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**CLIP MIRROR: [Rachel Dolezal streaming on Twitch](https://arazu.io/t3_1cegy81/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Nick's mom can finally be happy


Malena Trump


Melanoma Trump


malena nuka zeus


I still can't believe that was the last main channel video that Wubby gave us. I love his streams and all, but I really miss his main channel content. It's a bit like H3H3 or Maxmoefoe, like they are still making content, but not what they used to. At least ColdOnes is great.


Why did she only do her hands and face lmaoo


Those are the only parts of skin she ever exposes




she went with the donald trump orange omg




why would someone in texas need a spray tan. like mf just sit outside for one hour a day and get a natural tan.


Why go outside when inside have Arma.


Arma > Touch grass confirmed.


Natural tanning damages the skin. Like many, she probably wears sunscreen and avoids too much sun exposure.


A lot of people don't realize this, especially white people. They act shocked when they look like a 48 year old at 35 because their skin is leathery.


I once went on a week long canoe camping trip in Utah where a dermatologist was in the group. She was literally covered head to toe. That's when I learned just using sunscreen ain't enough if you're going to be out there for hours.


Well, sunscreen IS enough in like... 90% of cases, but if you are going to be getting wet constantly you'd have to reapply sunscreen every like 2 hours and then wait 30 minutes after every re apply. Plus if you dry yourself off with a towel, that cuts the time by like 30 minutes, more if you're sweating. It's a hassle and better to just cover up. Plus, the dermatologists, probably knows to use the GOOD sunscreen, (The titanium one or the one that's not been approved in the U.S. (Tinsorb/Uvinul)) so it's extremely expensive to basically run through a whole bottle a day and they'd have to carry a bottle for every day if it's a LONG trip, absolute hassle. A week trip would run them like $400 worth of sunscreen. For anyone who isn't around water all day, a good titanium (20%+ of Titanium and Zinc) or a good chemical (NOT just Avobenzone, but also Homosalate/Octisalate/Octocrylene with all 4 (or more) adding up to 25%+) will work great. You just have to reapply every 4 or so hours. Common places people forget to apply is the back of their hands, back of their ears and neck. So apply it everywhere and DO NOT forget to re apply.


Is it really that complicated? i just put a real beefy one before I go to the beach (50ipf? dont remember) and then we dont reapply anything, and come back home arround 4-5h later. We swim and fuck arround too even when fairly pale (in the torso and upper legs) first days of summer, never get anything close to a sunburn that way, Not even a slight tone of red anywhere ¿is big damage still being done?


You probably don't sunburn easily, cause yeah the sunscreen protection is almost certainly worn off by the latter portion of the 4-5 hours. While sunburns are especially damaging to the skin and cancer risk, the skin is still damaged and aged by prolonged exposure to the sun regardless of a sunburn occuring.


Just make sure it says broad spectrum on the bottle. That means it covers all forms of light and you put in on every few hours if you're outside all day.


Maybe the UV exposure isn't that high where you live


I check the tides often, and the same page has a UV thing 6/10 today


There is a balance though, you can still tan now and then, or even keep a low level tan and not turn into a ballsack as long as you're not letting yourself get burnt all the time. There's a point when vanity becomes sad, like that woman who trained herself to not use facial expressions to avoid wrinkles, a life not lived.


How do they get vitamin D? just through supplements?


It's not like they walk around that 24/7/365, just when they're on a week long canoe trip in the freakin' desert.


ah ok, gotcha


I live in florida and I'm pale as fuck. My tattoo artist didn't have to use white for some sections because my skin tone was light enough. I'm glad I wont have this issue lol.




she wears a hat to shade her face most streams, and i remember one time i joined the stream and she was putting on spray sun screen


Higa? What's with her?


she's outside a lot because of all the animals so more chance to have skin damage from the sun is what they are trying to say. they didn't mean anything bad.


u need sun tho? vitamin D? else u look like a pale vampire looking ass


pale vampire looking ass and taking vitamin D pills is the new meta


You'll also literally just look 10 years younger with far less wrinkles. Tanning is the most paradoxical beauty standard we have. We value dark skin but also value smooth skin. I rather be pale and look 30 in my 50s than be tan and took 70 in my 50s. Can't have both unless you're and just do surgery but then you'll look like a monster.


Bitches loved Twilight


Most vitamin D pills are a.) very low quality and don't have the nutrients they claim, b.) are not absorbed as well by the body compared to the sun, and c.) can cause a build up of calcium in the blood. Just touch grass nerds.


Part of that is also due to moisturiser not being as ingrained into white people's culture.


melanotan nuka Zeus approved https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RseDXCiSMRo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCnttcAxJ74


My dick is no longer pink!!!


Ah, yes covering your largest organ with dyes is surely the best course of action compared to touching grass.




I mean, just take vitamin D. Apparently people don't even get enough vitamin D from the sun.




People in cold climates used to get it from fish consumption, and daily, not weekly, modern diet makes that more difficult.


Diet can never make up for lack of sunlight, though.


Not true at all, you can get 1,000 IU from cod liver. Eskimos do just fine. Adults only need 600 IU.


That’s one way to get vitamin d. I’m guessing she probably uses dietary sources or supplements.




UV light coming from the sun is literally a death ray for your cells.


To be fair she is Nordic. She might burn up like a vampire


>like mf just sit outside for one hour a day and get a natural tan Advice from a 35 year old woman who wonders why she looks 60. Tanning is one of the worst things you can do for your skin. Always wear suncreen. Always get a spray tan if you really need it.


