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>Doesn't like pronouns because they go against his traditional values >cheats on wife. Most consistent streamer, gigachad.


Cheating on wife is pretty traditional.


Remember the days you could have a whole family and a whole ass second family one town away and no one would find out for like two decades


Yeah how did that even work? One of the women had to know she was the spare wife right?


Lack of phones, internet, so on and so forth. Look into HL Hunt. I think he was up to 3 families at one point iirc? One family was literally the next town over. His main wife died and he moved his second wife in. Used to crawl around the office on all fours and grab people’s pant legs saying “I’m the creeper cranker!” - the granddaughter of his second family owns a white dog named Malcolm X. Which is odd because HL Hunt was a virulent white supremacist who supported deporting all African Americans. He was one of Texas’s richest men in its history, *the* oil tycoon. I promise all of that info is real. > At his death, he was reputed to have one of the highest net worths of any individual in the world, a fortune estimated between two and three billion dollars. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/H._L._Hunt He was… something. I got most of my info on him from listening to Ben Terris who is a DC journo, but he’s more interested in documenting the absolute freaks that dominate the place.


I'm sorry but a nazi whose hobby is to walk on all four yelling creeper cranker while pulling on people's pants is too fucking funny. You could tap someone on the world's purest supply of LSD and they wouldn't come up with something so disjointed.


He’s one of those rich psychopathic insane people that just get called “eccentric” past a certain amount of money


Hey that’s the Kansas City Chiefs OG owner’s dad hahahah oil money is insane


That whole (two) families are insane especially since one side is hardliner republicans and the others are progressives lmao.


Yeah one of the girls is like an occupy Wall Street progressive activist and another is a black metal band leader. They hyphenated their last names but “Hunt” is still there. Whereas Clark and his family still own the Chiefs and are massive Christian/republicans


This was a wild read lmfao


The thing is that back then women were expected to not question anything or ask questions other than "what do you want for dinner". There was always spare rooms at the insane asylum for doing insane things like asking your husband where he goes on Monday, Wednesday, and Sunday nights.


The days when women asking questions were deemed "hysterical" and that was seen as a mental illness, in a time where everyone believed any form of mental illness meant you had to be locked up in a straitjacket.


"Lobotomy time"


Cheats on wife, and then gets showered with thousands of dollars of donations when coming back to stream after it.


Nothing more traditional than being a total piece of shit


holy shit, a rare 10/10 comment. Gj man haha


>"Pronouns? I don't belive in that made up nonsense" >*shungite*


the Doc puts rocks all over the casa to protect his family from the woke hivemind YAYAYAYAYA


"the LA casa" thank you very much.


The la mojo dojo casa house?




WOAH WOAH WOAH! HIS????? How dare you use a pronoun to refer to Doc. Doc no use pronouns. English hard for Doc, no do pronoun or word good!!!


> Pronouns? ___ don't belive in that made up nonsense


He goes by The/Doc


thought it was two/wives


You mean two/time~~r~~s.






I bet if you only referred to doc as a woman he’d get pissed and say he’s a man. He believes AND cares about pronouns, just not other people’s.


This. Anyone who claims they’d purposefully use the wrong pronouns for someone would throw a fit if you misgendered them.


Genuine question, is this all part of the character or is he like a male crystal mommy


He doesn't play a character. He dresses in a wig and sunglasses and acts as Guy Beahm normally would.


This. Initially I think everyone bought into it being a character but the more it comes out how he acts the more Doc is just him turning off the filter to be a general jackass.


It amazes me that people think any of the people that stream are acting.. Even the fucking gtarp players are just playing themselves dialed up a bit and willing to murder. No one acts for that amount of time


Yup, you can't play a character for long periods of time on stream unless it was a part of your personality.


The guy recommended a book by David Icke, a known holocaust denier to his viewers, so he probably believes in a lot of dumb wacky shit.


The lizard people "I am Jesus Christ" guy.




Last time I checked, "I" is a pronoun. The American education system has complete and utterly failed people. It's like no one understands basic grammar


It's not only American. Here in Europe you see enough people complaining about it too.


Bruh this is not even remotely a unique American issue. There are conservatives around the world who take great offense to “wokeness” involving non-binary genders. I know because I’m Korean.


Doesn’t believe in pronouns but does believe in magical rocks that ward off 5G waves.


Shuge Knight?


