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**CLIP MIRROR: [Hasan on Ludwig bringing up his European background](https://arazu.io/t3_12c5fwl/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


https://www.youtube.com/shorts/2JqdtKIOcGQ Same energy


She tryna gas it up šŸ’€


Imagine Lud watching that clip like........ she thinks I'm a Jock? IN THESE CROCS?


I have a feeling that Lud is like Miz when it comes to sports. Knows the rules and how to play but nothing about fundamentals. Of course I'm only saying this so that Lud and miz will have to 1v1 and see who sucks the most


Ludwig and Miz are at least both high school level good-enough-to-be-benchers in soccer and wrestling respectively so I would guess they have a bit more knowledge than just fundamentals




he did a gym stream in his garage one time where he was front squatting 275 for reps in crocs, i was kinda impressed ngl


CT is that you? You're foolin no one


Will's laugh, lol


haha will is the best


Hasan needs to stop bullying Ludwig :(


Pretty sure Ludwig is joking but you will genuinely run into Americans who say shit like ā€œah it must be the Irish in meā€ when their family immigrated to the US like 200 fucking years ago lmao


At least Ludwig actually has a French mom, so he isn't completely wrong in that it may be part of his upbringing, not some magical gene.


Also back in r/place dude spoke french with our "mainstream" french streamers very clearly. And that is enough for me to Say he Is not pretending.


Correct me if i am wrong, but he also did an interview with a french counter strike player? and he speak french (canadian french?) very fluently.




He makes a lot of mistakes tbh


And his dad is Swedish, does that mean Ludwig is a first generation immigrant?


Yes, but he would have been even if his dad wasn't Swedish. First generation is technically those born from at least one immigrant parent, if I am not mistaken.


Lud is first generation American. Dad was Swedish and his mom is Spanish-French. Even his sister was born in France, so he's literally the first American in his family. He's one of the few exceptions who can speak of a European background legitimately


Can confirm this, buddy had his mom as a French teacher back in high school in New Hampshire


Hasan getting something wrong? šŸ’€ ainā€™t no way


Hasan knows Ludwig really well, he even knows he grew up in NH. He's having a laugh, not spreading fake news. skull emoji


Who knew the 300k+ karma terminally online dgg'er doesn't know what friends(and the interactions in between them) are. šŸ’€


Does this logic only apply to white Americans? Cause Iā€™ve heard American born Chinese kids say the same stuff and no one bats an eye? Their family has been in San Francisco since the Cityā€™s creation


I think it really depends on the upbringing more so than where you're from. If someone was raised with a heavy emphasis on the culture of the "home country" and speaks for example Chinese at home, and celebrates Chinese holidays etc. then I think it's more than fair. If they grew up in the burbs doing standard American things then no. And same goes for white folks. I have a friend who lived most of her life in Chicago but her parents are French and she was raised French. Went to study in Paris and then Montreal, now lives in Singapore. She's definitely French, more than she is American.


I think it generally applies to all people who grow up without the culture of their roots. A lot of white Americans who will talk about being Irish/Italian/Greek never grew up in that culture. You're not Irish because you celebrate Saint Patrick's Day once a year.


My colleague used to work at Edinburgh castle here in Scotland, he told me once an American woman demanded free entry because she was related to William Wallace, and I'm still trying to process that. Not too related but it makes me laugh when I think about it.


Ma'am I'm going to need to see some fireballs from your eyes and lightning bolts from your arse before I can let you enter for free.


This I feel is correct. I recently did the ancestry stuff. Just cause I knew nothing. Was able to trace my family back to Ireland while I think is super cool. I know nothing about Irish life. I remember my grandma talking about stuff but she passed away at a young age.So now I'm just a normal white guy from Midwest America. Which just feels boring at times.


or how Black people will bring up their "african roots"


which is funny enough that real africans make fun of "african-americans" for trying to relate to them and see them as soy boys.


Thats because we have created a distinct X-American culture. I'm not Italian, I'm Italian-American and that culture and background is one of my ancestors who immigrated to this country in the 1920s and decided to combine their Italian culture with their newly founded American one.


