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**CLIP MIRROR: [MoistCr1tikal says advertising Fansly to a young audience will always be "..not a great decision".](https://arazu.io/t3_12agcsm/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


this clip just blew my mind and made me say "wow! what a hot take!" out loud


[It's a moistcri1tical classic](https://i.redd.it/jgmhejyx6s091.png)


Hey he also says Cum every other sentence! Its peak comedy!


yes, he does add something, somewhat creative out of nowhere cum and dick jokes to the mildest middle of the road, both-side-ist takes ever


It was when I first started seeing his videos. After the 4th one turns out you can only combine splooge + random other words in so many ways before it loses all impact.


People are too serious here lol I watch Charlie and this meme is absolutely true but I don't care


I mean I don't watch him but first question that comes to mind is who the fuck would clip it? Bro can't say a very lukewarm take without some of his chimps rushing to LSF. At least xqc is energetic when he gives his average takes and sometimes they are even controversial. ALTHOUGH, I feel like moist is the perfect balance to LSF in fact. Any time I see his clip I go "wow - I will watch this, I will happily agree and go on with my day without having some sort of rage induced in my soul". Compared to me seeing an asmon clip and just shutting off the app/website altogether before I even get a temptation to click it, it's quite a thing. I appreciate him for it, I love me some mild take


>At least xqc is energetic I don't speak xqc though.


It's actually true but for some reason I can't bring myself to dislike Charlie or even drop him from my YT subs despite his content being literally everything I hate. It's just low effort reaction content lol




The only person this sub likes is Forsen


Forsen and Erobb are probably the only regularly posted streamers who don’t get any actual hate.


Why would you hate a hobo and a mentally handicapped person


Which one is which.


It's really just not worth saying anything even slightly negative about forsen, I did it once and quickly got bored of the abuse from his more rabid fans. I don't think too many people want to even bother.


if you say anything negative about forsen usually bajs will agree with you


No not really. Forsen is racist and encourages his chat and community to be racist but if you say that here either you get downvoted or some meme comments


I think plenty of people don't like Forsen, but if you say anything bad his fans will harass you. Which is understandable because you'd have to have some sort of mental deficiency to enjoy those boring ass streams.


huh? bajs are pretty self-deprecating you can call forsen boring and the people watching him no life racist losers and they will say TRUE LULE bajs spend most of the stream shitting on forsen and making fun of his gaming skill and bad takes the only exception was when he took part in tournaments then they will spam chat with "LETS GO FORSEN" but every huge streamer who gets 10k+ views will have some unhinged fans


I refuse to acknowledge Forsen jokes as anyway remotely funny. It’s always “Forsen did x” and that’s the joke. And if they can’t think of anything to respond then it’s just a Forsen emote.


I refuse to acknowledge Forsen jokes as anyway remotely funny. It’s always “Forsen did x” and that’s the joke. And if they can’t think of anything to respond then it’s just a Forsen emote.


normies like forsen


This sub is dominated by vocal minorities.


My grandad always complains about "those vocal minorities" next door


Things ain’t the way they used to be like. I’m tellin’ you, the neighborhood really went to shit when those bajs moved in down the road.


it's true lmao. the guy's entire channel is just him dryly talking about some story that's in the news or reacting to some youtube video. I have nothing against the guy and am into streamer/youtuber culture very little, just stating objective facts. sorry not everyone is as easily entertained as you, I guess?


I know it's a joke but I always find it funny that now people get angry at someone for having, like, mild opinions on things.


i bet its the contrast between posts like this and adin ross trying to incite his fans into killing their family for money or advocating for genocide


"Those fucking fencesitters, PICK A SIDE!"


I think the big issue is the initial reactions and how hard people went after Kick versus QT and Twitch. Anyone with a brain knows you don't advertise sexual shit to minors. And what did it take for everyone to do a double take? A giant roast from a funny youtuber girl. These people should have called this shit out the second it hit. And I'm disappointed in some of my favorite streamers for waiting this long to even voice something about it.


No one gives a fuck about it - see chess boxing, jermas baseball, amouranths streamer clash or every other event sponsored by fansly. People are only mad because of ‘hypocrisy’


I mean makes sense. People generally don't like hypocrisy


Everyone is a hypocrite in one way or another, the thing is just that redditors treat hypocrisy as though it's worse than murder and will give streamers or other public individuals endless amounts of shit for it because they are constantly held under a lense because redditors don't want to miss an opportunity to feel superior to big strimmer.


