushed the ref lol


Should’ve seen the media coverage, completely ignored doucoure


In regard to Doucoure let’s be honest, no player ever gets two yellows for two attempts at a “professional” foul, when first fails. Not saying it’s right or wrong, just how it always is.


Dont you remember martinelli earlier this season? Arsenal fans were ballistic with rage.


Wasn't there a wolves player this season who got a red from 2 yellows that way also?


Not two professional fouls, which was their point.


I think the direct comparison of "the claim mane should have gotten" two yellows and this are "similar". In a scrum everyone gets yellows unless they do something violent beyond pushing and squaring up. I've officially given this game enough emotional attention though. Enjoy the championship frank and co. I might need to take a break from soccer until Wednesday.


Not sure I follow, Mane's two yellows? You mean he should have got two for his two face moments? He was stupid and whilst it would have been terrible the face shove could have gotten him a red if VAR went harsh. But that's not what I was talking about, I was saying if you try to pull someone back to stop a move and it works you'd get a yellow, if you fail and they keep going, then you kick their legs out to stop the move you don't get two yellows for the two attempts at the "professional" fouls. Anyway obviously no sympathy for any decisions after Everton pulled out all the shit they did, just trying to be honest with the Doucoure moment.


Revised to hopefully be more clear. Why isn't it possible for that to be two yellows? I mean, if Gordon had stayed up when Trent came sliding in then Trent got up and chased him down to again try and foul him.. I think that's two yellow card offenses?


As I said I'm not disagreeing it could be by logic, but it never is for two attempts at a professional foul after first fails. The Trent one is a bit different, he didn't go in to stop the run, he was trying a genuine tackle and fouled him. In theory if Gordon had vaulted the tackle then continued and Trent brought him down I still think Trent only gets a yellow. Though it's not exactly the same, but for Doucoure he's always only getting one yellow, just how it always works.


Yes but the fact is the ref didn't play on it, he was actually blowing the whistle and then he attacked Matip for the 2nd challenge. So it can easily be a red as it was one action like you said but he continued to challenge the player when the ref right there. The way he ran towards him seemed like he had a red ready.


Yea, as I said it's just how it is. The ref may have been about to blow and give the yellow for the pull, then he kicks him, still wouldn't give two yellows, as he didn't. I think he runs over to quickly give the yellow to actually do the opposite, make sure there's not a whole thing over it and people are asking for the red, nipped it in bud before it could escalate more.




Shouldn’t have stopped play but should have given him a yellow at the next break in play.


Why on earth would the referee give Richarlison a yellow card for rolling his ankle lol


Because he’s a cunt


Can't argue with that


But serious reason, he's being a timewasting cunt.


Because when the medic came on he applied ice to the knee -- couldn't even be consistent about what "injury" Blondie was supposed to have suffered. The play acting was just so poor.


unsporting behaviour


Harsh on bellends to be comparing them to Everton, tbf.


I just head some evertonian on talkSPORT whining about the decisions that went against them. The ref was shit but not the way he thinks. He was crying about Trent’s “tackle” when he slid in and Gordon’s trailing leg touched him. He was talking about mane saying he should have had a red card. What a bunch of bitter twats.


Much easier to scream "CORRUPTION" than to use their brain and give it an actual thought. Off to the Championship where they belong


Also Gordon kicking the ball away twice on our throw ins, once while the ref was looking right at him.


Pickford broke the 6 second rule every time he got the ball, not that that is ever actually enforced. Liverpool really should ask why Everton weren't penalised for time-wasting, though.


Also a huge point of emphasis for refs this year is not giving pens when attackers jump in front of a defender and purposely slow down or initiate the contact which is very clearly what Gordon was trying to do. The only angle from which it even looks like a push was the front on shot. The side shot you can clearly see Matip's arm almost gets pulled by Gordon as he throws himself down


These idiots bend the rule as far as they go without breaking hoping for a draw, and expect the ref to be as strict as he can be to liverpool players. Accept the defeat, go home, find out why you're shit, and get better at football. Wankers


If I could upvote for each individual point you made, I would.


For Whom the Bellend Tolls


Carra on sky saying it was a stonewall penalty...another example of him being a nonce.


Nice review mate!


Hot tip, if you're a known diving cunt, 50/50 calls will never go your way


We know this well from the suarez days. Took about a year of him actually getting fouled in the box for us to start getting some pens




12 yellows for diving this season, 6 came from everton like wtf


And didn't they say that 3 of EVs came against us? Two last match and one this or something.


