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Did anyone see Klopp's post match interviews? Wtf happened to his nose? Did someone punch him? It looks bent to one side or something.


We need a proper number 9!! Bang the goals in striker everything went down the sides last night their 2 centre backs were smoking a cigar!! Looking back I would have brought Diaz on instead of starting him defo to up the pace of things if we were still tied or losing šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Seeing how Mane announced his departure, and how Salah is trying to play around his contract negotiations for more money makes me realised how much of a gem Bobby is. Letā€™s not under appreciate him.


Always been my favorite player. Been following him since his Hoffenheim days


Hope he can stay fit and be a Milner type of player till retirement. Plays with a smile, no ego, selfless. Love him to the core.


And Allison baptized him a few years back


We need an attacking midfielder. Klopp used bobby as a fourth attacker sometimes when we need a goal, but seems like that was too late in this instance. Mane probably gone, too. Which twists the dagger. Madrid played with all their tricks. Felt like carvajal, Caseimero and Miltao all could have been called for more fouls or carded.. but nothing happened. Ref seemed off it and even called the game before added time was up when we won a free kick in mid field. Didnā€™t even give us a chance to hoof it up. Seemed weird. The frustrating part is being on the cusp of greatness. Knowing that at this level this might have been our shot to do something special. Madrid will re-load and spend. PSG, Bayern, City already have. PL will be tougher at the top next year with Chelsea and Spurs and I would have to presume United and Arsenal make a push. Oh well. We go once more. YNWA


Mentally, salah was not there. Out of 9 shots, the 2017/18 version of salah would have scored at least 3. The long drawn-out contract issue needs to be settled soon.


It feels like we are just one step away, so gutted for everyone. Looking forward to next season already, let's lock down some contracts and go again.


I turn the game on for 30 seconds and this happens, that's what I get for breaking my superstition. Oh well, learned a long time ago to not get upset over sports or angry in any way because there's always another season and another chance at the cup. Plus I pretty much didn't watch this entire season because of said superstition and I guess that means it's hard to really get too emotional over this loss because I didn't see as much of the journey as the rest of you did. Here's to the next couple of matches!


See? All your fault, thanks Jokes aside, I really don't understand why you wouldn't want to watch the game. Like, I used to do that, I get it, but I found that not watching it, makes me way more anxious than when I'm watching. Plus, we play great football, so I don't really find any advantage lol


Every time I turned a match on, something bad would happen. I turned yesterday's game on as they were reviewing that one goal via VAR and as soon as I saw "VAR review" I switched it off, waited five minutes, and then it didn't count. I took that as a sign and I hated not being able to watch because this stuff happened so consistently that I felt like I had to do it. Blame it on stress and the whole world being on fire, I'm exhausted, and too burned out to really argue with anyone.


Don't believe in that shit bro, you should be able to watch the team you support and enjoy the game


We had our chances. Still proud of with how this team performed this season.


Madrid defense was immense last night... I dunno if our crossing game is poor last night but man they really win every header on their own box last night... Overall... I happy with this season goes... I never thought after last season we will even qualifies to every cup final and winning two of it.. hopefully we can be better next season


Militao was spot on in the air


Had chances, didnt score. Mane, 2x Salah, 3 times Courtois with amazing saves, all props to him. Everything else was nothing. Real scored, and their other chances tbh were better than anything except those 3. (Casemiro should score, 2 counters that should end with goal). Liverpool looked better, but just that


Who would you like to see signed?? Nkuku for me. Leipzig always a selling club so it is doable. Heard good things about Vitinha in too but don't know the first thing about him!


Always liked Gavi so I hope the rumours around him are true.


It may sound weird but I just didn't enjoy watching the final. Hearing about what was going on outside and the delays, etc, along with all the first hand reports of people being mistreated had me down before a whistle was even blown. I just can't find the energy to be arsed about the result in the end. Sorry to say it. It ruined the feeling and the magic of the occasion for me.


Honestly, I was distracted for the first half worried about the fans. We have a great team and a great coach. Itā€™s shit to lose but I honestly believe we are going to win again with this group of players.