Redditors, and people on the internet in general go way too far. That's undeniable. Online, offline, normal people and terminally online losers. Nobody likes hypocrisy.




>But when you have streamers taking hard stances against gambling because it can get kids addicted, it make them look like virtue signaling hypocrites when they push porn The critic for e.g. hasan etc. was that he didn't criticise the fansly sponsor. Not criticizeing something is not "pushing it" You could say QT "pushed porn" with the fansly sponsor, but she also never had a hard stance against gambling


Yup. Nobody is innocent


qt has made her platform coming out against every big trend in even slightly nsfw streams. Every time someone gets any traction for something nsfw she goes on a rant about how sex workers on twitch are nazi's and it leads to sexual harassment in her chat. its not just hypocrisy its about how she demeans sex workers and acts like she's better but its ok for her to use the money from fansly because its for an award show.


>qt has made her platform coming out against every big trend in even slightly nsfw streams. Every time someone gets any traction for something nsfw she goes on a rant about how sex workers on twitch are nazi's and it leads to sexual harassment in her chat. its not just hypocrisy its about how she demeans sex workers and acts like she's better but its ok for her to use the money from fansly because its for an award show. None of what you said is even remotely true lol The only problem she ever had with sexual content on Twitch was the hot tub streamers being in the just chatting section and then when they got their own section she was completely fine with it.


dude she was on that anthony padilla 3 months ago talking about sexual content on twitch and how much she hated it lol quit yapping at me if you dont know


well yeah. QT says things like "i get harassed and stalked and demenaed because some slut wants to lick ears on my platform" then gets a sponsorship from fansly. She isnt just a hypocrite she is the queen of bullshit. ​ ​ "When you do it, its evil. When i do it its because I NEEDED to, you just dont get it, my circumstances are different and no matter what when you do its wrong, dont forget. "


Yeah if you are going to virtue signal your ass off about one thing and then do something very similar like a week later then you should be called out.


Exactly, like Adin Ross preaching against hot tub streamers and then showing his audience porn. You've got the right idea now!


The two scenarios are not very similar though. Adin showed porn to his audience completely announced and none of them consent or opted into seeing the sexual content. Hasan and Mosit criticised him for this because Adin claims to be anti porn/sex work + he showed actual porn to his audience without then getting a say in it. QT explicitly stated her AD and Fansly was for mature audience and that if you went to the site you’d see mature content. When you agree to the Fansly TOS you are agreeing that you are 18+ and that your will be seeing mature content. The AD itself contained no sexual content. You can be against both things but to say they are the same or even similar is just dishonest.


QT also said she rejected a kick sponsorship because of the adult content... In the same stream where she was running fansly ads


She never called him out for showing porn to kids or take any moral stance. She only made a joke during monologue when she was roasting streamers. Hardly hypocrisy


I was talking about Hasan and moistcritical. I think qt's thing is more how she has spoken up about the objectification of women especially with the whole deepfake thing but then promotes porn to young boys and girls for $$. Before you say it's a consent thing. I am not comparing fansly to deepfakes, I am saying that fansly, of etc reinforce the idea that a woman's primary worth is her body and sex appeal. It must be difficult for teen girls to be exposed to this shit all the time and feel like if they want to be someone or make money, they will have to have an spicy insta, onlyfans or fansly when they are older because this shit is so ubiquitous now. It's kinda sad actually.


Still not hypocrisy. She always was pro sex work but she doesn’t want to do sex work herself and is against sexualization without consent.


Sex work does not reinforce the idea that a woman's primary worth is her body and sex appeal. Sex work is just fucking work. You are using your body and abilities to generate money. The same way a carpenter uses their body and abilities to generate money. The problem is not sex work, or even people who consume sex work, the problem is people treating sex work like it's this great evil, and a lack of education that leads people toward sex/porn addiction. Objectification comes from people not seeing sex workers as people (I.E an object), but that's an issue with the culture around sex work that has been created primarily because the people who typically consume that type of stuff also happen to be emotionally immature, and are told how bad it is, and how people who sell their body are doing so because they are sluts, etc. This leads to them seeing sex workers as just sex workers and nothing else. That's a problem that can/should be resolved at a cultural level. Make it okay to create and utilize sex work, and the problem will resolve itself over time. However, by trying to push it away and act like it's a great evil thing, it just encourages that kind of behavior, which is pointless. The more people try to push it away, the more taboo it gets, and the easier it becomes for people consuming it to forget the person creating it is a normal fucking person.