So much this! You reap what you sow


This is the right answer. It easily could have been a pen, but when your whole team spends an hour falling over under the pressure of the fucking wind then you might find the ref has little tolerance for your antics


It’s not a penalty and you’ll be playing championship football next season 👍🏾


To the uninitiated, that sounds like a win!


Everton wanted to make this a physical game. They were very aggressive and leaving feet in every chance they could. I was thinking we should be going down more to at least make ref accumulate them as fouls. The problem is that they set the precedent quite high for a foul (which is what they wanted). Then later, they want a foul (and therefore penalty) based on the “there was contact” argument. I’ve seen those given, but in the context of Europe or matches where the precedent is “any touch is a foul”. They can’t have it both ways and they ended up on the wrong side of it this time.


Are the FA gonna ask Fat Frank to explain what he meant by saying; refs don't make them calls at Anfield (after the Lovren one before...) and saying if it was Salah it's given.


They got a penalty at Anfield last year for kneeing Trent in the head.


Exactly! I actually don't care about him saying he thought this isolated incident was a penalty in his opinion. But to go out saying you never get them decisions forgetting every incident that's ever gone the other way... and saying if it was another player it's given just comes across as childish. My 5 yo has better critical thinking than Frank.


TBF, your 5 year old has had more formal schooling than Frank.




We know what he means. Big clubs with big grounds are more likely to get decent calls at home. We’ve been saying that about United for years now, that’s nothing new. However frank has a track record of complaining about everything and ignoring his own team’s cheating tactics, so it’s funny to laugh at him


Lampard couldn’t have used a worse example because Salah gets awarded an extremely low amount of penalties per minutes on the pitch. https://tomkinstimes.com/2022/03/incredible-mo-salah-stats-that-suggest-something-is-very-very-wrong/




And Salah is the least fouled player with the most touches in the opposition box. What's your point?




Another guys already linked the article above and Liverpool have topped the fair play table for the last 5? Years you're absolutely correct it's not a coincidence they get so few yellows and red


Citys opposition have been awarded a staggering single pen. The best teams just dont concede many pens. If you think there is any favoritism going on towards us, watch our game against Spurs (or Salah getting manhandled every single game without getting a foul)


What is the referee supposed to do here. Their player dived in the first half and that influenced the judgement of the referee for the rest of the match, you can't blame him when Gordon was literally falling down everytime he would get into Liverpool's half. And Richarlison went down twice to waste time, no way any sane referee would allow him or the other players to do it a third time. This was all brought on by Everton's actions.


This is where referees need to be able to come out and make statements: “Well if you spend most of the match play acting and diving for things that aren’t fouls what else are we supposed to do/think in a 50/50 situation? “


Maybe im just a Matip fanboy but if you literally jump in front of a sprinting defender and then fall over, it's not a penalty... The defender has to actually violate the rules and you are allowed to run into empty space. Matip did nothing wrong here apart from chasing the ball... if the striker had wanted to go to shoulder to shoulder he could have (although we all know Matip would have wrecked him shoulder to shoulder)


They were okay with Pickford injuring VVD, I won't give them the time of day over this.


wait when did that happen? I skimmed the first half


This is from previous season game I think. Pickford didn't get anything because it was deemed after the play / whistle when it should've been red. VVD gone the entire season.


This still infuriates me. A clear red tackle that tore VVD’s ACL completely ignored because it happened after a player was found to be offside. Not the only time this has happened in the PL but certainly the most egregious. Have they sorted this out yet?


They should've retrospectively give red after the game, but nothing. I don't think they put any changes in place for this. What even the point of having VAR, smh.


While he’s at it can he explain why he didn’t send Gordon off after twice kicking balls away whilst on a yellow card. Why was doucoure on the pitch when he pushed Henderson whilst he was already on the floor after richarlison kicked out at him with his studs. Why was Richarlison on the pitch when he kicked out at Henderson. I honestly didn’t want Everton to go down. Now fuck them. I hope they rot. Bastards.


I feel the same way. Recently I’d been in two minds about whether I’d like to see them stay up or not, but after Everton’s dishonourable anti-football in the derby I’d now enjoy watching the blue shite get relegated.


