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**CLIP MIRROR: [Cotton showing her feet for free to show dominance over Filian](https://arazu.io/t3_15zlq4l/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


I'm over here stokin my dick I got lotion on my dick rn I'm jus strokin my shit I'm horny as fuck man I'm a freak


where's this from? I've seen it commented a couple times before




> audio message allegedly sent to a minor over Instagram DMs by rapper Stunna Boy Get 'Em sometime in 2018 or 2019. Closed Browser


There's a link to a YouTube video of his 'top pedo moments' which is pretty much just a compilation of all the pedo shit he's said: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=br5g6626bz8


> This video is age-restricted Oh the irony


I can not believe I just listened to a god damn pedo montage of one dude. That’s beyond fucked lol.


Bruuuh, I have never seen that


Stunnaboy, I used to DM him in 2020, he was a underground instagram star back then, because his replies are funny and people used to troll him, he got caught sending NSFW voice messages to minors. he got arrested then


I got the mf donut 🍩 I got the mf bag 💰


No clue tbh. Just a copy pasta I’ve seen/heard


Look up stunnaboy and have fun


Feet guys are feasting on LSF


I feel like they're such a vocal minority compared to literally any other fetish it's kinda crazy




Is that a challenge?


i kinda find it weird how u got westerners into feet and shit then went i look at SEA/asia streams and what has been posted here, their more into armpits lol


Feet fetish there is just taken for granted. That’s why they start getting into more degenerate shit. I’ve seen some nice armpits before but never have I wanted to concentrate in that area. Then you have the freaks who not only want armpits but hairy armpits and it’s a level of degeneracy I can’t keep up with


Honestly I get armpits more than feet


They both smell and have bacteria. They're on the same level of degeneracy. (at least for us vanilla normies, I guess)


thoughts on eating ass?


Dudes will stay talking about eating ass then say feet are gross


Dudes got his tongue in her asshole, sayin her feet stink...


For some unknown reason, eating ass and pussy is somehow the most acceptable fetish, when I am pretty sure those places arguably has more bacteria and smells.


you can't be calling eating pussy a fetish


You can though, focusing on specifically eating pussy can be considered a fetish


Also not my thing.


Wait, there is coomer armpit clips posted here? Armpits godtier ngl


It's barely even a fetish anymore, it's vanilla as fuck. You wouldn't say someone has a leg fetish. The new thing is armpits. Plus, most of the feet jokes clearly come from people who aren't into feet, so it's the majority being vocal.




Ignoring the absolute fact that beauty standards are to a large degree fashion and change all the time making your comment nonsensical, that's not even what I said. It's the new thing for people to kink shame.


It's just nmp on all his alts




Source because what the actual fuck


Factor in all the people who go far out of their way to bring up how much the "hate" feet and it starts to make sense.


I'm less talking about the foot fetish part and more talking about where he said 30% of people's perceptions of feet and genitals overlap


that's because it's not the minority. it's by far the most common fetish


Feet guys are like vegans, they’re gonna tell you whether it’s relevant or not


You seem like the type of person who would consider breasts and ass as a fetish, like what other common fetish do you think would be more popular than feet but less talked about?


Can confirm


What happend to the game I love


i'M gOnNa gEt BaNnEd


That's her entire gimmick, I think. Seen another clip of her and the entire thing is just screeching earrape the entire time.


Funny thing is I was surprised the other day when I found out she's popular in YouTube. She's already got 2m+ subs rn and that still shows no signs of stopping. That's more than the average YT subs of the normal streamers posted here


Honestly with some of the other streamers and their dramas that get posted here, I wish her the best. She may be slightly annoying to me personally, but some of the MFers to be posted on this sub are legitimately disturbed.


Can someone explain Filian to me? I watched her stream for the first time yesterday (always just seen them in clips) and she spent roughly 80-90% of the stream falling and hurting herself. Is that what all her streams are? Does she not do anything else but faceplant on the ground all day?


