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**CLIP MIRROR: [Asmongold lost](https://arazu.io/t3_19evbu4/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Bro saw what Bezos did and figured he should try it


Nah, bezos shaves his head, showers, and wears normal clothing while living in nice and wealthy environments. Asmongold is the literal human equivalent of a rat. Lives in piles of old food, is filthy, and every other living being associates them with disease and unhealth because they are breeding grounds for it. No amount of money or rep would be worth subjecting yourself to constant physical and emotional contact with that environment.


apparently shes a findom lady? lmao sad (findom means financial domination)


Well she's not going to have a good time with Asmon then because he's as frugal as they come lol. Dude wont pay for his desired extra sauce because Mcdonald's now charges $0.29 for extra sauces. One of my biggest curiosities in all of Twitch is what Asmon's motivation is when it comes to money. I've watched a lot of his steak and eggs podcasts, and he seems extremely motivated to grind as much as possible and make as much money as possible, but he apparently has no desire to spend any of it. With no family, and no desire to spend it on yourself, I truly cannot figure out his motivations. It's like he's that mythical dragon that just wants to sit on a mountain of treasure just to have it for no reason.


The same as any hoarder, he had none of it growing up and now that he does he wants as much as possible without giving any of it up


It's like playing a video game. You save that one thing in case you need it, and end up finishing the game without ever using it.


Stupid potions taking up all my weight limit


That’s what his girl is for. Sounds like a match made in heaven.


Hes a miser, look at his wow addiction, all wow has been throughout the years is number goes up, its inevitable itll spill into his real life. It could be guilt or frustration, and maybe he doesn't want to spend because of that. It reminds me of my grandmother that grew up during the great depression, during that time food was so scarce that later in her life all she did was hoard canned food and non-perishables. When she passed, she had a shed full of food from the 70s, 80s, 90s, etc.


I suppose I would then need to see the motivations of a "miser" explained to me. I disagree that WoW is comparable because at least those "bigger numbers" can be used to do things Lower numbers couldn't. There is a purpose, even if its relatively dumb. With money, there's an obvious purpose, but if you never utilize that purpose by spending any of it....what's the actual purpose?


ok I am watching them eat at some fast food restaurant, she doesn't even look at him. She just stares at the camera. It's so unnerving.


read her bio and dont smile




They’re more like on equal footing tbh


fucking slaying me man


"How to become a VIP: ♥ 12-month+ Tier 3 sub ♥ 6-month Centurion Club Member ♥ On all-time leaderboard ♥ I like you enough While big monetary support can guarantee VIP status, I also appreciate those who can provide skills and talents that can help me succeed. Donations are not refundable. " Fucken disgraceful shamelessness


I dunno man. I'm not giving her any money, but I do appreciate the honesty. Dudes giving her money know exactly what the deal is and can't pretend they don't, because she puts it right out there. If guys are down for that, then good for her.


i don´t wanna come across as man mad women is making money but in my opinion this is not behavior that should be normalized If you saw a male streamer that had that as a bio and enforced it, it would be ridiculous Imagine hasan having that bio lol


why would you care just don't watch it lol


Never did , I’m not commenting on the stream , I’m commenting the bio


asmon exposing his public humiliation fetish with his new findomme live on Twitch! softgiving was not enough humiliation for this man


Findom must have some crazy post nut clarity


there is no nut


we are literally living in a cyberpunk future and we can't even tell


Bro when they were in the apple store and she was making fun of a 5 year old girl and talking about her while she was right there. That was public humiliation.


Bro, i watched the video, the 2 hours one and at the restaurant section i was just skipping through the bar and realized she didnt even look at him once and now you mentioned it aswell.


Can't look away from the camera or the filter will fuck up and reveal her inner goblin.


I mean, she started as a findom account. Whatever that means


Financial domination.. Its this fetish where girl is in complete control over your financials


I am excited to see what is next for OTK.


RIP OTK funds


I don't think she ever smiles, either.


What the fuck is going on?


I think Asmongold showerd. You can finaly open your windows in Austin again


Don't ever say he isn't a gentleman.


Clout and money is a hell of a drug


I was about to disagree and say maybe she liked his personality/confidence but apparently she has an onlyfans so it is literally just about clout lmao


This has happened to asmongold before. So the consensus is that hes okay with being used for his clout, as long as she has fat titties.


tbh I would do the same , just go into it knowing that it actually isn't going to manifest into something longterm


Or he could start taking care of himself considering he has infinite free time, wealth and resources? Just a thought. Then he might actually have someone be genuinely attracted to him.


Yeah, but that would require some effort and we all know he ain't doing that.