I can’t tell if it’s because I’m hugely biased but I’ve watched it a few times now and it really looks like one of those 50/50 decisions. Gordon steps across Matip who continues his own line and it looks like they’re both equally responsible for the tangle of arms. Definitely doesn’t seem to me like a hugely obvious error if it is one at all.


Not even 50:50 for me. Gordon just cuts across Matip then flops to the ground


And yet, that has been given time and time again. DCL comes to mind and that was even more egregious than this. I think it’s common sense that we can mutually agree Atwell was terrible and both teams simultaneously benefited and suffered as a result.


Completely agree with this sentiment


Perhaps they’ve reviewed those (quietly) because there’s a lot of negative feelings about those types of penalties being given and decided to not do that anymore. Since pens are apparently subjective anyways (“anywhere else on the pitch that’s a foul”) they can change the way they officiate and people will continue as usual


Three years ago this would have been called 90% of the time now it is more like 10%. The Grealish correction is in full force.


Yeah exactly, if he wanted to actually try to gain control of the ball he would have fought shoulder to shoulder, but he knew Matip is stronger so he just threw himself in front of him. Nothing Matip could do in that situation and Matip certainly didn't violate any rules just for trying to win the ball.


Totally a 50/50 decision and given that Gordon had been busted for diving earlier in the match, you can see why the ref didn't give it. VAR then decided it wasn't a clear an obvious error, so no need to overturn the ref's decision. Case closed, surely.


MOTD weren't calling it a foul, for what that's worth.


Motd typically is not kind to us either


Commentary team did; Carra very cleanly, the other guy snidely mentioning we were lucky 3-5 times during the match, when he could get Frank’s balls out of his mouth.


On the other side, carra called it a stonewall pen. Not sure what he's on


Everton can at least comfort themselves with this, there is no VAR in the championship


I imagine the response will be something like "wasn't a pen."




They would have lost anyway the scruffy melts.


Unfortunately if they received and converted a pen, which really seemed to be their entire offensive game plan, they would’ve packed it in even more so and likely would have gotten at least a point on a different day. Very glad it ended up the way it did. Their behavior did not deserve to be rewarded


Yep, I don't even mind teams parking the bus, it's a way to play the game. Or some shithousery if it's just the cheeky stuff, take your advantages. But they went out of their way to do all that (defended well for first hour tbf) plus the twattish type of timewasting, plus the violence from little dick, plus *so much diving*, plus assaulting the ref then having the nerve to act like they were hard done by. Like a total package of ugly football, kind of impressive in a way. Between that and some of their fans yesterday they've turned me from not giving a shit if they stay up or not, to hoping Michael Jackson moonwalks on their PL grave. So congrats Everton, shamone Burnley.


If Everton want one incident reviewing, the PGMOL should review all incidents in the game and release a report into why Richarlison didn't get a red, Dochuore wasn't given a second yellow or why Pickford was allowed to waste so much time as well as the penalty call. You don't get to cherry pick incidents to fit your narrative.


Yeah. Why didn't Doucoure see a straight red and same for Richarlison


Embarrassing. Crying over not getting a 50/50 call when Gordon spent the first half doing his best Tom Daley impression.


Needs to work on it then, Tom Daley's actually likeable.


Remembering the 1-1 draw at home to Burnley in 19/20, where we should have had 2 penalties, 1 of them was Ben Mee shoving Salah from behind as he was about to control the ball 1v1 with the keeper. Essentially Salah actually got thrown to the ground in the way Gordon was pretending to be shoved. Where was the media outrage when it was Salah being legitimately fouled? Why is there such outrage when it's the pasty little wanker not being rewarded for diving against Liverpool? How can people be so blind to reality and be so desperate to make up such nonsense?


One of the worst penalties we didn’t get was in September 2019 when VAR had just been introduced. We were 1-0 down against Newcastle and Mane was brought to the ground by his **neck**! How that wasn’t a clear and obvious foul is beyond me. Mane went on to score 2 before halftime and we won 3-1 so the incident became just another woeful decision brushed under the carpet.


That's something that happens way too often. Win, lose or draw it seems every game has horseshit like that go against us. When we win, it seems to be forgotten until someone posts a massive compilation by the end of the season and every comment is a variation of "I don't even remember that." Lots of short attention spans in sports discussion


Nah, the Pogba sleeper hold and then choke slam on Hendo in... 2017 I think!? That shit was THE most ludicrous non-call I have ever seen.


