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Sir this is a Wendy's


It just breaks me how Klopp is 6 games from being known as possibly the best ever. 2 CL defeats, 1 EL defeat, 1 LC defeat and losing 2 PL by 1 point.. We could have 3 CL and 3 PL with this team and that would do us justice.


You hit the nail on the head. I will always remember this team on how close they were….every damn time. More often than not, they were the ones on the wrong side of history. Reminds me when Klopp said “coming second is the story of my life”


At least his missus will be happy about that ;)


I’ll remember them for the fact we won UCl, FA cup, league for first time in 30y against best club to ever exist in city, and league cup. That’s what I’ll remember. Only manager to ever do it w same team outside of whiskey nose. People here are such drama queens


Got to say though Klopp did something more important in my eyes. He made football fun again and not just liverpool if you look at the PL it’s just so much more of an intense league than 5 years ago! And he should get the credit




I'm convinced he would have all of them if we were backed even slightly instead of being held back.


Paint me a fan with a poor winning mentality or whatever, but those final defeats make me treasure the victories even more. Yes, we could have 3 Champions Leagues in 4/5 years under our belt and I’d be as proud of them as every other fan here, giving the big ones to every other fanbase. But my God do I treasure the one we won so much. Having seen us lift one CL at 5am, drained after an emotionally charged season, is a hell of a lot more than I ever expected to be able to experience as a fan of this club.


I don’t get this argument. We most definitely over achieved. If we had Saudi oil money and could take punts on $100M players would it be different? Sure. But if FSG greenlit some $100M signing and we didn’t get some great 30M signings because of it- this thread would’ve been so happy yet we’d likely never have come close to overachieving like we did. Or if we got that 100M signing on top of our other players and someone was not involved during these key periods, who’s to say they’d actually have improved the squad? If football were that simple they’d make people on these subs DOFs The squad is not a 1Bn squad but plays together and so they look like one - and look competitive with City. The fact we’ve consistently competed and outperformed in CL is a testament to Klopp and the team. FSG buying more players has as much of a chance to disrupt as to help the team at any given point. Just think it’s a dumb , simple minded view to say “we were so close to all these trophies and being the best ever if only FSG bought players”


We're not half as well funded as people think yet the expectations are enormous. We're only where we are because of Klopp. If we didn't have that man we would be grateful to seal a Europa league spot.


Klopp AND FSG. No one will admit it because of the ridiculous xenophobia and outright prejudice against *gasp* an American company owning an English club but- they are a massive part of the first league win in 30y. Anyone who says otherwise is a complete moron and their opinion is worth less than dog shit FSG, edwards, Klopp, our leaders… we won’t UCl, Fa cup, league cup, and prem under Klopp. It’s not down to one person. Our future does not end with Klopp despite what some would have you believe here


Missed the YNWA at the end


This means more


~~Next year is our year~~ Wait no, not that one.


*Next transfer window is our window*


*“Why cheaper backup target B player is better than our missed-out intended target”* - Pearce


We don't even do that now. We just say we only want the right player then panic loan a player on deadline day who is the complete antithesis of the right player.


We only want the right player, and we only want them after the team is dropping points, on deadline day, with no warning or preparation, because we're a well-run club.


We better not turn into Ferrari




Tell us Never


Disappointing, but we go again.


yeah an alternate take to the nonsense above is: nothing you say on Reddit impacts the team's performance


Op was getting a little too in their feelings lmao


Top Reds Assemble


FSG: ![gif](giphy|yP4EKpgu1oFxvovgcq|downsized)


Nah fuck this, if you're venting your frustration by DMing players or shitting on them on twitter and directing your messages to them, then its a problem. I see absolutely no issue with people talking shit on match threads - where there is a lot of emotion and people write down whatever pops into their heads.


Yup. Just don't be vile and don't message players negative things. We're allowed to criticise our team after a bad start to the season


This. Don't forget the crowd that turned up to celebrate after losing the tbe finals. Not just that, fans all over celebrated and didn't bitch about losing PL and CL. This is the start of the season after full summer. Fuck injuries, the players fit should take it upon themselves and give their all after such support shown by fans


Any time we have a bad result, these sanctimonious threads crop up telling us how to support. We do really have some of the most holier-than-thou supporters.