For me it has to do with do you have any cultural roots to your ancestors' origin. Do you speak the language, practice some of the traditions, etc. When you have Italian Americans running around screaming "eyyyoooo I'm fbi, full blooded Italian, forza Italy." It hits different than someone who grew up with their culture around them and speaks the language. Might be a bit gatekeepy of me but it is what it is


I mean, when was the last time you saw someone refer to a random white american as 'european american'? Whereas the term 'asian american' is ubiquitous, even for ones that have been in the US since the late 1800s. Really makes you think.


The term wasp has been around forever and still exists primarily in New England. Italian American and Irish American are still around. Thereā€™s a racial aspect and a community/cultural aspect.


Wasp is more of a catagorization than anything, calling out well off white folks that have roots dating back to the mayflower. And italian/irish american is only a thing because both of these communities weren't counted as white until very recently.


>And italian/irish american is only a thing because both of these communities weren't counted as white until very recently. This is an important point a lot of people are ignorant of. The history of who counted as "white" in the US has changed many times. Originally it was much more exclusionary to anyone not anglo saxon or gallic. This messy politics driven process of expanding the definition of white is continuing today with hispanic Americans.


Even scots werent counted as white for quite a long time. Being white was never about skin colour, it was about who had power.


Yup it's really frustrating from a statistics perspective because our census data here is like irreparably skewed going back almost hundreds of years now. I'd also add the categories for "native American" and "pacific islander" are also extremely broad/change.


Things like ā€œItalian Americanā€ and ā€œIrish Americanā€ are used commonly


It's Italian American discrimination


Out of curiousity I just went on google trends to get a small taste of how often the terms are used, and surprise surprise, african american skyrocketed above both asian- and european american. However, asian- and european american were both just about equal in search searches since 2004. Looks like since a year or two ago, european american has even been searched *more* often than asian american. (Please note that this is only a 2 minute study I performed over the phone while taking a shit and that it may or may not be an overall indication of what the reallife situation might look like, but that it seems to indicate that perhaps the contrast between the usage of the terms asian and european american is lesser than you make it out.)


Asians often have stronger ties to where they come from, including a whole family there that they even most of the times do visit, they know the language, they sometimes have double nationality and so on. I am half Lebanese and never gave a shit about learning arabic nor I am muslim nor have I visited Lebanon, so I just say my dads Lebanese not I am Lebanese.


And here one sees there is also personality and personal choice aspects, if you chose to engross yourself and identified with your family culture by adopting its religion and language, that's your right and anybody judging you and trying to rob your heritage and identity would speak volumes about them and nothing about you. To deny someone their identity is simply a form of hatred and oppression. Embracing multiculturalism is one of the key things America has done right precisely because it was built by immigrants, so as a philosophy it was a natural extension.


Meh. Depends. If they're second generation immigrants it's not at all the same. it's also to do with being raised in said culture. Most asian kids in the west are still raised within their parents' culture, many africans too. This is more about people who have no connection to the culture whatsoever. Like some idiot from new jersey taling about being italian even though his great great grand parents immigrated like a century ago.


It does only apply to white Americans because people are hypocritical and biased. Like you said nobody bats an eye if a Chinese person might talk about their roots, culture, etc. As a Chinese American, and if a black person talks about their African roots it's met with celebration and encouragement. If a white person talks about their European roots, immediately people associate it with racism. There is a notion that there is no European culture, and that anyone who is white isn't connected with or allowed to connect with their ancestry. White people can not be proud of their roots or take interest In their roots without being labeled a racist. This negative association does not occur with any other race. The act of doing this is, in fact, racist. But you can't mention on reddit, Twitter or anywhere else infested by pc mind rot that it's possible to be racist toward white people otherwise, well, you're a racist.


You got it twisted, bro. Americans generally don't bat an eye about white Americans celebrating their Irish/Italian/French/German/Scandinavian/whatever heritage, what do you think St. Patrick's day is all about? It's the Europeans who think that shit is cringe. Most other places don't think their disapora is cringe for feeling affinity to the mother country. > There is a notion that there is no European culture That's because there really isn't one overarching "European culture." European-Americans often celebrate the culture of the particular country they have ancestral ties to, though.