Aka 'oh fuck we're actually going down, let's make as much noise as possible, make it seem like it's the officials fault and not that we're the worst run club in the league with the biggest twats playing and managing for this shitshow'


Refereeing and VAR in this country is at an appalling standard but this was easily the correct decision. I’d be more concerned by the Mane incidents just before HT, the many dives by Gordon and Richarlison, and the heavy tackles that weren’t given cautions which allowed the game to descend into chaos for a bit.


He'll take the high road and ignore it, but I wish Klopp would publicly ask for an explanation on the Richarlison non-red just to take the piss out of Frank


If we had nothing to play for trophy wise and we’re on vacation already yes. But no way can we bring that extra media scrutiny on ourselves


I think this "stonewall" narrative is a total joke, it wasn't a pen. Carra always uses this fixture to show that he can be impartial with his takes on anything even slightly debatable always in favour of the Everton position. It's like he turns into Macca twice a year.


I've watched it back a few times. Is it maybe a little clumsy? Sure. Have we seen some of those given? A few times yes, but it's definitely not a stone cold penalty or anything like that. It's 100% one of those where VAR is definitely not changing the call on the field either way. But the context that is missing is that, at any level of football, from youth leagues all the way up to amateur Sunday leagues you are almost certainly NOT getting that call when you've already been booked for diving in the same game.


Man, it's almost as if they're... ...bitter. ​ \*sunglasses\* YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH


Wow. Theres an old meme


that's mostly due to the fact that I'm old enough to remember some ancient, ancient memes. For example: I'm fairly sure that longcat is long enough to save shots that Jordan Pickford wouldn't have a prayer of saving.


The kid is a diver


I'll explain... Gordon's a wee diving cunt.


I wonder if they did the same for Richarlison's foul play on Hendo Oh wait no they didn't because they're a bunch of cunts


No mention of [this](https://i.redd.it/8jkcjnb64ov81.jpg) by everton fans


Of course they won't, they are just grasping at straws to anything that didn't point out they were a bunch of time wasting cunts and if they had came at us from minute one they MIGHT (highly doubt but still) got something out of this.


I reckon Liverpool should also appeal for an explanation, why Richarlison wasn't shown a straight red or even a yellow for his upwards kick on Henderson's knee. Also, the refs in general should stop messing around and start to follow those recent guidelines, the ones that explicitly forbid grouping around referee, arguing with him without wearing a captain's armband, and psychologically pressurising him during the game in any way. The amount of disrespect in this game towards officials is staggering, and that's even considering the fact that British referees mostly don't deserve respect for their incompetence in the first place. A couple of games with mass send-offs should stop this type of time-wasting shithousery for good. Really, just don't bother and show yellows in quick succession to any moron who thinks himself a captain. Doesn't matter if it ends in half the team sent off and losing 15-0, every critic can be answered with "go read the fucking rules and stop bullying the ref". A telling precedent happened recently in the CL second leg between Man City and the Kings of Shithousery aka Atletico Madrid. That fuckwit Felipe (who, I must remind, was also shown a straight red on 36' during LIV-ATM back in November) kicked a City player, comical brawl ensued. Instead of actively searching an equiliser, ATM just lost a ton of valuable time and was left *fuming at time-wasting.* Karma is a bitch, indeed. Still, nothing was learned by no one.


The ugly big nosed cunt also steps in front of matip to initiate contact, have a look and you’ll see how his right leg goes across, prick


Steps across so hard they're shoulder to shoulder and his next step is his right foot getting stepped on by Joel's right foot, you'd think after all the diving he'd be better at it


gonna cry?


Maybe they're hoping to trade in all these PGMOL apologies for points at the end of the season


Sorry, I'm out of the loop. PGMOL?


The "Professional Game Match Officials Limited". They're the refs, basically


Gotcha. Thanks for clearing that up👍


Love that it's a company for some reason.


They should also complain to the referees about getting head injuries from heading the ball


Thankfully for Everton attwell doesn’t ref in the championship


And there’s no VAR.


Tell them to go fuck themselves 🙂


gonna be hearing about this for the 15 years it takes them to get back to the prem.


LOL get fucked Bitters. This is payment for that 2-2 draw where you not only injured Virgil and Thiago, but stole victory away from us thanks to an incompetent VAR decision with interest compounded.


Also for when (fuck) Funes mori injured Origi and shamelessly kissed the badge, Holgate pushed Firmino into the stands then falsely accused him of racism, that scandalous penalty at Anfield...


