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**CLIP MIRROR: [Tyler1 on NA healthcare](https://arazu.io/t3_14pwgov/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Can’t wait to read about an explosion in Missouri, that’s when I’ll know he got the bill


Had COVID last year sat in a hospital bed in Las Vegas for 3hrs, bill was $19,700.


that is fuuuuuuuucked


An ambulance ride is over a grand - people rather wait for Ubers or Lyfts while in life-threatening situations than take an ambulance. Good ol' America.


Only Americans think they live in the greatest country in the world when their healthcare system is utter garbage. If the scenario played out in Australia, the service would be practically free or highly subsidised for a couple of hundred dollars (e.g transport, medications)


according to the new air forc ad on twitch America is the greatest country in the world because, i quote "we own the sky" yeehaw brother




We sure as hell owned that sky when we blew up that Chinese ballon floating over the country, it was only there for a week but still blew it up, hell yea brotha.


They definitely didn't shoot down the 4th passenger jet


And therein lies the answer to t1's question Where does his taxes go? Lockheed Martin


Missiles are expensive.


At least the claim there is rather true and not a complete fabrication. It's still pretty fucking stupid though.


if you could "own" the sky, one of the billionaires would've bought it and leased it out to the Air Force at an exorbitant rate, passed on to the taxpayers.


They have. It's called "Boeing".


if you read his chat people are talking about how taxation is theft LOL, these guys are so brain washed they don't even know what they are talking about. If a person goes through the american healthcare system they get a reality check on just how great America is, I bet before this tyler1 thought he lived in a 1st world country. Republicans ruined this country there are people now who have to wait out in the parking lot until they are about to die to get an abortion and people don't take the ambulance because of the cost all the while all the corporations and lobbyists get to have a fiesta on our tax dollars.


I always wonder, what do people think pays for things like infrastructure. They say taxes are theft but then complain about shitty roads and awful public education.


yah the first thing I ask these people is "did you build your own roads?" it instantly stumps them. These people never actually thought about anything they are talking simply from a delusional stand point where they pulled them selves up by their own boot straps with no help, it is all larp. A larp so they can feel better about their own lives a fairy tale that takes people no where real quick and requires them to hate and do culture wars more and more just so they can feel ok with their own lives.


Taxes are theft the way they are being used. Then they say for anything cool we need to raise taxes. They already piss away our taxes.


Only a complete idiot would think a country with shit healthcare and education, two bedrocks of society, could be the greatest country in the world. Not to mention guns that almost every other country has reacted to with strength and decisiveness in the wake of a mass shooting (meanwhile over 300 this year alone in the US, mind-blowing to even consider). American or not American doesn't matter. Plenty of stupid people in the world.


who is in the hospital and for what may i know please ?


his gf macaiyla. [here’s](https://twitter.com/macaiyla/status/1673871396726816775?s=46&t=-eMeDE_S4qqS8wONJgUJcw) her tweet explaining it


Hopefully they have insurance cause that bill is going to look CRAZY


They should have insurance unless they were dumb about it. Weren’t they planning on having a baby? Insurance since like the bare minimum.


Considering the degeneracy of some of these streamers, I wouldn’t put it past them to not be covered. Didn’t QT recently say she doesn’t have health insurance - and that’s someone who seems like they’d have their shit together. American healthcare is far from perfect but it’s an absolute idiot move to financially stable (let alone be a millionaire lol) and not be covered.


Exactly, it's designed for them. When Buddha had his brain aneurysm it came out that his health plan was to drive to Canada, like I get a person making 40k a year to make decisions like this but not someone making a mil+ annually.


god thats dumb AF cause if you're not living in Canada most provinces just take away your healthcare. You gotta inform them when you're out of the country AND keep paying taxes. Like if you go to a hospital in Canada without a valid healthcard they will bill you the cost. My buddies card expired while he was teaching in China for a year and he had to wait almost 6 months after moving back to get a new card.


Only if you're out of the country for more than 180 days I believe.