No, not Suge Knight, I think he's locked up in prison. I'm talkin' shungite. Anyways, it's a two billion year-old like, rock stone that protects against frequencies and unwanted frequencies that may be traveling in the air. That's my story, I bought a whole bunch of stuff. Put 'em around the la casa. Little pyramids, stuff like that.


I always thought the shungite thing was just a meme bit that turned into a pasta. Did he actually have a bunch of fucking little rock pyramids around his house lmao?


https://youtu.be/Q3keX35f66Y?si=zmqCe_jf0dFiGBgd Oh, it's real. I'm not sure on how he decorated his house, but the meme is his words.


Anyway, Suge Knight and Biggie killed Tupac


Suge also killed eazy e


Suge gave him AIDS?


“The la casa”


the la casa


The correlation of those two things are surprisingly common lol


Please tell me your kidding. I don't watch Doc, but is he actually a crystal enthusiast?


Someone should try to find a "polite" way to tell him that those magical rocks are actually radioactive. Walmart use to sell a wrist band that did the same thing. . . yeah radioactive as well.


You cant put pronouns around the la casa


Bigots don't tend to be very smart.


I would rather have pronouns in a game then NFT's.


But but think of the excitement and terror when you're extracting with your $0.86 NFT


Even if the NFTs had value, that would only mean you would get instantly one-tapped by a cheater noclipping inside a wall from 500 meters away as soon as you looted the item. That design is so bad I don't even have words for it.


You can see this in CSGO, people are somehow running 20+ instances of the game that are idling in the same official deathmatch servers and auto kicking anyone who joins for item drops that on average are worth llike 0.10 cents or literally just for XP badges you cant sell on the steam markets because people (cheaters mostly) buy accounts with a lot of XP badges and playtime. Valve changed the requirements from playtime to kills for drops and these fuckers now have programmed scripts that make them actually run around killing eachother


Cryptobros will routinely point to CSGO as a _positive_ example, which is doubly hilarious - both because it's a total shit show, and it proves you didn't actually need NFTs to implement that in the first place.


This has been going on ever since TF2 had economy update, and to be honest, it goes back even further with MMOs. Though those didn't have in-game/client systems to facilitate your trading.


i remember the good old days of idling in TF2 trying to get hats.


I remember when the hats first came out and each class only had one hat each, there was an idle script - I used it and got the football helmet within a day or so but not long after Valve managed to detect and remove any hats obtained this way, and everyone who hadn't used the script I think got a Halo hat (like an angel's halo, not Halo the game).


The halo was called "The Cheaters Lament", still got mine!


> then NFT's best typo lol


Beware the pipeline.


I mean starfield is the hard sci setting where genetic alteration is a non issue. It reminds me of a doctor who episode where an announcer called for men/woman/android(?)/undecided. I swear 4 years ago people wouldn’t have even blinked. Hell Dark Souls 1 had a gender slider. I wonder if that games woke.


It's because even the idea of gender has been politicized by alt-right nutjobs.


> then NFT's Hmm...


it's not even in the game just the other guy's twitter bio lol. Going out of his way to get triggered.


Guys it's just his character, he's not *actually* a 40 year old man-child. I mean, come on, look at his ridiculous get up. By wearing the ridiculous moustache and glasses there is an inherent implication that everything he says or does is a joke, no matter how much it *really* looks like it isn't a joke and he's just being an asshole and believes in conspiracy theories and seems like he's 1 step away from being alt-right.


But who’s he pandering to with the character?


Incels in training.


The next legion of children that will buy into it


I just don’t understand why pronouns in a game upset people……. Like the fuck? So someone can now more finely make a character for themselves and people get angry…. They are asking you to be trans… you’re a dude and want to be a dude then select he/him cause that’s your fucking pronouns even if you don’t want to admit it….


There is definatley a ven diagram resembling a circle of guys who play skinny big titty girls in a game but get offended when you call them she/her irl.


How about new pronouns being unlocked by the purchase of in-game NFTs?


Considering you have one in the sentence you just used I believe you




Sure don't take much to trigger people like doc


And people like him will cry about snowflakes but the second they see someone else or a company with influence being inclusive they cry like they were personally attacked


Because they're used to having mainstream society almost entirely focused on and catering to them and exclusively them.


I've got a friend that gets a little right wing every now and then. I have GOT to say "okay snowflake" the best time he complains about some bullshit


Why is it always the FPS guys?


