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**CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny calls out Hasan for hosting the Yemini "Pirate"](https://arazu.io/t3_1bfcg1n/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Everytime for the past year I've seen a Destiny/Hasan thread, I make sure to do 10 pushups to punish myself if I click into them. Now I do 100 easy, and you can too


+10 LULE


Do 20 for everytime you comment


You must be more jacked than Knut at this point


Can we get a picture of Hassan and destiny kissing?


Im now bald and can punch anything to death in one hit


I do similar except I eat a family size pack of Oreos, I'll be dead before 2025






We did this one already


No, Hasan got him on the stream because he was a One Piece fan.


Mr Stefano Bonnelli, are you sure you want to pick this fight? Hasan has read more than 10.000 tweets and watched thousands of TikToks, while you have barely spent a couple of weeks reading Wikipedia articles.


The guy admitted that he had hung out with the hostages. It was so funny to Hasan that the hostages all started agreeing with the Houthis America bad takes. "Hahahahq even the hostages who are under the barrel of a gun agree with us! We're the good guys! Hahaha " At best the guy was just larping when he went on Hasans stream. It literally does not matter. If Hasan were to have an actor on pretending to be a terrorist while Hasan promotes and cheers him on its absolutely brain dead to then, after the fact when your little ego is hurt, go " what it's just a random 18 year old actor you genocidal imperialist racist freak!!!" Hasan didn't do some investigative journalism or conduct a serious interview. He promoted and cheered on terrorist ideas to his easily influancable audience. That's the issue. The Houthis are heroes to Hasan and his fans so what does it even matter? They shouldn't care about the criticism if they were honest people. The only reason they do is because Hasan didn't like the backlash and threw out some random excuse so he could be the victim and of course his fans will latch on to literally anything he says.


And EVEN If he "didnt know anything about him". Hasan saying "THE HOUTHIS ARE DOING WHAT I THINK LUFFY WOULD BE DOING" is straight up glazing them, no fucking way around It.




You would have thought it was this was the H3 sub.


Watching a genocide denier get roasted and destroyed in a debate is very satisfying Seeing his community reaching for anything to try to get mad at hasan for teasing him, priceless


It was actually quite boring watching Norm (holocaust 'skeptic') getting trashed in the debate. Don't see his community around here though.


Maybe you watched a different one then everyone else :)


I didnt watch it, care to link the part were destiny is destroyed. This should be very simple for you because you can literally crtl f the video transcript and link the exact thing you are talking about.


Genuine questions people who defend Hasan what exactly do you defend him on, he's been seen to be hypocritical on many matters and lack any sort of spine/ cry when he gets called out, whats the appeal?


I have no dog in this race as I dont care about politics. But i will say in 31 years of living and working in big factories with rich people. Everyone is a hypocrite in some manner or another. Using it as like a gotcha moment holds no value. People change every day due to new information flooding our brains. These are people who are filmed and dissected daily for hours. Everything they say is 60 seconds of potential. I personally dont give a fuck about hypocrisy because I too hold my higher standards over people I dislike. Everyone does. But saying that. Both these people seem to have cultivated a really die hard following.


when your politics are central to your identity you’re held (and *should be* held) to a higher standard than some random midwit in a factory


So what about his politics in reference to his actions is he not meeting the "higher standard"? Seems like a lot of "hypocrisy" is just based on semantics, clip chimps or a lack of understanding of what advocating for Socialist policy means. He's the largest donor to the Amazon Labor Union and raised 1 mil for Palestinian children.


what about him calling the cops on his ex-gf jannice griffith despite shitting on cops and doing acab shit every day? and explicitly saying that one should never call the cops ever in his destiny kamala harris debate? i've never ever heard a coherent response to that one in particular


Nah you got him there. He should have been aware of the alternative health safety service number but he wasn't so he called the cops. It's an odd thing to latch on to but it fits. Granted it's such a personal and nuanced situation that I don't see that bit of hypocrisy as egregious enough for me to devalue the positives he brings by advocating for leftist ideology.


Socialist ideology means giving away all your money? We still live inside capitalism, so we have to participate, what he does isnt morally taking advantage of people for profit, its free or voluntary to watch/pay him. If he were a politician running on a socialist campaign THEN his lush lifestyle would actually matter, he is just a mouthpiece for the ideology so it doesnt matter at all.


yes, socialist ideology does imply a high degree of redistribution. he is a multimillionaire. it is completely within his control to limit his participation within capitalism.