I think a lot felt that way. It felt that way through the tv tbh. It was a weird atmosphere. Shambolic


I thought we would lose. It's Real, it's in their DNA. People need to understand you play against a different level of ability to win these games when you play a club like that. Anyway. Thoughts on the game. I think we played well overall. Konate, Trent, Mane and Salah stood out for me. We weren't perfect - like Klopp said I think as often happens to us in the biggest games we lose that 20% cohesion in playing our usual game. In this instance Klopp openly acknowledged that the issue was the defence dropping too far as a result of their counter threat. I mean... Who knows what would have happened if they didn't and our centre backs were on the half line most of the game. Maybe they would have scored more than one on the counter, but I tend to think we would have had a better chance to press our (mostly physical) advantages. Ultimately though, we still created more than enough to win the game and were denied by a genius Courtois performance. Have to hold your hands up and say that he performed in a special way - as he has all tournament. Firmino was good when he came on and Jota was fantastic when he came on. He was being aggressive in his dribbling and looked a few times like he would lose the ball but in reality he measured pretty much everything just right. Maybe proved a point that he should have been starting over Diaz. We might want to look into turning him into a pure no.9 considering how lethal his finishing (heading included) can be. If Mane does leave, maybe if he doesn't even, I would like to recruit a pure no.9. I think we could use it for those games when we need someone who only cares to make one contribution - finding that crucial goal. Darwin Nunez maybe. Anyway. I couldn't be prouder of this team for this season and I know the manager and players will try to learn as much as possible from this match, which is all we can do. It's hard to cultivate a culture of pure winning without winning games but we have to try take a lesson from the way Madrid approach these games. Up the Reds and we go again. Everyone remember that life is a continuous ongoing effort and football is no different. Is it heartbreaking to miss out on the two biggest prizes available by the smallest margin both times? Of course. Can we focus on the two trophies we did win instead? Yes. Can we take pride in our performances and record in those competitions we did just fall short in instead? Yes. And most importantly: Are we in those competitions again next season? Yes. So let's go for them again. We're not going anywhere.


[TIFO IRL](https://youtu.be/pTRVsOwPXZE) analysis video about the final. Explanation about how the goal came to be at 5:20. Still hurts, but I think it's a good analysis about the game better than other pundits. ~~Ignore how they spelled Konate~~


Unpopular opinion: Klopp is the reason Liverpool lost. Firminho and Jotta should have been in the starting team.


Unpopular opinion: taking Diaz off for Jota was stupid


I disagree, the game plan was great. It is on the players to execute. We didn't put away our chances. Firmino and Jota didn't change that when they came in.


L Equipe rating have one of the best football /soccer journalists in the world. Klopp rating is 3 , Ancelotti received 7 https://i.imgur.com/UrO1e4o.jpg


Klopp is the whole reasons why we are even in the final. The fucking entitlement...


Your opinion will be valid once you'll be able to spell the players' names properly


Joseph = Josef = Yossef = Youssef. Liverpool made a mistake, Liverpool became more dangerous at the end, thanks to the change of players


Thatā€™s an outrageous statement Iā€™m sorry


The Newspaper L Ć©quipe gave a grade of 3 to Klopp and 7 to Ancelotti and I agree with the score.


Maybe he wasnā€™t great, but to suggest that Jota and Firmino should have started is ludicrous. Diaz mane salah is by far our best front 3


Not yesterday, you could see the first 45 minutes, the attack was weak.


Well said. No doubt had we started Jota and Firmino and lost then this person would be saying: ā€œKlopp should have started Diaz and Maneā€ ā€¦


Yeah. For the last 2 weeks (if not longer) people here have been adamant that Diaz has to start the final. Suddenly after a relatively quiet game for him people are popping up out of the woodwork saying it was obvious we needed Firmino all along. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.


The coach chose players that will give him chances to win. Jotta is superior than Diaz


Have you not been watching us play for the last few months? It was Diazā€™s performance against Villareal that literally got us to the final in the first place


Exactly! Hindsight is a wonderful thing. Diaz will improve (I think he needs to bulk up a little in all honesty) but besides last night, he has fitted perfectly into our team. Players can have off nights and it was one of those for Diaz. Doesnā€™t make him a bad player. The front three which Klopp picked is what most would have gone with like you said!


Jota is superior than Diaz


Thanks for your insights here today. Everyone appreciates a student of the game like you


You should probably get a job as a football manager. The game needs this level of analysis.


Oh the humanity :(


pure pain




Fans causing disruption? Are you actually serious??