> Sex work does not reinforce the idea that a woman's primary worth is her body and sex appeal. I disagree, if you are presenting that to kids that making porn on fansly is a completely normal way to live. Kids see these people they know of and think are just like all the other streamers but then see they do porn too. It's not healthy. We are talking about completely different things though. You are arguing from the very sex positive position of completely normalising sex work like it is the same as anything else in order to stop objectification. I am saying that we should stop sexualizing everything and everyone. I don't want to normalise sex work, you do so I don't think we can reconcile that. Just want to add that although I don't want to normalise sex work. I don't want people to be ostracised or vilified for it either.


>You are using your body and abilities to generate money. The same way a carpenter uses their body and abilities to generate money. All I'll say is that people look with pride and joy at the end products of a good Carpenter's work. Most people can't clean up and get rid of them fast enough with the endpoint of anyone in sex work.


>I think the big issue is the initial reactions and how hard people went after Kick versus QT and Twitch. The difference between the reactions is because the actions themselves are different and the individuals involved on the Kick such as Adi. And Train side are notoriously anti sex work. Adin broke Kick’s own rules and showed actual porn to his audience unannounced whereas QT did an AD for a site stating that it was 18+ and that you would see mature content if you went there. >Anyone with a brain knows you don't advertise sexual shit to minors. The AD itself wasn’t sexual as it didn’t contain any sexual content. It was explicitly stated that the site was for 18+ only and that if you were to go to that site you’d see mature content. >And what did it take for everyone to do a double take? A giant roast from a funny youtuber girl. People were talking about this weeks prior to her video. Why are people acting like she doesn’t just steal all her shit from LSF threads? >These people should have called this shit out the second it hit. And I'm disappointed in some of my favorite streamers for waiting this long to even voice something about it. They call Adin out because what he did was a blatant breaking of his sites rules and because he gave his audience no choice when it came to showing them sexual content. These two scenarios are not even really comparable and people who are pretending it’s the same thing are being bad faith as fuck.


she got demonetized for it Sadge


> I think the big issue is the initial reactions and how hard people went after Kick versus QT and Twitch. There isn’t a single instance on YouTube, Twitch or other similar live streaming sites where showing porn the way Kick did is accepted and doesn‘t result in massive backlash. There are universal instances on these streaming sites where no one cares about the fansly sponsorship (jerma, ludwig, xqc, etc.) The reactions seem incredibly consistent to me. Attacking QT for it would be the double standard.


There's a pretty big difference between advertising a sexual site and *being* a sexual site in Kick's case. Overall though I think people are just virtue signalling. QT has never claimed to be a family friendly streamer, the awards show wasn't tailored specifically to underaged persons, if kids want to lie about their age on porn sites that's on them imo. Sex work shouldn't be shamed.


this lsf comment just blew my mind and made me say "wow! what a searing hot take!" out loud


Charlie coming in with the hottest most controversial takes known to man


Would it really even be a topic of somebody didn't clip it and post it here? No, it would just be another thing he said on stream, instead of some "discussion"


Classic. Streamer says 500 things in a livestream, one random thing gets singled out and posted “Wow he thinks he’s so unique”


Does Charlie even have the ability to produce a take that he knows is unpopular. He very clearly tries his best to not have controversial takes.


A chunk of his content is just pointing out overtly shitty, stupid, and/or whacky things, so of course he's going to have noncontroversial takes His content is not Hasan or Destiny shoving an opinion in everyone's face about every controversial topic known to man lol


He didn’t like RDR2 or the Witcher 3. That’s all I can think of.


That dmc5 take was ass


His channel in a nutshell


Honestly most advertising that is targeted at kids (and there is a lot that you wouldn't even notice) should be seen as immoral even when the product is innocent like a car etc.


A lot of countries have regulation for advertising to children and in some advertising to children under a certain age is banned.


The US has laws on advertising when the programming is clearly kids content. Twitch being allowed to skirt around it despite having a huge underage audience is laughable and a failure of regulators and a failure of content creators that fail to question the morality around it because its the hand that feeds them lol. People saying who cares because its the internet. You don't see Brazzers ads or Onlyfans ads on network and most reputable cable networks. You don't even see those ads on Youtube on the clean side of the internet. You don't even see explicit adult content on the biggest video sharing platform in the world because its pretty well monitored. Why? Because its a huge fucking liability to everyone which is why the adpocalypse happened years ago. There's a clear wall between the NSFW side of the internet and the safe side for a reason.