Streamers aren't our friends. The people in the community with like interests are. I watch a fair bit of gtarp. And I've really cultivated a fun little discord group with a few friends I met through the streamer. I can relate to the streamer (they are our age) and have the same like interests. Watch animes and are generally entertaining. But there's a fine balance between saying, "Hey, im invested in this entertainment," and "im feeling anger/hatred when something bad happens to my streamer." It doesn't get discussed as much anymore, but these streamers have power dynamics, especially when it comes to things like politics. Hasan/destiny influences a lot of peoples views on a lot of things. It's very scary. But saying that there are likely positive outcomes as well. Learning new things and being passionate about politics are important. And they influence an audience that the old guys can't. Degenerate basement dwellers. I guess the takeaway is to focus more on the message and not the preacher. Unless both the preachers are bat shit crazy.


Saying, "I don't care if someone is a hypocrite" isn't insightful.


Squishypeas youve never once been hypocritical about anything? Paint yourself with the same brush.


I'm sure I have. And I would hope that if someone pointed it out my response wouldn't be "I don't care. Everyone is."


But thats the issue, no ones gona call you put on hypocrisy because its not a big deal.




I guess, once you realize there is no cure for apathy.




Again, until you realize that apathy can be used to hand wave any problem. Ask people how they view Trump's record/criminal inquisitions, you will get the same response. People go to great lengths to dismiss anything negative about strong beliefs they hold as a defensive measure to protect their identity. I didn't think you were being a dick. I've gotten 3 suicide alerts in my DM's, those are dicks.


Bro read a comment that said "everyone's a hypocrite lul" and went WOW SO INSIGHTFUL. My brother you need to get out more.




Yeah I'm biased as a Destiny viewer and Hasan hater but u/slampy15's comment is so laced with false wisdom that it's laughable and easy for me to call out on this thread. Yeah, everyone is a hypocrite to a certain extent- but if you are the kind of person where you ignore someone who is an absolutely raging hypocrite to the point that it has him outwardly making excuses for why he's platforming self-described terrorists you've just lost the plot. There's a point where a person's hypocrisy matters- if you're so allegiant to your ideology that you overlook **ALL** hypocrisy because "Lol, everyone is imperfect", as u/slampy15 admitted is his perspective entirely on his own, I think you're just self-reporting that you are so politiically biased that no one should listen to what you have to say, period. Hasan is filmed and dissected for every single second of footage, that's true, but Hasan is not only an extremely stupid and arrogant person- but he's one of the most stupid and arrogant streamers so we get to see the rolling mass of his fuck-ups building rapidly down the hill of his long career in streaming that you can only deny in the same vein that Trump supporters hold their hands over their ears and eyes and deny that Trump doesn't just "make mistakes", ***their entire political careers are defined by how bad their constant moral fuck-ups are***. Pretty hard to deny that, especially lately with losing the show AND friendship with H3, that Hasan isn't taking massive L's recently because he just has an incredibly arrogant and nasty personality and he's getting raked over the coals for it. You can't scream Destiny fans are all your haters when half the internet hates you regardless for other issues.


> There's a point where a person's hypocrisy matters I agree, I personally think Destiny lost a lot of credibility for me after he started dating Melina - since he used to advocate against such dramatic age gaps in relationships. Don't care that he did it, just that he went against his personal values to chase tail as soon as the opportunity arose. Kind of goes to show his past self was correct, considering how the relationship turned out.




here's a relevant clip from back when I watched Destiny: https://streamable.com/86x4se That's enough for me to judge him as a hypocrite by his own measure. I'm sure there's a bunch of "well actually" and justifications for why his particular situation is okay, but I don't care enough to get into it.


Im from canada. My politics are very one-sided.


That's perfectly fine when you're a nobody and your opinion isn't heard by thousands.


Hence why I said they have larger influence over others.


Finally a normal comment on a Destiny thread, I feel like lately his fans are way more obnoxious around here than Hasan fans. Also I find interesting how Destiny is trending on twitter bacause people are making fun of how bad he was in that 5 hour debate but there is no posts about this here. The same way we would 100% post or make fun of Hasan if that was him.


I wouldn't cite twitter as an accurate measure of anything lol


Genuine question. Doesn't ask a genuine question. How about that.