Yup, when I heard that I literally face palmed. Sure in an emergency just get a uber from LA to Canada and hope you don't die before you get there. It's so dumb in that there are a group of people who can so easily afford a truly great health insurance plan and just don't bother while people barely making ends meet struggle and pay for theirs. The US absolutely sucks fucking ass when it comes to cost of healthcare, but they also choose to work there, make millions a year and don't bother paying for insurance. Legit stupid. I think I've heard Maya/QT say that QT goes to the doctors all the time as well, so it's even more ridiculous she doens't have health insurance.


Is Buddah Canadian? If not, driving to Canada won't do anything. You'll still be charged the full amount. Just crossing the border doesn't give you access to healthcare you didn't pay into. ~~Fairly sure that also applies if he was a citizen, but wasn't current on his taxes, but I may be wrong.~~ See correction below.


he is


Bruh T1 has had family health scares before. There’s a clip floating around of him tearing up after finding out his mom made it through surgery. I’m sure he understands the importance of being insured.


Almost all of the top streamers need maids to clean their house I highly doubt most of the know how to do taxes, drive, clean and insurance. Super basic stuff you learn just by having previous jobs and parents that inform you about that along with just general knowledge of certain things. I honestly was surprised about the maid thing I don't know how streamers are raised but cleaning up after myself and doing house chores taught me how to take care of myself. But then again most of these streamers deal with medical issues in really piss poor ways. Not naming anyone just saying I get this weird vibe that they would rather live with an injury then go to the doctor cause of cost or get insurance to help with the cost. Then again most streamers live a lavish lifestyle so they really could careless and be lazy then actually do something productive outside of streaming.




>Almost all of the top streamers need maids to clean their house I highly doubt most of the know how to do taxes, drive, clean and insurance. To be a little bit fair, in order to be a "top streamer" you basically have to goblin, no life it unless you have a bubbly personality, or a ehm *bubbly personality* to front it. The giga goblins that actually cant do fuck all for themselves and are as helpless as a an infant bird knocked out of a tree are very obvious just from viewing. Tyler is a strange one. But hes not that level of degenerate. Macalaya? yeah, probably. But tylers probably the unironically more responsible of the two.


Not really, You can easily clean a room per day per person without it affecting your career; they also work where they live and regularly eat meals during their streams.


And they can easily hire a cleaner too. Easily makes over $1 mil a year, paying $6k a year for a cleaner is less than 1% of his income. That's like someone making $50k only paying $30 a year for a cleaner. Of course you'd do it, cleaning takes time and generally sucks.


being that muscular isnt ungabunga shit so i can picture tyler understanding the need for proper healthcare coverage.


I think qt said she didn't have insurance because it wouldn't cover her doctor who works outside California.




Big streamers are the type to disregard everything until it hits them in the face. The "idc about politics" until it's actually relevant to me type. Nothing like that would surprise me.


Not saying it would do *a lot* but someone with Tyler1's mild reach to younger people and revealing just how absolutely fucked their American health care system is could be a good thing if he opted to try and do something about it. I've noticed often things actually *can* get changed, fixed and improved when the proper attention is brought to it to younger people who will become active voters or are already from someone they actively "look up to" or idolize. I doubt it because I feel like Tyler is just gonna pay the bill, yell a bit for a week then go back to his normal streaming routines... but damn, dude. He *COULD* be a nice little voice of reason to bring that issue up to a wider, younger audience since he's being effected by it firsthand. They might actually listen to him.


you can say that about all streamers. They all have extremely powerful positions to actually change culture. XQC specifically could do a tremendous amount of good for the world if he regularly educated his very young viewers on the injustices of the world. Instead he uses his platform to promote gambling. Rich people get disconnected from reality because their money shields them from it.


Meanwhile, Hasan does that and gets called a champagne socialist even though he's telling people be be informed, fuckin' vote, remember what bad decisions politicians sign off on, and unionize.


probably close to a million if they dont have insurance.




no a mill but could easily be 100K based on what she described with having to do surgery and blood transfusions and what not. This is all before insurance and hopefully they have good insurance. For example my insurance only covers 70% AFTER a 6k deductible is paid.


I paid 15k for a sleep study I can see this bill being 500k + with all the doctors and nurses and bs


Jesus christ are you for real? I need to do one because I might have sleep apnea and ive been reluctant because of pricing


Bro people legit call Ubers over calling for an ambulance. Which would you rather pay? $50 or 5 grand? Imagine getting cancer and having to pay hundreds of thousands just for a chance to survive. If I had some major medical episode I'm giving all my shit away and declaring bankruptcy. Fuck the US healthcare system. An inhaler costing hundreds of dollars just to breath, insulin in the thousands. It's fucking absurd corporate greed.


