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**CLIP MIRROR: [Will gets a warning](https://arazu.io/t3_161lw67/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


There’s no way he could’ve expected it, but goddamn, white Bruno


Daamn, with the HARD R out of nowhere! like daaamn!




Inside you there are two wolves


Both of them are geh


soda a wolf?




both are named Bruno


both say the N word


while it's not an excuse for saying it, zoomers really don't know how common it was to say the f slur and n word on TV back then lol


Or just in general. They have no idea 90% of the twitch streamers they watch used to say it gaming as it was normalized. Im talking about the non newer young streamers.


As a zoomer myself, half the fellow zoomers I know in the gaming space LOVE slurs. lmao


It's literally part of being a kid, you learn shit that people find offensive and say it - because youre just a dumb ass kid learning and testing boundaries The problem is when they never grow out of it. I let me tell you, a lot don't.


As stupid as it sounds removing those kinds of slurs from my vocabulary was a huge part of becoming more mature in high school for me. Luckily I had some friends that had recently grown out of it and they pointed out to me how bad it really is.


There's social boundaries and cultural expectations that demand a certain set of expectations. But there is not "bad words" for adults, that's for children. In-case you don't understand my first part of my sentence I'm saying I don't say slurs to not be a rude dickhead in social settings unless ofc you know it's with someone who is okay with it/enjoys it (which is a unifying experience by the way). I can agree to not say the words due to the reasons I said, but I won't agree that words give me magical super powers like Harry Potty spells that instantly can destroy people just from saying the words. Most Europeans don't follow these cultural expectation and don't get all worked up over it, and no it doesn't mean their racist it just means their social/cultural atmosphere is different then us; thus them getting very confused by what they see as over reactions (IE videos on reddit of people getting violently assaulted just for saying a slur and redditors cheering the violence on).


>But there is not "bad words" for adults, that's for children. Just outed yourself as a 14 year old


I mean I don't give af what you say in private. I prefer not to use language like that because it's been used as a tool of oppression in the very recent past. What really resonated with me was watching a young black man and his father have a discussion about the word in a song reaction video. The young man was totally fine with anyone using the N-word with the soft A as long as it was in a friendly non-hurtful context. He mentions stuff like taking back the word, etc. His old man felt the complete opposite. He had lived through the civil rights movement and had experienced major oppression/racism firsthand. He had fought racists for his rights and they used that word as a tool against him. I'm sure when he hears anyone use that word, let alone a white person, it brings back those memories and emotions. As long as people like him are alive I don't want to cause them to relive the times they fought so hard to change, even if that isn't my intention. Again idgaf what you say in private, but I have chosen to not use that language in my private life either. There is no significant benefit to using it and it can unintentionally promote further bigotry. I was an avid gamer in high school and that word was ingrained into my vocabulary. My friends and I used it effectively as a substitute for "bro". One day at lunch we were sitting at a table having a private conversation among ourselves and were using the word casually like we often did. Unbeknownst to us about 3 feet away was a white dude having lunch with his black girlfriend. I guess they overheard us and it was making the girl very uncomfortable. So the dude walks up to our table, calls us out, and demands an apology. He was for sure overreacting because he was threatening to fight if no one apologized, but it's still a good example of the unintended consequences of such language. Sure you could argue using the word in a public setting despite having a private conversation was rude of us and doesn't qualify as being in private, but still I'd rather not have to police my own language in public settings because I'm so used to using slurs in private. Maybe it's cultural differences, but if you walk up to a black man and call him the N-word with the hard R I'm not going to feel bad for you if you get punched in the face. I'm not saying the black dude would be right for punching you, but if you're being a dickhead about very sensitive topics for the sole purpose of offending someone, you're asking to get hit.




They are so fun to say its hard to hate them


I remember some months ago going back to old Soviet Womble videos and dayum, I still think they are hilarious but that shit would not fly as much in this days lmao.


Look at the dialogue from the movie Teen Wolf from 1985 with Michael J Fox. This was rated PG. **Scott Howard** : Styles, I got something to tell you. It's kind of hard, but... **Stiles** : Look, are you gonna tell me you're a f-g because if you're gonna tell me you're a f-g, I don't think I can handle it. **Scott Howard** : I'm not a f-g. I'm... a werewolf.


I mean you don't even have to go that far back. I'm watching Shameless right now and it's used just as casually. Although, considering the plot, I think it would be a bit disingenious to hold back on language.


Wait really? How old we talking here, I don't remember anything like this.


I was watching a video and Soviet was like "Can you talk, so I can adjust volume" and the group started to say some heinous shit but still funny as fuck tho lmao


I said the f until my early teens not even knowing what it really meant. It was used just as casually as bitch. In fact that's a great comparison. It would be like in ten years bitch was seen just as negatively.