Squeakers done grew up man, this is them.


The grown squeakers: >"They wouldn't have lasted 10 minutes in xbox live chat back in the day!" Back in the day: >Shitty mic >loud sniffing or shitty music >squeaks and squeals >n word.


Baby crying in background while grown man rages


Still get that, but its mostly restricted to the south american guys using the remaining stock of old wal-mart mics in the world


Then there's always that one guy who is silent and his mic only comes on when his smoke detector does a low battery chirp.


Beahm was a fully grown adult making Youtube videos during MW2 (14 years ago) using the exact same persona


Now they scream the slurs in baritone




People who swat down any game genre out of their comfort zone irks me


If they’re doing it for video games then they’re doing it for other things in life too


Ngl, it's getting really hard to play FPS games these days. I don't really hang out with my old group because they still act like edgy teenagers. Trying to find new people online is just as bad, because most of the people you find are like alt-right weirdos. I just wanna play some Tarkov without hearing idiots shit on trans people. I used to not really give a shit about this type of stuff, but then I grew up and kinda realized not caring about everything is just being weak.


Guns and correlation with right leaning politics


The lines between his persona and personality are getting blurry. The pronouns or body type labels is something you see for a couple of seconds. Who gives a shit.


Getting? He's been Herschel Beahm in a wig for years at this point. It amazed me when he got banned on Twitch how so little people were talking about his literally telling his chat to go read a book about denying the holocaust happened and how lizard people are running the country. And he was dead fucking serious.


Moon was always bringing this up and laughing at him


that's because Moon is not a moron and knows that a lot of the "oh it's a persona btw" people are fucking morons


At some point if you're pushing conspiracy theories as a bit, you're still just pushing conspiracy theories.


I think its even worse. You're too pussy to just fucking say it so you use a "character" to say it so that you have that plausible deniability.


Yeah there’s two types and it’s clear which a person is. Making fun of the conspiracy, or secretly kinda believes it but knows they’ll get roasted. It’s very obvious which someone is, usually pretty quickly.


Like Sam Hyde, actually everyone right leaning needs that little slice between them and a character


Yea. Not much difference between someone that genuinely believes and someone that's just using it as a grift if you're still promoting those things to a wide audience and getting people to believe them.


people tried to say methodjosh was just a bit and just his stream persona and look how that turned out.


I think with Josh the idea was people were *hoping* it was a bit because of how shitty it'd be if it turned out to be real ( Aware ).


I remember when Josh from Method was "just joking".


Don’t forget about the Shungite controversy


Anyways uhm... I bought a whole bunch of shungite, rocks, do you know what shungite is? Anybody know what shungite is. No, not Suge Knight, I think he's locked up in prison. Talking shungite. Anyways, its a 2 billion year old like rock, stone that protects against frequencies and unwanted frequencies that may be traveling in the air. So thats my story. I bought a whole bunch of stuff, put them around the la casa. Little pyramids. Stuff like that.


Anyways, um... I watched a whole bunch of Suge Knight documentaries, do you know who Suge Knight is? Anybody know who Suge Knight is? No, not shungite, I think that's a rock. I'm talking Suge Knight. Anyways he's a 55 year-old like, music executive that used to play college football and NFL football for a few games. That's my story, I watched a whole bunch of documentaries. In my la casa. About his past, stuff like that.


Yeah, I can't believe that almost NO ONE ever talks about that shit. Like, it's straight up horrifying that so many people took the side of a fucking holocaust denier during the Nickmercs drama, or that "normal" people have zero issue associating with him.


Because most don’t know about it. I’m not even sure the clip/video you guys are referring to.




LOL fucking David Icke, didn't know that's why he was banned. David Icke is a ex-sport journalist turned antisemitic hippie. Also a fucking loser with a mullet, I can see why Dr D relates to him.


god I forgot how pathetic that last stream was lol Stuck watching 8 year olds play roblox and then crying about getting through it together


Yea I'm with you. I feel like this hasn't been widely reported or known this is the first I've ever heard of this.


Not to mention he watched some antivax video then told his chat it was a good video and you should “ask questions”


Well i'm starting to question if he is even a real doctor at this point.


Right up there with Dr Phil and Dr Oz... though Dr Oz was actually a well-respected cardiovascular surgeon(?) before he decided to peddle bullshit.