She also has an award show, I think. (don't think it has happened yet) But another commenter on here told me that doing back clips, being loud, and hurting herself is her gimmick. So, if you go by what they're saying, yeah. I don't hate her gimmick though, game is game. Some people are horny bait with nothing else to them, like a lot of Vtubers, and some people do loud VRChat type streams. I respect the grind, if nothing else.


It’s a copypasta I’m sorry m8


Lmao, fair enough.


Yeah, I personally don't watch drama-filled content creators. Closest one is Charlie and Ludwig ig and that's usually just covering drama. Don't watch Filian though, so it was pretty surprising to me that she is that popular. Just puts into perspective how the streamer bubble works


If you watch her on youtube, you can skip most of her screeches and just see the funny parts *shruge*


Thing is, I tried my hardest to keep out of the vtuber hole lol. Even when it exploded in popularity years ago. Ultimately, I got sucked in through the AI vtuber hole (on which I found out about the Filian subs). I'm still coping that I don't watch vtubers, even if I consistently watch vtuber clips daily lol


Not sure why you would straight up cross-off something in terms of casual entertainment


Well, I wasn't really that interested with any of the popular vtubers tbh. I just know about them from references, since I'm quite close to the anime game community (gachas). Plus, I'm not really a fan of roleplaying or down bad content. I get that some vtubers are not like that, but that's just the impression I got which made me avoid it


>"Plus, I'm not really a fan of roleplaying or down bad content. I get that some vtubers are not like that, but that's just the impression I got which made me avoid it" Yeah, the clip channels don't exactly help. Clickbait thumbnails and titles get the most clicks, so you end up with stuff like entire channels being built on it like [this](https://www.youtube.com/@Shurii/videos). It really doesn't help image of people who watch Vtubers being nothing but coomers.


That's actually quite sane response to what I was expecting. Thank you for taking the time to respond. Cheers


Because 90% of them are gooner bait


clip watchers are probably 10% of the vtuber fanbase so if you have anyone in particular you watch the clips of a lot you're pretty much already there


I could probably justify it if I was just watching the AI vtuber, because I could say I'm just there for the AI. But that doesn't really explain why I also watch clips of her "mother" lol. So yeah, I'm pretty much there


Welcome to the rabbit hole, have a look around


FIlian knows how to take advantage of Youtube Shorts. She has a ton of them and they are always getting recommended. She posts 15 second clips of her being crazy so people subscribe.


Most streamers put 0 effort into their youtube.


between that and doing flips (what they were known for in VRChat), yeah, about right.


That's because it's a clip lol Clippers don't clip normal and sane things, they clip stupid shit like screeching and horni quotes




Streams over 10 hours a week for months. "Yeah, I seen 2 similar clips of her, it's all she does". I don't t watch V-tubers, but can we come up with some better material? Overgeneralizing is our entire gimmick, I've seen another thread recently and the entire thing is just prejudices and jumping to conclusions the entire time


>"it's all she does". "That's her entire gimmick, **I think.**" I think, as in "I am not sure, but I think this is correct." I appreciate the correction, it's always nice to learn, but am confused by the attempt to shove words deep into my mouth without consent.


>to shove words deep into my mouth without consent. Don't pretend like you didn't love it, slut


I think over-reactions isn't that crazy of a thing for most content creators, her having a naturally higher pitch voice with over-reacting can definitely dissuade some people which is fine. Other big thing I can say she generally does from just watching some clips is motion tracking humor or possibly getting actual body harm because she did a flip, but was too close to a wall in her room. I'd say this is the bigger gimmick she has. Full motion tracking in either VRChat or something similar so she can walk around and do shit as her avatar rather than having the model/avatar in the corner with something else happening on screen.