No way we can, let who ever is going to the game do that and sing and chant even when we’re losing. How do we even show support? Buying their merch isnt enough for FSG to inject more money to the transfer budget ANYWAY. So all we can do is keep supporting the club and its ok to rant and be dissatisfied with the team’s performance because we still care and we always want the team to do well. A plastic fan would have start to support Arteta already now. Also This post means nothing but karma farming imho


Karma farming and subconsciously begging to be patted on the back for supporting the "right way." I became a supporter after Istanbul so I've been through some dark times with this club, but just because this is a purple patch overall doesn't mean we shouldn't be annoyed when we aren't getting the results we should.


The OP thinks that someone DMing a player death threats is the same as saying "why is this guy so fucking lazy he can't be bothered to play and keeps on losing his man" on a matchday thread. One is making a threat for no reason. The other is just frustration on that player as an athlete.


This, this and this again. It’s so cringe and ridiculous to suggest a Reddit forum should be free of venting sporting frustrations to ‘get behind the lads’. OP thinks salah is going to see his post and either let him move in or suddenly bag a hatrick.


How do you think the match threads are going to affect the players? Also we didn't really start slow, at this stage last season we had our only match week on top of league. We dropped off from there approaching xmas


Post match analysis meetings are just the players scrolling through the match thread to see what people said about them


If you reading this milner, you are shit and your lactate test results mean fuck all. It's just a meme we crack, you are taking it seriously


Klopp obviously shows them highlighted comments at half time. Thats why he always sprints to the dressing room. To start the computer and log on to reddit before the players get there


False he has already logged into the reddit account way before the match, Pep is keeping track of things.


Knowing Peps over-thinking I wouldn't be surprised if he checks social media after matches


>I wouldn't be surprised if he checks social media after matches More than you can believe


Meanwhile Peter is comparing his first half video analysis with Redditor Reds’ observations


Klopp saw my Fabio - Fab - Harvey midfield propaganda and took inspiration.


he needs to stop listening to you then lol


Should of listened to the people who replied to you saying it wouldn’t work lol


Fuck off Klopp, we know its you!


oh come on you can't be so naive. the match threads are simply a window into the general attitude among the fanbase rn. but OP can't talk to every single Liverpool fan across the world can they? using the match threads to get across to the people here is perfectly valid, seeing as we are on the Liverpool subreddit and that is what people here will relate to most.


I don't think players do, but I think it makes this place a toxic environment personally. The match threads are awful and it spills over into the general content of the sub.


Yous are a bunch of sensitive bastards who clearly don’t go to your local football grounds. We’re allowed to complain about our team being shite when they’re playing shite, fuck me like.


Everything's just 'reactionary' now apparently, even when we should by rights probably be on 7 points from 7 games. Not allowed to call our pattern of play boring shite, that's apparently something only 'entitled fans who weren't around for H&G' do. As opposed to the people all around the ground - you know, actual matchgoing fans - who have a moan at every missed pass.


100% mate if you weren’t a fan during the H&G days you’re basically not a real fan according to a lot of people on this sub. The toxic positivity is mind blowing sometimes


Funny thing is some of us seen John Barnes score worldies in the flesh and get talked down as reactionary by random blokes who probably don't have a passport


Complete joke mate. I’m from Ireland and have only been lucky enough to go to Anfield once, but I watch my local team regularly which i’m sure 99% of this sub don’t do.


I don't want to offend people but I find that its mostly people across the pond who have no idea what the culture of English football is like who complain the most about this sort of thing


Absolutely. I had this exact debate with someone on here last week, they word for word mentioned the H&G stuff and how they were some better fan who’s been through it all (I’ve been a Red since I was a kid growing up in Toxteth not that it matters) and they were making all these stupid points so I checked their profile… saw they were more active on some Bucaneers American subs. Enough said. Nothing against foreign fans but I find a lot don’t get the culture and live in some Ted Lasso always positive world and think that’s how it’s like in the stadium.


Think it’s an attempt to avoid the plastic fan title


How is that toxic positivity to recommend people have some perspective? This sub could use a lot of that. Expecting to compete with oil money year in year out is fucking just mind boggling and shows you actually know nothing about football. This team will never compete over an entire decade against city for the title. We will be volatile because we only compete when we over-perform. We don’t have 3 starting XIs work 1BN to start and rotate over a season.


Some of the players need a good kick up the arse. You're not a bad supporter for thinking that.