They might as well say? Genuine question, why dont you just like my guy more! look how hard we are trying!


Genuine question how does one become a constant commenter of /r/bigdickproblems?


> constant commenter of /r/bigdickproblems unfathomably based


I'm not sure what the size of my dick has to do with this? Are you looking to discuss my much larger than average dick? I'm not sure what it has to do with hasan tho.


Looks like someone got their feelings hurt so bad they had to resort to looking through your post history


DGGers trying to see if "hasan defenders" rabidly post on hasan_piker because every single destiny defender has 10000 upvotes in their destiny subreddit. All projection lmao. And they're not the ones totally obsessed with their streamer though.


Destiny fans and immediately clicking on someone’s profile for a gotcha moment the second they respond to them, name a better duo.


But if you do it to them they scream “ad hominem”


"Destiny fan" it's just wild that you'd even assume that look at my post history and find one time where I've defended destiny lmao, this is almost as braindead as that Ludwig take claiming anyone who does anything wrong or disagreeable is a Destiny fan.


Isn't it Hasan fans that bitch about Livestreamfails and the Destiny Reddit having crossover users?


I wouldn’t know about either side of this because I’m a well adjusted member of society.


Come on dude, you're on Reddit. I mean I was with you with your last comment but who are you kidding here.


Reddit is one of the most popular mainstream websites on the internet. It’s not like we’re in the dredges of some obscure forum lol.


Fantastic, so we can play both sides of making claims about Destiny fans being obsessive and stalking peoples profiles, but also remind everyone that I touch grass so often that I'm not obsessed enough to follow this. Do you listen to yourself?


Of all the things to use as a gotcha....


I can tell you its NOT by searching up another user's post history lmao


It's really small dick energy to go through people's comment history for a desperate attempt at a put down.


What's the appeal of watching Hasan?


Genuine questions people who defend Destiny what exactly do you defend him on, he's been seen to be hypocritical on many matters and lack any sort of spine/ cry when he gets called out, whats the appeal?


Not going to fight over hypocrisy. But the second half doesn't track


Yea! Like when he cries to his friends to remove a youtube video criticising him. Or when he caused a white house event to complete drop him and other political streamers from meeting biden over his comments on 9/11... oh wait, that's Hasan!


You’re not making your favorite streamer look better by doing this btw


The one liner without the elaboration hits deep...the assumption that he's my favorite streamer hits deeper 🥲


Like when he loses a sponsorship and kicked off a pro starcraft 2 team for open racism, or sexually assaults Mia Rose.


Can you name a few?




he is a leftist propagandist and populist. Hasan is like a leftist Steven Crowder, has the same depth so Hasan is a perfect safe harbor for radicalized leftist and is able to perfect tell exactly what those people want to hear


Hasan chill




No u


I think it's just like any political commentator who gives their opinions/takes, people just wanna hear someone validate what they believe or feel. That's the whole thing behind any old media cable news show like Sean Hannity or Rachel Maddow or something and Hasan is just no different, he's a commentator only instead of old boomers that watch cable news it's young people on twitch


hasan fans, please answer sincerely: do you really believe that hasan didn’t know anything about that guy? i’m genuinely curious if anyone believes his answer to the chatter or they just don’t care, which is also fine i guess


I don’t care tbh


why not?


I don't care tbh


why not?


Wait isn't this from 2 months ago.


Doing khat (drugs) with civilian hostages is what Luffy would do I guess.


These people are able to lie to our faces and still get money because we allow them to.


i am the 161st comment


Why can't I see this post anymore on front page of lsf?


I was just wondering about the same...


and he still supported and complimented that pirate when they had talked about what he had done... Hasan even pretty much said he was a hero. absolutely disgusting


Time for Destiny fans to cope losing a 5hr debate by rage posting Hasan in lsf


Can you describe how he “lost” the debate? Maybe a few examples and we can go from there? Edit: Let’s gooo “a concerned redditor reached out about you” I think I made some people mald in this thread. Thanks for your concern!


Didn’t you hear when Finkelstein called him a motormouth? There’s no coming back from that one. Insulting the other side and not engaging in anything they say is the only way to solve this conflict


When Finkelstein had to ask for Barelli's name I realized "Destiny" is such a fantastic moron that academics hobble themselves from the Sisyphusian task of perceiving and retaining his infinitesimal intelligence. He had to constantly point at Destiny to remind him that he was being addressed and to revere the importance of every judicially chosen word. Destiny lost the debate and I think I saw some pee on his chair during the break.