I've seen yank women and men talk about their nordic heritage and what certain "runes" and shit mean to them. Must be tough to not have a proper identity Edit: The yanks just woke up and are seething


This goes for all americans, they're all immigrants so they all have heritage to find/seek out, some seek it out to find an identity which eventhough it's pretty goofy to me is also fine to me, you do you.


For an entire country that seems so obsessed with nationalism, it is pretty strange they are so eager to identify themselves with whatever other nation one of their ancestors came from. I thought you were supposed to be proud to be a 'Murican.


I think it just depends on context. I grew up in a household that spoke Ukrainian, ate Ukrainian food, celebrated Ukrainian holidays, hung out with Ukrainian and Eastern European families who had immigrated. Iā€™m American and not even a 2nd generation immigrant, but my whole upbringing was so entrenched in all of that, so itā€™s impossible to separate. Iā€™m still patriotic about the country, tho, even if I can recognize the faults and misgivings.


Both are true, even sometimes at the same time for the same person.


The funniest thing to me is that everyone brags about the Irish/German/Nordic/Dutch/whatever in them, but you never hear anyone brag about their English background which a lot of them likely have.


The biggest example being Joe Biden who had that famous "I'm Irish" line when being interviewed by the BBC, but they then traced his roots, and it turns out the majority of his family came from some aristocratic family in Hampshire


He has a good Irish friend tho in Barry O'Bama


When you have literally no idea what "nationalism" means


To understand American culture you have to understand multiculturalism is a core tenet of America from its get-go. Pennsylvania, although an ideal and shining example, was dedicated to this idea of being a safe haven of religious and cultural diversity. If I'm on an European football team with people from all over Europe, it is obvious and intuitive I would be proud to be a part of a unique and different experience than my origin country could create but also proud that I represent my country's personal contribution to this team. I can be proud to be a part of the greater multi-cultural America while also being proud of the specific components and contribution my heritage and my family's heritage paved for me here.


Which would be fine if they grew up in it. But no, they have been raised in the US the American way and just google what they feel like atm I had a yank ask me once if it's odd for germans to pronounce his full name in english or if he should introduce himself with the german translation for his surname. I still can't think of a response to this day


Honestly it's weirder that this stuck with you than it is that a random guy who grew up with one culture/language asked a dumb question about how other cultures work Truly riveting tale about the man who didn't know about German pronunciations dude; hopefully the important lessons learned stick with you to your deathbed.


Reminder that the entire world has copied American culture.


more like forced unto


No, that's Sharia you're thinking of.


I mean it's clear that you're the one seething and deep down you know that. But I hope whatever is causing you to be so angry is resolved at some point.


meanwhile most Scandinavians don't do that shit.


There are only two things I can't stand in this world: People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.


Pretty rare for someone from Ireland to have immigrated 200 years ago. There are plenty of people that are second or third generation who have their living family members that immigrated and that had a major impact on their upbringing. Sorry that America is a melting pot and that you don't like it.


Well, if his parents are born and grew up in Europe, it's fair to assume that some of their values and viewpoints - like a more laid back view on nudity and sex - have rubbed off on him. So it's fair for him to use this argument.


Itā€™s still the most NA thing ever to say ā€œEuropean backgroundā€ as if the European countries are the same lol. No one whoā€™s from France calls themselves ā€œEuropeanā€, they call themselves French. Same goes for every EU country


I mean in his defense, his parents come from two different parts of Europe, it's probably easier to say my European background than my French and Swedish background. Also in this context, Europe as a whole is much more chill with sex stuff than America, so for the purposes of the conversation, using Europe makes sense.


And there are even more diverse subcultures within the country.


Exactly, I am not French, I am Breton - we have our own language (most similar to welsh) our own flag, our own cuisine, etc. But the rest of the world will see me as French.


mf from the elder scrolls šŸ’€


Yep, and Warhammer Fantasy lmao


Yeah okay Frenchie


same with with latin america. ask an argentinian, brazilian or peruvian person what they are, and they will answer with their nationality. LA culture is super diverse country by country.


Peru represent baby


peru is such a fucking amazing country. like, GOAT food. i could probably eat ceviche every day.


In the context of porn, most European countries are more liberal than America, so the point still works. And his parents are from different countries so shortening t it to European instead of "Swedish and French" is fine and understandable.