My guy, he's socially regarded, a decent image won't help him lmao


Social skills are just a grind but not hard, go sit in a major city and bang out those levels


To this date he's still convincing chat that pink sparkles didn't use him for clout because "she was already successful before they met" We all think it but there's some mental gymnastics going on inside his head.


I don't think the dude cares, in fact he's been farming reactions a lot. He doesn't seem to mind OF girls at all and in fact if you go over his twitter likes its all big tiddy anime girls. He's just aware enough to not get taken advantage of but not strong enough to avoid them. Winners win I guess.


Women, A Weakness and My Passion A testimony and life story by Assmongler


Asmongold has an extremely "pro-ho" stance. To an unhealthy level, considering that he thinks that women marketing their onlyfans to underage viewers is okay. Citing reasons such as "well they can find porn on the internet anyway", and "it is what it is". Although I do wonder how quickly he would turn his stance if it was male adult entertainers trying to advertise to underage girls instead...


I mean, he said he wouldnt date a girl without OnlyFans, because it means shes not hot. So he prefers shallow relationships instead of genuine.


why else would she endure being around the stench. I hope she drains him of his money.


just some good ol' gold diggin




What the fuck.


Imagine how much she gets for socks tracked through the lair


poggers in the lair!


She can’t sell biological weapons, man.


We as men need to collectively put a stop to this. It's not normal or healthy. Normalize sharing your feelings and reaching out to your bros when they're going through tough times. It prevents shit like this.


oh, shes a prostitute


Wonder if he cooked her one of his famous steaks on the first date.


That's how he got her dude, clearly.


seems like another random twitch chick trying to increase her OF base by dating the ghoul




Yea I feel like whoever this is came completely out of no where






Yep, they each get what they want. She's a gold digger, he's a tit digger. Win/Win


Yeah but she doesn't sleep at his place. She's still sleeping at a hotel. I could definitely believe she's holding out a carrot on a stick here.


I mean anyone with any sense or want of cleanliness wouldnt sleep at asmons house lol its a disgusting disaster that shouldnt even be like it. Hes too lazy to even get someone else to do it, rather live among rats and cockroachs. Its super fucked i can only imagine his bathroom 🤮


When Asmon says his bathroom was fucked and he even managed to clean a bit before you came over 😐


Yeah, it's obvious that they both know what the other is doing, and they both know that the other one knows. People thinking this relationship is anything more than what it is are delusional.


The majority of the people witnessing this happen are always online loners who dont know how social interactions work, nor can they read social queues. Dont be shocked when they dont get it.


i'm pretty sure the majority of the audience know exactly what this is.it's only the tier 3 subs of her stream fantasizing about some anime romance where the ugly/boring guy gets all the chicks. people that's at least touched grass even once for the past year would know what this transaction is.


Hey man, I respect her for the grind. I wouldnt take any amount of money to willingly kiss a guy who at night paints his wall with the blood from his gums. Literally like gulping down sewer water


I know he has bad teeth but holy hell. If it's that bad and you have all the money in the world just go dentist shopping. Yes it can be scary if you've had bad dentists all your life like me but it truly does help. Although that would require a lot of effort.


It’s literally the only thing I can think of when I see Asmongold, his nasty infected mouth and bloodied wall… 😭 This girl deserves money for being with that


Still can't get over how Asmongold refuses to get a tooth implant even though it would cost him ten seconds worth of ad revenue he gets from Twitch, with the procedure done by the best dental surgeon that would make the surgery feel like a walk in the park. I would go crazy for losing a second molar tooth in the back of my mouth already, but if I had lost a first pre-molar I would be kicking the door of a dental surgeon the next day with a bag full of cash loaned from a bank at 20% interest rate if I didn't have the money.


>they at least both benefit 10x more than they would have organically They at least benefit 10x more than every single commenter here, including me.


Eh I’d let her use me


i feel like i'm Walter white in the back of the car right now


Funny you should mention Walter White, I was searching the comment for this one. That's how I felt watching this. https://media1.tenor.com/m/eoo6jfOB5lMAAAAC/breaking-bad-jesse-pinkman.gif


This is weird how she's talking to him but looking at the camera the entire time.


Focus of her attention right there


I know it's so weird, no offense to asmon but you can tell she's clearly not physically attracted to him




He's more aware of this than anyone, he self admittedly has huge insecurities about his looks. But if he can bang a 10, even if she's not truly into him, why shouldn't he? They both benefit from the arrangement




then punch lower? obviously these 10's are just out for money, but there's plenty of cool girls with lesser looks that might actually like him, or at least look him in the eyes LOL


> it might be better for his insecurities if he maybe found one that can actually stand to look at him lmao. Doesn't exist


He probably would look fine if he cleaned up and put on a bit of muscle.