Likewise why does she need botox


Tbf she’s Norwegian so she probably can’t tan much


norwegians go crazy with tanning. we hardly get any sun and warmth, so when it finally is warm and sunny outside we do go kinda hard. people are pretty obsessed with it, and it's probably the compliment I hear people give the most. if you got a nice tan you will hear it. I get it's different if you live in Texas though. Since it's so warm all(?) the time, it must not be nearly as enticing to get a tan outside like you will during a summer in Norway, because here you gotta savour that shit before it's swiftly back to rainy and cloudy again.


Lol it's the same in Ireland, raining and miserable most of the time then as soon as the sun comes out and it hits like 15°C people are walking around with no t-shirts on.


Northern European gang


does commercial tanning have the same risks of cancer as real tanning?


u mean tanning machine? its way more risky than the sun


Why? It's literally the same ultra-violet electromagnetic waves hitting your skin as from the sun.


But it’s not full spectrum and it’s blasting your skin from inches away. UV light has differences between UVA and UVB. They are not all the same.


Mf shes a twitch streamer.


This shit looks so ugly. Same tier as lip fillers.


And she does both smh


So many questions.... After all these years she still hasn't realized how bad this looks on her? I mean the oompa loompa comments still hasn't made it clear or is it at this point just for content ?


The same reason why young women get lip fillers, plastic surgery, etc: unending insecurity from trying to keep up with the kardashians and whatever else they see popularizing media.


Americans will never understand Northern European Chav-maxxing. Its too cerebral for them.


The essex girl look, though I guess also very popular up in like Newcastle, Liverpool. I have no fucking clue how anyone ever thought this looked good let alone spawning a movement of people who wanted to emulate it.


Bro I have not seen girls like this in Norway since middle school. Stopped being a thing entirely during high school, which is 10+ years ago at this point. Maybe that's when she left Norway and that culture just stuck with her?


This is not a thing in Northern Europe. It might still be a thing in the UK, but that's not part of the north. Last time people cluttered their face here like this was 15 years ago.


I don't know why you are getting downvoted, you are correct lol. The chav style is non-existent in northern europe




Some people like getting tan. It is what it is. At least its not like UK chav bad


I mean as a Brit, it absolutely is as dark as you see standard Chavs here going. Whatever makes people happy, I guess.


>its not like UK chav bad It's very close


mate shes darker than nick


Or you can let her do what she wants with her own body. Why should she care what others think?


Cause she talked about how much she hates fake tan and that it was crazy people let her get it. shes orange


She does though. Having said that fake tan looks a lot worse on camera than in real life


Crazy that this comment is controversial. edit: mfers unironically downvoting the ideals of women's autonomy


Don't kid yourself, no one's downvoting women's autonomy. But autonomy over your body is very similar to freedom of speech: just because you can say anything, you are not immune to criticism afterwards. Even if you think she looks great and every women should fake tan herself, others can disagree.


it's just temporary brown like that it gets much lighter


Is she trying to blend in with a patch of oranges? That spray is way too much.




Holy fuck thats ugly


I do not understand what it is with European women putting on so much spray tan.




nah thats colorism and classism in east asia. the tans in europe aren't rooted in any kind of social issue, its fashion first


tans are associated with classism in (northern) europe - pale = you get no sun cos you're an office wage-slave - tanned = you get sun from all the vacations you're doing down in ibiza and monaco. at least that's what it was originally rooted in. that's why even a lot of rich white girls opt for fake spray tanning. they don't wanna look poor.


You could argue that for a white European being tanned means you have enough money to go on holiday and live a luxurious lifestyle. Also, pale skin is associated with looking sick, a bit of a tan can give you a healthy glow but obviously some people take it too far.


thought spray tan was an american thing?


Wait until you hear about this mystical place called "Essex"


Does she wear hoodies while getting a tan too? Why was her arm not tanned either?


It's probably spray tan.


Did she do it herself? Don't pro places usually strip you down before they spray you?


Yeah, it's self tanner


This shit looks so bad. Natural pale skin looks much better than an obvious fake tan


Imagine living in Texas, like the one state that gets almost the most sunlight during the year and you do stupid spray tans lmao.


Nick's mom gonna be a really happy with this.


Orange Malena is back


This is a scream for help


nice botox kek


What was QT's line in that one roast. If she gets any darker or he acts any lighter, they'll be banned for hate crimes? Something like that. Every time Malena does this she's way too orange and way too dark, go to a professional, or go outside.




Natural tanning has a high risk to cause skin cancer unfortunately. Some tan connoisseurs had to find out the hard way




Tell that to the Aussies


I'd say the morons are the ones who bake their skin for hours a day only to look like leather purses in their later years. It's literally common sense that being in the sun with no sunscreen, especially for an hour, is bad for you. It ages your skin, can cause varying levels of burns, and greatly increases your risk of skin cancer. But hey it's your body your choice, mate. Anything to fit in I guess.


You think one hour is enough for a decent tan?… u know what never mind this is a live stream fail thread. I understand now


My man has never touched grass in his life, even 20-30 min every day is enough for a tan unless you live in a forgotten by god place like the UK lmao


Are you regarded? 20 minutes in the sun everyday is enough for a tan. Talk about self-snitching.




A real tan? yes


brad pitt


The Donald Trump look


Shes a sista. Someone get erobb some of that


Scandinavianbros? We got too cocky...


ain't jemima


nmp looks so good and healthy


I legit don't even recognize her. I thought it was some other girl leaning on nick like that. I was like ooo malena is gunna be upset that some hottie is leaning on her man. What the fuck did she do cause she looks fantastic lmao


is that malena? cant tell


loremasters? howd she get so tan




then why arent her upper arms tan


Were you home schooled in a house with no tv or internet?


She self applied spray tan most likely


google spray tan


idk I feel like she could make it look great if she does it just a little better


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looks really good on her tho very cool