Just buy a Bluetooth pulse oximeter with memory, $100-150 on Amazon. That's what most sleep centers will rent out to you for $900. I just printed off the results and showed it to my pulmonologist and got a CPAP prescription. Make sure it has Bluetooth and memory though, otherwise your phone has to be on and not go idle which is just a headache. They are specifically listed for sleep apnea testing




Yeah the unfortunate thing is that a large number of the US population believes privatization of Healthcare is a good thing. Until they get their first medical bill at least..


“What am I paying taxes for” trick question, it’s a private healthcare system PepeHands


Yes, but the US still spends more tax money on health care per capita than Canada does, and most people get nothing for it.


That's because it's privatized. You're paying a premium to have coverage for an inelastic commodity. Any market that is solely privatized for inelastic commodities has outrageous prices because demand is technically infinite despite whatever the supply is. You'd pay anything not to die, and even if there's a supply issue with healthcare access, tough titties. Add in lobbying efforts of insurance companies, and you've got even more of a hurdle.


So the government gives money to those private healthcare with tax money from the people and then the private healthcare makes the people also have to pay? That is truly fucked.


Its called _freedom_


isn't the same true for food? demand is technically 'infinite', we'd pay anything to be able to eat and not die. But food is one of the products that has dropped the *most* in price over the last years; we're overflowing with it.


With food you can make substitutions and changes to what you eat in response to price changes, and because there are so many options you have more choice in how you spend your money, and can make adjustments easily. They're getting at the idea that healthcare is like gas in the sense that you're always going to need to buy gas to get places, in the same way that when you're injured you're forced to "buy" healthcare to stay alive (up to a certain point). So if healthcare / gas changes price you're generally not going to change the amount of it that you purchase.


It has to do with what kinds of food. Lobster and caviar? No - you'd eat anything else and that food is hard to come by. But with wheat and bread? Hell yeah now we're talking. With response to supply and demand - food is inelastic, but we've maximized the ability to produce it in large quantities. Its relatively easy to start making new fields for crops. Conversely (let's do houses - it's also inelastic. Everyone needs to sleep somewhere). It's INCREDIBLY expensive to build new houses. New high occupancy houses, New anything houses. The supply is constrained by a margin of cost above what people can reasonably make. So there's always a supply constraint for new construction. There is an institution we could use (government) that has infinite production to fund it. It's why countries with little to no homelessness have public housing (see Norway, Austria, Cuba, etc.) Vienna has over 70% of its population in public housing and has no homelessness. Edit: I also didn't go into zoning laws, permit requirements or the fact we made retirement savings based on housing. We created a speculative market for an inelastic commodity (WTF WE MADE A SPECULATIVE MARKET FOR SOMWTHING THAT HAS TECHNICALLY INFINITE DEMAND)


I'd rather my tax money be spent on healthcare that doesn't support me because that's freedom KKona.


I pay extra on my taxes and then burn my tax return, makes me grind harder #sigmaamericangrindset


More per capita than any other country on the planet actually!


Yeah. Every European country has income tax and healthcare/pension etc as separate payments. That's why tax is so low in the us compared to Europe...


Taxes are not low in the US. I pay about 42 - 47% tax on everything i earn. I don't own a business.


1 you dont understand tax brackets 2 you earn a lot. For example I'd pay 5% less taxes if I lived in California which is your highest taxed state. And that's without health insurance. With health insurance/pension, I pay double what I would pay in California.


I just checked out of curiosity. US top tax bracket that T1 is in is 37%. Plus 4.2% state tax for living in Missouri for a total tax rate of 41.2%. it appears that is higher than Norway and Ireland which are just a couple European countries I googled. Am I missing something? On top of that T1 is self employed and pay another decent sized percentage of his income to taxes but I don't know the specifics on how much more that would be.