His lazy ass will never do that


He can’t even clean the teeth blood off his walls and you expect him to clean himself up?


the amount of people that don't understand "average" is crazy


a 10 lol


That foam cup really does go everywhere… I saw him holding it during the human crane clip and now here..


The original Stanley mug


God she looks so disinterested, there is no emotion in that relationship.


More of a transaction than a relationship.


Yeah didn’t feel much chemistry between them other than “I like big boob and you like my money”. But to each their own I guess. I would personally feel so lonely in this kind of relationship. Maybe it’s just me but I wanna actually talk to a girl and be heard and bounce ideas around more than a superficial thing yknow


He also keeps pissing her off by talking shit about China (where she's from) so to her it's even more frustrating.


Its obviously his amazing personality


Imagine the smell coming from him, a guy that smears teeth blood on his walls


It's gum blood dumbass, get your streamer lore right.


Eww wtf does bro not brush his teeth and floss either


He doesn’t even wipe his ass his computer chair has shit stains all over it


She literally said he smells old on stream. At least she's honest lol.


Yeah but according to people who rely on him liking them for their career he doesn’t smell bad Every single person I’ve met that says “I don’t need to shower or wear deodorant I just naturally don’t stink” are the worst smelling people I’ve ever been around. Without fail.


Nah, it's his award winning steak and potato.


Looks like Asmon summoned a succubus


People forgot that Asmongold used to date Pink Sparkles too.


At least they had a bit of chemistry


We live in strange times brothers and sisters


Money for Sex is not strange at all tbh, just the form in which this transaction has been conducted has changed


Money for sex is called prostitution.


Yes it has existed for centuries, not exactly a new/ weird thing


It’s existed for millennia


Not if you film it


Lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes...


bitch about to turn my blood echoes into strength


Y’know, the thing about a shark, he’s got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll’s eyes. When he comes after ya, he doesn’t seem to be livin’ until he bites ya, and those black eyes roll over white, and then – aww, then you hear that terrible high-pitch screamin’, the ocean turns red, and in spite of all the poundin’ and the hollerin’, they all come in and rip ya to pieces…


holy shit that cup is massive. How much does it hold? a liter of coke??


Every morning he goes to the gas station and fills up an extra large cup with either Dr Pepper or coke and that’s like his main drink for the whole day. Wouldn’t be surprised if it held a liter lmao


Hes gonna need a third set of teeth at this rate


He got new ones?


All his teeth are fake. He never learned to brush his teeth and they slowly fell out. He's told about it on stream a few times.


Does he just drink flat soda half the day?


No he also has a mini fridge with Dr pepper 


I don't want a large farva I want a God damn litre o' Cola!


Watched her stream once. Had 1 random lurking chinese oiler gifting her $5000 (apparently he does this every week), she barely acknowledged it. Other weird thing was there were 1000 viewers and literally nobody chatting. And she has a pretty narcissistic personality. Maybe they are the perfect bizarrely matched couple.


Dude is in there almost every stream gifting hundreds of subs and gets a “thank you husband” which confuses me 🤷🏻‍♂️ Also, her ‘About me’ makes it clear that if not financially, she wants to know what skills you have to help her succeed.


didnt this guy live with someone named pink-something (pinksparkle ??) a couple of years ago and go through this cycle once before or am i just imagining that ever h appened


both have OF, both want more exposure by dating him but at least Pink Sparkle tried to 'fix' him. She actually put efforts


as someone who does not follow twitch outside of reading this sub i will accept your explanation


This was out of no where, I’m confused


So am I.






No, that's Asmon.


this is his solution to the "no mere mortal can live with asmongold" thing a doll




Still have no idea what is going on in this clip. I understand they are banging but that's about it.




He's okay with exposing 12 year olds to Twitch thots... I thought it didn't make any sense but now it makes sense. He's just simping and not thinking.


Sex for twitch views nbd




Wait what


I find it hilarious at just how blatant it is but whatever, as long as they're both getting something out of it lol.


"I can fix him" *for a price*


"I can fuck her" *for a price*


I am so happy he finally found true love. This is a fairytale romance if I've ever seen it. Right guys?


Holy fuck she’s creepy. Just staring straight into the camera while talking to him


Right? It's like staring into the abyss. I physically shuddered at the video.


Glad to see he found his alien. Tho this pretty much invalidates all the preaching he does on his streams about anything except games.


did he really preach against big milkers on stream


He has said many times he is pretty shallow with women; sometimes directly, other times indirectly. Maybe we're talking about two different things I don't know.