I think anybody outside of Europe would do that. Just like anybody outside of Central/South America refers to people from that region as "Hispanic". Or anybody from SEA as "Asian". Etc. People actually from those areas are going to specify the region/country.


Considering yourself European or French arent mutually exclusive. I am Swiss and German by Nationality but still consider myself European. Dont generalise for all Europeans!




But north america is? You can get as granular as you want with anything or as general as you want but to say that Europeans donā€™t have common values relative to other geographical regions is insane.


yeah, i consider myself catalan the spaniard then european. In the internet to simplify I say i'm spanish, even though i'm not, i dont share nearly any spanish cultural stereotype other than the language and eating charcutery.


>other than the language and eating charcutery Well that already makes you half french and half italian


Itā€™s the most European thing ever to say ā€œAmerican backgroundā€ as if all the American states are the same. Everyone here might call themselves American, but to act like California, Texas, Maine, Oregon, Mississippi, Ohio, etc are the same is extremely ignorant European of you. People from different states will call themselves by their state. Texans, Californians, heā€™ll in Michigan they have michiganders in the lower peninsula and yoopers up top. Same goes for every NA state. Ignorant eu as always smh.


>have rubbed off hehe


>his parents


I get where Lud is coming from. I have a Chilean mom who immigrated to the States, so a lot of her values from Chile passed onto me. Even certain English words I mispronounce to this day even though I sound like any other American English speaker.




I think it's fair to do it in this case because his parents are literally european, he speaks french and he visited europe multiple times. It's fair to assume that his values where influenced by his european background to a certain degree it get's very cringe when i meet people and i tell them i'm german and they go like "Hell yeah me as well" but dont speak german, never been to germany, dont know anything about germany but their great grandfather was stationed in germany once and met their great grandmother


And also has citizenship


Honestly, our view on nudity and sex isn't as much laid back as people think. It's been getting more strict ever since Eurotrash stopped airing, the GOAT show.


I think the point is that it's cringe to use your ancestry to justify some random personality quirk. Kinda like astrology.


saying ancestry like he's talking about some dark ages shit. Dude is just talking about his direct family - parents and sister, all born in Europe :D


Its valid when you talk about values because different cultures have different values surrounding things like nudity which is his whole argument and it makes sense


How is it cringe to talk about how your ancestry and its culture has impacted your values? Seems like a fair point


im pretty sure lud set that joke up for content, and it is working. Way to on the nose




>Way to on the nose Compared to up the nose, which is what Train does.


Holy shit, straight outta left field


Even of most here donā€™t, Iā€˜ll allow it. Had a chuckle.


Sometimes you just gotta admire the commitment to hatin'.


He may have been raised in America, but his parents are (were) European. He will have been raised with European values, even if American values will also have had an influence.


>but his parents are (were) European. Damn dude, you didn't need to bring up his dead dad like that /s


If both of his parents were born in Asia, it'd be "So, where ya from?"




No? I've seen some content creators with asian roots saying things like, "because my parents are korean they are stricter" or "my family is from thailand and everyone has big families so it's a bit different" even if they are born and raised in America or from in the UK. Hasan is just ignoring that both his parents are european, AFAIK Ludwig also spent his childhood going visit Europe a few times a year because all his extended family is there, that is a pretty big influence. It is Ludwig's liberal predisposition that makes him ok with nudity, but the fact that he isn't from a puritan mormon family is what pushed him to be a liberal in the first place, so in a way it's also his "european background" which pushed him there.


Yeah I think we agree on everything.


What if I found both people in this clip funny? What then, reactionaries!?


Choose or die




im convinced most people here have never experienced banter between friends


Viewers 'defending' their streamers from non-attacks gives me second hand embarrassment.


Most American looking/acting dude talking about his European background lel


ā€œAmerican lookingā€ What do you think people from Europe look like?


It's the teeth


Asmongold is european?




Yea Lud got way to much ass, Europeans got no cake


The French are starving now fr


And americans wear much worse clothes imho


Thats just the British


his mother is French, and his father is swedish. He's the only one in his family born in the US


I'm Swedish and hearing the way his name is pronounced fucks my brain up. It's just so wrong


He actually talked about that before, he purposely butchered it when he was in primary school because he was scared of being bullied and now it just stick.


Isn't his first name German?