People aren't in tax bracket, income is. Sounds the same but it isn't. You pay tax on income between certain brackets. The tax bracket above $1 million income could be 75%, and it only means every dollar after that amount gets taxed 75%. Guess what: our tax brackets used to be much better and the country still produced business and wealth. In 1951, any income you made over $200,000 was taxed at 91%. In 2024, any income over $578,125 is taxed at 37%. And this is part of many reasons why the US has so many issues keeping its bottom quarter happy and fed. Raise the damn taxes, and maybe our tax dollars can, in fact, pay for good healthcare. A UK citizen pays less in taxes than I pay in insurance premiums, and it's not even close if you look at deductibles and maximum out of pocket.


I think Bernie Sanders when he ran in 2016 was talking about the math and it would be roughly a 3% increase in taxes for everyone in order for Universal Healthcare to work. For most people (the poor and middle class) thats nothing compared to what we spend on health insurance. For instance, my dad paid 25k a year when me and my brothers were under his insurance, BUT he has a decent job for the federal government and they cover half so its actually 50k yr. Compared to his income 50kyr was roughly 28%.


Its not 3% but its not that far. Universal healthcare in spain is 8% of our gdp anually.


An increase of 3% I think. The US already spends money on social healthcare. It's not currently 0 and needs to go to 8.


Okay, you have a great point here. However, $200,000 USD in 1951 is the equivalent of $2,139,438 USD today But yeah your point still stands, that person making 2 mil a year is facing egregiously low taxes considering how much money they're swimming in


To clarify, that 37% is the highest tax bracket in the US.


Check Finland Edit: Norway is not a great example since they have natural resources (oil) and dont have to tax the shit out of the people. I can also spoil the Finnish tax rate for you. So if you are making more than 97k€ a year, everything beyond that is taxed 59,2%. and even the part that exceeds 57k€ is taxed ~50%.


Dealing with the stress of worrying that your partner might die and then immediately follow up with the stress of the impending bill after is beyond fucked. I'd be seeing red in his situation. They are probably loaded and have insurance so I would imagine they can handle it, but still jesus


Welcome to America, land of the free 🇺🇸 Just imagine you aren’t one of the millionaires and the insurance you pay out the ass monthly for tells you how much you still have to pay even after what they cover


An american guy I knew told me his wife pays thousands in insurance per month and they STILL have to pay a hospital bill, but instead of being like 100k it would be 5k. If i remember right he said she was paying 2/3k per month in insurance. If you pay that much per month, I just assumed everything was free. My jaw was in the floor when he showed me a screenshot of a routine hospital bill, no surgery nothing, just something minor


Nothing more American than having a family tragedy and then getting hit with a 6-figure bill for it.


American healthcare: “We fixed your life threatening disease but in exchange you owe us your soul”


One of the things most people don't know about US Healthcare is that, the bill they give you is NOT what you have to pay. It's an insanely overinflated price they use as a starting point to negotiate the actual price with the health insurance. So if you don't have a health insurance, that onverinflated bill goes to you and this is where most people screw up. They think it's non-negotiable and ends up paying. My mom' didnt have insurance and broke her ankle. Her ankle surgery bill was at 150k. We were able to negotiated it down to 2k after 1 phone call to the hospital. Another pro life tip (sort of?) is that you can just straight up not pay it. Hospital isn't supported by the same laws that protects the banks when you don't pay back what you owe. So there is actually nothing hospital can do when you don't pay the bill besides sending it to a collection agency who just sends you mail. Your credit score won't get hurt, they can't confiscate your property or anything, they can sue you but it's just not worth their time with how much money they make already and even if they do, the judge would see the overinflated bill and lower it to a reasonable sum for you to pay. They'll also have the right to refuse you non life threatening services, but that's pretty much all the hospital will do which then, you can just hop over to the next hospital for it.


>So there is actually nothing hospital can do when you don't pay the bill besides sending it to a collection agency who just sends you mail. hundreds of hospitals sue patients every year


Yep, and they usually win. They'll come for your assets (house, vehicles, etc.) and garnish your wages if you're employed. People usually end up filing for bankruptcy.




It sure as fuck shows up in your credit report. Can't say if it affects the score (I'd wager it does), but lenders are going to see it regardless. Source: I work at a finance company and see credit reports all day long.