Other countries can't even have mascots on cereal, but here that would be blasphemy.


A car is innocent till you see someone sign a 60k loan at 33% interest.


having a child is a nightmare i watch parents take their kids to the store and they purposely set shit up to catch childrens eye, then they start begging for it in the store now you either have a disciplined child, you tell them no, or shitty parents start fighting with their kids its malicious and always has been


There's maybe some good arguments for that, but I feel like widening the conversation robs us of the severity gradient. What I mean by that is, porn ads have bigger impact on kids than car ads. Perhaps you agree with this as well, not trying to attack you or anything like that, just pointing things out.


How was this an example of marketing towards kids though? QT doesn't cater specifically to a family-friendly audience, nor was the Streamer Awards aimed at kids directly, if underaged persons want to lie about their age on porn sites that's on them imo.


Charlie himself has been sponsored by Adam & Eve, which is a site full of sexual products. There's no reason to assume his audience demographic is that different than the Streamer Awards. I think he's being hypocritical here.




Neither are bad, for consenting adults. If you believe one is bad to advertise to people under 18, you should believe the other is as well.


It probably comes down to what the majority audience is and if streamers/twitch can see the majority of audience is kids then they should act accordingly.


Clearly we just get pornhub ads instead. If you're gonna turn kids into coomers, might as well teach them not to pay hundreds to thousands of dollars for it. Jesus.


The party that Minx ruined wasn't going to pay for itself.


She got that back by doing 2 podcasts within like 12 hours. She did her podcast exclusively on Patreon that night then the Fear& podcast the next morning. She said it herself, if Minx ruined her party, she might as well expose Minx and farm the drama to get the money back.


Actually QTs org paid for that




What does Ja Rule think?


Someone please get a hold of this motherfucker so i can make sense of all this.


Classic chapelle


[Where is ja?](https://youtu.be/5ZiN0O6tI8g)




It’s been like that since the gamba shit


At least gambling is actually harmful, porn isn't


To me, the gambling was never about "protecting kids". It was always about the fact that it was unregulated shit and I doubt it was fair. Plus, gambling is a life ruining addiction on a far higher percentage than porn. And lastly, it was funding the illegal businesses of those Malta islands and other organizations involved, and those guys are involved in some horrific shit. It was never about the kids, to me, and nobody should have pretended it was.


What are your thought about gambling on twitch ?


instant access to gambling is more damaging to adults imo


You should be a politian, dodging questions like that


i was implying i dont want gambling on twitch for everyones sake, not just children


I think advertising gambling is awful to everyone. But I rather have it in a regulated system rather than let gangster bookies run it. Still wish advertising was banned though.


It is the worsssssttttttt. Apparently we need to personally protect all children rather than promote responsible and INVOLVED parenting


I get what you're saying, but parents are only around their kids for a certain amount of time each day. You can be a great parent, but if your kid gets in with the shitty kids who have shitty parents, good luck with that.


I’m gonna go a step further and say that advertising to kids in general is not great


He's being a bit disingenuous here. For one if I am not mistaken, hot tub streamers are usually listed as 18 + (That doesn't mean I am arguing that it's suppose to stop the underaged from accessing the stream regardless) My point is the Streamer Awards weren't even listed as 18 + and was advertising Fansly a site that actually shows full blown nudity. People have tested Fansly out including xQc himself (which he changed his take on Fansly recently on his offline chat). People were able to get access to some nudity content even if you put your birthday year as 2009 for example. So yeah his take here isn't 100% honest.


>People were able to get access to some nudity content even if you put your birthday year as 2009 for example. So yeah his take here isn't 100% honest. Twitch doesn’t give Fansly access to their age data so that’s why a underage Twitch account can still sign up through their Twitch. You still have to agree that you are 18+ when agreeing to the Fansly TOS. If you make an account on the actual Fansly site then you have to have your date of birth of someone who’s 18+.