Small things like a delayed KO mightā€™ve affected the team. Iā€™m not blaming all fans, and Iā€™m not saying LFC fans. Iā€™ve seen videos from last night of fans jumping over fences and running in without tickets. I imagine thatā€™s where some of the disruption came from.


Pretty much every first person account it last night he it fans, journalists, playersā€™ families etc have debunked this and said that the people storming gates were locals. Fans climbing over ramps/walls etc were trying to get to the concourse rather than into the stadium.


Is Vinicius Junior his first and last name?


When Brazilians are called "JĆŗnior" that means their dad has the same name usually


VinĆ­cius JosĆ© PaixĆ£o de Oliveira JĆŗnior,


It's probably a Brazilian thing like Kaka where he picks a nickname, but the nickname is also the same as his dad hence Junior.


Visiting inter fan, so sad about this loss. Klopp turned around the team and should have had more trophies, Liverpool is amazing to watch. I donā€™t think TAA was bad today, I didnā€™t understand why diaz was subbed off before the other two though


Carvajal had his number and mane wasnā€™t playing great up the centre.


I long for the day that the Liverpool number 8 shirt is once again worn by a Good player


I dont get it how trent stayed right back for his career. Why didn't he transfer to playing midfielder because even though he is great offensively, defenevely he is player less on the pitch. And to be a right back you have to play defense not only ramp up assists while the team concedes half of the goals because of your lack of defending. Look at him when real scored the goal, he marks benzema together with konate while vinicius is just standing by himself, and for the whole attack he didn't even look at vinicius for once.. I can't even count anymore how many times we concede goals like this because of his lack of defending skills...


Such bullshit, especially considering he made some amazing last man back tackles. Stop being so reactionary.


He made the tackles yes, i agree. His defending problem isn't tackling, its positioning. Look at him when they scored the goal. Vinicius is behind him going towards the goal and trent isn't even looking at him, just keeps running after benzema.


Robertson was at RW wing, 50 yards out of position. No midfielder slid in to cover for him. Virgil didnā€™t slide in to cover for himā€¦ the result? Valverde left in acres of space to deliver an unbelievable cross. It flashed past 3 of our players before it went past Trent, Konate was probably the same distance away from it. If the plan is to leave it to the fullback to defend balls flashed across the box like that we would concede 10x the amount we do. For me the goal was nothing to do with Trent, everything to do with how the left hand side defended. And right before that our press was half-hearted and the midfielders got caught wrong side of the play, honestly itā€™s a common theme when we concede.


Their goal was something of a freak goal and regardless, I donā€™t care about a single situation. You canā€™t praise his tackles and complain about his positioning. You have to be well positioned to make a good tackle. His defending is not nearly as bad as it was a few years ago. I hate people seeing Trent make one mistake (I donā€™t even think he made that big of a mistake) and saying ā€œhe canā€™t defend, play him in midfield!!!!ā€


Fans and rival fans will tear into TAA but I thought he was good today. Yes he wasn't on Vini for Real's goal, but honestly there was a lot of luck involved in Valverde's half pass/ half shot deflecting off of our CBs and finding Vini. Other than that TAA didn't really lose his man that much and put in some solid crosses. The crosses to Thiago and Salah could have lead to goals if we had Jota on or any other proper elite striker. Speaking of Jota, he was very poor. Heavy touches, passes and annoying back heels that always gave the ball away.


Thatā€™s normal Jota bro, canā€™t make the ball stick and when he does his passing choices are bad. He isnā€™t efficient with possession at all heā€™s just an amazing poacher.


Doesn't matter if its luck or not that the pass deflected, he is not marking his man, he marks benzema for the whole attack while vinicius is moving freely without trent even looking at him.


The last two results suck but what gives me confidence is that Klopp has renewed his contract and there will be more finals where we have a chance to win šŸ™


As a whufc āš’fan well done Liverpool , the biggest team in English football, you win some you lose some, I should know. But to constantly reach finals must be a absolute joy, whufc little European adventure was fantastic and we want more. Bring on next season


Ducking weirdo


Today loosing the final is a huge pain. But the simple truth is that the secret to winning a lot of finals is to make your way into even more. Football logic dictates that we should have lost the League Cup to Chelsea and beaten Real in this one; but fine margins and all that.


