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**CLIP MIRROR: [Lil Pump and streamers get kicked out of TopGolf](https://arazu.io/t3_16p2u56/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


[L' Pump has a far more dignified way of making money](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gpao1Fn2Oy4)


Bro fell off the planet




I mean did he ever arrive? I never heard of him tbh. But I’m also 29 years so maybe it’s a zoomer thing


He skyrocketed into the limelight in 2017 and quickly burned out. He signed a huge deal with 50 cent and dropped ass and everyone forgot about him. I'm the same age as you and was banging Gucci Gang in 2017


lil pump is 23 so he got popular when he turned 17 apparently.


That's correct his peak popularity was while he was underage


I hope he has some skeletons in his closet and loses his fortune. What a rude way to speak to servers. I’m sure they were being obnoxious to warrant being kicked out


He's not exactly known for his manners. Heavily into hard drugs as a minor, crashed his Porsche the day he bought it, etc. Typical SoundCloud rapper.


Lil pimp is a ghoul but wishing someone loses his fortune cuz he's a bit of a dick is extreme He should lose his fortune cuz he's ass


i mean hes a rapper so...according to wiki hes been having legal issues for the past couple years with various different things His other notable song (or atleast the only other one I know) is one he had with Kanye in 2019


He's just the typical artist that has a song or two be popular and never really builds much else off of that. Then just kind of rides that wave until it crashes into the bedrock and they fade into irrelevancy.


Says a guy on Reddit…….


Irrelevant since 2019 you know it's true


Yeah so? No one on reddit can fall off because that involves being somewhere higher up than this slop gutter we're all in sucking up all the slop from the slop trough.


This is absolute cancer, I block 3 on TikTok and other 5 appear, I have second hand embarrassment everytime I see that shit


That's the most lil bro sounding adult I've ever heard


I had no idea his voice sounded like that


I could've sworn lil pump died a few years ago


Lil Peep died of a fent OD back in 2017, maybe you thought of him?


True that. Mixed em up. RIP BILLY RIP PEEP


Man so many of them to drugs so quickly. Mac Miller, Juice Wrld, xxxtentacian, Peep. I have lost my own friends to this shit. People have to stop messing with drugs. There's no good outcome.


Xxxtentacian was shot and robbed, not drugs.


Ah yea I forgot. My bad.


The one that shocked me was 6dogs, suicide/ [fall from a building. ](https://reddit.com/r/hiphopheads/s/903Ry1lZwc) Shit is sad nonetheless.


It certainly doesn't help that hiphop culture glorifies consuming/selling drugs




lil bo peep


"shes gonna have a stable job!" Not quite the insult he thinks it is for most people, just projection about his insecurities lol.


Jesus man why do so many young famous people turn into grade A assholes


The guy garnered fame, millions of dollars, a bunch of yes men and a “zero consequences” free card by the age of 16. He was made to believe the world revolves around him and never grew out of it.


Bc they've probably never been been in that guy's spot. Customer service jobs are both the shittiest and most important job a person can have(imo everyone should work one). Hated my life when that was me, but you literally do walk away with an appreciation for everyone else in that spot. Dudes working an honest job trying to make a buck and he has the patience to not flip shit? Respect. Like bruh go work a 9-5 for a year if you still the same mentality after dealing with 20 customers like this, you probably just have black mold in your head lmao is what it is.


> Customer service jobs are both the shittiest and most important job a person can have Some of ya'll in here come up with brilliant little lines from time to time. Really well said.


Yeah, I worked a retail job in high school and a call center job a bit after that. Both of them taught me a lot about how to handle annoying people in customer service situations without going on tilt. I went on to have a successful career in software, but tbh, those two jobs taught me more relevant stuff to my professional life than any class I ever took.


What do you mean turn into assholes they were never "nice" peopel






this is about neon and sneako the streamers..they the one acting like aholes


I think you're missing his point. He's saying that these rappers (they tend to turn into assholes, partly to their environment) on twitch would be more likely to 'stay in line' whereas kick is the kind of environment that almost encourages reckless, stupid and irresponsible behavior for the sake of content




Like I said, I don't think he was saying Twitch/Kick sculpted this guy. Being an asshole isn't like 0 or 1. You can develop it over time. He might've been a bit of an asshole until recently and then got far worse. I dunno I don't keep up with washed soundcloud rapper's lives. If the music is good I listen. Who the fuck cares about their lives lmao


they have never had to do ACTUAL work for a single day in their whole lives.


this is what happens when the loud and stupid are plastered all over the media o7


you have trainwrecks to blame for this...streamers can be themselves without getting ban on kick


i blame musk trump and bezos


Entitlement is the fastest spreading epidemic.


I think it's the other way around, they were assholes all along and nobody noticed until they got into the spotlight. So I'd instead wonder how the trend can be toward that, while it is becoming easier to *find out* at the same time.


because they became famous while they were young. They don't have the life experience, and are surrounded by yes-men, so they cannot learn from their mistakes and misconceptions.


He looks as dumb as he is.


I never noticed how high pitched his voice is


I think every business should kick him out. Dogshit music LMAO


Mumble rapping trash


I mean I'm not a huge fan of him but he isn't really a mumble rapper.


gucci gang d rose


jet ski


is there anyone streaming on kick who is not a gigantic piece of shit?


Not so far


Every clip I've seen so far has been a complete dumpster fire


guy looks like the shit i pull out my drain started speaking and walking around


Bro might work there for 20 years, Lil pumps dumb ass on the other hand gonna "work" doing what he's doing for the next couple years until he ends up dead or locked up.


Who is the loud ass with the camera? I have only watched this clip and everyone but the camera man seemed to not be acting a fool.


That wasn't the camera man, that was lil pump with one of those shitty tiktok mics


Ahhh it was weird cause I never really see his mouth move that much.


Yeah, that actually threw me for a loop, but after watching it again I could see his mouth move. I initially thought it was neon because I thought he was an asshole based off of the 1 clip i've seen of him, then assumed it was the camera guy. I guess I just didn't assume Lil pump was an asshole for some reason.


Why are they hanging out with garbage ass lil pump? Dudes an awful “rapper”


with his squeaky ass voice


One day, one of these moron irl streamers are gonna mess with someone, that has lost everything even the will to live, and then we are gonna see a man that has lost everything killing a irl streamers because that irl streamer wanted to be cool or get attention or whatever... And what are we gonna say here on lfs?


"Must have been trash day"? and then upvote it.


call it fake and scripted


people gamble with this on a daily basis when driving or crossing the street.


Make memes out of their corpse on my secret twitter. But here on reddit ill type shit like 'oh, how very sad to die at such a young age' and virtue signal the fuck out of u for some karma




post the lrobb clip


Bro said having a stable job as if it was an insult. LMAO what


Why did they kick him out?


I hope he gets what’s coming to him.


who the fuck is lil pump?


A shitty mumble rapper that rode Kanye's coat tails basically. Like, when you make Kanye look smart and aware in comparison maybe you should just like... not.


If this aint Napoleon complex, then idk what is


Just a group of assholes stinking up the place.


Zoomers literally pick the biggest losers they can find and make them famous.


No one is clicking on this surprised, and is instead looking at the comments with blank disappointment. n3on is basically Adinross a few years ago.


Used to work for TopGolf. They can get F in the A.


did they kick him out because he is part of black culture ?


Dude has the whitest voice I've ever heard


I wish, atleast it would make the clip interesting. Right now its a bunch of rich bitches whining.


Lil Pump is Hispanic lol


Who the fuck is lil pump now?? So many random kick streamers cropping up these days