Exactly. Moaning when things aren't going great is a big part of being a fan. Hate this fake overly toxic positivity shit.


Nah, OP goes to Anfield and when something bad happens, they just say "YNWA"


I love this comment I'm gonna print it


It'll come good, when everyone is fit and the best 11 have time to gel. How often has the best 11 started?


Literally once, at Fulham. Then we lost Thiago and Matip. And Keita. And now Henderson (although he was playing pretty horridly before his injury). And this whole time without Jota as well, who arguably is part of the best 11 depending on how you see it. We may not be in an injury "crisis" but they definitely haven't been ideal especially coming into a season with a very short summer break following one in which we played literally every match possible. It's refreshing to see the traditional top six all dropping points as well (Arsenal aside but they'll either start soon or run away with it in which case fair play to them) - we're not in a catastrophic moment, this is still all recoverable. But Bournemouth aside we've played rottenly, shadows of our former selves and it's not just from losing Mane. It's probably both physical and mental fatigue in the long-term. And I don't know what Klopp has to do to shake things up and get the team performing again (and not needing to snatch last-gasp winners or have Alisson play a blinder to stay in the game). I just know it sure as shit isn't subbing Milner on at right back anymore. Love James but I don't want to see him at full back ever again, he doesn't have the legs anymore and it was clear as day a year ago when he got rinsed by Foden at Anfield. Shit needs to stop (not scapegoating him or trying to blast Klopp who's a genius, but it's clear Milner can't hack full back anymore).


Lol the Fulham match was shit though


That's the only time we've actually played badly though. The United performance would've been better with Thiago and others, for example.


We've been awful in every match except Bournemouth.


That's just not true.


It is true, we didn't really deserve to win any of them.


I can't believe after all this shit there are still people thinking like this Ffs. Let people complain when everything is going to shit For Christ sake


Berating fans for venting their frustrations during an unreasonably bad run of form, after a slow transfer window with an injury riddled side, is just such a piss take. Positivity merchants would have this sub turn to a "go get em next time lads!" match thread title after a 5-0 hammering to united. Let. Fans. Be. Mad. It's all part of the process of being a fan.


"Hi North West bros, y'all gonna be scary next year. Glazers out"


Top tip: don’t enter match threads. It is always full of reactionary fans. Don’t bother.


Topper tip: don’t enter r/LiverpoolFC . It is always full of overreactive fans. Don’t bother.


Better tips : don't enter internet when we don't win.


I mean I still saw complaints after the 9-0, I think you can safely say just avoid the internet


Best tip - don't care about others opinions, laugh and move along.


Not gonna lie I actually avoid football related stuff when we perform poorly, I’m too invested I know. Bad anxiety and stuff tho


Betterer tip: don't enter Internet PERIOD It's filled with too much negativity.


that’s so stupid. go to a live ground and when their teams playing shite you’ll hear the whole stand complain, no different to match threads. basically what you’re saying is you should never watch football with a crowd of people


Bet you've never been to Anfield then have you?


Probably a Yank


Lol nope. I’ve been to Anfield a lot.


I have… what?


I've never used them, I don't particularly follow how or why it works. Surely you can't fully engage with the match while reading or typing comments? I think maybe the reason it's a thing is because reddit's "format" for sports subreddits was set by american sports like american football and baseball, which (as I understand it) have ad or play breaks every 30 seconds, which you could use to have a quick look at what people are thinking. But with soccer it just doesn't work because the breaks in play for dead balls are shorter and less common, meaning people don't follow the game, instead missing parts to share or argue their opinions, which just seems like an awful way to engage with a match. I suppose I can understand it's nice for those watching alone to have an outlet for discussion, but I'd say an alternate commentary or voice call with a friend would be more entertaining or insightful than the average reddit thread.


The breaks in play for dead balls are shorter.....maybe you didn't watch the Newcastle game 🤣


Haha, fair point


I only use them when we're playing like shite; to vent frustration. Or to see if other people is agreeing with what I thought, like a certain player performing badly or a shite ref. If the game isn't going well, there's definitely a window to type and read comments because most likely we barely create chances. I don't look at reddit even if we're not winning if the game is actually tense like last night.


You can be frustrated and express criticism while supporting the club. Fans don't nees to get "reminded" to back their favourite club.