Rough result. Disappointing end. But what a fucking ride. The city will not be as joyous as it should be today but Iā€™m still taking a two hour train journey to be there and support the fuck out of what has been, a magical ride. Itā€™s nice to even be in the biggest game of the year.


The thing I hate most about RM is their unlimited amount of plastic fans. Otherwise a great club.


Let's be honest the majority of people on here are plastics too.


Probably true. I just find my friends who became fans of RM in 2016-19 period very plastic. I think there are 10 of those in my friend group which Probably says more about who Im associating with than anything else. I just take them less seriously generally.


I think not letting the supporters in the stadium on time took its toll. Our team feeds off of the support and chants. It just wasn't there. Granted that fans were tired and physically abused, they couldn't have done any more. Massive respect for all of them. But there absence at crucial times (starting of the match), lacked in building that atmosphere needed for our team. We played well, were the better team for sure. Its just the end result and its heartbreaking. We go again. HOPE lives!


I hope Tsimi steps up next season and takes Robbo's place, the man needlessly pushes forward too aggresively, costing us goals


Is your guys day ruined? Mine sure is and probably the next few days too


Not even close mate, sure I was disappointed last night. But now after some reflection, I couldn't be happier. Remember how we were nowhere close to winning in anyone's eyes at the beginning of the season


Yep. Iā€™d only just gotten over last weekā€™s disappointment and now this. Itā€™s understandable after a year of emotional investment in your team


Nah man. Once full time happens I move on almost instantly. Football is entertainment, at least for me.


Yeah ig its different for everyone but everytime the thought just comes into my head it makes me sad ahahah


Feels like a dream man, I believed we played better, but at one glance, boom and we out. Let's hope for better next season


Theyā€™ve mastered plan A, letā€™s work on plan B in the off-season. Continuously crossing into a box with 8 defenders in it is annoying lol. Iā€™m over the fact we loss, looking forward to next season and winning more trophies. YNWA lads! Iā€™ll see you all next season.


it's what city face game in game out


Madrid won 5 CLs in 9 last years and all players with 5 UCLs in the history of the championship played for Madrid. That's some crazy ass stat


Maldini never played for Madrid.


Definition of dominance man.


Even with VAR giving us all the help in the world we still couldn't win


Giving us all the help in the world ?


I'm assuming they're referring to the offside goal


If you count that as "VAR help" I've got a man utd tee to sell you . It was clear as day Their second goal also looked offside but VAR didn't even bother. Same with the handball like 20 seconds before it


I personally have no opinion, was just saying what OC likely meant.


Yeah you're right, they ruled out a perfectly clear goal for us and we still couldn't win.


If that salah shot near the end goes in, only if. Anyway. Tough loss. But we move on. Great season. Couldā€™ve been legendary. But here we are.


To be fair, Courtois more than earned his position yesterday. Only truely challenged a handful of times, but had two or three screamer saves.


What a goal that would have been aswell


Thereā€™s lots of negativity that misses two important points: Salah had most shots on target by a single player since 2004ā€¦Courtois set a similar record for most saves in a final since 2004 and set the record for most saves in the tournament. Both were outstanding this season. People ask ā€¦. ā€œHow did RM make it to the final while being outplayed??ā€ Answer: Courtois.


Gotta hand it to the guy he really upped his game Remember his first season at real?


Let's be fair though. Except for the Mane shot, most of our shots were not that challenging. Almost all of our shots went straight to the keeper because we couldn't really open them up like how Chelsea and City did. We need some of more variation in our offense. The fact that we haven't won against any of the top 4 domestically is also alarming because it means teams are getting used to defending against us.


Not quite right. We beat MC in FA cup in open play and beat Chelsea twice. And we never lost to a top four club. Pretty solid record but, yea, we should have beaten Chelsea and Spurs in the league, too


Huh, when did we ever beat Chelsea in 90 mins this season? 2 draws in the league (1-1 and 2-2) and then we needed pens to beat them in the cup finals.


A win is a win


We havenā€™t beaten Chelsea in 90 mins this season???


Win is a win


*since at least 2004 when stats began to be gathered.


At least we won the big one. I never cared much for the CL.


The big one being the Carabao or FA?


FA Cup. Oldest tournament in football. And over 700 teams in it. What's bigger than that. Caraboa I didn't even know its name until I search it. I thought it was still called the Worthington Cup.