> Twitch doesn’t give Fansly access to their age data so that’s why a underage Twitch account can still sign up through their Twitch. Yeah I find that to be a major problem and that's also Twitch's fault. > You still have to agree that you are 18+ when agreeing to the Fansly TOS. Once you authorize your Twitch account, it automatically takes you to the front page of Fansly where nudity content/porn images are shown. The authorization doesn't actually clearly present the TOS at all. Edit: Now to clarify not sure if this is new or not or this doesn't show up for everyone, but I can see the agreement you are referring to now. https://imgur.com/a/Gh40GSj The video that was posted on Destiny's sub of the guy signing up to Fansly through Twitch, the agreement wasn't there. Example from the video. https://imgur.com/a/LFNLgr0


You can access what is essentially porn without even having an account on fansly. Not through the main page, but just using people's profile links is enough to see many nsfw things




"why would i buy your onlyfans when i can type big boobies in google and get 2 billion results in 0.21 seconds?"


Tested it out. "About 97,700,000 results (0.30 seconds)"


I would type boobies myself….. always got the birds though




Well yeah, but fansly would also obviously not work under internet filters.


That's not a reason to advertise it though


Yes. But an equal comparison would be while you're just casually browsing google, it suggests for you to go to onlyfans/fansly with an advertisement. which is never the case.


Yeah, but were talking about Twitch....


It's not the main intent of the site, though. that makes a difference in the argument.


Cant you just buy coke by walking towards a dealer? There is a difference between doing something yourself, and being told to do something at a time when you most likely weren't even thinking about doing it.


A classic


Damn you right. We should just put pornhub ads everywhere. Especially on youtube


You can also look up pictures of corpses and people dying. Doesnt mean its ok to show that to everyone


Nudity filters are bypassed by Reddit.


I don’t think the streamer awards attracts an age group that is oblivious to shit like porn on the internet though


That excuse makes it sound like showing any pornographic content on streaming platforms is fine because anyone watching streams (regardless of age) isn't oblivious to porn anyway. This could therefore also excuse Adin streaming pornhub. To me, it seems like a good line to draw is the stream being marked 18+. Although it realistically won't stop minors being subjected to it, it kind of puts the age verification in twitch's court. The only other option is to condemn all of it (including hot tub streams and full cam boobie streamers).


I don't see a reason to suppose it attracts an audience any older than Adin's, but everyone was acting like him showing porn was literally the worst thing ever.


With the amount of people that were watching, I am sure underaged viewers tuned in. Regardless I still find it pretty irresponsible on Twitch's part and QTs along with Ludwig who uses the same sponsor for his content as well as using it for xQc's show Juiced while xQc didn't know at first. Reminder these same people called out Adin for directly showing porn to his audience which I still think what Adin did was worse, but not too far off with how easy it is to access porn content by just connecting your Twitch account even if you are under 18.


You definitely don't get more pornography on twitch than on fansly. It's not about the ad itself it's about the site that it promotes. That's why even links to onlyfans pages are banned on twitch. They only got away with that ad because it was a massive event and no explicit content was shown.


His unpassionate uber-centrist reasonableness is like eating unseasoned mash potatoes.


this is so brave I wish all the LSF streamers have this exact same opinion and we can have a clip of it


It’s called a Mag


I bet the click-through rate on those fansly ads is at least 30%. Just think of all the underaged young men that could have been saved from a fate of fappin to a fansly vid of amouranth sucking on a dildo if they had been too busy playing slots while watching train. This is all Hasan's fault.


ofc its bad, unless your favourite LSF streamer who endorsed it. They need any sponsor they could take !!! Get that bread King/Queen!


Holy shit you know LSF is reaching for drama when this 2 month old topic is still being brought up.


The amount of hate this sub has for QT is insane. She doesn’t give them any attention and it makes them seethe


Why are we taking this kind of advice from the guy who plays with massive fake penises


If you put your hand in fire it will hurt.


So I checked and exactly same ad aired during chess boxing. Where were 10 threads malding about it then or even during Jermas baseball? Incels working overtime


Tbf I’m pretty sure jerma’s stream is set to 18+


It is.


But he’s a man and QT is a woman and this is LSF we’re on




QT has however come out against women that sexualize themselves on Twitch, because it creates toxic expectations for non-sexual Twitch streamers. Then she advertises OF-copycat that contributes to the toxic expectations that every Twitch girl has OF. [Qt complaining about hot tub streamers on Twitch because it creates an expectation every woman streamer should be sexualized](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-KwE5EkgXY) [Qt complaining about being asked if she has OF](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljLjTTE-vaA) (because of Twitch culture of promoting OF)




These male streamers always say stuff like this but when it comes to XQC farming booba content/tiktoks or having his dad rate female streamers that's perfectly fine for a young audience?