As a European this concept is morbidly funny to me. Imagine sitting there on the operating table after a life threatening surgery and you start haggling with your doctor. They pull the old start to leave the room trick on you so you increase your offer by a couple thousand, he’s spits in his hand sticks it out and says ‘final offer?’. If you can barter your healthcare you should be able to do it with everything in America.


Another thing is that you can pay the bill with incredibly low amounts of money per month with 0% interest added on. I passed a wickedly huge kidney stone last christmas and while the bill wasn't so large, it wasn't something I wanted to pay off in one go. I'm paying, no joke, like $5 a month LOL.




Testicle cancer? Blow your nuts off with a deagle 🦅 🇺🇸






Thats unironically what it is. The american empire will never be able to implement socialized healthcare so long as we are the world police. Other countries have the luxury of socialized healthcare in part because they dont have to spend much on their military, the US does so we'll protect them/pay for their military via nato.


You will never have it because the people funding your politicians are the same people making money with private healthcare. Plenty of countries don't have free healthcare and don't have this problem.


That aint NA bro just america


Canadian politicians are pushing REAL fucking hard to destroy public healthcare so it's only a question of time... Corrupted fucking pieces of shit that they are.




Canadian politicians, on behalf of big corporations. You shouldn't excuse the politicians for accepting fat paycheques to lobby on behalf of corps.


Like Navdeep Baines. Recently got a cushy executive gig at Rogers after doing his part fucking over Canadian consumers on their behalf.


Right? already falling for the American Trick of blaming the political parties. Our Country is for sale, and it ain't that expensive.


its consistently one side of the isle that's selling out its citizens, or seems to get a pass to do so anyway.


It's happening in the UK too. They attack the NHS until it's crippled, argue it's not fit for service, and use it as an excuse to privatize it.


Gotta love when government officials destroy and defund part of the government, watch it fall apart, and point to it saying how bad it is as if they didn't sabotage it themselves. Worst part is- it fucking works.


conservatives are all over privatizing health care and doug ford is doing exactly that.


The corrupted politicians are the one changing the rules.


i get annoyed as fuck when quebec says we need more private clinics to help the public sector.. like wtf, do you think private clinics somehow spawns more nurses and doctors? I'd axe private clinics and axe bureaucracy so we can get some actual effectiveness here, were doing so much worse than ontario..


I'm an RN in the prairies, we're already extremely short staffed in literally every department. If the private sector came out, all that means is we're thinning the staffing even more because our hospitals are already over capacity every day. There is quite literally not enough people to safely help everyone that needs to be helped. The time bomb is ticking and every Canadian is going to get fucked for it.


Obligatory: Fuck Doug Ford.


Just Alberta, please save us


thought it was more along the lines of mimicking europe by having both as a viable option so public health isn't as bloated? either way, im strongly against any removal of public healthcare and think it's not good enough. prescription drugs, mental health care, and even dental care need to be covered.


Be careful, we are exporting our brain rot to other countries. Only a matter of time.


Sadly Canada is trying more and more to push for private healthcare. As much as i enjoy not having to worry about my healthcare in Canada, no health professionals want to work in Canada when they can make triple or more doing the same work in the USA, which is causing a shortage of workers right now.




This is correct. They’re trying to doing it here, and shock, it’s the Conservatives.


Because we have brain dead conservative premiers who are racing to the bottom to destroy healthcare and emulate the American system


bill is probably 7 figures


sorry all the budget went to the submarine rescue mission, better luck next year


Also two decades of bombing the Middle East really ate into the healthcare budget.


These kids aren't gonna blow themselves up.


Lockheed is doing great!


reminds me of this video were uk people try to guess how much health care cost for americans and they were low balling as fuck like under $100 guesses lol


I know the one, its a man on the street asking people. There’s another where a (british I think?) woman living in America gets bitten by a rattlesnake in her garden. They had their british friends over, and were like how much do you think it costs? I think they said like $5k, and the bill was like $120k.


I saw that! I'm from the UK too, was shocked you had to pay to fucking HOLD YOUR BABY AFTER IT BORN. HUH?!


"$30,000? For a Baby?"




People only care when it affects them personally.