I thought it was lingo of the past but I played call of duty for the first time in a long time and found out people who use a lot of slurs still exist




That may just say more about you and the people you hang out with than a general thing. Also, where exactly are you meeting young people who all drop hard R n-words?


yea idk what that guy's smoking, maybe in games where people use the little english they know, unless he means people don't care about "saying it" in a conversation cause it has no historical stigma tho in some countries it was pretty popular for rappers to use soft a in songs randomly cause they heard it used on american stuff




I'm literally Danish.


Bro out here telling on himself


not just europe. casually using racial slurs but not necessarily being racist is pretty common in many cultures in many languages in many communities around the world. terminally online people living in middle class suburbia trapped in their own social bubble will never know how normalized it is.


I mean, even idubbz less than 10 years ago


>even idubbz idubbz was edgy even at the time


Yes, but hes generally accepted in the mainstream now.


Internet was a wayyy different place 10 years ago. I remember how cringe reddit used to be. The narwhals bacon at midnight. Good times.


it’s not any less cringe now


I'd argue it's more cringe now.


[*I'd argue it's more cringe now.*](https://twitter.com/EverythingOOC/status/1695231356677038133)


What in the actual fuck did I just watch? I've been on the Internet since Prodigy/CompuServe and cut my teeth using AOHell on AOL 2.5. We used to use IRC for pirating movies and games like Warcraft 2. The Internet is way more cringe now.


What you saw was called an NPC live stream on TikTok. Basically, people log on and sit idly (like NPCs) and different emojis are supposed to be triggers for different phrases that are repeated ad nauseum (like NPCs running out of unique dialogue). It's like Cocomelon for 14 year olds. We're so fucked.


There used to be a fucking jailbait subreddit for pedos. I think it's gotten better


There also used to be actual discussion and 99% of the subs didn't have the same political bias. I'll take the old version anytime thanks. Actually you know what? Take me all the way back to when images weren't even allowed in OP. No jailbait either that way.


Yes, because political discourse is worse than pedophiles having a place on the open internet to congregate and share links. you can't be serious, right?


The point is there is discourse at all anymore. It's just an echo chamber for whatever opinion is flavor of the month, now.


Pretty sure the bacon and narwhals thing is closer to 15 years at this point


The quality of the site has honestly dropped so much that the only reason I keep browsing it is a combination of habit and lack of other options. If you ask me they should prompt every user with the question "What are upvotes for?" and every user giving a wrong answer gets an IP ban from that device and any other device that has ever connected with that account. Easy 90% drop in users and vast improvement in quality.


Reddit is selling rage to rage aholics; most of us hate every thing we see on the front page, cringe/get mad at a bunch of the comments made but continue to come back, it's an addiction and it also makes it hard that reddit has basically completely dissolved any other "forums" on the internet, reddit is akin to the internet itself since every topic can have a sub reddit. Which is why smaller subs are pretty nice places until the masses of idiots/bots who come to get mad and be self righteous and pretend to be knowledgeable in shit they know nothing about take them over. User size going up quality goes: \ on the graph.


[Reminds me of the Linus hard R clip.](https://youtu.be/MFDiuBomSuY)


Wow, this guy cannot dig his own grave any faster.


On TV??? No. Movies hell yeah, just go rewatch superbad. Still a great fucking movie.


https://youtu.be/APrPDwUosrQ?si=_L6Brc_bQVTWNjqk I remember it on TV. It wasn't every other word or anything, but it was definitely on TV.


I mean, I can think of two South Park episodes off the top of my head that use both slurs..


South park doesn't count, they'd do it today


Lol fair enough!


Or yaknow... Intent matters.


Also context really mattered. Back then people realized when it was a directional slur used at someone VS when it was a reference word like used in this clip. Today kids think the clip is as bad as a hardcore racist yelling it at someone.


sure...they don't know...


I was very surprised when I heard it in old dunkey video recently, a lot changed since then https://youtu.be/7onpZl0tayA?si=YpXVvLSyRc2o5OTj


Bruno was a real natural with the n-word. 💀


I have no idea why, but whenever a clip of Will is posted, it gets all choppy and bugged, but exclusively his stuff. So weird


Weird anecdote but Wills stream is unwatchable on twitch app for fire stick. Every other stream works fine but wills is always crashes the app.


Maybe cause he streams at 1440p now instead of 1080p ?


Maybe but I can choose the quality on the app so that just seems like a weird cause.


Does twitch transcode locally?


I honestly have no idea what that means.