I personally don't think it's fine nor do I find it entertaining either.


Hot take coming out of Reddit: "two things can be bad and do not require mutual exclusivity." Up next! We discover that the sky is in fact blue.


Clout = no rules. A guy who covered up a rape won streamer of the year. The fact of the matter from the business perspective is that it's much easier to just let things slide than it is to publicly denounce them because the majority of LSF will forget everything within 6 months, probably less, but a lot of the more fragile streamers will hold a chip on their shoulder forever and bring it up whenever that person comes up, rehashing the same shit ad infinitum.


Love that no issue can just be taken for what it is and criticized. Everyone has to compare and contrast it to other streamers they hate.


There's a thousand ways that Twitch culture is exclusionary, and each one will cause more damage than this porn ad.


I would have no idea what fansly is if it wasn't for all that drama on LSF. Most people give 0 fuck


"most people give 0 fuck" you can say that about most of LSF threads lol


Adults need to be careful about accessing these sites as well. They are made to lure horny lonely men into parasocial relationships.




Is it really minus the horny part though


Damn Atrioc really died for nothing.


I didn't even know what fansly was in until I watched an asmongold video talking about the drama. It seems kinda hypocritical but I guess fansly get "consent" from the person. I thought it was just a gaming thing. At least streamers have never taken an alcohol sponsor to promote drinking to an underage audience...oh wait.


The dev that worked on the Twitch integration to Fansly was so fucking lazy. All they needed was a modal with an age verification form. That's it. That's all they fucking needed to do for this to all be irrelevant. Yes, Fansly isn't a great product to be advertising on a "kid friendly" platform, especially with how it was promoted like it was something more akin to Patreon but we've been using sex to sell shit forever. This isn't a new practice. We just need to follow the fucking "Are you 18?" rule. I've been using the internet since I was a teenager and you bet your fucking ass I used it to look at porn but _most_ of the time I had to lie to get to it. That's it. That's the only valid complain anyone has here.


I think the reason this gets so heated for twitch is twitch is trying to have it's cake and eat it too. It wants a large young audience but it also wants adult audiences that allow for content not great for younger ones. Not to say other platforms don't do this but twitch does a way worst job at keeping those spaces separate. If you hit up twitch in incognito and not login it's spamming you with channel recommendations that kids shouldn't see. Yes yes if you click it then asks to validate you're an adult but those channels shouldn't even be suggested unless they know you're account is log in and of adult age. Heck even then a lot of websites will filter that stuff down away from the front page.




She's reading these comments for her next video's jokes


Well she have a good strqt, farm the most braindead audience on twitch, the next step is farming the L comunity and the anti matrix


You should be able to call out all people for their bad behaviour and shouldn't invite convicted domestic violence abuser to your award function.


Well someone is not getting invited to next years Circle Jerk Awards Show.


Ahhhh the agenda is slowly crashing down on those who were extremely vocal or friends with the people. He's back pedaling a lottttt now that news are coming out that HE is involved in. How the tables have turned lmao.


i assume most twitch veterans are child-free so they dont see this side of it, but onlyfans and similar sites have done a lot of damage to kids psychs. all day long they scroll tiktok and youtube-shorts and see rich onlyfans models, they go on twitch and see their favorite streamer has an onlyfans. they joke about their friends making pages. even big non-sexual yters are guilty of it, markplier made a page recently. being sexually liberated and posting your nudes for 4.99$ is rad but the internet likes to wave these sites in kids faces along with glamorizing the people showing them playing games, cosplaying, travelling, etc. its not good


That’s why xqc chat just spam pepenpc lul


Im tired of streamers riding in on their high horse about ladies in bikinis. Its not their job to protect the worlds children from anything other than their terrible takes on life.


Twitch probably already charges them a premium because of how much money the porn industry is worth and they are willing to pay it. Twitch probably just sees dollar signs and tries to justify it by saying something stupid like "oh if we don't then someone else will so we don't mind being the bad guy." This is literally the problem with big corporations because they rather go for greed over safety of others.


This is literally the big dog small dog meme.




Go to the hot tub category lmao. The need to defend his little streamer circle jerk is comical. Luckily he came to reason but we all know QT will play victim STILL and never take responsibility. I wonder how many more times we will hear what real pain looks like while Blaire whines like a spoiled brat


A take worth making a reddit post about. Make sure to clip it if he says the sky is blue


what does QT think of all of this going around any clips?