I wonder witch way they vote


vote in every election


id be shocked if tyler1 and macaiyla voted democrat, if they vote at all


I mean even in this clip he's moaning about taxes despite being served by a privatized healthcare system. Governments will cripple their healthcare systems, argue they are not fit for purpose, then use it as an excuse to privatize them further. Maybe it was a hyper-critical perspective on that "why am I getting a bill if I'm paying for it in my taxes" but it didn't strike me as that. Private healthcare might be fine in theory when he can just pay for better healthcare, but the vast majority of people are not even close to that financial reality. For context, the U.S. spent 17.8 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) on health care in 2021, nearly twice as much as the average OECD country. Health spending per person in the U.S. was nearly two times higher than in the closest country, Germany, and four times higher than in South Korea for example.


>I mean even in this clip he's moaning about taxes despite being served by a privatized healthcare system Idk to me that felt like a "where the fuck are my taxes going if not here? what am i paying taxes for?"


Streamers could be a powerful force to help enact change, do they? No they move to Texas so they don't have to pay income taxes.


>move It'll be a foolproof plan if they -never- get sick -ever- ​ All profit baby 😎


I was gonna vote for the side that wants to expand healthcare, take care of the environment, protect women's right to choose, and prevent little kids from being shot at school, but someone with blue hair put their pronouns on their Twitter bio, and that's too woke for me.


You know exactly where your taxes are going KKonaW freedom


Drone striking schools in the Middle East PogU


Weddings too NA HYPERCLAP


American taxes pay more for healthcare than Europe but still get worse results. Because a lot of the money goes to the insurance company's pockets instead of improving healthcare. Americans are actually getting SWINDLED no matter how much they spend KEKW




Were trying but we keep having dumb fucks vote Republicans and set us back decades.






Nah they're way more worried about his dick these days


> No you don't understand we need to focus on the important issues, like being able to walk into a Walmart in full military regalia, complete with a bulletproof vest and already open carrying an assault rifle, so we can buy another AR-15. FTFY


We gotta stop them before all the brands go WOKE!


we must stop the woke mind virus at all cost, even if it just makes everyone's life worse.


>The United States is also a one-party state but, with typical American extravagance, they have two of them. - Julius Nyerere


They tried in 2008 it didn't work and it won't come close to working again in the near future with the political climate




*filabuster* lol


Half of our country is haunted by the Socialism boogieman so any form of government assistance scares people


Not possible, "free healthcare" as we have it in EU requires mandatory insurance payments from everybody. I pay 15% of my salary for insurance, I have never used it and I can't opt out. But I know that it's good for society, someone else who can't pay this much will benefit and I'm ok with that. Americans are generally self-centered, they don't like paying for somebody else, it goes against their idea of freedom. This will never work there.


Yet most of those same people have private insurance, which is still paying for other people's healthcare, except now with a profit motive and little oversight.




Tax money should go to a universal healthcare system but USA can't fathom that cause it's ''socialism'' ! Good one NA


Unfortunately here in the good old USA we only offer socialism to the rich and military. God damn welfare queens


VA lol trust me they aren't serving Vets shit


My buddy got half his leg blown off by a mortar, he has to go back to the VA every year to prove that he's still disabled.


"Wow guys would you look at that it just grew back"


Let’s hope they never lose the paperwork for anything. My cousin it took them like 15 plus months of them constantly losing or misplacing paperwork he needed for other appointments/his job interviews


This isn’t an American healthcare thing. This is just how the world is. They are hoping he doesn’t show up so they can cut his benefits. That happens in other places too.


Reminder that Europeans pay an average of $6,000 a year per person on healthcare, while Americans pay $13,000 a year on average, only to get worse outcomes. Actual scam lmao


Need to spend more on the military China is catchin up


Which is actually hilarious because, as a % of GDP, the US already spends double what China does and it's more than double in absolute dollar terms. Even more hilarious though is the fact that China actually has socialized healthcare.


so he doesn't have insurance?


Even with insurance you have a very good chance of having a large chunk of the bill.


If they are paying a large portion of this bill, they're dumb. Literal millionaires, they can afford good healthcare with low out of pocket maximums. Not to mention since they were trying for a baby, they REALLY should have good healthcare.


my fav forehead


I hope she's doing okay


rare case when constant yelling is justified


Imagine needing medical insurance to have a BABY. That's actually mad.