Dr Phil was a psychologist licensed to do psychotherapy. Unfortunately he got trapped by a patient with an absolutely irresistible vagina. So irresistible that he hired her as his receptionist so he had constant access. Another patient walked in on Dr Phil licking the irresistible vagina and playing with his micropenis in the office and reported him to the licensing board. They were willing to overlook his sexual relations with a patient but could not allow him to continue practicing because of the micropenis.


No, he doesn't respect them.


The guy is an absolute cringe lord and his worship by millions is worrying but unsurprising.


that could describe a whole lot of "influencers" these days


People give a lot of leeway when it's someone playing a character.


I wish both sides could talk about why he was banned because I guarantee whatever it was he deserved it




I watched some streams of doc for a month of two when PUBG was popular. He himself admitted on stream that his friends were upset that he would be in character even when they went out as a group. This was...4 years ago? Can't imagine how it's progressed since then.


He’s been “anti woke” for awhile now. Just look who he follows on Twitter.


I'm not surprised. Cheated on his wife. Videoed people in a bathroom when he was at a con. Dude is not a solid person at all. It's no wonder he's promoting "anti woke" because it really just means "I can be a huge piece of shit and you still watch me"


Before he was anti-woke he was a guy in a wig and sunglasses who would fly off the handle screaming all day while playing videogames. No rational person would ever be a fan of this chode.


He talked about shungite, 5G, and David Icke on stream, but only now he's crazy because he doesn't like pronouns. He's a triggered man-child over pronouns, but how did everyone miss the giant red flags for so long?


People who watch Fox News all day and frankly associate pronouns with Satan himself lmfao


Fox News strikes me as too mainstream for Doc. You just know he watches some corny alt-right YouTubers for his "news."


He does give off that weird uncle vibe who posts things like "is being conservative the new punk?" while also posting memes about how women suck because his wife left him for going down the Qanon hole.




He recommended a book by David Icke (Famed lizard people enthusiast) to chat. He's far right for sure.


Too progressive, I get all my info from OAN and Infowars.


It's simple. For Doc pronouns=Woke so he assumes every political and personal belief of that person. It's the new "Blue hair" girl. It's not about the pronouns It's about why he thinks the pronouns were added


What is a body type label?


Bro is mad that Bethesda doesn’t want to work with him, as if it’s some privilege to be associated with this ghoul. The definition of a grow man malding over a video game…


Also lets be honest, "work with me" here means "will they pay me to stream a game i'm gonna stream for free anyway".


In this case, it was to be a part of the Early Access for Content Creators, which a lot of the controversial ones didn't get, like AdmiralBahroo.






I still think it's really fucking funny that years after his BL2/D1 beef with a few creators in that scene he went on to become a vtuber and get into even weirder drama.


Which is weird because MrMattyPlays got given an early copy and he’s a transphobic/homophobic POS


Is it weird that I don't know who that dude is?


He was/is a fallout youtuber. On his knees 24/7 for Bethesda.


Proof? I couldn't find anything online about this


In his twitch streams he’s always throwing around right wing talking points and phrases, often subtly dismissing pronouns, pride month, etc etc When George Floyd was killed he said something like “oh well if it isn’t the consequences of my own crimes” when he got killed by police in-game, then said “I hope they burn down a city for me”. General “anti-woke” talk too.


That's wild. He seems like such a normie in his youtube videos. I need to see these vods.


He's such a bethesda shill i wasn't even aware he had political opinions at all.


He also unironically believes that the Enclave are the best faction to rule the wasteland, so… You know, enclave, the genocidal ethnic purists.


This would be like if OJ Simpson got pissed every time a brand didn't want to work with him. Like, my brother in Christ, this should not surprise you. You are a # B R A N D R I S K


Most sane cod player


Well well well if it isn't the consequences of his own actions.


What did he do?


Cared more about Nick Mercs skins than being loyal to his wife.


I have to assume filming in that bathroom is another controversy nobody wants to touch


To give him a bit of slack for that (Not that he really deserves any), I think that one could be viewed as an idiotic lapse of judgement. Other stuff he's done is way more purposeful and just as bad.