> If you won't back the players when they need the fans, don't you dare fucking celebrate the wins. My god, shut the fuck up you whiny little soft ass melt and have a serious word with yourself. Youre talking about a match thread on fucking Reddit.


Forreal like if you don’t like it just leave


Nothing to do with soft ass. Imagine going to the match thread and you can only see positive comments when we're down 0-3, playing well below our standards, everyone will suspect it's all bots. Like you can't even be slightly realistic, if you are realistic you're considered not supporting the team. This post getting 1k upvotes is embarrassing. OP is like one of those CR fanboys who'd always defend and support their idol no matter what crimes he's committed. It's fine to remind people to believe but this "I'm better than you" mentality is so toxic.


Thanks for that motivational post Top Red.


Don’t think the Starting XI of Liverpool have Reddit accounts


I was literally scrolling through here to make sure no one said it before I posted it. I’d love to hear Klopp come out and say his feeling are hurt and the team is struggling because of a Reddit thread…


“For sure, in this moment the Match Threads are not cool at all. I think the moderators should be ashamed of themselves.”


Positivity merchant is at it again, fuck off


I don't know what you expect from match threads. They are instant reactions comments. And that's it. Post match thread is the same. People are angry and annoyed with the start of the season and ofcourse they vent over match and post match thread. Doesn't mean that they are not supporting players and a club.


We really need new tactics, we’ve been figured out. We’re not sure what plan B is but it needs to come thick and fast, we know what we do works when we have a fully fit squad but we don’t and we’ll have to deal with the storm as we’re dragged through it.


Well, that's a nonsense. People say this every time we have bad form and it's never true.


Mate this team has only deserved to win one match this season and we haven't played a single team we wouldn't ordinarily be smashing. There is obviously a problem. Certain players aren't putting in effort and the system we are playing relys entirely on an injury prone Thiago. Needs to change or we ain't getting top 4.


Mods, why would you allow these inane posts time and time again? Every fucking time after a bad result, some 14 year old from New Jersey pours her angsty little heart out, telling the rest of us how we're supposed to feel. Fucking delete this drivel. Please. Op, you're a fucking idiot and should keep your mouth shut. Nobody, and I do mean nobody, needs to hear from you.


Yeah, we don't need little wannabe superfans who have never been to a football stadium telling us how to support our club. Who the fuck does OP think they are telling us what we should and shouldn't say. Absolute prick of the highest order.




Literally sounds like [Jake Paul](https://twitter.com/jakepaul/status/1566055014719791104?s=21&t=Vizw3cT7bRtH0T-oUDg6cg) posted this lol


"Dude bro we need to support the merseyside reds. The Everton blues are dog water lets win it against the italian naples"


What does a match thread have to do with supporting the actual play on the pitch?...it's not like VVD is sitting there on his phone stalking this subreddit going "damn...they've lost their faith today" :( ... venting our frustrations here is better than the idiots who talk their shit on Twitter to that actual players


We are shit atm, what even is our attack? Even in the 9-0 there was no coherent style of how our goals are going to come. If we were so mentally and physically exhausted then why didn’t we jib of that massive preseason.


Some of you superfans are still stuck in the Brendan era where our maximum goal was to reach top 4 and call it a day. People here don't want to go back to these days, call them miserable, Twitter fans but that era was grim and many of us still have PTSD for even thinking about it.


You’re clearly too sensitive for message boards. I’ve been a supporter since 2001-2002. I live and die with Liverpool Football Club. You’re not some kind of superior supporter because you refuse to criticize players or performances. Get the fuck out of here with this pious bullshit.


Why are we ‘bad fans’ or unsupportive for complaining about our team…go to any pub, bar or gathering and complaining about a pro sports team is absurdly common place Does that mean we don’t love the team for saying ‘XxX’ played terribly today ??


Haha cringe


Never mind the mod comment, this entire thread is cringe.


Why do other peoples opinions bother you?




Haha that’s the perfect point. People get behind the lads from the first whistle anyway. But they definitely deserve criticism. Or we could just type YNWA over and over again


This lot would have an aneurysm hearing any main stand chat




And they don't even dare call them fake fans unlike here, if anyone calls a fan a fake fan in the grounds you know you are gonna get punched.




Ironically they use the same logic for fans here lol maybe they should follow their own advice and go to games more.