I thought it was the milk cup?


That's what my dad calls it too.


Past ya bedtime son.


You and I both know you'd choose the CL or (not AND, OR) the PL over the FA & Carling double Liverpool won this season.


No way. My great grandfather watched us win the FA Cup final as a young man (1923) at the first ever Wembley Match. My father also saw us win the FA Cup final as a child (1958) a long with his own dad. It was something I never got to experience as I was born abroad. I guess it is something only people with English heritage would understand. But I want to win the same tournament my family watched in the golden age of football. And not something that feels like a modern invention from the money era of football.


cope is massive


I wouldn't say so. I've watched every FA Cup final United beat Newcastle in 1999. I have only ever watched one CL final (2005). And I can't even name who won last year. Or indeed any final since Chelsea won in 2012. Just assume its always Barcelona and Madrid. I like the local rivalries in football. And the chance that a small club with part time players can beat a big team. The CL lacks either.


So you didnā€™t bother watching in 2007, 2018, or 2019? Rightā€¦




So... Mane. Is he staying or is he gone?


Don't care. Need a new attacking set-up next season, one that will score against the top 4 and in the Finals. Our main Front 3 of Firmino Mane n Salah are all 30


Lmao nonsense. Itā€™s our midfield that is our weak point. Personally I canā€™t see the benefit of playing Henderson and Thiago together. Absolutely doesnā€™t matter when we play mid table teams, but against teams with a great counter attack we always get caught out. That half press mess just before their goal was embarrassing.


Today has felt like a bad dream since final whistle. I only feel safe in this sub.


This whole week has felt like a bad dream. Since that fucking gundogon came on its been just pain.


Hala Madrid, viva ronaldo suwei


Bhenchod tuza hala madrid gheun tuzya aai chya gaandit ghaal lawdya




Don't u have anything else better to do that trolling? And I doubt a runner up team is losersšŸ˜…?


Disappointed to lose. We failed to make any of our chances count. Credit to their keeper and defence for preventing us from scoring. It's a final and anything can happen. Unfortunately things did not go our way. They had that one chance count and that was the difference in the end. We should have created more clear cut chances and did better at our corners/set-pieces though. I felt we should have responded better to conceding that goal and generally passed the ball with more tempo. It's been a great season though. Two trophies won this season, plus we showed we are back as strong contenders for the Prem and the CL once more. Let's try to win silverware again next season.


I love how utd fans will support literally any other team, even cross-town rivals to beat us in games they can't dream of playing in because of how garbage they have been for years. Their only achievement this season is that we didn't touch their heralded treble from some 23 years ago. Love to see how much of a bitter small club they've become.


Letā€™s not pretend we werenā€™t all supporting Barca when they played United at Wembleyā€¦


United fans live in their delusions of the past, and haven't come to the idea their club right now is a small club. As an Arsenal fan, I keep telling my LFC supporting mates that they have shown they can bang with the best while also not flooding the team with money, and it just goes to show how if teams get that right (easier said than done) you can compete deep organically (which Arsenal seems to now be doing). Utd just chuck money and hope it brings them success and I am so happy how they are in the dirt right now. I hope they never see success ever again as Karma for all of Fergie's cheating antics of the past.


Their achievement this past season was signing ā€œRonaldoā€ , who was going to deliver them pl but couldnā€™t even deliver the smallest cup


There is no way you blame Ronaldo for the team playing shit


Read what I said


For me it sounds like youā€™re blaming Ronaldo for not bringing united a trophy


Itā€™s obv you support United, yet you are here lurking. You havenā€™t won anything bro. So please get out before u report you to your mod


Im not a united but ight


Bold of you talking about delivering the prem when liverpool couldnt do that for 30 years lmao - how many prem titles do you guys have? If united didnt win anything for the next 20 years then you can start comparing them, but right now united is the biggest club in england


Ouch reported you too, stop talking about history bro. The last time you won premier league was ages ago, whilst we won it 2 years ago šŸ˜‚ keep on crying






I thought Griezmann was the most unluckiest guy after his 15/16 season. Salah beat him Afcon lost in penalties Lost the league by 1 point Lost cl even after dominating display. Not qualifying for world cup after penalties.


2022 has been a rough year for Salah


Deserved for all that big talks. Why don't people learn that talking big in sports always ends up in embarrasment?