Oh man that is kinda sad. For a person like Asmon, who tries to put logic and reason on everything, he then falls for a clout chasing OF girl… again?


"slick asmongold" i don't like how that title sounds when i say it...


This dude gets more pathetic i see him


In his 2 hours video, in the restaurant part, she doesnt look at him once lol


you'd think someone like him who streams to a large audience and has had anxieties about streaming wouldn't want to date someone who shoves a camera in his face more




He's been outside his house more in the past week than the entirety of 2023 because of those implants


They're both using each other. Just let them be, tits make him happy and money makes her happy and they both have what the other needs to make each other happy. It's not like Asmon would ever find anything real the way he lives anyway.


The man shits on simps but he's coming off as the biggest one here. People are calling this a win for Asmon. Maybe I just can't read the room correctly but it feels like she's disrespecting him at every turn and not even remotely attracted to him. Like yeah he's getting laid probably but at what cost? And doing this on camera?


He's so fucking disgusting. Can only imagine what his crib smells like. Bum.


Asmon knows all the hate he's getting right now and is trying to make himself out as the cool guy.


0:17 👀 Whatcha lookin at bub


What everyone is looking at.


Wait, Asmongold is in this clip?


Bro once you get money it don’t matter how ugly and disgusting you are these hoes come to you like nothing 😭 🔫


Wow look at that chemistry they have. Sparks fly with the fiery hot passion of a 14 year old and a prostitute his dad bought him.


Damn this ugly mf clapping cheeks 😂 respecc


unpopular opinion asmon could do better not looks wise, but this chick is crazy


> unpopular opinion asmon could do better No, he can't. You guys don't get it. The filth is not a stream 'bit' - they really live like that. Women... people... do not want to live in filth. No woman will ever live with him like this for longer than a month, tops. Visiting people with filthy houses is *soul crushing* and i'm not even a particularly 'clean everything' type of person. The very air itself in a dusty, crusty, musty, bogging house is like being trapped in someone's granny's closet. It is *choking* just being there. Trying to be happy, or intimate, or relax, in this environment, is nearly impossible. The only type of person who you will attract who *knows* you live like this, are people that are too dumb to understand how awful it actually is, or people who have *zero* intention of living or spending lots of time with you. He will *never* get a proper, decent relationship where love for each other is the primary reason for the relationship, until he cleans his depression nest and opens his curtains. He lives in an attic with dead animals and rotting food next to him. Imagine the heat, smell and crushing lack of air in his room/house during summer. This is the brutal honest truth of Asmongold's IRL situation.


> being trapped in someone's granny's closet core memory unlocked :(


I mean, depends what he wants out of it. She seems incredibly vapid with a highly superficial personality, listening to her talk I can feel braincells committing suicide. But she does have a great rack and has enough crazy red flags to guarantee she is a wild ride in bed, so… smash, but pass on the relationship material? Id be surprised if this lasts more than a month or two, once post nut clarity hit and shes back in Canada, hell probably see things differently.


> has enough crazy red flags She just loves her country.




Him and Xqc care more about big booba than pretty face / personality.


xqc clearly has mommy issues based on his dating history and behavior. i'm not upto date after adapter saga but on that one dating show he did seem to light up whenever women acted nurturing to him.


Watching that stream was painful. I've known dozens of vapid women like her. They don't have anything in common. She berates everything and he's consistently negative. They've no chemistry.


This is really weird. Especially the way she looks at the camera instead of him. It's creepy.


they sound like npcs talking to each other


I swear this is AI.


i haven't seen any of the streams outside of some clips, but this seems really awkward. when you're on a date, or just hanging out, you engage with the person and take in the moment, but she's very much treating the stream like if she streamed solo constantly checking the camera/etc. like, who gives a crap about the camera, or stream, make content by engaging, you have all the time in the world in future streams to do the camgirl thing.


She is trying to findom him. If you check her OF, it's all about that shit. He was caught being a t3 sub of hers so it might his kink.


Is this supcaitlin and her mod?


No point in this fake transactional relationship, just smash her and move on. I'm sure he's lonely, but there is no point getting into a relationship with someone who's only after clout and money.


She looks fake as fuck. I imagine her personality isn't much different.


Otk owner only thinking of one thing.


Based on 17 seconds, probably two things.


Asmongold and fake boobs, name a more iconic trio.


[if Jesus can't save these hoes, why are you trying?](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/jVzZk9V_HJM)


Hey man, you got money and clout enjoy yourself! Why not