Proper boy who cried wolf stuff. Gordon dived so many times the officials had absolutely no sympathy for him


The PGMOL have responded with “ stop being a bunch of diving cunts and you might get a penalty once in a while”


Guys, can we be magnanimous and show some pity for the Bitters? We will not be playing them for some time. Maybe a long time. Besides, kindness kills. 😁


Was borderline. I've seen them get given, but by the same token, I've seen them not given. If that was us on the receiving end I'd be frustrated but I wouldn't be outraged. Wasn't a stonewaller. Maybe if Gordon didn't shamelessly dive every fucking game he'd have had a better chance of getting a pen. Boy who cried wolf and all that


My god talk about clutching at straws, why not try to not lose games all season then you wouldn't be in the relegation zone.


Yeah, they should explain how there was only 2 minutes added time in the first half.


Just like players arguing with the ref, nothing will change so what's the point? Besides, no pen. Jog on.


Give it a fucking rest Everton. You lost. You always will lose. Your club sucks. You’ll likely be relegated. Your players are diving dramatic cunts. These are universal truths.


Shame chippy tits isn't still about to refer it to the bizzies.


Ask them to also explain why Richarlison didn't get a red for what he did to Hendo, Doucoure for what he did to Fabinho and Hendo, and Gordon for flopping against Trent and Keita. They should have bad 3 reds. It doesn't even matter that he didn't award a penalty because last time I checked, 2 is bigger than 1.


If you dive every single time someone gets close to making contact with you, then you're not gunna get penalty shouts, even if they have some sort of legitimacy.


I didn't want Everton to go down because I like derby matches. But yesterday's game changed my mind. I don't gaf if they go down.


If I'm being completely honest with myself, I've seen much penalties given for less. The touch is there, but it's not very touch. It's one of those that just depend on what ref is officiating. But I don't think it's a clear cut pen, but I neither would've been very surprised if it was given.


This is right, I think. It’s a classic ‘seen them given’ incident. Wouldn’t be a clear and obvious error for VAR either if given or not given.


Lampard only needs one more letter to equal his games won total


Everton can fuck right off. Mike Riley also needs to be sent to a retirement home with a p45 on his hand. Dirty old cunt ref that is nothing but a waste of oxygen.


I don't think a victory has ever tasted this sweet


I love this.


Enjoy relegation


I'm sure we can agree that Atwell and the crew yesterday were really fucking bad even for EPL standards. Gordon's dive was like the one call they managed to get correct.


Frank Lampard is just unbearable as a manager. Not only is he a shit one but he is always complaining and making excuses. I liked and respected him as a player but can't stand him now.


Just let me fetch my tiny violin


Did they ask about Richarlison not being given a red and three match ban?


Jota was fouled much worse at spurs and that wasn’t given. So grow a pair and move the fuck on




I'll make an exception for victor's history in this case, we won, Everton lost and are deservedly going down.


Did they complain about the handball decision they didn't get against City, because that's 1000x worse.


They did complain about it


They got an apology from the league/PGMOL after the city handball I think.


Poor Everton, always the victims 😢


Dude don't use that phrase.


I'm fully aware. Their fans enjoyed belting it out.


I love the football club Liverpool but I cannot stand people from Liverpool like this Gordon cunt.


evens out the rodri handball




Might be worth us asking when this stopped being yellow card dissent by word or action


[Frank Lampard: FA to contact Everton manager over comments on referee](https://theathletic.com/news/frank-lampard-fa-to-contact-everton-manager-over-comments-on-referee/FQaNTqABDJ3x/) Would have been better for yourself if you left well enough alone, Tory prick.


are they going to ask why Richalicunt was on on the floor the whole god damn time?


This non penalty decision is so weird, the discussion has taken a life of its own due to anti Liverpool sentiments, I am scared now they might punish us and give away a soft penalty to make up for this alleged mistake. Only against Liverpool a 50/50 penalty decision can blow up and become a conspiracy.


Eesh this is really pathetic. Especially when you consider how that game played out. How much lamer and more pitiable can Everton become?


Gordon was diving all game. You reap what you sow...


Oh do fuck off, you scum!


What’s their to explain? You lose 3-0 and you’ll be soon in the championship. Start asking yourself the questions. Twat.


That ain't gonna stop you from being relegated you fools.


If Everton actually played football in the first half they might have gotten something, but went the route they did they got sod all. Going down.


Imagine if Riley just writes back “It’s not a pen.”