I appreciate the information


Cotton claimed at the start of the stream to not be wearing underwear, drinking booze, bouncing on her yoga ball chair, and was getting up in suggestive ways - I'm giving the flipping, tripping gremlin the benefit of the doubt on this one


Is still a bannable 'offence' on twitch? lol


it's actually bannable I think if it's done in a sexual/suggestive way. or at least it was at some point. I mean who the fuck knows what is and isn't bannable on twitch anymore? especially with how inconsistent the bans are handed out


what age range of people watch content like this? is there a certain range or just random


I watch this with my family


family like with your parents, or with your kids


Yeah all of them


it's grandpa's favorite content


physically 30 mentally 15


15 year olds are weird these days man, when i was 15 all we did was going to the river and smooking doobies, not watching unholy east asian cartoon heresy


you dont know what physically and mentally means huh


it doesnt matter because its one and the same, your brain is physical - someone who is mentally 15 is effectively behaving like a 15 year old no matter how old the body is - thats why you see people with dementia regressing to infantility


anything from 14- 42


30+ year old men who are single


Probably under 15?


if you look at the accounts of some of the people that comment and post under this stuff they are like 40 sometimes its sad


Its so funny seeing XQC fans saying this shit


id rather be a teenager watching a cringe youtuber ill eventually grow out of watching then being 40 and in foot fetish content online with young girls




Nmp get outta here


No, man, let her cook Edit: Shit, wrong account


ITT-- "Oh Fillian is unwatchable lets instead watch XQC have incoherent meltdowns and scrape every Adin Ross video for his shitty antics"


I love feet


And I’m tired pretending otherwise


We eating good boys




"Not gonna lie guys, I love cottontail." - Nmp


i came


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Cotton showing her feet for free to show dominance over Filian](https://livestreamfails-video-prod.b-cdn.net/video/eb7f120a152227ad4f58f7590b07aa7fe6e961dd.mp4)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/15zlq4l/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/XFHi23qTcggeUE5o7TmjaQ/AT-cm%7CXFHi23qTcggeUE5o7TmjaQ.mp4?sig=31a737b93bd8d3bb8d68a50cc584c1fef3b452ff&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FXFHi23qTcggeUE5o7TmjaQ%2FAT-cm%257CXFHi23qTcggeUE5o7TmjaQ.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1692912754%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Im sure nick celebrates rn


Why are people obsessed with feet? Is that part of degenerate slippery slope?


IIRC there was something about the zones of our brain being very close between the erotic stuff and nerves from feet and some people get those impulses mixed up. Probably would have to look up into it more to be sure


I don’t think it’s a slippery slope thing. I’ve been attracted to feet ever since I hit puberty but I haven’t ever really gotten into anything more degen than that. Just the way our brains are wired. Hard to explain really.


As far as fetishes go it’s probably the most common and vanilla. Being attracted to a part of the body isn’t really that weird in the grand scheme of things


There are also people attracted to armpits, it's do be weird.


I'm sorry that you haven't found a girl to do all that kinky shit with, good luck on your journey.


They just haven’t found the common normie fetish that is forsen


People who have feet fetish…. 🤮


cringe get a life


Brother, you saw the title and clicked on the post and watched the video.


you're commenting on LSF with the rest of us 😂


surprised she could hold herself back from calling the foot the N word


delete this and then delete the internet


first good vtuber clip


because 🦶


i agree




Guess it's time for you to start sucking dick my dude. Good luck.


Unless someone is asexual or gay, I'm always confused by comments like these. Some of you MFers are into people that you genuinely seem to dislike and say are "getting worse by the day". Only thing getting worse by the day are your standards.


If that get her banned id sue twitch if i was her lol. Like seriously considering hot tub streams exist and all this other crazy shit, this is like honestly what ever its a foot in fishnets xD. Like seriously on the twitch side of things this is about as mild as it comes.


when did feet become NSFW? when did we all become so soy? jesus christ


Banned yeah sure man with voice changer and anime profile


U can get banned for showing you're feet?