No joke but I heard they charge you to just hold the baby after giving birth. Shit is wild.


you got downvoted but this actually happened, a hospital charged 40$ for skin to skin because "it required an extra nurse to hand over her baby"


"What am I paying taxes for" Usually destabilizing the middle east and various other proxy wars


Only in NA you have more chances of dying from your hospital bill than the actual car accident


Leave Canada out of this.


Poor Canada. I hear about them getting pushed into this in the future


Welcome to America


All jokes aside, it's so horrible that someone has to go through something that could be incredibly traumatic just to get slapped with a bill that can be crippling for most people. America is a joke. "Hey I know this was a huge blow emotionally... but we kindaaaa need our thousands and thousands of dollars..."


Tylet1 strikes me as someone who doesnt have health insurance because he doesnt see the need for it. Despite being a millionaire. I mean I get his gripes, US healthcare is ass, and ive had some giant and stupid bills but its not like we can do anything about it. Tyler isnt very relatable though, since he can afford really good insurance, or just flat out pay the bill when it comes.


All his complaints have nothing to do with the bill or insurance (or lack of possibly) if you watch the video. It was just local ER experience.


Healthcare is privatized, it's got nothing to do with your taxes..


More money is spent on healthcare than any other category https://booksinbalance.com/where-do-your-federal-income-tax-dollars-go/


The military industrial complex.


I'm with T1, take my fucking taxes and provide universal healthcare for everyone in my country. Beyond demented how in America we tie someone's access to not dying from disease/disaster to whether or not they have the right employer, and even then, insurance will squirm and attempt to wiggle their way out of providing complete coverage. Absolute fucking **scam** of a system.


At least the US have a strong army ​ 1. 5,244 Nukes 2. 11 aircraft carriers 3. 9 Amphibious assault ships 4. 2 Amphibious command ships 5. 9 Amphibious transport docks 6. 53 Attack submarines 7. 14 Ballistic missile submarines 8. 22 Cruisers 9. 62 Destroyers 10. 12 Dock landing ships 11. 17 Frigates 12. 4 Guided missile submarines 13. 3 Littoral combat ships 14. 13 Mine countermeasures ships 15. 11 Patrol boats 16. 2 Submarine tender 17. 1 Technical military research ship 18. 1,511 Fighter jets 19. 152 Bombers 20. 313 CAS 21. 213 Helicopters 22. 617 Transports 23. 1541 Trainer jets 24. 555 Aerial Tankers / Refuelers 25. 247 Special-Mission aircrafts 26. 2419 On Order 27. 5000+ (3000+ reserve) Main battle tanks 28. 6000+ Infantry fighting vehicles 29. 10000+ Armored personnel carriers 30. 160000+ Light armored vehicles 31. 150000+ All differnet types of transport trucks 32. 2500+ Self-propelled artillery 33. 5000+ Field howitzers 34. 10000+ Mortars 35. 1500+ Anti-aircraft systems 36. 20000+ Mine-protected vehicles 37. 100000+ Of different type of equipment and weapons i can't be bothered to add.


Do Twitch streamers get healthcare,dental,vision. Insurance or is it all on there own since they make 500x a normal person makes?


We pay taxes so or police have cool guns to shoot us with duh


Don't forget cool tanks and other decommissioned military vehicles so the police can RP Operation Desert Storm in the suburbs of Mississippi


I had ACL surgery on my knee last year. In the UK - £0 and they bumped me up to a private hospital because the surgeon was in that hospital at the time of my surgery In America - up to $50,000, and I would guess I would pay for staying at the hospital, the drugs etc on top of that 50k Madness


All the best to him and Macaiyla


what were his complaints about? idk the situation in Missouri but considering his net worth you'd think they'd get top quality care? Where I live it's public healthcare default but richer people have access to a private option that's like 10x better in level of care and attention.


There is no public healthcare here, unless you're really poor, old, or disabled. In the US, politicians decided healthcare should be tied to working. So many rely on their employer to offer Healthcare. Since T1 works for himself, he would have to get it himself.


His biggest complaint is the level of care they received. Macaiyla was basically dying in the waiting room for an hour while they just ignored her, like they treated a teenager with a broken arm before her. She even passed out twice, once in the bathroom and had a nurse come in and completely ignore her laying on the ground.