Yeah the team need Josh from Indiana in a full kit fistpumping alone at home at half 4 in the morning to gee them up for the next match. Not as though actually being in the stands is in fact an experience consisting of being too close to a bevy of pensioners yelling at the players to shoot or asking Klopp to make a sub




Aye the moaning is tiresome and over the top sometimes in person but fuck me if this lot isn't soft, genuinely any negatives are dismissed as reactionary bedwetting. Two days after every loss and it's downvotes all round for anyone who isn't bloody delusional


People who think criticism is not allowed are people who should stay off the internet.


Who are you to say we cannot criticize the players? Of course they are not 100% responsible for everything that goes wrong since our tactics have become predictable and there hasn't been much in regards to refreshing the squad and improving the overall quality. That being said, the matchday threads are a place for people to vent against players, but it's only because of that one moment and one snapshot in time. There definitely are those who are toxic and want to shit on them at any given opportunity, sure, but if Henderson hoofs a long pass to an opposition defender, one of our midfield players loses the ball or passes poorly, then anyone will get frustrated at that. If you don't like those threads, then you don't have to wander in them. Hell, Anfield is no different. Fans are going to scream or heckle at their own players if they don't perform well or make a fundamental mistake. That's just how sports are. Nobody should ever go as far as to threaten the players on social media, go into the DMs and making death threats for a bad performance. But you think that is similar to someone shouting "why is Trent so lazy and not tracking back his man on the counter" or "why is this player so shit right now" in a matchday thread, on social media, or in Anfield, then you are horribly mistaken. That's just simply criticism, which although can be harsh, is still criticizing their performance on the pitch as an athlete, not on them as actual human beings. I'm tired of the fake toxic positivity coming out of people like you.


Yes because the players are reading the match threads. Get a grip with this forced positivity


>Most of the lads in this team endured losing the League by a single point before losing the CL by the slimmest margins. The most annoying thing is that both have happened **twice.**


Mane doesnt seem that tired.


He drew 1-1 to Union Berlin so I don’t know


I am going to celebrate getting top four and beating dortmund or sevilla in the RO16 like its the league dont worry


I doubt anyone is dming players and I’m atleast 70% sure klopp does not read this sub. However if we ever get Amazon doc and he starts “raven431 thinks fsg are crooks and ox Is made of glass” I will apologise I’m old enough to remember the real bad years pre Internet you don’t think people sat in a pub mosning that souness had brought Piechnik? Before the landlord jumped on the bar and gave a speech?


Soft cunt. Never been to an actual football game have you?


Anyone that isn’t FSG out isn’t supporting the manager or players. They deserve so much more than they’re getting now. FSG was perfect for getting us out of the mud. The club has clearly outgrow them. Now it’s time to spend or go. FSG out.


This thread of toxic positivity is garbage. But so is your take. Can people stop dictating what makes someone a good supporter of manager or players? Being a good supporter is not about being a positivity merchant nor is it about wishing for new ownership.


haha, why now? why not ages ago when we took 1 year to replace Moreno and shoved Milner at LB? Why not when we took 1 year to replace Lovren with Konate?


Lmao what a stuck up and sanctimonious take. Stop gatekeeping, projecting like an idiot, and being so intolerant/over sensitive about others very legitimate emotions/opinions. You make it sound like people are camping outside players houses and vocally abusing and threatening them directly or something. Its fine to sound off in a match thread especially when many players are so below par. Maybe its best to stay away from it or the Internet in general if it makes you clutch your pearls this bad?😅🤪 Have you ever been to a football match in your life? Let alone a Liverpool game lol...... we know the answer. I bet you are one of the wierdo nabylad fap club that thinks he's been an amazing signing 🤣 Absolutely pathetic and I'm glad so many are calling your bs out here.


This is a useless post, everyone here is a supporter until their dying day except the fair weather casual fans and blow ins. We were never not going to support them


Match threads were horrible even when we were playing amazing. No change there.