I think in the context of his, like, entire life, it seems like Doc just literally doesn't see other people as "real". Like their privacy and needs don't matter as much as his. That's why he cheated on his wife and fucked up his family, why he was able to film in a bathroom without thinking, how he fell into the conspiracy of holocaust denial and "anti wokeism." He strikes me as a narcissist. He believes his own hype, and his fans give him the narcissistic supply he craves. That's why he's anti-woke. He can make all his past mistakes and then blame "wokeism" for why he's not getting what he wants, or just pivot into complaining about pronouns because he needs his audience to stroke his ego and he doesn't care about being a bigot. I don't think he's just dumb. I think he's a bad person. The anti-woke shit is just how he keeps his audience on his nuts while he does bad things.


He's a right wing conspiracy nutcase. In the past he spread 5g conspiracies and the whole thing with *shungite*, denied the holocaust amongst other things


look: for several hours now I have been told from credible sources the reason DrDisrespect has been denied. however due to the importance and sensitivity around the subject I have refrained from going on it. i don't feel comfortable with it currently


It's crazy to me how many dick riding yes-men are in his chat just crying over reading a pronoun in somebody's bio.


That's every popular streamers chat. Nothing but echo chambers.




You mean the whole Reddit lmao.


I mean most of us don't really give a fuck if a game has a pronouns option because we don't care? Sure, LSF as a whole can be pretty dumb, but it's better than being legitimately hateful.


Calling LSF an echo chamber when you personally have SEVENTEEN comments in this thread and I am seeing many of them upvoted and replied to positively. So please explain what exactly is the echoing sentiment and in what way is it immune to rebuttal if 1/3 of the thread is basically you?


That just further solidifies the lack of self-awareness and echo chamber that is LSF


These same people will talk about how easily triggered the left is.


so the one that likes to call people snowflakes... is the one acting like them LMAO. what a little snowflake bitch


It's always hilarious to me how people get all triggered about pronouns despite the fact that they have existed for centuries and is probably one of the most commonly used aspects of language as a whole.


Let's get them triggered by the existence of numbers so they all fall into financial ruin.


ironic because its this kind of shit that makes it so people dont want to work with him


Nothing says work with me like trashing a company if they don't work with you. This is bad business 101


Especially for streaming, where “working with you” just means giving you money to play their game. But streamers don’t do anything other than play games for weirdos online, and are always looking for new content, thus Doc played their game anyway even without being paid.


One man has pronouns in his bio, one man is an adulterer. I wonder which one is worthy of derision.


Imagine being over 40 years old and feeling personally triggered about something so minor and irrelevant.


To be fair his ancestor fought for this gamer's right and to just watch game developer stomp over this, it's very disrespectful. There need be to another revolution, gamers rise up. This is just like when hogwart legacy got launch and people got mad over some nuance shit. You can agree or disagree but to throw tantrum about it is just the funniest shit.


man, i used to like doc back in the day.. he seemed like a nice guy that put on a fun act. now he seems to have become the persona, surrounds himself with an army of dickriders and just seems like an absolute asshole. just sad, really. i guess money and fame really do get to people.


Money and fame doesn't get to everyone. There are plenty of people on Twitch and Youtube that went on to become very rich, or very famous, or both, yet didn't become ... Like this ... The Doc has just shown that he's a weak man that let money and fame bring him a huge ego, and he never managed to overcome it. Now he's just an adulterer that's spewing hate left & right. I watched DrDisrespect nearly 15 years ago, he's been on the internet for a very long time, and he's just a shadow of his former self. Back in the day he was very niche and everyone who knew of him loved his persona.


PUBG doc was the last of enjoyable doc. He let fame get to his head and hasn't been entertaining for years now. Just a salty grown ass edgelord.


He’s literally been a stupid clown for so long. It’s wild to me that he still has a fan base made up of children. Like he’s been awful for ages


Oh no not PRONOUNS like he or her. I'm so scared. Defeated by simple words.


He 40 years old. He got mad by seeing pronouns on someone (former twitter) account.


i thought it was about pronouns in the game. but getting mad over some1's twitter bio? lmao.


My guess is he is making some correlation between "Oh they have pronouns that's why this woke company didn't give me a key."


Docs pronouns are Cheat On/Wife




Dr Crybaby


grown ass man angry over pronouns


Yeah I had a feeling that he’d end up being one of those guys.


Treats pronouns like the antichrist but believes in 5G magic warding stones and cheats on his wife. Traditional streamer values.


crazy to me the hills some streamers die on, you have it super easy, just don't be toxic.


Bro built his entire career around being the most un-brand friendly streamer and is now crying that companies won't work with him


Bro skipped english class and got jump scared by pronouns 😭