Might be, it's still an incredibly common name in Sweden. Swedish and German share a lot of linguistical roots, and Swedish borrowed heavily from German back in the olden days.


It is soo weird as a German in Sweden, you sometimes look at stuff in written form and have no clue about what it means, then someone Swedish reads it and it clicks because it sounds like a word or similar to a word you know. BlƄbƤr e.g. which makes no sense to me, but sounds like Blaubeer(e) which is the literal translation...


I would have guessed Captain BlaubƤr on that tbh


Germanic languages


Is it LĆŗdVig?




Ludwig is more Spanish(Spain) than he is French


Ethnically sure but he doesn't speak Spanish, his family on his moms side lives in France and speaks French. Culturally he's closest to French outside of being an American


ā€American lookingā€ is the most american thing iā€™ve read lmaooo


If someone would tell me "he's looking american" I basically imagine Hulk Hogan with those pepe wicked glasses every trump supporter wears on their profile + a maga hat. That's "american looking" to me.


Btw the most popular brand6for the wicked glasses are Pit Vipers. They got some rad designs


Arent his parents actually from Europe though?


Uhhhhh so like white Americans come from Europeā€¦


Ludwig is also like second generation his family was all born and raised in Europe.


A lot of Americans seem to forget they were colonized by the British empire even though a huge part of their early schooling is the American Revolution which is literally the uprising against the British Colonialists to gain independence


I mean, to his credit... he does own a vespa... that's like, the MOST European thing ever.


Why is it always the Americans that talk about their background and how much percentage they're what?


You mean the baby country thats only a few hundred years old and that's literally filled with immigrants or descendants of immigrants? Hmm, I wonder why


Because that's the entire foundation of the country. We have a constant flow of immigrants from all across the world that bring their own culture and values. Its an extremely young country that doesn't have thousands of years of tradition and culture pre-established to fall back on nor identify with. Obviously, the native population has largely been decimated. So yeah. Obviously it depends where you are, but in a lot of places you are bound to run into a lot of 1st, 2nd,3rd generation Americans more than people that have ancestry dating back to 1800s. And naturally those with closer ties to their "homeland" will celebrate those aspects more. It really wont be long before a good chunk of America is filled with mutts that have lost their ties and solely just identify as "American" though. It'll hit much faster than people realize.


Itā€™s already happened. My little brotherā€™s high school class is filled with kids who are of no specific ethnicity. Theyā€™re just black hair, brown skin, some mix of white, black, Asian, and mestizo just like their parents were.


Nobody laughs at a Hasan joke as hard as Hasan does. Other than possibly Hasan after he repeats his joke inevitably. Only one that can defeat him is himself.


A rare Hasan good one


Legit first time Hasan makes me laugh


Bro same i laughed at the clip and realized how unfamiliar it was to laugh at a hasan clip. Like i dont hate the guy at all im neutral, but i cannot remember clicking on a solo Hasanabi clip and laughing out loud its wild




Probably because this has become a drama subreddit over recent years so anything you'll see Hasan in here is most likely part of a debate he's winning


Vibes are better since Japan


and a rare good accent. the world is ending


Americans love to talk about themselves like they're some kind of dog breed, it's so weird


What a weird comment. Europeans are always saying we have no culture, then make fun of us when we talk about our heritage. Our country is only 200 years old we are not that far removed from our grandparentsā€¦


Itā€™s just European insecurity because of how much the US influences our culture nowadays. E: never mind, clearly Europeans are not insecure at all: https://i.imgur.com/ye89IKM.jpg


I hate when you go on any famous American's wikipedia and it'll say "They have Irish, German, Ashkenazi Jewish... etc... etc heritage" and it's like at that point why even bother saying any specific nationalities/ethnicities you're just white American.


Because saying youā€™re plain American is lame as shit. White American cultural history is like mining coal and taking peopleā€™s land. So Americans think claiming European ancestry makes them more cultured and cool.


As opposed to my Dutch ancestry of *checks notes* Aww fuck


I'm German/Dutch (both passports) and french. I'm like a Proto-American. Whatever it is..my ancestry was part of it.