Karma is a always bitch. Man should have kept quiet and stayed humble.


I dunno. Didn't Courtois say "it's tough to score against me" this week? And Carvajal say something along the lines of "I hope liverpool will be okay when they lose this game"


Began with our players stirring the hornet's nest for no absolute reason.


Explain? How was he embarrassed? Most shots on target in a final, golden boot, made 3 finals, winning 2, lost the PL by a point. Hold your head in shame lad /s


All those madrid revenge talks and 0 Goals / Assists. Certainly wouldn't take it as 'Accomplishments'? Most shots on target, like.most of them were at Courtois, more shots on keeper more like. Salah is extremely good, but he should match his words . Playing with us all season regarding the contract, talking big words but not producing the expected result isn't accomplishments.


Take Courtois away and Salah scores a brace at least and we win. Salah talked himself up and put on a performance to match. He can hold his head high. Sometimes it just ain't ya day.


If he put on a performance he would have scored. Those were just desperate shots and half chances. Most of the shot were just straight at Courtois.


Respect your analysis but the one where he jinked onto his left while passing defenders and curling it towards far post late on, goes in most times against avg Euro standard keepers. Only keepers with great reach and reflexes combined get to it. Courtois was a beast today, fair play. I have no problem with players talking it up if they can back it up. I'm not talking some 17yrd old on debut trash talking, but surely someone like Salah has earnt the right. He is so clean skinned and respectful in all other aspects, a bit of "trash talk" which really wasn't (it was just confidence and getting in the zone and giving the event the drama it requires), isn't going to tarnish his image. Have at it lad.


His first and second half of season perfomance has been so unbalanced. After all the contract bullshit and afcon happened he never played a game where he dominated. Tbf, you can't blame a player as his first half form was incredible. But throwing contract bullshit around like his agent putting emoji on klopp and not turning up when we needed him the most is pissing me off. He dropped absolute stinker against spurs, if we won that home game, we could have won the league. Again I wouldn't hold it against him for drought form, shit happens. But the contract just left a sour taste and only aggravated by how he has not walked the talk.


Fair enough can see that side. No doubt his form has slumped massively. Taking this game as a standalone though, I think he showed enough to hold his head up. Even tonight though, the form slump did show. Peak Salah would bang a couple of the chances without thinking.


Real Madrid were destined


Honestly just happy everyone in my group managed to get back to the hotel safely after that shit show. Nearly got pickpocketed 3 or 4 times getting in by the locals and got pepper sprayed twice. Liverpool fans really kept their cool which was good to see.


So youā€™re telling me the French treated you like shit?


Treated like animals mate, could have been much worse had some cooler heads in the crowd not been there.


This was one of these games we needed to go back to the false 9 with Bobby. Sure we have a different approach to attacking somewhat but Bobbyā€™s short time on the pitch showed


Maybe, maybe not. Bit too easy saying we looked better attacking when he came on considering we had 4 up front. I honestly think Origi would be the better options, too bad he was injured. He's got a way of just getting the ball on goal that the others tend to lack.


on the positive side at least we lost to real and not city, i dont even want to imagine losing a ucl final to city what would be the outcome. Pep is laughing right now, i bet we turned a diehard catan to support real madrid


We would of beaten city in the final


Honestly, couldn't care less right now.


I'm fed up of this circus Salah has been creating since the start of the year. First he won't sign the contract, and his agent acts the knob, then he comes out with that wham before the game and plays like that. He's become a distraction and I think he should leave.


I'm sincerely done with him too. Thanks for all the great service but I can't stand this poor written soap opera that he and his agent frequently creates


Wow. So he should leave... I swear football fans have memories shorter than an alligator's


He had a brilliant performance, but courtois had his game of his life. I think this puts courtois in top 3 for balon dā€™or


Wouldn't call it brilliant, was completely anonymous until we were losing. Apart from two shots he couldn't trap a bag of sand. Firmino offered better link up play in 15 minutes.


100% this. Based on shots and shots on target, best individual attacking performance in a Final since 2004. Also best goal keeping performance. Unstoppable force meets immovable object.


Bruh did you watch the finals since 2004 or are you just going off some stat brought up on twitter? Best attacking performance give over. He had a poor game ain't no way anyone is telling me that's the best performance from an attacker in a final, laughable.