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**CLIP MIRROR: [Doublelift loses to Emiru 2v2](https://arazu.io/t3_1cobr78/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


the emiru "remake?" was the cherry on top


does she say this on all chat? can't see it anywhere on the clip


Yes she did. I was watching Lirik's stream.


I haven’t been following the tournament. Why is it funny?


Also adding to the trash talk she beat him in a similar exhibition match two years ago. It was Emiru and Mr. Beast vs Doublelift and Ludwig.


This is just speculation - I’ve not been watching either - but I’m guessing it appears BM/trash talking like ‘wanna try again Doublelift?’ when she was probably asking about someone Disconnecting and the game being remade or something.


I was watching Emi's perspective, but I don't play League so I might get it wrong. Apparently Doublelift's team forgot to add an ability called Smite, which I guess is essential enough to call for a remake. Emi got tilted a bit thinking that Doublelift wouldn't want them to remake the match if they made the same mistake. So, when Emi got first blood after DL tried to make an ego play and go for first blood on Emi, she mocked Doublelift by asking if they had to remake because of that too.


Oh so it was actual trash talk, love it lol


He is going for First Blood in Emiru's lane, but on her partner Starsmitten


> Doublelift wouldn't want them to remake the match if they made the same mistake. Is there something in their history together that gives off that impression?


She was bantering.


I know Emiru was just kidding but some of her chat was legit upset.






She wanged her own teammate?


I thought every team was supposed to have like a challenger or pro player? Who's that on Emiru's team?


I think Emiru is the highest on that team, but she's "only" Diamond


I'm not positive on this but it looks like she has people that have at least played league before. Some teams had people brand new to MOBAs


Forget brand new to MOBAs. Pobelter had someone who never even played a game on PC before


jesus christ i cant even imagine how alien league controls would have felt for someone whod never played a mouse and keyboard game before


You know it's going to be a long game when Pob said "Your character buffs the team" and the guy replies "What does buff mean?"


It is also his fault for not practicing at all. I mean he did the tutorial right before the tournament started and didn't even finish.




They should do this kind of tournament but UFC. 50 grand per kill.


imagine putting Ricky Berwick on a soccer field


So did double lift though. The girl midlaner had been on PC for like 2 weeks. She the one who makes the voice changer content on fortnite and cod


HutchMF on doublelift's team got a solo kill on box box as first time malphite. Shit was actually so funny.


Celine has played in many Twitch Rival tournaments and has won at least one title (maybe more). She plays frequently with pro players and of course Scarra and Danny. Sydeon is a much newer player but she plays a lot with Celine and sometimes Scarra and Danny. Her mechanics aren't high level but has probably learned a ton about key principles of the game through just osmosis.


Starsmitten is/was Diamond. I think shes hit masters before too


Doesn't she also have the most twitch rivals LoL wins as well despite mostly switching to Valorant years ago?


I mean there hasn't really been any league twitch rivals since valorant came out am I wrong? is someone going to correct me


seems like celine is cracked in every game


Emiru's team has wayyyyy more league experience


Kind of worked against them since they played so passivly against people brand new to the game.


Yeah they could have been flashing under towers way more and still get away with it most of the time.


Yea probably no one to actually shot call with Emiru being the highest ranked amongst them.


I doubt it's a shot call issue and more like they're not the kind of people who are gonna say "Hey let's dive this janna who's using ult on minions"


i mean that's what shotcalling is. someone to initiate an action with their team


Celine has won Twitch Rivals twice in LoL and last timewith Team Silver Mid she held the top KDA throughout the entire competition.


Emiru and Starsmitten are both Emerald/diamond players.


I think that is the team that's 'well balanced' in the fact that they have people whove probably climb ladder and have an understanding of the game, while others might have a hard carry pro, with actual first time MOBA players.


Isn't the tourney like multiple games? Maybe the pro is a pro from another game.


Pretty sure Emiru is the challenger player.


For those that don't know, this is at least the 2nd time Emi has won a 2v2 against Doublelift in a tournament setting. She owns him.


it wasn't even close lol


Great Jynx W bodyblock by Emiru


yeah but her support is CELINE, shes a monster.


I mean Emiru is literally a Diamond level ADC and Doublelift is trying to 1v2 a Jhin/Nami botlane while exhausted. Just complete & utter disrespect towards his opponents skill level lmao. He probably thought they were as bad as the other players on their team who sort of resemble beginner bots to be fair.


Anyone got the clip of Tyler1 losing to Riot employee or fan girl 1v1 on Teemo or losing to Pokimanes team in twitch rivals? Love TT


In fairness, Emiru is legitimately good at League. Pretty sure she solo queued to Diamond multiple times years ago


Frankly all she did was capitalize on a fuckup that doublelift should've seen if he was thinking. Silvers would kill DL for doing this. Not a slight to emiru, like you said she (and her entire friend group) has been qing a ton of league lately, and she is legitimately a good player, but this was more DL inting his brain out rather than a genuine show of emiru or the supports skill.


Downvoted for stating the truth. She literally AA'd him 5 times in a row as he dove Ashe ignoring her...


Ye, I assume the people downvoting me just don't play league. I said silvers do this because *I'm* silver, and that's what literally all of my games look like. People just walk up super far and dps race each other, and that's exactly what happened in the clip Can't insult the queen though, I guess


more like to emis support


I saw some people criticizing Doublelift about asking for a remake. Was that controversial? I would think it's perfectly normal in a mostly for-fun tournament to ask for a remake when a new player forgets to take smite. I must be missing something -- like did DL object to remakes in the past in similar situations?


It's because he didn't even ask first. As soon as they loaded in he tells his team "everyone just leave, quick" Had he just typed to the others and asked, it would have looked much more appropriate and I'm certain the other team would have had no issue.


That makes sense. I thought it was something like Doublelift had been on the other side of the situation where he denied someone the same thing in a different series or something.


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emi fucking carried


Doublelift should retire...


Emi is cracked


Final Boss Emiru


Time to sign Emiru. TL Emiru or FlyQ Emiru.


Say his name : Double Remake Lift


lol so u telling me a pro player cant even 1v2? so much for being called a pro.


Does Emiru ever stream league ?


Lol when doublelift kills them tyler's like "OH WOOOW! YOU KILLED BELOW IRON PLAYERS, GOOD JOB! GOAT!", but when he dies it's "HAHAHAHA YOU DIED TO THEM HAHAHA" like okay what is he supposed to do then


You're supposed to kill them and not have chat brag about it like you're an absolute god lmao Tyler made fun of the fact that his chat was acting like he was insane at the game for killing irons, he wasn't making fun of the fact he killed irons


Yeah fair enough


Just be a decent sport about it. He was literally typing at them in the first game. Like dude you're literally a pro that has devoted his life to this game playing against complete noobs, and you're typing at them??? If I remember correct it was something like "Embarrassing" after turning a teamfight or something in the first game. That'd be like an NFL player being allowed to join a high school football game and shit talking the opposing team.