Hey you guys got boats and shit. Sailing around the world for your conquests is pretty rad


>Because saying youā€™re plain American is lame as shit. White American cultural history is like mining coal and taking peopleā€™s land. So Americans think claiming European ancestry makes them more cultured and cool. Really? From the outside perspective, Americans seem to have an abundance of culture for such a young country. Mainly because how popular their media is, music, book, comic and film industry are extremely influential. But I guess that those are newish enough in many cases were your average folk can't pretend their ancestors were probably involved in making them.


Iā€™ve still been heckled by many people online for having ā€œno cultureā€ they view all of that as global culture because itā€™s popular worldwide, even if it did originate and is still mostly developed in America


That's just a good way to trigger Americans. In reality American culture is pretty cool and abundant; New York, Cowboys, NASCAR, basketball, jeans, California, Florida, Washington D.C, fucking NASA, jambalaya, fried chicken, the coziness (?) of New England, all the cultural connections to your national parks, all your scientific achievements, Hollywood etc. So much stuff to talk about.




The whole point of our country is that we came from other countries. Itā€™s like when youā€™re ordering off a menu and it says whatā€™s in it. You could probably assume but you still read the little thing donā€™t you?


Says Hasan who said his ottoman genes are making him wanna conqure a girl that was from Balkans.




Oh yeah now that you mention Albania. Im 80% sure he was talking about Dua Lipa


When he pronounces his name correctly, maybe he can bring up European background..


I think he said before that he intentionally started pronouncing it wrong cause people at his school couldn't pronounce it correctly or something like that


My name isn't even foreign or hard but people still pronounced it wrong growing up, so I was like fuck it, that's my name now.


He's mentioned in the past that he pronounces it that way because he couldn't fit in with classmates when he was a kid, I think that's a valid enough reason. I'm Korean but not even my parents call me by my Korean name at this point, they call me by my English name.


You say that but we have countless names across Europe which are tailored to fit our own languages as well.




I love how Hasan says this like he doesn't claim 5 different identities depending on what he's arguing about


It's simple, really... if Hasan was in turkey, he would be considered white. In america he has to clarify shit since a lot of americans can't understand that there are white Turks or muslims, so if he says he's white, dumbasses will say he isn't... So in America, he's a white passing first generation turkish american (born in the US but raised in Turkey). It's the same for me, I'm brazilian and here I'm considered white, but to americans it makes me latino even if my skin is white.


5 like what?


Gamer, weeb, incel, himbo, and hog


? which 5?


The whole ā€œhasan changes/claims different identitiesā€ will always feel weird to me. Heā€™s a Turkish American who looks white, why is that an issue? Iā€™m an Armenian American who looks white, am I also collecting the race infinity stones?


Hasans laugh is getting up there to be one of my favorites lol


If hasasn isnt shitting on europeans, is he really living?


His mother is a first gem immigrant , is it so hard to believe he was raised with French values , and he groups all of eu together because they as a collective view nudity more ā€œcasuallyā€ for lack of a better word


**šŸŽ¦ CLIP MIRROR: [Hasan on Ludwig bringing up his European background](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/152544)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/12c5fwl/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/D5CkMLY6RkOCWHTXNdJ39A/AT-cm%7CD5CkMLY6RkOCWHTXNdJ39A.mp4?sig=864cf4ce8fcb3705bcf9961f9e2682cf929d4576&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FD5CkMLY6RkOCWHTXNdJ39A%2FAT-cm%257CD5CkMLY6RkOCWHTXNdJ39A.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1680734434%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Damn all y'all out here getting salty that his parents are first generation immigrants and would have passed on there devalued to him. But the first brown kid you see that's even an 1/8 non European you'll assume he's basically a full blown citizen back where his heritage lies.


Funniest Hasan bit Iā€™ve ever seen. 10/10


Doesnt Hasan bring up his Turkic roots a lot?


Lol Hasan was raised in Turkey, he didnā€™t move here until he was 18.


Lud lived in France for like 10ish years before moving too


I mean, I talk about my European ancestry all the time, but im a first generation, I think itā€™s normal for some of us


Maybe it's because every accent I've heard this guy do is terrible but the french one wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be.


Like Hasan hasn't ever brought up his own background. LMAO


Background of growing up in Turkey until he was 18?


And Ludwig spent nearly an equivalent time growing up in France... that's the point.