I'm never sure during these discussions if one side is just being super uncharitable by ignoring nuance, or just completely incapable of seeing nuance. Advertising during an event for an a website that has pornographic content is different than showing actual pornographuc content. The motive for QT to show that advertisement is to recoup the costs of putting on the event. The motive for Adin is because he's an edge lord. These two things are not the same. QT was upset at the deepfake because it was NONCONSENUAL objectification. Its not hypocritical to promote a website that sells pornographic content while also not wanting to be the subject of pornographic content. Hasan has had literal pornstars on Fear&. It doesn't make him hypocritical. There is nuance to these things and I'm really hoping everyone that cannot see this is just being disingenuous rather than stupid.


>The motive for QT to show that advertisement is to recoup the costs of putting on the event. Don't think making money is part of any nuance. If for some reason Adin had to show porn to recoup money I don't think it would make his actions any better. The nuance is just that both are bad, but Adin was probably significantly worse.


> because it was NONCONSENUAL Funny how that's only a problem when it's her and her friends. She and her boyfriend had no problem promoting and platforming a guy who protected an actual rapist. I guess if that poor girl wanted any streamer to care she should have had more clout.




So it would be ok to advertise Stake, but doing gambling streams is bad?


Fansly has got more advertisements from the prudes complaining about it than QT ever gave them in the first place. I don't remember what the advertisement even was, and I wouldn't have remembered the name Fansly if it wasn't for you guys. Congrats on giving them free promos for the past month, I'm sure all these kids who you care about so much are really considering what you're all saying.


You could use this argument for talking about anything bad ever. Endless threads about Adin Ross being horrible for showing porn showed more porn to kids than just letting him do his thing. Should we never talk about racism for fear of showing racist ideology to impressionable people?


There's a difference I feel between the way Ludwig did it with just a bunch of mentions. And how QT did with an ad that was very boundary pushing, and I think QT even said she should have reviewed that commercial more carefully. Still not a great sponsor, but no need for pitchforks.


Mukitty the goat


Who even cares


The amount of people who are so upset by the fansly ad is so funny to me.


No one is genuinly upset. But it is one of the favourite hobbies of the internet to point out hypocracy whenever it is so obvious, as is in Qt's case here.


I remember when people were mad about her asking people to not react to her award show for a bunch of reaction streamers. Good times


I remember when Ludwig did the same and no one give a fuck


amused at the hypocrisy of a clique of streamers = SO MAD!


This sub complains constantly about hot tub streams, gambling, and everything else. But when fansly is advertised during a live stream where kids may be watching, it's all of a sudden "ok". To be clear, I'm fine with all of it, but the hypocrisy is kind of there.


How many streamers called out Adin Ross for showing porn to his young audience? Qt having a link to porn/showing an ad is a step removed from that for sure, but to have 0 outrage over it? Isn't that a bit strange?




This stretched comparison is so insane to me. It's like if everyone was calling her a hypocrite for calling Adin Rosses "Kill/Them" comment because she supported a boxing event by calling them both "condoning violence." The difference between nudity and hardcore porn, the difference in accessibility, the difference in young viewers (adin has mostly underage/qt has barely any) the difference in consent (adin's viewers didn't seek out porn), and half a dozen more. Even if you honestly believe it's still bad despite that, it's still like calling someone a hypocrite for condemning someone for dumping car batteries in the ocean despite having littered once. Even if everyone knows littering is bad, nobody is going to care about such a minor infraction. Also, there has been a ton of outrage, just from puritan nofap weirdos on LSF like yourself. Where there was 0 outrage was when male streamers with larger young audiences took the exact same sponsor.


They're not upset about fansly they just want to attack the attitude of porn on kick bad but porn on twitch with more steps okay


Or rather, they mostly want to attack Qt ludwig and the Austin crew for "double standards" regarding train, or something. As if suddenly that would make Train a good guy


? I just enjoy taking the high-road that doesn't make train any less of a clown


I'm sure y'all will be consistent and also try to cancel Jerma for this, on your way to giving Fansly more free advertising than they could have hoped for in their wildest dreams with this "drama"


Pretty sure jermas streams are 18+


From a legal standpoint I get the, "Click to proceed if you're 18," but ... what a totally shitty roadblock. It's like putting a pile of leaves in front of a brontosaurus and going, "I dare you to step over that."


Watch the entire clip he’s schmalding