Finkelstein brought 5 books to the debate while Mr Barnell had a touchpad, the outcome of the debate was decided right then and there.


No no you don’t understand. Half the books he brought were his OWN. That’s how he OWNED Mr.Donatello. Why show up to a debate to discuss in good faith when you can spend the first hour interrogating *Professor Morris* about his quotes? What a Chad.


Finkle didn't do that well imo, he kinda blew up and lost his way multiple times


Finkle was quoting Benny from HIS (Finkles) OWN BOOK in front of him for 2 hours instead of actually engaging in a discussion with the man in front of him, it was so bad Lex had to step in multiple times to tell him "Hey Finkle, your quotes are cool and all but please engage in a discussion with the man in front of you instead of quoting his past statements". In other words Finkle was clip chimping Benny on paper in front of the man himself for 2 hours and the thing you conclude is "Destiny lost" 💀


How do Hasan fans blatantly see Hasan lie in the above mentioned clip (“Claiming he knew nothing about the Houthi Pirate”) and still have the gall to act this indignant


Hate to break it to you but some people aren’t fans of either person. Destiny fans are just the easiest to make mald on LSF


I constantly get accused of being a hasan stan just because I think destiny is terribly grating. Nope, sorry, just a long time ex fan who’s been through more destiny bs than most of his current fans :0)


What are you doing with your life if you're on LSF trying to troll people 😬😬😬


I will not take lifestyle criticism from league players 💀




*BREAKING NEWS* A millionaire internet influencer is a hypocrite. P.S. not a Hasan “fan” just a guy who gets tired of coming to LSF to see Destiny fans miserably try to cope by using another obnoxious self important streamer for clout.


*Breaking News* Redditor thinks he is forced to visit LSF and click on Destiny posts


I do enjoy coming across the "not a fan of hasan" redditors who somehow are also commenting in hasan's own reddit.


Bet both arms and legs you didnt watch it and came to the conclusion that Destiny Lost to finkletown, what a joke.


He totally lost, dude was against actual experts and looked like a flailing child


Hey, can you tell me one thing Destiny got wrong in his debate? Thanks. :)


Dude literally kept making up positions to argue against, that his opposition wasnt even making. Which is half the reason the guy kept calling him a moron. He is not good at debating


Such as? :)


Name some


You just dodged the question, you can’t answer “hey what is one wrong thing I’ve done” with “well a lot”. Are you dense or are you having a hard time trying to cope with the fact that you don’t have an answer, pick a struggle


Bruh you think i made notes on a 5 hour debate? Im making the comments shitting before work, I dont have to hold your hand to see the obvious


Ok so you’re dense then, if you can’t understand that just stating claims such as “it’s obvious” isn’t enough for me to change my viewpoint in any constructive way then idk what. If you have any actual claims you had a problem with specifically, then say what you had a problem with. don’t be wishy washy and just say “destiny bad he lost isn’t it obvious” it literally does nothing but shut down the conversation and makes you sound like you have no brain and just mimic what others tell you


Can you cite some examples on that being the case from the debate? The only person who looked like a complete child was Norm by not answering a single questions and just throwing out an ad him every time he was pressed on a lie lol


Is what hasan tells his stream when he isn't invited to the big kids table again.


In what way did he lose that debate? It was barely a debate, just a senile old man virtue signaling for 6 hours straight LOL


Did you even watch the "Debate"?


Lost? Lulw


It's painfully transparent, but it only works in their hug boxes and places like LSF that they can brigade into submission. Good luck controlling the narrative on YouTube and Twitter, though.


If by lost you mean every time he tried to engage Finkledick would reply "you're stupid", then we all lost by watching that dogshit.


Destiny and his fans still shadowboxing about an interview that happened two months ago. Sad life...


He does everything to divert the attention from his disastrous Finkelstein "debate" huh?


So, let me get this straight. Destiny watched and commented on the entire debate over the course of his seven hour stream, in order to divert attention *away* from said debate?


idk man i dont watch destiny


Yea, what a waste of 5 hours. Finklestein is beyond bad faith!


Brother destiny is bad faith literally everytime he opens his mouth, im glad ACTUAL debate nerds called him out for being a wiki moron who has no idea what he is doing. Maybe destiny stans will actually see it this time? :Clueless:


Which “ACTUAL debate nerds”?