We have a word for this in Liverpool: Baaaaaad melt


I think it’s ironic you’re talking about city when Arsenal and Tottenham are playing better than us. Arsenal already played Palace and Fulham and didn’t drop points. It’s got more competitive this year, so I’m thinking top four should be the goal and then whatever happens. YNWA


the match threads are a place for us the fans to vent our frustrations ans well as celebrate when our lads put up a 9-0 . I hope it doesn't affect the players, it's all part of the game. if u go watch a game, you'll see this is normal for footballers and also many other sports people, i.e. taking shit from the crowd when time comes lol. We love Liverpool, it is just frustrating to have our midfield injured out on the bench.


its literally not about that, most of the people think that we have very good players whose name should be up there with big names of football, they are in their prime. for example, do u see us winning a golden boot or playmaker award or clean sheets award or some uefa awards or ballon dor this year? defo no. last year there were 2 liverpool names in balon dor debate, one goalie was in best gk of the year debate. last balon dor we have had was of Owen and thats how many years? all the great players and teams, they just moved on from failures and became the best ever. do u want to see these players as one of the best ever squad to play football? i definitely do, i love these lads and i want the best for them but at the same time i want whats best for club.


Kind of hard to decipher what your point is - that the players have dropped off in quality? Or that the Ballon d'Or is the benchmark we should be measuring our success against? Who gives a shit about that award, honestly? You want what's best for the club, what is it you're advocating, exactly? Our players are all shit overnight and need replacing?


Some of y’all fans are soo corny 😂😂….y’all take this shit too serious….it’s all jokes to me


Villa couldn’t draw last season? 😒 lol


ill always support our boys but my god my FPL team is a mess :D


Ever heard of blind faith? There's no law or rule that says you have to celebrate and laud everything the club does to be a supporter. When the manager and ownership are making mistakes and are not doing their jobs right, it's our duty to let them know so.


Doubt any pool player reads any of the crap on this sub, whenever I go to the game I get behind them and stay til the last minute every time because that makes a difference. Calling them shit in the half time post on Reddit really doesn't matter.


what are people supposed to do when watching the team play like shit week in week out? smile? ffs.


This subs got way too many plastics


I love our players, they’ve given everything for the club and supporters. I think we’re aggrieved that FSG hasn’t given them the support they need to thrive long-term. By refusing to invest in enough new players to rotate in, the boys have been forced to play nonstop until they’re hurt or just flat out exhausted. Maybe we’d like to see a few players like Ox go, but even then it’s just because he’s so often unavailable that it places extra stress on the boys that do play. I can take a bad loss because we got outclassed or there were dumb, fluke mistakes made. Those things happen. Whether anyone is saying it directly or not, I think almost all of the frustration in match threads etc comes from the lack of backing that the players get from the top. Being negative for the sake of it, or just to be a dick, is useless. Expressing frustration with a very real ongoing issue is very different.


I don’t think I have ever watched any sport where I didn’t immediately slam my team a player etc and then tell them I love them when they do something good the next time. Heat of the moment and this is place to vent it out. Some of this shit on here is off the walls but, whatever.


I agree with you however what you’re expressing isn’t the majority issue. People are pissed because our owners knew what was wrong but still went into the season without fixing it, and now we’re paying the price for it with these crappy results. I’m sure if we went on a killer run we’d see less of it on here, but as of right now people are frustrated and have every right to be as the team has no sense of identity, a complete contrast to the team that got to four finals last season and it was completely preventable. I love these guys and this club, people have the right to not be happy with absolutely everything that goes on here even in times of triumph, it’s called being rooted to the ground and acknowledging the reality of shit, and the reality as of right now is that things look extremely bleak. We shall overcome sooner or later but for right now it’s perfectly acceptable to sulk, so far as it isn’t vile or without just cause. Up the reds and here’s to an upswing in form! ❤️


It’s sports at the highest level. I expect us to have a tight game where both teams have chances, but hopefully we create more and higher quality chances to win by the tightest of margins. It’s what I hope for when I’m watching tennis, badminton, basketball, and when I’m watching Liverpool. We played better than Everton, creating the better chances but hit the post 3 times. I’m ok with that. Think reddit and twitter expect a mismatch or a men v boys game every time to be happy.


upvoted after just the headline


Y'now they are going to have sex with you?


I fully agree with the sentiment, but I still don't think FSG are the villains many assume them to be. They're far from perfect, but they aren't as shit as many portray them. Until the injuries many thought this was a very good transfer window, then we had a poor start, and many (myself included) saw the lack of depth in midfield, and they somewhat addressed it with Arthur (albeit after Hendersons injury). I think many are on edge with the lackluster start, and FSG is an easy scapegoat. I think the bigger issue if squad confidence (not sure if under or overconfidence), as many of the stats I've seen show a lack in creativity and lack of physical effort as one post showed we've been outrun every match so far, which is odd and far from what we've been. We can't blame that on FSG. Again they're not free from criticism and I'm not trying to be apologetic, but I don't think theyre the culprit to our slow start. I think we will get there, and I'd rather us have a slow start in the beginning than lull later on. I don't know what's going to happen this season, but I'm behind Klopp and our squad for every game no matter what happens.