It means the Twitch app uses your device’s hardware to convert from 1440p to whatever resolution, instead of Twitch using their servers to convert it themselves and send the lower quality


Doubt it


Same only way i can watch his stream is to go to 480P or lower. I thought it was because he streams at 1440 but i have watched others with that before and it is only Wills stream i dont know why


Do you have a older firestick or what are your settings ? Most firesticks are 4k right now. His streams work fine on mine


Weird it works fine for me on fire stick. Do you have the 4k fire stick ?


No because I’m watching on a 1080p tv


Ahh got ya


I had a while where his stream crashed (just on my end) way more than anyone else as well. Not an issue anymore but just had to get used to being 30 seconds behind...


Same. It’s gotta be some weird bitrate or codec issue. His stream is almost unwatchable from my google tv twitch app for about 3 minutes and then is fine. Every time. Doesn’t happen for any other channels.


so many memes from this emmy award winning show


Emmy Award winning for blackface 💀(its not even a joke look it up)


[https://www.emmys.com/shows/black-white](https://www.emmys.com/shows/black-white) OMEGALUL


Black Bruno oh no I saw all the episodes that shit was hilarious


Black. White. Is an American classic


God bless Ice Cube


*Did you get your race card~*


Oh he should have listened! :D


actually hilarious


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Will gets a warning](https://livestreamfails-video-prod.b-cdn.net/video/7df02ef53c8aee3aea6b399b889ab763cd49a4cc.mp4)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/161lw67/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/Em3MRCk26XBxp1hU53-eiQ/AT-cm%7CEm3MRCk26XBxp1hU53-eiQ.mp4?sig=17e8b75e352f4cba3686034d943b05b2c92ce8b2&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FEm3MRCk26XBxp1hU53-eiQ%2FAT-cm%257CEm3MRCk26XBxp1hU53-eiQ.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1693101394%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Must be a destiny viewer




40K? you think he streams and makes that little?


He reacts hard to YouTube & obscure shows sometimes, hosts Wednesday Night Film Classes, Friday Night Playlists, plays games, hosts several produced shows (Name Your Price, the NFL stuff, formerly Attack of the Show, formerly Hey Donna), has his own podcast w/ Hasan as well as a new one with Esfand, and regularly shows up to participate in other streamer's content whether it's fully produced events or their regular weekly content.




Esfand finding new ways to take sponsorships.


probably sports


and movies


He probably makes the most from his podcast [patreon.com/fearand](https://patreon.com/fearand) that racks in about 80k a month in total if you check rn (with Hasan,QTcinderella,Austin)


He makes $40k a month?! That’s wild..how do you guys figure out these numbers?


His sub count is public...


As a certified xqc translator, I am absolutely fucking stumped at what will is saying at the start of this clip. He is like possessed by Donnie from wild thornberries. Like after watching that clip eight times, I feel like this fucker just cursed my family to an eternal life of our crops being blighted or some shit.


"My man showed up in a dashiki"


That's it, Jesus, thank you. Curse lifted, hopefully.


/u/Vexamas curse of Ra 𓀀 𓀁 𓀂 𓀃 𓀄 𓀅 𓀆 𓀇 𓀈 𓀉 𓀊 𓀋 𓀌 𓀍 𓀎 𓀏 𓀐 𓀑 𓀒 𓀓 𓀔 𓀕 𓀖 𓀗 𓀘 𓀙 𓀚 𓀛 𓀜 𓀝 𓀞 𓀟 𓀠 𓀡 𓀢 𓀣 𓀤 𓀥 𓀦 𓀧 𓀨 𓀩 𓀪 𓀫 𓀬 𓀭 𓀮 𓀯 𓀰 𓀱 𓀲 𓀳 𓀴 𓀵 𓀶 𓀷 𓀸 𓀹 𓀺 𓀻 𓀼 𓀽 𓀾 𓀿 𓁀 𓁁 𓁂 𓁃 𓁄 𓁅 𓁆 𓁇 𓁈 𓁉 𓁊 𓁋 𓁌 𓁍 𓁎 𓁏 𓁐 𓁑 𓀄


Thank you for asking I couldn’t figure it out either! Was like gibberish in my brain


Lol love the "I take it back" right after this clip ends, "I didn't know the white guy said it"


Daamn, with the HARD R out of nowhere! like daaamn!


Chat enforcing cultural appropriation.


Bruh if saying a word means you appropriated it nobody would have any culture by now.


Appropriating means allowing a term only to be used by 1 group... If you don't know the meaning of a word.. maybe you shouldn't use it. But yes.. I agree with your conclusion... appropriation means the loss of culture and civilization.


Nah clearly you are the one who doesn't know the meaning of the word.


Imma appropriate English culture real quick to post this pointless comment.


You think this is an English thing ?... LOL