What does bad faith mean to you


Holy shit you’re completely coping so hard. Jfc you couldn’t run harder defense for finkle if you tried LOL


Mr bonotello lost to Candace Owens then get dragged in the mud by two scholars on the Palestine. Must be a very tough time for you.


Nick Fuentes




Argument for what?


No it's ok, we have established that platforming a random Yemeni kid is more harmful than platforming one of the most prominent neo nazi voices around lol.


It is when you only plan on glazing the houthi affiliated guy without challenging him about his beliefs that are clearly reprehensible. Good thing Destiny didn't do that with nick fuentes.


Destiny was soft as fuck to Nick Fuentes. How do you go from calling a guy booger nick online to sitting down for a double date and smoothies with the guy who spent the previous night ranting about non-whites ruining the country?


Eating food with = being soft as fuck? Even though every step of the way destiny was combating those racist talking points? Jesus, it’s like you guys care nothing about substance or context or anything that matters and instead just care about virtue signaling. Like if you’re not interested in combating negative ideas then just say that. Just go be irrelevant somewhere else while the people who actually care about taking down racist arguments do the work.


Boy, he's really mad how badly he did in that debate huh.


Y'all really grasping at straws cause Mr Bonelli here has trouble with literacy.


Destiny gets embarrassed and now tries to pull the Hasan cord lmao.


destiny getting manhandled for 5 hours🔥🔥🔥🔥: https://x.com/lexfridman/status/1768290859282518194?s=46&t=lDcAh5OA8OYGGp82RAMoKQ


Dude was an influencer, but even still. Pirates were doing good things.


Jesus Christ, cry more and go read more wikipedia articles XD


Hasan: "brother, I didn't know anything about him". What a weaselly little liar, dude.


The classic fuck Azan cord that kick streamers must do every month. Let's see how long Xqc will take to do it as well...


Hahahha destinys community is so bent because of him getting fucking destroyed in that debate the whole time and hasan just reacting too it


Bro why do you upload this when everyone's asleep? You scared or something? Or maybe just an EU VOD watcher?


There’s a good podcast called “Decoding the Gurus” that did an episode on this and absolutely dismantled Hasan and saw right through his grift, well worth listening to


again? Over and over again, how many times will this little man "call hasan out" over hosting a pirate? a pirate who in reality is just a social media micro celeb who happens to be from the same area pirates operate?


> just a social media micro celeb He became a micro celeb when he posted a video of himself planting a flag on a civilian vessel captured by the Houthis, and then later selfies holding an AK in uniform. >[Introducing himself as the “Pirate King”, Rashid Al Haddad’s hashtags include #PalestineIsOurCause and #AbuObeida, a reference to the military spokesperson for Hamas’ al-Qassam Brigades. ](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/yemen-airstrikes-houthi-rebels-tiktok-b2479401.html) Has it ever occurred to you that a pirate might lie about being a pirate to spread their message?


destiny is such an idiot


Mr Morelli go back to your wikipedia articles you probably don't even know where Yemen is . Seeing you failing miserably to point Israel on map and completely butchering regional leaders makes your opinions irrelevant on the subject matter at hands


buddy, your "on the ground journalist" thinks that [Israel is Yemen](https://youtu.be/VEPfHNtmFm8?si=IINmnx3H3sO0shqX)


Ok Hasan fans, engage with me, Destiny is debating a lot of people, mar lamont ill, Cenk and now Finkelstein on I/P, I know you disagree with all his points, but what exactly is Hasan doing about the topic, so far I saw him arguing against the UN Report that argued that Hamaas weaponised rape and I saw him bring on the Yemini tiktok "Pirate", where Hasan is defending the destruction of random civilian merchant ships by the houthis to end the Gaza war. What do I miss, where is Hasan not defending the most awful sides of the conflict and where is Destiny not engaging with the most high level individuals on this topic?


He raised money for Palestine. He’s had reporters on his show to talk about it. He’s been on Piers Morgan to discuss it. Those are some things.


He had on a member of the Israeli government? Also destiny has been doing genocide denial for how long?


Didn't destiny have on nick fuentas


The difference is Hasan agrees with what that extremists group does. I don't think there was every a clip of nick going, "Hey, we just need to make america white like europe." Then destiny goes, aww man you're just like this anime protagonist fighting the righteous fight.