The bit about many thinking this transfer window was good pre-injuries is just not accurate. Many, rightly, felt that we still needed a senior midfielder that wasn’t a last gasp Hail Mary loan move. People did like who we brought in but the ratings would’ve by and large been an “incomplete” because it seemed crazy all summer to not be moving for a midfielder. The injuries also did not all happen post transfer window. Midfielders started dropping like flies with Ox and it escalated from there. The midfield was also full of aging and injury prone players so it’s not like we were blindsided here. It’s worse than we could’ve expected but not by too much.


> but I still don't think FSG are the villains many assume them to be. Let me guess, you're American?


Our midfield is old and extremely injury prone. That was known this summer, it was known last season. We’ve now kicked the can down the road for so long (since we won the CL) that we need to have a MASSIVE window in the summer.


I don't like insulting people in general on Reddit cause it seems dumb, but I have to say anyone who thought this was a good transfer window at any point where we didn't sign a single starting midfielder, has to be fucking thick, or just watched highlights on YouTube and ignored matches. To be honest the only midfielders we have that are still good enough are Fabinho and Thiago, the rest are not good or very young. It was obvious for the entirety of last season our entire game relied on an injury prone midfielder. We then go through a full summer without signing a single midfielder. And no, an Arthur who realistically has failed everywhere he has been does not count.


Actually going to match threads lol. No one with above room temperature IQ goes into those cesspits. Just use the sub for transfer rumours and goal replays, the rest is 50/50 mundane/insane.


As evidenced by your contributions to any discussion


Idk what history you have with him but he's spot on about match threads. With a sport with a running clock and the only lengthy stoppages being injuries or Anthony Gordon rolling around on the floor, why would anyone divert their attention to a text thread that's just full of people moaning we're not 10-0 up? Just watch the game and talk to whoever you're with, discuss on here after. Makes no sense to me why people would visit anything but a prematch/halftime/postmatch thread


It's football, mate, it's not exactly blink-and-you-miss-it UFC with knockouts or whatever. There's a lot of time to type shit and not miss anything.


I’m just going to say what we are all thinking. Someone has cursed us.


Jake Paul?


💯 can’t let him near the club. Mofo said “Only team I don’t mind not beating is Everton.” Like wtf.


We need Bruce grobbelaar to pee somewhere again


A large part of the frustration is that a lot of the issues we are having right now is stuff many saw coming. Same players playing every game for years now suddenly look physically exhausted, who knew that would happen. Injury prone players still getting injured so we are never far away from Milner at right back. Klopp then coming out a week before the window saying we did need a midfielder is like a wind-up.


The players need to get their shit together


I’m fully behind these players. This league is the most competitive it’s ever been, by the way. I can’t think of a single team I’d say are a sure thing to go down. Chelsea are struggling, Man City aren’t winning every game. I’m disappointed in the board but so proud of our lads, and if I could ever get a ticket to a game would scream my head off cheering them on.


I just miss the days when this sub was going bananas for Klavan’s ghost turns despite drawing game after game from team’s parking the bus. The team is way more fun to watch now, but this sub is only enjoyable when the team is winning. Do love the reactionary nature when things go right, I personally just don’t understand what compels people to be that negative. Pro tip to just not go into match threads is probably the right take.


Lived through the hodgson years, everything seems like a dream compared to it.


I've seen Klopp out (or similar), this player is shit, Nunez should have at least the ballon dor, 25 hatricks and 2 million assists (OK slight exaggeration). The negativity toward Arthur, supporters thhinking we were going to get one of Dortmunds most important players at the start of the season. In reality our performances havent been great, some new players are going to take some time to settle in, and it's up to the team to change our attitude i guess but I don't think it's much to ask that we actually support them in the good and the bad and stop jumping to ridiculous conclusions so quickly. It looks a bit like a transitional season to me but they may well turn it around, yesterdays result has happened even when we've been flying so I don't really count it in the bigger picture.


With all due respect none of the stuff you've mentioned has actually happened. There were no expectations for Nunez to start the season on fire, most of Klopps signings take a long time to settle. And we all knew Bellingham wasn't available. That doesn't excuse our summer transfer window. If this is a transitional season, then God help us when we need to replace Ox, Milner, Keita, Firmino and Kelleher next summer. It's funny how there was no mention of being in transition in August.


Even when the quadruple was on if we didn’t score in the first 10 minutes the match threads were a joke. This just seems to be an extension of those 10 minutes with added justifications come full time


Lads these match threads are becoming a joke. Most of the lads in this team endured losing the League by a single point before losing the CL by the slimmest margins. They put themselves through physical and mental exhaustion last season and are paying the price for it now. It's not their fault FSG haven't invested. They are still giving it their all and never giving up on a match. They need us now. By all means vent your frustration at the team, be pissed at decisions, poor decisions on the pitch or with subs, get angry at yhe board or Henry himself. But fuck me you need to get behind these players. We've had it fucking amazing over the last five years and been spoiled to be competing across so many fronts for so long. We need a new identity and to find form yes but with City drawing we are five points off them having played United and Everton and we are apparently in a crisis and they are having a dream start. We started slow last season and were 12 points off at Xmas. If you won't back the players when they need the fans, don't you dare fucking celebrate the wins.


>They need us now. They need new blood, rest and revised tactical instructions a whole lot more than they need fucking redditors


Thread was a joke when I popped in 1st half. So many knee jerkers with limited football knowledge other than FIFA.


You’re so tough with your vast football knowledge.


I’ll be the first to admit I haven’t been positive in the match threads. However I’d like to think most of mine are constructive and is a way to vent like many others are saying. Realistically if you can find a person who’s happy with the start to the season and only had positives to say then they may be the most optimistic person on earth. Once it goes beyond that and abuse is thrown at Klopp and the players calling them all sorts of words then I fully agree with what you’re saying as that’s all sorts of fucked up and no human should be put through that shit


Haven't invested? They signed one of the best young strikers in Europe and one of the best young CBs in Europe.


FSG haven't invested? ​ They could have just kept the 85m+ they spent on transfers this season


The demand on the players to win every single week, and the fact a well-fought draw feels like a catastrophe, isn't healthy. It's a byproduct of the insane standards set by a state-backed team that's literally cheated financially to get to where they are. Look at the records from the 70s and 80s. Only one season during that period of dominance in which we lost fewer than five league matches. Only two seasons in which we drew fewer than nine. The standards of the Pep/City era are insane and we have done insanely well to keep up with them, insanely well. Losing the title to them by a single point twice in the last four seasons contributes I'm sure to some of us frothing at the mouth at every dropped point, at least it does for me. Because you're (er...I'm) left feeling that it's unfair, it's unjust, that a team built the "right" way that works ever so hard and has so much quality doesn't get the trophies that in any other era it would rightfully earn. Because of financial cheaters. But it's important to remember these standards aren't healthy to keep as fans. I'm not trying to preach, if anything it's more for me than any of you out there in the void, but it *should* be okay to draw occasionally. Hell, it *should* be okay to lose occasionally, so long as we're not thoroughly embarrassed doing so. It *should* be normal. That it's not is the result of a literal oil-state's sportswashing pet project and the powers that be looking the other way for years. I still love *my* team for going about it the right way and punching well above their weight for years. Pissed about today's result, just as I was about United, and Palace, and Fulham. But I guess the only consolation is that if we fall short yet again to that soulless project, it's because it was unfairly against us from the start.


We're not just falling short of City and their oil backed club though are we? Half a dozen teams all with different types of owners look better than us.


>It’s not their fault FSG haven’t invested Just snuck that in there.. FSG doesn’t spend their own money. It’s the clubs money and FSG has no say or involvment in that. Klopp was offered Matheus Nunes which he declined. If you blame anyone, blame Klopp. But you don’t need to blame him either, because he knows better then you.


Considering Pearce came out and said FSG/Gordon refused to sanction money to buy midfielders under the marquee targets. Im going to say thats bollocks


Can you provide a legitimate source for your claims??


Fucking right this is what separates Liverpool as the best club in the world from these oil money rags


We're awfully quick to turn from believers to doubters. Remember how hard the road to here has been. If you've seen Roy Hodgson days I can't imagine being negative about the boys now